[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, December 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?


[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, December 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Oklahoma's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


The Parachute of Oklahoma was a monthly newspaper; the publication that is accessible through the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center starts in 1993 and ends December 1993.

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


The Parachute of Oklahoma




Chuck Breckenridge


December 1993


Wayne D.
Chuck Breckenridge
Tom Neal
Cookie Arbuckle


The Parachute of Oklahoma/Dennis R. Neill Equality Center


The Parachute


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Science of Timeless eauty
Follies Revue, Inc. DistribUtes Funds,#om~,=ge o~z
presentedevent posters to spons~s, who included Miller Brands ofOklahoma andTCI
Cablevision ofTulsa and recognized continued support from the Bravo Network, Joan
and Bob Hunt, USAA Credit Card, the Williams Co.s Fonn_d~_!ion and the Zink
FouDdatioo. Special thankg Went to. the Follies Cabaret cast,.Tulsa~ Ballet Theatre.and
VOCalist Pam .Van Dyke. The Co-4~hai~$ of this. year’s .production, "An Evening-of
Cabaret" were Dr. Eddie and Caroline Abbott-and:Dr. James and Jorja Johnson. The
event involved over- 100 volunteers and nearly 700 patrons participated.
A~istKelly Vandiver created apainting ofLisa Tiger for 1993 poster. It and t!~1992
poster are available.at Frame ofMine in Brookside.-The artist for the 1994 poster will
be nationally known Native American artist, Dana Tiger.
The annual theatrical production was establisheU to raise landsfor local agencies
providing direct services~o Persons Living with AIDS or HIV, and forAIDS education
for the community. ~ ~
Mission Statement of Lesbians & Gays for DC Statehood
We, the lesbian, bisexual and gay community, demand statehood for the District of
Columbiabecanse weare honest, tax-paying andpatriotic citizens andas such.are being
denied the very i~alienable freed~ns, privileges and. hnman rights that our fellow
Americanst_a_k_eforgranted. Amongthosefreedomsandprivileges deniedtous isafullyrecognized
and empowered voting representative in the United StatesCongress- the
equivalent of taxation without representation.
_We seek to educate, organiTe, mobilize and represent the lesbigay community in the
straggle forequal h|nnan rights in the qnestfor statehood. We further seek to ed.ucate
the,tatehood movement and the general public about the b,man rights straggles of the
lesbigay community.
As citizens of New Columbia we .would not be Subjects of an unrepresentative,
tmsympathetic, and dictatorial government, but citizens of an accountable, representative
and loyal government.Why should the lesbigay community care aboutstatehood7
Domestic Partnership, Non-discrimlnation poficy in employmenL pubfic services,
housing andassistance, Adoption, Marriage, Health Care, Sodomy Reform, Censorship.
Three voting members of Congress to vote for yonon issues concerning:
-the military ban on gay, lesbian and bisexual persons
-the Fedend Lesbigay Ci~ Rights bin
-national health care reform
-National Commi~ion on Gay a~d Lesbian Youth
¯Why statehood?
Of 155 nations in the world with elected national legislatures, theUS stands alone in
denying residents ofits capital representation. The average tax billofeachDCresident
exceededthatoftheresidentsof46states, taxationwithontrepresentation.TheDistrict’s
population exceeds thaiof3 states- Alaska, Wyoming and Vermont. MoreDCresidents
have died in wars protecting America’s:freedom than 20 states.
Estate Planning
Personal Injury
Criminal Law "
.Bankruptcy .
. . Workers Compensat,on
1. 800 742-9468 or 91.8-352-9504
128 East.Broadway, Drumnght, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available~
Know Your
THE PARACHUTE December 1993, OK-2
70 Protest for DC
State - 24 Arrested
Hovem~19, 1993- Washington, DC
Over 70. people marched from the
Mayor’s Office to Capitol Hill in the last
p.La)m~ed publicdemonstration bef.ore the
vote on HR51, Delegate Eleanor H01mes
Norton’s (D-DC) bill to create the slate of
New Columbia, this weekend.
