[2005] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 2


[2005] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 2


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


February 1, 2005


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Lady Bunny
Michael Dee
Douglas Glen
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinec
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Ferlig


The Ozark Star Magazine, January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1

The Star, May 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 5


Online text








Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southwest Missouri
Southeast Kansas
The United States of America (50 states)



"From the day of ourfofi:n,4ifl:g,
we have proclaimed that every
man and woman on this Earth
:h45 rights,, and dignity and
11ttitcbless value because they bear
~rnagc of the maker of
ven.and ta;rth .. »
• Ge~rge W. Bu~h, .
• Toaugb./al. ~J>eech;
January 20, 2005
State~entl?y:M:att Forc=m.a11'✓ •
· μecut~e Djrector, Natio11af~a;r
. andI:.esbian'Fask Force • " ., C ,:•\ ,'" •• " ,,
Page 5
Oklahoma City
Little Rock ·
F ayettevitle·~·"'i
Fort .
Club nv opens in
Kansas Ci
by Greg Steele
January 18, 2005

KANSAS CITY, MO- The long awaited
opening of KC's newest club opened their
doors to the public on January 6th.
Studio@NV Video Bar officially opened
at 4:30pm. A year under construction the
dub also has a dance side that will be
open on Jan 21st. The grand opening
private party is planned for the 20th.
"You'll be blown away at the light show
and we have some of the cutest bartenders in
town." said General Manager, Chad
Located in the site of a former Buick
deaiership, the club will have three bars,
a state of the art dance bar, a video bar
and two patio's. The rooftop bar and
patio is the place for a grand view of
downtown Kansas City. NV plans to
be KC's first GLBT totally nonsmoking
bar. Smoking will be allowed on
the patio. In addition to the club area's,
the building \vill feature 23 lofts to be
named "The Buick Lofts" and will
range in size from a studio to 2500
square feet.
Studio@nv video bar is open at 4:30 to
!:30 Monday through Saturday with 1/
2 price martini's from 4:30-8:30
Monday through Friday.
The Dance Club starting January 21st
will be open Thursday, Friday and
Saturday 1 0pm to 1 :30am.
Located at 220 Admiral Blvd. on the
corner of 7th and McGee in downtown
KCMO. If you need further directions
or have any questions, you may call
816.421.NVKC or check out the
website at http:/ /www.nv-kc.com.
Page 6
Arkansas Anti-Gay
Foster care Ban
LITTLE ROCK - Finding that children
are not harmed by living with gay or
lesbian parents, an Arkansas court today
struck down a stllte regulation that
banned gay people and anyone living in a
household with a gay adult from being
foster parents in the st:2.te. The American
Civil Liberties Union brought the
lawsuit ag:ainst the state in 1999 on behalf
of three prospective foster parents.
''Throughout this case, the state has
relied on ugly stereotypes to deny
children in the Arkansas foster care
system the chance of having the widest
possible pool of foster wnilies available
to them,'' said Rim Sklar, Executive
Director of the ACLU of Arkansas.
"We're very pleased that the court sa~
through these arguments and has
recognized that gay and lesbian people
can provide homes just as loving and
smble as anyone else's."
In his findings, Circuit Court Judge
Timothy Fox flatly rejected many of the
claims the state had made about gay and
lesbian people's suitability as parents. In
his decision, Fox wrote: "(Psychology
pioneer) Jerome Bruner has suggested
that one of the reasons people believe in
om system of justice may be as simple as
'ow: faith that confrontation is a good
way to get to the bottom of things.' The
'confrontation' in this case has presented
us all with an excellent opportunity to
replace ignorance with knowledge and to
make an informed decisionbased on
information as opposed to assumption."
Among Judge Fox's findings of fact
• Being raised by gay parents doesn't
increase the risk of psychological,
behavioral, or academic problems for
• Children of lesbian and gay parents are
just as well adjusted as children of
straight parents.
• There is no factual basis for saying that
heterosexual parents might be better able
to guide children through adolescence
than gay parents.
• There are no reasons that health,
safety, or welfare of a foster child might
be negatively impacted by living in a
foster home where there is a gay person
• The blanket exclusion can hurt
children by excluding a pool of effective
foster parents.
"Throughout the trial we presented a
variety of experts who proved that the
state's justifications for this ban were
nothing but baseless myths about gay
people," said Leslie Cooper, a staff
attorney with the ACLU's Lesbian and
Gay Rights Project. "This is a victory
not only for gay families, but for the
many children in the Arkansas foster
care system who now have a better shot
at finding a good home."
After Arkansas's Child Welfare
Agency Review Board established a
policy in 1999 that "no person may serve
as a foster parent if any adult member of
that person's household is a .
homosexual," the ACLU filed a lawswt
in state court challenging the policy on
behalf of three Arlwisans who are
challenging the ban:
William Wagner of Waldron, who
works in an optical laboratory. Wagner
has been married for 31 yClltS and has
two adult children. Although he is a
married heterosexual, be is disqualified
from serving as a foster parent because
his gay son sometimes lives at home.
Wagner .and pis wife hope to serve as
foster parents because they alrea~y
provide em~rgency shelter to teens who
have been physically abused and kicked
out of their homes for being lesbian or
gay and would like to be available to take
care of teens in the foster care system.
Matthew Lee Howard, a teacher, who
lives with his partner Craig Stoopes, a
librarian, in Little Rock. The couple has
been in a committed relationship for 19
years, is currently raising two children,
and hopes to serve as foster parents.
Anne Shelley of Fayetteville is a
community organizer for various nonprofit
organizations and woul9. like to
serve as a foster parent. She is prevented
from doing so under Arkansas law
because she is a lesbian.
Leslie Cooper and James Esseks of the
ACLU's Lesbian & Gay Rights Project,
Grif Stockley of the ACLU of Arkansas,
and cooperating attorneys David Ivers
and Emily Sneddon represent the
prospective foster parents.
1 !
February 2005
by Andrew Collins
Photorigbt: You can take cooking classes taught by some
of the leading chefs in the Southwest at the acclaimed
Santa Fe School of Cooking.
Given that many travelers put as much
thought into picking the right restaurants as they
do choosing appealing hotels and sightseeing
attractions, it's little wonder that cooking-school
vacations have become extremely popular in
recent years. After all, if you're already a fan of
eating outstanding food, it makes perfect sense to
explore your culinary passions a bit further and
learn how to prepare the great meals you enjoy.
Whether you're a die-hard chef with professional ambitions or simply a fan of
good cooking who's keen on picking up a few culinary tips, you're likely to find a
cooking-school adventure that suits yow: interests (and budget). Opportunities to
learn bow to cook while traveling range from taking a class or two at a local
cooking school or country in~ to booking a complete educational getaway that
includes several days of intensive cooking instruction as well as accommodations,
meals, and day trips to farmers' markets and restaurants. The cost can range from
$50 for a single demonstration class at a cooking school to several thousand dollars
per person for a wecklong, all-inclusive package. In most cases, you're responsible
for getting to and from the destination.
Although there arc no cooking-school vacations geared exclusively to the lesbian
and gay market, plenty of gay-popular destinations - from San Francisco to
Vermont to Barcelona - offer these food-based educational excursions. Taking one of
these trips can be great fun whether you're traveling with yow: honey or with a
group of pals, but it's also an excellent way to make new friends; indeed, cooking
schools draw plenty of single travelers.
If you're looking for an informal, unstructured experience, where you plan your own
trip but take some cooking courses on your own, consider booking a class or two at the
esteemed Santa Fe School of Cooking, whose instructors include some of the top chefs in this
gay-friendly arts mecca in New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Topics cover a wide
range of food styles, from the cuisine of Mexico to Southwest tapas. Classes arc offered
several times per week and typically cost from $50 to $65 apiece; each one concludes with a
full meal featuring the delicious food prepared.
A number of inns around the country offer occasional cooking-class weekends, which
typically run from two to four days and are especially popular with couples seeking a
romantic retreat. In Kennebunkport, Maine - which is dose to such gay-friendly destinations
as Portland and Ogunquit - the lavish White Barn Inn offers weekend cooking-school
packages throughout the year. These three-day, two-night events begin with a Friday
afternoon tea reception, followed by a tour of the inn's impressive wine cellar, where you're
also treated to a tasting of several fine vintages. On Saturday you participate in a cooking
class in the state-of-the-an demonstration kitchen, followed by a mixoiogy course in the bar.
You then get to sample some of the dishes you saw demonstrated in class earlier in the day
during the six-course dinner on Saturday evening, in the \Vnire Barn's highly acclaimed
restaurant. Guests also receive _The White Barn Inn Cookbook_. Prices start at about $400
per person, double-occupancy.
Vermont, which has become a favorite gay destination in recent years, ... continued page-32
Page 8
' The Queen City of
the Southwest ?
From the Editor
January 20, 2005
TULSA, OKLAHOMA Located in the
center of a potentially gay business boom.
Sound like a fantasy? Well, look what is
within 175 miles, just a three hour drive.
Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Muskogee,
McAlester, Miami, Witchita, Joplin,
Springfield, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, a
huge GLBT population estimated at near
Yes, Tulsa, OK
has an opportunity
to become a
major gay /lesbian
city. Shake the
Bible Belt syndrome.
Gay is not
unique in this
year of 2005. Gay
does not have to
be in the closet.
Gay is not a lifestyle,
it is a life! Gay /Lesbian is not a
nasty word with a connotation of deviate.
Homosexuality has been accepted around
the globe and has become common place.
Teen's think of sex as just sex, it doesn't
matter if it is with the opposite sex or
same sex. If you prefer same sex or
opposite sex, no big deal. It's just sex.
What does the Tulsa business community
have to offer the GLBT tourist or those
wanting to relocate? Is there a hotel that
seeks gay business? NO. Is there a
restaurant that caters to gay people? NO.
Is there a predominateiy gay area for
housing? NO. Are there shops that as;;.
for your business? A FEW. Are ,here
gay /lesbian bars? \'ES. Bars, clubs, disco's
country western, cruise, neighborhood,
and just bars. ls that it? NO.
Tulsa has a percentile of GLBT professional
people equal to any major city.
Attorney's, Accountants, Doctors,
Realtors, Nurses, Artists, Writers,
Insurance Agents, Engineers, Business
Managers, Teachers, Pastors and of
course Cosmetologist. A fabulous group
of entertainers, Shopping Centers,
Theater, beautiful scenery, parks, museums,
recreational area's. Tulsa has
everything a city needs to attract gay/
lesbian business. To attract gay business
development and tourism. Except, two
major factors, gay pride and organization!
Tulsa has the foundation for growth with
the GLBT Center, a GLBT Business
organization, we
have a Human
Rights Organization,
we have
GLBT religious
leaders and
community out
reach organizations.
Yes and
how much
support do they
receive £rpm the
over all gay
population. Most
of these nonprofit
organizations say they are struggling
to keep afloat. I asked one business
owner if he belonged to the Gay Business
Association, and he replied, "I didn't
know we had one." Another said he
belonged to the "Tulsa Rainbow Business
Organization" ar one time, but the group
decided to cease because there were only
ten active members.
In the last two months there have been
three gay owned business closing in Tulsa
ti1a~ I know of, maybe more. Could be
the bar market was overly saturated.
Niche clubs seem :o be doing well. That
is a good sign Tulsa has a diverse group of
people who have found a club they enjoy.
Persona]y .............. continued next page
Page 9
Photo: Night Club in the Brady District.
I prefer a nice plush piano bar with
entertainment, hunky bartenders and
good selection of exotic martini's. Fine
wine and food would make my day! I
might rent a booth by the month. If
anyone out there would consider opening
such a place, let me know and I
promise to be your best customer.
As an Oklahoma native, I've watched
the State grow in positive attitude
toward her GLBT citizens. Tolerance
for some, but for the most part the
attitude has changed from gay
bashing and hatred to live and let
live. Just because we can't legally
ma.tty in Oklahoma is no excuse to
sit back and grow stagnant, or move
to Massachusetts.
Star Media, Ltd., the publisher of this
magazine is so confident in the
future of Tulsa's GLBT community,
we are now publishing the STAR
here in Tulsa and will continue to
cover and distribute to the Four
State Region of Arkansas, Missouri,
Kansas and Oklahoma. People
we've talked with, all agree that a
home based news publication is an
essential part of every growing
community. We are excited and
look foiward to becoming a part of
Tulsa's future. Our growth has been
gradual, but strong. This issue is our
largest ever, with 40 pages. Our distribution
has grown from 1000 to 5000 in just
over a year. We distribute free of charge
and depend on advertising from the
GLBT and allied business community for
our existence. Without it we could
Clothing & Gift Shop in the Cherry Street
Image, convenience, quality products and not survive. The response has been
service are key to any successful business. tremendous with the February issue
Offer the GLBT community something having a record number of advertisers.
they want and don't have, let them know We may not be the largest paper in the
you have it and treat them with respect state, but we are gaining ground thanks to
and they will support you. a very supportive Oklahoma community
and the 4 states region.
TIJLSA, "The Queen City of the
Southwest". Possibilities abound, the
potential is here. The Brady District,
Cherry Street, East Village, Mid Town
area's are prime locations to consider for
offices, shops, clubs or restaurants. We
just have to make it happen by becoming
more united in the efforts to serve the
community and develope a strong, well
organized entity dedicated to the success
of all.
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
Editor in Chief
r n • · t t v • , n I g; h t '.o
716 w. syc~re Fay~tttville, AR
479-571-1300 . www.atud•oZ16,ncl
