[1994] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 8
[1994] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 8
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September of 2001 (Vol. 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TORH, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TORH, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
July 15-August 14, 1994
James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Kharma Amos
Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 7
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
TULSA-FAMILYNEWS Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart July 15 - August 14, 1994, Volume 1, Issue 8
National News
Gay Games IV
& Stonewall 25
NEW YORK - "Welcome to
Yankee Stadium! You’ve come
to the right place," actor/playwright
Harvey Fierstein said to
the roared approval ofmore thzn
40,000 spectators as nearly
12,000 athletes from around the
worldmarchedin thefamedNew
York stadium during the dosing
ceremonies of Gay Games IV.
The thousands of women and
menfrom 43 countries competed
in 31 spordng events held at 42
locations around the New York
City ’metropolitan area. The
weeklong event, which organizers
said drew more than a halfmillion
visitors to Manhattan
where they spent at least an estimated
$400 million, was astOundingly
free of trouble. At
the opemng ceremonies at Columbia
University Stadium on
June 18, three rather forlorn antigay
fundamentalists showed up
outside the arena to warn of "the
evils of homosexuality" while
tens of thousands and lesbians
see Games, page 6
Co ng.ress to
Consider Anti-
No OK Lawmakers
Willing to Sponsor
WASHINGTON- According~
to the Human Rights Campaign
Fund, .the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act (Senate,
$2238 &House, HR4636) that
would bar bias in the workplace
based on sexual orientation, has
gotten the backing of30 sponsors
in the U.S. Senate and ll6in the
House of Representatives - 136
Democrats, 9 Republicans and 1
Independent -.since the measure
was introduced June 23.
Legislative aide to Mass.
Representative Gerry Studds,
Mark Agrast noted that this bill
is a "serious" proposal written in
"real" legislative language.
While he charaterized earlier
TOHR Defends Human Rights Chief
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR) praised Eddie
Fay Gates for her work as a
member of the Human Rights
Commission ofthe City ofTulsa.
TOHR alSO condemned the
announced opposition of several
councillors to Ms. Gates
reappointment."This is an attempt
to punish Ms. Gates for
institutions and for employers
with fewer.than 15 employees.
Agrast also noted the unprecgiving
civil rights proposals that
include Lesbians and Gay men a
fair hearing" said Ric Kirby,
TOHR vice-president. Headded,
"Ms. Gates has a long and distinguished
record of volunteer
service to the city. Our councillors
should consider the city
lucky ifsheis willing to continue
to serve."
civil rights proposals as usefulin edented number of Republican
raising the issue of rights pro- c0-sponsors foi the bill.
teetions, he emphasized that this
bill has much more serious
Chances 0fpassing. The bill provides
exemptions for religious
At press time, neither Representative
McCurdy’s staffor Sen.
Nickles staff had returned re:
peated calls asking for explanations
of their respective positions.
Sen. Nickles’ staff indicated
that he would oppose the
bill but also stated that they had
not even read it yet. Representative
Mike Synar while in Tulsa
for a pro-choice rally at Temple
Israel said he would vote for the
bill. He tioted that he has a very "
good record of voting in support
of issues of concern to Lesbian
& Gay Oklahomans. He stated
that he would not be a co-sponsor
of the bill since it did notgo
through any committees on
which he serves. He added that
he did not feel co-sponsorship
was particularly important to a
bill’s passage.
Senator Boren’s press aide,
Nick Hathaway issued a brief
statement saying that the senator
was supportive of the concept of
the bill but was still undecided
about co-sponsorship.
State H.ealth Dept. Kills HIV
Testing Grant to Family of Faith
MCC’s Project Reach Out;
Flags Management Problems
Officials with the HIV/STD
Services of the Oklahoma State
Dept. of Health have issued a
certified letter to Family of Faith
(FoF) Metropolitan Community
Church notifying it of the end of
funding for Project Reach Out
Too, an HIV education and
testing program aimed at Gay &
Bisexual menof color in Tulsa.
The end of funding for Project
Reach Out Too will also end
state funding for HIV testing at
Project Reach Out, aFoFproject
begun in 1993 to educate and
test underserved sub-communities:
youth, rural inhabitants and
State Healfla Gay & Lesbian
Outreach co-ordinator., Alan
Nyitray and co-liason Ernestine
Hill indicated that the grant was
withdrawn due to repeated failure
to complete federally mandated
forms. These "scan" forms
which are coded with identifying
numbers to matchblood samples
and test results; help,in part; to
verify thatpersons teSted actually
have received their test results as
well aspr0per ~-.re~e~t and p~st~
test counselling. Nyitray indi,
eated that inlate 1993 under the
original grant, problems ~ith not
receiving the forms _began to
In early 1994, FoF received a
grant six times larger than its
1993 grant to begin the "men of
color"-outreach at a non-SOuth
Tulsa location and a small
amount of funds was included to
continue to pay for HIV testing
as a continuation of the 1993
program. However, according to
Nyitray, problems with paperwork
continued. He recalls that
heand Hill had either four orfive
meetings in Tulsa with Pastor
Pam Crocker over Several
months during the spriiag as well
as a similar number of phone
calls. Nyitray said that it got- to
the point that his dept. was
making photo copies of blood
sample paperwork in order to be
able to track how many "scan"
forms were missing. Nyitray said
_Crocker claimed that volunteers
were failing to complete the
In April; Nyitray states his
office’ feared that Crocker did
not seem to be-able to fix the
problem but none-the-less met
with Crocker who was told that
the project would have to have
"excellentreporting" duringMay
or theprojectwouldbecancelled.
As of June 17, the "scan" forms
that went with blood samples
submittedinMayand that should
have been sent before June 5,
had not been received and the
state health dept. began the process
to withdraw the grant.
Who’s Res ponsible?
Family of Faith board members,
Kharma Amos and Dee
Chambers, both stated that the
church board knew that there
were problems with Project
Reach Outbut that they understood
that Project Reach Out and
the church were two separate
entities. The board was aware
that Pastors Pare Crocker and
Marion Fink were involved in
managing Project Reach Out.
Amos remarked on conflict earlier
between the board and
Project Reach Out management
about the accountability of the
project to the church.
However, according to
Nyitray, the contract with the
state for Project.Reach Out was
signed by Marion Fink as pastor
ofFoFand state officials considered
Pare Crocker to be the person
responsible formanaging the
project: Rudy Castillo; a volun=
teerco-ordinatorwith theproject,
stated that Project Reach Out
was using the church’s tax-exempt
status (federal tax identificationnumber)
to order toreceive
the grant. Individuals familiar
with Metropolitan Community
Church bylaws and Internal
Revenue Service regulations
indicate that under those circumstances
that the church is
legally responsible for the
Rudy Castillo stated that he
and Crocker shared responsibilities
for Project Reach Out
but that paperwork/financial
matters were Crocker’s. He recalled
two meetings state officials
held with Crocker about
Project Reach Out problems but
says h( was not informed of the
meetings until after they took
place though he understood that
Emestine Hill had requested his
participation. He also says heoffered
to help with paper work
but was turned down.
Castillo indicates that last
Week he found in the Project
ReachOutoffice about75"scan"
forms that were incomplete or
incorrect. He added that if forms
were. not completed properly by
a volunteer, they could have been
corrected by Crocker, himself or
a volunteer receptionist. Castillo
also reports rumors, confirmed
by Nyitray, that state forms
which require notarization after
first being filled out, signed were
see Family ofFaith, page 9
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 1
by Senator Edward Kennedy
At all critical stages in the
history ofa free people, forces of
oppression must be confronted
in order for the frontiers of juslice
tobe extended. ForAmerica,
the time has come again. For
Gay men and LeSbians, the time
is now.
Just recently, a million
Ameri.c_~ans gath_ered to comwe
intend to prevail.
Polls show that the vast majority
of Americans agree with
us that Lesbians and Gay men
should not have to face discrimination
in the workplace. Many
fortune 500 corporations have
¯ alreadyincluded sexual orienta~~
tion in their non-discrimination
policies. Eight states and more
than 100 munic~alities have
complacent and convert th Skeptical.
To make this bill a reality,
we need you to take the followi~
ng steps:
If you have been discriminated
against in employment
or know someone who has -
make sure we know about it.
Make sure we know the facts.
(Write to the Committee on Labor
and Human Resources, SD.
memorate the 25th anniversary’ ": ~d" tt-" bail: discrimination? S" ~4~g,’DC 20510.)Send ti~ all theof
Stonewall, the first milestone
in this longjourney onfreedom’ s
road.The civil rights movemem
is on the march again, moving
closer to the American ideal, of
liberty andjustice for all.
We have refused to be intimidated
by hate. Once again, it i~
timeto challenge our country to
live up to its founding ideals.
A great dealof progress has
been made in the past quarter
century. Although many miles
have been traveled, there are
many promises yet to bekept.
They are promises to a cook in
Georgia fired for being a Lesbian;
to a postal worker in
Michigan beatenunconscious by
co-workers for being Gay; and
to a truck driver in New Hampshire,
a stock broker in Maryland,
a social worker in Mississippi,
and countless other
Americans - all fired because of
prejudice despite their productivity
"and performance. Such
flagrant discrimination is wrong,
and it is time to fight back.
Thatis why, along with thirty
ofmy Senate colleagues and 115
House members, I have sponsored
the Employment Non-
Discrimination Actof 1994. Our
bipartisan legislation will extend
existing federal protections
againstjob discrimination to Gay
men and Lesbians, and give relief
to those living in fear of
losing their livelihoods. Our bill
will send a strong message to
employers and allAmericans that
homophobiawill notbe tolerated
as employmentpolicy anywhere
in the nation.
This is not about granting
special~rights - it is about righting
senseless wrongs. Our case
is strong, our cause is just, and
against Gaymen andLesbians.
By joining Congressmen
Barney Frank, Gerry Studds and
myself at the press conference
introducing this legislation,
Coretta Scott King affirmed this
action as the next chapter in
"This is not about
granting special
rights- it is about
righting senseless
US Senator
Edward Kennedy
America’s civil rights history.
She said: "I support the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act
of 1994 because I believe that
freedom and justice cannot be
parceled out in pieces to suit
political convenience. As my
husband, Martin Luther King,
Jr. said, ’Injustice anywhere is a
threat to justice everywhere’ ."
The fact remains that in 42
states, qualified Lesbians and
Gay men with excellent records
can be fired - with no warning -
just for being Gay. It happens
every day, and it is up to us to
stop it.
Lets be clear - The radical
right will leave no stoneunturned
to block the enactment of this
essential legislation. Our own
commitment must be even
stronger. To ensure success, we
need your active support and
Being right is good, but it is
not enough. Wemust inspire the
information you think will be
useful in making our poinL Job
discrimination against Gay men
and Lesbians is not a myth-it’s
a reality that is shattering lives
and denying opportunities daily.
Write and call your Senators
and Representatives at
(202) 224-3121 and tell them to
co-sponsor the Employment
Non-Discrimination act of
1994 (S.2238&HR4636). Make
sure they know that this is important
- not just to the Gay
commtmity, but to all their constituents
who believe in the
fundamental principles of a
democratic society.
Contact your friends,
neighbors, co’workers, employers,
and family members
and make sure that they, too,
make their voices heard for
freedom andjustice. Thephone
banks.of the radical right will be
working overtime - and yours
must be, too....
Thereis likely tobea massive
misinformation campaign
about what ourbill does. Form
"truth squads" and make sure
your delegation in Congress
has the facts to seperate truth
from malicious fiction.
Work closely with others in
the civil rights community in
your area - people of color,
women, physically challenged,
religious, and labor organizations
- and ask for their support
and s.uggestions. They are
veterans In the civil rights
movement and can be helpful
with coalition-building and
AS Harvey Milk said, ’None
of nsare free until-all of us are
free." We need to join together,
not let others divide us.
by Tom NeaL publisher
Civil fights protections are one
ofthose things we shouldn’t need
to have. Tulsa City Councillor
Vicki Cleveland says so and
many of us would agree. Unlike
Ms. Cleveland, however, most
of us recognize that often we are
judged by our status: our race,
gender, religion or our, sexual
orientation rather than by our
ability to perform a job, pay for
services or rent/buy a home,
Many Americans assume that
Lesbians and Gay men, and Bisexuals
enjoy civil rights protectionsjust
likeeveryonerise. They
assume that a problem encountered
can be addressed by complaining
to the right governmental
agency. Many are very surprised
to find that those agencies
will not, and can not take a
complaint of discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Some people know better or
have good reason that they
should. Some of the people who
should know better are Oklahoma
politicians. Locally, John
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 2
about silencing debate on civil
tights issues and his harrassment
ofHuman Rights Commissioner
Eddie F.aye Gates make one
wonder if he’s a member of a
totalitarian branch of the Republicanparty
- those who believe in
democratic principles of debate
and minority rights need not
apply. He’s joined by some ol,l
leagues who at least need to review
their basic civics lessons:
they represent all citizens, .not
the ones who are exactly like
see OKPoliticians, page 8
Publisher/Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer
Tom Neal James Christjohn Kharma Amos
918-832-0233, POB 4140, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire Contents of this
publication are protected by US copyright 1994 by Tulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission
from the publisher¯ Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that
person’s sexual orientation. Correspondance is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted and becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Family News. All correspondance should be sent to the address above.
Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at advertiser and
,Qther_ !9.~ca__tign_~, _Ad.d.ifional .cgpies.are .ay.ai_l a.b.1e .a.t .Tgm_fpp[er~ ~ ...........
Clubs & Restaurants
*The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*-Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Cherry St. Bakery,. 1344 E: 15
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E; Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memoriai
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
Adventure Base One
BellAire Cleaners, 4951 S. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 1.02
*CD Warehouse, 6080 S. Sheridan
*CD Warehouse in Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
Encore M0rtgage Corp, 4835 S. Fulton, Ste 105
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria, Ste. 100
"J~vaDave S~ L’mcoin Plaza .
*Indian Territory Coffee Company, 1613 E. 15
!nternation~ .Tour.s
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15-
Major Affairs, 2014 El 6th
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
Phb~nix --Mortgage Corp.
Pupp~"P~us’e" II, llth & Mingo
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Udca Square
Sound Warehouse, 1338 E. 15th
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa.
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I. 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, POB 3181 74101 , 748-31 !1
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. BOX 52118 74128
Project Reachout, HIVTesting, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TulsaOklahomansforHumanRights,(TOHR) POB52729, 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (htfo.) 743-4297
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
* Tulsa City/County Libraries: Central, Hardesty South, Martin
East, West Regional, Rudisill North. For info: call 596-7977
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
~*University Center at Talsa ...........
