[1994] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 7


[1994] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 7


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September of 2001 (Vol. 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TORH, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


June 15-July 14, 1994


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos


Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 6


Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1996; Volume 1, Issue 7


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


by David Nava
"Whendowe getourparade.7""
The question was asked more .in
fun than wi~.en_v.:.~;~more m
joking than with;~alice, but it
struck a chord, with me. I had
casually mentioned to a couple
of my straight :.f..,ri~n~.that. the.
Gay Pride E~de ~a~-coming
up and I was looking forward to
it’"What abgut, S~aight .Pride ¯
Day?" the female .of~¢O,uple
asked with a gin~ "Everyday is
Stratght Pride Day., I auswere ,
also grinning, ’..’This culture celebrates
it with gay abandon."
She laughed...When do we get
counterpart ’Turn the television
on." I said. ’¢Fhere’s your parade."
We all laughed and went
about our business but the brief
exchange kept coming back to
me through the week. The more
I thought about it the more serious
it became.
WhyhaveaGayPride 15arade?
It’s a question many straight
people might be asking in the
next few weeks. Gay people, I
believe, inherently, intuitively
know why wehave a parade. We
have aGay Pride Paradebecause
25 years ago a bunch of drag
queens at a bar called The
Stonewall fought back for the
first time when the police overstepped
the bounds of their authority
for the millionth time,
thereby launching the Gay Liberation
Movement. We have a
Gay Pride Parade so that at least
for one day in a year we can walk
down the streets of Where we
live and show our numbers for
all the world to see. We have a
Gay Pride Parade to celebrate
our defeat of The Closet, to have
a day when we can proclaim,
Al! across the country, members
of the Lesbian/Gay press
have been ruminating about this
big 25th anniversary of the
Stonewall Riots...Stonewall on
this cover, Stonewall on that
cover...it’s going to be one hell
of a party. But unlike last year’s
March on Washington, it’s not
clear what, beyond a.party, it
will be. Yes, there is a March on
the UN; yes, there are the Gay
Games, glorious and worthy in
themselves, and yes, there is the
annual conference of the Inter~
national Lesbian/Gay Association
But still I am haunted by the
comments of Mary Breslauer in
The Advocate this spring. Ms.~
Breslaner asked if we; our wonderfully
diver~e communities
couldorganizeforany thing other
than a party: She suggested that
the 100 million or so dollars that
will pour into New York could
buy a lotof grass-roots lobbying,
education, tv & radio ads. The
combined budgets of our sowithout
reservation, who we are
and Who we love.
So, whendothe straightpeople
get their own parade? When
straight peo.ple are prevented
from marrying the people they
choose to marry, precluded from
. enjoying tax benefits availabl.e
to married people; then they
should have a parade. When
straight people are barred from
serving their country in the mili7
¯tary,i then they should have a
pal:ade. When straightpeople ,are
routinely fired from. their jot~s
because of who they love with or
live with then they should have a
parade. Whenstraight people axe
blocked from holding sensitive
jobs in the government merely
because of their sexual orientation,
then they should have a
parade. Whenstrai,gh.t people,.a~e,
forbidden to raise their Own cm~-
dren orto adopt others, if they so
choose, then they should have
parade. Whenstraight people are
beaten, harassed and shot at for
holding hands in public then I’ll
march in their parade.
A man who lives in my
neighborhood was shot onour
street 2 years ago by a carload of
young thugs because he was bidcling
a companion farewell with
an embrace. The companionwas
another man. TheHuman Rights
Commissioner of this city publicly
intimated that the mean were
"aski"ng~ for it" throug,h en..ga..,g, ig,g
in "provocative benavmr
. embracing to say good-bye.
That’s why I’ll be. at The Gay
Pride Parade. Unless we stand
together, march together, care
together, no one will do it for us.
We Gay and Lesbian people are
on our own and we must depend
on each other.
So, when some well meaning,
called national organizations
(Human Rights Campaign Fund,
National Gay & Lesbian Task
Force, Gay & Lesbian Victory
Fund) are but a fraction of the
Stonewall dollars. VvTnat’s wrong
with this picture - how much do
we value our civilrights?
Oppression- we usually think
of it as something done to us by
non-Gay people. Unfortunately,
it’s also something we do to ourselves
and each other. Growing
up in a heterosexist and
homophobic society, that hatred
poisons us too. I’ve been talking
advertising with a Gay merchant
for over 9 months. His large &
successful business stocks
products specifically made for
us. He whines about sales but he
refuses to advertise those products
to us. Many here in Tulsa
would buy from him if they only
While dearly I wouldlikehim
to advertise (that’s whatmakes it
possible to bring you news not
~ound in The Tulsa Worm or any
L.e t te rs
Miz Sensuous Tells Us
What, When & Whereforel
The drag queens, female impersonators,
or gender illusionists
today have a problem: they
are busy cutting one another
down.,There’s enough room in
Tulsofor ev~:e~y~_~body.~to get a~ong..
" Ba~kwheh l~Ii~ s~n~tious~vas
born no one put anyone down,
everyone triedhelping everyone.
Old! Damn right...the way some
of the Darlings are doing,,cutting
the older Queens down....they
F~ublisher/Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer
Tom Neai James Christjohn Kharma Amos
918-832-0233, POB 41at0, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this
publication are protected by US copyright I994 by Tulsa FamilyNews and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part withoutvaitten permission
from the publisher. Publication of a name or photo in no way indicates or
reflects that person’s sexual orientation. Correspondance is assumed to be
- for publication unless otherwise noted and becomes the sol~ p.ro_perty, of
Tulsa Family News. All eorrespondance should be sent to the. address
above. TulsaFamilyNews is distributed freeofchargeinlocallbusiri~s~
and organizations.
¯are here and will be here...keep
Clubs & Restaurants
gettin up, planting your feet~On’%
thefloor e,~ery day, and you1~be ~ .~The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
old too! People like myself, MC ..... ~’B~d Boys Club~ 1229 S. Memorial
Parker, Mr. Timm~ Miz Dorian,
Bead Aheads and Lady Diana
laid the ground for you to be
performers, not critics....the future
can be outstanding if we
love one another..stop the hate
and discrimination....why fight
among ourselves?
By the way, thank you all for
your support when I was ill back
in October. I’ve come a long
ways...I’m still here to terrorize
each and everyone of you...let’s
go forward as one...the past was
good, now let’s make it a fabulous
future! - Sensuous
Editor’s note: the preceeding
ts only an excerpt of an informative
and interesting letter
about some ofour community’s
past. We will publish more as
space allows. We apologize if
we’ve mispelled any names.
*Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E. 15
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*.Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E. Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier care, 416 S. Lewis
BellAire Cleaners, 4951 S. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
*CD Warehouse, 6080 S. Sheridan
- *CD Warehouse in Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria, Ste. 100
*Indian Territory Coffee Company, 1613 E. 15
International Tours
Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. 15
Ken’s FlowerS, 1635 E. 15
*Living Arts .of Tulsa,-224 N. Main
Major Affairs, 2014 E. 6th-
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
Novel Idea Discount Books
7104 S. Sheridan, 492-0335 3356 E. 51,
or not-so well meaning straight
acq~mintance of yours questions
the need for a Gay Pride Day
Parade, edueat~ the poor soul.
I’mpicking up the phone to call
my two friends now.
David Nava is an actor and
writer in Chicago.
other Tulsa paper), there is a
broader community interest too.
Theproducts he sells can educate
and enlighten our community if
you know where to find them.
Till now, what he’s stocked,
do, has been almost the only
choice in Tulsa. He could make
money and help his community
at the same lime but it seems that
he’s too inhibited by his fears of
More frustrating, this met-
. chant has refused to allow distribution
of this paper while continuing
to distribute a monthly
paper withdocumentedanti-Gay
policies. This sort of disclSmina.
fion is unacceptable from non-
Gay businesses but is unbelievable
from our own. Fortunately,
one of his better rivals across
town, although it is a non-Gay
business, is more open-minded.
They’ve welcomed Tulsa Family
News and our readers. You
can guess where Irll be shopping.
Tom Neal, publisher &.editor
Puppy Pause lI, 1 lth & Mingo -
*S~ribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Sound Warehouse, 1338 E. 15th
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
Zat’s, 3708 South Peoria
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa.
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118
Project Reachout, HIV Testing, 5451-E So. Mingo
Shanti Hotline
TulsaOklahomaus for HumanRights, (TOHR) POB 52729, 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
* Tulsa City/County Libraries: Central, Hardesty South, Martin
East, West Regional, Rudisill North. For info: call 596-7977.
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Jeffery A. Beal, MD, Giuny Butler, RN, Theodore Campbell, MSW
Kathi Bums, LCSW, Lie. Clinical Therapist, 425-4778
Phillip Cyr, Gen. C0ntractor-Cosmetic Remodeling 745-9911
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Bill Hinlde, Attorney -587-1500
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 7~159 747-5466
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
Richard Reeder, MS, Psychotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious Organizations
*Bless The LordAtAll Times Christian ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*MCC of Greater .Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
Tulsa OklahomatiS~or Human Rights ¯ PO Box 52 729 Tul~a; 0 K 74152
tohr reporter . , The views expressed elsewhere in Tulsa Family News are not necessarily the views of TOHR.
Permission is granted to reprint information contained within the TOHRR~:~,p~’~long with
other items, under the byline, "submitted by TOHR; contained elsewhere in-Tblsa Family News.
TOHR proudl9 presents the annual pride meek~
.o: . :. _ L_ . . i-i " " " ~ ’ : ’~ ’ ’
at the
1565 S. Sheridan
Friday, June 17th
from 9 p.m. to Midnight
$5 at the door to benefit TOHR.
I llT! RTfllfllTII llT!
HELLEN BACK Miss Renegades 1994
KRIS KOH% Miss Tulsa 1986
FALLON SCOTT Miss Oklahoma USA 1993
I-~LGA Miss Renegades 1993
SADIE BROOKSMiss Silver Star 1994
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. - ~ ~::5-~. 7 30 9:~00-p:m::~- ~ ~"-~ ~-gb~a~~te~L"O~n~ ~f~a~’~ ~= ’~~= .....
. -. .
$8 per Person
$15 per Couple
includes Show!
&.many tam’e fabulous entertainers.
limited sea~t~8
July Meeting
Racism in :the Gay
¯ .: ~ Community~
"What €olorjs the "GayCommunity?"
a~ Jtily’s fe~a.tuted.~St-sp~aiter; " Alan
Nyitray, iofOklahoma: City;
The July membership meeting of
TOHR will begin wlths~iai time at 6:30
and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday,
July 5 at the HIV/Resource Center,
4154 S. Harvard, Suite.Hol, lower level.
-A lesbian and gay fights activisl, Nyitray
has offered his expertise and talents
to Oklahomans, from human rights organizing,
to lobbying the OklahOma state
legislature, to speaking out for
marginalized people.
743-4 2A9¥7S
Membership Application
s~u, z~
17 Yes I want to be a contributing member of
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights.
Please accept payment as described below:
[] $10 Limited Income/Student Memberslup
17 $20 Regular Membership
[] $35 Organizatiox~l/Household Membersltip
r7 $100 Sustaining Membership
Phone (optional)
[] I am cur~ly/eceivh~ TOI-I~ mailings
mad the Tulsa Family News
n I am not on the mailing list
17 I WOuld like to vohmteer heJp with: Mem bers’ Representatives
17 LesbimVGay/Bisexual HelpLine
[] I-{IV Counselor
I-I Executive Board Member
[] Event Plannmg and Party Preparahons
[] Monthly Meeting Support
Kelly Kirby .................................. Premdent
Ric Kirby ......................... 1st Vice Premdent
Kathleen Golden ............ 2nd \-’ice President
Robert Crow .................................. Secretary."
Don .............. -. ................................. Treasurer
Owen .......................... HelpLme Coordinator
Make check payable to Tldsa Oklahomar~ for ............................................. Reporter Edilor
Human Rights. Donations contributed to TOI-~ .................................. Activities Coordinator
over set membership fees are Tc~x" Deductible. . ............................ Fundraising Coordinator
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Rnger Stick Method
By and [or but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Every ThurSday Evening
7-8:30 p.m.
4154 S. Harvard
Suite H- 1
Tldsa: Fanlily "News. J1me-Ju{Fl1994. page 3
News:Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Students Fight the Right
student civil rights activism in
the South during the 1960s, dozens
of gay; lesbian, bisexual and
transgeader students from the
University of Minnesota will be
departingby bus from Minneapolis
July 10 f,o,r what organizers
are calling ’Missouri Summer’
947~TI~ sthd"ent campaign
will work in a~ 8-week grassroots
campaign With the Missouri-
based :group -Show -Me
Equality :to ~gh~.a proposed
statewide anti-gayballot measure.