OPEN wed-sun 9pm - 2am
WEDNJ!SDAYS: Cruisn' for the Hook-up on HUMP-DAY! Happy
Hour $5, Beer Bu.t .
~PAYS:. Kataoke till' 12 then it's the Plastic Thureday Dan1re
· . get WU,D with DJ jUX" & 1he Best Mu of
Hipl,Jop. Tech & YOUR .requests all night long!
SA'(UJU)A;YS: it's th~ 716 EXT.REME DANCE PAR'I'Y with OJ
SUNDAYS: The Queens of NW.A @ 11:30 Evety Sunday & DJ "IRJSH"
Spinning all night Jong!!
Club •,Rex to· Host· Turna . . 1i1·,, ·,,a,
Fund raiser:
Press Release
January 21, 2005
OKLAHOMA CITY. A fundraiaer to
benefit the. Winds Houa~ will he held
' Saturday, February 26, 2005, at 10:30
p.m., •t Club Rox inside the Hollywood
Hotel & Suites in Oklahoma City.
This will be our second annual fuodra,iscr
for the Winds· House. The featured event
will be a Turnabout Show. in which our
club aiid test:aurant employees will be
perfotmi,ng and contributing their tip11 to
the Winds H~1,1se.
A great tum.out is expected again this
yeat'md we hope to surpass the amount
collecttd at last years event.
Every year, N~ .Q.dlan; shuts down
and throws the· p~ of parties.
Everywhere else · • it's just
another Tuesday Orleana
it's Mardi Gras! Mardi Gas is more than
a single day of ceie\,rition. It's a stiu:c of
Mardi Gas teflects and defines . the
cultural traditions of Nevi Odcan11. Most
"outsiders" assume ~ Gras takes
place on a single day; this .is true. Matdi
Gms is French fui Fat Tuesday. Some
time ago, the tradition a
fatted ctlf on
beginning of . . . . fast.
Thu,, the c~g of the pb.raae,,::11at
Tuesday.'' ·,·
Page 11
2902 E. 20th Street, Joplin Missouri·
Sydney New .Mardi Gras * and Gay Games® Chicago ~
Announce International
21 January 2005
U~ I Sydney, .A.u,tralia -- The
Games and the New Sydney
Gay and Lesbian Matdi ~ras t~ay
announced a multi-yeat mtemauonal
partnership designed to s~ngthen two
of the world's largen and most beloved
in~miriooal gay and lesbian events.
In a joint announcoment &om Chicago,
h<>St of Gav Gables VIJ,. and Sydney •. site
of the world's largett LGBT Mardi Gras
festival, the new pattnecship bro~dcn,
the worldwide visibility of both ~eots.
1Utching two of the world's tnost
vibrant and gay and lesbian-friendly
cities, the new .rdationship will also '
enhance tourism and batin,~?Y between
the LGBT communities in the USA and
Australia. , , , , . continued pagc-29
,, ', , ,:,
'48l5 S<>uth. Harvard Ave., Suite 424
,'I)tlsa, OK 74135-:3068
Phone: 8) 747,.5466
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Office Licensed in Missouri,
Arkansas, Illinois &
This Is Shelter Country.
Here in our community you will
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Tel: (636) 938-5500
Valeatme's Club~ ·
••*Mllle.lJtlllCD'Slll . ._.
EndUp .. Club, Sat.., F~ -~
4th&. Memorlal,..~
Drawings For Pri7.es!!
BeerBust t!
*J,-tller Po.t Office Game*
• ...........,.tulsa~ugluiden.com••
Page 15
to the bar scene"
Some of us really are not all that into
the gay bar scene. Just because your gay
does not necessarily mean you HA VE to
go to gay bars. First of all I really have
never particularly liked the idea of going
to a dark bar to find someone. It is rather
a creepy feeling. First you have to put up
with all the smoke. And then after you
get home you have to wash or have
everything dry-cleaned. It just isn't
worth it. Oh yea, smokers have their
rights? Well, what about us nonsmokers?
We should be able to go
somewhere and not HA VE to have that
ciguette smell and smoke everywhere.
But aside from smoking the bar scene
still does very little for me. I prefer to do
my drinking with friends in my own
apartment or at parties.
friendlyand has lots of straight
The MCC Church in town is another
place where I have found a lot of friends.
Seems like a lot of gay men attend the
MCC Church with the hopes of finding
someone to share their life "W-ith. I even
attended a meeting of PFLAG (Parents
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) even
thou I am not a parent of a gay person
and I met some wonderful guys there.
I looked in the last issue of the
Ozarks Star and saw a listing for different
otgllnizations in the area and have
already checked some of them out. You
just have to be forward and talk to
people I guess. I have met guys at the
supermarket, at the malls while shopping
and even when I walk my dog in the
park. I am really not against bars but I
am just saying that the bar scene does not
rule my life. I have plenty of interests
being gay without the bar scene.
I love the Ozarks Star in that it tells
us what is going on in the community
besides the bar scene. Thanks Ozarks
Sou: for being here.
Quotable Quotes
"I know that many of you wanted to see
my husband and some of you had
questions out there. Is he hot? Yeah. Is
he hung? Yeah. Is he [she waved her
hand to suggest bisexual]? Not unless
you can give a better (she mimicked
eating a banana) than me."
Lucky for me I live in a large city and
they have lots of activities going on all
the time. The gay/lesbian community
center is always having entertaining
events going on. I have met a lot of other
gays at dinner parties. My mature friends - Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom, filling
have their Prime Timers organization in for her husband, San Francisco
and they are always having events. Mayor Gavin Newsom, addressing a
In Oklahoma City I usually stay at fundraiser for New York's gay Empire
State Pride Agenda, Oct. 21.
the Habana Inn and you r----------------------can
always meet a lot of
people out at the pool
area. I have driven to
Kansas City and they
have two gay owned Bed
and Breakfast Inns there.
I have driven down
to Eureka Springs,
Arkansas where they say
almost everyone in town
is gay. But the gay
owned bar is only gay
Page 16
Cable TV Gives Birth
to Slew of New Gay
Written By Ross von Metzke
On the forthcoming Logo channel.
conceived by figureheads at MTV ~nd
VH-1, programs will range from a series
on coming out experiences produced by
Cher and Chastity Bono to realitv
series on gay cops and gav dream ,
weddings. ,
On cable TV's here!, a gav parenting
series, a holiday drama about, a
teenager's two gay dads and numerous
gay themed films acquisitioned from
film studios across the world round out
the roster of programming.
~~ on the Palm Springs based Q
Televmon, a daily gay talk show and
the gay soap opera Paradise Falls play
mostly to audiences in Southern
California and Manhattan.
For years, mainstream cable
networks like HBO and Showtime have
enticed gay viewers with shows like Six
Feet Under, Oz, The L Word and Queer
as Folk - p~ograms featuring gay
characters without succumbing to the
standards and occasional censorship of
network TV.
No~, chan~els geared toward gay
and _lesbian audiences specifically are
making a play for financial success. Gav
TV has officiallv arrived ,
Cablevision, Systems ·Corp.
a1:1~ounced yesterday that it is offering
dtgi.tal customers monthly subscriptions
Dish _Network offers three-hour payper-
view blocks of the channel for
Regent Entertainment co-founders Paul
Colichman :md Stephen Jarchow founded
here! in August of 2003 and the service
is now available in one form or another
in more than 30 million cable and
satellite TV homes nationwide. It got a
nearly two year head start on Logo
which Viacom Inc. plans to launch '
s~metime this year as a digital channel
with wider distribution.
_"They all want to serve the gay and
lesbian community and they want to
do it in a way that makes money "
:olichman col~ !'lewsday on Tu~sday.
And because it ts a premium service.
anyone who doesn't want gay and -
lesbian programming doesn't have to
get it."
Colichman said here! claimed $15
million in revenue for the first vear and
has pl_a~s to spend $50 million this year
on o_r1gtnal f'.rogramming and acquiring
syndicatton nghts to series and films.
Cablevision's nationwide satellite
se:vice called _v oom carries its own gayoriented
movie channel - DivineHD. A
company spokeswoman declined to say
whether Cablevision will carry Logo
which Viacom had planned to launch
next month but has not said whether
that is still the plan.
to 30 hours of on-demand programming
from here! for $6.95. r:;:::::--------------------
Time Warner
Cable in New York
City, Los Angeles,
Boston, Milwaukee
and San Antonio
began carrying here!
late last year as nonsubscription
emand for $3.95 per
three-hour viewing.
DirecTV recently
began offering here! as
a monthiy add-on for
$9.99. And EchoStar's
Rodney Burgamy
Joe Brennan
Page 17 Ozarks Star
New Shakespeare Adaption
'The Merchant of Venice'
Rings with Gay Undertones
By Ross von Metzke
Provided by Gay Link Content .
Just weeks after American audiences
historians and church groups gave OHv'er
Stone's Alexander adaptation a big thumbs
down over the bi-sexual references,
another of history's beloved treasures is
getting the gay treatment.
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice is
getting a lot of heat for a scene in which
two male characters, Bassanio (Joseph
Fiennes) and Antonio Geremy Irons), head
up to Antonio's bedroom to discuss an
issue involving a deb~. Just as Bassanio is
leaving, he piancs one on Antonio - and
from the look of things, it's more
than just a friendly peck.
Director Mlchael Radford's
version of the classic story pushes a
lot of buttons and asks a number of
questions, which is whv scar Fiennes
said, he thrives while ~~rking with
the Bard's words.
''The great thing about
Sμakespeare and why he's so difficult
to pin down is his ambiguity," actor
Joseph Fiennes told Reuters. "He's
not saying they're gay or thev're
straight, he's leaving it up to his
actors ... I feel there has to be a great
love between the two characters ...
there's great .attraction. I don't think
they have slept together, but that's
for the audience to decide."
Co-star Jeremy Irons said tl1e kiss
doesn't say so much about the
character's sexualitv as it does about
the time period. ,
"In Shakespeare's time male
platonic iove was the highest form of
love," he said. "Male platonic
affection was regarded as a higher
form of love to male-female, even
husband and wife."
While promoting the film in New
York recently, Radford said he fe~t it
was important to emphasize
Antonio's love for Bassanio because
of the play's final act. in which
Bassanio's feelings for Portia and
Antonio are tested.
Page 18
Illinois Bans Anti-Gay
and Anti Transgender
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Praises Equality lllinois for Its Tireless
WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 12. Capping an
eleven year effort led by Equality Illinois,
the, ;Illinois House of Representatives
today passed a bill banning
discrimination against lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender persons. The
bill was first .introduced over thirty years
ago in 1974. When signed into law by
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, a
supporter of the measure, Illinois will
become the 15th state to protect gay
people from discrimination, and the 5th
state to protect transgender persons. The
bill cleared the State Senate yesterday by
a vote of 30-27 and the State House today
by a vote 65-51.
"We salute Equality Illinois and its
tireless leader, Rick Garcia, for today's
extraordinary achievement," said Matt
Foreman, Executive Director of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
"This win again shows that dogged work
by state and local leaders and activists can
surmount enormous odds- and is real
salve to a community still hurting from
the results of November 2."
A non-discrimination bill first passed
the House in 1993, also because of the
work of Equality Illinois.
The law will add "sexual orientation"
to the state's existing nondiscriminati·on
statute which already bans discrimination
in employment, housing, public
accommodations or credit on the basis of
race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age,
disability, marital status and milit~ry
status. The definition of "sexual
orientation" includes provisions to
specifically cover transgender persons. A
non-discrimination biil first passed the
state House in 1993,
"The passage of this bill is a major
advancement for transgender people,
both in Illinois and countrywide,"
continued Foreman. "Once again, a state
has proven that when we dare to dream
to protect our entire LGBT community
with one bill- to cover everyone, legislators
respond. The activists in Illinois have done
a tremendous job." ·
Illinois becorp.es the fifth state to pass
explicit transgender-inclusive language in
its discrimination law, joining California,
Minnesota, New Mexico, and Rhode
Island. In addition, 72 cities and counties
have transgendet-inclusive nondiscrimination
laws on the books. With
the addition of Illinois, 27% of the U.S.
population now lives in a jurisdiction
with transgender discrimination
prnte~tion. Eight states have enacted
transgender-inclusive hate crime laws.
In addition ten states ban anti-gay
discrimination - Wisconsin, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Hawaii, New Jersey,
Vermont, New Hampshire, Nevada,
Maryland and New York.
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin; Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the ·
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can also call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We 1,1se the Ora-sure
method which does nor require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidentiality. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
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"Serving A Healthier Comm,mity"'
Page 19
NSD Statement on
Claude Allen White
House Appointment
January 06, 2005
Washington, DC - Today, the National
Stonewall Democrats (NSD) issued a
statement on President Bush's
appointment of Claude Allen as White
House Domestic Policy Advisor.
"The architect of domestic policy for
the White House should be an advocate
for every American family," said Dave
Noble, NSD Executive Director.
"Claude Allen has advanced ideological
extremes in family policy that have
endangered the health of gay youth. His
record indicates that he would prompt
the White House to promote anti-gay
policy and attitude within the
administration. As an organization, we
are troubled by this appointment."
Allen was previously nominated by
President Bush for a seat on the 4th
Circuit U.S. Appeals court, but had
failed to receive Senate confirmation.
Allen is a staunch conservative and
abstinence activist. He has served the
Bush Administration as Deputy
Secretary of Health and Human
Services, where he has been described as
the administration's key advocate for
abstinence-only programs.
Claude A. Allen worked as an aide to
former Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). In
1984, while serving
as press secretary
chapters across the nation. NSD is
committed to working through the
Democratic Party co advance the rights
of all people regardless of sexual
orientation or gender identity.
for the Helms'
senate campaign,
Allen accused
Helms' Democratic
opponent as having
ties "with the
Diversity 19
National Stonewall
Democrats is the
only national
organization of gay,
lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender
We Do It Different!
Aprl_l 1 ® 2
Diversity Weekend
in Eureka Sprlafs. Arltaua, :caoo'!oTEGMP, oo RAc , Rt rt,
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VALENTINE'S, Conawts and other Events DlveNJlty BEARS I
Democrats, with more than 90 local

