[2009] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 12


[2009] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 12


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd


Star Media, Ltd


Dec. 1, 2009


Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Jeanne Flanigan
Rex Wockner
Gerald Libonati
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Devre Jackson


The Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 8

The Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2009; Volume 7, Issue 1


Online text








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VOLUME 6 ISSUE 12 Twitter.com/MetroStad~ews
Other Options; 20 years and going strong
Celebrating with an open house for everyone
By Robin Townsend
Contributing Viriter
® MetroStarNews.com
Fed partner benefits
bill advances in House
By Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
Other Options andFriends Food Pantry’s board President Robert Painter with Executive Director
Mary Arbuckle. The organization won an award thisyear at the National Philanthropy Day event
hosted by the Association ofFundraising Professionals, Oklahoma Chapte~ The award reads, "Spirit
ofPhilanthropy awards; For unmatched dedication to thepeople who are living with HIVAIDS. "
but homosexuality was the primary
During the early days of Other Options
there was a great need for the social services
part of HIV/AIDS care. "Back then the
patients rarely lived long enough to get
their Social Security benefits. When we
told a person they were HIV positive we
explained things, but they knew their life
expectancy w~s very limited even with AZT.
As drug combinations have improved and
there is more research, life expectancies are
longer. "Our services are now more geared to
improving lives, allowing people to live more
productive lives. Now we see them living full
Today some needs are the same while
some have changed "One of our methods of
assistance is to give people the nutritional
values they [clients] need to help them lead
a more productive life, and that is what we
are able to do with the Friends Food Pantry,"
adds Arbuckle. "We also added the HOPWA
last June and service 125 [clients] there."
(HOPWA- Housing Options for People
Living With AIDS). Charla Stevenson is the
Housing Case Manager at Other Options
who manages that part of the organization.
1989 Other Options in Oldahoma City has
provided professional, consistent services to
PLWA’s and disabled individuals, focusing
on the impact HIV/MDS has had in the
lives of those they serve. The organization
was founded by Cookie Arbuclde who was a
Social Worker (MSW) at ChildreNs Hospital
and Oklahoma Memorial Hospital (now OU
Medical Center).
"In 1988 morn was asked by an
Oklahoma Governors Task Force who saw a
need for a guide book for people living with
HIV/_AADS and medical professionals," said
Mary Arbuclde, Other Options Executive
Director. "They hired Cookie to do this
because of her background and because she
was one of the founders of the ASP [AIDS
Support Program] organization. "That was
where the first book, t/kids for HIV/AIDS’
came from."
The second edition gray paperback is the
most popular and is four times larger. "The
reason she [Cookie] started Other Options
in 1989, was due to a generous grant by the
Sarkey’s foundation. We realized the need
for a non-profit to continue our services to
the HIV/MDS community. Back then the
A House committee on Wednesday
evening approved a bill to provide equal
benefits to gay federal employees with
domestic partners, but not without a political
slugfest first over whether the legislation is
an attempt to undermind the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA).
The clash November 18 occured in
the House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform over the Domestic
Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of
2009 (HR 2517). The bill seeks to provide
all federal employees with the same benefits
whether they are married to a person of the
opposite sex or are in a long-term intimate
relationship with a person of the same sex.
It was sponsored by openly gay Rep. Tammy
Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and had the spoken
support of President Obama.
All speakers for the bill were Democrats;
all speakers against it were Republ~,can.s.
:~mocrats emphasized the bill s aim to
end discrimination against LGBT federal
employees by providing them with equal pay
for equal work.
Republicans emphasized their concern
that the bill is trying to circumvent DOMA
and widespread public sentiment as illustrated
by 31 states voting to ban same-sex marriage.
The proceedings were web-streamed live
on the Committee’s website but are no longer
available there.
The debate was a classic discourse between
pro and anti-gay forces. Pro-gay legislators
talked about fighting discrimination and
protecting equal rights. Anti-gay forces talked
about opposing special rights and protecting
traditional marriage.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), hunched over
his papers during much of the proceeding and
often turning away whenever an opposing
legislator responded to him, offered an
amendment to stipulate that nothing in the
bill would modify, supersede, or otherwise
affect DOMA.