Associates in MedicaJ & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Jeffery A. Beal, MD, Giuny Butler, RN, Theodore Campbell, MSW
K~ithi Biarns, LCSW, Lie. Clinical Therapist, 425-4778
Phillip Cyr, Gen. Contractor-Cosmetic Remodeling 745-9911
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 [L Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Attorney 587-1500
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74"159 747-5466
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
Richard Reeder, MS, Psychotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious Organizations
*Bless The Lord AtAll Times Christian Ctr 262713 E. 11
*Community Of Hope, 1347 N. Yale
*Family of Faith Mcc, 5451-E So; Mingo
*MCC ofGreater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of. Tulsa
tohr reporter Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights ¯ PO Box 52729 Tulsa OK 74152
July/Augusl 1994 Volume 14 Number 8
The views expressed elsewhere in Tulsa Family News are not necessarily the views of TOHR.
Permission is granted to reprint information contained within the TOHR Reporterpage along with
other items, under the byline, "submitted by TOHR’, contained elsewhere in Tulsa Family News.
President’s Column
by Kelly H. Kirby
Pending Legislation Alert
The Employment Non=Discrimination
Act of 1994 (ENDA) has been
introduced into both houses of congress
as House Bill 4636 and Senate
Bill 2238. There are currently more
than 100 sponsors in the House of Representatives
and 33 in the Senate.
As opposed to legislation which has
been introduced every year since the 1970s
proposing basic rights for gays and lesbians,
the act deals only with non
discrimination in employment. This particular
issue seems to have the broadest
public opinion support (’/8% per one recent
poll). That means 4 out of 5
Americans believe that sexual orientation
discrimination should not be allowed in the
work place. Other basic rights issues draw
less and less public support, ranging from
housing down to spousal and parental
rights for lesbians and gay men.
There are two very important things YOU
can do:
1. Write or call your Representative
and Senators urging their support for passage.
This legislation may be acted upon
rather quickly so take time to write or call
soon. Your personal message will make a
2. The Human Rights Campaign Fund
(HRCF) is looking for persons with employment
related discrimination stories,
some from each state. The best and most
clear cut accounts will be written up and
some persons may be invited to testify at
possible Congressional hearings. Ifyou or
someone you know clearly fit these guidelines,
please write to:
Attention: Steven Leanos
P.O. Box 1396
Washington, D.C. 20013
Our quick action can help this measure
pass. With a couple of exemptions for
small employers (under 15 employees) and
religious organizations, this proposed legislation
would give far reaching protection
to bisexuals, gay men and lesbians.
How would it feel to be able to go to
work tomorrow and know that you
couldn’t legally be fired for being who you
are? Please ACT NOW!
August Meeting
TOHR will observe its August meeting
with the Second Annual Picnic and Dance on
Bartlett Square. Everyone is invited to join
TOHR and its members in celebrating summer
at 5th and Main in beautiful downtown Tulsa.
On Tuesday, August 2, 1994, from 7 to 10
p.m. we will be OUT in public.
TOHR will provide soft drinks and have a
live DJ spinning the hottest tracks. You are invited
to bring your own picnic ifyou like, bring
your family and friends and come prepared to
show your pride. We had a great turn out last
year so let’s do it ’til we’re satisfied.
Phone (optional)
Yes I want to be a contributing member of
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights.
Please accept payment as described below:
$10 Limited Lncome]Student Membership
$20 Regular Membership
$35 Organizational/Household Membership
$100 Sustaimn"g Membership
I-I I~nctana~n:ceg,ingTOHR mailings
and the Tulsa Family News
[:i I am not on the mailing list
would like to volunteer help with:
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual HelpLine
HIV Counselor
Executive Board Member
Event Planning and Party Preparations
Monthly Meeting Support
Make check payable to Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights. Donations contn’buted to TOHR
over set membership fees are Tax Deductible.
Memb e rs’ Re presentatives
Kelly Kirby ...................................... President
Ric Kirby ........................... 1st Vice President
Kathleen Golden ............... 2nd Vice President
Robert Crow .................................... Secretary
Don ............. ~ .................................... Treasurer
Owen ............................ HelpLine Coordinator
Ruben Garcia ......................... Reporter Editor
..................................... Activities Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights HIV T[STING CLINIC
Finger Stick Method
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Every Thursday Evening
7-8:30 p.m.
4154 S. Harvard
Suite H-1
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Tulsa Family News, July-August 1994, page 3
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
NAMBLA Expelled
NEW YORK-The members of
the International Lesbian & Gay
Association have voted by 214-
30 to expelNAMBLA(the North
American Man/Boy Love
Assn.). An 80% majority is requiredbyILGA’
a member organization from the
international fights group; the
vote represents an 88% majority
in favor of expelling the controversial
NAMBLA group. Two
other groups that deal with man/
boylove- the Dutch organization
Vereniging Martijn and the USbased
Project Truth - were also
expdled from ILGA at the same
time. Debate over the position of
NAMBLA in the lesbigay
movement has raged on and off
for the past few years. But its
membership in ILGA became
an urgent political issue during
the past year when U.S. Sen.
Jesse Helms proposed - and
Congress approved - an appropriations-
bill amendment the
would require the United States
to cut off some $118 million in
UN contributions unless the
government certifies "that no
United Nations agency...grants
any official status, accreditation,
or recognition to any organization
which promotes, condones,
or seeks the legalization of
pedophilia, or which includes as
a subsidiary ormemberany such
organization." ILGA last year
was granted consultative status
with the UN’s Economic & Social
Council - the first lesbigay
organization to gain such status.
In.a press release, NAMBLA
condemned the expulsion vote
as "a capitulation to US blackmail"
and accused the ILGA
secretariat of distorting
NAMBLA’s position and purpose.
Ohio Anti-Gay Measure
CINCINNATI-The Cincinnati
Post reports that Ohio Attorney
General Lee Fisher has f’ded an
amicus brief in opposition to the
anti-gay Issue 3 approved by
Cincinnati voters. Thebrief f’fled
by Fisher argues that any measure
approved by voters in the
state must be consistent with the
provisions of the U.S. Constitution
but that Issue 3 violates the
equal protection clause by pre-.
venting a class of people from
seeking legal protections on an
equal basis with other citizens.
Gay Pastor Begins Fast
- The Rev. Mel White, the Dallas
gay minister who was once a
ghostwriter for Jerry Falwell and
Pat Robertson, has begun a 7-
day "fast for understanding"
outside the offices of Focus on
the Family to draw attention to
attacks by the religious right
against gays and lesbians in this
country. "In the last six months,
Focus on the Family has quietly
assumed leadership of an unprecedented
attempt by extremist
Christians to exert political
and moral control over the nation,"
Dr. White said in a press
statement. "Attacks against gay
and lesbian people have become
apivotpointin theirmovement."
Focus on the Family backed
Amendment 2, approved by
Colorado voters and now being
challenged in the courts. The organization
now has chapters in
all 50 states and, until recently a
little-known organization, is one
of the richest groups to emerge
in the religious right recently.
NO Arizona Initiative
TUCSON, Ariz. - Arizona will
not be one of the states facing a
vote this year on an anti-gay
measure that would have barred
state and local laws prohibiting
discrminafion based on sexual
orientation. Frank Meliti, leader
of the Traditional Values CoalilionofArizonawhichhadbacked
the statewide measure, claimed
the group had collected some
247,000 signatures - well over
the 158,000 required- but would
not be turning the petitions in,
charging that ’~nilitant homosexuals"
would only keep any
such measure passed by the voters
tied up in court challenges.
At a press conference, Meliti
displayed 4 cardboard boxes
taped shut, but refused to open
the boxes to show reporters the
signed petitions he claimed the
group had gathered.
Louganis Tells Olympic
Committee to Move Out
ST. LOUIS - Olympic diver
Greg Louganis told members of
the U.S. OlympicCommitteethat
the 1996 volleyball competition
should be removed from Cobb
County, Ga., because of a resolution
adopted by commissioners
there last year condemning the
"gay lifestyle." Louganis, who
acknowledged being gay at Gay
Games IV in New York in June,
made his remarks at an awards
ceremony after receiving the
USOC’s prestigious Robert J.
Kane Award recognizing Olympic
athletes who continue making
contributions to their sport.
According to a New York Times
report, the USOC is trying to
find a way to move the volleyball
competition out of Cobb County
without appearing to have caved
in to pressure from gay rights
activists. In speaking to the audience,
Lougams identified himself
as an "openly gay athlete."
He told the awards audience,
"They [the Cobb County Commission]
have made it dear some
of the athletes won’t be welcomed.
An openly gay athlete
should be able to compete without
Cobb Cty. Extremists
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Tulsa Family News, July -August 1994, page 4
News. Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News.
anti-bias group Neighbors Network
has released a report,
’~-Iidden Agenda: The Influence
of Religious Extremism on the
Politics of Cobb County, Georgia,"
which links anti-gay
County COmmissioner Gordon
Wysong with a little-known farright
religious movement that
advocates the death penalty for
homosexuals and replacing democracy
in the U.S. with a theocracy.
Cobb Cty, Politico’s
Daughter Comes Out
ATLANTA - Rights activists
battling to change an anti-gay
resolution in the Atlanta suburb
ofCobbCounty gotamajorboost
when the daughter of Cobb
County Commissioner Chairman
Bill Byme, told the Southern
Voice, Adanta’s gay paper
that she struggled with what to
do ever since the commission’s
resolution made national news
last August. After cgnfronting
her father about it, Byme said,
she decided to take the next step.
’Tm sorry for what my dad has
donee" she said. ’That’s one of
the reasons I’m coming out.... I
felt like I needed to tell these
Christian people that they are
dead wrong. I don’t think they
hdve any idea about l~ow to be
Boy Scouts Lose
SAN DIEGO - California Superior
Court Judge Anthony Joseph
has awarded $5,000 to
Chuck Merino, an E1Cajon Police
officer who sued the Boy
Scouts for drumming him out of
the youth group as an Explorer
Scout leader after he-acknowledged
he is gay. Judge Joseph
ruled that the Scouts are in fact a
business as defined under state
law and are therefore prohibited
from discriminating on a variety
of factors, including sexual orientation.
The judge ruled that
acknowledging being homosexual
"does not translate into
"teaching’ that homosexuality is
proper or improper." The state
Supreme Court has already
agreed to hear 2 cases involving
the Boy Scouts’ policies conceruing
gays and atheists which
hinge on the same question of
whether or not the youth group
qualifies as a business under
California law.
Lesbian Officer Wins
Reinstatement Appeal
SAN FRANCISCO - The federal
government has lost its appeal
to block Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer’ s immediate reinstatement
while the case of her
dismissal is being appealed. The
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
turned down the
government’s appeal of a lower
"-court thatorderedCzmmermeyer
reinstated in the Washington
State National Guard while her
discharge is being appealed. It
was not immediately clear
whether the government would
appeal the ruling to.the U.S. Supreme
Court or not.
Justice Dept, Appeals
Cammermeyer Ruling
WASHINGTON-To almost no
one’s surprise, the U.S. Justice
Department says it will appeal a
recent decision by a U.S. district
judge in Washington state to reinstatehighly
decorated National
Guard nurse Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer, who declared to
military officials she is a lesbian.
Earlier in June, a U.S. District
Court in a summaryjudgmentin
favor of Cammermeyer concluded
that the government discriminated
against the nurse
without a "rational" basis for
doing so and that the action was
"grounded solely on prejudice."
Ballot Measures Fail to
Qualify in Washington
OLYMPIA, Wash. - Two antigay
initiatives in Washington
state have not qualified for the
ballot when backers of the initiafives
failed to turn in the nearly
182,000 valid signatures. The
measures would have barred the
state orany governmental agency
in Washington from recognizing
the legal rights of gays, lesbians
or bisexuals as a protected
Texas Daily Publishes
Same-Sex Unions
EL PASO,.Texas -The El Paso
Times has become the first daily
newspaper in Texas - and one of
only a handful in the U.S. - to
accept same-sex couples announcements
on an equal footing
with opposite-sex wedding
notices. The Everett (Washington)
Herald near Seattle is believed
to be the first daily paper
in the U.S. to begin publishing
same-sex partaers notices, which
it began doing in November
Fed. Hate Crimes Report
BERLIN - FBI Director Louis
Freeh, in Germany for an antiright
wing conference, released
details of the U.S. government’ s
1993 hate crimes statistics. Of
the 7,684 crimes reported, the
report indicate~, 806 - or 10.5%
- were motivated by the victim’ s
sexual orientation. The crimes
reported ranged from minor
property vandalism to assaults,
rapes and murders. The motivation
in the majority of the reported
hate crimes continued to
be race (4,168), followed by religion
(1,189). Sexual orientation
- which almost exclusively
means anti-gay attacks - followed
next, and national or ethnic origin
was last with 583 reported
American Airlines
Gay-Positive Video
ATLANTA -’ American Airlines,
which ran into troubled
skies when a flight crew carrying
passengers back from the
National March on Washington
last year replaced all the pillows
and blankets midway through
the flight because gays and lesbians
had used them, has putout
a gay-positive employee videotape
for its 70,000 workers "to
help prevent the unfortunate incidents
in the past" and ’’to make
it clear that its policies of nondiscrimination
and fairness are
taken to heart."
German Rights
Proposal Fails
BERLIN - The government of
German Chancellor Helmut
See News Briefs, page 6
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Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 5
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
continuedfrom page 5
Kohl beat back proposals in parliament
to give constitutional
recognition of same-sex and opposite-
sex "marriage-like" partnerships,
along with anumberof
other liberalizing proposals.
Government depthies objected
that the liberal proposals were
Couples Sue Austin
AUSTIN, Texas - Three Austin
lesbian and gay couples have
filed suit iii aTex~ district court
againstthe City ofAustinbecause
of the loss of domestic partner
benefits when City voters inMay
overwhelmingly repealed a City
ordinance that extended the
benefits-to city employees. The
ACLU says it will probably also
file a similar suit in behalf of 98
other city workers - beth gay and
straight - whose partners lost the
benefits following the May 7
election repeal. The suit charges
the city with breach of contract
and unfair insurance practices
because voters yanked the benefits
program that had been in
place since September when it
was initially approved by the
city council.