Formoreinformation about
the student grojeet contact Gary
Schiff, c00r~liffator, MISSOURI
SUMMER’.94 at. (612) 724-
5942, by writing to MISSOURI
SUMM~.~94, 1i5 E. 34th St.
Miuneapolis..~ MN 55408, or
scbif003 @maroon.tc.nmn_edu
Anti-Gay .Ballot to. Fail?
BOISE, Idaho- With less than 3
months until a July 8 filing deadline,
the Idaho Citizens Alliance
says it had gathered just over a
third ofthe signafures needed to
put a proposed anti-gay ballot
initiative on the ballot this November,
according to the Idaho
Statesman newspaper. Opponents
of the proposed measure
were hopeful about ICA’ s difficulties
in getting the required
number of signatures, but were
not yet celebrating. "Itjust goes
to Show that Idaho is not the
pushover state that they thought
it was," said Brian Bergqnist,
co-chairman of the Don’t Sign
On Committee.
No Bias in Health Reform
WASHINGTON - According
to a poll released bythe Human
Rights CampaignFund,-67% of
Americans favor anti-bias proteetions
including gays
andldsbian~ as part 6f~dfi6aal
health-care reform efforts, while
only 24% opposed such civil
rights protections. HRCF, a gay
rights advocacy groupbased
inWashington, is lobbying Congress
to include anti-bias language
in various health care
proposals currently being considered
by the legislature.
10,000 Athletes
NEW YORK - At least 10,000
athletes from around the world
have registered for the June 18-
25 Gay Games IV, organizers of
the cultural and athletic celebration
have announced. Gay
Games officials said they expect
more than a million visitors in
the city from 42 different countries,
including Indonesia, Bulgaria,
Zimbabwe, and New
Zealand. They also confirmed
that theU.S. Justice Dept. has
waived a ban that bars foreigners
With HIV and AIDS from
entering the country.
Fundie Candidates Lose
Pat Robertson-backed slate of 5
fundamentalists vying for seats
on the televangelist’S own
hometown of Virginia Beach,
Va., were all rejected by Voters
Tuesday, May 3. ~ Edward
Kreyfin~ Jr., one of the defeated
fundamentalist candidates, said
¯ ilie ~featbf-~e slht~~~iil~d
by talk ’~thdtwe w~ia ri~litwing
takeover" group.
Austin Repeals Benefits
AUSTIN, Tex. - By almb~tla 2~
1 margin, voters in the Texas
state capital dealtasurprisebodyblow
to gay rights in one of the
few cities in the state that likes to
pride itself on its progressive
politics by repealing Austin’s
workers. With a!L _o,f~e ~recincts
reporting, thenbn~0fficial
count was 51,475, or 62%; in
favor of Proposition 22, and
31,082, or 38%, against. Although
the group backing the
successful repeal measure, Concorned
Texans, had couched
much of its campaigning to
overturn the city-approved partners
benefits in economic terms,
the organization also made it
clear that it considered the recognition
of same-sex partnerships
a"perversion of traditional
family values." Charles Bullock,
pastor of the Christ Memorial
Baptist Church and
the head of Concerned Texans,
said the vote in the usually liberal
Austin showed a dear majority
with conservative moral
values,, even if they do not always
¯¯out at decti0ns. The
resultsof the election stunned
¯ ¢die~city’~’s’ |esbian/gay~commu-
" ~ifity,~many:of’whom said ihey
felt let down by Austin’ s usually
tolerant residents.
Colorado& Amendm’t 2
I~E~VE~~The ~10rado attorney
general’ s office has applied
to the state Supreme Coqrt asking
it to restore the anti-gay
Amendment 2 to the books. The
appeal, which is expected to be
heard by the court later this year,
c~aim’~ ~e,voter-approved mea-
. sure would.have protected the
legal rights of citizens, including
landlords and employers,
wi~h "deep-seated and profound
religious objections to homosexuality"
byrepealinglocal civil
rights measures throughout
Canadian Partners
TORONTO ’- The Canadian
government says it will go ahead
with legislation requiring employers
to pay benefits to samesex
couples. Attorney General
Marion Boyd said the goyernment
will introduce the legislation
shortly in an effort to make
certain that same-sex couples get
thesame fights as married heterosexuals.
If the proposed legislation
is enacted, companies
would be required to pay~amily
benefits to the’ Same-sex partners
of ~mployees, and the def’mition
of"spousev would be modified
~in’softie 80 p~dee~of ~Xisting
legislation t0 bring it in line with
the changes. Although exact details
were not made available,
the proposed legislation and its
relaied changes would mean that
same-sex couples would be able
tojointly adoptchildren. Passage
of the legislation will hinge on
approval in the legislature.
NYC Councilman to Run
for Congress
York’s first openly gay city
councilman, has announced that
hey s throwing his .hat inthe race
to.represent part of Manhattan’ s
West Side 8th Congressional
district in the U.S. House of
Representatives. Dtmne, 39, announced
during his 1991 bid for
a seat on theCity Council that he
is HIV:positive. He will face
¯ All Breeds Dog Grooming
¯ llth & Mingo, 838-7626
¯ Open Tuesday - Saturday at 8am.
¯ Call for Appointments
¯ Walk-ins Also Welcome¯
* Fine Jewelry
¯° Watch & Jewelry Repair
4649 South Peoria, 743-5272
DartTournament, Tuesdays, 9 pm . Comer of 48th & Peoria
2630 East lSth Pool Tournament, Fridays, 7:30 * 9:30 - 5:00 Monday-Friday
749-1563 EVery~Friday at 10:30, SHOW! ~ * ~ Shop Wh App More Parking at Massad’s ¯ ere You Are reciated!
Lesbians & Gays
face many special
taX situations, whether
~ single or as couples.
We are proud to serve
our communities with
sensitive &
timely information.
POB 14011
Tulsa 74159
Tulsa Family News, June-July 1994, page
Floral Design Studioa
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News ¯Briefs News,Briefs .News Briefs News Briefs-News Briefs News B.riefs News
Democratic incumbent Rep. n/an state laws that bar male on Monday, May 23, that it has days before the ceremony, a letterofpr0testovertheincidenL
Jerrold Nadler.
