[2007] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 1


[2007] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 1


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd;




Star Media, Ltd


January 01, 2007


Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Michael Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Victor Gorin
Greg Gatewood
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Devre Jackson
Chaz Ward


The Star Magazine, December 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 12

The Star Magazine, February 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 2


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


~ 1
~nd Business Building
2 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
As you brmvse through this months issue, you’ll notice numerous
articles on fund-raisers, benefit shows, volunteers ,vorking to build
and just people helping people. GLBT people who are giving their
time, money and effort to help make another human life better.
Many who need help themselves. Giving, is the key issue. This past
month seeing and hearing about the many events to raise money
for those living with HIV/AIDS, food drives, toys for kids, meals
for the home-bound and ~o many other efforts, all within our own
community, reminded me of how very proud I am to be a gay man.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful ifwe could maintain that giving spirit for
the entire year and not just for the holiday season. The spirit should
not end on December 26th.
Giving, to support those people and organizations who are fighting
for equality not only for GLBT’s, but for everyone is another
important issue we have to face in this new year. I am very optimistic
for 2007. Many have predicted this will be the year we see
tremendous gains in equal rights for Gay/Lesbian people. But, we
must do our part to insure this happens. We voted! And you see the
results. "We can make a difference." This is the year to build on our
past achievements and open doors for future generations.
As we go to press we got the news that the Governor of New
Jersey had signed the bill granting gay and lesbian couples all rights
of marriage but the title. This is the third state offering civil unions
to gay couples and the fifth allowing gay couples some version of
marriage. It’s starting to happen!
On behalf of everyone involved with the STAR, I want to wish
all of you a great and prosperous New Year. May your lives be filled
with the spirit.
Dear Chaz,
It was exciting and thrilling to see your 3rd ,~mniversary Issue
of the Star! Having lived from the Southern most tip of Florida to
Northern California, this is just the best publication ever. Your
smiling personality continues to spread it’s enthusiasm in this tremendous
Our community in Joplin, MO and Eureka Springs, AR benefit
so much from your publication. I have people in both cities asking
~vhen the next issue is coming out almost as soon as they receive the
current one.
Ti~ank you so much for a job well done for the four states.
Rev. Steve T. Urie, Pastor
Spirit of Christ MCC
Joplin, MO
I just saw this month’s magazine and I wanted to send you a note
saying "congratulations" on your third anniversary. It has been an
honor and a privilege to work with you the past few months. I want
to thank you for your important contribution to the GLBT con>
munity and I wish you much success for many, maW years to come!
Joe LaFountaine
Board Secretary
Little Rock Capitol Pride
Dear Editor:
I live in Texas and get to both Tulsa and Oklahoma City on business
about once a month and never know xvhich bar to go to on any
particular night. I noticed in the December issue of the STAR that
you have begun to run a special page "AFTERDARI<[" where the
bars let everyone knoxv exactly what is going on each night. This is
certainly a tremendous help to anyone not living in Oldahoma City
or Tulsa and most likely even a great help for those who do! What
a great idea! I alxvays read the STAR online and enjoy it. Keep up
the good xvork.
C. D. Ward
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Randy Cunningham
Dallas, Texas
www.ozarksstar.corn the STAR 3
NEW# N@N{N, NN~# N~NN,
New Direction, Laura Belmonte,
President of Otdahomans for Equality
Speaks to the Community.
Doug Ireland "Why should being Gay
be a crime"
A retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Who was Joseph Beam?
"The Wine Rack" Cabernet Sauvlgnon
on review- page 16
Gay Travelers "Casa de San Pedro"
Otit of Town "Buenos Aires"
Kitten, it could have been worse, he
could have left you with the gift that
keeps giving, clap on--clap off.
Laura Belmonte.............5
Commentary.............. 11
OUT in Arkansas........... 12
Inspiring Fitness ........... 13
Past Out.................. 14
Tulsa GLBT Center News..... 15
The Wine Rack............. 16
Ciao Travel ................ 17
Lesbian Notions............ 22
Star Scene................ 24
Uncle Mikey............... 26
After Dark ................ 27
Horoscopes............... 28
Distributors............... 29
Classifieds................ 31
New Tulsa GLBT Center Opens
This Month - page 15
4 day Celtic Festival Eureka Springs
- page 12
4 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
An amazing year has just passed for the organization formerly
known as Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights / TOHR! As I
write, a dedicated team of volunteers is putting the final touches
on Phase One of our marvelous new center; Marc Acuff, our new
coordinator of the Tulsa Pride and Diversity Celebration is securing
corporate sponsors; and the Capital Fund Trustees and the Facilities
Committee are drafting new documents and policies to ensure that
our building is financially secure and well-maintained for decades to
come. From our brilliant IT crew to the immensely creative Design
Group, I an awed by the talented and generous individuals who are
helping me lead Oklahomans for Equality into an exciting new era.
Why the name change? Lots of reasons. For one, Tulsa Otdahomans
for Human Rights was an offshoot on an Oklahoma City-based
organization that folded over twenty years ago " hence there is
no need to saddle ourselves with the awkward Tulsa Oklahomans
construct. Another reason is that human rights had a very different
connotation in 1980 than it does now. I have often been asked
whether our organization does work like Amnesty International or
Human Rights Watch.
So, we searched for alternatives. We contracted a public relations
consultant. We formed focus groups. We spoke to key stakeholders.
We listened to a host of opinions. And, after much deliberation and
careful consideration, we adopted a new name, a name that encapsulates
who we are and what we want: Oklahomans for Equality.
Equality is the core of the gay rights struggle. We want equal
employment rights, equal housing and health care access, equal pension
and veteraffs benefits, equal treatment before the law, and equal
legal standing for our intimate, committed relationships.
We want equality for all gay, lesbian, bisexuals, and transgender
Oklahomans, not just Tulsans. Whatever their race, class, gender, religion,
age, or ability status, we want all the members of our diverse
and beautiful community to have the liberties promised each and
every U.S. citizen.
We want equality for our allies too. We cannot expect them to support
us if we do not support them. We cannot ignore our common
interests. We must harness the collective power of our causes and
How will we achieve these goals? By forming new partnerships that enable
us to serve seniors, youth, those in physical or mental crisis. By offering
programs that appeal across the entire spectrum of our community. By
broadening our volunteer resources so that any Oklahoraan can call our
GLBT helpline "the only one in the state" and find a gay-friendly doctor, a
supportive counselor, or simply a place to meet GLBT people. By expanding
our advocacy efforts to include allies throughout the state so that we can
mobilize hundreds of people for elections, lobbying days, and combating
anti-gay and anti-trans discrimination at the local level. We have so much
to do and we’ll soon be doing it in one of the largest GLBT centers in the
United States.
We at Oklahomans for Equality wish you a Happy New Year and express
our gratitude for the gift of your support.
In Solidarity,
Laura Belmonte
President, Oklahomans for Equalit3~ (OkEq)
Proudly serving "i\lisa & OKC\s GLBT communities since 1982
"At Century 21 Gold Castle our
BESTproperties are our PEOPLE’
430t NW 63rd, Suite 100
City, OK 73116
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
JOHANNESBURG, South Afi’ica__ Vernon Gibbs and Tony Halls
got hitched Friday in South Africa’s first gay wedding, a day after the
government made same-sex marriage legal.
The couple, who run a guest lodge and animal rehabilitation center
on the southwestern coast, donned their game-ranger outfits and
went down to the local home affairs office in the town of George.
In front of marriage officer Petro Kruger they exchanged rings and
were pronounced a married couple.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__On December 4-5 the Copa Club
located in the Habana Hotel celebrated the 16th Anniversary of one
of Oklahoma’s most heartwarming fund-raisers, the annual Loaves
and Fishes Dinner and Show. This year it was dedicated to the
memory of longtime activis.t Keith Smith who passed away November
Featuring community icons Sonja Martinez, John Beebe, ToW Sinclair,
Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald & Debbie Davies, the benefit raised
OVER $5600 for this Catholic Charities ministry which provides
meals & other assistance for those home bound by HIV. Judy Riley
stated. "I am overcome by the generosity of the people who come to
this event every year in support of our brothers and sisters who are
living with HIV/MDS. Words cannot express the depth of our appreciation
and gratitude to Sonja and all the performers, Nick Post
and the Copa Staff, and also all the benefactors."
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK The board of directors of the AIDS
Walk of Oklahoma City has awarded grants to nine local non-profit
organizations totaling $50,100. Grantees and their respective award
amounts are: Regional AIDS Intercommunity Network (RAIN)
$5000; AIDS Support Program/The Winds House $5700; Red
Rock Behavioral Health Services/Red Rock North $5400; Northern
Lights Alternative $6100; Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma
$6100; Guiding Right $5400; Other Options $6400; Latino
Community Development Agency $5000; and the HIV/AIDS
Legal Resource Project of Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma $5000.
Since 1998, the AIDS Walk of Oklahoma City has distributed more
than $333,000 in grants to local non-profit organizations providing
critically needed services to individuals living with HIV or AIDS.