Rep. Edolphus To~vns (D-NY), chairman
of the House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, spoke forcefully against
the Jordan Amendment saying "same-sex
domestic partnership laws to do not affect
Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.) opposed it,
too, saying the purpose was clearly intended
"to nt~ify the entirety of the effort here
The amendment eventually failed on a
vote of 22 to 12.
Republicans lodged a number of
contradictory complaints about the
legislation. For instance, Rep. Darrell Issa
patients were about 90% gay men. There were
some other cases such as hemophilia,
......Continued See AWARD Page-14 .......
Continued See FED BENEFITS Page-4
(R-San Diego) complained that the bill would
enable "any two individuals" to qualify for
benefits, while Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.)
complained that any two individuals would
not be able to qualify.
’~klthough this legislation purports
to stand on a foundation of nondiscrimination,"
said Fortenberry, "it appears
to diminish the standing of federal employees
who may share the same dwelling and
collaborate intimately with an immediate or
extended family member of the opposite sex
in a nonsexual relationship to meet their basic
financial needs."
His example was a nephew caring for an
aunt with cancer. Then he continued.
"What about those who are in
nurturing relationships neither marked by
physical intimacy nor qualifying for married
dependent status but share a specialness of
bond based on a commitment to duty or to
friendship," said Fortenberry. His example
for this was "a friend helping a friend of the
opposite sex if they were unemployed."
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)
repeatedly stated that he was "standing tall
for traditional marriage." He offered two
amendments: one to require the president
to certify that the bill does not increase
premiums for existing federal employees
before the bill can go into effect; the other
to require the Government Accountability
Office (GAO) to study the impact on
A $280
Paid for by Concerned Citizens
2 ~tet~’oSTAR
What’s new £or the
Diversity Business
Association in 2010?
By Robin Townsend
Contributing Writer
Current DBA board members at the 2009
Oklahoma Ci(y Prideparade this summer;
Money Milbu~w, President, Gina Love,
member-at-large and Leslie Blab; l~ce
President. Dornerphoto
City’s premier business organization for the
LGBT community will have an overhaul
soon. Plans for a new website, a rate increase
and new board members appear to be in store
for the Oklahoma City based gay and lesbian
business and professional group.
So what else is new for DBA for 20!0?
Looks like there will be a new President with
~h~ f~mlt resigfiation ofM0n~ Milbur~
Tnere has been at least one members
identified who may fill the roll, but at the
time of this story board members have not yet
been voted on.
"I am resigning effective Dec. 3t, 2009.
As of right now, rates will be increasing
as some point in 2010 and the projected
new membership will be $149.00/yr,"
said Milburn in his last interviev¢ to the
Metro Star as DBA board president, q]ae
current membership rate is $49 for a single
membership. "A brand new dynamite
website will be included as well as some great
advertising opportunities and such. There will
also be members only activities."
Ti~e goal of DBA is to be a positive
organization in the LGBT community and
the Oklahoma City community as a whole.
This includes businesses in the area that are
gay or gay-friendly that can benefit from likeminded
people seeking to do business with
this diverse group. DBA also has a presence
each year with Pride events and, for the first
time, had a group who walked in the parade.
There are also plans underway to hire a
staff member to help the organization run
more smoothly. ’%Ve just realized that we
have to hire someone to make this machine
run and we need to do it sooner than later,"
adds Milburn. "I’m not thinking that this will
happen as ofJanuary 1 due to getting bids for
the site and finding a DBA staff member but
it is happening or DBA wil! just go away and
become a social thing that requires no dues
no planning, etc."
For more information about DBA, please
email them at contact@dbametro.org or visit
Sooner State Rodeo
Association presents the
Festival ofTrees Auction
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Tulsa based Sooner
State Rodeo Association (SSRA) will host
their Annual Holiday Festival ofTrees,
Saturday October 28th from 7:30-11PM at
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, 621 E.
4th Street in Downtown Tulsa. The SSRA
fundraising event will benefit SSRA and
their 2009 charitable partners.