Lesbian Gets Son Back
RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia
CoUrt of Appeals has overturned
a lower court child custody
ruling that. ordered the 2-
year-old son of Sharon Bottoms
removedfrom herhome because
she acknowledged she is a lesbian.
"A parent’s private sexual
conduct, even if illegal, does not
create a presumption of unfitness,"
for the. 3-member panel. The
unanimous appeals court ruling
overturned a lower court ruling
that gave custody of the boy to
Bottoms’ 43-year-old mother,
Kay Bottoms, who had brought
the custody dispute against her
daughter. The grandmother was
unavailable for: comments following
the decision, but her attorney,
Richard Ryder, said his
client, would appeal the ease to
the state Supreme Court.
Virginia Adds
Lesbian/Gay Families
RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia
Housing Development
Authority has. approved a pror
posed regulatory change that
would allow offering low-income
loans to non-traditional
.households, including gay and
lesbian couples. The pr0~posal
alters current regulations, which
restrict such loans to families
that are related by "blood, marriage
or adoption," to include
low-income joint house purchasers
defined’as "two or more
individuals living togetheronthe
premises as a single, nonprofit
housekeeping uuit." Several area
gay andlesbianhomeowners and
prospective buyers spoke in
support of the proposed change
as did representatives of
Richmond’s and Virginia’s
mortgage bankers association
and the Richmond Assn. of Realtors.
But Margaret Braddy of
Concerned Women of America
called the proposal a move toward
"illegal and immoral behavior.
....Virginia will not be
improved by disregarding-the
importance ... ofthe familyuuit,"
Braddy said. But the VHDA
board disagreed and approved
the regulation change with oul.y
one vote cast against it. ~
Nevada Measure Fails
CARSON CITY, Nev. - An attempt
by a group in Nevada to
put an" anti-gay ballot measure
before voters in the state failed
when a group backed by the
Oregon Citizens Alliance failed
to get the 51,399 valid voter
signatures needed to qualify the
measure by the June 21.~date petitions
were due to be turned in.
’The opposition was well-organizedandworkedextremelyhard
but they just couldn’t get anywhere
near the ... signattires they
needed," said Beverly Baum of
the Campaign for Liberty, the
group fighting the proposed
amendment. The signatures
needed for proposed ballot
measure in Nevadamustinclude
voters from 13 of the state’s 17
Surg. General v. Fundies
General Joycelyn Elders has set
off a firestorm of controversy
for critical remarks she made
about anti-gay fundamentalists.
During a speech at the Lesbian
and Gay Health Conference in
New York on Wednesday, June
22, Elders said of the religious
right’s opposition to AIDS and
schoo! sex education programs:
"We’ve got to be strong to.take
on those people who are selling
our children out in the name of
religion..We’ve got to be as aggressive
as .they !ve .been." At
one point the outspoken Elders
referred to the ’bin-Christian religious
Idaho Pride Draws Crowd
BOISE - More than. doubling
last year’s turnout, more than a
thousand people turned out Saturday,
June I 1, for Boise’s 5th
annual Gay Pride.celebration as
the state faces a likely nasty antigay
ballot measure. Anti-gay
protesters also showed up for the
event, some carrying signs
reading: "Only good queer is a
dead queer." Organizers of the
event said the Idaho Citizens Alliances’
attempt to put an antigay
ballot initiative before the
voters in the state contributed to
the larger tdmout this year.
Navy Bans Anti-Gay
Civilian Job Bias
Navy has become thefirstbranch
of the nation’s armed forces to
formally prohibit discrimination
based on sexual orientation
among its civilian workforce.
The Coast Guard had earlier this
year issues an anti-bias statement
including sexual orientation,
but the U.S. Coast Guard is
a division of the Department of
Transportation rather than the
Defense Department. Games cont’dfrom p. 1
and gay men simply ignored
them. New York s police force,
beefed up with some 6,500 ofricers
on overtime duty during
the week, reported not asingle
anti-gay attack connected with
the gigantic event. On Saturday
evening, June 25, after the Gay
Games closing ceremonies the
International.Dyke March drew.
an estimated %000 women who
marched from 42rid street down
Fifth Avenue - without a permit
-to a mucous andfestive rally at
Washington Square Park. A
mile-long rainbow flag led the
parade from the United Nations
up First Avenue to Central.Park
on Sunday - the "ofricial;"Stonewall
25 march that included
Mayor Giuliani. ACT UP, Gay
& Lesbian Americans and other
groups Organized an unautho-,
rized parade up Fifth Avenue.
Stonewal125 organizers hadbeen
refused a city permit for that
route. Organizers estimated
participation at 1.1 million. City
police and parks officials estimated
the number was a mere
.100;000 people.
Sandra J. Hill, M.S,
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 6
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Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health BriefsHealth Briefs Health Briefs
4th HIV Drug OK’d
given its OK to a 4th drug to
fight HIV. The Bristol-Myers
Squibb medicine Stavudine is
designed to treat patients with
severe HIV infectionswho cannot
take otherAIDS medications
or who are no longer benefiting
from them. David Kessler, FDA
commissioner, called the
Stavudine approval a"sign of
our commitment to.act-c~uickly
on treatment for fife-threatening
ReaganAIDS Ad
ROME - Colors, the house
magazine of the clothing manufacturer
Benetton, raised eyebrows
around the world - again:
in late June with a retouched
photo of former U,S. President
Ronald Reagan, depicting him
with kaposi sarcoma lesions.
According to a Benetton
spokesperson, the retouched
photo was, the clothing
manufacturer s way of pointing
the finger of blame at the onetime
actor and former president
for not acting to battle the AIDS
Asian AIDS Epidemic
GENEVA - The number of
AIDS cases around the world
has risen 60% during the past
year, according to the World
Health Organization, which estimates
that there are 4 million
actual cases of AIDS and 17
¯ million cases of HIV infection
globally. While most of these
infections are in sub-Saharan
Africa, WHO officials say the
greatest danger is in Asia, which
has experienced an eighffold
increase in the number of AIDS
cases during the past year. Of
particular concern, says WHO,
is thespreadofthe diseaseamong
female prostitutes in Thailand,
India,.and.other countries.~.
HIV Measures in Sweden
STOCKHOLM = The Swedish
government has adopted a
number of compulsory measures
intended to control the spread of
HIV,including voluntary routine
testing, mandatory contact- and
partner-tracing and testing. If a
case of HIV is diagnosed, the
physician will be required under
the new.policies to file a report
including a coded case number,
gender, year and country ofbirth;
risk category and, if possible,
time and place of transmission.
The physician will also be
obliged to see the patient on a
regular basis, and to inform him
or her of binding regulations to
prevent further spread of infection.
These regulations now include
informing prospective
Sexual parmers about the infection
before intercourse; practicing
safe:sex; refraining from
shared use of hypodermic
needles or syringes; and not engaging
in prostitution. Patients
must also inform medical authorities
before undergoing any
treatment involving Mood contact.
If the patient does not follow
these regulations, the doctor
is required to report the patient
to medical officers in charge of
the ctntrol of communicable
diseases. If thepatient continues
to ignore the mandatory restrictions,
however, they can be detained
in ahospital if health officials
believe they present a
threat Of infecting others = a decision
to be made by the administrative
Transmission Risks
Among Bisexual Men
on the prevalence and patterns
of sexual behavior among male
-bisexuals has concluded that San
Francisco men identifying
themselves as bisexual are not
likely to transmit HIV to their
female partners. The finding by
. researchers at the University of
California at San Francisco contradicts
a general misconception
that bisexual men provide a
"bridge" can’ying HIV from the
gay subculture to the larger heterosexual
community, according
to UCSF lead researcher Dr.
Maria Ekstrand. The study,
which involved 140 unmarried
men whose HIV status was
known to the researchers, found
thatmost ofthe sexualris~k-taking
took place when the bisexual
men had sex with other males -
not when engaged in sex with
women. Only 7 percent of the
bisexual male actually reported
having sex with women, and
among this group,.a mere 2 percentreportedhaving
vaginal intercourse, the. study
reports. The findings also indicate
that the men in the study
significantly cut back on sexual
risk-taking behaviors in general
and particularly during malemale
sex, during the five-year
term of the study. Although unprotected
vaginal intercourse
remains common among men
who have sex with women, this
behavior wasreported! almost
exclusiVely by the HIV-negalivemeninvolvedintheresearch.
Drug Trials in Australia
SYDNEY- Australian AIDS
researchers have announced that
a new drug that is believed to
boost the immune system rather
than attack the HIV virus itself,
is to be tested for the first time in
the country. Scientists hope that
the drug, Interleukin-2 (IL-2),
will increase the life expectancy
and quality of life for people
infected With HIV. Preliminary
studies using IL-2 have shown
that some HIV positive people
have experienced a fourfold increase
in T-cell counts. One
hundred twenty volunteers in
Sydney, Melbourne and Perth
with relatively healthy immune
systems are being sought to participate.
The drug is supposed to
boost the immune system so the
virus has less chance of reproducing.
In a trial in the U.S. two
years ago, 90 percent of the
participants, with an average Tcell
countof400, showedmarked
increases in their counts for about
a year. A stronger immune system
also makes people less sus---
ceptible to secondary infections.
H!V Home Test Kit
WASHINGTON -According to
Advertising Age, Johnson &:
Johnson hopes to become the
first healthcare marketer to put
an HIV home sdf-test kit on the
market. The $30 kit, known as
Confide, would include a lancet
with which to draw blood and a
smear card to send off to a national
laboratory. Results,
counseling,andmedical referrals
would be dispensed by phone.
The Food & :Drug Administrationhas
refused approval to other
home test kits, citing concerns
such as packing and mailing,
false positives, and the need for
in-person medical consultations.
Johnson & Johnson claims that
Confide will provide easy access
and total anonymity. An independent
survey by the company
found that 80% of gays and lesbians
would be inclined to use
the test, and a recent poll from
the Centers for Disease Control
in Atlanta ~ound that 1 in 4
Americans woulduse such a test.
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Tulsa Family News, July ~ August 1994, page 7
OK Politicians co.t’d omp. 2
them. A couple of them, like Ms.lCleveland,
need to remember or learn~that even
if they’re tired of hearing about a problem,
their job ($12,000 annually) includes actually
listening to citizens. Councillors
Hall, Hogne, & Gilbert, who in theory are
members of the Democratic Party, might
do well to re-read the national patty
platform: civil rights are for everyone,
including Lesbian and Gay citizens.
Runningfor governor, Bernice Shedrick.
is touted as one of the brightest in the OK
legislature (and no, that is not damning
her by faint praise) and is an attorney. She
apparently thinks that being Gay or Lesbianmeans
that you’re dumb too. Amonth
ago Shedrick was told that current civil
rights protections do not include Lesbians
& Gay men. She was asked if she would
support amending those to provide protection
based on sexual orientation. She
promised, "H1 look into it." Amonthlater,
after repeated phone calls,, she issued a
statement that civil rights laws protect all
citizens and tt~t as governor sheql uphold
the laws.
Hello, Bernice-we started with the fact
that current civil rights laws don’t include
Lesbians & Gay men, a fact that as a
legislator orlawyer she could easily verify.
So what we’re being told us that she’ll
support the laws that don’t include us.
Whydoesn’t shejust tell us that she doesn’t
want our votes and we’ll vote for Jack
Mildren who believes in civil rights, even
for Gay p~ople.
However, it is the Oklahoma Congressional
delegation which shames us as
Oklahomans most. Between Inhofe &
Nickles (no doubt members of the same
branch of Republicans as John Benjamin)
who are openly prejudiced and Democrats
such as .Dave McCurdy and David Boren
who just. don’t have seem to have the
courage to include Lesbian & Gay Oklahomans
in their constituencies, Lesbian
& Gay Oklahomans just don’t get much
represention at all. Except maybe from
Rep. Mike Synarwho never-the-less won’t
join 116 of his peers in co-sponsoring a
new bill, the Employment Non-Discrimi-
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nation LAct of 1994, designed to discourage
discrimination based on sexual orientation
in the workplace. Mike says cosponsorship
doesn’t matter but if that’s so
why are 116 congress folks wasting their
Synar at least is familiar with the bill.
Sen. Nickles.office will tell that he’s opposed
to it but his folks can’t tell you why
because it turns out they haven’t even read
it. They just know they wouldn’t like it.
Now duck & cover Dave McCurdy
"wants to be a senator and probably will get
our votes only because the alternative,
"Tulsa’s dysfunctional congressman"-
The Tulsa WorM, James lnhofe, is not
only bad for Gay people, he’.s just plain
bad. ButMcCurdy’s positiononcivil rights
for Lesbian and Gay citizens seems to be
that he doesn’t mind ff we have a few as
long as no oneknows he said so. McCurdy
too is alone among Oklahoma’s semimoderate
Democrats in refusing to sign a
Human Rights Campaign Fund pledge
not to discriminate in hiring in his office.
He told The Tulsa Worm that he did not
sign the pledge because he already had
he is leaving DC, the best that he c~an
muster is that he’s supportive of theconcept
of the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act of 1994 but he’s still undecided
whether to become a co-sponsor. Hello,
Senator - you’re a lame-duck! If he can’t
stand up for civil rights now, when will ke
ever? At the rate this session’s going he’ll
be gone before a vote will ever be likely.
Many Oklahomans find these legislators
to be a disappointment, and in the
case of our city council, the word clown
comes to mind, but Lesbian and Gay
Oklahomans have more justification for
those feelings than many citizens. We are
not yet represented in the council or the’
legislature or openly represented in our
congress. There’s not much we can do but
this: get registered if you’re not; vote no
matter how inconvenient it may be; get
involved- call or fax McOardy and Synar
and even Inhofe and Nickles if you are
feeling "masochistic." They might not
like us but they still need to hear from Us.
Call your city councillors and Mayor
Savage. Remember that the primary is
August 23 and you can make a difference
such protections in his office. However’, inwho’s govemor.TulsaDemocraticparty
on direct questioning, his press secretary,
Cindy Cain said that McCurdy’s office
policy does not include protection from
discriminationbasedonsexual orientation.
Hello, Dave - back here in Oklahoma,
we’d call that a lie-maybe in DC, you call
it something else?
Sen. Boren to our knowledge is the only
Oklahoma politician who’s ever felt it
necessary to swear an oath of heterosexuality
on the steps of our state capitol.