CITY: Sunday, September 30th at the Myriad Botanical
Joplin Organia÷rs Announce
Formation Of Long Awaited
Gay Lesbian Center.
JOPLIN, MO The Joplin Gay & Lesbian Center kick-offdinner
was a rousing success on November 20th. Fifty people ate & drank
great food, made new friends and saw old ones, and embraced the
Center’s goal to raise money to build a community center. Guests
were entertained by "Queer Duck," the Mike Reiss video shorts,
Charlie Smith, Treasure Love, and the fab-u-lous Miss Latina Carlisle
(Miss Gay Joplin 2002), who brought the house down with her
version of"Somewhere Over the Rainbo~v."
Door prizes included DVD’s of"Dante’s Cove" and "Fixing Frank,"
tank-top shirts from A & E’s original December movie, "Wedding
Wars," and various CD’s, including music from Cirque de Soleil.
Greetings and best wishes were offered by leaders ofUCC Family
Fellowship, the Joplin Junior Chamber (~e Jaycees), Wal-Mart’s
Office of Diversig; and Shekinah Glory Church.
President Lee McDaniel spoke about the need for a center here in
conservative, rural southwest Missouri to encourage people, especially
our youth, to be who they are - and to knmv that we are just
normal, everyday people. He reported that the Center has joined the
national association of gay & lesbian centers and plans to join the
Joplin Chamber of Commerce in order to increase its visibility. The
Center also is a member of GLAAD and HRC.
The Center extends its thanks to all those involved and to all who
attended. Special thanks to all the volunteers, the performers,
UCCFF for rental of its building, Mr. David Garrison for the terrific
food, the Karpel Group, Corporate Edge Marketing, and to
Lee McDaniel at Gold Key Mortgage and Carberry Development
The Center’s next major fundraising events will be in February and
June 2007. Details will follmv via www.myspace.com/gaylesbiancenter
and http://360.yahoo.com/gaylesbiancenter.
For more info, please email or call the Center’s President, Lee
McDaniel, at gaylesbiancenter@ya~hoo.com or 417-622-7821. The
Center, founded in October 2006, may be reached at PO Box 4383,
Joplin, MO 64803-4383.
New-Jersey Denies Gay Marriage,
Passes Civi Unions.
TI~NTON, N.J. - Nexv Jersey’s governor signed legislation Thursday
December 21 st giving gay couples all the rights and responsibilities
of marriage alloxved under state law, but not the fltle.
When the la\v goes into effect Feb. 19, Ne~vJersey xvill become the
third state offering civil re’dons to gay couples and the fifth allowing
gay couples some version of marriage.
6 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
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437 E, i41st Street
Gtenpool, OK 74033
918.291.EARL (3275)
8 the ,STAR www.ozarksstar.com
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Tu san°s B÷s end With 40
Bikes Chi d ÷n Of Pa ÷nts
Living With H V/A D$o
By Greg Steele
P,6oto: 40 Bikes and over 3"00 other itemsf!lled the main bar of
the climb.
By Victor Gorin
TULSA, OK No it’s not a bicycle shop and it’s not a Walmart
store. It’s the Bamboo Lounge Tulsa. Bar owners Terry Hood and
Stan Smith put the word out in early December that their annual
Christmas Drive for the Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. food pantry would not be
just another food collection. "Ihis year was for the kids. The goal was
a bike for all 30 children of Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. clients. In an interview
with Stan Smith he told us "The response was so incredible
we had the 30 bicycle’s within a week and more were promised. We
then called RAIN to see if any of their clients had children, there
were five he was told. We have 35 bikes and five extra that I’m sure
the two organizations will find homes for." Smith said.
In addition to the bicycles, toys, non-perishable food items, toiletries,
maW other gifts were donated. Well over 300 items filled the
main bar of the club. The Tulsa Rough Riders also held a raffle and
donated the proceeds.
The 30 children of "/\~sa C.A.R.E.S. clients ages are 6 girls and 5
boys under the age of seven. 7-11 years of age, 3 female and 4 male.
Ages 12-15 there are 4 girls and 8 boys. Some are themselves HIV
positive but all are affected by the difficult lives of their parents living
with HIV/AIDS.
The majority of Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. and RAIN HIV/AIDS clients are
living below the poverty line and don’t have the means to provide
a decent Christmas for their children. \VTe talked with Michael at
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. after the truck loads of gifts and food items had
been delivered and he told us, "We thought it was going to be just
another Christmas for the kids, and then these folks come along
with this wonderful gift. It will certainly make a big difference for
them on this special day of the year for children"
There is going to be a lot of happiness and smiling faces in the
homes of those who have so much hardship.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__Club Rox located in the Hollywood
Hotel and Suites held a Masquerade Ball fund-raiser for Red Rock
Saturday, December 16. Featuring entertainer Alison Scott, it was
organized by Hollywood crew member Beaux Leaf, proceeds from
the fund-raiser would go to help Red Rock deliver meals to home
bound people living with HIV/MDS. The event was great success
and for a very worthy cause. Pictured above is an anonymous donor
who gave $100.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK___On Sunday, January 14 at 10:45 a.m.
and 3 p.m. Church of the Open Arms will host a special service
with a renowned guest preacher, the Reverend Dr. Randall C. Bailey.
He is a professor at the Interdenominational Theological Center
in Atlanta, has lectured throughout the United States and abroad,
and also has gained attention with his recent article, "Sanctified
Hatred: Why Banning Same Sex Marriage is Wrong."
This service is co-sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign,
P-Flag OKC and the Peace House, and the public is invited. The
theme says it all, "Peace ~vith Justice for M1- God has a Dream."
Human rights leaders Clara Luper and the Reverend Orra Compton
will be honored at the service. ~xis will be a landmark service,
honoring not only the late Dr. King, but all people seeking equality
including the GLBT community. It will coincide with the Oklahoma
City Martin Luther King Parade which will be held the following
day beginning at 2 p.m., at N.W. 7th Street & Robinson.
10 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
a crib÷?
In 75 countries being gay is still a crime. French activist
Louis-Georges Tin, founder of the International Day
Against Homophobia, hopes to change that by having
the United Nations adopt a resolution calling for the decriminalization
of homosexuality worldwide. Tin spoke
to The Advocate ahead of a press conference in Paris
where he announced the news.
By Doug Ireland
On November 17 the Paris-based International Day Against Homophobia
(IDAHO) will launch a global campaign for a United
Nations resolution declaring that homosexuality should no longer
be considered a crime anywhere in the world.
The proposed U.N. resolution is the brainchild of IDAHO’s
founder, Louis-Georges Tin, 32, a professor and author of a number
of books (including the Dictionary of Homophobia) who is also a
rising star of France’s emerging black movement for equality.
Tin will simultaneously release a list of hundreds ofVIP endorsers
of the proposed U.N. resolution, including a gaggle of Nobel Prize
winners (among them, Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa,
Dario Fo of Italy, Elfriede Jelinek ofAustria, and Amartya Sen of India);
political leaders, including two former French prime ministers
(Laurent Fabius and Michel Rocard); academics (such as Princeton
University President Shirley Tilghman and world-famous sociologist
Richard Sennett); entertainers (such as Academy Award-winning
actress Meryl Streep, David Bowie, Edward Norton, Mike Nichols,
Lily Tomlin, actor-playwright Wallace Shawn, humorist Bruce
Vilanch, and Spanish actress Victoria Abril); and a host of renowned
writers, including Doug Wright, Jon Robin Baitz, Salman Rushdie,
Gore Vidal, Sir Tom Stoppard, ToW Kushner, Martin Amis, Ian
McEwan, Russell Banks, Bernard-Henri Levy, John Berendt, Lady
Antonia Fraser, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Chambon, Peter
Carey, and Edmund White.
Getting the U.N. to commit to universal decriminalization of
homosexuality is destined to become the central objective of the
international LGBT movement for the next decade. Tin spoke to
The Advocate.
What chance do you think this resolution has of passing the U.N.?
Many people believe such a resolution is beyond reach. I personally
don’t. Why? Because there is already U.N. jurisprudence in our
favor. In 1994, Mr. Toonen, a citizen ofTasmania, who had been
condemned for same-sex relationships, won his case in what was
then the U.N. Commission on Human Rights--it said his arrest
was a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of
the right of privacy. So we just ask the U.N. to extend this jurisprudence
to other countries--75 in the world!--where same-sex
relationships are still forbidden. There’s recent evidence that this is
not as utopian a project as it might seem at first glance: In October
this year, the U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared
that the imprisonment in Cameroon of 11 men who’d been caught
in a raid on a gay bar on charges of homosexuality was "an arbitrary
deprivation of liberty" that violates the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. That’s encouraging.
How will you and IDAHO work for its passage?
The campaign for the U.N. resolution will have two main components.