The Lesbigay community was represented
with over 50 rainbow~pride flags
being prominently displayed by gay, lesbian
and bisexual people as well as their
supporters. Barbara Helmick, co-~halr of
theLesbigay ActionTaskForceaddressed
the crowd, "We’re here to educate the
people in the movement, in New Colum:
bia, the Congress and the nafiofi on issues
of hmn~n fights, democracy a~d participative
government." George Neighbors,
Jr., another of the co-ch~irS said, "We~
here today as part ofyourmovement. We
areheretounite, notdivide. Let’scontinue
to w~ together down the. long mad to
At the steps of the Longworth House
Building, 24 people were arrested in pro-
. test to lack of representation. Of the 24,
three were with the Task Force: Tony
Smnmers of the DC Coalition of Black
Lesbians, Bisexunls and Gays, Karen
Annagost, former president of the DC
Gertrude Stein Club, and co-chalr of the
Lesbigay Action Task Force, George
Neighbors, Jr. They were held for over 5
hours and released with an arraignment
date of December 1, 1993. A trial is
expected February 22,-1993 with over
Chuck Breckefidge
Assistant Publisher
Wayne D.
Oklahoma Editors/Writers
Chuck Breckenridge
Tom Neal
Cookie At’buckle
Chuck Breckenridge
Tom Neal
Graphic Design
Tom Neal
Issued on the 1st of each month, the entire
contem of this publication are p~etected by
US €opyright 1993 by the Parachute and may
not be ~elxoduced eithex in whole o~ in part
without written pezmission hom the pubSshe~.
Publication o~ a name ~photo in no way
indicates ~reflects that pe~on’s sexual
(~a~a~p~ada~ i~ a~amn~dmbe f~
The Para~ho~ldahoma i~ a n~w.~ and ~wnt~
~stateh~ arrests putting the government
on ~. ~e related mat’l, left.
Certified Public Accountant
9933 East 16th, Suite 104
Tulsa 741~ -
91~93~, OKC ~5-942-1~2
1635. E. 15TH ST.
TULSA, OK 74120
¯. Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian & Gay l
Communities with Pride
Look for our Rainbow Flag
Perms-Cuts Color - Nailsl
,. Beauty One ,.
I Shawn Bayliss 3200 S. Riverside in:
1 Full Service Stylist Place One Apartments I
, ... the NEW place to
iparty in Tulsa~ "
Alley Enfrancc fo
21 to enter ::!ii::iiiiiii!!i!! -
3 3-!.O S. Peoria
MTV’s hip documentary series Real
World II tracks the lives of several young
adults living together in LosAngeles.The
format is a combination of cinema verite
intercut with talkingheadcommentary.In
the September 10 episode, a new roommate,
Beth Stolarczyk, arrives on the
scene. Wearing an ’Tin not gay but my
.girlfriend is" t-shirt, Beth is defmitely an
out lesbian. Reactions from others in the
household demonstrated their own
prejudices and curiousities; providing a
clear comparison to the intelligent and
upfront Beth.
The October’7 episode featured the
roommates playing a get-to-know-yon
game where each answered questions
about themselves.Beth Was eloquent in
pointing out that questions to her were
abouthersexnallty onlyandthatwasonly
a part of who she was. This was a very
positive presentation(
Your commentsto MTV about "
inclusion ofgaysandl~biansin the
world~ cen. be directed_ to: Office of :the
Broadway+ New York !~, ..
MTV.,. Cowboys.
14m.~ offand m=,k. you ttilvrrv,s "pree
Your Mind" seriesf6r!their positive, im~
community~One ~parficul~ service
aunoucement dep’mts two ,~0" gun,
figh~ donning~ .tl~..typical attire (~g;;
hats~ts, dasters,e~!)~e~ho~sun
(a la.,rligh
hands. They begin to dance; a little two
step of sorts.A moment or two later they
separate and walk off into the sunset. An
on-screen message then reads, "Would
you rather they killed each. other?" Very.
we!l done, with beautiful production values.
And, most importantly, very positive
gay representation. ¯
Never at aloss to distort,lmisrepresent
and outfight lie to raise more money off
the imzges ofgaysandlesbians,CAN, the
Christian AetionNetwork- abeterosexual
supremacist group - has been sending
"clips of pornographic films~ to politicians
in Washington, D~C, including
President Clin_ton. A 15 minute video,
which CAN mlgrepresents as having the
est, VA 24551.
Quotable Quote...