Having been the victim of anti-Gay
prejudice, one would hope he might be
moreforthcoming. However, even though
headquarters phone is 742-2457. If you’re
a Republican, call TFN to.get in contact
with folks who want to starta Log Cabin
Republicans chapter, an organization for
Lesbian and Gay Republicans. What each
of you does makes a difference.
Other Issues
Our report of the loss of state funding
for Project Reach Out is a story of pain for
a number of individuals, the congregation
of Family of Faith MCC and this writer. I
am sorrowed by that pain but writing
about the situation was appropriate, necsee
Other Issues, page 11
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Attention All Lesbian & Gay Couples
Protect your relationship!
There are ways.to replicate the legal benefits/
protections of marriage.
For the fee of only $150 each, you can provide for
each other with powers of attorney, living wills, medical
authorizations, testamentary wills and, other
documents if needed with full consultation~
1-800-742-9468 or .918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma.
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Richard Reeder, MS
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
Serving the Diverse needs of the
Gay and Lesbian Community
1515 South Lewis
Tulsa, OK 74104
Couples Groups
Bless The Lord At All Times
2627-B East 11th Street
We would like to (Because every-
!nvite you to join one has a right to
,nou.rspiritf!lted be blessed by
serwces. A Place God!) Sunday
where we all School, 9:45 am,
come together to " Services at 11:00
worship, praise & am & our weekly
glorify the name bible study is held
ofJesus ! each Wed. at 7:30
628,0594, message phone. Eddie Cook, pastor
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 8
Faith continuedfrompage,1
pre-signed blank by Fink, allegedly in tile
presence of a notary who would later seal
the documents.
Castillo wonders just exactly what has
happened to funds that were donated to
Project Reach Out from fundraisers held
in two Tulsa bars. Over $400 was raised in
these events but right now there is no
money in the Project Reach Out account;
it appears there have been a couple
"bounced" checks (one of which has been
made good by Crocker & Fink) and
Castillo has yet to find records of expenditures
from that account. When he questioned
Crocker about where the funds
were spent, her accounting of the expenditures
did not fit his recollection of the
bills. He expected that there would be
some funds remaining. Castillo was authorized
to sign checks was Crocker but
claims the only things he’s ever signed
were the signature card and co-signature
on a check to help a community enterminer
during a serious illness.
What do Crocker & Fink Say?
Marion Fink and Pam Crocker have
moved to Kansas City, Missouri, having
resigned their pastorate. They attended a
final service on July 10 at Family of Faith
at which a special offering of $500 was
given to them, according to Dee Chambers,
FoF treasurer. Board member Amos
suggested that Chambers might have a
phone number for Crocker & Fink though
Amos did not. Chambers said that the
former pastors did not yet have a phone
but would call as they got one. A Project
Reach Out volunteer suggested that there
was a non-published listing for Pare
Crocker at what is alleged to be their new
address in Kansas City.
Shortly after speaking with Chambers
about these issues, Amos calledTFN with
a message from Crocker threatening to
sue ifan article were written. Rudy Castillo
say he,Amos and another churchmember
were called by Crocker about this time.
Castillo characterized it as she (Crocker)
went "crazy" on me.
Crocker called TFN directly and inquired
if we’d received her message from
Amos. TFN expressed our interest in getring
the information sorted out and the
following is a transcription of the tape.
TFN: "...I’m really happy that you called"
Crocker: "yeah well I’m not sure you’re
going to be with me"
TFN: "I’m tape-recording this conversation.
I’d be happy to talk with you and see
what you have to say."
Crocker: "I think you better take the tape
recorder off."
TFN: "no ma’am, any conversation we
have is going to be stlictly on the record
with the tape recorder going, I already
have from Kharma that you are making
Crocker: "the only threat, dear, is just you
know, if a story is printed untrue, then I
can take you to court, that’s just plain &
simple, that’s not a threat..."
TFN: "...People have come to me with
allegations. My job as a journalist is to
report on items of interest and concern to
our community and clearly Family of
Faith & Project Reach Outare programs
of interest to our community...I am very
much interested in heating from you all
your version of what has happened with
these programs."
Crocker: "tell you what I need to do, let
me do some talking, let me see what
people have said, I don’t want to be on
your tape recorder saying things unless I
know what’s (been) said."
TFN: "...you can share with me your version
of what has happened."
Crocker: "OK, when I get ready to tell you
my version, I’ll give you a call."
TFN: "OK would you be willing to give
me your number so that I can follow up
with you?"
Crocker: "no"
TFN: "ok, you’re not willing to do that?"
Crocker: l...u , I want to do things in my
time when I’m ready to talk with you."
TFN: "so, do you have anything to hide in
this whole matter?"
Crocker: "no, I don’t have anything to
TFN: "ok, so that you feel that all of your
behavior with regard to Project Reach Out
and financial management of that particular
project as well as the church, all of that
is on the up & up?"
Crocker: "yes"
TFN: "great I’ll be happy to go on the
record with that."
Crocker: "wall like I said when I have
anything to say to you I will...let me talk
to my lawyer and I"11 be in touch with
According to state health officials, although
they now reside in another state,
Crocker and Fink are still contractually
responsible for Project Reach Out. State
officials know that they’re gone but can
do nothing until Family of Faith sends
official notice of the former pastors departure.
Family of Faith remains fiscally
Rudy Castillo worries whether Project
Reach Out can continue with out access to
state blood testing Which now will be
denied. Private testing is available but
funds may not be. And until questions
about the disbursement of funds are answered,
he worries that the community
may be less willing to help. Even now a
small food bankproject for PWA’s is only
continuing because Castillo’s co-workers
seeing his anguish are helping.
Alan Nyitray and Emestine Hill of the
State Health Dept. are preparing an RFP,
request for proposals from other’ groups,
as quickly as they can to try to address the
need for which the program was intended:
to get H1V information and testing to Gay
& Bisexual men of color, an seriously
underserved sub-community both in
Oklahoma and across the US.
Nyitray commented that finally what
killed the program was not just the fact
that the required paperwork was not done
but was that call after call after call left on
answering machines about the programs
wereunreturned. Shortlybeforepress lime,
Pam Crocker called back and was Willing
to discuss Project Reach Out. She confirmed
many of the details mentioned
above though sometimes in a misleading
fashion. When asked if she, as project
financial director, felt responsible for the
loss of the grant monies, she cited her
inexperience but felt she did not bear the
full responsibility.
Lesbians who like to play with
balls. Women who want to be active
in sports, please contact 646-
6455 (beeper) between 5-10pm or
write to:
Tulsa Womens Sports Association
1212 S. Florence Place, 74104
46th & Memorial 665-6595
don carlton
’94 Galant LS or ’95 Galant ES
Your Choice!
*237 too.* "55 payments at $237; ’94 LS list price $19,915, sale price $17,395, amount financed
$17,395, last payment $8563.45, 6.40% APR. ’g5 ES list price $19,089, sale price
$17,577, amount financed $17,077, last payment $8399.16, 6.73% APR, w. a. c.
Jeffery A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Ginny Butler, RN MS
Specialized in H1V Care
Providing Comprehesiv Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
1560 Easto21st Street, Suite 210
Monday - Friday, 9:30-4:30 pm
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 9
Tired of playing games?
Is going to a ballgame or other sporting event your
idea of a great date?
Tulsa Family News is proud to announce its new telephone personals service,
Friends & Lovers. You may place an ad of 30 words or less for a month free.
After you mail your ad to TFN by the first of the month, you will be assigned a
voice mail box in which you can leave a message to which other readers can
respond. Leaving messages or listening to responses costs $1.59/minute.
Friends & Lovers is intended to provide an alternative means of meeting new
people for friends or for long-term relationships. You must provide your name,
address and day & evening phone numbers. This information is completely
confidential. Catagories are: friends seeking friends, women seeking women, &
men seeking men.
Ads containing sexually explicit/implieitlanatomical language will not be accepted. Tulsa Family
News reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement. Ads may be submitted for publication only
by persons 18 years of age or older. No ads will be published seeking persons under 18. Tulsa Family
News assumes no liability for the content or reply for any personal ad. The customer placing the ad
assumes complete liability and holds Tulsa Family News harmless for all cost, expenses, (including
attorneys fees), liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed
by the adveaiser or any reply to any such advertisement. By using Tulsa Family News Personal Service
the customer placing the ad agrees not to leave his/her phone number, last name or address in his/her
greeting. ~ ..... ’ ’"
Jackson-Henry Holy Union & Celebration
Brian Jackson &Tim Henry exchanged vows and rings in a Holy Union ceremony at
the home of Bob Ames in North Hollywood, California on June 10. The Reverend Judy
Dahl officiated, reading from the 13th chapter of Hebrews and blessing the rings. The
couple also held a Commitment Celebration on June 17 in Tulsa. Friends helping to
witness the ceremony and celebrate the union included Randy Ditmore, Craig Tmvis,
Frank Harris and Bob ,Mnes.
Follies Revue, Inc. Presents Cabaret ’94
Follies Revue, Inc. has announced plans for the sixth annual fundraising eventbenefitting
Tulsa area organizations that provides services and direct care to individuals who have
HIV/AIDS. "Cabaret ’94 will follow the format of the ’93 event, a dinner/nightclub
entertninment evening. Cabaret ’94 is scheduled for 8:30pm on August 25, 26, and 27
at Escargot, 8th and Main. The 25th performance is a"Patron’s Evening", with pre-show
music, dinner, wine & valetparking. Tickets are $40. On the 26 &27, tickets are $25 &
are available from Carson Attractions, 584-2000. For more information on other
locations selling tickets or whole-table rates, call Follies Revue, Inc., at 437-0201.
New Hours: Wed.- Sun. 7-2 Closed Mon. & Tues.
1565 South Sheridan, 834-4234
"ulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 10
Open: Men-Sat, 10am- 2am, Sun, Noon -2am
Miss Gay Tulsa USA
On Sunday, September 4, 1994, the
Official 1995 Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant
will be heldinTulsaattheMetropole’,
Tulsa’s hot new dance dub located at
I902 East llth Street, beginning at
10:00pro. The Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant
is an official preliminary to the 8th
annual Miss Gay OklahomaUSA Pageant,
which will be held ih November.
This will be the seventh year for the
Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant and former
Miss GayTulsaUSA’s include: Raghenna,
Bobble Sue Sommers,Jordan Blake, Toni,
Jazmyne Cherri, along with the current
Miss Gay Tulsa USA, Taylor Bryan’s.
The Miss Gay USA Pageant celebrates
its 10th anniversary in 1995 and David
Bridgman, Oklahoma USA promoter, is
inviting all female impersonators to enter
as the Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant will
send the winner and the 1st runner-up to
the Miss Gay Oklahoma USA Pageant
which will send its winner and 1st runnerup
to the 10th anniversary Miss Gay USA
Pageant to represent OUR state. Entry
forms are available at Tulsa dubs or by
contacting David Bridgman at 838-3701.
Tulsa Family News
is proud to announce Passages to serve
our communities. In this feature, we will
publish holy union, birth, anniversary announcements
with photos & obituraries
on a space-available basis in the issue
after the event. Please send materials by
the 1st of the month with a phone number.
Other Issues cont’dfrom p. 8
essary and ultimately, was an issue of my
responsibility offairandaccurate reporting
to our communities.
I would like to write only of the many
heroes of our communities: the
McDonalds, the Kirbys, Phil Wiley, Tay
Clare to pick on-a few and neglect many
others but also I must write ofwhen things
go wrong.
This story is especially painful because
it involves persons who are also heroes to
some here but who seem to have made
unwise choices.
If the individuals involved were only
harming themselves, we might pity them
but not pass judgement on them. In this
case, it’s not ~lear that anything illegal has
been done. It appears that most of what
happened evenhiay not be unethical but it
was negligent. And this negligence resulted
in the quite unnecessary loss of
funding to an HIV education projectto an
underserved part ofour communities, Gay
&Bisexual men of color. Itis conceivable
that some lives actually may be lost or end
sooner because of the loss of this funding
for HIV education and testing.
Itis this failure to be responsible that we
as communities have a right to evaluate.
Just as we reqture our elected leaders to be
responsible, we too must ask others who
choseroles ofleadership to beresponsible.
If say you’ll do something, then do it. If
you find you can’t do it, then hand the
project off. In this situation because of the
profession of the individuals, the expectations
of responsible actions are higher.
Did these people do good things dmSng
much of the time they were here? Yes. Ate
these people bad? I don’t think so. Did
they do anything bad? Probably not. But
did they do what they should have? No.
And have they .taken responsibility for
their actions? Only just barely, it seems.
Charity Event:
Tulsa Famil ~ News, July - August 1994, page
........Saturday,. July 16, Openi"ng ~Gala
with~hoSt Rachael Erlkks, Lola McCall, Paula Rae & More!
Fri. & sat: DanCing by Cody! Sunday: Sensuous & Friends!
Stage Sets by A Major Affair
50¢ Draws, 4,Spm & regular specials
We put you in charge, pick your own
beer bust, any 2 hour period from 4-
10, only $3
25¢ Draws, 4-7, $1 Longnecks 8-11
$4 Bud Beer Bust 8-11
Sundays: Sensuous & Friends, llpm
Through the End of July
T’s for $2
For Your Entertainment
Dart Board & Pool Table
Disco opening during the week
Dancers every Fri. & Sat. evenings
No Cover - 1902 East llth - 587-8811 - Must Be 21 To Enter-.Open: Mon-Sun, 4-2 am
Tulsa Family News, July-August !994, page 12
National News
Gay Games IV
& Stonewall 25
NEW YORK - "Welcome to
Yankee Stadium! You’ve come
to the right place," actor/playwright
Harvey Fierstein said to
the roared approval ofmore thzn
40,000 spectators as nearly
12,000 athletes from around the
worldmarchedin thefamedNew
York stadium during the dosing
ceremonies of Gay Games IV.
The thousands of women and
menfrom 43 countries competed
in 31 spordng events held at 42
locations around the New York
City ’metropolitan area. The
weeklong event, which organizers
said drew more than a halfmillion
visitors to Manhattan
where they spent at least an estimated
$400 million, was astOundingly
free of trouble. At
the opemng ceremonies at Columbia
University Stadium on
June 18, three rather forlorn antigay
fundamentalists showed up
outside the arena to warn of "the
evils of homosexuality" while
tens of thousands and lesbians
see Games, page 6
Co ng.ress to
Consider Anti-
No OK Lawmakers
Willing to Sponsor
WASHINGTON- According~
to the Human Rights Campaign
Fund, .the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act (Senate,
$2238 &House, HR4636) that
would bar bias in the workplace
based on sexual orientation, has
gotten the backing of30 sponsors
in the U.S. Senate and ll6in the
House of Representatives - 136
Democrats, 9 Republicans and 1
Independent -.since the measure
was introduced June 23.