An external media campaign to raise awareness within
public opinion and governments will begin with the November 17
unveiling of a petition--for which VIP signatures are now being
gathered--on IDAMO’s \geb site, ww~v.idahomophobia.org. Also,
a host of international and country organizations have already
signed on as cosponsors of the campaign for the resolution, like the
International Lesbian and Gay Association and France’s Ligue des
Droits de l’Homme. The second battle has to be waged within the
new U.N. Council on Human Rights. \re have to lobby the states
that are members and ask them to support the resolution or at least
not to vote against it. We are talking with the government of South
Africa, which is a member of the council to sponsor the resolution.
South Africa was the first country in the world to include the principle
of nondiscrimination against gays and lesbians in its constitution-
and their sponsorship would show that LGBT rights are not
just a "Western issue."
What exactly does the resolution say?
The text I wrote asl~ for a universal decriminalization of homosexuality.
It is very clear, easy, and simple, and based solely on the
articles of the U.N.’s Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights that
were used to justify the decision in the Toonen case. I did not want
to write a philosophical text on the issue, because an argument
that may be relevant in one country will certainly be irrelevant in
another one. We need a common language to support human rights.
What could be more relevant and more international than the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights itself?.
Why did you choose this moment to launch this campaign?
~l}le Toonen case was ruled on 12 years ago, soI thought it was high
time that LGBT organizations decided to take advantage of it at the
U.N. To be honest, I fail to see any issue that could be more important
than this one for LGBT organizations. On May 17, 1990,
the World Health Organization decided that homosexuality could
no longer be regarded as a disease, which is why I chose that date
for the International Day Against Homophobia. The first IDAHO
was only celebrated in 2005, so we really couldn’t do anything
before that--but now our organization has spread to more than 50
countries and been endorsed by the European Parliament, so I think
we are ready to go farther. Look, gays and lesbians around the world
cannot wait any longer for their love to cease being made a crime.
Many are in jail, or at risk of being jailed. Some are being killed.
7his has to stop now.
Ireland is a veteran political journalist who can be reached through
his blog, DIRELAND, at Direland.typepad.com/direland/
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 11
Four Day Celtic Festiva
Eureka Springs
Attractions presents Celtic Connections
Eureka, a four-day festival celebrating Celtic
heritage, music, poetry, food and drink as
the clans overtake the tiW hamlet of Eureka
Springs January 18 - 21, 2007. Timed for
the birthday bash for the great Robert
Burns, the "Bard of Scotland", Celtic
Connections Eureka calls to celto-philes
from the seven nations hither and yon.
In these Ozark Highlands you’ll immerse
yourself in the color and heritage
of this rich world culture, as entertainers,
crafters and historians from far and
way create an experience designed to
enrich your appreciatior{ and knowledge
of Celtic traditions.
The traditional Robert Burns Night
Suppers are scheduled for Thursday and
Friday evenings, with the Friday night
dinner featuring a few extra touches including
music and stories by Ed Miller,
modern bard of Scotland and Scottish
folksong preservationist.
tartan attire, the seven Celtic nations, demonstrate
musical instruments, and more.
"11artanic, the bagpipe comedy theater band
from Houston who took Eureka Springs by
storm last January; returns for Friday night’s
concert at the City Auditorium. If you’re
not planning to go to Arizona in February,
this may be your last chance to enjoy the
amazing Tartanic experience.
added Eureka Springs to thei~ growing fan
base when they performed last year. Rowan
will also perform Sunday morning at the
Crescent Hotel’s Sunday Brunch. Also joining
the event will be Arkansas Celts Tinker’s
Dam and the Crooked Creek Irish Dancers
from Harrison and award-winning Celtic
Heartstrings Linda Brocldnton and Brenda
Ramsey from Alexander playing traditional
music on mountain dulcimer and flute.
Throughout the weekend guests will
have a chance to enjoy all the workshops,
multiple music sessions and concerts,
"The Gypsy Faire" vendor market, along
with Celtic-flavored special offerings
by area pubs and restaurants. All-Day
Tickets are: $28 for Thursday including
the Burns Night Supper; $25 for Friday’s
events (without the Burns Supper); $45
or $80 per couple for Friday’s events, including
the Burns Night Supper; $25 for
Saturday’s events. For more information
and to purchase tickets online see www.
EurekaCelts.com or call 866-363-9545.
Both evenings’ dinners are hosted by the
historic 1886 Crescent Hotel Crystal Dining
Room where the setting provides the
Castle-like backdrop for all the pomp and
circumstance. This annual, around-theworld
birthday tribute to the life, ~vorks and
spirit of Robert Burns is the 9th year for
this event in Eureka Springs. The evening
promises highland pipes, poetry and pride,
the traditional Scottish dinner with roast
beef and haggis, the drinking of Scotch
whiskey and the recitation of Burns works,
along with general merry-making and songsinging.
"Robert Burns was truly the voice of the
Scots. Any ethnic group will collect around
a cultural voice and for the Scots who
endured British oppression for centuries,
Burns covered the whole spectrum of life in
those ages," says Bruce Crabtree, author and
historian, who will be performing "Robert
Bruce’s March to Bannockburn" in traditional
attire and full brogue. Crabtree will
also present a workshop about the Gads
during the festival, along with other workshop
presenters who will discuss the Scots
and Irish influence in the Ozarks, traditional
"Eureka Springs can look forward to a pretty
unique act," said Adrian Walter, the band’s
lead, who also teaches theatre and dance in
Houston, Texas. "The audience will see that
bagpipes can go way beyond funerals," he
quipped. "It’s like a rock and roll unplugged
bagpipe theatre show without a plot. We do
a fully audience integrated show that goes
against the usual band formula."
Tartanic will be right at home with the
Eureka Springs culture. How does one
describe Tartanic? "hnagine one dancer, six
drums, six drones, 18 notes, fast fingers,
high comedy, flying bagpipes, taste-defying
stunts, scorching hot music played at over
120 beats per minute with driving speed
and high volume, all brought to you by five
men without pants."
Also on the bill with Tartanic is Beth Patterson,
Celtic singer-songwriter from Ne~v
Orleans. Patterson, whose sound and style
has been compared to Loreena McKennitt,
also performs on Saturday night at the
City Auditorium with Ed Miller and with
Rowan, a traditional Celtic trio from Kansas
Eureka 8pdngs, Arkansas
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Sunday, Feb 18,
Friday, April 13, 2007 - Sunday, April 15,
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Sunday Aug 5, 2007
Friday, Nov 2, 2007 - Sunday, Nov 4, 2007
For more information go to:
12 the STAR w~v.ozarksstar.com
in the morning and stress at night; stress is that thing I
just can’t fight. Or can you? Happiness is knowing that you can control
the impact stress has on your life. This is important since stress
has been linked to 70% of all illnesses. In addition, stress is directly
related to negative health behaviors such as alcohol and drug abuse,
and to psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. This
is no good my friends! Pay close attention and I’ll make it all feel
Most stress is caused by inadequate time management. What do you
want out of life? Write it all down on paper and then go back and
prioritize. You can’t do it all so you will need to leave some of the
items on the editing floor. Make a schedule of what you want to do
each day or week and then stick to this schedule like a dutiful liege.
Monitor this schedule and make changes accordingly as time marches
on. It sounds so doggone simple but most of you do not listen
to this sage advice. YOu watch American Idol when you should be
washing the dishes or you gossip ad infinitum with Patty and Selma
when you should be giving the dog his much needed bath. Don’t
waste time on this pettiness unless of course you like this pettiness
and it is part of your schedule.
When you don’t prioritize and you try to force 36 hours into a 24
hour day, the first item up for sale is sleep. Did you know that lions
sleep about 20 hours each day. ~lhat is quite fascinating but you will
not need exactly that much of the forty winks! The average human
adult needs between seven and eight hours of repose per night.
You might believe you can maintain much less sleep than that each
evening but stress will eventually get the better of you over the years.
The Grim Reaper wilt just bide his time. The following are numerous
suggestions for pleasant dreams: 1) Go to bed at the same time
each night. 2) Don’t exercise right before bedtime. 3) Avoid eating
meals shortly before lights out. A light snack is fine.
4) Do not watch TV in the bedroom. 5) Sleep in a cooler than normal
room. 6) Avoid excessive alcohol. It causes restless sleep.
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy! You don’t exactly want
to emulate Jack Torrance at the Overlook Hotel. I could spout off a
whole slew of abominable statistics and enlighten you on how much
more that people are now working than they were fifty years ago.
But I won’t. You are certainly keenly aware of this situation. When
time is at a premium, the factors most neglected are personal health,
relationships with the kiddies, and marriage or romantic time with
the significant other. Recreation and leisure should be important
components of your daily schedule. Why do you think the Japanese
live so long? They work so much less than us Americanos and they
love their play time. You can make your millions by the age of 40
but it ain’t gonna help ya if the stress sends ya packing early for that
plot of land in Boot Hill. Be sure to factor in some moderate sessions
of shenanigans along life’s yellow brick road!
There are several relaxation techniques that might help you push
your stress to the back of the line. The nominees for outstanding
relief methods are the quick fix, prayer, and positive thinking. The
quick fix means taking a five minute time out from the rat race.