FromJaneAlexanderuponbeing sworn
in as the new Chair of the NEA; "If I can
accomplishany~hingaschairman, itwould
be to release the imagination and creative
spirit that I feel is alive in all people ofall
ages in this ’vast and wonderful county of
ours," ¯
Wright Veering Right? -
NBC President Robert Wright has
named Roger Aries, media advisor to
former Presidents Nixon,:Reagan and
Bush and the executive producer of"The
Rush Limbangh Show," as the president
of CNBC, the cable ~k ishow and busi-
"stamp of approval".of the,National En- uessuewsuetwork. SaidWright, ,(Roger
dowmentoftheArts (NEA), is composed Aries is a) one of a kind in the television
of excerpts from fllm.~ shown at the 1991 business. He represents a unique €ombi-
PimburghIntern~_aonalGay and. Lesbian nation of promoter, entrepreneur and,
Film Festival. The CAN excerpts depic.t+ above all, a highly talented television
.founder ofNew York’s Gay Men’s Health
Crisis and ACT UP, is interviewed by
¯ David Nimmons in Playboy Magazine’s
September issue. Blunt as ever, Kramer
compares the Reagan and Bush inaction
" on AIDS t9 I-lifter’s acts against the Jews;
wonders whether Clinton may be one of
our worst Presidents; targets the Center
for Disease Control and the National Institutes
of Health as wasteful and destructive
and criticizes ACT UP for its
bureaucracy problems.
And he wants more from the gay community,
e~lling it "meek, recalcitrant and
useless in the battle againstA1DS. "When
Nimmons says, "We know more about
H1Vthanwehaveever 0mown)," Kramer
responds, "Bo!!~hiL..Ifweknew somuch
we’d have a cure by now+"Kramer de,
~ scribes a "Manhattan Project" as the way
to an AIDS cure and says t_b+t_ letters to
congress, the Presidentandnewspapers is
producer." Ailes will also lake charge of wex " "
AmericaTalking, aNBCcable channel Whether thig lenethv.interview br~__Ir$.
.In ~.America of Ib,.. ’90s..:.those ap,.: : the dynamics between Kramer. and pointed tO~apee,antmediaposmonsneed l~m,~ons.are sometimes:€ontentiom’
to reflect an ability to understand the Pla be ~es credit for not onlY
miutinm this in~iew but for atlowinx
.present conuections~to the right wing. : Hisd :-~iionofWhatitwaslike~-
Sha¯ re your concerns w~th"M,r- Wright out,he is HIV-poSitive may be the mint
by writing: Robert ,Wright, president, meaningful cbnfrontation withthereality
NBC, 30 Rockefeller P~; New York¯ of HIV Playboy readers have everhad,,
10021; CNBC,, 3000 W~ Alameda Av, To encourage more in-depth coverage
enue~ Burl~nk~ CA 91523. ofsuch
lOc, gold on black
gay (g~)a.dj. f~k, j0Y0U~,fme,
brilliant, merry,’lighthe~rted
Want to stay that way...?
Fight back- COME 0UT!
10d, black on pink
lOe, black ~n fuschia
lOf,blackon white
10g: black on grey
white;-pink.~ red on black
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Out of the Closet, Inc.
Suite 199, 1611 So. Utica
Tulsa, OK 74104
918-749-2033, FAX 749-5992
News Briefs
by Al Kielwasser
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation
Fresh Prince, Stale Phobia
A feature story in the Fail ’93 issue of
Tell, a new teen magazine, profiles actor/
rapperWill Smith Coestknown forhis title
role in the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince
of Bel Air). Feature writer Karen
Catchpole describes Smith’s "commitment
to growing as an actor," explaining
thathejust hiredhis first acting coach and
"istaking his bestshot atbecoming abone
fidemovie star" by playing the lead in the
upcoming fdm version of Six Degrees of
However, the "actor" shows few signs
of growth when it comes to homophobia..
Smith’s character in Six Degrees ofSeparation
is gay. When he accepted the role,
Smith knew that the script called for an
on-screen kiss with another man. However,
when the time came to shoot the
scene, Smith refused. "I just couldn’t do
it," Smith said. "I mean, I’m an actor. I
can sit there with a greasy smile on my
face and act like I kissed a man. But it’s
different when you actually, physicaily,
kiss a man. It wouldn’t have been acting.
It would have been real. I have kissed
girls on-screen. I could work that out.
The difference is how people perceive it.
If I’d kissed a guy and then went home,
they’d be like, ’Yo, man. Why’d you do
that?’ And I’d be like, ’You know, Man.
I’m an actor. I was acting.’ Andthey’dbe
like :Yo, man. You kissed a dude.