The Point Foundation
A Scholarship Lifeline For GLBT Students
Scholarship opportunities for.
exceptional students, ..-gardless of
their ~exual orientation or gender
identity; ·
The Point Foundation is the first and only
nationwide LGBT scholarship·.
organization that focuses exclusively on
granting assistance to. undergraduate,
graduate and post7graduate students of
distinction. Point Scholars are chosen for
their demonstrated leadership, scholastic
achievement, extracurricular activities,
involvement in the LGBT community and
financial or emotional need.
The most recent scholarship awarde.d was
announced on January 12, 20Q5. An
academic honorarium was .awarded to
James· Barnett, the. 18-year:-old: n9n9t'. .
student who was expelled in December
from Trinity Christian Academy 'in
Addison, Texas, in the greatcf·Dallas
mcttopo tan are . . . '. discovered Barnett W!1S · gay and
hosting My-Boi.com, a supportive Web site tor GLBT youths, school .oftidals
reportedly outed him to .his parents, who agteed to withdraw him fro'!Jf:thc academy
at the school's request, Barnett said. His parents then threatened to witliliold
financial support for colle~ in the fall, Barnett added, if he did not agree to go to a
college in Texas. Barnett hopes to attend school out of state. ·
The amount of the Point Foundation award will be determined after a financial
review in the spring, the foundation said fa a press release. 'We ~e·plea.sed to.present
this honor.aiium to James, an outstanding student turned away s~ply because of· his
sexual orientation," Vance Lancaster, executive director of the Poihl: Foundation,
said in the written statement. "This is a sadly common and vei:y real example of why
Point Foundation scholarships are necessary." .
The honorarium is ·separate from the Point Foundation's._an'nu,aI grams to GI.BT
scholars, which will be determined in April or May for the 2005.:2006 school year.
Applications are due March 1. · ·
"The Point Foundation is honored to. be in the position to bring this support to
James," Lancaster said. "As the Point Foundation grows, we hope to create a world
where students are not marginalized or turned away because of their sexual ·
orientation or gender identity--ever."
The application process is open to ill LGBT students nationwide regardless of levci
of education.
Application Period S01.rtS January 1, 2005
All applications must be received by March 1, 2005.
All additional materials must be received by March 15, 2005.
A decision will be made by May 1, 2005.
You can apply on-line at ( www.thcpointfoundation.org/apply.html)
Page 23
I Dee
A New Year and a New
Well, first of all I want to say that I
am a PROUD gay man. It is just that
simple! I love my life and I am in it for
the long haul. I love living in the
Midwest and enjoy the changing of the
seasons. But, I am getting to the point
where things are going to have to change
in my gay world. I am tired of being the
scapegoat for all the stupid religious right
wing nuts, the Republican politicians and
the do-gooders of America. I own a
home, pay property taxes on it and have
a good job. Most of the people that I
work with know that I am gay and
understand that I was born that way. My
neighbors are very nice and seem to like
me as a neighbor. I keep my house in
good order and of course my lawn and
patio is the best kept on the block. But
this is 2005 and things has just GOT TO
CHANGE in my gay world. I am not
going .to tolerate being a second class
citizen anymore. I just won't do it! NO,
no and NOi
So, what am I going to do about it? First
off I am NEVER again going to hide in
the closet. I am NEVER again going to
tell someone that I have a girlfriend. I am
NEVER again going to be ashamed when
I walk into a store with my partner as we
are buying furniture or anything else. I
am NEVER again going to be
intimidated by any sales clerk or anyone
when I am shopping. When we check
into a motel or hotel I will ask for one
bed for both of us and think nothing
about it. I am a PROUD gay man and
the rest of America will just have to get
used to it.
I have met a few gay men who live in
Europe and they all are amazed when
coming to the United States how
intolerant so many Americans are to gays
and lesbians here. They think of America
as a land of guns and of right wing
religious nuts. They think that small
towns means small minds and I am
beginning to think that they are right. I
would love to live in a small town here
in the Midwest however I have just
learned that it is much easier foi: gay
people to live in larger cities.
What kind of America do we live in
when the State legislatures pay more
attention to gay civil unions than they
do to educating the children of America.
What right in America does some right
wing religious nut have to try to force
their religion down the throats of other
people. One's religious beliefs should be
kept to them.
Another thing I am going to do this is
year is NOT put up with bad or inferior
service ANYWHERE. You go into a
store to purchase something and the
clerk is on their cell phone talking to a
friend and trying to ring you up at the
same time or your waitperson is having a
bad day and wants you to feel sorry for
them or you walk into a bar and the
bartender is busy talking to his regular
customers and doesn't have time to get
you a drink. Nope, I am not going to
cake it any more. I am sick and tired of
having to deal with this, not only in the
straight community but in the gay
community as well. I love to hear of a
gay business that has gone out of
business and say that the gay community
.doesn't support them. Ha! If they gave
good service and appreciated their
customers they would have lots of
business. Just because a business is gay
owned that is not a sufficient reason to
give them your business unless they do
give good service.
So things are changing for me this year. I
am going to be much happier and I have
to bitch a little more to get good service
and what I deserve then I will. It is just
that simple!
Paula Martirlac has
b_ec;ri. writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of the board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, ·Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
On The
The week before George W. Bush's second
inauguration, 22 national gay-rights
organizations issued a unity statement, putting
forth in clear and almost stirring prose their
continuing commitment to working for a wide
range of issues to achieve full equality for
LGBT people. One of the things that struck me
about the joint statement was its dual definition
of "movement'' - first, as ''ao organized effort to
promote or attain an end," but also as simply
"the act of' moving." (YOU can read the full text
at www.lambdalegal.org and the websites of
other national groups.)
That second definition is profound, but it's
one we often forget. Indeed, it can be hard for
groundbreaking reading series individual gay people - esp_ecially those living in
called "In Our Own Write." ' hostile states - to see that we're in "the act of
______________ __,, moving" toward the attainment of'civil rights.
Many o( us are? in fact, &cirig brutal attacks from some. of the same people who
helped Bush. Wlll four more years in office. The joint st:u:ement from· otir national
l~ders, then, caμ help us stop and remember that even though the progress of civil
rights is maddeningly erratic, it is still progress.
. WJ;iat'~ con~sing, I thln,k, is that the word "movement" implies going. forward in a
linear fashion, like when you get in your car to go from point A to point B. But.
when rou think about it, driving is often not that direct. You may start off,malcing
great nme, but the~ th_ere might be traffic, an: accid~nt, or bad weat:her; yoμ: might get
a flat; or maybe you hit a detour for roadwork, which sends you off in another
direction or even in a circle. Ultimately, you get to poiot'B", but it took a lot longer'
than you hoped. · · ·
Recent even~ in g:iy politics look a lot like that driving metaphor. In the space of
11 short months tn 2003 and 2004, we saw two amazing triumphs: the U.S. Supreme
Court struck. do~n the remaining state sodomy laws, and same-sex couples began
le~y n:iarrymg 10_ Massachus<:tts. B_ut not long after, 4,000 lesbian and gay couples in
Califorrua had their legal marrtages annulled by the state. And in a political slam
dunk, 11 state anti-p,y-marriage amendments passed in a single day. As 2005 dawned,
however, we saw victory again: Illinois joined the list of states .with
antidiscrimination laws.
This is "movement''? Bumpy times like these could really throw our community
off-balance if we didn't keep the bigger picture in view - that vie are in the business of
fighting for nothing les~ than equality, like so many other groups (blacks, women)
before us have been dotng for decades, even centuries. And unfair as it may seem, the
road to _equality is:°'~ sI?~oth; neither blacks nor women: are anywhere nearing the
completion of their mdividual struggles for full rights.
Consider a little gay history. The fight against sodomy laws, for example, was a
long struggle. We all know about Michael Hardwick's challenge to Georgia's law in
~e eatly 1?80s, and the resulting antigay Supreme Court decision in 1986. But by the
um5 th~ high court heard _Bowers v. Hardwick_, legal analysts had alreadr, been
tuiilg attn at state sodomy laws for decades, witnessing the first victory over this
heinous legi~lation in Illino~s in 1961. And it had taken another agonizing eight years
for a seconct state, Connecticut, to follow suit. ..... continued nex page.
Page 25
lo addition, most of us are familiar
with the marriage-equality movement
that burst into public consciousness in
Hawaii in the early '90s and brought us
civil unions in Vermont and ultimately
the marriage victory in Massachusetts.
But the first same-sex couple to apply for
a state marriage license did so in
Minnesota back in 1970, when a lot of
people in our community weren't even
born and no anti-gay-marriage laws
existed. That couple is still in the news,
too: earlier this month, Jack Baker and
Michael McConnell sued to have their
marriage, which was performed by a
Methodist minister in the Twin Cities
recognized by the Internal Revenue '
Service. (Ibeir case, by the way, was
thrown out.)
History also teaches us that
"movement'' doesn't mean that evervone
walks together in lockstep. Both the·
black and feminist movements witnessed
considerable infighting over issues and
tactics. And the gay movement is no
different - within a day of the release of
the "unity" statement; some LGBT
activists rushed to criticize the major gay
organizations for putting marriage
equality so far down on its lists of goals,
which they said could be viewed as
retreating from the issue under pressure
from the far right. One Illinois activist
dismissed the national gay groups as
basically inconsequential and "out of
But while we're squabbling among
ourselves, let's remember that
"movement" may involve taking a step
forward, a couple back, and another off
to the side before we are able to go
forward again.
Quotable Quotes
"We need to educate the younger
generation of gay men because many
think that living with HIV is a real
doddle. They don't realize that there's
no cure; it's treatment for life and the
meds can have horrible side effects."
- Gay actor Rupert Everett to the
British AIDS magazine Positive Nation,
November issue.
'Any policy that keeps patriotic
Americans from serving during
wartime is bad for the nation,' said
HRC Political Director \"\'innie
Press Release:
Friday,Jan. 7, 2005
WASHINGTON-The Human Rights
Campaign today :renewed its call to repeal
the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
policy, in light of a report in today's
Washington Post stating that Army
officials are considering changing
Pentagon policy to allow for longer and
more frequent call-ups of some reservists
to meet the demands of conflicts in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
"Any policy that keeps patriotic
Americans from serving during wartime is
bad for the nation," said HRC Political
Director Winnie Stachelberg. "'Don't Ask,
Don't Tell' is deeply hurtful to gay and
lesbian service members and their families
and is costing the nation valuable service '
According to the Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network, more than 9,000 service
members have been discharged since 1993
under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy at a
cost of more than a quarter billion dollars to
U.S. taxpayers.
According to the Washington Post story, a
temporary increase of 30,000 troops in activeduty
ranks that was authorized last vear will
probably need to be made permane~t.
"In addition ro the men and women who
have already been discharged, this policy is a
deterrent to countless other gay and lesbian
Americans who cannot join the military for
fear of discrimination," said Stachelberg.
"Allowing aii Americans to serve openly and
honestly is good for the country. It's common
The Human Rights Campaign is the i.t.rgest national
ksbian, gay, bisex11at and rransgtnder politicai
organization with members throughout the country. It
effectively lobbies Congress, pr<roi<k5 campaign
support ,md educates tbe public to ensure that LGBT
Amtricans can bt open, honest and safl! at home, at
u;ork and in the community.
Page26 Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
February 2005
Hello Kittens, Uncle here bringing another
week of advice on life and love, and all matters
between. Uncle smells love in the air this
Februarv Kittens. Valentine's Day will soon be
here. It 'is the first time in youth, which we feel
the excitement of being admired by another.
Getting those little cards and candy ~e~s, be~ns
our young journey for love. W ouldn t 1t be ~ce
kittens to be able to have a heart box as we did
when we were kids? Watch it fill up with those
cute little cards. Uncle gets so sentimental during
the holiday celebrating his favorite past time, the L---------------' pursuit of love. So, grab your valentine and
sn e while we see what the mailbag has brought us this week.
Mikey, . ,
I have this problem. I am attracted to guys in their 20's up to their l~te 30 s. I a short,
slim guy who is 60 and dresses casually young. The only guys that hit on me are older
than 50 or are married. I'm looking far a LTR. I'm not a bottom and guys tend to
think I am due to my small stature. Can you offer any advice ?n how_ to attra~t the
younger guys to me? I want them to want me for who I am. I m not Into paymg a
guy to pretend to love me.
Dearest Help, . ,
Kitten, if it is a LTR you seek, first and foremost, you must realize that you cant tag
fate or the goddess of love with such conditions. You ~ust ?pen yo~ heart t<;> ~; so
that you do not miss the love, fate might offer. Guys 10 the~ twenttes and thirties,
well, who is not attracted. It is wild and untamed youth, which may be
overshadowing your sight here. The male form ca°: do that. As_ for your stature, well
great things come in small packages. There is nothing wrong with ?1at, show ?1em
when it is time just what you are made of. Thirdly paying a guy will never brmg you
love so don't even allow vourself to entertain such notions. If they do not see the
hidden treasure that you ~re, than allow them to move on. Confidence in_ yourself
sounds like a much need tool here. Do not allow age to bring fear and sel!. doubt. Age
is nothing more than a state of mind. Here is wishing you many successes 10 loves
endeavors during this the season of the hunt.
Reme~ber Kittens, with age comes benefits, and I don't m~ax_i blue_ cross. I mean
experience, and method. Youth as I said is wild and untamed, 1t 1s durmg these years
that we find ourselves, and become the treasure we are now._ Give me a. man rl:at has
perfected his craft any day to someone who will surely ~e all over me like a wild
tornado, well ok, maybe a twister now and than, but still remember the worth of
Dear Uncle, . .al
I met a woman a week ago and can think of nothing else. ~ o1:1y met he~ t~ a so~
situation and do not know if she is seeing anyone or even tf sne woul~ oe 10tcr~s,cd. I
have a hard rime telling people how I feel, and making. the first move ts something
that I rarely do. So, how can I let her know that I am mtercstcd before someone else
comes along, if she is free in the first place?
Wanting in the West
(41 7) 627-9035
Dear wanting,
Kitten, you arc just a stalker in the
making darling. Shy is so out, in this
world of fast love. You must grab what
you want, before someone else does.
Work it, attitude women. What kind of
lesbian arc you? I have never seen a shy
lesbian before. I think that is an
oxymoron to say the least. You will
never get what you want like that, you
will be left to sit in the back of the bus
alone. There are many predators of love
out there, it is time for you to present.
Tell this female you are smitten with,
that vou would like to take her to the
truck rally or whatever it is you lesbians
do. Allow things to flow from there. If
there is interest, you will get your
moment to make vour move. The smell
of gas and oil in the air, the roar of the
trucks, love can't be far behind. You will
live life full of, what if, unless you get
strong and show some self-confidence.
Remember Kittens, it will be the one
with the confidence, which will be the
winner of the spoils. You must not allow
society to dictate rules of love and self
worth. Everybody has his or her merit; it
is just a matter of showing that to the
world at large. Set new rules, and play
the game the best you can. You will be
glad you did.
Well, that is about all the rime I have this
week Kittens. Herc is wishing you all
well in your game of love, this valentine
season. Uncle has a special Valentine this
year. His name is D, and he has no idea
of the love fest awaiting him. Until we
meet, again remember,
It is the queer with the positive mind,
which will get their valentine Smooches
Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too.
Unck Miuv is II ch,i,racru from FrttLmce writer
Michiud Hi;zrrum. Mich,id btlS beci writing/or tm
ye,m. Utilizing his stNd.m, ,i,nd life experience to help
others in his community, thro11gh h11mor ,i,nd sound
II.Wice. Michul ,i,pp/ied bis su«Jy of psychology ,i,nd
cruti'C>e fllriting, dS f!Jeil his extensiw background in
menu/ be,iltb Direct c.ire to bring ,i, neTD style ,i,nd
,q,pro.teb to helping others. Mich,i,d's othn- 'll!orks can
be fliev>ed ,i,t -.g,rylinkcontent.com.
Page 28
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
Jonathan llliys Meyers Goes
fromVelvet __ to ~Elvis_
He was a bisexual David Bowi.e-csque
creature in Todd Haynes' _Velvet
Goldmine_, and now Jonathan Rhys Meyers
will get his chance to be an Elvis
impersonator. The Irish actor, who's also costarred
in crowd-pleasers such as _Bend It
Like Beckham_ and flops like _Alexander_,
has started shooting the 1V miniseries
_Elvis_ in New Orleans with a cast that
includes Camryn Manheim as Presley's
beloved mother Gladys, Randy Quaid as Col.
Tom Parker, and Rose McGowan as AnnMargret.
Gay production duo Robert
Greenblatt and David Janollari (_Six Feet
Under_) are on board to run the project, one
that saw nearly 500 would-be Kings audition
before the pouty-lipped U.K. import was
chosen. And given Rhys Meyers' lithe frame,
Romeo assumes the series will cover more of
Presley's hip-swiveling years and less of his
pantsuit-and-giant-gold-belt era. But then
again, they can do a lot with prosthetic
makeup these days.
Hannigan's Back _In the Game Devoted
lesbian _Buffy_-heads - among whom Romeo
counts himself an honorary member - have
been waiting for Alyson Hannigan's return to
1V for some time now. And for a while
reports were surfacing that the former
Willow would have her own sitcom,
a la Mary Tyler Moore. Now she does. Sort
of. The actor has joined the cast of ABC's
midseason sitcom _In the Game_, which stars
Jennifer Love Hewitt as the CEO of an
ESPN-like cable sports network. Hannigan
will play Hewitt's childhood best friend, who
quits law school to become her pal's assistant.
_Married with Children_ star Ed O'Neill
takes on the role of Hewitt's father, a
_Monday Night Football_ .producer who
goes to work with his daughter. Meanwhile,
Hannigan won't merely be playing Rhoda to
Hewitt's Mary - producers are stressing the
fact that she'll have storylines of her own.
_Now_ Romeo's game.
Cunningham Sells His _Specimen_
Ghosts? Terrorists? Aliens? Has _The Hours_
novelist· Michael Cunningham been tiling
lessons from Stephen King? Readers will find
out in May when the Pulitzer Prize winner's
new book, _Specimen Days_, bits bookstore
shelves. A trilogy of stories, _Specimen_ will
feature an Industrial Revolution-era ghost
story, a modern thriller about a suicide
bomber, and a futuristic tale of
extraterrestrial refugees flooding into
Manhattlln. And the copnccting ,presiince . .in
these three titl~s? wilt Whitinari, o( course -
call him. this novel's Virginia Woolf.
Mean.while, i:Lonreaders will have a slightly
longer wait for the film version, the rights to
which have just been purchased,
prepublication, by gay producer Scott Rudin.
This collaboration is Rudin and '
Cunningham's second, following _The
Hours_; and if the movie ends up half as
strange and intriguing as the book, Romeo
will be first in line.
Tyra Banking on Talk Show She created
and hosts the gayest show on television
what else but UPN's _America's Next Top
Model_? But that was only the beginning for
Victoria's Secret model-turned-media-mogul
Tyra Banks. Now she wants to be inside your
home every weekday. Warner Bros.
Domestic 1V is excited about this prospect,
too, and has just started selling Banks' new
five-a-week syndicated talk show, the
eponymous _Tyra Banks Show_, to regional
outlets. So far Denver, San Diego, Spokane,
and Portland, Ore., are committed, and deals
are being negotiated with Disney, Viacom,
and Tribune Broadcasting. If all goes as
planned, Banks will soon go bead-to-head
with Oprah and Ellen. Hope she bas better
luck wiili ratings than Tony Danza. Or Jane
Pauiey. Or Tempest Bledsoe. Or Dr. Laura.
Or [fill in the blank].
Page 2.9
Gay Games from pg-11
"Syaney and Chicago are forever
destined to be entwined in the minds of
the LGBT community worldwide," said
Kevin Boyer, Gay Games VII Co ViceChair.
"Sydney hosted a glorious Gay
Games VI in 2002 and Chicago will host
Gay Games VII in 2006. We've watched
as Australians and Sydneysiders preregistered
for Gay Games VII in
extraordinary numbers - the highest
registration numbers per capita of any
nation on earth. The legacy of the Gay
Games is strong in Sydney and we
welcome the opportunity to partner
with New Mardi Gras to strengthen the
LGBT community there while we
prepare to welcome Aussies to Chicago
in 2006." ·
"Mardi Gras is bigger than Sydney," said
Mark Ort, New Mardi Gras Co-Chair.
"People from Beijing to Barcelona look
to it as a beacon for the fight for equal
rights, acceptance of the GLTBQ
community and a celebration of its rich
culture. The Gay Games and our friends
in C:hicago share these same values and
goals and is an ideal match for our
organization. Our new relationship with
the Gay Games in Chicago will further
enhance our reputation as an allinclusive,
international event ·while we
both work. toward equality for all."
Fellow Co~Chair Steph Sands added,
"Sydney and the <rty Games• movement
already enjoy close ties. We hope the
new alliance will help to bring more
. people to Sydney for a wte qf a queer
Aussie summer."
"Cliicago continues to be. a true partoer
to the international Federation of Gay
Games and. our pari:iciRani:s worldw;idc"
said Kathleen Webster, Federation· of
<rty Games co-president. "The spirit and
success of the 2002 <rty Games are a
testament to the Sydney community's
commitment to sport and to the
international LGBT community.
Chicago has shown itself to be a worthy
successor. Just as the lesbian and gay
sports and culture community will
forever remember the Sydney skyline
and harbour and their legacy to the Gay
Games movement, athletes and artists
now tum their attention to Chicago with
its outstanding sport traditions, unique
architecture and miles of lakefront parks.
We're thrilled with this new parmership
between Sydney and Chicago."
About New Mardi Gras
The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is
an iconic event of international renown and
is Australia's largest a;;nual outdoor event
enjoyed by over one million national and
international visitors. In February 2005, New
Mardi Gras launches a four. week festival with
over 100. events, Launch, Fair Day, the world
famous Parade, and culminating wit.¾ a world
famous Party. Partners of New Mardi Gras
include the City of Sydney, the Sydney Star
Observer, plus a dozen other media and
business partners. For more information, visit
http:/ /www.mardigras.org.au.
About Gay Games VII
Gay Games VII Sports and Cultural Festival
will tiike place in Chicago 15-22 July 2006.
Over 12,000 athletes from more than 100
countries will compete in 30 sports ranging
from softball to dancesport, swimming to
tennis. The weeklong event will iriclude
band, cbeerleading and color guarq
performances, chorus, an ancillary arts
festival, arid a series of community-organized
socW events and parties. The opening
ceremony is scbednled for 15 July at Soldier
Field, the lakefront home stadium the
Chicago Bears. Closing ceremony will be 22
Juiy at Wrigley Fi'eld, the home of the
Chicago Cubs, lo~ated in the heart of
Chicago's largest LGBT neighborhood.
Games vfl is now
, or:g.
In ~ddition.to New Sydney Gay and
Le~biao Marcti ·Gras, other, earty global
. . . Games VII iriciude
. Media Group (Chicago,
USA) ~ plus more than 30 business
About The Gay Games
The Gay Games was conceived by Dr.
Tom Waddell, an Olympic decathlete,
and was first held in San Francisco in ·
continued on page-33