Legislative aide to Mass.
Representative Gerry Studds,
Mark Agrast noted that this bill
is a "serious" proposal written in
"real" legislative language.
While he charaterized earlier
TOHR Defends Human Rights Chief
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR) praised Eddie
Fay Gates for her work as a
member of the Human Rights
Commission ofthe City ofTulsa.
TOHR alSO condemned the
announced opposition of several
councillors to Ms. Gates
reappointment."This is an attempt
to punish Ms. Gates for
institutions and for employers
with fewer.than 15 employees.
Agrast also noted the unprecgiving
civil rights proposals that
include Lesbians and Gay men a
fair hearing" said Ric Kirby,
TOHR vice-president. Headded,
"Ms. Gates has a long and distinguished
record of volunteer
service to the city. Our councillors
should consider the city
lucky ifsheis willing to continue
to serve."
civil rights proposals as usefulin edented number of Republican
raising the issue of rights pro- c0-sponsors foi the bill.
teetions, he emphasized that this
bill has much more serious
Chances 0fpassing. The bill provides
exemptions for religious
At press time, neither Representative
McCurdy’s staffor Sen.
Nickles staff had returned re:
peated calls asking for explanations
of their respective positions.
Sen. Nickles’ staff indicated
that he would oppose the
bill but also stated that they had
not even read it yet. Representative
Mike Synar while in Tulsa
for a pro-choice rally at Temple
Israel said he would vote for the
bill. He tioted that he has a very "
good record of voting in support
of issues of concern to Lesbian
& Gay Oklahomans. He stated
that he would not be a co-sponsor
of the bill since it did notgo
through any committees on
which he serves. He added that
he did not feel co-sponsorship
was particularly important to a
bill’s passage.
Senator Boren’s press aide,
Nick Hathaway issued a brief
statement saying that the senator
was supportive of the concept of
the bill but was still undecided
about co-sponsorship.
State H.ealth Dept. Kills HIV
Testing Grant to Family of Faith
MCC’s Project Reach Out;
Flags Management Problems
Officials with the HIV/STD
Services of the Oklahoma State
Dept. of Health have issued a
certified letter to Family of Faith
(FoF) Metropolitan Community
Church notifying it of the end of
funding for Project Reach Out
Too, an HIV education and
testing program aimed at Gay &
Bisexual menof color in Tulsa.
The end of funding for Project
Reach Out Too will also end
state funding for HIV testing at
Project Reach Out, aFoFproject
begun in 1993 to educate and
test underserved sub-communities:
youth, rural inhabitants and
State Healfla Gay & Lesbian
Outreach co-ordinator., Alan
Nyitray and co-liason Ernestine
Hill indicated that the grant was
withdrawn due to repeated failure
to complete federally mandated
forms. These "scan" forms
which are coded with identifying
numbers to matchblood samples
and test results; help,in part; to
verify thatpersons teSted actually
have received their test results as
well aspr0per ~-.re~e~t and p~st~
test counselling. Nyitray indi,
eated that inlate 1993 under the
original grant, problems ~ith not
receiving the forms _began to
In early 1994, FoF received a
grant six times larger than its
1993 grant to begin the "men of
color"-outreach at a non-SOuth
Tulsa location and a small
amount of funds was included to
continue to pay for HIV testing
as a continuation of the 1993
program. However, according to
Nyitray, problems with paperwork
continued. He recalls that
heand Hill had either four orfive
meetings in Tulsa with Pastor
Pam Crocker over Several
months during the spriiag as well
as a similar number of phone
calls. Nyitray said that it got- to
the point that his dept. was
making photo copies of blood
sample paperwork in order to be
able to track how many "scan"
forms were missing. Nyitray said
_Crocker claimed that volunteers
were failing to complete the
In April; Nyitray states his
office’ feared that Crocker did
not seem to be-able to fix the
problem but none-the-less met
with Crocker who was told that
the project would have to have
"excellentreporting" duringMay
or theprojectwouldbecancelled.
As of June 17, the "scan" forms
that went with blood samples
submittedinMayand that should
have been sent before June 5,
had not been received and the
state health dept. began the process
to withdraw the grant.
Who’s Res ponsible?
Family of Faith board members,
Kharma Amos and Dee
Chambers, both stated that the
church board knew that there
were problems with Project
Reach Outbut that they understood
that Project Reach Out and
the church were two separate
entities. The board was aware
that Pastors Pare Crocker and
Marion Fink were involved in
managing Project Reach Out.
Amos remarked on conflict earlier
between the board and
Project Reach Out management
about the accountability of the
project to the church.
However, according to
Nyitray, the contract with the
state for Project.Reach Out was
signed by Marion Fink as pastor
ofFoFand state officials considered
Pare Crocker to be the person
responsible formanaging the
project: Rudy Castillo; a volun=
teerco-ordinatorwith theproject,
stated that Project Reach Out
was using the church’s tax-exempt
status (federal tax identificationnumber)
to order toreceive
the grant. Individuals familiar
with Metropolitan Community
Church bylaws and Internal
Revenue Service regulations
indicate that under those circumstances
that the church is
legally responsible for the
Rudy Castillo stated that he
and Crocker shared responsibilities
for Project Reach Out
but that paperwork/financial
matters were Crocker’s. He recalled
two meetings state officials
held with Crocker about
Project Reach Out problems but
says h( was not informed of the
meetings until after they took
place though he understood that
Emestine Hill had requested his
participation. He also says heoffered
to help with paper work
but was turned down.
Castillo indicates that last
Week he found in the Project
ReachOutoffice about75"scan"
forms that were incomplete or
incorrect. He added that if forms
were. not completed properly by
a volunteer, they could have been
corrected by Crocker, himself or
a volunteer receptionist. Castillo
also reports rumors, confirmed
by Nyitray, that state forms
which require notarization after
first being filled out, signed were
see Family ofFaith, page 9
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 1
by Senator Edward Kennedy
At all critical stages in the
history ofa free people, forces of
oppression must be confronted
in order for the frontiers of juslice
tobe extended. ForAmerica,
the time has come again. For
Gay men and LeSbians, the time
is now.
Just recently, a million
Ameri.c_~ans gath_ered to comwe
intend to prevail.
Polls show that the vast majority
of Americans agree with
us that Lesbians and Gay men
should not have to face discrimination
in the workplace. Many
fortune 500 corporations have
¯ alreadyincluded sexual orienta~~
tion in their non-discrimination
policies. Eight states and more
than 100 munic~alities have
complacent and convert th Skeptical.
To make this bill a reality,
we need you to take the followi~
ng steps:
If you have been discriminated
against in employment
or know someone who has -
make sure we know about it.
Make sure we know the facts.
(Write to the Committee on Labor
and Human Resources, SD.
memorate the 25th anniversary’ ": ~d" tt-" bail: discrimination? S" ~4~g,’DC 20510.)Send ti~ all theof
Stonewall, the first milestone
in this longjourney onfreedom’ s
road.The civil rights movemem
is on the march again, moving
closer to the American ideal, of
liberty andjustice for all.
We have refused to be intimidated
by hate. Once again, it i~
timeto challenge our country to
live up to its founding ideals.
A great dealof progress has
been made in the past quarter
century. Although many miles
have been traveled, there are
many promises yet to bekept.
They are promises to a cook in
Georgia fired for being a Lesbian;
to a postal worker in
Michigan beatenunconscious by
co-workers for being Gay; and
to a truck driver in New Hampshire,
a stock broker in Maryland,
a social worker in Mississippi,
and countless other
Americans - all fired because of
prejudice despite their productivity
"and performance. Such
flagrant discrimination is wrong,
and it is time to fight back.
Thatis why, along with thirty
ofmy Senate colleagues and 115
House members, I have sponsored
the Employment Non-
Discrimination Actof 1994. Our
bipartisan legislation will extend
existing federal protections
againstjob discrimination to Gay
men and Lesbians, and give relief
to those living in fear of
losing their livelihoods. Our bill
will send a strong message to
employers and allAmericans that
homophobiawill notbe tolerated
as employmentpolicy anywhere
in the nation.
This is not about granting
special~rights - it is about righting
senseless wrongs. Our case
is strong, our cause is just, and
against Gaymen andLesbians.
By joining Congressmen
Barney Frank, Gerry Studds and
myself at the press conference
introducing this legislation,
Coretta Scott King affirmed this
action as the next chapter in
"This is not about
granting special
rights- it is about
righting senseless
US Senator
Edward Kennedy
America’s civil rights history.
She said: "I support the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act
of 1994 because I believe that
freedom and justice cannot be
parceled out in pieces to suit
political convenience. As my
husband, Martin Luther King,
Jr. said, ’Injustice anywhere is a
threat to justice everywhere’ ."
The fact remains that in 42
states, qualified Lesbians and
Gay men with excellent records
can be fired - with no warning -
just for being Gay. It happens
every day, and it is up to us to
stop it.
Lets be clear - The radical
right will leave no stoneunturned
to block the enactment of this
essential legislation. Our own
commitment must be even
stronger. To ensure success, we
need your active support and
Being right is good, but it is
not enough. Wemust inspire the
information you think will be
useful in making our poinL Job
discrimination against Gay men
and Lesbians is not a myth-it’s
a reality that is shattering lives
and denying opportunities daily.
Write and call your Senators
and Representatives at
(202) 224-3121 and tell them to
co-sponsor the Employment
Non-Discrimination act of
1994 (S.2238&HR4636). Make
sure they know that this is important
- not just to the Gay
commtmity, but to all their constituents
who believe in the
fundamental principles of a
democratic society.
Contact your friends,
neighbors, co’workers, employers,
and family members
and make sure that they, too,
make their voices heard for
freedom andjustice. Thephone
banks.of the radical right will be
working overtime - and yours
must be, too....
Thereis likely tobea massive
misinformation campaign
about what ourbill does. Form
"truth squads" and make sure
your delegation in Congress
has the facts to seperate truth
from malicious fiction.
Work closely with others in
the civil rights community in
your area - people of color,
women, physically challenged,
religious, and labor organizations
- and ask for their support
and s.uggestions. They are
veterans In the civil rights
movement and can be helpful
with coalition-building and
AS Harvey Milk said, ’None
of nsare free until-all of us are
free." We need to join together,
not let others divide us.
by Tom NeaL publisher
Civil fights protections are one
ofthose things we shouldn’t need
to have. Tulsa City Councillor
Vicki Cleveland says so and
many of us would agree. Unlike
Ms. Cleveland, however, most
of us recognize that often we are
judged by our status: our race,
gender, religion or our, sexual
orientation rather than by our
ability to perform a job, pay for
services or rent/buy a home,
Many Americans assume that
Lesbians and Gay men, and Bisexuals
enjoy civil rights protectionsjust
likeeveryonerise. They
assume that a problem encountered
can be addressed by complaining
to the right governmental
agency. Many are very surprised
to find that those agencies
will not, and can not take a
complaint of discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Some people know better or
have good reason that they
should. Some of the people who
should know better are Oklahoma
politicians. Locally, John
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 2
about silencing debate on civil
tights issues and his harrassment
ofHuman Rights Commissioner
Eddie F.aye Gates make one
wonder if he’s a member of a
totalitarian branch of the Republicanparty
- those who believe in
democratic principles of debate
and minority rights need not
apply. He’s joined by some ol,l
leagues who at least need to review
their basic civics lessons:
they represent all citizens, .not
the ones who are exactly like
see OKPoliticians, page 8
Publisher/Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer
Tom Neal James Christjohn Kharma Amos
918-832-0233, POB 4140, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire Contents of this
publication are protected by US copyright 1994 by Tulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission
from the publisher¯ Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that
person’s sexual orientation. Correspondance is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted and becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Family News. All correspondance should be sent to the address above.
Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at advertiser and
,Qther_ !9.~ca__tign_~, _Ad.d.ifional .cgpies.are .ay.ai_l a.b.1e .a.t .Tgm_fpp[er~ ~ ...........
Clubs & Restaurants
*The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*-Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Cherry St. Bakery,. 1344 E: 15
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E; Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memoriai
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
Adventure Base One
BellAire Cleaners, 4951 S. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 1.02
*CD Warehouse, 6080 S. Sheridan
*CD Warehouse in Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
Encore M0rtgage Corp, 4835 S. Fulton, Ste 105
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria, Ste. 100
"J~vaDave S~ L’mcoin Plaza .
*Indian Territory Coffee Company, 1613 E. 15
!nternation~ .Tour.s
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15-
Major Affairs, 2014 El 6th
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
Phb~nix --Mortgage Corp.
Pupp~"P~us’e" II, llth & Mingo
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Udca Square
Sound Warehouse, 1338 E. 15th
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa.
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I. 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, POB 3181 74101 , 748-31 !1
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. BOX 52118 74128
Project Reachout, HIVTesting, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TulsaOklahomansforHumanRights,(TOHR) POB52729, 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (htfo.) 743-4297
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
* Tulsa City/County Libraries: Central, Hardesty South, Martin
East, West Regional, Rudisill North. For info: call 596-7977
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
~*University Center at Talsa ...........
Associates in MedicaJ & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Jeffery A. Beal, MD, Giuny Butler, RN, Theodore Campbell, MSW
K~ithi Biarns, LCSW, Lie. Clinical Therapist, 425-4778
Phillip Cyr, Gen. Contractor-Cosmetic Remodeling 745-9911
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 [L Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Attorney 587-1500
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74"159 747-5466
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
Richard Reeder, MS, Psychotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious Organizations
*Bless The Lord AtAll Times Christian Ctr 262713 E. 11
*Community Of Hope, 1347 N. Yale
*Family of Faith Mcc, 5451-E So; Mingo
*MCC ofGreater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of. Tulsa
tohr reporter Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights ¯ PO Box 52729 Tulsa OK 74152
July/Augusl 1994 Volume 14 Number 8
The views expressed elsewhere in Tulsa Family News are not necessarily the views of TOHR.
Permission is granted to reprint information contained within the TOHR Reporterpage along with
other items, under the byline, "submitted by TOHR’, contained elsewhere in Tulsa Family News.