Something’s wrong with you, man.’ Ijust
didn’t want to hear that."
Let’s just ignore (for now) why Smith
is so worried that if he "actuaily, physically,
kissed a man," he would not have
been acting but that "it would have been
real." Perhaps be’sjust suffering from the
common hetero-anxiety that straightmen
can become gay men just by touching or
kissing another guy in "that way." Perhaps
not. In any case, Smith’s attitude
demonswates a remarkable lack of semi,
tivity. For Smith, apparently, acting is not
a means for expanding awareness but
reinforcing ignorance.
Write to Will Smith, Fresh Prince of
Bel Airc/oNBCTV, 3000WestAlameda
Ave., Burbank, CA 91505.
Other Mothers
The CBS School break Special, broadcast
on the afternoon of October 15, depicted
the travails of a high school freshman
who weathers homophobic ostracism
when his peers discover that he has
two lesbian mothers. Other Mothers, directed
by Lee Shallof and produced by
Joseph Stem, depicts a happy home life
for teenager Will Jergenson (William
Cassidy) and his "other mother" Paula
(Meredith Baxter).
In a "ReadMore AboutIt" postscript to
theprogram, actressMeredith Baxter says:
Fine Jewelry, as well as Jewelry & Watch Repair
4649 South Peoria, Tulsa, Corner o_f48th & Peoria
918-743-5272, 9:30 - 5:00 Monday-Friday
9:30 - 5:00 Saturdays, Nov. 20 - December 24th
Shop Where You are Appreciated!
Adult Merchandise Gag Gifts-
Novelties + T-Shirts + Cards
1519 East 15th Street, Tulsa 584-7486
10-6 Monday-Saturday, Closed Sunday
VisalMC accepted. Under New Management.
Open House, Dec. 4, 12-6
Register for $25 Gift Certificate Drawing

THE PARACHUTE December 1993, OK-6
"To learn more about the changing roles
in our parenting society, the Library of
Congress recommends these books: Diversity
in American Families, by Maxine
Baca Zinn and D. Stanley Eitzen, and
Rethinking the Family, edited by Barrie
Thome and Marilyn Yaiom.
Advertisers on this aff’n’ming program
were: Multigrain Cheerios (General
Mills), Jell-O Actifed Sinus medicine,
Cortisone-10, Campbelrs-soup, Sears,
Alrwick, PurinaCatChow,YubanCoffee,
Aquafresh toothpaste, Efidac 24,
Fleishmann’s Egg Beaters, Lever 2000
soap, Mrs. Dash spices, JC Penny, 1-800-
DENTIST (a registered service mark of
Applied Anagmmics, Inc.), Post Raisin
Bran, Muggies diapers, M&M’s, V-8
juice, Prego spaghetti sauce, Preparation
H, Hershey’s Hugs, and Rolaids.
Comments should be sent to Jeff
Sagansky, President, CBS Entertainment,
7800 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
To Boldly Go Where
No Queer
Has Gone. Before
Shortly before Gene Roddenberry’s
death, he met with members of The USS
Lambda, a lesbian and gay Star Trek fan
club in Los Angeles. At this meeting,
Roddenberry stated that, since there was
virtuallynoracism in his 24th centuryTV
world, he doubted that there would, be
any homophobia either. He agreed to
include openly (and umnistakenly) gay
and lesbian main characters on Star Trek:
TheNextGeneration as well as other Trek
spin-offs. After Roddenberry’s death, his
succes~rs promised to follow his wishes
and develop lesbian, gay and bisexual
Star Trek: The Next Generation is now
in its f’mai season and we have yet to see
any openly queer figures on the show.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has begun its
second season; though there are representatives
of widely diverse cultures--from
shape shifters to Ferengi--there seems to
be no room. for lesbian or gay characters
on the Bajoran space station. Isn’t it about
time that Star Trek really went where no
one has gone before?
Write Rick Berman andMic.h~_el Piller,
Executive Producers, Star Trek TNG &
DS9, Paramount Domestic Television,
5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Fresh Bouquets
Blooming Plants
Green Plants-
& More
Delivery A vai/able
3115 South Harvard, 742-1234
M-F 9-6, Sat.’9-7, Sun. 12-5
The Parachute Page 8-B
is skyrocketing. Unlike the West welcome all people regardless of
Coast, ~Tblsa Organizations have for- theirHIV status,-age, ra~e, religious
gotten that the main goal is TO " beliefs, forsexual .exwession. BE=-
YOUTH AND PROVIDE SERVICES ~ thinking and living with HIV....not
FECTED. WII~H AIDS~.HIV./ ~ " ~ For meeting .times and location
if there are .two ortwo hundred. "
different services or Support groups
everyone should .work together to
bring this disease under control! I
am embarrassedand appalled by the
amou~nt of infighting, backstabbing
and the directors of these organizations
thinking Tulsa ..is their.own..