Page 32 .0ut of Torm from pa~ 7
offers a pair ,of rcptitible culinary ,
vacation optle>ns. In .the 9hapnpg ;village
of'. Ptj1;ncy, you· can ~e one; of De.?orah
Krasner!! V:emiont Cμlina,rv. Vacations,
whcr,c y6u' cnjo,y ,stx dayf! pf_ g
cduca . inside a bcaμtifiil .1 cptury
ham.· .. ,barn. contains fiye> cieg-antly
appointeil;gucst room;s plu{ a library
stocked with scads of cookbooks. A
typical w~ek includc11 myria.d classes, a
. . town of
· i~cal.fumcrs'
-~liyi;~il tastings.
as.:~·t:11 as 'ground
. &om Bradley .
, Ct.); the cost is
· but still •~ V ~onont
option ' s~y at :tlie·Inn . :which
hills itself as, ''V crfuont's Culinary
Rcsort.''fThc inn qffcrs a ~ry popular
Chef "lpn" Training pacbgc, whic4,
includes :o · commodati9ri, a
with a tfucelcotjrse
br'cill'as~ ;ah~ a!Out;qf the Essex. campus
of the New England Ctillnary Institute.
~tes begin at .$245 per p~on, doubleoc:;
c:upancy. : .
· J~t ouqiide the hip collegiate city of
Charlottesv:iijc,. Va.;:'.tlic • ?4-i;pom Bpar' s
Head Inn ranks among the cushiest small
resorts itt th~ Mid-Atlantic region; '.
' '~,~tits spa, anq; golf course, the
'.s I Read
also . 9ffct~ cook!og. c;wses
arid vintner:~eekends 'that tii.ke.advantage ;f .. -,·::;•-: .· .· {~~; :,.:ng
1· nP deu s;;-..;..,...f p, · ·' · · tio.. n ·i t
the Boar,'s . . .. . ypu
arrive with !l; smill J?OSIJC qf fri~nds 'or
colleagu~s, as there's a s~~persbn ·
minimum for cooking, cla~scs;
A great chok~ in; San Ii'90-cisco is ,
T~te-Marie~s c;ook;ing Scl,tbo4 which
his been goipg s,tto~gJor:morc than 25
ytats. Witl,: Tante Marie's five;:day ..
pac~; -~ed. ,owatd va_,catiOt1(lrS, you
· · · classes from 10 a.ni. to 4
through _Fi;iday, but you
ahange yow; own accominodatioris and
tianst,ortation, abd you're on your own
s9me- evenings .and on the weekend. The
exceptions ue Monday, when you and
vour classmates are treated to dinner at
the trendy n:stauran.t.~izqu; Wednesday,
during which you embark on il picnic
outing to the'Napa and. ~onoma Wine
Country; and Friday, when the cours.e
concludes with a lively cocktail party.
Teacher Mary S. Risley emphasizes
classic Frerich. cooking utilizing regional
California ingredients and wines. The
series of .five courses costs $950. .
If you're keen ~n a more pastoral setting
for your cooking classes; book a culinary
vacation with · · a top-notch
cooking school. in . . Sonoma, the
heart of California's Wine Couri.try (it's
just an hour nqrth. of San Francisco and
45 minutes -easf of the g,ay Russian River
resort. town of 'Guernevill.e). • Ramekins is
not only a full cooking school with two
teaching kitchens, it's a six-room luxury
bed-and-breakfast just steps from the
town's chaoning p~a. Ramekins offers
an astounding rium;oer-o'f cooking classes,
and y9u can cU:ston:iμ:e your own agenda,
whether yoμ simply :Want to' take one
course over a weekcq.d visit. or you'd
like t6 J:ty ~evei::al c9tu:s~ pver 'a full
week. The cwses ~c taughtiby some of .
the oipst ac:ciaiQied chefs in the country,
inclu~ several c~oks who appear ·
regularly on the Food Network. Clas.ses
are offered a la carte, and generally cost
from about $40 to $80, althqugh
Rameldtis docs· offer midweek culinary
packages! that include accommodations.
Anorller option·is to c<Jnsider
traveling abroa~ with·fouy being one of
the most popular EuroP,ean •destiqati9ns
for cooktng-school vacation~. In Italy's
Tuscany, C_asa OJ'.?qilto;offers wecklong
courses in Italian and Mediterranean
. . The Italian courses focus
y_ on T~scatj c~ine, while the
·Mediterranean. coμrses offer an oyerview
or'Spani~h, F~ench, Motocc~, and
Italian coqkery~ (:~a Oi:nbuto, .a
charming rc9--#}e-roof villa -y;ith_ a: large
pool and a hot (tμb- &shioneq out .?f a
wine c~st a~cqmmodates gqestli .tp. three
· · · · incluqe
, and classes, ate
. ble-~ccupancr..
Vacations,. a;tour
Ot>eratorisFi:ciap2:fug in 1Pori=usa1 and
· Europe's most
ticultQ:ral tours.
One of the. most popular packages,
"Catalan; Cuisine, A Mediterranean
Morsel." 1begins in one of the wndd's
bo1;iest gay destinations, .BarcelotlA, and
continues on for a full week tht:oughout
stunning Catalonia. The ,tour ~olqdes
b~akfut daily , ..... con'i"lued n~t page
Page 33
plus four lunches and dinners, along with
three Catllliln cooking lessons, a visit to a wine
cellar in Girona, and tours of several key
historic sites and attractions, Rates run from
about $3,000per person,double-occupancy. It's
a truly memorable chance for an up-close look
at the dining and winemaking traditions
celebrated in a land famous for incredible food
and breathtaking scenery,
_Andrew Collins is the author of Fodor's
Gay Guide to the USA and nine
additional travel guides. He can be
reached care of this publication.
The Little Black Book
Boar's Head Inn (200 Ednam Dr.,
Charlottesville, VA, 434-296-2181 or
Casa Ombuto (Larniano 21, 52014
Poppi, Italy, 31-35-531-0030,
www .italiancookerycourse.com),
Deborah Krasner's Vermont Culinary
Vacations (192 Taylor Rd., Putney, VT,
EuroAdventures Vacations (Velazquez
Moreno 9, 4th floor, office 409, Vigo,
Ponteverda, Galicia, 36201 Spain, 34-986-
22-1399, www.euroadventures.net).
Inn at &sex (JO Essex.Way, Essex, VT,
802-878~ 1100 or 800-727-4295,
www: vtculinaryresort.com).
Ram~kins ( 450 W. Spain St., Sonoma,
CA, 707~9~3-0450, wwy,r.r~melrin~.com).
Santa Fe ~~hool of Cooking (116 W.
San Francisco St:, Santa Fe, NM, 505-
983--4511, . .
Tante Marie's Cooking School (271
Francisco St., San Francisco, CA, 415-
788-6699, www.tantemarie.com).
White Bar;n Inn.(37 Bell-ch Ave.,
Kennebunk.pqrt, ME, 207-967:-i321,
www,w-hltcharninn:com). ' .
5103 a. ah..._n, -..lte 153
tul-, ok 74145-7827
.net * www.
Gay Games from page-29
1982 with 1,350 participants. Subsequent
Gay Games have been held in San
Francisco (1986; 3,500 participants),
Vancouver (1990; 7,300 participants), New
York (1994; 12,500 participants), Amsterdam
(1998; 13,000 participants), and Sydney (2002;
11,000 participants).
The Federation of Gay Games is the
international governing body that
perpetuates the quadrennial Gay Games
and promotes the event's founding
principles of Participation, Inclusion, and
Personal BestTM. For more information,
visit GayGamcs.org.
Chicago Games, Inc, is the host of Gay
Games VII and is led by experienced civic
leaders from Chicago's business, sports
and non-profit sectors. For information
about how to sponsor or participate in
Gay Games VII in Chicago, visit
www.GayGamcsChicago.org, e-mail
info@GayGamesChicago.org, or phone
(173) 907-2006,
Spring Events
in Eureka Springs,
Ark:i.nsas Based in the hcan of the
Ozarks, Diversity Pride Events invites
you to visit our little town of Eureka
Springs, Arkansas, for Fall & Spring
Diversirv Weekends, romantic
V alenfues Getaways, special
Concerts & other Pride Events. Diversity
Pride Events is committed to producing
quality events for Gays, Lesbians,
Bisexuals, and Transgendcr (GLBTs) and
Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians
and Gays (PFLAGs), of ALL ages! Our
events are for GLBTs an.d their Straight
friends & family to enjoy together!
2902 E. 20TH ST.
by Jack Fertig
February 2005
"Entertllin, Llbra!"
Mercury and Venus enter .Aquarius, then aspect
Uranus, introducing wild new ideas and aesthetics.
Meanwhile Sun conjoins Neptune, also in
.Aquarius, making it a wacky, mystical, very queer
week! Be ready for anything.
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): You have
some wild ideas for getting ahead in your
work, but check with colleagues and
superiors, whom you're likely to upset if
you go off half-cocked. Listen to friends
for new spiritual insights.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): New ideas
that seem totally crazy at first are worth
discussing with experts. Your assessment
of your own abilities is way off - but are
they better or worse than you think?,
That's what you need to check with the
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Everybody's
full of wild ideas right now, and you
have a grand head start in that
department! What you have to say
should be saved for appropriate and/ or
receptive audiences. listening can also be
a fascinating experience.
CANCER 0une 22 to July 22): Your
eagerness for sexual experimentation is
cranked up a few notches, and your
partner is more than ready to cooperate.
It could be a wonderfully transcendent
experience. Drugs are tempting, but they
are really more distraction than help.
LEO Ouly 23 to August 22): Relationships
are work, and new issues are erupting-to
work on. It's all quite manageable,
although likely to be confusing at first.
Some of the most importll.llt messages
aren't rational or verbal, so get
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22):
You're getting playful in ways that may look
like perverse workaholism - or simply
perverse. If you have a sense of humor, it
doesn't matter what others think. Guard
your health, especially against infections and
working (or working out) too hard.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
The stars say to entertain at home,
whether a big bash, a cozy little tea,
or an intimate rendezvous with one
special person. Most importantly,
however you do it, give it an
eccentric, festive twist.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
This is an, um, _interesting_ time to
open communications with family
members and find out about old secrets
and scandals. It may not be pretty, but
you don't scare easily. Go ahead and
rouse those sleeping dogs!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Disagreements lead to
very interesting discussions now.
Keep an open mind, be ready for a
challenge, and remember that your
logic is off this week. Argue from the
heart if you like, but your brain just
isn't there for it.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): Go on a shopping spree and dress
up in some new styles. Give yourself
wiggle room to go over budget.
Spending some extra on yourself is
importmt for your self-esteem. Trying
a new look is even more important!
AQUARIUS Oaouary 20 to February 18):
You're usually so certain of yQurself,
but not this week. That's good for you,
although uncomfortable. Letting go of
old ideas will free you up for ne:w ones.
Spend time meditli.ting; make note of
your dreams. Take time for a small
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Friends
will help you discover things about
yourself you never knew - but what will
they learn in the process? Keep your ears
and mind open and your mouth shut.
You need to confide in someone, but be
very careful who it is!
Jt«fe Fertig has been u,or/eing as a
professw,u/. astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the .Associ4tion for
Astrological Networking. He can be reached
for consultations at 415-864-8302, through his
http:/ /u,ww.starjack.com
Page 35
North Korean leader claims
his eountey has no AIDS
because there are no gays
in North Korea.
5103 s. sherldan, suite 1
tulsa, ek 74145-7627
tml ·Ktm,
Page 36 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Lodging-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-B0
Ron's Place- - - 523 W. Poplar- - - 479-442-3052
Wild-On - - -3570 W. 6th- - - 479-521-9453
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022--1022DodsonAve. --479-782-1845
Arkansas, Hot Sprin&s (501)
Club One FJeven- - - 111 G.uden St- -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Grand Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- --501-664-27 44
Discovery- - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - • - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 Louisiana St.- - - - -501-372-3070
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's• - - - 716 S. Main - - • • - - -417-627-9035
MiHOUri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies•• - - - - - 3715 Main St··· 816-561-2600
Belle Star's- - 1321 Grand Ave- - -816-421-1288
Club NV - - 220 Admiral Blvd- - 816-421-l'<VKC
DB Warehouse- 1915 Main St- - -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - -- - 816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bar. - - -413 E. 3rd- 816-531-1775
Sidekicks Saloon 3707 Main St- - 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive -417-864-4572
Oz Bar- 504 E. Commercial•• - - • -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Copa- . - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- • 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Club - - 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Udo- -- - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Partners- - - - -2805 NW 36th St 405-942-2199
Sisters- 2120 NW 39th St• - - - • -405-521-9533
The Rockies- - -3201 N. May Ave• - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- no• E. Pine• - •- 918-836-8700
Club Maverick· • 822 S. Sheridan · 918-835-3301
End Up Club- - 424 S. Memoriai- 918-836-2480
Heads & Tails- - 7944 E. 21st - - - 918-660-7878
Club Maiescic- 124 N. Boston - - -918-584-9494
Renegades- - 1649 S. Main - - - -918-585-3405
p;ay-Mo,-Cbb- - 1'.'37 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
TNT's 2: :.i S. Memonal- - - 9:8-660-0856
Missouri, Joplin ( 417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catu5 Canyon Campground- - -417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground· - - - · - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
HollywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
as, Eureka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Avoca
Natural State Natwists- - - - - •· - - - -479-451-8066
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
River of Life Church - 1709 N Walnut -11AM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Missouri,Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, • - · • 6PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - -10:30AM
Aids Project Ozarb- 513 Kentucky- 41'.'-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield ( 417)
Rainbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
Unitarian Universalist Church - - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - • - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- - - - - - - - - -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Cathedral of Hope- 600 NW 13th St- - 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St. - - - - 405-524-6000
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Mapiewood• -918-838-1715
TOHR- - - - - PO Box 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
Tulsa Rough Riders- -www.tuharoughriders.com
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st-. - - 918-743-4297
Page 37
-Business ServicesArkan5as,
Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Events - - www.diversitypride.com
Missouri, Eureka
Shelter ln5urance- -Greg Tainter- - 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Body Swim Masiage Therapy- - - -417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realton-Vicki Bronson-- -434-0077
RE/MAX - -Cathe Letts- - . 417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangcline Rd- - - 417-623-1007
Joan Szymanski- Beauty Consult,- 417-673-1181
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's···· 1918 S. Glenstonc - -417-881-8444
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Quotable Quotes
Century21 • ·4301 NW 63rd #100 405- 840-2106 "Ohio is the new Florida in the 2004
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
Ingrids Kitchen- -3701 N. Youngs- - -405-946-8444
Jungle Reds - 2200 NW Expwy- - - 405-524-5733
Piece To Remember-2131 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - 405-755-8600
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard - 918-74f5466
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd - - 918-829-0824
Priscilla's - - 7925 E. 41st - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's · · · · 5634 W. Skelly - - - •-918-446-6336
Priscilla's••• -11344 E. 11th•••• - 918-438-4224
Priscilla's• - - - 2333 E. 71st • • - - - .,. 918-499-1661
election and we are looking at a recount
headed by Secretary of State Kenneth
Blackwell. The same man that permitted
the use of electronic machines that
provided no paper record. The same man
who presided over a voting system that
resulted in quick, short lines in the
dominantly Republican suburbs, while
the inner cities experienced four and sixhour-
long waiting lines."
- Gay icon Barbra Streisand writing on
her Web site, Dec. 6.
OF 11.
A Couple
courts gay
Seven years after the Cayman Islands
refqsed to let a gay-themed cruise dock,
another Caribbean island has put out the
welcome mat. The Dutch island of
Cutas:ao is encouraging gay and lesbian
trav;clers to visit with the help of a new
Web site, www.gaycuracao.com. To
receive a free DVD about the island, call (800)
328-7222 or visit www.curacao-tourism.com.
If yoive ever been to Holland, you
knqw .that the Dutch don't raise a blonde
eyebrow over the gay lifestyle. Same is
tru6 in their tropical paradise, Curas:ao.
The motto here: "Live & Let Live."
.An:d oh how you can live.
Curas:ao is surrounded by over thirty
uncrowded beaches, some intimate and
tucked away without another sole in
sight. And these beaches are oh-soinviting
all year round, with an average
air temperature of 85° in the summer
and 81 ° in the winter. And an average
water temperature of between 78° and
A short drive in from the beaches, you'll
find Willemstad, one of six UNESCO
world heritage city sites in the
Caribbean. Willemstad is historically
significant, because it is still filled with
Dutch-colonial architecture dating back
to the 17th and 18th centuries. The city
is also home to important. art, maritime
and Jewish· museums, as well as one of
the best anthropological museums in the
A short swim out from the beaches,
you'll find some of the best shore diving
in the world. And further out, top
underwater attractions such as the
famous Mushroom Forest. In either case,
the visibility around Curas:ao is
remarkable, averaging about 100 feet. Or,
to put it another way, it's easy to see
why Curai;:ao should be at the top of
your vacation shortlist.
Night Life and Casino's.
In Curai;:ao, the nights are most
definitely full of life. Pull up a chair on
the beach and relax to a nice breeze and a
soothing jazz 'band. Or tear up the dance
floor at midnight to a hot Latin beat in
one of our many nightclubs. Either way,