Go to a quiet spot, loosen your clothing, remove your shoes, and
shut your eyes. Inhale deeply for about five seconds and then exhale
slowly for about ten seconds. Repeat this several times. Now mentally
picture something pleasant like a lake, a cloud, or Jamaica. Keep
relaxing and breathe deeply. After five minutes, stretch briefly and
head back to the real world with renewed vi.gor.
The next technique is prayer. Studies have indicated that prayer can
decrease blood pressure and can be a tremendous source of comfort.
Prayer can provide confidence to function more effectively and thus
reduce stress from your rigors of life. Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist,
Protestant, Wiccan, or Taoist. It makes no difference. Try embracing
the power of prayer.
Finally there remains positive thinking. This is simple but not always
followed. Do whatever it takes to create a positive mood when
you have excessive stress. You do not want to dwell on any negative
feelings. Always picture the positive side of life. Those that do this
are those who prosper.
Stress can be indeed harmful; stress can be quite a mighty hell;
Stress ye now know must be managed for ye to be well!
Ron Blake is a Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of Blake Fitness
in Phoenix. He can be reached at 480-241-5651 or on the web
at www.blakefitness.com.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 13
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments, personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Each installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity of the gay past and
its impact on the queer present.
was . osepb Beam?
African-American author and activist
Joseph Beam secured his place in GLBT
literary history as the editor of In the Life,
a groundbreaking anthology of works by
black same-gender-loving men.
Beam was born December
30, 1954, in Philadelphia.
With his working-class
parents struggling to
ensure that their only child
received a good education,
he attended Catholic preparatory
and high schools,
where he was one of only
a few black students. He
later studied journalism
at Franklin College, a
small Baptist college in
Indiana. Influenced by
the civil rights and Black
Power movements, he was
an active member of the
Black Student Union. After
graduating in 1976, he pursued
a Master’s degree in
communications and stayed
in the Midwest, working at
odd jobs for a few years, before returning to
his native city.
Back in Philadelphia in the early 1980s,
Beam got a job at Giovanni’s Room, a
GLBT bookstore. He began writing news
articles, personal essays, poetry, and short
stories for publications such as _The
Advocate, Body Politic, Gay Community
News, and the New York Native, Much of
his work reflected on the life experiences of
black gay men, criticizing both the racism
of the mainstream white gay and lesbian
movement and the homophobia of the
black community. In 1984, the Lesbian and
Gay Press Association honored him with
an award for outstanding achievement by a
minority journalist. Beam also maintained
ongoing correspondence with prisoners,
which he later attributed to his "deep sense
ofmy own imprisonment as a closeted gay
m,an and an oppressed Black man."
Having ensconced himself in the GLBT
literary scene - and having met numerous
14 the STAR
authors and community leaders - Beam was
disappointed about the lack of black male
voices. \York by white gay writers addressed
three camps, he claimed: "the incestuous
literati of Manhattan and Fire Island, the
San Francisco cropped-moustache-clones,
and the Boston-to-Cambridge
politically correct
radical faggots. None of
them spoke to me as a
Black gay man." While
some of the leading lights
of the Harlem Renaissance
- such as Langston
Hughes, Countee Cullen,
and Richard Bruce
Nugent - were knoxvn
or believed to have been
{gay or bisexual, Beam
found that contemporary
xvorks by black samegender-
loving men were
fexv and far between.
"By mid-1983 1 had
grown weary of reading
literature by xvhite gay
men," he xvrote. "More
and more each day, as I
looked around the xvell-stocked shelves of
Giovanni’s Room...I wondered xvhere xw~s
the work of Black gay men."
Beam therefore began collecting material
for his pioneering anthology, in many
cases nurturing the budding talents of men
who had never before ~vritten for publication.
He said that In the Life, published by
Alyson Publications in 1986, spoke for "the
brothers whose silence has cost them their
sanitT," as well as the "2,500 brothers who
have died of AIDS."
Beam regarded the book as a tool for organizing
and community building. His oxvn
essa}; "Brother to Broti~er," extolled friendship,
love, and eroticism among black men
as a means of self-affirmation and group
solidarity in the face of the pain and anger
that arose from dealing xvith a xvhite GLBT
movement that failed to address the concerns
of people of color, and a heterosexual
black community, that refused to accept
queer men. "I cannot go home as xvho I am
and that hurts me deeply," he wrote. "Aren’t
aH hearts and fists and min~ds needed in this
struggle or will this faggot be tossed into
the fire?"
and relieving Black women Dom the role
of primary nurturers in our commmxity;" he
wrote. "For too tong we have expected from
Black women that which we could only
obtain from other men...I dare us to dream
that we are xvorth wandng each other. Black
men loving Black men is the revolutionary
act of the eighties."
One source of inspiration for Beam xvas the
work of black lesbian feminist writers such
as Audre Lorde. "I dream of Black men
loving and supporting other Black men, An
activist as well as an author, Beam worked as
a consultant for the Gay and Lesbian ~ask
Force of tile American Friends Service Committee.
He helped resurrect the flagging
National Coalition of Black Lesbians and
Gays - originally founded in 1978 - joining
the executive committee and editing the
organization’s journal, Black/Out.
Beam died of complications related to AIDS
in December 1988, just three days shy of
his 34th birthday. Though his life was brief,
Beam’s influence was far-reaching. He served
as both an inspiration and a mentor, promoting
the idea that "visibility is survival."
After his death, Beam’s mother and his
fi-iend Essex Hemphill completed a second
anthology of black gay men’s writing,
_Brother to Brother_ (1991), which Beam
was working on xvhen he died. Hemphill
also remembered Beam in a memorial
poem, "When My Brother Fell":
He burned out
his pure life force
to bring us a chance
to love ourselves...
Forfiwther reading:
Beam, Joseph (ed.). 1986. _in the Life:A
Black Gay Anthologo,_ (Alyson).
Harris, E. Lynn (ed.). 2004. _Freedom in
this Village: Twenty-Five Years ofBlack Gay
2]/Ien’s Writing_ (Carroll & Graf).
Hemphill, Essex (ed.). 1991. _Brother to
Brother: New IN’itings by Black Gay Men_
It’s been a long journe?; but the finish line is
in sight. O-klahomans for Equality (OkEq)
xvill open the permanent Tulsa GLBT
Community Center, 621 E. 4th Street, this
month January 2007. The new Center, at
18,000 square feet, is one of the largest in
the nadon and will be filled with nexv OkEq
community programs, meeting rooms and
spaces for community organizations, reception
areas, educational, legal 8¢ xvellness
services, the Events Center and much more!
You’ll be xvelcomed in the Robert S. Cisar
Lobby. With 14’ beamed ceilings, the front
hall of the nexv Center features the reception
area, an expanded Pride Store, OkEq
offices and the original safe of the 1920’s
building. Adjacent to the front hall is the
Great Halt. The Great Hall " the living
room" for the community is approximately
1,800 square foot of open space. A great
space for receptions, parties and more, complete
xvith a ~tchen, the space is a warm and
inviting environment for the communi~:
Through the rear lobby and to the right are
the Gallery and Conference Rooms. With
community groups and organizations in
mind, the Gallery and Conference Room
can hold small, medium and large groups.
You’ll be surrounded by the art of coinmunity
members in the Gallery while the
Community Room features a floor to ceiling
glass wall.
Come up the elevator in the rear lobby and
you xvill arrive in the Recreation Lounge.
Around the corner, you’ll be welcomed into
an expanse for the communits: The Nancy
&Joe McDonald Rainboxv Library features
over 3,000 GLBT tides. A new xveekly Legal
Clinic and Counseling office is adjacent to
the library. The David Bohnett CyberCenter
has 10, flat-screen, DSL computer stations
free to the public. The nexv, light-filled
\Vellness Center, with planned yoga and
meditation session and dance lessons \vill
feature many new additional programs for
the communi~:
Past a relaxing lounge next to the Cyber-
Center is the KidsCorner. Featuring xvritable
walls and a mural, KidsCorner also has an
interior window to keep watch of your little
ones. You’ll see history on display in the
Dennis Neill &John Southard History Project
Room, as well as be able to look-over
historical documents.
The Health Testing office offers free HIV
testing 3 times per xveek xvhile syphilis
testing is offered once a month. The Community
Office Area xvill xvelcome small
desk/office areas for organizations, as well
as a meeting space. The sumptuous Board
Room, loo-king out over 4th Street can easily
seat 12 to 25 indMduals.
And there is still another 8,000 square
feet! Back on the street level is the Events
Center. Able to seat nearly 200 people for a
luncheon or dinner, the nearly 3,000 square
foot space comes complete xvith a catering
kitchen, a separate entry, facilities and
a clerestory windoxv nearly the len~h of
the space. The Kenosha Suite, xvith approximately
1,500 sq. ft. of space and the
4th Street frontage of 3,000 sq. ft. of retail
space xvill help invigorate the East End of
downtown Tulsa.