They know wing they are and-this iS
my message: Get. :over =your seif
righteousness and supl:xxt anyone
and everyone who is making an ef-
-fort t6 heipand support Tuls~ns With
HIV-AIDS. Shame, shame, shame.
Get with the program! ,
P.S. It is important that this be
pdnted because I am a client ofthese
¯ Organizations. Being HW-ARC, Istili
findthe time and energy to give to
~ everyone no matter who they.are or
please call ProjectReach Out at
(918) 298-4622 or (918) 451-0219.
We look fonNard to headng from you.
:=~"~sUCCESS i. "
A fund raiser, ’~ The Bonep0inter Sis-.
ters & FriendS, Safari S~ Good"; h~ld
.October 29that the Bunkhouse wasa
great success raising over five hundred
dollars for. R.A.I.N.~and the ,Winds
House.i Also over eleven boxes of food
was collected atthe door for the Light.~
houseM.C.C, food pantw.
A large.crowd showed up for the benefit,
despiti~ the.snow and cold weather
and enjoyed a fun evening of camp,drag
and Coma[ade~y._ Manylof the performers
were new t0the scene having never
: Facelift.Massage Arrives" in
until recently, Belavi was available
only in well known facial message
salons in Hollywood and Bevedy
Hills. All McGraw, U~dsay Wagner,
Jodie Foster, Robert Wagner, Barbara
Streisand, and many others
have sought this rejuventing therapy
for their stressed and aging skin.
Belavi Facelift Massage Therapy is
now available for the first time in
Oklahoma. This hands-on approach
often stpes, all of wich contribute to
yothful, healther skin. The process
uses soothingly warm towi_s through.
out the ten steps.
Stephen Scott, Oklahomas only Certiffed
Belavi Specialist welcome you
to try the system fo~ yourself, orgive
a Figt Certifmated to someone you
love for a more youthful, radiant appearance.
Fo.r addisional information
including a fee video otto schedule
an appointment call (405) 525-
8689 in Metro Oklahoma or (800)
546-8689 Nationwide.
for Januarysubmissions
and advertisemenl
.December 16th
what their problem is. There are . appeared On any stage.. The eveningenough
people ~t~ givep~perser-. ¯ :.also included a costume conte~t and
. vices, and anyone~should~be wel, " . raffle ofsome wonderfuldonated items~
come to join the fight against AIDS!
Ifwe don’t.join togetherwe will all be
Impress yourpartner.
Use a condom.
The Queer Consortium, a collective of
Oklahoma queer a~sts, announces its
second art exhibit titled, "Queers Unbound:
Celebrating Our Culture." The
exhibition will be held at the Tdangle Association,
2136 N.W. 39th Street in Oklahoma
In observance of AIDS Awareness
Day, the show will begin on December
with all art draped in black. An opening
reception for the show is scheduled for
December 11 at 8 p.m., andthe art will
be unveiled at thattime. The exhibition is
scheduled to run through January 28,
The Show will include the work ofShar
Johnson, Diana Faulkner, TommyThomas,
Keith Porter, Clif Trowbridge, all of
Oklahoma City; Diane Duffer Gerald
David, Ken Carlyle, all of Norman; Larry
Harriman of Tulsa; and :Joe Rackley of
The artists’ work includes photography,
oil paintings, drawing, performance
art, and sculpture. The work will be on
display at the Triangle Association seven
days a week, from noon to~10 p.m. Ad--
mission is free of charge.
"The Queer Consortium wishes to
continue its mission of _celebrating the diverse
cultures represented in Oklahoma’s
lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities,"
said Dale Smithson Triangle Association
Director and event coordinator. "This kind
of event brings together people from
. Oklahoma’s various queer commun~es,
and draws attention to the talent these
communities have to offer."
The Queer Consortium recently
achieved overwhelming success with its
first exhibition, "Queerly R’s Art."