Oregon: 4 Loeses, 1 Win
PORTLAND, Ore. - In the
Tuesday, May 17, statewide
elecfions.,voters in 4 Oregon
towns ~ Roscburg, Cottage
Grove, Veneta and Oakridge -
approved, anti-gay rights .n~ea~
s~es; althOugh~0iz¢dthemcan
go intocffeci because of a1993
¯ Oregon law barring such local
~, me~es,.An~m!~gay,m~ure.
in:.the Portland. subuib of C~ham als.o.~won a maj0xlty~of
votes,but did notpass because it
did not receive, the 60% voter
margin required to amend the
-city charter. Some 24 ¢ommuni,
ties in Oregon have SO far approved
anti-gay ballotmeasures,
and the anti-gay Oregon Citizeus
Alliance is planning to put
¯ its 2ndstatewide measure before
Oregonvoters this November. A
similar 1992 effortwas narrowly
rejected by the state,s voters.
Bermuda Sodomy Law
BEtLMUDA - The~i Bermuda
House of Assembly has voted
22-16 to. legalize homosexual
relations between men after a
tense and oftenbitter debate. The
proposed legislation must still
be approved by the British
colony’s senate: PremierSirJohn
Swan opposes the legalization
efforts. ~ " ~ ~.
~Aussies .Fight forRights
’ eral gove~ent is,[aunc~izg
legal moves .tO nullify Tasmahomosexual
acts following failure.
of state and federal officials
to reach any compromise. The
UN Human Rights CommiRee
. earlier this~ year declared
Tasmania’s male;male sedomy
statutea conmavention of internati0nal-
human rights accords.
.i_ A~s_trali.an~ Attorney General
- Michael Lavarch said he would
~recommend that the federal
~. governmenttak,e steps to assure~
-. that-~ Tasmania~:s.,homosexuals.
enjoy the~ii~e rights :as other
citizen..Gay .activists, who:
¯ s~~eWl~lsofthiscomplex
fight: bgtw~i the.:fe~der~ and
T~angovernments bySuccessfulty
~g-thelr Caseuf
human rights violations to the
UN,-Said theyh~ot~xttoice s0me
sort ofiegal reforms by-the end
- Gay RightsLaw. Sort
-. of -.,in. N.C. City.
ASHEViLLE, H.C:~ Aresolution
be~fore the .Asheville City
Council- ban’ing anti-gayempl0yment
=ind h6using discriminaottieo-
"sexual orientation" was replaced
with~ the vague "or any
~therreason~’ ~. thg list of prOtected
classes. Far right, anti:gay
fundamentalists hadobjected to
including sexual orientation in
the legislation: .i " " "
petitioned to Queen Elizabeth II
for a royal pardonfor gay playwright
Oscar Wilde as a fitting
commemoration of his conviction
on "~uggery" (or sodomy)
charges nextyear.Apresstel~e~s.,e
from the group said Wilde s
. "imprisonment is astain on the
-judi~al. :s~y~t~m...~Th.e-very least ~
~oc~t~i~n d6i~ ~icl~iov~!edge
--the wrong done.to Wilde an,d,
grant him; a royal pardon?-..
-~ Buckingham Palac~~ did!i ~ngt
- CiVilian-ACcu~Navy.-
.-LOS ANGF_~F_~ .-~.
¯ S~v~ a foyer Mari.e¢~rps
sergemlt and: 12:year:.civilian
employee with the Strike~Systemi~~
". Naval!firWeapons station;- has
reacheda settlement~in his’ federal’c6mplaintwith
the Equal
Employinent-. Opportunity
cO-~m~ssion, c~ar~ii~g ~th~
- was harassed and discriminated
against by the.Navy because of
~his sexual orientation. As part of
-the settlement, however; Swarm
will keep hiscivil service rank
and transfer to the base’s
comptroller’s office.as a management
Gavs-& the Holocaust
JERUSALEM - Conservative
Jewish demonstrators scuffled
with gay rights activists, at the
Holocaust ~demorial .in Israel
group of 19 rabbis took out anad
in the Jerusalem Post denounc-
-ing the ceremony as "an abomination"
and threatening a boycoRof
the Holocaust Mem6rial
ifthe ceremony wentaheac~ One
protester shouted . "You are full
of shit and AIDS, at a gayrights
.hCfi~ist,~-No s.e~ous incidents
wererepoff~dandrio arrests were
: _Lesbian Book Rev|ew
¯ ~ALTADENA~ Calif..~ The~-~
bian~Revi~w:~0f:-B0oks will -la~ch¯pubu~ati0n ~s AUguSt,
:o f~atuiing reviews of~o~, by,
¯ about and -directed,t6 lesbian
readers. The review will also
:~ feature essays about :authors,
fiterary~issues:and related topical
m~tters in a wide range, of
works, from histo~ and literature
tosCiencefictionand erotica.
The, quarterly review is available
at a subscription price of
$I0 for 1 yeafor $18 foi 2 yeats
at:, Lesbian Review 6f Books,
PO Box 6369, Altadena CA
91003 (for a sample copy of the
first issue, send $2.50 to that
Conoentration Camps
ROME - Gay rights activists in
Italy called for an international
boycott of the country after remarks.
by a neo-fascist r.nning
fora seat in the European Parliament
Franco Grillini,-head of the Italian
group Axcigay, urged "forcigagovernments
until wehave assurances that the
presence of fascists, in governinent
woii’i-iaffect ite-;bcratic
rights.,~ In Bonn_. the Society for
the Threatened People said it
had called ~e vigil outside the
Italian ¢mbassy~use Of Concern
for the rightS of minorities
Friday 1;o Sunday, July 15’17
. on t,heOU Gampus,-Norm.an. Oklahoma " "
yoU’re a part-of Oklahorna l
.fi $t st t .wide’ .gathering of
:Gay, Lesbian, Bisexualand
Transgendered people!
R0. [50X 61305 . OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA ¯ 73146
Tulsa Family News, June:July 2994, p~age 5
News Briefs News
continuedfrom page 5
page ruling. "Prejudice, whether
founded on unsubstantiated
fears, cultural myths, Stereotypes
or erroneous assumptions cannot
be the basis for a discriminatory
classification," JudgeZilly ruled.
Cam~ermeyer, a 27-year.veteran
and Army nurse who was
awarded the Bronze Star for her
14-month tour of duty in Vietnam,
was thrilled at the ruling.
Partners Bill Fails in CA
SAC~MENTO; Calif: =-The
day after.the California Assembly
passed a statewide domestic
parmers registration measure by
the narrowest of. margins, the
proposed bill failed to pass the
state Senate by 2 votes - althoughit
s611lmsa secondchance
at passage in the upper house.