The event will feature Cocktails and
Hors D’oeuvres plus a Live Auction of 7
Fully Decorated Christmas Trees beginning
at 8:30PM. The trees have been decorated
by local interior designers, organizations,
and individuals from the Tulsa GLBT
Sooner State Rodeo Association (SSRA) is
Tulsa and Northeastern Oklahoma’s gay rodeo
association, and is a recognized member of
the International Gay Rodeo Association.
SSRA was founded in 2000 and is a legal 501
3(c) and is dedicated to the promotion of the
western lifestyle throughout Tulsa and Eastern
Oklahoma. www.soonerstaterodeo.com
Picket Organized to
Protest Sarah Pa~in’s
Book Signing
Republican past vice presidential candidate
and 2012 presidential hopeful Sarah Palin
holds her booksigning in Norman she may
encounter more than she bargained for.
On a national tour to promote her new
book, "Going Rogue" she is making her
only Oklahoma stop at Hasting’s Bookstore,
located in Norman at 2300 W. Main from 7
p.m. until 8 p.m on Thursday, December 3.
Organized by OKC gay activist Keith
Kimmel, he gives his reasons for the protest.
" I’m organizing this event because I don’t
want Palin to be my next president. I find
her homophobic views to be repugnant and
I think my sentiment is shared by many. I’m
compelled to say something and I hope others
will join me." Those who share his views
are welcome to join this event. For more
information contact Keith Kimmel, http://
vrww.facebook.com/1/cee43; 405 886 5095.
Oklahoma Weather Forecast for December 2009
.... : Dec 1-5: Rain, then sunny, mild;
Dec 6-8: Shmvers, then sunny,
Dec 9-13: R~in and snow, then
sunny, cold;
Dec 14-18: Rain, then sunny;
~Dec 19-20: Showers, then colder;
Dec 21-25: Sunny, then rain, warm;
Dec 26’28: Rain, then colder;
~. Dec 29-31: Sunn)~ warm.
Avg. temperature 520 (40 above avg.);
precipitation -.5 (avg.);
December 2009
Heather Harp Howland
September 9th, 1968 - November 4th, 2009
TULSA, OK Heather Harp Howland
was born in Oklalloma. City on September
9th, 1968 and transitioned from this life
on November 4th, 2009. Her early years
were spent in San Antonio Texas. Her
family moved to Tulsa when she was 14.
She attended Kemper Military Academy
in Boonville Missouri, almamater ofWill
Rogers, and graduated from Tulsa Memorial
High School. She majored in journalism/
marketing a the University of Oklahoma.
She is preceded in death by her Mother,
Sharon. She is survived by her father John
Howland of San Antonio Texas, and her
brother Patrick Howland and his wife Patrice
Pratt ofTulsa, and her nieces Arie! Pratt
of Pennsylvania, Sierra Pratt ofTulsa and
nephews, Rick Pratt of Pennsylvania, Shay
Howland ofTulsa and Seth Howland of
Heather lived in San Antonio in her
young adult years and then in 1995 she
returned to Tulsa to care for her mother. She
opened England & Harp, a successfu! antique
and design store on Cherry Street in 1997.
Her eye for design was impeccable.
As a member of the Tulsa LGBTQ
community, Heather snpported the mission
of Oldahomans for Equality- (Old’q) formerly
tmown as Tnlsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR). She volunteered her time
and efforts at the Pride Store, co-directed the
Pride Events and supported other fundraising
Heather had lots ofinterests and talents.
She loved softball and played catcher while at
OU and would gladly tell you that her knees
haven’t been the same since. She could belt
out a song, deliver a sermon and demonstrate
an Academy Award winning speech upon
request. She was a founding member of
\%Zomen of Council Oak in 2003 and a
supporting member of Sisters in Song.
Heather developed liver disease in 2008
and was on the liver transplant waitint list.
Carol Brown and friends hosted a fundraising
effort in September 2009 at Club 209
to assist with current medical bills and future
transplant costs.
A memorial service was held on
November 7th. 2009 at the Dennis R. Neill
Equality- Center located at 621 East 4th
Street, Tulsa Oklahoma. She will be missed.
She will forever be remembered.