For more information, call Dale
at 405-843-8378:
"Oklahoma’s Gay and Lesbian InformationSource." Occupation: Agitator
¯ :, , " / Age: ~unknowable
Hobbies: T-shirt collecting
The Parachute Page 9-B
Preparations are underway
for the fourth annual OKC
concert, "Ring, Christmas
Bells"_under the direction of Mr.
Franklin Roberts. The concert
will be held Saturday, December
4th, 1993 beginning at 8:07 P.M.
at the First Unitarian Church, 600
N.W. 13, Oklahoma City; Okla,
This yeads-concert will feature
many old favorites as well as
some songs that many may not
be famlhar with. Two songs
scheduled for performance were
written by local composer Mark
Houston. Tl~e Chorus feels
ored that Markis giving them the
opportunity to perform these special
Christmas songs. Mark is
also preparing a commissioned
piece for the OKC METROMENS
CHORUS, which the Chorus
hopes to perform at their
Spring concerf in 1994. This
commission is made possible by
a grant awarded to the OKC
G.A.L.A. Chorus Association
and the fine grant writing skills of
th# Chorus’ Accompanist,
Stephanie Johnson.
Also appearing at this yeads
Christmas concert will be The
Metropolitans, a five member
group from within the chorus who
perform at local benefits and services.
TheMetropolitans are also
making themselves available to
perform at Christmas functions
for a small donation. If you are
interested, in having the Metropolitans
perform for Christmas or
any other function, please contact
Terry Knapp at 405-677-
The chorus is once again.offedng
ad space in their Christmas
program. Something new in the
program this year is the offedng
of a patPon page for those individual~"
wishing to support the
Chorus, but do not feel the need
fora formal ad. No addressesor
phone numbers will be included
on the patron page, only individuals’
names, (either real names,
nick names-or stage .names-).
Those interested in placing an ad
or their name on the patron page
please contact Ralph Shafer at
405-737-6576 or David Coffey at
To .purchase tickets for you
and your guests please see any
chorus member or contact Terry
Knapp at 405-677-1646.
The Chorus has enjoyed success
at their previous Christmas
concerts and hope to fill the
house once again this year.
................. iLL"
By:-Cookie Arbuckle
ties you had on the job. -If you
TRATION (SSA). DISABIEITY have a resume handy, or ,have
PROGRAMS " kept records of where yoU.have~
SSA maintains two different worked, that will help.
disability~ programs -, Social Security
Dis~ibility insurance(SSDI)
and Supl~lementai Secudty In*
SSA will need ORIGINAL
come (SSi) disability, Both.pro- your birth certificate (~o, your
-.gr.am.s.p.ro.v.ide.a-,-m.o.n.t.h.ly..in.c=o~me ~.-hos.p=t.al b=.rth..an.nou.nce.me.nt w.ill
mr people w~tn,glu~s (or anyse- , .not ~1o norwill ohotocooies~ ~nd
. .v.ere d.isa.b.ili~a.~d .o.v~.£.6,~;~:i:b.ut:": ~.i.~h-~e ~-riginal~. ~0~-ali itS; -(ar~ii~
tne rules-that effect, eligioil!W for ii membe~s If vou worked
them are different. - t~ --: - - -’
SSDI is an insurance program 2 form or if
that employers; and employees year’s tax return. -
pay for with their federal income If you are. filing-for SSI, they
tax or FICA. Eligibilityisbased wilineed to ask you information
on_ work history: and the.a~ount ~ about your incomeand bank
of your benef’~ is. based on earn- counts.
ings. :< ~ ~ DECISION MAKING
" SSI benefits .are paid to..... ~ourappfiGation is-handled by
plime°itpelderwehs°ohuamve-es..~:MinE.¢D°imCAe~LRanEd-.~~:~ ~odiff~el,re~[Offices. The"physi- cai part (meaning literally all
QUIREMENTS ARETHE SAME medical records and anything
FOR BOTH PROGRAMS.AND about your physical condition) will
DISABILITY IS~ ~DECIDED B;Y --be sent to the State’s Disability
THE SAME PROCESS, Determination Service or Unit,
Some helpful hintstorem~3-~ ~, The "oaoer work" Dart or the fi-
.be~i Keep a dngb~d..~~ ~~,.~-. ~na171ce~ ;re handt~c~ at another
In !t you..may recor~l specmc ~ ~-"-=~ffiCe: USually, paperwork atthat
events, wit..h.,, c,,=orrect~nam~, ~e.s.,.;~~,,a~d~; -~~ le.v.e.l.~w~¯ ll, stay, unless there are
dresses and phonenumbers for diffi~=l~i~x ~h~n th~ f’m=ancial oart
your physicians Keep tra~ck~.o ,~ ~........ent" ~;~ e - " "
dates of ,#is|tS arid~, hosp.tal" ad- ~ ~,~b~ ~iled at~nv time
dresses Wit- h "dates" of ws~~and " -for further information by either
the types of treatment~received, of the offices,~ Theymay sched-
Make a list of all the medications ule for an exam or mail, other
you :have been-,onfor at least a : f0rm,~f~r youto fill out.