The nexv year of 2007 xvelcomes a nexv
home, a new name and nexv direction for
OHahomans for Equality. We xvelcome you
to visit the new community center, 621 E.
4th Street in downtown Tulsa, be involved
xvith your community and join us as we
continue our 26-year history of working for
GLBT equality.
Oldahomans for Equality (OkEq) seeks
equal rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgender (GLBT) individuals and families
through advocacy, education, programs,
alliances, and the operation of the Tulsa
GLBT Community Center.
Our House, Too offers a vadety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
VmNW.ozarksstar.com the STAR 15
Cabernet Sauvignon is grown in many regions where red wine is made:
Southern France, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Rumania in Europe; Argentina,
Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and California in the New World.
Wherever it is grown you find reliable, quality, drinkable wines. Cabernet Sauvignon
is at the heart of most Bordeaux red wines, often blended with Merlot;
they are the benchmark against which other producers judge their products.
At the upper end of the market, the Bordeaux chateaux, such as Margaux
and Haut-Brion, reign supreme, but there is increasing competition from
Australia and California. At the bottom end of the market, Bordeaux is struggling
to compete. Examples from Latin America, Australia and Eastern Europe
consistently offer an excellent drinking experience and value for money.
Cabernet Sauvignon is a fairly small, thick skinned, tannic, dark red grape
that crops well in suitable growing conditions. It survives cold winters and
well-drained soils but does need adequate sunshine in order to ripen
fully. ~he grape’s thick skin makes it resistant to spoiling by rain and attack by
insects, around harvest time, which helps to ensure ripeness before picking and
to maintain yields.
~-he predominant flavor is blackcU~i but it also can exhibit
black cherry, cedar, leather and tobacco notes, depending
on where it is grown. Because of its high tannin content, it has
good ageing potential (five to ten years) and is often matured
in oak barrels to enhance the flavor. ~-he effect of contact with
oak modifies the tannin structure, leading to smoother, elegant,
more complex wines.
Whether as a varietal or blended with Merlot, Sangiovese,
Shiraz or Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon is always a popular
choice for informed lovers of red wine.
Foods that pair well with Cabernet Sauvignon: duck, spicy
beef, pate, rabbit, roasts, spicy poultry, cheddar, blue cheese,
sausage, kidneys, pasta with tomato sauce and foods that are
meaty, pungent or spicy.
This year there are some exceptional Cab’s out there this year
Chateau St Jean Cinq Cepages 2000
Justin Justification Paso Robles 2003
Irony Napa 2002
Beringer Napa 2002
Snoqualmie Columbia Valley 2004
Visit your favorite wine shop, bring a bottle & a dish and
we’ll see ya there!!
1 6 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com

Past m this tiny and we do m~fi TINY ~ommfinity
kitchen j(
they prepare the food. [[he
so ~’0~ V[,ilt leave full. Karl and
In the afternoons, they bake flesh pasrry/pk
One night they drove us m Bisbee which is about 20 miles away.
Bisbee is a very old mining town that has a lot of character. We
dined at the Striped Stocking and had a wonderful evening. Bisbee
~s lust a very small town but has a very" active gay population.
1o800o535oAIDS (2437)
minute OraQuick Test
* Free Syphillis screening at the GLBT Community
Center on Tuesdays from 6-Spin
H.O.P.E. Testing Clinic
Outreach Program
Tulsa at {918) 812-7045
18 the STAR www.ozarksstar.c0m
to P pnngs
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
ings begiIi on Valentine~ Da?; FebruaD,
rants in .~nerica and we certainly agree.
Friday- Febru;apt 16, 2007 4 pm to 5:30 pm - Readings at the
Melvyr~ is open ~br hmch Monday thru Friday from 11:30 to 3pro. Quee~ 0fHeart~ Hotel.
Dinner is served daily 6 to 1 lpm. Lhampagn~ Brunch is served Saturday 2 February 17, 2007 3 pm - Book Signing at the Pepper-
Saturday a,~d Sunday 9am to 3 pm. "Ilaeir web site is: www.inglesi- tree Bookstore.
deim~.com. For reservations call (760)325-2323. Please contact Joanna or Denise ~br Reservations and information:
By E-maiI:
Phone: 760) 416-9999 - Toll Free: (877) 203-3410
w~,,~v.ozarksstar.com the STAR 19
Fringing the ocean, Starwood Iqotels’g[amorolls andgay-J}iendly Atlantic
resort has been a keyfeature ofFort Lauderdale’s stunning redevelopment.
(P,~oto by Andrew Collins)
January 2007
\vgith progressive attitudes on social issues and a spirited, chic style
that evokes Paris, Rome, and New York City, buoyant Buenos Aires
has become the GLBT capital of Latin America. In this distinctly
European-feeling city, the worlds of high fashion, haute cuisine,
and tango come together, and an unstable economy has become a
boon for visitors from other nations, because it’s led to favorable
foreign-currency exchange rates. Indeed, what was not long ago the
most expensive capital city in South America has become one of the
cheapest major metropolises in the world.
This city of nearly 3 million (12 million live in the metro region)
sits along the southern bank of the Rio de la Plata, a wide estuary
that forms the border between Argentina and Uruguay. Spanish
conquistadors established a foothold here in the early 1500s, and
the city retains close ties to Europe - many _Portenos_ (as residents
are known) have Spanish and Italian lineage, and significant numbers
also trace their roots to Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and
France. This is very much an international destination, and Buenos
Aires has fol!owed the lead of many European cities by actively
courting GLBT tourists (the tourism office produces an excellent
gay brochure and map) and legalizing same-sex civil unions.
North Americans are sometimes deterred from traveling to Buenos
Aires by steep airfares (which typically range from around $800
to $1,200 round-trip), but once you’re actually in Argentina, the
cost of travel is so amazingly low that you can easily spend less on a
vacation here than you would in western Europe or the Caribbean.
Also consider that during slower times, some airlines’ frequent flyer
programs offer round-trip flights here for as few as 40,000 miles offpeak
(typically March through May and again mid-August through
November, which are perfectly pleasant times to visit).
Prices for most goods - as well as food and cocktails, taxis, electronics,
and many other items - are generally 40 to 70 percent less than
in the United States. Look for especially great deals on leather goods
(from wallets to jackets), and enjoy the shockingly low prices of
fine steaks and wines (two products for which Argentina is justly
renowned) at great restaurants.
Buenos Aires (aka B.A.) is a sprawling city, but because cabs are easy
to hail on the street and extremely inexpensive, they’re a very practical
way to make your way around. This is also a generally safe and
enjoyable city to explore on foot. The central neighborhoods of Microcentro,
Congreso, and Retiro are typical business and commerce
centers, and nearby Recoteta is a wealthy hub of high-end hotels and
ritzy apartment towers. In these areas you’ll find many of the city’s
top museums, performing arts venues, and political buildings, but
you need to venture farther afield to get to know gay B.A.
Start xvith a walk through Barrio Norte, a busy and bustling district
with a sizable gay presence and loads of fine clothing, home-fur-
¯ nishings, and electronics stores along the main drag, Avenida Santa
Fe. The most charming neighborhoods for exploring, however, are
Palermo and the adjacent Palermo Viejo - the latter has the most
pronounced GBLT presence in Buenos Aires. Narrow cobblestone
streets lined with uber-chic boutiques, snazzy wine bars, Euro-inspired
cafes, and offbeat galleries abound in both neighborhoods.
but particularly in Palermo Viejo. Another district with gay cachet is
San Telmo, which is close to downtmvn and whose elegantly faded
19th-century buildings, many of them former tenements, now
contain a fabulous array of antiques dealers plus a growing number
of hip restaurants.
Among the many superb restaurants in Palermo Viejo, don’t miss
Bar Uriarte, a sexy lounge with a convivial garden in back and
outstanding brick-oven pizzas and innovative tapas; and Mott, a
gorgeous, minimalist restaurant with high ceilings, stylish decor, and
fantastic wines and healthful, light food. The beautifully modern
space occupied by Miranda Restaurant fills up each evening with
devotees of the kitchen’s delicious steaks and chops.
Freud & Fabler is an intimate place that’s a great bet for creative
Mediterranean-inspired fare, and sleek Olsen has earned a loyal
following for both its intriguing people-watching and delicious
Scandinavian food (there’s also a huge vodka selection). If you’re just
looking for a spot with free Wi-Fi and light breakfast and lunch fare,
stop by gay-popular Mark’s Deli, a dapper little place with a pretty
garden, or old-world Bartok, a graceful Euro-style coffeehouse with
20 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
sidewalk seating overlooking the edge of busy Plaza Palermo Viejo.
Bartok serves tasty salads, sandwiches, and desserts.
Other gustatory highlights around Buenos Aires - and this is just
a tiny sampling - include Milion, an uber-modern resto-lounge
in Barrio Norte, and Bond, one of the gay-friendliest of the many
excellent restatlrants in snazzy Recoteta, serving an eclectic menu of
sushi, Mediterranean-inspired tapas, and modern Argentinean fare.