President’s Column
by Kelly H. Kirby
Pending Legislation Alert
The Employment Non=Discrimination
Act of 1994 (ENDA) has been
introduced into both houses of congress
as House Bill 4636 and Senate
Bill 2238. There are currently more
than 100 sponsors in the House of Representatives
and 33 in the Senate.
As opposed to legislation which has
been introduced every year since the 1970s
proposing basic rights for gays and lesbians,
the act deals only with non
discrimination in employment. This particular
issue seems to have the broadest
public opinion support (’/8% per one recent
poll). That means 4 out of 5
Americans believe that sexual orientation
discrimination should not be allowed in the
work place. Other basic rights issues draw
less and less public support, ranging from
housing down to spousal and parental
rights for lesbians and gay men.
There are two very important things YOU
can do:
1. Write or call your Representative
and Senators urging their support for passage.
This legislation may be acted upon
rather quickly so take time to write or call
soon. Your personal message will make a
2. The Human Rights Campaign Fund
(HRCF) is looking for persons with employment
related discrimination stories,
some from each state. The best and most
clear cut accounts will be written up and
some persons may be invited to testify at
possible Congressional hearings. Ifyou or
someone you know clearly fit these guidelines,
please write to:
Attention: Steven Leanos
P.O. Box 1396
Washington, D.C. 20013
Our quick action can help this measure
pass. With a couple of exemptions for
small employers (under 15 employees) and
religious organizations, this proposed legislation
would give far reaching protection
to bisexuals, gay men and lesbians.
How would it feel to be able to go to
work tomorrow and know that you
couldn’t legally be fired for being who you
are? Please ACT NOW!
August Meeting
TOHR will observe its August meeting
with the Second Annual Picnic and Dance on
Bartlett Square. Everyone is invited to join
TOHR and its members in celebrating summer
at 5th and Main in beautiful downtown Tulsa.
On Tuesday, August 2, 1994, from 7 to 10
p.m. we will be OUT in public.
TOHR will provide soft drinks and have a
live DJ spinning the hottest tracks. You are invited
to bring your own picnic ifyou like, bring
your family and friends and come prepared to
show your pride. We had a great turn out last
year so let’s do it ’til we’re satisfied.
Phone (optional)
Yes I want to be a contributing member of
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights.
Please accept payment as described below:
$10 Limited Lncome]Student Membership
$20 Regular Membership
$35 Organizational/Household Membership
$100 Sustaimn"g Membership
I-I I~nctana~n:ceg,ingTOHR mailings
and the Tulsa Family News
[:i I am not on the mailing list
would like to volunteer help with:
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual HelpLine
HIV Counselor
Executive Board Member
Event Planning and Party Preparations
Monthly Meeting Support
Make check payable to Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights. Donations contn’buted to TOHR
over set membership fees are Tax Deductible.
Memb e rs’ Re presentatives
Kelly Kirby ...................................... President
Ric Kirby ........................... 1st Vice President
Kathleen Golden ............... 2nd Vice President
Robert Crow .................................... Secretary
Don ............. ~ .................................... Treasurer
Owen ............................ HelpLine Coordinator
Ruben Garcia ......................... Reporter Editor
..................................... Activities Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights HIV T[STING CLINIC
Finger Stick Method
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Every Thursday Evening
7-8:30 p.m.
4154 S. Harvard
Suite H-1
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Tulsa Family News, July-August 1994, page 3
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
NAMBLA Expelled
NEW YORK-The members of
the International Lesbian & Gay
Association have voted by 214-
30 to expelNAMBLA(the North
American Man/Boy Love
Assn.). An 80% majority is requiredbyILGA’
a member organization from the
international fights group; the
vote represents an 88% majority
in favor of expelling the controversial
NAMBLA group. Two
other groups that deal with man/
boylove- the Dutch organization
Vereniging Martijn and the USbased
Project Truth - were also
expdled from ILGA at the same
time. Debate over the position of
NAMBLA in the lesbigay
movement has raged on and off
for the past few years. But its
membership in ILGA became
an urgent political issue during
the past year when U.S. Sen.
Jesse Helms proposed - and
Congress approved - an appropriations-
bill amendment the
would require the United States
to cut off some $118 million in
UN contributions unless the
government certifies "that no
United Nations agency...grants
any official status, accreditation,
or recognition to any organization
which promotes, condones,
or seeks the legalization of
pedophilia, or which includes as
a subsidiary ormemberany such
organization." ILGA last year
was granted consultative status
with the UN’s Economic & Social
Council - the first lesbigay
organization to gain such status.
In.a press release, NAMBLA
condemned the expulsion vote
as "a capitulation to US blackmail"
and accused the ILGA
secretariat of distorting
NAMBLA’s position and purpose.
Ohio Anti-Gay Measure
CINCINNATI-The Cincinnati
Post reports that Ohio Attorney
General Lee Fisher has f’ded an
amicus brief in opposition to the
anti-gay Issue 3 approved by
Cincinnati voters. Thebrief f’fled
by Fisher argues that any measure
approved by voters in the
state must be consistent with the
provisions of the U.S. Constitution
but that Issue 3 violates the
equal protection clause by pre-.
venting a class of people from
seeking legal protections on an
equal basis with other citizens.
Gay Pastor Begins Fast
- The Rev. Mel White, the Dallas
gay minister who was once a
ghostwriter for Jerry Falwell and
Pat Robertson, has begun a 7-
day "fast for understanding"
outside the offices of Focus on
the Family to draw attention to
attacks by the religious right
against gays and lesbians in this
country. "In the last six months,
Focus on the Family has quietly
assumed leadership of an unprecedented
attempt by extremist
Christians to exert political
and moral control over the nation,"
Dr. White said in a press
statement. "Attacks against gay
and lesbian people have become
apivotpointin theirmovement."
Focus on the Family backed
Amendment 2, approved by
Colorado voters and now being
challenged in the courts. The organization
now has chapters in
all 50 states and, until recently a
little-known organization, is one
of the richest groups to emerge
in the religious right recently.
NO Arizona Initiative
TUCSON, Ariz. - Arizona will
not be one of the states facing a
vote this year on an anti-gay
measure that would have barred
state and local laws prohibiting
discrminafion based on sexual
orientation. Frank Meliti, leader
of the Traditional Values CoalilionofArizonawhichhadbacked
the statewide measure, claimed
the group had collected some
247,000 signatures - well over
the 158,000 required- but would
not be turning the petitions in,
charging that ’~nilitant homosexuals"
would only keep any
such measure passed by the voters
tied up in court challenges.
At a press conference, Meliti
displayed 4 cardboard boxes
taped shut, but refused to open
the boxes to show reporters the
signed petitions he claimed the
group had gathered.
Louganis Tells Olympic
Committee to Move Out
ST. LOUIS - Olympic diver
Greg Louganis told members of
the U.S. OlympicCommitteethat
the 1996 volleyball competition
should be removed from Cobb
County, Ga., because of a resolution
adopted by commissioners
there last year condemning the
"gay lifestyle." Louganis, who
acknowledged being gay at Gay
Games IV in New York in June,
made his remarks at an awards
ceremony after receiving the
USOC’s prestigious Robert J.
Kane Award recognizing Olympic
athletes who continue making
contributions to their sport.
According to a New York Times
report, the USOC is trying to
find a way to move the volleyball
competition out of Cobb County
without appearing to have caved
in to pressure from gay rights
activists. In speaking to the audience,
Lougams identified himself
as an "openly gay athlete."
He told the awards audience,
"They [the Cobb County Commission]
have made it dear some
of the athletes won’t be welcomed.
An openly gay athlete
should be able to compete without
Cobb Cty. Extremists
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Tulsa Family News, July -August 1994, page 4
News. Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News.
anti-bias group Neighbors Network
has released a report,
’~-Iidden Agenda: The Influence
of Religious Extremism on the
Politics of Cobb County, Georgia,"
which links anti-gay
County COmmissioner Gordon
Wysong with a little-known farright
religious movement that
advocates the death penalty for
homosexuals and replacing democracy
in the U.S. with a theocracy.
Cobb Cty, Politico’s
Daughter Comes Out
ATLANTA - Rights activists
battling to change an anti-gay
resolution in the Atlanta suburb
ofCobbCounty gotamajorboost
when the daughter of Cobb
County Commissioner Chairman
Bill Byme, told the Southern
Voice, Adanta’s gay paper
that she struggled with what to
do ever since the commission’s
resolution made national news
last August. After cgnfronting
her father about it, Byme said,
she decided to take the next step.
’Tm sorry for what my dad has
donee" she said. ’That’s one of
the reasons I’m coming out.... I
felt like I needed to tell these
Christian people that they are
dead wrong. I don’t think they
hdve any idea about l~ow to be
Boy Scouts Lose
SAN DIEGO - California Superior
Court Judge Anthony Joseph
has awarded $5,000 to
Chuck Merino, an E1Cajon Police
officer who sued the Boy
Scouts for drumming him out of
the youth group as an Explorer
Scout leader after he-acknowledged
he is gay. Judge Joseph
ruled that the Scouts are in fact a
business as defined under state
law and are therefore prohibited
from discriminating on a variety
of factors, including sexual orientation.
The judge ruled that
acknowledging being homosexual
"does not translate into
"teaching’ that homosexuality is
proper or improper." The state
Supreme Court has already
agreed to hear 2 cases involving
the Boy Scouts’ policies conceruing
gays and atheists which
hinge on the same question of
whether or not the youth group
qualifies as a business under
California law.
Lesbian Officer Wins
Reinstatement Appeal
SAN FRANCISCO - The federal
government has lost its appeal
to block Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer’ s immediate reinstatement
while the case of her
dismissal is being appealed. The
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
turned down the
government’s appeal of a lower
"-court thatorderedCzmmermeyer
reinstated in the Washington
State National Guard while her
discharge is being appealed. It
was not immediately clear
whether the government would
appeal the ruling to.the U.S. Supreme
Court or not.
Justice Dept, Appeals
Cammermeyer Ruling
WASHINGTON-To almost no
one’s surprise, the U.S. Justice
Department says it will appeal a
recent decision by a U.S. district
judge in Washington state to reinstatehighly
decorated National
Guard nurse Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer, who declared to
military officials she is a lesbian.
Earlier in June, a U.S. District
Court in a summaryjudgmentin
favor of Cammermeyer concluded
that the government discriminated
against the nurse
without a "rational" basis for
doing so and that the action was
"grounded solely on prejudice."
Ballot Measures Fail to
Qualify in Washington
OLYMPIA, Wash. - Two antigay
initiatives in Washington
state have not qualified for the
ballot when backers of the initiafives
failed to turn in the nearly
182,000 valid signatures. The
measures would have barred the
state orany governmental agency
in Washington from recognizing
the legal rights of gays, lesbians
or bisexuals as a protected
Texas Daily Publishes
Same-Sex Unions
EL PASO,.Texas -The El Paso
Times has become the first daily
newspaper in Texas - and one of
only a handful in the U.S. - to
accept same-sex couples announcements
on an equal footing
with opposite-sex wedding
notices. The Everett (Washington)
Herald near Seattle is believed
to be the first daily paper
in the U.S. to begin publishing
same-sex partaers notices, which
it began doing in November
Fed. Hate Crimes Report
BERLIN - FBI Director Louis
Freeh, in Germany for an antiright
wing conference, released
details of the U.S. government’ s
1993 hate crimes statistics. Of
the 7,684 crimes reported, the
report indicate~, 806 - or 10.5%
- were motivated by the victim’ s
sexual orientation. The crimes
reported ranged from minor
property vandalism to assaults,
rapes and murders. The motivation
in the majority of the reported
hate crimes continued to
be race (4,168), followed by religion
(1,189). Sexual orientation
- which almost exclusively
means anti-gay attacks - followed
next, and national or ethnic origin
was last with 583 reported
American Airlines
Gay-Positive Video
ATLANTA -’ American Airlines,
which ran into troubled
skies when a flight crew carrying
passengers back from the
National March on Washington
last year replaced all the pillows
and blankets midway through
the flight because gays and lesbians
had used them, has putout
a gay-positive employee videotape
for its 70,000 workers "to
help prevent the unfortunate incidents
in the past" and ’’to make
it clear that its policies of nondiscrimination
and fairness are
taken to heart."
German Rights
Proposal Fails
BERLIN - The government of
German Chancellor Helmut
See News Briefs, page 6
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Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 5
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
continuedfrom page 5
Kohl beat back proposals in parliament
to give constitutional
recognition of same-sex and opposite-
sex "marriage-like" partnerships,
along with anumberof
other liberalizing proposals.
Government depthies objected
that the liberal proposals were
Couples Sue Austin
AUSTIN, Texas - Three Austin
lesbian and gay couples have
filed suit iii aTex~ district court
againstthe City ofAustinbecause
of the loss of domestic partner
benefits when City voters inMay
overwhelmingly repealed a City
ordinance that extended the
benefits-to city employees. The
ACLU says it will probably also
file a similar suit in behalf of 98
other city workers - beth gay and
straight - whose partners lost the
benefits following the May 7
election repeal. The suit charges
the city with breach of contract
and unfair insurance practices
because voters yanked the benefits
program that had been in
place since September when it
was initially approved by the
city council.
Lesbian Gets Son Back
RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia
CoUrt of Appeals has overturned
a lower court child custody
ruling that. ordered the 2-
year-old son of Sharon Bottoms
removedfrom herhome because
she acknowledged she is a lesbian.
"A parent’s private sexual
conduct, even if illegal, does not
create a presumption of unfitness,"
for the. 3-member panel. The
unanimous appeals court ruling
overturned a lower court ruling
that gave custody of the boy to
Bottoms’ 43-year-old mother,
Kay Bottoms, who had brought
the custody dispute against her
daughter. The grandmother was
unavailable for: comments following
the decision, but her attorney,
Richard Ryder, said his
client, would appeal the ease to
the state Supreme Court.
Virginia Adds
Lesbian/Gay Families
RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia
Housing Development
Authority has. approved a pror
posed regulatory change that
would allow offering low-income
loans to non-traditional
.households, including gay and
lesbian couples. The pr0~posal
alters current regulations, which
restrict such loans to families
that are related by "blood, marriage
or adoption," to include
low-income joint house purchasers
defined’as "two or more
individuals living togetheronthe
premises as a single, nonprofit
housekeeping uuit." Several area
gay andlesbianhomeowners and
prospective buyers spoke in
support of the proposed change
as did representatives of
Richmond’s and Virginia’s
mortgage bankers association
and the Richmond Assn. of Realtors.