The limited partners bill would
extend to registered couples -
heterosexual or homosexual -
Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
such legal benefits as hospital
visitation rights; serving as a
conservator for their partner, and
willing property as married
couples do. The legislation,
authored by Assemblyman Richard
Katz, was approved by the
state Assembly on May 31 by a
41-26 vote - the bare minimum
needed for approval in the lower
chamber. But the next day, the
Senate compamon measure,
sponsoredby Sen. Gary Hart (D-
~anta Barbara), gam~red.only
19 votes for passage with 16
against. A21-vote majority is
required in the upper chamber to
pass such legislation. Because
of the bill’s passage in the AS-
. sembly, along with the close
Senate vote, Hart asked for and
was given permission to put the
measure forward on the Senate
agenda during a future session.
Church~of Greater Tulsa
Where God Uplifts All People
Sunday service, 10:45 am
Home Cell~Groups,
2nd& 4th Sundays, 6:00 pm
(918) 838-1715
SF Partners’ Tax, Break
couples here took.another incremental
step toward equal-recognition
of their domestic parmerships
with an exemption from
the ~ity’s real estate transfer taxes
if they dissolve, their relationship
- an exemption married
couples enjoy under state law.
The exemption measure, unanimously
approved by the Board
of Supervisors on Tuesday€May ¯
31, is themostrecent legal effort
here to .extend benefits to gay
and lesbian couples already enjoyed
by married conples:
"We’re endeavoring to chip.away
at the issue of lesbian and gay
equity in society," said Supervisor
Carole Migden, author of the
measure. "Lesbians and gays live
here in great numbers, the majority
of whom are hard-work-
J.D. Jamett
ing, taxpaying citizens who
should be entitled to the same
rights awarded to others."
Boy Scout Ban Review
SACRAMENTO~ Calif: - The
state Supreme Court has agreed
~dreview conflicting lower court
ings about whether the Boy
Scouts of America policy, of excluding
gays and atheists vio=
-lates ~S~’e anfi-discrimiiiation
statutes. The high court .-anntua~
d:it wilIe~xi~ the ii~-
peals Of two separate eases involving
the. youth group, both of
which concern wl~ether the Boy
Scouts are a ’~business establishmeni"’
aS defined by
Califomia~s sweeping Unrnh
Civil Rights Act. Early last year
a state Court of Appeal in Santa
Aimruledthat the OrangeCounty
Council of the Boy Scouts isin
fact a business as defined by the
Unnth ACt and cannot exclude
youngsters from membership
because.of their religious beliefs
_and refusal .to swear an oath to
God. Just weeks later, however,
a state appeals court in Lo~ Angeles.
ruledthat the scouts were
not a~business under the Unruh
Act and that the youth group
could legally exclude gays~ Tl~t
ruling came in the case’of~Tim
Curran, a former Eagle Scout
who filed suit originally in 1980
after he was rejected as a scoutmaster
for a Berkeley troop be-
San Diego Gives Benefits
SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The San
Diego, Calif., city council narrowly
approved a measure extending
health care benefits to
the domestic partners of unmarried
municipal employees. The
council approved the measure
oN a 5~4 vote during a session.
concerned with contracts between
the city and anion workers.
Councilwoman Christine
,Kehoe,. a lesbian who recently
became the council’s firstopenly
gay member and sponsorof the
measure, said, "It’s a fairness is,
sue. What the city has done is
made it - I hope - OK for other
employers in San Diego to say
this is the kind of coverage I
want to offer."
Time Kills Gay Magazine
NEW YORK - Time Inc. has
said abandoned plans to launch
Tribe, a national gay magazine
that would have been the first
such publication started by a
major :-mainstream publisher:
There were reports that Time
had been the object Of intense
letterrwriting campaign by anti~
gay fundamentalists, but executives
with the publishing firm
denied their; decision to drop
plans for the new.magazine were
a result of any outside pressure
and insistedthe Switch in plans
was based entirely on economics..
The Village Voice had, reported,
however, ~at ~ime:~Inc,
Sandra J, Hill, M,S.
Airline/Hotel Reservations Ticket Pick-Up
" ~C~se/Tour Packages Group & Incentive
Programs "No" Service Charge
--- :.:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~"~-r. -. :::::::::: :~ RSVP’s 10th Ai_niversary Cruise on
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~Mexican Riviera, Space going fast.
Oklahoma’s Only LG.T.A. Affiliate
(International Gay Travel Association)
Tul;a Family News, June-July 1994, page 6
-Attorney -atLaw.
Estate Planning
Personal Injury
Criminal Law
Workers Compensation
Initial consultation
at no charge.
Attention All Lesbian & Gay Couples
Protect your relationship!
There are ways .to replicate the legal benefits/
protections of marriage.
For the fee of only $150 each, you can provide for
each other with powers of attorney, living-wills, medicalauthorizations,
testamentaw wills and other
documents if needed with fUll.consultation.
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and-evening appointments are available;
~News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs,News Briefs News Briefs News~Briefs News
had dropped its plans after
Donald Wildmonof the American
Family Assn.had laanched a
campaign .by his group against
the magazine.
Disney World’s Gay Day
ORLANDO, Fla. - Despite .angry
complaints from anti-gay
~uhdamentalists ~and evencon=
spicuous signs saving it wasn’t a
Disney World sponsored event,
"Gay Day at Disney" drew some
20,000 lesbians andgay men to
the popular theme park. A small
gro~ip 0f about 2 dozen protest-=
ers connected with theAmerican
Family Assn. and Operation
Rescue picketed along an entrance
road to the park, but without
much apparent support.
Disney World posted signs outside
the park explaining that
"members of the gay.comn~unity
have chosen to visit the Magic
Kingdom today in their recognition
of Gay and Lesbian Pride
Month" and that Disney "does
notdiscriminate againstdnyone’s
fight to visit the Magic Kingd~
m." / Lesbian and gay Workers
at the park volunteered to serve
as off:duty guides for the thousands
who showed up. The
eventis the 4th such lesbian!gay
trip to .the central Florida park,
but, because of the ~eelebrations
of the 25th annivers~, of.the
Daya~’Disney, ~6t@id~pf~!
Swedish Partners Law
STOCKHOLM -Following a
4-hour debate, the Swedish parliament
(Riksdag) narrowly.
adopted legislation that would
allow-same-sex Couples nearly -
- but not all - the Same bentfits
and responsibilities of marriage.