you'll find enough here to keep you
entertained till the wee-hours of the
morning. And if you're feeling lucky,
then tty your hand in one of ten hotel
casinos that are on the island. They're
open daily and feature a variety of games
including blackjack, roulette, craps and
poker mach.ines.
The Beaches:
About 40 public and private beaches are
tucked in and around the island ranging from
private, secluded, intimate coves to larger
beaches that are bustling with activities such
as live bands, beach sports, parasailing and jet
skiing. Since the northern coast of the island
is made up of rocky shores and rough seas,
it's the southwestern coast with irs calm and
crystal clear warers which harbors the most
inviting beaches.
Go to: http:/ /www.gaycuracao.com for
more information and travel arrangemems.
ip Off
SlJ! <.ASII·& Pllm
Beer Bust
•oss.e >e> oe>sNLO·s .<><> IIALXFi!!'T'XNrs;
•t2.so weu.. "DRXNIC9o
$1.75 00ME?STIC LONGNSC~ ,.'
~ 'DajJ. ~ Doy~.
Dally lunch and Dinner
Open J J om Dolly
Happy Hour 3-6 & 9-dose
Hlghlly 29. '9
3rd Nlg.ht Free
Holkloys and Special Events
. Excluded
Monthly Mov• In Spedals
Page 2
109111 I.
' i
' !
Page 3
Springfield's ·
Catering to e GL Communi
Hear eRumors.com
Now in the Back Room, Check out our New
Open Friday and Saturday 8 pm to 1 :30 am
. of
pee ..•
called for a co
t;,forBici mar
ouples: A t~tal:
sraali d· s. pe·e cl:i •. 9· ft r·..
.. •~e Allard (R-CO)
duc~l.the Mat;4~e Protection A.
(MPA) on the US Senate floor
::_ m_aking if .... •. :;tije i~St *
business in• full week
B'ush's seconil!'t6ri:n ..
Page 5
Dear Editor
I just picked up my first copy of the
STAR; how nice to have a feature article on
the potential for Tulsa to become a Gay
Mecca (February issue). Your observations
were close to target with a few pellets of
shot flying slightly off course.
Tulsa's location is one of it's greatest
assets. From Dallas to Kansas City and from
Nashville to Denver, there is no city more
liberal and accepting. Often compared to
Boston for it's art, architecture and civic life,
Tulsa has: nine welcoming and affirming
churches, a thriving Jewish Community,
several predominantly gay neighborhoods
(Brady Heights Historic District has easily
the highest percentage of gays and lesbians
than any other), a smattering of bars, the
most extensive Gay Pride event in a 3 state
area, the oldest active gay rights
organization in the state (fulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights • TOHR), and a police
department that meets with gay leaders as
part of their diversity training. In spite of
Oral Roberts University being located here
(or maybe because of it) Tulsa also has one
of the largest PFLAG organization in the
countrv. Additionally, there are many varied
social ~lubs (the leather community is one of
the most vast) and a capital campaign with
alreadv over $300K in funds working
towards building a new and visible Gay
Pride Center (www.pyramidproject.org).
The gay business organization TuRBO is
going strong with almost 100 members
under the stewardship of TOHR; and
several gay restaurants have opened and
closed in the past years • hopefully there will
be more soon.
It is my hope and that of my colleagues
that the new Gay Pride Center will become
an anchor for what will be a Gay District for
Tulsa. Whether that is in The Brady Arts
District (close to the already predominantly
gay neighborhoods and shops) or in a part of
the city that has the right stuff, you are more
likely .:o see a gathering of forces within a
Gay District just like in other major cities.
Not a Gay District to ghettoize our
community, but to give us the strength of
combined spirit.
Best Regards,
T'mo•hv A. Wiiliams. Tu'.sa. OK ~ - ,/ , ,
·Let's Rodeo 2005
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK. With the Fort Worth
rodeo kicking off the 2005 gay rodeo
season in March, Tulsa's T-Town Rodeo
will begin the four states region's buckin
for buckles show of events on April 8th-
10th at the Tulsa Expo Square Arena. For
more information and tickets go to
www.soonerstaterodeo.com. Sponsorships
are still available.
Diamond State Rodeo, in Little Rock
Arkansas presents it's 10th season with
the "Rodeo In The Rock 2005" April
22nd-24th at the Arkansas Equestrian
Center Barton Coliseum. For more info
go to: www.dsra.org.
Rodeo Wichita presented bv the
Kansas Gay Rodeo Assoc. will be held in
Wichita, Kansas May13-1 Sth. Location tO
be announced. www.kgra.us
OGRA, Oklahoma Gay Rodeo
Assoc. holds their 20th annual "Great
Plains Rodeo" May 27th-29th at the
Oklahoma State Fairgrounds arena.
OGRA is the 3rd largest gay rodeo event
under the IGRA umbrella. For schedule
of events visit www.okgayrodeo.com
MGRA's "Show-Me-State Rodeo"
will take off later this fall September 2nd-
4th. The Missouri Gay Rodeo Assoc. is
in there 13th year and has chapters in
Kansas City, Springfield and Joplin. For
updates go to: www.mgra.us
The International Gay Rodeo f\ssociation
(IGRA) is an umbrelia organization comprised
of 20 regional Gay Rodeo Associatiom
from across the United States and Canada.
IGRA serves to foster the sport of Rocke :ind
Country & Western actiYities. IGRf\, !D
fellowship with its member associai:io,i,<
donates ;housands of doi!ars to char:n- each
year. The Gay and Lesbian Co:nmumt1es ui
the United States and Canada have be::-n
en:dched by the eciucational efforcs of lGR:\
through its sanc:ioning and sprrnsorship ,,f
tne various events and activities which are a
part of what we cali Gay Rodeo.
Your locai Rodeo Associaticn n:::ed,
your support, have fun for a good crns<::.
They Do!
Page 6
MARCH 2005
by Andrew Collins
"Palm Beach, Florida"
With the emergence of South F1orida as one of
the hottest queer destinations in North America,
the pink presence has gradually migrated to
metro Palm Beach, a region not traditionally
known for its lesbian and gay scene. The area's
largest city, West Palm Beach, and its high-rent,
ocean-front neighbor, Palm Beach, are but an
hour north of the gay-popular Ft. Lauderdale,
. . . . and they offer plenty of cultural, dining, and
rughtlife diversions as well as some of the nation's ritziest hotels.
West Palm Beach originated largely as a place to accommodate the countless
cooks, maids, chauffeurs, butlers, and gardeners employed in the great mansions and
resorts of Palm Beach. Although it'1 much larger than Palm Beach ind contains the
region's major airport and train station, for many years it was considered little more
than a pass-through for travelers headed to Palm Beach, and as recentlv as die mid'
90s ':'as ~addled ~th ~gh crime and urban blight. Over the past dec~de, however, a
combmatton of C1V1C prtde, progressive planning, and private investment have
helped turn downtown into a vibrant residential, commercial, and arts district. The
crown jewel of downtown's renaissance, the $600 million CityPlace entertainment
and shopping center has been built to resemble a Mediterranean village - it contains
more than 75 mostly upscale chain shops, a dozen fine restaurants a 20~screeh
cinema, and a massive concert hall. '
Another major draw is the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts -
a ven1;1-e for ~rst-rate ballet, classical music, and Broadway-style musicals. The city's
most 1mpress1ve cultural attraction, the Norton Museum of Art contains a fine
collection of 1_9th- and 20th-century American and European paintings; following
the 2003 operuog of a 45,000-square-foot wing, it became the Tuigcst art museum in
the state.
. Fr~m downtown West Palm Beach, Route A1A leads over the"Flagler Memorial
Bndge mto P:tlm Beach, long one of the wealthiest - and unabashedly snobbiest -
enclaves on the Eastern Seaboard. The gay and lesbian scene is virtuallv invisible
her~, b~t it can be fun ch~g along the town's gilded avenues, trying to guess
which tortress wall or towenng hedge conceals the estll.te of which celebritv.
The s~azzf shopping begins along Royal Poinciana Way, which you'll bit just
after crossir~g th: Flagler Memorial Bridge. The best places for window browsing
and gallery noppmg are the toy-poodle-infested sidewalks of Worth Avenue, several
bl~cks ~outh, where you'll find stores with such ptedous, if gag-inducing, natnes as
Ansto~ds and Au Cas~ere. For a chance to marvel at the island's I~ of·
con~pt~uous c_o~sumpuon, spend an hour or two touring Flagler Museum, :which is
set tnstde Whitenall, a 73-room, turn-of-the-century castle. · ·
As for nos~ing, West Palm Beach's most homo-popular restaut20t, JU,,~
~a~e, ?ffers an inventive, changing menu of contemporary American · ·
10c1ud10g black bean and tomato cakes and goat cheese-and
crepes. It occupies a retro-cool former drugstore (circa 19 , of
the city's antiques row. Cabana, a hip sidewalk cafe with a sexv dinmg·,
West Paim's funky Clematis Street, serves wonderful ... ndt~ :'-}:' ·
<✓;: ,,_,
't½ ..
'"~- t ~
~'Cc i
I i
Page 7
Nuevo Latino fare, including a tender
marinated skirt steak and heavenly
Cuban sandwiches. Wash everything
down with a mojito cocktail.
Across the bridge in Palm Beach,
Chuck and Harold's is where visiting
celebs congregate for a casual meal and
where everybody else comes to peoplewatch
- tty to grab a table outside
overlooking the sidewalk. Bice
Ristorante, tucked in a cloistered
courtyard off of Worth Avenue, serves
excellent Northern Italian food and is
one of the best see-and-be-seen eateries in
Palm Beach consider seared tare tuna
with sauteed butternut squash, crispy
spinach, and a sweet-tangy apricot sauce.
Hamburger Heaven is a jazzed-up
version of the classic all-American burger
joint; this small luncheonette with a Ushape
counter is something of a local
institution in downtown Palm Beach,
drawing equally among the hoi polloi
and the local elite. It's also a favorite spot
for hearty breakfasts.
You'll find a handful of gay nightspots
in West Palm Beach, including Kashmir,
a festive and elaborate warehouse disco.
The area's definitive cruising-andmingling
video bar, H.G. Roosters has
been going strong for years. The crowd is
eclectic, and the staff cute and friendly. A
branch of the famed nightclub in the
Hamptons ( on eastern Long Island, in
New York), the Resort Lounge occupies
a glam space inside CityPlace and pulls in
its share of A-listers, along with plenty of
poseurs and wanna-bes simply hoping to
see some A-listers. Paris and Nicky are
said to be regulars at this riotously
colorful, sexually ambiguous hangout.
The gay-friendly Respectable Street Cafe,
at the west end of Clematis Street, tanks
among the best music clubs in the city,
presenting an eclectic range of bands.
5101 is a low-keyed gay neighborhood
bar, and Cupids Cabaret is a favorite
place to ogle male strippers, with lap
dances being a house specialty. It's the
onlv bar in South Florida where the
dan'cers take _everything_ off.
If you want to be close to gay
nightlife, stay in West Palm, which is
home to the super-sleek Hotel Biba, a big
hit with trendy types, thanks to its
Aveda bath products, glass-tile mosaic
floors in the bathrooms, angular
mahogany furniture, and lavenderscented
closets. The intimate property
has just 43 rooms and brings a splash of
Miami Beach's outrageousness to the
city's downtown.
The Hibiscus House - a 1922 mansion
in one of West Palm Beach's most
historic neighborhoods - is now a B&B
run by gracious hosts Raleigh Hill and
Colin Rayner. Each room has a name
that bears out a particular look. The
Green Room has French doors opening
onto a balcony with verdant garden
views; the Burgundy Suite is bathed in
sumptuous reds. In the morning you're
treated to a delicious two-course
breakfast. The lavish, gay-owned
Grandview Gardens B&B lies within
walking distance of downtown West
Palm Beach's many fine shops and
restaurants. This dashing 1920s Spanish
Mediterranean-style home contains five
posh yet reasonably priced rooms, all
with French doors opening onto
secluded terraces that oYerlook the pool.
Palm Beach is the domain of posh
resort compounds, and no place captures
the regal essence of this wealthy, blueblooded
enclave more persuasively than
the majestic, twin-turreted Breakers
resort, which opened in 1896 and
anchors 140 beautifully manicured acres
of lawns, gardens, and palm trees. The
Italian Renaissance building contains 560
ultraposh rooms, several excellent .
restaurants (Sunday brunch in The Circle
dining room is de rigueut), two
outstanding 18-hole golf courses, a huge
full-service spa and fitness center
overlooking the ocean, and scads of other
impressive amenities. Another popular
choice, if money's not an issue, is the
Four Seasons Ocean Grand, a
contemporary 6-acre oceanfront
compound a few miles south of the
hubbub of Worth Avenue. Although
supremely sumptuous, the sleek design
and decor contribute to a fairly relaxed
mood you'll feel right at hor~e walking
through the lobby in casual threads.
A refined and historic boutique hotel with
a discreet gay :.md lesbian following, the 43-
room Chesterfield Palm Beach feels a bit like
a private European dub, with its museumquality
furnishings, courtly restaurant,
garden courtyard, and afternoon high-tea
service. Rooms are cozy but comfy, with
marble baths, downy bathrobes, and 1~\7,
y,rith VCRs. It's steps frnn~ Worth An::nue
shopping. '"'•····continued page-JJ
Page 8
'We hope that with equal
responsibility come equal
benefits,' said HRC's Daryl
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
Campaign appiauded Wal-Mart Stores,
the nation's largest private employer, for
a new definition of family that includes
same-sex partners recognized under state
"We hope that with equal responsibilir-y
come equal benefits," said HRC's Darvl
Herrschaft, deputy director for HRC'~
workplace project. "We are encouraged
by this sign showing America's heartland
employer understands same-sex couples
share the responsibilities that come with
being a family. It's only appropriate for
these families to also receive the same
benefits as others."
Wal-Mart's definition of "immediate
family" was included in a conflict-ofinterest
poiicv the companv filed
yesterday with the Sec~riti~s and
Exchange Commission. A portion of the
policy follows:
"You are responsible for advancing WalMart's
business interests when the
opportunity to do so arises. You ,,;ay not
take any opportunities or use any
con.fidet:tial information for your benefit,
or for the benefit of your immediate family
members, that you discoi:er or obtain
through your employment with Wal-Mart.
Immediate family members include
!whether by birth, adoption, marriage or
domestic partnership or civii union, if
recognized lry your state or other local law)
your spouse, children, parents, si · ,
mothers and fathers-in-law, sons
daughters-in-law and brothers and sistersin-
1.aw. ''
"\X' e will continue our work to
encourage Wal-Mart and other
companies to expand fair-minded poiicies
to areas where same-sex couples are not
recognized by law," added Herrschaft.
"Without legal recognition of same-sex
couples, employers' domestic partner
programs are a critical way to ensure that
every employee's family h~s equal access
to healthcare, medical leave and other
workplace-offered benefits. Companies
that offer these benefits understand that
the strength and stability of every
employee's family life correlates with the
quality of their work and the success of
the business."
Currently 228 - or 45 percent - of
Fortune 500 companies offer health care
benefits to employees' same-sex domestic
partners or spouses. The number has
increased tenfold since 1995, when onlv
21 Fortune 500 companies offered the ,
benefits. Wal-Mart competitors Costco
Wholesale, Best Buy and Horne Depot all
offer domestic partner health benefits.
In July 2003, Wal-Mart expanded its nondiscrimination
policy to include sexual
orientation. Currently, nine of che 10
top companies in the Forrune 500
include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination
policies, and three of
these companies also include pro_tection
against discrimination based on gender
identity in their policies.
"Every gay, lesbian, bisexual and
rransgender employee deserves to be
judged by the job they do, not who they
are," said Herrschaft. "We urge Wal-Mart
and other companies to add protections
for ttansgender employees so that no
employees are at risk for losing their
livelihood for reasons that have nothing
to do with their work."
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest
nationai lesbian, gay, bisexual and irarngender
political organization with members
throughout the country. It effectively lobbies
Congress, provides campaign support and
educates the public to ensure that LGBT
Americans can be open, honest and safe at
home, at work and in the community.
Page 9 Photo's by Chaz
Up Close
Male entertainment, it's hot
or it's not! This 24 year old is
hot! Joseph loves the spot light
and said " I enjoy the enthusiasm
of the crowd and I have a great time doing it. The money is very good also". His
athletic build and handsome face quickly gets your attention when he jolts onto the
stage. The fans in Springfield are all to eager to voice there approval as he flexes every
muscle in his 5' 11" frame and gives a very masculine performance.
Joseph grew up on a farm, a foster home south of Atlanta, GA until he was 18 when
he left and went to work in a logging camp. He moved to Springfield, MO four years
ago where he works for a construction company pouring concrete. With a goal of
attending college to study creative · · writing and
music, he plays the acoustical tar and has
performed as lead singer in a Springfield
straight clubs. Joseph's main is to be successful
in music. In his spare time ri
exercise are his favorite hob
voted him our 2005 Mister OZ",·
Greg Hill.
performing on
week ends at the
OZ bar in
Joseph has
become a popular
main attraction
and draws a huge
crowd at the
newly reorganized
club. "Joe has
.become such a hit
we have
Talented live entertainment here in i:he four states region has become the signature
of many night dubs and bars. Exceptional performers are highly courted in an
extremely competitive business. Singers, Comedians, Female Impersonators, Musicians,
Musical Groups and Male Dancers WANTED! Club pat.tons love to dance to
the music of a great DJ, but are also looking for an alternative in good live gay