Counci Oak Mens
Chorale Presents:
Some Enchanted Season
December 1st, 4th, & 5th, 2009: 8pro
TULSA, OK (PR) Fresh sounds of
celebration and traditional favorites will
once again fill Trinit~;s beautiful sancruary
as Council Oak Mens Chorale presens their
2009 holiday concert. This specially selected
blend of both timeless and soon-to-be
classics is sure to leave you feeling warm and
~’estive... some might even say enchanted! The
concert will be held at the Trinity Episcopal
Church located at 5th & Cincinnati Avenue.
Tickets are ~15. for more information call
918.748.3888 or visit counciloalcorg.
By Staff Reporter
Miss Bamboo 2009 L~y Katheryn andMiss
Bamboo 2010 Dominique LaRue. StaffPhoto
TULSA, OK __ No prelim, no registration
fees, not known for glamour, but an absolute
cdebration of campy fun with a big heart.
That is the Miss Bamboo Pageant. Although
this year’s contestants did break with tradition
and were quite stylish. Dominique LaRue had
the crowd in uncontrollable laughter with her
Old W-,man on a Walker comedy routine.
Dominique LaRueperfbrming her comedy skit.
Votes for each contestant were determined
by the amount of money each was given by
the audience for their performance.
HOPE Clinic ofTulsa was the r4cipient
of this year’s proceeds of $633.00. HOPE
offers a variety of services for people with
HIV/STD. For confidential information or
referrals call the statewide HIV/STD resource
hotline operated by trained HOPE staff 1-
The MC’s for the show were Kris Kohl
and Earlina Derrick, two well known divas
ofTulsa. Flowers were provided by Glenpool
Flmvers and Gifts. First runner up for the
Miss Bamboo 2010 title was Serina Ashley
who’s interpretation of a drunken platinum
blonde slut was very convincing, but she
showed way too much skin, nasty!
Conspicuously absent from this years entertainment
line-up was self proclaimed Empress
of the Bamboo, Miss Mona Lott who
some suspect has been committed to Laureate
for observation by her now legal husband.
Christmas Eve Candlelig
Thursday December 24, 8
3131 N. Pennsylvania,Oklaho! 405.525.9555
8an ’uptcy o Civil Rights *Criminal
Empl ,ment * Family Law * Litigation
N.W 13th Street
ahoma city, oK 7s 0s
¢~I<>t~oSTAR 3
Prop 8 repeal petitions
begin circ ation
Tt~e state of California on Nov. 16
approved the start of signature-gathering
for a voter initiative to repeal Proposition 8
in November 2010, the group Love Honor
Cherish reported.
The initiative ~vould remove from the
California Constitution the sentence, "Only
marriage between a man and a woman is valid
or recognized in California," and replace it
with, "Marriage is between only two persons
and shall not be restricted on the basis of race,
color, creed, ancestr)~ national origin, sex,
gendm; sexual orientation, or religion."
The measure further states: "To protect
religious freedom, no court shall interpret
this measure to require any priest, minister,
pastor, rabbi, or other person authorized
to perform marriages by any religious
denomination, church, or other non-profit
religious institution to perform any marriage
in violation of his or her religious beliefs.
~e refusal to perform a marriage under this
provision shall not be the basis for lawsuit or
liability, and shall not affect the tax-exempt
status of any religious denomination, church
or other religious institution."
Repeal advocates must collect 694,354
valid voter signatures by April 12. To be safe,
that means collecting around 1 million total
~e 2010 repeal can~paign is a grassroots
effort that does not have support from large
GLBT groups, many ofxvhich have said or
suggested they want to wait until 2012 to
attempt to undo Prop 8.
The Courage Campaign had earlier
supported the 2010 effort but later
complained of deficiencies in governing
structure, expertise, research and funding.
For more information, see
Gay Euro MPs denounce
Ugandan bill
Members of the European Parliament’s
Intergroup on LGBT Rights have strongly
denounced the "Anti-Homosexuality Bill
2009" pending in Uganda’s Parliament.
"The proposed legislation includes
provisions to punish those alleged to
be lesbian; gay or bisexual with life
imprisonment and, in some cases, the death
penalty; any parent or teacher failing to
report their LGBT children or pupils to the
authorities.~zcith a fine eqtiivalent to $2,650
or three years’ imprisonment; and landowners
providing shelter to LGBT people with seven
years’ imprisonment," the MEPs said Nov. 9.