The bill establishing registered
partnerships in tile e0untry
passed 171-141. The law, which
will go into effect at the begin~
ning of 1995, a!lows same-sex
couples a civil.(but not churdh)
¯ ceremony similar to a wedding;
couples dre ntt allowed to adopt
or have children through artificial
insemination, Denmark and
Norway already have similar
Minneapolis Law Illegal
MINNEAPOLI.S.~ (June 8) --
District Court Judge Deborah
¯ Hedlundhas ruled t~at the Min~
neapolis:eity council overstepped
its authoriU when it enacted a
measure tl~t extends benefits to.
the.partners of lesbian .and. gay
city workers.: Judge Hedlfin-d
¯ declared the parmers Ordinance
illeg.al.and ruled,that the state of
Minnesotahad given cities the
..legal. right to finance employee
benefits~0nly f0rthe spouses mid
dependents ofcity workers. Becaiase
sathe-sex couples-cannot
leg~ly!-marry, thejudge, ruled,-
" ~y eann0t~ome eli~ib!e for -
¯ su~hibenefi.ts~ It Was’not imm¢- ’
~ ~a~i~ ~|~ but~many,.~obse~.
ers expect the city to appeal the
ruling since gays and lesbians
cannot legally marry anywhere
in.the U.S~
Dutch Partners ,Law
cabinet hastabledameasur~ that
couples, extending,to gays andlesbians
whoregistered many of
the same benefits as married het-.
erosexuals,- No e~planation ~was ~
given for .the:action.which is.
believed-tobe only temporary.
Ontario Partners,-Lose
TORONTO ~- The Ontario Parliament
has rejected on a 68-59
vote a. government-sp0nsored
measure that-would have-established
a:domestic partner registration
in the province.This
means the measure is dead:in
Ontario for the time being.
AT&T Wants Gays!
CHICAGO - ~T&T, the giant
long-distance cartier, has broken
something of a barrier by-sending
some 70,000 direct-mail
pieces targeting gays, .lesbians
and bisexuals. ~as ~ prosPectiv.e
customers. It is believed to be
thefirst time ~ maj0r U.S. firm
has specifically sought-to target
the country’.s !argelyuntapped
gaycomm~ty in a direct’mail
advertising campaign..o"It.’.s .. a
¯v~ry €o~fitiV~ m~rket,’~ Jo~
Heath, AT&T’S public relations
manager in Chicago, said. :"It" s a
good market Segment. to tar_get..
It includes affluent, highly e~hicated
and brand loyal consumers
with ahigh level of discretionary
income.’.’ quotes
froms~,~eral AT&T customers
and includes excerpts from a
letter’i explaining the corpo-
,Kami =Burns,. LCSW
License~d Clinical Therapist -
SolutiOn~oriented Therapy
I¯nd[viduals,~couples,¯ families, adolescents
Confidential - ethical, reputable
_ : ~ Tulsa, OK
ration’ s pro-gay policies and its
gay-lesbian-biSexual employee
group. Arepiycardis iavender
with a pink triangle. Heath said
the direct mail approach is much
like the targeting of Blacks,
Hispanics, a~d A~ia~s’; or mailing
to people with dertain
lifestyle patterns, Such as travelers,
peoi~lewho Work at home,
coil~ge smdem-s:0r ne~ home
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Beal, MD
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehesive Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many .insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
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call us andwe will apply.
1560 East 21st Street, Suite 210
Monday - Friday, 9:30-4:30 pm
-i~..i: "’Our ClientsAlways,;
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6927 So: cantonAve, -¯¯
General Contractor
interiorlE3cteriorPainting ,
Cabinet Refacing
Countertops . ~
Tulsa Family News,. June-July 1.994, page 7
1~ E N() VATd()N,~
Health Briefs Health Briefs .Health, Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
AIDS Groups Call on
Gebbi6 tO Resign
Assn. Of People with AIDS and
ACT UPhave both called for
Kristine Gebbie, President
Clinton’s.iAIDS policy coordi:
nator;to ~esign. lqAP’~VA’s ex-
¯ecutive direc~r, William Free~
man, said the:organization had
"worked hard" with Gebbie for
OK State Health Dept. Aussies Tout Acyclovir
Seeks Planning Input SYDNEY - High doses of the
The HIV/STD Service of the herpes drug Acyclevir can sig-
Oklahoma State Department of . nificanfly prolong the survival
Health (OSDH) announces the of people with AIDS, according
establishment of a community to a 19~2_. study. "the study has
~tflznningo~,~r°un to,_ ad’Vi~OSDHI: shown, thatAcyclovir. can extend
on funding priorifiesfor HIV .... hfe by .around szx months, a
prevention: OSI-ID~!.00.kstowtxk " significant advantage in this somore
elbsdy with a variety of rions disease," said David Coocommunities
around the state to per, director ofthe National
man’s complaint last year and
concluded he had been wrongfully
dismissed because of his
HIV status. Officials at the university
deny any wrong doing.
FDAOKs New Drug
WASHINGTON - An advisory
committee of the Food and Drug
Administration has recommended
that the government
approve-a new drug to treatHIV,
emergency room in Fremont,
Ohio. But, the suitcharges, when
Dr.Charles Hull, the physician
in charge at the time, discovered
Charon’s AIDS diagnosis, Hull
refused to admit Charon to the
hospital and sent him to another
hospital f~ treatment.
Infections from Vaccine
CHICAGO~ Several volunteers
in a federal governmentstudy to
9 months.bm.o.that"now we be- .workmoreeffeetivel~tocombat. ~,en.m~in_IL/IVEpidemiology..an.d . but with severe warnings that:.,-testexpefimentalAIDSvaceines
lievgshi~’iS’!in0.~ipable of mar= -~:~Accordingto~NYitm~ ii":’ Cl~yal.~l~se~c_h :~t;~e,. Um~ . d,octo~s.stilLdo.9~.tknow.enou.gh (ha.v.ebecome infected with._HIV;
s~the ~_pixnt of the federal i" OSDHGay&.LesbianOutreaCh ~.vers...Ry~I~.ew~oumw_mes..,. ~bou,t,.tge~m~e~_~cme.t.o, saywho, ...imsmg.cog._csms:abo.u.tthesafety
level :NAPWAsaysisnecesimry Coordinator, the~tat.e’s Gay"& mma testa Hertm tot HIV s~omo,ta~e.it. :l~heFDAp..anelof / of sueh,.m,alSi:according to are~
to fight the epidemic. In inter~ .Lesbian.€ommuiiifie~are en;. -:NEWDI~I J-II-Thegovemment- ~,enUsts said .t.t~t Stavudine, o_r :. port~theC~ago Tribune. The
views with‘ several reporters, couraged to participate in this .. Sponsored Indian :Council of 4.T, .p,m~babl.y..has s.om~e~,b~nefit . ya~.c~m..~, Whichare be~.g test~l
GebbieSaid.shehasnointenfion process. : - .._ ~-.. :_ ~’ i Medical Research, In.dia’s top ,overme.~¢xastmgAt~..~arugs, m !~mited clinical trials~at 5
of resigningz~ ’ . . OSDH seeks individuals from " medical agency, says itwill be~ but _c~__utano_t say.precmely who .. universities, do not contain any
PWA’s Raused Ent~ to.. ,thesecommunitiest0se~efot~a, - ginAInS-related clinical trials .would ,be~fit,~owsafe~edmg :~0f~v~’~e.ti.cmat_~erialand
Rao~nti~’Thi~’.l,v|~ oneyear.term. The ~deadlin¢for. involving traditional Indian .is, or .w,nem.e.r.tlxe m.anutactmTer .:can t:.c~=~e m~=:e~_.~tmn..But even.