Page 12
• • • y
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Tulsa, OK 74135-3068
Phone: (918) 747-5466
Email: KellyKirbyCPA@sbcglobal.net
Office Licensed in Missouri,
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This Is Shelter Country.
Here in our community you will
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We're proud to serve this community
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and ask about our services.
Life-Worker's Comp. -Home-Auto-Farm-Business
Greg W. Tainter, LUTCF
Post Office Box 339
Eureka; Missouri 63025
Tel: (636),~38-5500
Fax:' (636) 938-3539
Page 15
"Chat Rooms,
Bar Scenes, Ect."
Well, here I am a single gay man and
where oh where do I look for someone?
The chat rooms are really getting more
weird all the time. There are getting to
be way to many "crazies" out there. One
has to be VERY cautious when meeting
anyone for the first time from a chat
room conversation. It is always best to
meet in a bar or in a public place like a
shopping center or somewhere that is
really safe. And of course it seems like
three-fourths of the guys you meet in the
chat rooms turns out to be married
heteros who are just looking for a little
extra action on the side. And that is
NOT something that I am looking for in
my life right now. Then there are the
different descriptions of one's own
assessment of themselves. Nothing
wrong with being 40 or 50 or even 60 or
70 but be honest when giving your age.
A 60 year old cannot possibly pass for a
25 year old. And we won't even go into
the "aol size" difference between 6 inches
and 9 inches. It seems that there is always
somebody for everyone so why lie about
who vou are? Just go with the flow and
enjoy life. Just be very specific in the
chat rooms on who you are and what
vou are looking for.
, The good old gay bars are st ill a s tap .l e
for hoping to hook up with someone.
· someone from out of town comes
through and of course everyone hits on
them quickly. I do like to get out on
weekends and travel to cities usually
within 100 miles of here and that can
sometimes be fun. A new face in town
always draws interest. I have even been
known to hit a few straight bars in a
Holiday Inn, Ramada Inn or some of
the other major hotel chains.
Amazingly I have found several other
gay guys going there also. My older
friends tells me that a few years ago that
almost evervone went out for happy
hour from 5 to 7 and that the bars were
ii.ways packed at that time with people
getting off of work. That sounds great!
Just wish that it was like that today. .
Now it seems that nobody goes out till
at Je1ist 10 PM and sometimes even later.
Since I have to be at work at 8 every
morning that just doesn't work for me.
I.have ii.ways had an aversion to Parks.
They just really never did anything for
me. It was just to public for me.
I ha~e lots of friends who cruise the
parks all the time but it just doesn't
;.ork for me. But with the proper "eye
contact" I have found people at the car
wash, supermarket, shopping mall and
even at Walmart! It just takes a little
more time to search sometimes. But I
won't give up trying to find that
"special" person in my life. I know that
someday, somehow, somewhere he will
come into my life and it will be perfect.
But until then I will just continue to
keep on the lookout for Mr. Right
whether at a bar, on line, just looking in
the BIG world or at gay meetings,
groups or seminars or gatherings. I
won't give up.
But the only problem ----------------------7
the bars that I go to all
the time have the same
people in them night
after night after night. I
have either been with all
of them or have by my
own choice not wanted
to be with them. Once
in a great while
fWlyff•I .. w.,,r s,-, Y.•lll§
s~--.r ... ,, .. ..,
COag COaooMS S. t..Aftght ffilllgs CBouHque
417 -6.59-991$
M••• I. W...'• - el....,_ & lheet
719 N• M.t'• & .._.,, U.,.rie
Jeplilt, MO t,.tMI Nn Sins
O,.. T---,- ffWi1J 1a-,pm 'S,:at 10-Spm
Page 16
124 N. Boston - TulsaT OK - 918.584.9494
Thursday Nights - Rachael Erikks - MGA 2004
Sunday Nights - Catia Lee Love - MGA 2000
Thursday and Sunday - 18 to enter; 21 to drink
Friday and Saturday Dance Party -21 to enter
9 p till 2 a - Thu-sday - Sunday nights
"Night of
Press Release
Feb 19, 2005
R 2005"
JOPLIN, MO A "Night of Stars 2005"
for AIDS Project of the Ozarks. The
e·.enr ·.viii be held on Sunday, April 3rd,
2nos. The annual fund-raiser will begin at
2 PI\f at Ree's Lounge iocated at 716 S.
Mam. Parking and entrance is at the rear
of the building off of Joplin Street. All
monies raised during The Nignt of Stars
2005 wiil be donated to APO to assist
HIV clients living in the southwest
1\fissouri 1\rea.
The event activities will include an
auction of donated items and services and
a talent show featuring local performers.
AIDS Project of rhe Ozarks provides
care and services to 500+ clients in the
Ozarks and the southwest Missouri
area. Those living with the HIV virus.
APO also provides prevention awareness
and educational information to the
community free of charge.
i\11 contributions and donations are
tax deductible. If vou should need a
letter documenting our non-profit, taxexempt
status please contact Lynn
Meyerkord at 417-881-1900 and the
information will be sent to you.
We are asking for community
support for this event. If you would
like to make a donation or need more
information, please contact Tim Baker
at 417-206-4691 or email
Tim_Baker39@yahoo.com. You may
also contact Richard or Terry at Ree's
Lounge at 4!7-627-9035.
Page 17
Do you ever wonder what happened to
that cute kid that lived in your
ti~ gme up. &&f did he gro"
He and his friends are appearing nightly
"Tulsa's best kept secref'
nd p ub
424 South Memorial, Tulsa OK
inimum - but NEVER a cover charge!
. . w~~·~e~ppnt ai_i[!oeflatikpnces
· ~oiJt1i~~4009 • 672~ N. Mi~marBlvd, Okla Ci.ty, OK 73111
. ~y relationshie with, pastors locally and
in Eurdca :sp~ h!ij::b~en;_~eJfipk of
meetibgs archiiia illlfderiominatfon I
belong to. What Latn saying here is that
I never dreamed i:bai: iii<rnv lifetii:ne
opp6rtunitics w~tili ~if~£~ my . life that
would make a difference for anyon~. Or
that those OJ?P:Oftuaj~es w<;nil.1li1~t,;:.
manifest themselves info the supp9rt, ·
encouragement, and care I have .,,: .. ·
experienced in the last 'fow;/ ni9,.pJhs _now.
Here I am the pastor of a sm,alF Cfuistian
church tb,at mini~ters pred · · antly to
the gay, lcs_bian,, bisexual . . ,
Transgendered community arid yet
YOU TOO'G:AN:. .· i .; > · almost every denotnination in town had
· · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · •. · · , • · " me on their pray~r list. Everyone at
, DIFEERENC~ .. · work would say; ."E .iJ>. going to
1n my'.lifcfu¥!;)I;hs,vc-1oyacl, supported; · be' 61(,,.:by thc"way,, }>i.i on:pur
cnc6ufaged ati,d ;even ii.:ritated my sliare ~hurch~s prayer, list:'; ... , .. c:ibout the
of peoples but: always. mowing. that the overwhelming conccB_t' id~o!ved in that.
day w.o.uld,;'c:oine ~henJ :wo'l]ld "londc~ Openly out bt1;f calmiy BJtli;in,bqw I '
what if? In ;..the past fourteen months I stand on: issues' and ~1Ldiis support. .· In
' have hl!d four \gj~es;:,. My ' ' : :odwnciili,,ofriff.etno.d,;ns:Y an_··f·. 9dn1i)Y:' "Jii~.•afr.dosunhd1·th. c
ncutostttgcoμjB.is:tpli!l:isJ;w,i~cthit I w'il.S/ ' .. . . . . ' '
his, 5;Wltb:¥l df:Jl¥~, 1: ' · f;~r-s'tate atca we Fr6miny
have I cfili, make a difference. . dli;i;li~,~til tri.y rctu;n io\vqik;I was
I hav~ found thit l can atid if fcan; so ritver' left alone wit:h some pcdplc even
can YOU! · You sec this past year I was cciniing to .our honic · because. μi,cy. knew
diagnosed with cancer of the lymph my pa;mcr was sleeping dwjpg the· day
nodes in my neck. For two months after (he works graveyard shift). Eipills, cards
i:he biopsy I had a dressing on my neck. and phone c.alls were ·so ov . .. . .. ng at
It's a little difficult to hide a dressing that times that I lit~rally sat and . s
is just' under your jaw bone. Even with a running down my fac<:. 'Th;en came the
short fat neck a turtle neck shirt . good news that there wouid not have to
wouldn't cover it. There were the usual, be any chemotherapy _or radiation
"did you cut yourself shaving" or "is the treatments. Simply cvei:y six-~onth
hickey that big" comments .but then chcck:-ups for the patfcv y~ars to make
there were t:hf words of c~couragcmcnt, s11te the 'ca~cer·hasri'f'r~nirifc.4-
the "I'll remember you in prayer" ar1d Yes, I havci truly b~en bl~;;cd and.
even the, "I have you on our churches God has seen: nic · flirough blessing me
prayer list.'' I suddenly realized that I with family, friends and people in my life
have made a difference in my life with that care. I have to, publicly say Thank
family, friends; at work and church,, you! I do that b,· c~ii:g you to act and
There have b·een difficult decisions made tb do it now. ·. · if I can make a
that have 'not always.been populQ,.r, a- . differeni:_e SQ.
public stand in out 'Iocal ncwseapcr It is'.,fo that we do not let
outing not just myself but our church, a the last ~iettipn/oteak our spitjt or
very public .stand supporting p'ublic dampen our'ieso&e. We ml).§t act always
debate on any issue but to do so without to do what is right even when it may not
hate and personal attacks. and articles in be popular: Io doing so· you will find
this "community magazine'; have been that you ·can make a difference and
used in England, Scotland and Germany. people will respect that. ; .. cont. next page l
Page 19
Steve Urie from pg 18
Our country is on a slippery downhill
slide to put us back in the closet and I for
one shall not be going back in there. We
must keep track of what our federal, state
and local government is doing. We must
let them know how we feel about it. I
attended a county commission meeting
in Escambia County, Florida where one
county commissioner stated, "I am
voting for this because the only phone
call I received was for it." Just think one
phone call! I attended a Missouri Senate
session where a senator recited a letter
from just one constituent and introduced
a bill on the Senate floor. Just think one
You could be that one phone call,
that one letter or that one e-mail that
makes a difference for all of us. If I can
do it ... so can YOU!
W c need to oppose an amendment to
the constitution simple because it is
being used to generate hate and fear. The
sample letter below may be copied and
used in snail mail or email. I encourage
you to make the difference. Be that one
call, that one letter, that one e-mail
because it is the right thing to do.
"This amendment is unnecessary,
discriminatory and would amend the
Constitution for the first time to
restrict the rights of a group of
Despite being soundly defeated last
year, I understand that this
amendment may be introduced in the
House again soon. I wanted to make
sure you ~_ew that
and freedoms, not to take them away .
Further, this amendment would do
real harm to same-sex couples and
their children, who already do not
enjoy the vast majority of benefits and
protections that married couples enjoy.
Please do not co-sponsor the
amendment. Please urge your
colleagues in the House of
Representatives to focus on other
issues that are priorities. I look
forward to receiving your response."
Until next month, stay out of the closet!
2902 E. 20th St., PO
Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin ,offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between SPM,and 6PM .. For your
convenience y~u can also call 206-6179 fi
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidentiality: You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"SerfJing A Healthier Community"
F•b 18;. 19
this amendfuent
do~s nothiiig to
"protect" marriage.
Instead, it singles
out a group of
people for
discrimination in
the United States
Constitution. The
Constitution has
alwavs been used to
guar;ntee rights
Aprll 1~ 2
r ,,. _.,, Diversity Weekend
We Do It Different! som aANca 01t FRI uAn
S rt
I In Eureka P n~s. A""""' auas "AC aOo.aNoT EGuMy ,P OGaRl cAonRt,Yat'l
FALL & SPRING Diversiiy Weekends,
VALENTINE'S Cooa.ts and olher Evenls Dlv•n,lty BEARS I