year. ~ Mark, the ones you ~have..... TO BE CONTINUED IN JANUbeen
using forthepast 3 months, ~_ ARY ISSUE
7117 E. Reno
Midwest City, OK 73110
(405) 737-5353,1-800-880-1053 ° FAX 405-737-5666
your home away Irom I-,Omel. .....
The Habana. lnn
1 80: GuEsT Rooms ¯
¯ Poolside Rooms.
Cable TV
"Team"T-SHIRT $15.00
Poly/cotton blend, Ash color.
Friday, December 31st.
9: rn
Sid Spencer,
Sonja Martinez, Deb Roberts &
OKC’s Finest Cloggers
Hosted by Kitty Litter
Reservations available.- Cover Charge
The Parachute Page 12-B
Parachute Welcomes all
39th Street bars as
Distribution Points
The Parachute is proud to announce
these new distribution points in Okla~
homa City. The Parachute is now
available at all bars on the stdp: We
wish to thank the owners and manegers
for their supporLand acceptance.
Support the
l’h¢ American- Civil: Libcrtio~ Unio~
Protest Your Rights of Fr~ Sl~ch,
ThF Amm-ican Ci~I" Liberties Unio~
ff¢lps Guarant~ you..Equality and" Du~
The Parachute Goes to:
Wichita, Kansas
Topeka, Kansas
Wellington, Kansas
Junction City, Kansas
Manhattan, Kansas
Salina, Kansas
Emporia, Kansas
Great Bend ,~ Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas
Kansas City, Kansas -
Drumdght, Oklahoma
Oswego, Kansas
Compton, Arkansas
Chicago, III.
Souix Falls, South Dakota
Minneapolis, Minn.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OKC, Oklahoma
W~st Hollywood, Cal.
Coffeyville, Kansas
Enid, Oklahoma
-.~.. La~wton, Oklahoma
Stitlwater, Oklahoma
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma
Pauls ¯Valley, Oklahoma
El Reno, Oklahoma
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Eureka~Spdngs, Arkansas
-Hot Springs, Arkansas
LittleRock, Arkansas
Dallas, TeXas
" H~uston, Texas
ACLU of Oklahoma
Human Rights P_roject
By: Michael Canfield
The fledgling coalition-known as the
Oklahoma Human Rights Project is actively
proceeding in accomplishing one of
its in,ally stated primary goals,repeal of
Oklahoma’s archaic and unequally enforced
crime against nature (sodomy) law.
The legal record already contains case,
Post .v. the State of Oklahoma in which
current sodomy law was ruled inapplicable
io heterosexual citizens. This is
contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment
ofthe U.S. Cons~tution which guarantees
all Americans, among other things, equal
protection of the laws. ACLU of Olda-
.homa, in conjunction with the mission of
the Oklahoma Human Rights Project,
seeks to nullify the inequity of the sodomy
law through litigation.~
In order for this stated goal to be accomplshed,
plaintiffs are needed to make
a legal challenge. The Project is looking
for someone who has been accused of
municipal offenses such as offering-to.
engage in lewd acts; as tong as the
charges do not involve minors or prostitutiot~,
and the defendantis without legal
representation. Alternately, the ACLU
would also like to assemble a group of
indMduals which would include both Gay
men andLesbianswho wish to challenge
the state statute.
Becoming a pl~aintilf in this type ofcase ¯
would, of course, involve a great amount
of publicity, those people with the convic,
tions and the. courage step fOrward ira:
mediately. If-youor anyone you know
wishes to volunteerasa plaintiff, contact
the ACLU of Oklahoma at 14i 1 .Class~n,
Suite 318, Oklahoma~ City, OK 73106.
for your
Isupport of
"Throughout theAIDS epidemic,
lesbians have worked Side-by,side with
gay. men to stop. this disease. We’re
worked so hard that sometimes we
haven’t taken care Of ourselves. It’s
time we looked at our own risks.