W’7,,’7;:Y,:,~’~.::’:""".~.. ~ nominations was June 17buthas . herbal remedies said to Stop the ts on me ng.ht track to answer /so,7 ofsome 1;400participants
. ~,la_t~tJlor~ -A ,re~ep.non been extended: indefinitely. Spread of HIV A task force has these and other.questionS. The "- including 2 people who were
neia oy federal AIDS poficy co. Nomination form~ andmorein- selected. 10 l~er~al drugs for drugseemS to helpboost the recei~ng only placebos - have
ordinator Kristine Gebbie to formation can be found at the cfiuical experiments. The drugs immunity ofHIV patients while testedpositiveforHIV.All seven
commemorate Pediatric &Ado- creatingfewer Side effects than positive volunteers had been
lescent AIDS Week and AIDS
Watch -.flopped when 9 invited
I-IIV-positive, homeless guests
and 20 otherinvitedpeople were
denied entrance to the event. The
resulting eommotkra and confusions
pawned accusations of
racism and discrimination
against homeless people, and
many guests who were admitted
to the reception walked out in
protest. The incident-mounted
further criticism of Gebbie, who
activists say has notdoneenough
to fight AIDS.
Triangle Association, 2136 NW
39th,OldahomaCity, or the HIV
Resource Center,. 4154 So:
Harvard, Ste. H-1,Tulsa~ orwrite
HIV/STD Service, Oklahoma.
StateDepartmontofHealth, I000
NE 10th, OKC73117, 40£27!-
4636 or 800=535-AIDS.
Gay & Lesbian Quarterly, a
newsletter for healthcare professionals,
highlighting recent research
of interest of those working
with sexual minorities.
For info: Christopher J.
Alexander, Ph.D, 510-869-4544
were selected from the ancient
Indian school of Ayurvedic
.medicine, which uses herbal and
root-extracts for treatment of
chronic diseases.
University Sued
BUIES CREEK, N.C. -Thefederal
lawsuit against the Baptistrun
Campbell University in an
effort tomake the school rehire a
physical education coach with
AIDS is underway. The "John
Doe" suit was filed after the U.S.
Equal Employment Opporttmity.
Commission investigated the
otherdrags, according to Bristol-
Myers Squibb:
Patient Sues Hospital
TOLEDO, Ohio- Fred Charon,
a 31-year-old man with AIDS
who was denied treatment by~a
hospital emergency room physician,
has sued under the Americans
With Disabilities Act. Attorneys
with ACLU representing
Charon claim in the lawsuit
that he was suffering an allergic
reaction to medication when he
counseled about how to reduce
-the risk of HIV infection, but
researchers have long worried
neously believe that they are
protected and engage in highrisk
behaviors. Scientists say
some new infections were to be
expected during the trials and
that no prospective vaccine
would likely be 100% effective.
went to the M_emorial Hospital ....
7:$0 pm Thursday
¢odepmdmey Support ~roop
Look for o~ at our
5451-E So. Mingo
We’re Orowiag g We’re Movi.g!
¢o.fid al
tuesdays fro~ 6:~0,9:00 pm
at the Family of Fa~ rosario.
~roJeet F.eaoh Out !}
Thursdays from 6%0- 9:00 pm
a~ ~he llth $~reet laoatio.
(~roJeet F,eaeh OH !!)
MCC-1441 Other Time~ by
Demo~ €ontinuedfrom page I "
that’s so, then the laws and rules need to be
changed?’ 3Vhen asked if he would issue
an executive order banning discrimination
basedon sexual orientation for state
Pride Summit
continuedfrompage l
include protection from discrimination
on.the basis of sexual orientation. She is
now leading acampaignto fight the radical
employees,, hel responded by. asking, right’s targeting of the black community
"do~n’tthatfollow fromwhatIjust said?" in anti-gay ballot initiatives.
Bernice Shedriek’s campaign literature Radecic and Carter will.join with Gays
speaks o~ the. great adversity she.has and Lesbians from across the state for
overcome and Jf her doggedness in fo!- .Oklahoma’sfirsts-mmitconference.Early "
lowing what she believes is right. M& .registration for the conference ends June
Shedrick Said she was.nOtaWare of the ~ 27..For more information, ealiHerl~md
" lack oi~ legal protections but said thatshe ~ Sister ReSources.aL(405) 521~9696....
"...wouldlookintoit..,’.TFN did not.have
the opportunity.to~speak_wi~ candidate, .
DannyW.illiams.... ¯ :.~’ :::, J~. :,’-’"
Coy: David WaiterS.made what appeared
to be a surprise visit. As he left the
event, TFN .noted the lack of legal pro,
tections. Tbe governor stated; "I am op,
posed to discrimination based on race,
religion or sexual preference..." When
asked about an executive order, he noted
he had not had-much success in getting
other executive orders obeyed but asked
that his staff be contacted about the issue.
i asked him to
thedisplay. Mr~ Hens!ey said the materi~
aiShad~ff.~di~play sincethe.beginning
0f:J~ine’and liaffTeeeived,Only positi,ke
comments. TFNreaders may direct comments
to Jon Walker at 596-7977.