Page 22
Quotable Quotes
"Being open about our lives is the
most important and powerful form
of activism at our disposal. Lecturing
our friends and family about gay
marriage isn't nearly so important as
letting them see that our
relationships are as important and
integral to us as theirs are to them. If
we do not treat our relationships as
equal, how can we ever expect others
ro do the same? 'Coming out' isn't a
one-step conversation; it's a lifelong
commitment. And it isn't just about
activism and civil rights. It's about
living your life with integrity and
honesty and, to use an overused
word, it's about pride."
- Washington Blade Executive
Editor Chris Crain in a Jan. 7
editorial. -
The Pink
The Pink Triangle was used by the Nazis
to signify homosexuals. Although,
homosexuals were only one of the groups
targeted for extermination, it is
unfortunately, the group that history
often excludes. The Pink Triangle defies
anyone to deny history.
In 1935 Hitler revised the German Law,
Paragraph 175, prohibiting
homosexuality, by including kissing,
embracing, and gay fantasies as well as
sexual acts. Convicted .offenders- an
estimated 25,000 from 1937 to 1939, were
sent to priso!l and later transferred to
concentration camps. They were to be
sterilized, most often by castration.
Hitler changed his policy on
homosexuality to include death in 1942.
A yellow Star of David under a
superimposed Pink Triangle represented
Gay Jewish prisoners- by the social
hierarchy, the lowest of all prisoners.
Page 23
I Dee
"Ph eIp s" .......I.ll .
Just last month I wrote about a New Year
and a New Beginning. Little did I realize
what a new year and new beginning' I was
getting myself into. My favorite aunt and
uncle recently moved to Topeka, Kansas and I
thought that I would visit them for the
weekend. They have known that I was born
gay and totally accept who I am as does the
rest of my family. We had a great visit and
then decided to go out for lunch at one of the
local restaurants which was located in the·
Gage Shopping Center on the comer of Gage
Street and Huntoon Street. To our
amazement and shock we found a group of
children not over 14 years of age right on the
sidewalk with huge signs saying" GOD
HATES FAGS" and other derogatory
comments. We couldn't believe it! What kind
of a world is this? Upon entering the
restaurant my aunt asked the manager what
was going on. He very nice explained that it
was the "Phelps" group who protests regularly
on that corner as their church is just a couple
of blocks away. I had heard about Fred Phelps
for several years and how he pickets funerals
of gay men who die from AIDS and that he
pickers the University of Kansas whenever
they have a gay-themed concert or theatrical
production. I even read where he goes to
different cities to prorest against gays. There
was a web site on one of the signs that I
quickly wrote down. www.godhatesfags.com.
If you have never logged onto that website I
suggest that you do. It is an intelligent person
who knows who their enecnies are and trust
me, FRED PHELPS is our enemy. He has a
church in Topeka with a very small
congregation mainiy consisting of his own
family. Several of his own children won't
have anything to do with him. He used to be
an at:orney but was disbarred in the Smte of
Kansas. On his website it tells where he is
going to be picketing in the weeks to come.
He even hates the country of Sweden and has
signs saying "God Hates Sweden" just because
the peopk of Sweden are intelligent enough to
extend all of the marital status to homosexuals
as well as neterosexuals.
Can you just imagine if he had these little
children carrying signs and posters that
read, "God Hates Blacks" or "God Hates
Jews" or God Hates whatever"? But
hating gays seems to be alright. The
people of Topeka and Kansas has had to
endure this man long enough everyday
and everyday. But when he and his
group embarrasses me and my family
then enough is enough. He is performing
hate crimes in tbe name of his church
and it is just not right. Even thou I don't
live in Kansas I am writing letters to the
Mayor of Topeka, the Gm-ernor of
Kansas and to several State Senators in
Kansas. What right does this madman
have to spew hate towards us? Again, if
he hated blacks or Jews there would be a
massive public uproar about the whole
· thing. And where are the religious
people in Topeka who tolerate this kind
of behavior? Do they not care what is
going on in their city? Topeka, Kansas
has become the laughing stock all over
the United States. Why aren't there
more gay publications writing about this
man and informing everyone about him?
Apparently he has taken his crusade to
different parts of the C nited States
however he feels more comfortable ·
within the confines of Kansas.
Everyone has a right not to like
someone else but this is a plain and
simple HATE CRIME! There should be
laws against this type of activity. No
American should have to put up with
this kind of discrimination. NO ONE!
What right does this man have to
promote Hatred in America and to bring
small children into his church? All of
this of course is done in the name of
religion so it is alright in their eyes.
Hopefully the rest of my year wii! be
a little calmer and tamer than this last
month. So, things are still changing for
ine this year. I am going to be much
happier and if I have to bitch a little
more to get good service and what I
cieserve then I will. It is just that simple.
heeii.wnttog. .. e gaJC~nd
lesbi~ pr'esffor ni,ore than 20
years. Sh_e seryed for _tliree, y;ears as
1;11~ co-chai(of ftie)<;>#;d of_ . .
-~{Ji11Is·.~:I-J;xb~;:f, fits '·> .,.,,._.J,. '"" ... ·, ..
Transge1:1<ier CcimmunitJT Center,
where shC f ouri.ded a
gro~dbr~3;'$ng_ .read1~g .~cries
ci'l l,.e. ~a-· "In' ,,.,_O-,!,;u< r. .'" O,~ w" n'' W' ' ri't e.".
Lesbian Notions .
by Paula Martinac
MARCH 2005
In a recent development in the J;:{IV / AIDS
, epidemic, two independent research teams
recommended that all Americans - not just
those .who've been deemed "high risk,'.' -~e gay
'm·en and iv drug users - be tested.for the virus.
Clearly, this is good news. The · :
· ·,recommendations are meant to finally make
RN t~sfi#g ~s .routirie and devoid ofstigma as a
Pap tesc, mammogram, or bldod-pressure
screening. · .· . .
. . But could a change implemented, in the third
decade of th~. pandemic really be effe<;t±'{e,
given the sname still attached to HIV/ AIDS
and to homosexuality? Unless a public-health
. policy shift goes hand in.hand with realitybased
sex education, I think it would stand
! little chance of making a ·difference oveitime.
Part of the problem stems from the. fact .that
HIV is still being tied to identity rather·: than
behavior," ~though tl:fe connection is more subtle than in the past. For .example, all
the new.ii repp.i;ts. abolit .th.e 11,~ ~eqical studies. cite=~ people in "mpn . ·
he · · · · • · pf' _as · .the lowest-risk groups for HIV, who t opt
outof; the. . . .. er o ... . just have it once. . . ·
' . At about. the same tip:ie, . anotl:ier. reporc also hit the· news - that a. new ~-:_
resistannhain 'bf HN has appeareo in New· York City in a gay man wh~ ttsed· crystal
meth i!.tid,;acc<>r,d!rjg 't9 -ti;r~' _:New Y'cfrk Times...:, hs,.d f'unpro:eF:ecI sex
of partners:" Tfils lrearkeos •lSaclHo the early· 1980s, re-establishing the .
between.,HJV· and;homosexuality,atid conjuring. up. memories .of that original %ad"
gay map; P!ltient Zeiq,. who was.blamed_ for_bringingi11IV_to the United §tates.
.· IT'he,dang~r in contimμngro,talk,i1bqutns~ categon;,s.1~•.thatmanypeq~le:who
don't use drugs or have sex. with "hunq.i;eds or partners will erroneously :vtew HIV as
of no concern to them .. Consider thai:' heterosexual women 'of color actually ,
acco~ted for 85 percent of new AIDS infections in 2003. Sex with HIV-pos!tive men
is the primary means by which straight women bec~nie ~fected, and many.of· these
women firinly oelieve. they're in monogamous rej.attonships. .
. As one AIDS researcher told JIN Plus_ magazine, "There is a_whole set.of
women who .dori't have a clue that their male· partners .have outside rell!:ti9n.sl;rips."
And there are other wome_n who may indeed be in monogamous hetemsepial
relationships - but with men who. previously had unsafe. sex with other ~co:"
The contiouiqg stigma -;\ttacheg. .• to homosexuality and bisexuality isJ~ely to
blame for thi.s explqsion of HIV ampng those who mistakenly thoughqlj.9' -were safe
fro~ the disease. Many men "on the down iow" put their unknowing female partners
at risk b~cause admitting they like to have sex with men would be viewed.as
disgraceful, unmanly~ Br even sinful. . .
Comvounding tlie problem is our public education system, which, like much
public-health policy; evades the complexities of human sexuality and_ psychology. .
While it reduces money for AIDS programs, the federal government increases funding
for "abstinence-only" sex education, despite a lac_k of .evidence that these programs
work. Indeed, a. report from U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) showed s?me
abstinence-only programs providing false infonnatioo that put kids at risk tor
pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.. . . . . . continued next page ·
Page 25
Lesbian Notions . ...
And a recent study in the president's
home state found that abstinence-only
education had not prevented students
there from becoming progressively more
sexually active.
The result is a classic catch-22. The
best way to erode the stigma of HIV
would be to start in the schools with
accurate sex education aimed at helping
all kids acquire knowledge about
behavior that would keep them safe. But
schools have their hands tied by a federal
government committed to the idea that
promoting one kind of identity - being
heterosexual and married - is the panacea
for all of society's problems.
Sadly, that approach is based on the
reality of only a small number of people.
In fact, kids are human, and most
humans - even the deeply religious -
want to have sex, especially when their
hormones are raging. And as Shelby
Knox, a young Christian sex-education
activist whose story will be told on an
episode on PBS's POV series this June,
puts it, ''.ff [ki<l:s] are going to have sex,
they need t6 lrnow the consequences.
And they need to know how to protect
One step we can all take is to lobby
our representatives in Washington to
pass the Responsible Education About
Life Act (REAL), which would create a
grant program for states to offer broader
sex education programs that include
information about contraceptives and
safer sex. Such a bill faces an uphill
struggle in the current climate of fear
and repression. But without an attempt
to address this serious education
shortfall, HIV, one of our greatest
public-health challenges, will continue to
spread as "someone else's disease.''
Gay Buying
at $610 Billion
in 2005
Latest Apalysis by WiteckCombs
and Packaged Facts
Washington, D.C. February 1, 2005 -
The total buying power of the U.S. gay,
lesbian and bisexual (GIB) adult
population in 2005 is projected to be $610
billion, according to the latest analysis by
Witeck-Combs Communications and
Packaged Facts (a division of
MarketResearch.com). The estimate was
originally derived in a joint study by both
organizations entitled, "The U.S. Gay and
Lesbian Market." In 2004, the gay buying
power projection was estimated at $580
In releasing the latest projection, Bob
Witeck, CEO of Witeck-Combs
Communications said, "Validating buying
power is a reliable business tool for
companies and policy decision-makers. It
provides the most compelling snapshot of
the economic activity of America's diverse
gay, lesbian and bisexual population.''
Since 1993, Witeck-Combs
Communications, Inc. has provided
expert counsel to Fortune 500 companies
in designing marketing communications
strategies for the gay consumer market.
Quotable Quotes
"Actress Portia De Rossi is having the
tattoo of her ex-girlfriend's initials
· removed from her ring finger now that
she's seeing comedienne Ellen
- United Press International, Dec. 28.
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
MARCH 2005
Uncle Mikey bringing you the latest in all things
queer. Oh kittens, allow uncle a moment to share
about an experience that Uncle had this week. I
,was sitting by the fire minding my very own biz,
.when I felt my scope go to full alert. I did a quick
ninety degree when our eyes met, uncle felt a
serge. It seemed the delivery guy was there
bringing Uncle a package. He even brought me
some stuff I had bought. It was like a full service
happy train. After I accepted delivery, Uncle
attempted to be gracious. Kittens-word of advice,
do not feed the trick-please. They will never leave
,_ ___________ _, if you do. Well, as they say, it was an easy kill.
Dear Uncle,
My roommate and I have been Jiving together now for a year and a half. Things have
really been nice, as we have built a friendship, and become really close. I now find
myself looking for more than just a roommate, as he drives me crazy, in a good way.
I am afraid though if we play arouna it could ruin the current situation, which is
worktng out so nicely. I watch him walking around the apartment naked, and I have
to take cold showers to control my urges. He is beautiful, funny, rod kind. Should I
tell him about tny feelings for him? I am seriously nervous, as I do not wrot to lose
such a wonderful roommate. It is not easy finding a good one. What should I do?
Confused in the other room
Dear Confused:
Kitten first; uncle would have you define feelings here. As it were, I heard .attraction
and not really feelings. If sex is what we are talking about, I would think twice before
jumping those bones on the way for the midnight snack. Sex could make things
weird. Imagine living with a trick you hne had. Waking up and seeing that face
which, you no longer find remotely attractive. This is potentially harmful . for your
relationship with a roommate. On the other hand, if you have truly built this
mutually rewarding friendship, and there are mutual feelings of admiration, you
could be on the threshold of a love affair. It is the best place to start a relationship
and that is as friends. However, know the risk you take. As if it does not work out,
there is going to be carnage here. So, weigh out your feelings and or attraction
carefully while making the best decision for you both.
Smooches uncle
These is nothing sweeter than forbidden fruit kittens, however there is always the
price in the end. Know this price, and think with your head not your member. We all
know that will save a lot of troublesome aftershock.
Dear Uncle:
There is a man that has been following me around. That is what it.feeis like as I am
constantly seeing him around. He has not spoken to me, or anything, but every time
I turn around there he is. I am thinking he is shy, and wondering if I should make the
first move? Mv best friend told me he is a stalker, and that I should not let him near
me. I work in' a public place in retail, and he always seems to be near watching me.
Stalker guy
Well, kitten there is a iine that comes to mind here. It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the
hose again. Have you read the papers recently? One must be careful in this day and :age. While,
your stalker might have some bragging
quality for afterwards, there might not
be an afterwards. I would heed your
friends advice and keep your distance. To
avoid ending up on the milk carton
kitten. If this mro is worthy of your
interest he will find a way to make an
introduction. If not he is most likely not
someone you want to have a random
hook up with. Kittens-Uncle cannot
express this point enough. With all of the
weirdoes out there, you must be careful.
Forgive uncle here, for a trailer moment;
however, there is ho booty call worth
risking your life. There are too many
outlets for safe encounters and hooking
Smooches uncle
Kittens, sometimes in life, we encounter
problems, which stem from soc.ial
surroundings in our life. Children raised
to believe sexuality is a bad thing, will
eventually face these troublesome affairs,
when faced with their own adult
sexuality. There is no shame in seeking
help for yourself. Anyone that tells you
otherwise, most likely has some social
disorder them selves, like a ass-a-si-diss. It
is important to utilize the help available
to us ill through good mental health
providers. Search out one before going.
There are numerous providers, which are
gay friendly, advertised in most gay
publications. Going to the wrong mental
health provider could only add to the
issues you already face. Here is wishing
you and your willy good health.
Kittens, I guess that about wraps it up
for this month. Uncle enjoys his time
with his kittens. Remember this as you
go at another week of that wonderful
roller coaster we call queer life. Behind
every good man, is another good man!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too.
Unck J6leey is a ch.rllCIC' from Frttl4na writer
Micfud Hinnrun. MuJ,,,d h,,.s 1-i vmtingfor ten
ye,irs. Utilizing his st#dies, and life expmt:nce to hdp
others in his comm,mity, tbroMgh h,mior and s<n1nd
adflia. Mkh,,d 4J1P&iJ his stwdy of pryd,o/,,gy and
autiflt! writing, AS wdl his extensive b.tc/egroMnd in
menu[ he4/th Dim:: c,ir,: to bring" m!fll style and
approach to hdping others. Michad's other works om
be~ at -.KJtJlinlwmtent.com.
fundraiser hosted by
. Bamboo Lounge.
WI.SA, OK"' Guest host Kris Kohl
(top photo) ~th scrumptious Ebony
Hall and delicious Mike Busby gave a
roaring performance at the Bamboo
on Sat.
19th to a
from the show went to Tulsa
ated to
fit raised
$240 for Tulsa Cares medical assistance
program. Congratulations to
the show cast and Bamboo owners
Terry and Stan for a worthy job well
Page 28
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
MARCH 2.0.05
1 . .
the Prairie
Romeo thinks th:~ oest tiioment to make
the film version of sorr1'gili(ng is when
the adapted intellectual pioperty in
question is long past its initial'burst of
popularity. It's just less foi:ce& and
marketing-team-driven that way. Robert
Altman must agree, '.qecause finally, years
after its 1980s moment in the pop-culture
sun, Garrison Keillor's still-running
public radio program, _A Prairie Home
Companion_, is making its way to the
big screen. And rather than visit the
townspeople of Keillor's Lake Wo~~gon,
the film is a fictionalized behind~tlie.::
scenes look at the production of Fiil
show. Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep.
(word is, they play a · of singing
sisters) will star alon singer/actors
Tom Waits and Lyle Lovett, and
_SNL_'s Maya Rudolph, not to mention
crooning host Keillor Himself. The .
show's gentle humor sh6uld hit screens
sometime in 2006, which is no wait at all
for patient Midwesterners.
Wham! It's a George Michael Movie
The pop star that no one bothered to notice
was gay even after that "Wake Mc Up
Before You Go-Go" video - is now the subject
of a no-holds-barred documentary. The film
is called _George Michael: A Different
Story_, and it stars the iconic '80s heartthrob
as tour guide to bis own career. Already seen
on British television, the movie recently hit
the big screen at the Berlin Film Festival and
should be making the festival rounds in the
States soon enough. In the film, !'l,fichael visits
childhood haunts, talks for the first time
about his &mily, and touch.es on painful
recent memories as well (his partner was
gravely ill with AIDS while Jl..fichael
performed at the Freddie Mercury Tribute
Concert). The testimonial line-up includes Sir
Elton John, Boy George, Mariah Carey, and
Simon Cowell. And Wbam!-obsessives will be
thrilled .to know that Michael is reunited oncamera
with former singing p~tner Andrew
Ridgely fur the first time in nearly 20 years.
Izzard Tries on New Outfits
It's getting so you barely see the man in drag
anymore. Not that cross-dressing comedian
Eddie Izzard's complaining. It's just that bis
mainstream acting career, t.J.ie one that more
often than not puts bim in guy clothes, is
taldng off like never before. The hilarious
Brit has just been tapped to star in an as-yetuntitled
pilot for cable channel FX, in which
he'll play an Irish con man who relocates to
the American South. If it goes to series, he'll
have to find a way to fit in his other planned
roles, like in _Macbeth_ on Broadway.
Meanwhile, £ms can see him soon.in John
Turturro's upcoming musical, ...,Romance &
Cigarettes_, which co-stars James Gandolfini,
Susan Sarandon, Kate Winslct, Mandy
Moore, Mary-Louise Parker, Elaine Stritch,
Bobby Cannavale, and Amy Sedaris. Looks
like those Manolos will just have to cool their
heels for a while.
Latifah's Career Is _Stranger Than
Fiction_Is Queen Latifah on the same path
to Oscar as Halle Berry? The former rapper
and lesbian &vc has Marc Forster, the
director of critically acclaimed films like
_Finding Nevcrland_ and _Monster's Ball_,
in her comer these days, so anything's
possible. Latifah has signed on to co-star in
Forster's latest film, _Stranger Than Fiction_,
alongside Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman,
Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Emma Thompson.
It's the story of an IRS auditor who begins
hearing the narration of his life - a running
commentary audible only to him, and one
that begins to affect everythjng he does. No
word on Latifah's role in the film, but if
_Finding Ncverbnd_ takes home its share of
Academy Awards, then expect the buzz
around her and the film to grow iouder as the
year goes on.
Page 29
· Heart to Heart
Born for Love
By Josh Aterovis
once wrote, "All men and ·women are born '
live suffer and die; what distinguishes us on~·
from another is our dreams, whether they be
dreams about. worldly or unworldly thlngs,
and what we do to make them come about ..
We do not choose to be born. We do not
choose our parents. We do not choose ~ur
historical epoch, the country of our birth, or
the immediate circumstanc.es of our
upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to
die; nor do we choose the time and
conditions of our death. But within this
realm of choice!essncss, we do choose how
we live."
He's right, of course. Life is all about
choices. Every day we make myriad choices,
from the mundane (What will I cat for
breakfast?), to the ~omentous (Should I
come out?).
In 1970, Epstein caused a firestorm of
controversy when he wrote a cover story for
Harper's magazine titled: "Homo/Hetero:
The Struggle For Sexual Identity." In the
article, Epstein wrote: "If I had the oower to
do so, I wouid wish homoscruality ~ff the
&cc of this earth.'' He went on to sav, "I do
think homosexuality an anathema, a~d hence
homosexuals cursed, and thus the
importance, for me if for no one else, of my
defining a homosexual as someone who has
physical relations, for it leaves room for my
admiration for the man who is pulled toward
homosexuality and resists, at what psychic
price I cannot hope even to begin to
imagine.'.' In other words, if you "give in" to
the pull of homosexuality, you are cursed,
but if you resist that choice then vou're okay.
Despite the fact that Epstein is a proud ,
Jewish man, this is a common belief held by
many in the Religious Right. They believe
that honiosi;xuality is a choice.
This bdief is at the core of the debate over
gay rights. Should gays be allowed to marry?
Should gays be protected from