But Margaret Braddy of
Concerned Women of America
called the proposal a move toward
"illegal and immoral behavior.
....Virginia will not be
improved by disregarding-the
importance ... ofthe familyuuit,"
Braddy said. But the VHDA
board disagreed and approved
the regulation change with oul.y
one vote cast against it. ~
Nevada Measure Fails
CARSON CITY, Nev. - An attempt
by a group in Nevada to
put an" anti-gay ballot measure
before voters in the state failed
when a group backed by the
Oregon Citizens Alliance failed
to get the 51,399 valid voter
signatures needed to qualify the
measure by the June 21.~date petitions
were due to be turned in.
’The opposition was well-organizedandworkedextremelyhard
but they just couldn’t get anywhere
near the ... signattires they
needed," said Beverly Baum of
the Campaign for Liberty, the
group fighting the proposed
amendment. The signatures
needed for proposed ballot
measure in Nevadamustinclude
voters from 13 of the state’s 17
Surg. General v. Fundies
General Joycelyn Elders has set
off a firestorm of controversy
for critical remarks she made
about anti-gay fundamentalists.
During a speech at the Lesbian
and Gay Health Conference in
New York on Wednesday, June
22, Elders said of the religious
right’s opposition to AIDS and
schoo! sex education programs:
"We’ve got to be strong to.take
on those people who are selling
our children out in the name of
religion..We’ve got to be as aggressive
as .they !ve .been." At
one point the outspoken Elders
referred to the ’bin-Christian religious
Idaho Pride Draws Crowd
BOISE - More than. doubling
last year’s turnout, more than a
thousand people turned out Saturday,
June I 1, for Boise’s 5th
annual Gay Pride.celebration as
the state faces a likely nasty antigay
ballot measure. Anti-gay
protesters also showed up for the
event, some carrying signs
reading: "Only good queer is a
dead queer." Organizers of the
event said the Idaho Citizens Alliances’
attempt to put an antigay
ballot initiative before the
voters in the state contributed to
the larger tdmout this year.
Navy Bans Anti-Gay
Civilian Job Bias
Navy has become thefirstbranch
of the nation’s armed forces to
formally prohibit discrimination
based on sexual orientation
among its civilian workforce.
The Coast Guard had earlier this
year issues an anti-bias statement
including sexual orientation,
but the U.S. Coast Guard is
a division of the Department of
Transportation rather than the
Defense Department. Games cont’dfrom p. 1
and gay men simply ignored
them. New York s police force,
beefed up with some 6,500 ofricers
on overtime duty during
the week, reported not asingle
anti-gay attack connected with
the gigantic event. On Saturday
evening, June 25, after the Gay
Games closing ceremonies the
International.Dyke March drew.
an estimated %000 women who
marched from 42rid street down
Fifth Avenue - without a permit
-to a mucous andfestive rally at
Washington Square Park. A
mile-long rainbow flag led the
parade from the United Nations
up First Avenue to Central.Park
on Sunday - the "ofricial;"Stonewall
25 march that included
Mayor Giuliani. ACT UP, Gay
& Lesbian Americans and other
groups Organized an unautho-,
rized parade up Fifth Avenue.
Stonewal125 organizers hadbeen
refused a city permit for that
route. Organizers estimated
participation at 1.1 million. City
police and parks officials estimated
the number was a mere
.100;000 people.
Sandra J. Hill, M.S,
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 6
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Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health BriefsHealth Briefs Health Briefs
4th HIV Drug OK’d
given its OK to a 4th drug to
fight HIV. The Bristol-Myers
Squibb medicine Stavudine is
designed to treat patients with
severe HIV infectionswho cannot
take otherAIDS medications
or who are no longer benefiting
from them. David Kessler, FDA
commissioner, called the
Stavudine approval a"sign of
our commitment to.act-c~uickly
on treatment for fife-threatening
ReaganAIDS Ad
ROME - Colors, the house
magazine of the clothing manufacturer
Benetton, raised eyebrows
around the world - again:
in late June with a retouched
photo of former U,S. President
Ronald Reagan, depicting him
with kaposi sarcoma lesions.
According to a Benetton
spokesperson, the retouched
photo was, the clothing
manufacturer s way of pointing
the finger of blame at the onetime
actor and former president
for not acting to battle the AIDS
Asian AIDS Epidemic
GENEVA - The number of
AIDS cases around the world
has risen 60% during the past
year, according to the World
Health Organization, which estimates
that there are 4 million
actual cases of AIDS and 17
¯ million cases of HIV infection
globally. While most of these
infections are in sub-Saharan
Africa, WHO officials say the
greatest danger is in Asia, which
has experienced an eighffold
increase in the number of AIDS
cases during the past year. Of
particular concern, says WHO,
is thespreadofthe diseaseamong
female prostitutes in Thailand,
India,.and.other countries.~.
HIV Measures in Sweden
STOCKHOLM = The Swedish
government has adopted a
number of compulsory measures
intended to control the spread of
HIV,including voluntary routine
testing, mandatory contact- and
partner-tracing and testing. If a
case of HIV is diagnosed, the
physician will be required under
the new.policies to file a report
including a coded case number,
gender, year and country ofbirth;
risk category and, if possible,
time and place of transmission.
The physician will also be
obliged to see the patient on a
regular basis, and to inform him
or her of binding regulations to
prevent further spread of infection.
These regulations now include
informing prospective
Sexual parmers about the infection
before intercourse; practicing
safe:sex; refraining from
shared use of hypodermic
needles or syringes; and not engaging
in prostitution. Patients
must also inform medical authorities
before undergoing any
treatment involving Mood contact.
If the patient does not follow
these regulations, the doctor
is required to report the patient
to medical officers in charge of
the ctntrol of communicable
diseases. If thepatient continues
to ignore the mandatory restrictions,
however, they can be detained
in ahospital if health officials
believe they present a
threat Of infecting others = a decision
to be made by the administrative
Transmission Risks
Among Bisexual Men
on the prevalence and patterns
of sexual behavior among male
-bisexuals has concluded that San
Francisco men identifying
themselves as bisexual are not
likely to transmit HIV to their
female partners. The finding by
. researchers at the University of
California at San Francisco contradicts
a general misconception
that bisexual men provide a
"bridge" can’ying HIV from the
gay subculture to the larger heterosexual
community, according
to UCSF lead researcher Dr.
Maria Ekstrand. The study,
which involved 140 unmarried
men whose HIV status was
known to the researchers, found
thatmost ofthe sexualris~k-taking
took place when the bisexual
men had sex with other males -
not when engaged in sex with
women. Only 7 percent of the
bisexual male actually reported
having sex with women, and
among this group,.a mere 2 percentreportedhaving
vaginal intercourse, the. study
reports. The findings also indicate
that the men in the study
significantly cut back on sexual
risk-taking behaviors in general
and particularly during malemale
sex, during the five-year
term of the study. Although unprotected
vaginal intercourse
remains common among men
who have sex with women, this
behavior wasreported! almost
exclusiVely by the HIV-negalivemeninvolvedintheresearch.
Drug Trials in Australia
SYDNEY- Australian AIDS
researchers have announced that
a new drug that is believed to
boost the immune system rather
than attack the HIV virus itself,
is to be tested for the first time in
the country. Scientists hope that
the drug, Interleukin-2 (IL-2),
will increase the life expectancy
and quality of life for people
infected With HIV. Preliminary
studies using IL-2 have shown
that some HIV positive people
have experienced a fourfold increase
in T-cell counts. One
hundred twenty volunteers in
Sydney, Melbourne and Perth
with relatively healthy immune
systems are being sought to participate.
The drug is supposed to
boost the immune system so the
virus has less chance of reproducing.
In a trial in the U.S. two
years ago, 90 percent of the
participants, with an average Tcell
countof400, showedmarked
increases in their counts for about
a year. A stronger immune system
also makes people less sus---
ceptible to secondary infections.
H!V Home Test Kit
WASHINGTON -According to
Advertising Age, Johnson &:
Johnson hopes to become the
first healthcare marketer to put
an HIV home sdf-test kit on the
market. The $30 kit, known as
Confide, would include a lancet
with which to draw blood and a
smear card to send off to a national
laboratory. Results,
counseling,andmedical referrals
would be dispensed by phone.
The Food & :Drug Administrationhas
refused approval to other
home test kits, citing concerns
such as packing and mailing,
false positives, and the need for
in-person medical consultations.
Johnson & Johnson claims that
Confide will provide easy access
and total anonymity. An independent
survey by the company
found that 80% of gays and lesbians
would be inclined to use
the test, and a recent poll from
the Centers for Disease Control
in Atlanta ~ound that 1 in 4
Americans woulduse such a test.
For A Taste of Local Flavor
Jim & Brent Invite You to
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GAOUN-ESE CRAB RANGOON a unique blend of crab meat.whitefish, cream cheese & fresh
herbs.wrapped in won-tons & deep fried. Served over a seafood bisque 5.£5
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KANSAS CIW BAR-B-QUE House choice of hickory smoked meats In our own special
sauce & your choice of potato. Served with Chelsea’s salad & cracked wheat bread 6.95
MANNY’S MflSSIRIO FE’I-FUCINI Select marinated mushrooms sauteed In olive oil with green
onions, garlic & fresh parsley & blended Into a rich creamy cheese sauce over fettucinl.
Served with Chelsea’s salad or a cup of soup & cracked wheat bread 0.50
JIMBO’SJACK~ON COUNTYCHILI Fresh, spicy& homemade Cup 1.75 Bowl 3.75
CHELSEABAKER A fresh baked potato, stuffed with sauteed mushrooms, a blend of cheeses
& surrounded with fresh seasonal vegetables uniquely prepared. S<~ved with herb butter & sour =’P_am 3.95
SHROOM BURGER Topped with sauteed mushrooms, melted Swiss & our own tangy sauce 3.75
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CheLsea Blu~ dxesslng & ser~d on a toast~l ot"aan r~- Side garnlsl’~d wlih/ettuoe, temato, pta]~ ¢xafeta & slxouts 4.95
REUBEN- CREOLE A uniquely marinated New York style corned beef piled hl~a on ~rllled Jewish rye
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Clinical Trials* now Open
for Treatment of
HIV Disease and Related Infections
Nevirapine...HIV Treatment
Oral vs. IV Ganciclovir..CMV Retinitis Treatment
BV-Arau...Herpes Zoster Treatment
Zithromax-Miaxin-Ethambut01..MAC Treatment
*mustmeet inclusion & exclusion criteria.
For more information, call 918-743-1000, ext. ’HIV’
between 10am - 4pm. To receive more information
about new clinical trials as they are available,
send .your name & address to:
Associates in
Medical & Mental Health
1560 E. 21st St, Ste. 210, .Tulsa, OK 74114
Tulsa Family News, July ~ August 1994, page 7
OK Politicians co.t’d omp. 2
them. A couple of them, like Ms.lCleveland,
need to remember or learn~that even
if they’re tired of hearing about a problem,
their job ($12,000 annually) includes actually
listening to citizens. Councillors
Hall, Hogne, & Gilbert, who in theory are
members of the Democratic Party, might
do well to re-read the national patty
platform: civil rights are for everyone,
including Lesbian and Gay citizens.
Runningfor governor, Bernice Shedrick.
is touted as one of the brightest in the OK
legislature (and no, that is not damning
her by faint praise) and is an attorney. She
apparently thinks that being Gay or Lesbianmeans
that you’re dumb too. Amonth
ago Shedrick was told that current civil
rights protections do not include Lesbians
& Gay men. She was asked if she would
support amending those to provide protection
based on sexual orientation. She
promised, "H1 look into it." Amonthlater,
after repeated phone calls,, she issued a
statement that civil rights laws protect all
citizens and tt~t as governor sheql uphold
the laws.
Hello, Bernice-we started with the fact
that current civil rights laws don’t include
Lesbians & Gay men, a fact that as a
legislator orlawyer she could easily verify.
So what we’re being told us that she’ll
support the laws that don’t include us.
Whydoesn’t shejust tell us that she doesn’t
want our votes and we’ll vote for Jack
Mildren who believes in civil rights, even
for Gay p~ople.
However, it is the Oklahoma Congressional
delegation which shames us as
Oklahomans most. Between Inhofe &
Nickles (no doubt members of the same
branch of Republicans as John Benjamin)
who are openly prejudiced and Democrats
such as .Dave McCurdy and David Boren
who just. don’t have seem to have the
courage to include Lesbian & Gay Oklahomans
in their constituencies, Lesbian
& Gay Oklahomans just don’t get much
represention at all. Except maybe from
Rep. Mike Synarwho never-the-less won’t
join 116 of his peers in co-sponsoring a
new bill, the Employment Non-Discrimi-
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nation LAct of 1994, designed to discourage
discrimination based on sexual orientation
in the workplace. Mike says cosponsorship
doesn’t matter but if that’s so
why are 116 congress folks wasting their
Synar at least is familiar with the bill.
Sen. Nickles.office will tell that he’s opposed
to it but his folks can’t tell you why
because it turns out they haven’t even read
it. They just know they wouldn’t like it.
Now duck & cover Dave McCurdy
"wants to be a senator and probably will get
our votes only because the alternative,
"Tulsa’s dysfunctional congressman"-
The Tulsa WorM, James lnhofe, is not
only bad for Gay people, he’.s just plain
bad. ButMcCurdy’s positiononcivil rights
for Lesbian and Gay citizens seems to be
that he doesn’t mind ff we have a few as
long as no oneknows he said so. McCurdy
too is alone among Oklahoma’s semimoderate
Democrats in refusing to sign a
Human Rights Campaign Fund pledge
not to discriminate in hiring in his office.
He told The Tulsa Worm that he did not
sign the pledge because he already had
he is leaving DC, the best that he c~an
muster is that he’s supportive of theconcept
of the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act of 1994 but he’s still undecided
whether to become a co-sponsor. Hello,
Senator - you’re a lame-duck! If he can’t
stand up for civil rights now, when will ke
ever? At the rate this session’s going he’ll
be gone before a vote will ever be likely.
Many Oklahomans find these legislators
to be a disappointment, and in the
case of our city council, the word clown
comes to mind, but Lesbian and Gay
Oklahomans have more justification for
those feelings than many citizens. We are
not yet represented in the council or the’
legislature or openly represented in our
congress. There’s not much we can do but
this: get registered if you’re not; vote no
matter how inconvenient it may be; get
involved- call or fax McOardy and Synar
and even Inhofe and Nickles if you are
feeling "masochistic." They might not
like us but they still need to hear from Us.