Also, Asst..Director Richard Parker informed
TFNthat the City-County Library
now would distribd-te copies of Tulsa
Family News m selected locations.°
~ 42- 17 18 19 21!23 25!27 29:
MINI BLINDS _z~ ,~. ~ e ~ 9!2112s!26i2ei30 a2
SAME PRICE! 3[ so" 121~23i24 27 30,32 35 37
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Served with Chelsea’s salad or a cup of soup & cracked wheat bread 6.50
JIMBO’SJAI:~ON COUNTY (:HILl Fresh, spicy & homemade Cup 1.75 Bowl
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¯ .~ . & surrounded wlth fresh season~l vegetables urdquely prepared~ Served with herb butter & sour cream ~.
SHROOM BURGER Topped with sauteed mushrooms, melted.Swiss & Our own tan~. sauce
RI~JBFN CREOLE AunlquelymarinatedNewYorksWiecomedbeefpiledhlghongrtUed Jewish rYe
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.Rich-a,rd ,Reed
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
Serving the. Diverse needs of,the-.
Gay and,Lesbian C.Ommun ty::
Bless The Lord At All Times
2627-B East 11th Street
We would like to invite you to join
- in.our spirit filled services.
A Place where we all come together to worship,
~praise &glorify the name ofJesus
(Because everyone has aright to be blessed.by God!)
Sunday School, 9:45 am, Services at 11:00 am and
our weekly bible study is held each Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
628-0594,.message-phone. Eddie Cook, pastor
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you an arm and a.leg. There, argument settled. The Passport DX ~1~!1~1~Inllr!
don .carlton
3900 S. Memodal * Tulsa, OK 74145
(918) 622~3636
Tulsa Family Ne~s, June,July l~.~, page 9
Greenwood & Archer
Broken Arrow "
CAROSEL 6/16-26
River Park Wdst "
RFfoGAEFEST 6/24~25
American Theatre Co.
Theatre Pops
Theatre Tulsa
Svotli~ht Theatre
596-71 I1
Theatre Notes
by Gerald Miller, Theatre Tulsa
If it is Summer, thenitmustbe
SummerStage time. The KOTV
Spirit of Oklahoma
SummerStage~ Festival ’94 kicks
off this monih. The original idea
for. the: Summer Festival was
developed toprovide live Theatrical
entertainment during the
time.when most area theaters
were notin production. Thatidea
.wilt be translated into nine productions
by eight companies this
For. convenience ..you~may
make reservations for’any of the
productions by calling the Per=
forming Arts Center Box Office
at 596-7111 for res.ervations.
This year the Performing Arts
Trust and KOTV Television are
co-sponsoring the entire Festival
and all of us from the
SummerStage Board ~want to
express our thanks. A-Festival
arrangement like this allows all
the producing companies to really
strut their best efforts. Be
sure to take advantage of wide
range of offerings. After all, how
much time can you really spend
at the lake ?
Theatre Tulsa will be offering
something, very special this
summer during the Festival. The
World Goes ’Round is a Broadway
Musical Revue which pro-
vides 30 of your favorite Broadway
hits in a single evening.
From Cabaret; Chicago; New
York, New York to Kiss of the
Spider Woman and many, many
more shows, you can enjoy a full
evening of the best of Broadway
music inone clever evening. For
continued to mount productions
during the Second World War,
both for civilians and for service
men and women.
Between 1942 and 1943, one
of.our Artistic Managers was
Ward Mendenhall w’ho was
called into service and the last
additional information glvem a twoplays of1943 were directed
call at 58%8402 and ask about .- by Virginia Weaver Russell..
our Group Discounts. So here in.this moment of re-
I want to take: a moment to
reflect on the .other big event
which is occurring as I write.
The D,Day. Invasion was fifty
years ago today. The events of
this ..day 50 years ago have been
the inspiration for some wonderful
dramatic works.
Infact the Theaterhadits’ own
dramatic moment relative to the
war. Tulsa Little Theatre, our
name back then, was one of the
few Community Theaters which
fleetion about sacrifice and service;
I find another tie between
the life of this Theater, this
Commtmity and the wonderful
peoplcwho kept up; not only
their Own spirits, but the spirits
of _the whole community in that
darkest of times. Here’s to Ward
Mendenhall, and .all the other
men and women from Tulsa
Little Theatre who served their
community so honorably at
home and on the battlefield.
Trainino in rappieling/backpacking/.
_m oun?aineering/wil~ernes s treks/
ropes courses
Consulting in experimental wilderness
adventure based programming.
Private & group rates available.
Exclusive "family groups" welcome
Call for information, 918-425-4778.
New Hours: Wed.- Sun. 7-2 Closed Mon. & Tues.
1565 South Sheridan, 834-4234
Tulsa Family News, June-July 1994, page 10
¯ Huge Patio ¯ Coors Pool Tournament
¯ Volley Ball Tuesdays, 8 pm
¯ Horseshoes ¯ Dart Tournament,
¯ Classic Trashy Sunday Saturday, 5 pm
Afternoon Beer Bust & Mondays
2,4 pm $3 After Dart League
¯ Happy Hour, Weekdays 4-7 pm
Male Dancers
Open: Mon-Sa,,, 0am- 2~.m~S~n, Noon - 2am
NEV.. NOW:::
T. H E G
Gay Marriage Video:.
Parmers Task Force for Gay &Lesbian
Couples has announcedit:Will produce a
Videotape to promote legal marriage for "
same-sex cot~ples. The video will make a
point-by-point Case for same-sex mar~
riage largely through intervie.ws of gayand
lesbianinovem~it leaders, legal ex- -
perts; andcouples ~ho are suing for the
right td marry. The Video willhighlight ::
the: many,valuable-benefits
that are :et~ently denied.tO same-sex~,,
Partners is seeking f’mancial support.for
tile projectforproduelionand distn’bution.
Formore info: Partners, Box-9685, Seattle,
WA 98109; (206) 935-1206.
I F -E S T Y L E
TNT’s 7th Anniversary Party
Sunday, July 10th
Dancers, Singers, Comedians
Specials All Night!
2H4 So. Memorial., 660-0856
918,592.7700 -?
Black ~.~ White Charities, It
the continuing traditic
¯ Gilcrease
Come be. a part of two evenings
A Night of Sizzling Sounds, Delicious Dancing, Savy Socializing & Exotic E -~:
Eight o’clocktil Midnight
Tulsa Fairground Pavilion on Expo Square
Black & White Attire: Suggested
Cash Bar on the e~oning of dance.
Appropriate Proof ofAge 21 will be Required forAdmission Ticket Purchase & Information Numbc
Tulsa Family News, June-July 1994, page 11

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1994] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 5, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/467.