discrimination? Is being gay a sin? It all boils
do · · · · ··· que~tion: is being gay a choice?
. . .. . . rive answer to this, but a
growing body of scientific evidence may be
pointing to a genetic or, at the very least,
biological basis for sexual orientation.
According j:o)he American Psychological
Associarion3s wc:bsit~,' "There arc numerous
theories about the· origins of a person's sexual
orientation; most s9,entists today agree that
sexual orientation kll).ost-likely the result of
a complex interaction of environmental
cognitive and biologfral ~ctors. In mos:
people, !exual orico.tatioq;j~ ~haped at an
early age. There is also · · · able recent
evide?ce t~ suggest tha . . including
g.en:ttc or mborn horm :, ... factors, play a
sigruficant role in a person's sexuality. In
summary, it is important'.'to recognize that
there are probably many reasons for a
person's sexual orientation;and the reasons
may be different for different people."
As reported in New_~cicntist, a srudy
from Oregon Health and Sdence Univcrsitv
in 2002 found that the. br~s of gay sheep ·
(and apparently as mmy. as dne in ten sheep
express exclusively gay sicfμal preferences)
showed small but distinct _differences in a part
of the brain called the J:ij,p'qthalamus when
compared with rams that[tiieferred to mate
with ewes. The diffcrenc"~(~ii.s in a particular
region of the hypothalamus . the preoptic
nucleus. The region is generally almost twice
as laigc in Illms as in ewes, but in gay rams
its size was almost identical to that in '
"straight" females. · ·
These fin4!nga matched those of the
neuroscientist Simori li.eV:ay .in his studies of
the brains of gay men: His work has alwavs
been considered controversial, partly bec;use
the brains he studied were mostly from men
who had died of AIDS. So it was, not clear
whether the differences were reh.ted to the
disease or to sexual orientation. The results of
the sheep srudy would indicate that the
differences in fact were reiated to orientation.
In a separate study released in 2004, a
group of Itltlian geneticists led bv Ancirea
Camperio-Ciani of tne Universig· of Padua
........................... continued pg-32
Page 30
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Page 31
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Page 32 Editors Rant cont. from pg 4 ..
A Missouri Discrimination Bill
House Bill 328, introduced by Rep.
Baker proposes to eliminate state funds
to any entity-public or private-that
has a nondiscrimination policy that
exceeds federal protections against
discrimination. While this bill was
introduced in direct response to the
University of Missouri, which last year
added "sexual orientation" to the list of
groups protected under their nondiscrimination
policy, it will have
drastic effects on businesses,
organizations, and charities all over the
state. There are hundreds of public and
private entities in Missouri which rely
on state funds for financial suppon.
Last month, Pulaski County, Arkansas
Circuit Judge Tim Fox struck down a 1999
regulation by the state's Child Welfare
Agency Review Board that said homosexuals
could not be foster parents. Fox said the
board had exceeded its mandate to protect
the health, safety or welfare of foster
children, and he issued an order barring·
enforcement of the rule. Meanwhile, state
legislators are considering a bill. that would
prohibit homosexuals from. ~ecomirig
adoptive or foster parents. Rep~ Bob Adams,
D-Sheridan, and Sen. Jim Holt, RSpringdale,
filed House Bill 1119. The bill
would order the Human Services
Department or any agency involved in
adoption and foster <1Ce not to place a child
with homosexual parents or in a home that
has a homosexual adult. The bill also says
that Arkansas public polity should preserve
public morality with respect to childreh in
the foster care system: ·
"'Lesbianism is so ra t in some of the
schools in southeast ma that they'll
only let one girl go the bathroom ..... How
is it that- that's happened to us?"
Sen. Tom Coburn, (R-OK}
Assoc. Press, October 11, 2004
This is only a sampling of what we
are up against here in America. Yes, it's
time write to your Senators, get out the
protest signs and go back to work.
Holiday party time is over a we must
dig out the combat boots (or Joan
Crawford pumps if your prefer),
prepare to fight a difficult battle to
defeat discriminatory laws that do and
will govern us.
C.D. Ward/Editor in Chief
Heart to Heart from pg-29
may have provided the answer to one of the
greatest paradoxes of homosexuality: the
Darwinian dead-end. How can homosexuality
be genetic when gay men don't have
children? The researchers' findings suggest
that the same genetic fuctors-as yet
unidentified-linked to homosexuality in
men may also be linked to increased fertility
in women. "This is a novel finding," Dr.
Le Vay said. "We think of it as genes for 'male
homosexuality', but it might really be genes
for sexual attraction to men. These could
predispose men towards homosexuality and
women towards 'hyper-heterosexuality',
causing women to have more sex with men
and thus have more offspring."
Twin studies have also revealed some
strong evidence for a biological basis.].
Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard studied
the gayness between monozygotic (or
identical) twins, dizygotic ( or fraternal)
twins, and non-related adopted brothers.
They found that 52% of identical twins were
both self-identified homosexuals, 22% of
fraternal twins were gay, and only 5% of nonrelated
adopted brothers were so. Bailey and
Pillard repeated the study with the samf
results· and later cxp~ririients found· similar
evidence in Jcm,ales .. These studies seem to
conclusively demonstrate that there is at least
some genetic component that leads to the
development of homosexuality.
However, it is important to note that
none of these studies suggests that there is a
single "gay gene." In fact, they all seem to
indicate a more. likely scenario of numerous
genetic and environmental influences. It's
also important to realize that none of these
studies can be considered conclusive. Much
more research needs to be done, but science
seems to be pointing towards biological
factors in detcrmuiing our sexuality.
Is being gay a choice? Only in the sense
that, while we inay not make the choice to be
atttllctcd to the same sex, we do make choices
about whether we act on those attractions or
not. We choose whc.ther we wili live our lives
honestly or in the closet. We choose whether
to iove as our.hearts desire or to deny an
integral part of who we are.
Arc we born gay? Maybe a better question
would be arc WC born to love? Benjamin
Disraeli once said, "We arc all born for love.
It is the principle of existence, and its only
end." If we don't have a choice in who we
love, is it really a choice at all?
Page 33
If you're looking for a real treat,
however, consider staying 20 miles south
in the up-and-coming oceanfront village
of Delray Beach, at the spectacular and
very gay-friendly Sundy House Inn. This
historic compound is worth a visit just
for dinner at the stellar De la Tierra
Restaurant, where you might sample
such globally inspired treats as baked
stuffed baby conch with plantain salad,
and ancho-cinnamon pork tenderloin
with sweet corn, Manchego cheese,
onion chutney, and baby com. This 1902
inn, surrounded by magnificent botanical
gardens, offers plenty of leg room,
including several one- and two-bedroom
apartments with laundry facilities and
fully stocked kitchens. For the ultimate
in pampering, opt for the fabulous
Honeymoon Cottage, which is outfitted
with a Jacuzzi tub, fireplace, flat-screen
plasma TV, DVD player, and VCR. Far
removed from Palm Beach's stuffy
confines, the Sundy House Inn
nevertheless ranks among the area's most
sumptuous hideaways.
_Andrew Collins is the author of Fodor's
Gay Guide to the USA and nine additional
travel guides.
The Little Black Book
Bice Ristorante (313 1/2 Worth Ave., Palm
Beach, 561-835-1600). The Breakers (1 South
County Rd., Palm Beach, 561-655-6611 or
888-273-2537, www.thebrcakers.com).
Chesterfield Palm Beach (363 Cocoanut Row,
Palm Beach, 561-659-5800 or 800-243-7871,
www.chestcrficldpb.com). Chuck and
Harold's (207 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm
Beach, 561-659-1440). CityPlace (700 S.
Rosemary Ave., 561-366-1000,
www.cityplacc.com). Cabana (118 Clematis
St., West Palm Beach, 561-833-4773). Cupids
Cabaret (4430 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm
Beach, 561-642-5299). 5101 (5101 S. Dixie
Hwy., West Palm Beach, 561-585-2379).
Flagler Museum Gust ofi Cocoanut Row,
Palm Beach, 561-655-2833). Four Seasons
Ocean Grand (2800 S. Ocean Blvd., 561-582-
2800 or 800-819-5053,
w-ww.fourseasons.com). Grandview Gardens
B&B (1608 W. Lake Ave., West Palm Beach,
561-833-9023, www.gcandview-gardens.net).
Hamburger Heaven (314 S. County Rd.,
Pa!m Beach, 561-655-5277). H.G. Roosters
(823 Belvedere Rd., \YI est Palm Beach,
561-832-9119). Hibiscus House (501 30th
St., West Palm Beach, 561-863-5633 or
800-203-4927, www.hibiscushouse.com).
Hotel Biba (320 Belvedere Rd., West
Palm Beach, 561-832-0094,
www.hotelbiba.com). Kashmir (1651 S.
Congress Ave., West Palm Beach, 561-
649-5557). Norton Museum of Art (1451
S. Olive Way, Palm Beach, 561-832-
5196). Palm Beach County Convention
and Visitors Bureau (561-233-3000,
www.palmbeachfl.com). Raymond F.
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
(701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm
Beach, 561-832-7469). Respectable Street
Cafe (518 Clematis St., West Palm Beach,
561-832-9999). Reson Lounge (CityPlace,
700 S. Rosemary Ave., West Palm Beach,
561-805-9600). Rhythm (3800 S. Dixie
Hwy., West Palm Beach, 561-833-3406).
Sundy House Inn (106 S. Swinton Ave.,
Delray Beach, FL, 561-272-5678,
Spring Events
in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas Based in the heart of the
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you to visit our little town of Eureka
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Page 34 Seo es
by Jack Fertig
:MARCH 2005
"Enjoy magic, Sagittarius!"
Sun conjunct Uranus brings wild
surprises and inspirations to light. This
line-up in Pisces will make those
surprises especially mystical, artistic,
and otherworldly.
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Let one of
your more spiritual friends take you to
church, synagogue, mosque, Wiccan
circle, seance, or whatever. It won't lead
you to any conversion, but vou will
gain new perspectives so that you can
reconsider your ideals.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): What does
"success" really mean to you? Think
about it long and hard, and the answer
may surprise you. A shock from your
boss is likely to be a blessing in disguise.
Be ready for new opportunities in
unexpected directions.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Your
mouth is likely to get you into trouble,
but you're used to that. Try keeping
your ears and mind open, instead of
your mouth, and what you stand to
learn can start you thinking in radically
new ways.
CANCER Qune 22 to July 22): This is a
great time to explore new erotic
adventures, and all kinds of barriers can
falL Doubie-check your safety
precautions - from standard prophylaxis
to safe words. Don't be shy; just be
LEO (july 23 to August 22): Recent
weirdness in your relationship - or
about nor having one - is coming to a
head. It's time to get clear about what's
going on. Even if things get briefly ugly,
they'wili improve in the long run.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): See a
doctor, acupuncturist, or other health
practitioner right now. There's
probably nothing seriousiy wrong, but
any lingering - or normally invisible
problems are now easiest to identify and
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
Take in the strangest show you can
find. Open your mind to consider
the most preposterous artistic
notions you can expose yourself to,
and find your own creative abilities
stimulated in directions that will
amaze you.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
If your home life was ever normal, it
won't be now. Plumbing, foundations,
and parents can offer very rude
surprises, but they're easier to deal with
now than later. Community
involvement offers unusual rewards.
SAGITIARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Your mouth is further
ahead of your brain than usual, and
your brain seems to be meandering
along some very odd paths. Enjoy
whimsy, magic, music, and art; leave
any mathematical or logical efforts
for later.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): You like your accounts in perfect
order, but they rarely work out so well.
Any glitches and surprises become
clearer now, probably with happy
outcome. Rethinking your priorities
can also turn up some interesting twists.
AQUARIUS Qanuary 20 to Feb~a.ty 18):
Your favorite hobby, re-inventing
yourself, suddenly presents a crisis
with startling possibilities, as it collides
against your highest ideal, selfawareness.
Letting go of control and
admitting what you don't know - your
two least favorite things to do - open
you up to greater knowledge.
PISCES (Febrwuy 19 to March 19): Deep,
deep in the murkiest depths of your
soul - like some subaquatic creature -
there is a profound revelation offering
both illumination and shock. Take
time out for quiet medit:2.tio~ to get
more enlightenment - and to get
burned less.
Jiuk Fertig !Ms been 'fllorleing as a
-professional astrologer sina 1977 and is a
fo,mding mnnber of the Association for
Astrological Networking.
Page 35
Gaywire Release:
February 7, 2005
"This budget does not reflect the
concern President Bush showed
during his State of the Union for
H!V and Alps care and prevention,"
said HRC Vice President of Policy
David Smith
WASHINGTON - As President Bush
introduced his 2006 budget today, the
Human Rights Campaign expressed grave
con~em about the requested funding of
crucial HIV/ AIDS programs. With the
exception of modest increases for the
AIDS Drug Assistance Program and the
National Institutes for Health, most
other programs that affect people living
with HIV/ AIDS were flat-funded or saw
budget cuts.
"This budget does not reflect the
c~>0cern President Bush showed during
his State of the Union for HIV and AIDS
care and prevention," said HRC Vice
President of Policy David M. Smith.
"Unfortunately, the President's actions
do not match his words."
The Ryan White CARE Act, which
addresses the unmet health needs of
persons living with HIV/ AIDS, was
highlighted in the President's State of the
Union Address last week. Yet the budget
request for the program included only a
~odest $10 million increase, all of which
1s earmarked for the AIDS Drug
Assistance Program (ADAP). All other
programs covered by the Ryan White
CARE Act were flat funded.
In addition, the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) saw a $4 million cut to
its budget for HIV/ AIDS prevention and
survei~ance. At the same time, unproven ·
non-science-based abstineoce-oniy
programs, which do not include
education about how HIV/ AIDS is
transmitted, received $38 ~llion in
additional funding. A recent studv at
Texas A&M University showed that
teenagers taking abstinence-onlv sex
education programs endorsed. by the
President became increasingly ;exuallv
active, which is the exact opposite eff~ct
that the program is designed to have.
"Programs which focus on abstinence
as the sole means of preventing HIV/
AIDS put oq.r young people at
tremendous risk," said Smith. "The
President has repeatedly stated his
commitment to combating the spread of
HIV. We have to question that
com1:°itment when his ideology
consistently outweighs sound scientific
"The young people of this country
?eed leadership that recognizes the ·
1mpor~ance of comprehensive prevention
educanon, and we hope to work with
leaders on both sides of the aisle in
Congress to make sure thev get it "added
Smith. , '
Despite the President's recognition
that HIV/ AIDS is a growing problem in
communities of color, the Minoritv
AIDS initiative was flat-funded. Al~o,
$14 million was cut from the Housing
for_ Persons Living With AIDS program,
which helps people living with HIV/
AIDS afford housing.· Having stable
living conditions increases the chances of
~trict adherence to drug regimens, which
1s necessary for fighting HIV/ AIDS and
also prevents the development of
medication-resistant strains of the virus.
Unfortunately, President Bush's
budget also includes Medicaid cuts of at
lea.st $45 billion over the next 1 0 years.
These cuts would greatly affect a ·
program that is responsible for providing
health care to 55 percent of all adults
living with AIDS and 90 percent of all
The Human Rights Campaign is the
largest national lesbian, gay, bisexuai and
transgender political organization with
members throughout the country. It
effectively lobbies Congress, provides
campaign support and educates the
public to ensure that LGBT Americans
can be open, honest and safe at home, at
work and in the community.
Page 36 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Restaurants-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-130
Ron's Place- - - 523 W. Poplar- 479-442-3052
Wild-On . -3570 W. 6th- - - - - 479-521-9453
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson Ave. - - • -479-782-1845
Arkansas, Hot Sprin&s (501)
Club One Eleven- - 111 Gilden St- -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Grand Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- --501-664-2744
Discovery- - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - · 501-666-6900
The Factory -412 Louisiana St.- -501-372-3070
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- .. • 716 S. Main•••••• -417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - - - 3715 Main St- - 816-561-2600
Belle Star's- - 1321 Gnnd Ave- - - -816-421-1288
Club NV - - 220 Admiral Blvd- - 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 Main St- - - -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - -- - 816-561-0625
Sidemeet Bar -413 E. 3rd- - - - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks Saloon 370? Main St- 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial••••• -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - -1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th E:tpwy 405-9-47-2351
Copa- - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Llne -2200 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Club - 1221 NW SOth- - - -405-843-1722
Lido- - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Partners- -2805 NW 36th St - - • - • 405-942-2199
Sisters- - 2120 NW 39th St - - - • - -405-521-9533
The Rockies- - -3201 N. May Ave - • - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - • •- 918-836-8700
Club Maverick· • 822 S. Sheridan · 918-835-3301
End Up Club- - 424 S. Memorial- - 918-836-2480
Heads & Tails- 7944 E. 2bt - - • - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston 918-584-949-4
Renegades- - 1649 S. Main -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
TNT's - .. - 2! 14 S. Memorial- 918-660-0856
Yellow-Bricic-Rci- -2630 E. 15th- 918-293-0304
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
Ingrids Kitchen- -3701 N. Youngs- - -405-946-8444
Topanga Grill&: Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground- - - - - 417-683-9199
Mlasouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hollywood.Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn 2200 NW 39th Exp- -405-528-2221
Natural State Naturists- - · · · - -479-451-8066
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC Uving Spring- - - - - - - - - • - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - www.dsra.org
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
River of Life Church - 1709 N Walnut - -11AM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Missouri,Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, · · · · 6PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - • c -10:30.AM
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Ml111011ri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
Unitarian Universalat Church - - - -417-833-2723
APO- - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride • - - - - - . - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- - - - - - - -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklalloma City (405)
Cathedral of Hone- - 600 NW 13th St- 232-HOPE
The Cente.r• ~ 21;5 NW 39th St. - • - - 405-524-6000
Tribal Fire - - - - • - - - - - -www.tribalfireokc.com
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - •• -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Page 37
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- 918-743-4297
MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
SSRA - - • • • • • • • •·· www.soonerstatetodeo.com
TOHR- - - - - - - - PO Box 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
Tulsa CARES- -3507 E. Admiral Pl- - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Rough Riders- -www.tulsaroughriden.com
. -Business ServicesArkansas,
Eureka Spring~
Diversity Pride Events - - www.diversitypride.com
. Missouri, Eureka . .
Shelter Insurimcc- -Greg Tainter- - 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417) .
Body Swim Massage Therapy- - - -417~825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-- -434-.0077
RE/MAX~ - -CatheLetts----- 417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangcline Rd- - 417-623-1007
Joan Szymanski- Beauty Consult,- 4170673-1181
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - • - - 1918 s: Glenstone - -417-881-8444
Oklahoma, Broken Arrow
Spas N Such- - : - 808 N. 15th - • - --918-258-7727
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 • -4301 NW 63rd #100 - 405- 840-2106
Jungl«;Reds - • - 2200 NW ~wy- - - 405-524-5733.
Piece T~·R~ein~ef-2131 NW 39th~ -405-528-2223
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Elite Bookstore -,.814 S. Sheridan- -918-838-8503
Kelly Kirliy, CPA.~ 4815 S Harvard- 918-747-5466
Underguy.com .. -825 E. 3rd. - - - 918-829-0824
Priscilla's- __ :7925 E: 41st . -918-627-4884
Pnscill;'.s : · - -. 5634 w. Skelly • • - --918-446-6336
Priscilla:!".; -: i 1344 E. 11th •• - •.. 918-438-4224
Piiscillai- -~ :.·2333 E. 71st, •• - • -- 918-499-1661
co~ntiy jn which one
- the one th.at happens to
co ches of the federal
govemme¢t - . 'activat~s' ,'its 'Ba~e by
demoniiiIIg, scapegoatibg, :i11d_actively
perseci:f~ng homos, a tiny a11'd: relatively
defenseles!, minority Jt~put,licans
tell the ' . th that the
and lesbians. is a thr~at
to the American family, Western
civilizllri<>n,. aQd, as one bigwig R recently
put it, 'tlie. survival of the earth.' At
some point the Rs are either g()ing to
have to .rp.hlce good on their rhetoric and
actually cl.b so,giething about all the
homos 'out,theie imperiling the surviva.l
ir (hey, maybe we're
.for global warming?), or
they're going to have to knoc;k it off."
_;.:. SJPdic~t~d • columnist Dan. Savage,
Dec. 29; ·
Pag~ 38
NEW cART□□ Ns "A Couple _of Guy~"·
A Couple
of guys•
Achella, Bear Nak
Corsets, Kenneth C
Rope, lby's Toys.
-May 1
$100 througli · Marc'1 15, 2005
$115 J\tarclf 1~;;;; ~pril 15
$150 after April 15
Rev Pat·
Sheryl Dee
r Teny Brown
ska, Kansas.
e run package .
. ar!nformation,
ntest, Cigar
ring, Fetish
nee ai;id
ies Included

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/178.