Call your city councillors and Mayor
Savage. Remember that the primary is
August 23 and you can make a difference
such protections in his office. However’, inwho’s govemor.TulsaDemocraticparty
on direct questioning, his press secretary,
Cindy Cain said that McCurdy’s office
policy does not include protection from
discriminationbasedonsexual orientation.
Hello, Dave - back here in Oklahoma,
we’d call that a lie-maybe in DC, you call
it something else?
Sen. Boren to our knowledge is the only
Oklahoma politician who’s ever felt it
necessary to swear an oath of heterosexuality
on the steps of our state capitol.
Having been the victim of anti-Gay
prejudice, one would hope he might be
moreforthcoming. However, even though
headquarters phone is 742-2457. If you’re
a Republican, call TFN to.get in contact
with folks who want to starta Log Cabin
Republicans chapter, an organization for
Lesbian and Gay Republicans. What each
of you does makes a difference.
Other Issues
Our report of the loss of state funding
for Project Reach Out is a story of pain for
a number of individuals, the congregation
of Family of Faith MCC and this writer. I
am sorrowed by that pain but writing
about the situation was appropriate, necsee
Other Issues, page 11
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
Estate Planning
Personal Injury
Criminal Law
Workers Compensation
Initial consultation
at no charge.
Attention All Lesbian & Gay Couples
Protect your relationship!
There are ways.to replicate the legal benefits/
protections of marriage.
For the fee of only $150 each, you can provide for
each other with powers of attorney, living wills, medical
authorizations, testamentary wills and, other
documents if needed with full consultation~
1-800-742-9468 or .918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma.
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Richard Reeder, MS
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
Serving the Diverse needs of the
Gay and Lesbian Community
1515 South Lewis
Tulsa, OK 74104
Couples Groups
Bless The Lord At All Times
2627-B East 11th Street
We would like to (Because every-
!nvite you to join one has a right to
,nou.rspiritf!lted be blessed by
serwces. A Place God!) Sunday
where we all School, 9:45 am,
come together to " Services at 11:00
worship, praise & am & our weekly
glorify the name bible study is held
ofJesus ! each Wed. at 7:30
628,0594, message phone. Eddie Cook, pastor
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 8
Faith continuedfrompage,1
pre-signed blank by Fink, allegedly in tile
presence of a notary who would later seal
the documents.
Castillo wonders just exactly what has
happened to funds that were donated to
Project Reach Out from fundraisers held
in two Tulsa bars. Over $400 was raised in
these events but right now there is no
money in the Project Reach Out account;
it appears there have been a couple
"bounced" checks (one of which has been
made good by Crocker & Fink) and
Castillo has yet to find records of expenditures
from that account. When he questioned
Crocker about where the funds
were spent, her accounting of the expenditures
did not fit his recollection of the
bills. He expected that there would be
some funds remaining. Castillo was authorized
to sign checks was Crocker but
claims the only things he’s ever signed
were the signature card and co-signature
on a check to help a community enterminer
during a serious illness.
What do Crocker & Fink Say?
Marion Fink and Pam Crocker have
moved to Kansas City, Missouri, having
resigned their pastorate. They attended a
final service on July 10 at Family of Faith
at which a special offering of $500 was
given to them, according to Dee Chambers,
FoF treasurer. Board member Amos
suggested that Chambers might have a
phone number for Crocker & Fink though
Amos did not. Chambers said that the
former pastors did not yet have a phone
but would call as they got one. A Project
Reach Out volunteer suggested that there
was a non-published listing for Pare
Crocker at what is alleged to be their new
address in Kansas City.
Shortly after speaking with Chambers
about these issues, Amos calledTFN with
a message from Crocker threatening to
sue ifan article were written. Rudy Castillo
say he,Amos and another churchmember
were called by Crocker about this time.
Castillo characterized it as she (Crocker)
went "crazy" on me.
Crocker called TFN directly and inquired
if we’d received her message from
Amos. TFN expressed our interest in getring
the information sorted out and the
following is a transcription of the tape.
TFN: "...I’m really happy that you called"
Crocker: "yeah well I’m not sure you’re
going to be with me"
TFN: "I’m tape-recording this conversation.
I’d be happy to talk with you and see
what you have to say."
Crocker: "I think you better take the tape
recorder off."
TFN: "no ma’am, any conversation we
have is going to be stlictly on the record
with the tape recorder going, I already
have from Kharma that you are making
Crocker: "the only threat, dear, is just you
know, if a story is printed untrue, then I
can take you to court, that’s just plain &
simple, that’s not a threat..."
TFN: "...People have come to me with
allegations. My job as a journalist is to
report on items of interest and concern to
our community and clearly Family of
Faith & Project Reach Outare programs
of interest to our community...I am very
much interested in heating from you all
your version of what has happened with
these programs."
Crocker: "tell you what I need to do, let
me do some talking, let me see what
people have said, I don’t want to be on
your tape recorder saying things unless I
know what’s (been) said."
TFN: "...you can share with me your version
of what has happened."
Crocker: "OK, when I get ready to tell you
my version, I’ll give you a call."
TFN: "OK would you be willing to give
me your number so that I can follow up
with you?"
Crocker: "no"
TFN: "ok, you’re not willing to do that?"
Crocker: l...u , I want to do things in my
time when I’m ready to talk with you."
TFN: "so, do you have anything to hide in
this whole matter?"
Crocker: "no, I don’t have anything to
TFN: "ok, so that you feel that all of your
behavior with regard to Project Reach Out
and financial management of that particular
project as well as the church, all of that
is on the up & up?"
Crocker: "yes"
TFN: "great I’ll be happy to go on the
record with that."
Crocker: "wall like I said when I have
anything to say to you I will...let me talk
to my lawyer and I"11 be in touch with
According to state health officials, although
they now reside in another state,
Crocker and Fink are still contractually
responsible for Project Reach Out. State
officials know that they’re gone but can
do nothing until Family of Faith sends
official notice of the former pastors departure.
Family of Faith remains fiscally
Rudy Castillo worries whether Project
Reach Out can continue with out access to
state blood testing Which now will be
denied. Private testing is available but
funds may not be. And until questions
about the disbursement of funds are answered,
he worries that the community
may be less willing to help. Even now a
small food bankproject for PWA’s is only
continuing because Castillo’s co-workers
seeing his anguish are helping.
Alan Nyitray and Emestine Hill of the
State Health Dept. are preparing an RFP,
request for proposals from other’ groups,
as quickly as they can to try to address the
need for which the program was intended:
to get H1V information and testing to Gay
& Bisexual men of color, an seriously
underserved sub-community both in
Oklahoma and across the US.
Nyitray commented that finally what
killed the program was not just the fact
that the required paperwork was not done
but was that call after call after call left on
answering machines about the programs
wereunreturned. Shortlybeforepress lime,
Pam Crocker called back and was Willing
to discuss Project Reach Out. She confirmed
many of the details mentioned
above though sometimes in a misleading
fashion. When asked if she, as project
financial director, felt responsible for the
loss of the grant monies, she cited her
inexperience but felt she did not bear the
full responsibility.
Lesbians who like to play with
balls. Women who want to be active
in sports, please contact 646-
6455 (beeper) between 5-10pm or
write to:
Tulsa Womens Sports Association
1212 S. Florence Place, 74104
46th & Memorial 665-6595
don carlton
’94 Galant LS or ’95 Galant ES
Your Choice!
*237 too.* "55 payments at $237; ’94 LS list price $19,915, sale price $17,395, amount financed
$17,395, last payment $8563.45, 6.40% APR. ’g5 ES list price $19,089, sale price
$17,577, amount financed $17,077, last payment $8399.16, 6.73% APR, w. a. c.
Jeffery A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Ginny Butler, RN MS
Specialized in H1V Care
Providing Comprehesiv Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
1560 Easto21st Street, Suite 210
Monday - Friday, 9:30-4:30 pm
Tulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 9
Tired of playing games?
Is going to a ballgame or other sporting event your
idea of a great date?
Tulsa Family News is proud to announce its new telephone personals service,
Friends & Lovers. You may place an ad of 30 words or less for a month free.
After you mail your ad to TFN by the first of the month, you will be assigned a
voice mail box in which you can leave a message to which other readers can
respond. Leaving messages or listening to responses costs $1.59/minute.
Friends & Lovers is intended to provide an alternative means of meeting new
people for friends or for long-term relationships. You must provide your name,
address and day & evening phone numbers. This information is completely
confidential. Catagories are: friends seeking friends, women seeking women, &
men seeking men.
Ads containing sexually explicit/implieitlanatomical language will not be accepted. Tulsa Family
News reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement. Ads may be submitted for publication only
by persons 18 years of age or older. No ads will be published seeking persons under 18. Tulsa Family
News assumes no liability for the content or reply for any personal ad. The customer placing the ad
assumes complete liability and holds Tulsa Family News harmless for all cost, expenses, (including
attorneys fees), liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed
by the adveaiser or any reply to any such advertisement. By using Tulsa Family News Personal Service
the customer placing the ad agrees not to leave his/her phone number, last name or address in his/her
greeting. ~ ..... ’ ’"
Jackson-Henry Holy Union & Celebration
Brian Jackson &Tim Henry exchanged vows and rings in a Holy Union ceremony at
the home of Bob Ames in North Hollywood, California on June 10. The Reverend Judy
Dahl officiated, reading from the 13th chapter of Hebrews and blessing the rings. The
couple also held a Commitment Celebration on June 17 in Tulsa. Friends helping to
witness the ceremony and celebrate the union included Randy Ditmore, Craig Tmvis,
Frank Harris and Bob ,Mnes.
Follies Revue, Inc. Presents Cabaret ’94
Follies Revue, Inc. has announced plans for the sixth annual fundraising eventbenefitting
Tulsa area organizations that provides services and direct care to individuals who have
HIV/AIDS. "Cabaret ’94 will follow the format of the ’93 event, a dinner/nightclub
entertninment evening. Cabaret ’94 is scheduled for 8:30pm on August 25, 26, and 27
at Escargot, 8th and Main. The 25th performance is a"Patron’s Evening", with pre-show
music, dinner, wine & valetparking. Tickets are $40. On the 26 &27, tickets are $25 &
are available from Carson Attractions, 584-2000. For more information on other
locations selling tickets or whole-table rates, call Follies Revue, Inc., at 437-0201.
New Hours: Wed.- Sun. 7-2 Closed Mon. & Tues.
1565 South Sheridan, 834-4234
"ulsa Family News, July - August 1994, page 10
Open: Men-Sat, 10am- 2am, Sun, Noon -2am
Miss Gay Tulsa USA
On Sunday, September 4, 1994, the
Official 1995 Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant
will be heldinTulsaattheMetropole’,
Tulsa’s hot new dance dub located at
I902 East llth Street, beginning at
10:00pro. The Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant
is an official preliminary to the 8th
annual Miss Gay OklahomaUSA Pageant,
which will be held ih November.
This will be the seventh year for the
Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant and former
Miss GayTulsaUSA’s include: Raghenna,
Bobble Sue Sommers,Jordan Blake, Toni,
Jazmyne Cherri, along with the current
Miss Gay Tulsa USA, Taylor Bryan’s.
The Miss Gay USA Pageant celebrates
its 10th anniversary in 1995 and David
Bridgman, Oklahoma USA promoter, is
inviting all female impersonators to enter
as the Miss Gay Tulsa USA Pageant will
send the winner and the 1st runner-up to
the Miss Gay Oklahoma USA Pageant
which will send its winner and 1st runnerup
to the 10th anniversary Miss Gay USA
Pageant to represent OUR state. Entry
forms are available at Tulsa dubs or by
contacting David Bridgman at 838-3701.
Tulsa Family News
is proud to announce Passages to serve
our communities. In this feature, we will
publish holy union, birth, anniversary announcements
with photos & obituraries
on a space-available basis in the issue
after the event. Please send materials by
the 1st of the month with a phone number.
Other Issues cont’dfrom p. 8
essary and ultimately, was an issue of my
responsibility offairandaccurate reporting
to our communities.
I would like to write only of the many
heroes of our communities: the
McDonalds, the Kirbys, Phil Wiley, Tay
Clare to pick on-a few and neglect many
others but also I must write ofwhen things
go wrong.
This story is especially painful because
it involves persons who are also heroes to
some here but who seem to have made
unwise choices.
If the individuals involved were only
harming themselves, we might pity them
but not pass judgement on them. In this
case, it’s not ~lear that anything illegal has
been done. It appears that most of what
happened evenhiay not be unethical but it
was negligent. And this negligence resulted
in the quite unnecessary loss of
funding to an HIV education projectto an
underserved part ofour communities, Gay
&Bisexual men of color. Itis conceivable
that some lives actually may be lost or end
sooner because of the loss of this funding
for HIV education and testing.
Itis this failure to be responsible that we
as communities have a right to evaluate.
Just as we reqture our elected leaders to be
responsible, we too must ask others who
choseroles ofleadership to beresponsible.
If say you’ll do something, then do it. If
you find you can’t do it, then hand the
project off. In this situation because of the
profession of the individuals, the expectations
of responsible actions are higher.
Did these people do good things dmSng
much of the time they were here? Yes. Ate
these people bad? I don’t think so. Did
they do anything bad? Probably not. But
did they do what they should have? No.
And have they .taken responsibility for
their actions? Only just barely, it seems.
Charity Event:
Tulsa Famil ~ News, July - August 1994, page
........Saturday,. July 16, Openi"ng ~Gala
with~hoSt Rachael Erlkks, Lola McCall, Paula Rae & More!
Fri. & sat: DanCing by Cody! Sunday: Sensuous & Friends!
Stage Sets by A Major Affair
50¢ Draws, 4,Spm & regular specials
We put you in charge, pick your own
beer bust, any 2 hour period from 4-
10, only $3
25¢ Draws, 4-7, $1 Longnecks 8-11
$4 Bud Beer Bust 8-11
Sundays: Sensuous & Friends, llpm
Through the End of July
T’s for $2
For Your Entertainment
Dart Board & Pool Table
Disco opening during the week
Dancers every Fri. & Sat. evenings
No Cover - 1902 East llth - 587-8811 - Must Be 21 To Enter-.Open: Mon-Sun, 4-2 am
Tulsa Family News, July-August !994, page 12
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1994] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 5, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/468.