Say it...
"Lesbians Get HIV. "
A Service of the Oasis Resource Center. To volunteer call 405-525-2437.
"Oklahoma’s Gay and Lesbian Information Source." . Joy Manes
/ Occupation: Student
Age: 20
Member: Yo.~ Gay and L~h.
I a s s
Our Third Year! Get the areas longest
running contacts publication
for gays, lesbians, &.bisexuals. No
charge to place an and and no forwarding
fee to respond. For free
info. senge age statement TO: Personally
Speaking; P.O. Box 16782,
Wichita, Kansas 67213-0782
31 6-269 4208
For sale in Eureka Springs, Martha
& Joyce are selling the Purple Iris
Inn, with an excellent alerady build
in "Family " Clientelle. Country
s~tting, turn-key
alton. Contact: Dinny Bullard
of Double "D "Realty, Berryvill,e
Ark. at 1-800-748-9772
Roommates serving Wichita for 5
years, Lanlords can reg ister without
any advance fee. Tenants may
register; as little as $15.00 t529
W. Douglas 262-8444
Wanted: Locations where gays
may Share housing in Wichita area:
Call or stip by Roommates 1529 W.
Douglas,262~444 .... ~,:..’~
i f i e d s
~-~~. ~ .EHcoulymTerniinCitayl
~_~yCatholic Church
Sunday Mass 10:30AM.
Wednesday Mass 7:00pm
.2328 N. MacArthur, OKC
For. information (405)755-8351
D.J., send demo taPe to :
Electric Circus, Attn: David
Bridgeman, 311 E. 7nth,
Tulsa, Ok. 74120
Pianist Wanted; Charasmatic
church looking for piano,
player, must be able to play
by ear. Pay is little, but reward
is great.6316-651-0603
Pets ....
To give awa£_in Wichita: 3
monthold Rotwiller (mostly),
male pup, likes kids, and
other pets. call 316-65_t .0603.
Selling or giving away
somthing ? advertise it in the
Parachute DiScontinues
Personals section.
As of Decemberist, the Parachute will
no longer carry the personals section of
the Paper. We appreciate your response
to the personals, however as-the paper
has grown we find that we need room for
expansion.. There are several other gay/
lesbian publications who carry personals
and we.will be glad to helpyou contact
them if you do not have their address.
You may simply call the office of
the Parachute at 316-651-0500.
If you have placed a personal ad with
us, you will be recieving a refund check
in the mail soon. We will continue to
forward any mail that comes in addressed
to a personals box. Thank you
for your support of the Parachute, and
we look forward to serving you more in
the future.
To.Place a. Classified
Phone #
Typeor print your ad, 25 words
or less, send with this coup.o.n
and $6.00 to:
The Parachute
P.O. Box 11347
Wichita, Kansas 67202
Ad will run only for number of
insertions paid for.
January Special
$3.00 each, 25 words or less,
must be received by December
,,17th. .
CALL 1-316-651-0500 ~
GeneraI Gay& Lesbian Discussion Groups
Mondays, 6:30 at Red Rock- New Group starting Thursdays, 6:30 at Red Rock
Couples of MixedHIV Status
Contact Jim .Carter .for :details.
YGLA, Young Gay& Lesbian Alliance
Di~i~SSi.~n:~Group, Tuesdays, 6:30 at Oasis
Activi~r~i~p,.SundayS; 8pm at Oasis ....... .-, : ..... . .
Jiin 8~-Betsywiil provide free referral assistance forindividuals
seeking counseling or substance usetreatment.
Some support groups will require screening ofparticipants to insure group compatibility.
Red Rock HIV Counseling Services
Individual Counseling for HIV positive persons and their loved ones and HIV Prevention Etlucation.
THE PARACHUTE December 1993, The Parachute Page 14-B
Sunday, ~hurgday
1 or 2 persons (holidays ~duded) OPen Wednesday-Sunday 9pro ,2am
Open daily 12noon-2am
Thefinest in C&Wmusic and dancing
Friday-Saturday th8
After Hours Breakfast
Til 3:30am
Monday-Saturday Sunday
5pro,- 2am 3pm - 2am
Monday- Friday
12n - 2am
Saturday - Sunday
lOam - 2am

Original Format




The Parachute of Oklahoma, “[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, December 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/453.