To sample the tender steaks for which Argentina is known, head just
around the corner to E1 Mirasol, which is tourist}, but absolutely
dependable for outstanding beef. Owned by the same talented folks
who operate Bar Uriarte, Gran Bar Danzgn is one of Recoleta’s
trendiest wine bars, serving outstanding Continental and Latino
food, too.
As expected in a large, gay-friendly metropolis, Buenos Aires has a
vibrant nightlife scene, although maW bars and clubs are only popular
on certain nights of the week. It’s best to ask around to learn
which are likely to be busy (or even open) on a given evening - also
keep in mind that most places don’t get going until 2 or 3 in the
morning (although they often remain busy until dawn). The majority
of B.A.’s "gay" nightlife options draw a mix not only ofwomen
and men but, in many cases, gays and straights - this is a city where
folks ftom all walks of life seem to revel quite happily together.
Some of the larger dance clubs include the aptly named GLAM in
Barrio Norte, long-running Contramano in Recoleta, and see-andbe-
seen Alsina in the Monserrat district. More intimate yet still
highly popular bars and lounges worth checking out are Kim y Noyak,
a cozy and stylish Palermo Viejo hangout that also serves good
food; Sitges, which is also in Palermo Viejo and presents lively drag
shows; and Bach Bar, a mostly lesbian spot in Barrio Norte. Buenos
Aires also has a few bathhouses, the most popular being Buenos
Aires A Full, in Barrio Norte.
Prices of accommodations in Buenos Aires vary wildly, as the large
and often very impressive international hotels, which appeal to business
travelers and well-heeled tourists, tend to charge rates comparable
to those in other major world capitals. Among the city’s best
high-end hotels, the relatively new Park Hyatt, which opened in
2006, is an absolute treasure, its rooms sleekly and artfully designed,
and its restaurants, courtyard patio, wine-and-cheese bar, and spa
all top-notch. The Hyatt’s well-trained, thoughtful staffwhisks
about, tending to guests’ every need. In the same neighborhood of
Recoleta, the classic Alvear Palace Hotel has been serving discerning
travelers since it opened in 1932 - the elegant rooms are among the
largest in the city.
In Palermo Viejo, Bo Bo is a smart boutique hotel with moderately
priced, avant-garde rooms and an excellent restaurant popular with
models and celebs. The intimate FIVE hotel contains - despite its
name - 16 rooms, each done with handsome, contemporary furnishings,
but the big draw here are the extensive common areas, including
a lovely rooftop sundeck with great city views and a hot tub.
Charming owner Adriana Teplixke and her knowledgeable staff can
recommend great places to shop and eat, and rates here are quite
reasonable, beginning around $100 nightly.
If you’re on a budget, consider Palermo Viejo’s absolutely wonderful,
gay-owned Bayres B&B, where it feels like staying vdth kind (and
knowledgeable) friends in their simple but pleasant home. Rates
(which run from $35 to $65 per night) include full breakfast, and
there’s free high-speed Intemet and cable TV in every room, and
private or shared bathrooms. Considering that Bayres costs hundreds
less per night less than some of the city’s fanciest hotels, it’s
truly an amazing bargain. Aiad with the money you save on rooms,
you can invest in such heady pleasures as haute couture and cuisine
- if you’re a serious shopper, bring along an empty suitcase to fill
with your bounty.
Owasse Community Theatre Opens
The New Year With "StuaR Little"
OWASSO, OK__Rehearsals have begun for the O~vasso Community
Theatre’s presentation of Stuart Little by E.B. White, and
performance dates have been scheduled for January 19-21 and 25-
27, 2007 at the Mary Glass Performing Arts Center in Owasso. All
performances will occur at 7:00PM except the matinee on January
21st which will occur at 2:00PM.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 21
"Resolve to Take Action"
Well, it’s 2007, but many of us will probably be dating our checks
2006 for weeks to come. Old habits - 365 days worth - die hard, but
soon the 2007 mental pathway will be established, and our dating
habits (the written ones, anyway) will be corrected.
Looking back, 2006 was quite a year. LOGO, the gay cable network,
and the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
came up with their top 10 stories. It’s an interesting but not too
surprising list, including everything from Outgames/Gay Games
to Soulforce’s Equality Ride to Oscar coming out on Brokeback
Mountain to Ted Haggard falling on his face (let alone from grace)
to Mark Foley’s page folly to the Dems bringing democracy, back to
Capitol Hill.
I’m not about to rehash and recap - you can go to LOGOonline.
corn and watch the four-part series complete with music, graphics,
and Jason Bellini as anchor. My thoughts are on our future - what
2007 has in store for the community and for me, and even better,
what we have in store for 2007.
Personally; once the cast comes offmy ruptured right bicep tendon
(when you’re almost 49, playing with the dog can be dangerous), I
plan to segue physical therapy into future trips the gym. I’m one of
those dykes who can put on weight just by thinking about it, and as
I start my ascent to 50 1 really want to try and get back into some
sort of shape. If any of you girls (or guys) have suggestions or secrets
to share, just let me know. I’m open.
Also, 2007 gives me the opportunity to tell my partner, Lynn, how
much she means to me. Let your partner know how you feel, too
- how important they are to you, how dreary your life wonld be
without them, how much you love them.
The new year also gives all of us the opportunity to let our family,
friends, neighbors, and colleagues know how much our partners
mean to us. I’m not talking about being all mushy all the time at
work or at family gatherings. I am talking about being clear about
your life, who you live with, how you identify.
If there was ever a year to come out and build on our achievements,
this is it.
The more that people know us and feel connected with us, the more
likely they are to stand beside us as allies and fight for our rights. It’s
all about building relationships and normalizing straight people’s
perceptions ofwho we are.
With a new Congress (let’s all pray for Sen. Tim Johnson’s [D-S.D.]
full recovery), and the president’s final two years in a death spiral,
the ability for the LGBT community to make real change is within
our reach. If a lesbian can get elected to the Alabama State House,
anything is possible - ifwe put our minds to it.
"lhis is the year we could overtnrn "don’t ask, don’t tell." It’s the
year we could get the federal nondlscrn-nmauon act and mclus~ve
hate-crimes legislation passed. It’s the year we could see our national
organizations ~vorldng in tandem on the issues that concern us the
most. It’s the year we could see real progress on our issues.
But for al! of that to happen this year, next year, or beyond, we,
as a community, have to support the organizations that represent
us. "lhat support could be a check to your local community center
and!or to your statewide organization and/or to the national organization
of choice. If we are to move forward in 2007, we must put
LGBT human and financial capital to work.
This is also the year for us to point out the lies of the radical Christian
right and hold them accountable for their ,vords.
After Mary Cheney announced in early December that she was
pregnant, _Time_ magazine asked Focus on the Family’s James
Dobson to write an opinion piece. In his usual homophobic, antigay-
family way, Dobson - like other radical Christians - chastised
Mary for bringing a child into the world without a dad. To back up
his arguments, he cited the academic work of feminist scholar Carol
Gilligan and Yale School of Medicine’s Kyle Pruett, M.D.
Instead of just dismissing Dobson’s rantings as those of a rattled homophobe,
Wayne Besen ofTruth Wins Out contacted both scholars
and asked them to repudiate this nse of their work. °II~ey did. Time’s
embarrasment led the mag’s editors to ask Jennifer Chrisler of Fainily
Pride to write a response. Her piece debunked Dobson’s dithering
about how a kid needs a mommy and daddy more than she or
he needs love. Besen plans to keep the heat on Dobson and others
like him with his new website, xw~vw.dobsonlies.org.
Join Besen, and kick off 2007 vdth some action - write Time’s editor,
Patrick Smith (patrick_smith@timemagazine.com), and tell him
that if his magazine is going to let the right rant, it also has to make
them prove their points with facts, not rely on the pseudo-fiction
they’ve been parading behind.
After that, tell your honey you love her or him, tell your neighbor
you’re gay, write a check, and don’t ever forget how important you
are in the next 365 days.
Gayly O ahomar
No Lor ger Pr r t
TULSA, OK The publisher of the 24 year old Oklalxoma GLBT
news paper, Andrew Hicks, announced in the December 15th issue
that the Gayly was shutting down their print version and going digital.
"\V,/e ~vant to take the Gayly into the future and onto new levels
and fulfill a vision that has kept this paper alive for nearly 25 years.
The world is changing and our need for information is changing
with it." Hicks said.
The on-line operation is due to be up and running this month. For
more information go to: wv~v.gayly.com
22 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__Keith Smith died at Integris Hospital
from pneumonia on Monday, November 20. Up until the time of
his death he had been a tireless lobbyist not only for gay rights for
also environmental causes, reproductive freedom, and civil liberties.
Lobbying clients included the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood,
and the ACLU.
He was also the co-chair of the Central Oklahoma Stonewall
Democrats as well as a national board member A memorial service
was held in the rotunda of the Oklahoma State Capitol, and speakers
honoring him included ne~vly elected State Representative AI
McAffre); State Senators Andrew Rice and Bernest Cain, former
Governor David Waiters, Native American Rights activist Kalyn
Free, Oklahoma ACLU Executive Director Joann Bell & his dear
friend, Linda Gray Murphy.