Co-President Ulrike Lunacek said: "I
strongly appeal to Ugandan politicians
to be as courageous as they were when
overthrowing the Idi Amin regimel and not
to ban Ugandan citizens from being free to
love whomever they wish. Homosexuality is
nothing un-African; it has existed at all times
and in all cultures."
In the U.S., lesbian U.S. Rep. Tammy
Baldwin, D-Wis., and three other members of
Congress have sent a letter to U.S. Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton urging her to use the
full force of her o~ce to condemn the bill.
Brazilian man barred
from living in U.S. with
American husband
~ne Obama administration let the clock
run out Oct. 23 on helping a Brazilian man
who wants to return to Massachusetts to live
with his U.S. husband.
Tim Coco and Brazilian Gen&io Oliveira
married in Massachusetts in 2005 and own a
home together in a Boston suburb. Oliveira
was sent home in August 2007 after losing
an asylum case based on anti-gay persecution
he said he experienced in Brazil. He later also
lost a case in which he sought to return to
the U~S. based on his marriage to Coco. U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder had until Oct.
23 to overrule that decision on humanitarian
grounds. He had been urged to do so by U,S.
Sen. John Kei~ry, D-Mass.
The anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act,
passed during Bill Clinton’s presidency,
prevents the U.S. government from
recognizing same-sex spouses for any reason.
President Obaa~aa has said repeatedly
that he supports DOMA’s repeal and the
extension to same-sex couples of every right
and obligation of marriage -- but he has taken
no concrete steps to achieve his stated goals.
Coco and Oliveira have said they may sue
the federal government over DOMA in hopes
of being reunited.
Bill Clinton said that
he had been "wrong"
in opposing same-sex
Spealdng to CNN’s Anderson Cooper,
Clinton said: "I realized that I was, you
know, over 60 years old, I grew Up at a
different time, and I was hung up about the
word (marriage). I had all these gay friends;
I had all these gay couple friends, and I
~vas hung up about it. Aud I decided I was
wrong. That our society has an interest in
coherence and strength and commitment
and mutually reinforcing loyalties, then
if gay couples want to call their union
marriage and a state agrees, and several have
no,a, or a religious body will sanction it --
and I don’t think the state should be able to
stop the religious bodies from saying it -- I
don’t think the rest of us should get in the
way of that. I think it’s a good thing, not a
bad thing."
"I just realized that I was, probably for,
maybe just because of my age and the way
I’ve grown up, I ~vas wrong about that,"
he continued. "I just had too many gay
friends. I saw their relationships. I just
decided I couldu’t, I had an untenable
As~ president, Clinton signed into
law the Defense of Marriage Act, which
prohibits the federal government fi’om
recognizing s~xrne-sex marriages and a~rms
that states don’t have to recognize other
states’ same-sex marriages.
The first amendment failed. And Rep.
Mike Quigley (D-Chicago) amended the
latter to have the GAO study the effect of
extending benefits to domestic partners on
the government’s ability to recruit and retain
In response to GOP complaints that two
people of the same sex might pretend to be
in a domestic partnership in order to gain
benefits, Rep. Steve Lynch (D-Mass.) said:
"I dofft think there’s a ,vhole lot of people
out there, given the discrimination ,ve have
against gays and lesbians in our society, trying
to pretend that they’re gay or that they’re
lesbian so they can get favorable treatment.
That’s not the reality of today’s world."
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC),
an African American, also rebuffed such
arguments, saying "I know discrimination
when I see it. This is the opposite. ~is is a
civil rights bill."
Norton noted, with some irony, that
some years ago Republicans refused to allow
a domestic partnership bill in Washington,
D.C., because the bill attempted to include
domestic partners and other family members
living together.
Chairman Towns rebutted Republican
concerns that the bill would cost too much,
noting that only about 15,000 to 30,000 new
enrollees are expected to join federal health
insurance rolls~as a results of the legislation -
representing 0.3 percent. Howevere Issa came
back claiming that the LGBT community
frequently cites a figure of 10 percent for its
representation in the population. (In fact, the
community hasn’t used a figure like that since
the 1970s. More recent scientific surveys,
according to gay statistical expert Gary Gates
have been very consistent in showing that
something like 2-4% of adults identify as
The bill now goes to the floor in the
Senators Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and
Susan Collins (R-Maine) introduced a version
of the bill into the Senate.