A native of Alva, Oklahoma, he is survived by his mother Berda
Murrow, and three brothers, Craig, Kurt and Kyle Smith.
2. Stir well.
3. Chill for at least 1 hour.
When ready to serve...
4. Chill martini glasses with ice and
5. Add club soda to mixture.
6. Pour into martini glasses and
The STAR 23

Congratulations Lawanda Jackson
Miss Gay Oklahoma US of A 2007
by Victor Gorin
Photo: Center LawandaJackson Miss Oklahoma US ofA 2007 & 1st
runnerup Alexia" Nicole
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK The Copa was filled with excitement as
the pageant for Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA came together in all its
glory December 7-10. A pageant of Ragfin Productions, this marked
the 20th anniversary of the event. Promoted by Regie Finley (a.k.a.
Raghenna, Miss Oklahoma US ofA 1990) the show featured Alyssa
Edwards, the current reigning Miss Gay US of A. It was emceed by
Rachael Erikks (former Miss Gay Oklahoma & America)& Reghenna
herself, and their campy wit kept it lively.
The winners were 2nd Alternate Victoria Weston, 1 st runner-up
Alexis Nicole Whimey, and Lawanda Jackson was crowned the new
Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA. Both Lawanda and Alexis Nicole will
go on to compete for the national title in Dallas May 22-25 of next
w~#v.ozarksstar.corn the STAR 25
Salutations and ~velcome to Uncle Mikey 2007! Yes Kittens, it ~vas
a holiday triumph once more Kittens, as yours truly entertained,
touched, and brought holiday warmth to those around me. According
to the lucky, Uncle did all three. As we usher in the New Year,
allow us to unite, if only for a moment in holiday cheer.
Uncle Mikey,
Why do so many people turn the holidays into future stories of
drunken escapades? Doesn’t anyone take time to enjoy the true
meaning of the season?
Dearest Cheer,
Kitten, the holiday,s mean something different to everyone. For
some it is a deep and meaningful time of their personal faith
celebration. W~ile others, look at it as a time for friends and family,
We cannot cheapen it by taking away from someone’s personal
holiday meaning. Uncle sees the holidays as a bit different still yet.
Christmas time for me is a time of white mink against the skin,
while given a reason to dress hunk-a-licious men in red, green, and
sliver holiday strings. Kitten; just remember that everyone has his
or her own reason for the season! Smooches Mikey.
Uncle Mikey,
I thought I was going to get a commitment ring for Christmas and
instead found that my partner is not as ready as I thought after all.
It has been a year and still no advancement in the elevation of this
relationship. Should I lClnd someone who is as ready as I, or hope
that he will come around? Still Looking for Bling--Bling
Dearest Bling,
Can I get an amen? Uncle Mikey never committed to awthing less
than two carats! Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle Mikey,
I was out at a club during my Christmas break from school, when I
ran into an old flame from High School. We hooked up and spent
some time together. I though we had renewed some old feelings for
one another, however, the only thing he left me with was a cold release,
when he went back to school, leaving me in the dust. Should
I confront him?
Trick Played
Dear played, ~
Kitten, it could have been worse, he could have left you with the gift
that keeps giving, clap on--clap off. Uncle says count your blessing
and remember it for what it obviously was, a holiday romance.
Smooches Mikey
We all can find drama in our life ifwe try, however the one thing
that we seem to forget is that we allow the drama in our life to begin
with. You were home from school, lonely during the Christmas
rush, and jumped onto stallion number one. You rode him straight
through break, only to complain at the dismount. Kitten, selfanalazation
might point out that we only deal with what we allow
ourselves too. ~-hink about it, you wanted deep penetrating! Well
this is as deep as it gets. Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle Mikey,
I started dating this guy a while ago, and while I do enjoy his company
for the most part, I think it is that I am more afraid of being
alone than being annoyed. It is not that I am a loser. It is that I do
not lie to myself. I am not the most intelligent, or even the most
desirable. Therefore, my question is this; is it wrong to settle?
Only the lonely
Dearest Lonely,
Kitten Kitten, get off the cross because Madonna needs the wood!
It is a shame to hear someone cutting oneself. It is not the package
that sells the gift, it is the gift that makes the package. Kitten,
we all begin with the simple package that the Gay Gods deliver to
us. We make our identity. If you want to look better, it’s called a
gym. Want to be a scholar, it’s called education. Want to improve
your attitude, It’s called therapy, Bottom line kittens, it is all about
self-help in a self-serving world. You can be a player or you can be
played. No Kitten, it is not wrong to settle, it is a self-defeating cop
out! Smooches Mikey
Dear Uncle Mikey,
I caught my boyfriend in a lie. After I asked him if he was talking
to people on the PC after I was in the bed, I decided to check for
myself. I looked and found cookies left from him visiting the infamous
site where they pick up booty calls. I didn’t’*=want to tell him
I had been dipping into his business so I waited. Well, sure enough
he told me that he had to be away on business overnight. After following
him to the motel, it was clear what his business was. I have
just been sick wondering what to do. Any advice for the betrayed?
Seeing Red
Dearest Red,
Stalk-much? Kitten, a relationship is not worth it if you have to mistrust
their every move. Kitten, I would strongly recommend some
professional guidance here. I don’t mean spy gear either. Kitten,
relationships are only as productive as the players in them. Ifyou
feel that yours is not what you want, may I suggest the emergency
exit! Smooches Mikey
Well, like the trick in the alley, I must slide out once more. Kittens,
here is to a New Year- May all of your dreams come true. Wishing
you all a very Queer New Year!
26 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
and Combread 2pm, Karaoke 9pm
PEC’S: -"?’Fell drinks 2.50 from 7-9pro
wear leather.
THE COPA: Stip-Off Contest 12am
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro.
PEC’S: \Veil drinks 2.50 from 7-9pro
xvear leather.
TNT’S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: \~ieD" Show 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart~lburnament 10pm
w/Rachael Erikks
PEC’S: \X;dl drinks 2.50 from 7-9pro
wear leather.
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart’l~3urnament i 0pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
CLUB ROX: Alison Scott, 9:30pro
PEC’S: Mate Dancers, 9pm
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
2pm, Dancers 4pro
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pro
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC’S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-9pro
wear leather.
THE COPA: Stip-OffContest t2am
XgCEDNESDA?f Januaq~" !0
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro
PEC’S: ~Tell drinks 2.50 from 7-9pro
wear leather.
TNT’S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: Variety Show !0:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart’Iburnament 10pm
THO~DA~~ Jarmary il
w/Rachael Erild~s
PEC’S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart %urnament ! 0pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast But})t
1 am-3:30am
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
BAMBoo LOUNGE: Free Brunch
2pro, Dancers 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Shmv
CLUB ~JESTIC: Catia Lee Love
Show 10pro
THE COPA: I~chael Erik~ Show
! 0:30pm
MONDAY Jauuary 15
BAblBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-Tpm
TUESDAY January 16 .....
PEC’S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pro wear leather.
THE COPA: Stip-Off Contest
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro
PEC’S: \Veil drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pro wear leather.
TNT’S: Karaoke 9pro.
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pm
w/Rachael Erikks
PEC’S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
LEDO: KarbOkie host, Pancho 9pm
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pm
CLUB ROX: Mison Scott Shm~X):30pm
CLUB MAJESTIC: Majestic Kings
Shmv 10pro.
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
BAMBOO LOUNGE: 50’s-60’s Sock
2pm, Dancers 4pro Kris Kohl Show
CLUB ROX: Whimey Paige Show
Show 10pro
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Christmas Dinher
Served 3pro. Karaoke 9pro.
PEC’S: \Veil drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wear leather.
THE COPA: Stip-OffContest
BAMBOO LOUNGE: ICaraoke 9pro
PEC’S: \Vell drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
TNT’S: Karaoke 9pro.
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament t 0pro
CLUB MAJESTIC: Talent Show wl
Rachael Erikks
PEC’S: \Yell drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
THE COPA: Open Talent xvlShemoaue
Somemore 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
1 am-3:30am
PEC’S: Male Dancers, 9pro
2pm, Dimcers 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pro
THE COPA: tLachael Eril~&~ Show
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Christmas Dinnet
Served 3pro. Karaoke 9pm.
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
PEC’S: V&ll drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wear leather.
THE COPA: Stip-Off Contest
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC’S: \Veil drinks 2.50 from 7-gpm
wear leather.
TNT’S: Karaoke 9pro.
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
~.ozarksstar.com the STAR 27
"Expect arguments, Sagittarius! ......
Sun and Mercury lining up in Capricorn clash with
Saturn in Leo, making egos more important than actual
ideas. Remember, you’re more often right if you
can admit when you’re wrong! The open mind and
humble ego will win in the long run.
ARIES (r,~arch 20 o Apri~ 19): Your sense of your own
brilliance may lead you to trust in a triumph of your will, but
your confidence is a bit inflated and can get you into big
trouble. Handle authority gently. Intuitive hunches will soon
prove helpful.
TAURUS (April 20 - IVlay 20): Tripping over your religious
roots? Patriarchal authorities from childhood may still intimidate
you or act out through you. See where that’s coming
from and focus on humanitarian ideals to rise above it.
GEi~IN~ (IVlay 21 - June 20): Your mouth is likely to get you
into trouble, but the real problem is your ego. What do you
need to prove? Shrewdly measured, carefully considered
words will get the point across better, and holding back will
nurture your genius.
CANCER (June 21 - Ju~y 22): Fussing about debts, those
you owe or those owed you, can damage a partnership
or friendship. Get those accounts in order, but don’t gripe.
A more philosophical approach to these relationships will
prove helpful very soon.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Stressing out gets you into arguments
with co-workers. Work smarter, not harder, and be
nice about their suggestions - whatever you think of them.
Success in that.area will help you look and feel sexier
wherever you go.
VlR60 (August 23 - September 22): If you start feeling
old and cranky, try to make a game of it. Exaggerate your
complaints whenever you can to make a joke of them. That
will make it easier to put things in perspective and open up
new opportunities for fun.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): You are normally the
world’s greatest hostess. Not this week. Put some energy
into your community, but keep your home a private _sanctum
sanctorum_. Don’t let pessimism get you down; focus
that energy into sensible caution.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Your clever notions
are likely to irritate your boss. In order to get ahead,
soften and adjust your ideas to fit the boss’ thinking, but be
ready to backpedal as necessary. Your innovations will be
more welcome, and more effective, very soon.
28 the STAR
SAG~TTARIUS (November 22 o December 20}: Philosophy
and pragmatism are heading for a nasty collision. Your
challenge is to stay true to your ideals and to apply them in
the real world. It will take some severe adaptation. Expect
arguments along the way, and be ready to learn from them!
CAPRICORN (December 2t o January 19): A little leather
or some dominance games can bring up more than you’ve
bargained for. Play with someone you trust enough to step
back and explore those issues with. Switch roles? Aggravating
sexual problems will soon be easily discussed.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Problems in
relationships are bugging you. Take time out to examine the
issues, bur remember you can only make changes on your
side of the equation. Some rigorous introspection can make
others seem more reasonable.
PISCES (February 19 - March t9): Your idea of being a
good team player may depend too heavily on the notion
that your ideas and leadership are best. Focus on humility
and attention to others. Still, offer your input - just don’t
Testing appointment 417-529-8480.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
SATURDAY Service 9:30AM
Your Invited to our Community Dinner Every Wed.
6pro just $4.00. No one is turned away.
Arkansas, BentonvillelRogers (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr .... www.nwaglbtcc.org.........479-586-1062
Barnes & Noble Bks - - 261 N. 46th St., Rogers....479-636-2002
Arkansas, Eureka Sp~’ings (479)
Diversity Pride Events .............. www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd’s Eye View..... 36 N. Main - - 479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante.... 309 W VanBuren....... 479-253-8102
Henri’s 19 1/2 Spring St- - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill--- 105 E VanBuren........ 479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - 17 Elk Street- Service 6PM- - -479-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- .... 888-582-8464
Spexton........ 17B Spring Street 479-981-6060
Tiki Torch 75 S. Main Street......... -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge - 141 W. VanBuren 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - - - 479-442-3515
Condom Sense ........ 418 W. Dickson.......479-444-6228
Curry’s Video - - - 612 N. College Ave...........479-521-0009
Passages ......930 N. College Ave- - -479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave 479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads.......1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- 479-783-9988
Klub XLR8 ......1022 Dodson Ave........... 479-782-9578
Red Rock City - - - 917 N. "A" St. 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (50t)
Jesters Lounge .... 1010 E. Grand Ave ........501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street ....1021 Jessie Rd...............501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- ................www.dsra.org
Discovery..... 1021 Jessie Rd- -50!-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North L.R., 501-244-0444
The Factory ...... 412 Louisiana St.-- 501-372-3070
Club U.B.U. - ..... 824 W Capitol Ave- 501-375-8580
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club...... 384 Grant Ave. 785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.-- 1701 S. Broadway- 620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Walnut- -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40..... 3201 S. Hillside......316-682-5494
Priscilla’s..... 6143 W Kellogg Dr- .316-942-1244
Club Glacier......... 2828 E. 31st South..... -316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit o1: Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - ......Sat Service-9:30AM
Joplin Gay/Lesbian Cntr- PO Box 4383, zip 64803- -417-622-7821
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
40th Street Inn....www.40thstreetinn.com.......816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd ........ 816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs -w~v.hydeskc.com -- 816-561-1010
Missie B’s....805 W. 39th St -816-561-0625
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge..... 424 Boonville Ave............. 417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical 417-869-3978
JR’s Nightclub.... 504 E. Commerical......... 417-83!-9001
Martha’s Vineyard- - - 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Ronisuz Place....821 College- 417-864-0036
Rumors---1109 E. Commercial- -417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books....104 Sunset 580-242-6838
Priscilla’s........ -4810-A West Garriott....... 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
Ingrids Bookstore..... 1124 NW Cache Rd......580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester (918)
McPride........... POBox 1515, - .... McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642...... 405-495-1111
Blue Dog Liquor- ......4015 N. Penn ......... 405-606-7000
Boom Room........ 2807 NW 36th St......... -405-601-7200
Border’s Books...... 3209 NW Expressway..... 405-848-2667
CD Warehouse...... 4001 N. Penn 405-525-7766
Club Rox.......3535 NW 39th Expwy.........405-947-2351
Christie’s Toy Box.....3126 N. May Ave ....... 405-946-4438
Church of Open Arms......3131 N. Penn...... 405-525-9555
Copa.............2200 NW 39th Exp....... -405-525-0730
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave....... -405-6726459
Finishline ....... 2200 NW 39th Expwy....... -405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant.....2200 NW 39Exp ...... 405-525-0730
Habana Inn ........2200 NW 39th Exp....... 405-528-2221
Herland Sisters Resources.... 2312 NW 39th St- -405-521-9696
Hollywood Hotel.... 3535 NW 39th Exp 405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club ....... 1221 NW 50th- 405-843-1722
Jungle Reds .......2200 NW Expwy- 405-524-5733
Ledo.............2200 NW Expwy......... 405-525-0730
Naughty But Nice .... 3121 SW 29th St ........405-681-5044
Partners......... 2805 NW 36th St -405-942-2199
Pec’s- 3535 NW 39th Expw ....... -405-947-2351
Red Rock North--- 2240 NW39th St 405-525-5165
Rudy’s Place......3535 NW39th Expw..........405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising .... 2120 NW 39th St- 405-601-3711
The Park. 2125 NW 39th St ...........405-528-4690
The Rockies...... 3201 N. MayAve ......... 405-917-1663
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th -405-947-2351
Tramps- .2201 NW 39th .405-521-9888
Ziggy’s- - - 4005 N. Penn- -405-521-9999
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge....7204 E. Pine -918-836-8700
Border’s Book Store--- 2740 E. 21st- 918-712-9955
Border’s Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale .......... 918-494-2665
Club 209 209 N. Boulder- 918-584-9944
Club Majestic........ 124 N. Boston 918-584-9494
Club Maverick..... 822 S. Sheridan .918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks .... 8807 E. Admiral PI .........918-834-1051
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 621 E. 4th Street.........918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge..... 11730 E. 1 lth...........918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic....... 3540 E. 31st - - 918-749-8378
Jazz’s Lounge...... 426 S. Memorial 9t8-836-8544
Midtown.......... 319 E. 3rd- 918-584-3112
Openarms Youth Projt - - - 2015 S. Lakewood.....918-838-7104
Our House, Too ....203 N Nogales Ave- 918-585-9552
Priscilla’s -7925 E. 41st.............918-627-4884
Priscilla’s 5634 W. Skelly - 918-446-6336
Priscilla’s 11344 E. 11th....918-438-4224
Priscilla’s 2333 E. 71st.............918-499-166t
Renegades. 1649 S. Main 918-585-3405
Rob’s Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- 918-627-1505
St. Michaels Alley......3324-L E 31st- 918-745-9998
Sterling & Co. Salon---1606 E.15th St.- 918-742-9999
Titan’s Lounge .... 6373-C E 31st St- 918-836-0299
Tulsa CARES.... 3507 E. Admiral PI.......... 918-834-4194
Tulsa Central Library ...... 400 Civic Center- - - - 918-596-7977
Tulsa Eagle.....1338 E. 3rd .918-592-1188
TNT’s 2114 S. Memorial- 9t 8-660-0856
Yellow-Brick-Rd....... 2630 E. 15th.......... 918-293-0304
WklOf9 NOW
bitter girl
email: bittergirl@qsyndicate,com www,joanhilty,net
30 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
NWArkansas GLBT
Community Center
"Linking Together as One"
For more information:
qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 31

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd; , “[2007] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 13, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/206.