In a related development, a judge for
the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled
November 18 that the federal government
violated the constitutional ~ights of a gay
federal attorney when it denied him health
coverage for his same-sex spouse. The two
men were married in California during a
period of five months last year when same-sex
couples could obtain marriage licenses.
Gay cop gay-bashed in
Liverpool, England
A 22-year-old off-duty trainee police
officer was seriously gay-bashed outside the
gay bar Superstar Boudoir in Liverpool,
England, on Oct. 25.
James Parkes was set upon by a gang of 20
youths and suffered multiple skull fractures
and a broken cheek bone and eye socket. He
was hospitalized in critical condition before
being released Oct. 30 to recuperate at home.
Citing language used by the bashers,
police have deemed the assault a homophobic
hate crime.
Twelve of the alleged assailants, some of
whom are ~s young as 13, have been arrested.
4 l:~;~ot oSTAR December 2009
love the Democratic
Party but Will I Respect
Mysd£in the Morning?
by James Nimrod
GLBTs emerge sweaty and disheveled
fi’om our post-coital ruckus in Maine, I’m
reminded that this is America and everything
is for sale, including our gay/lesbian equality-
-that’s the American way. You want to lmow
how we’re going m sell it?
In 1764 an Italian nobleman named
Cesare Beccaria wrote, "Ifwe glance at the
pages of history, we will find that laws, which
surely are or ought to be compacts of free
men, have been for the most part a mere tool
for the passions of some."
I’m referring to the heartbreakingly close,
yet lost Maine election early in November
where we gays/lesbians thought we had a
better-than-good chance of winning through
the ballot box the recognition of our civil
equality under the law.
Unfortunately; the Religious Right has
used the referendum petition process in 31
states ro turn our citizenship into raffle tickets
for discrimination where the prize is our
continued lack of full equality under the law.
Our civil rights canse has been de-railed 31
times at the bal!ot box by the usual degeption
of the Biblically-dduded using the prejudiced
superstitions that gays recruit and stalk
children and teenagers.
Nor only are gays/lesbians still secondclass
raxpayers, all of the residents of those
31 states, regardless of sexual orientation,
are also honorary members of the Mormon,
Roman Catholic, and Southern Baptist
denominations, to name only three of the
biggest religious oppressors in the USA. I
say this because its the oppressor’s anti-gay
religious POVs that have become encoded
into civil law. ~e United Church of Christ
(UCC), Unitarian, and Reform Judaism
adherents have 1Sassed guidelines allowing
their clergy to perform their mvn versions of
same-gender marriage without recognition
from the resident state. Their First
Amendment religious freedom is blocked by
the actions and money of the theocrats ~vhose
dogma trumps all attempts at fairness and
fulfillment of our lives. Justice guaranteed by
the Constitution is thwarted by ignorance
and prejudice.
Only Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, and Connecticut have
legislatively passed marriage equality for
same-gendered Americans. T’ne state of
Washington earlier this month rejected the
homo-haters attempt to overturn a law called,
"Everything but Marriage."
Since the ballgt box/clvil rights rathe
process is spent and flaccid, activists John
Aravosis and Joe Sudbay are calling for a
boycott or a withholding of contributions
-- Don’t Ask, Don’t Give -- to the Democratic
Party until ~ve get the results they’ve promised
us for years, like passage of employment
protection (ENDA), removal of marriage
discrimination (DO!vIA), and the privilege to
serve in the military (DADT),
.......Continued see VIEW" POINT page
Good news as LGBT’s
grow o der
By Robin Townsend
Contributing X~Triter
LGBTactivist and communi{y leader, Rob
Howard ofOklahoma City. Dorn’erphoto
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius announced plans to
establish the nation’s first national resource
center to assist communities across the
country in their efforts to provide services
and supports for older lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT) individuals. It is
estimated that as many as 1.5 to 4 million
LGBT individuals are age 60 and older.
"I’m glad that Health and Human
Services is beginning to realize that the plight
ofLGBT elders needs to be addressed," Rob
Howard of Oklahoma City told the Metro
Star. "Although their current estimate is that
there are tip ro 4 million gay and lesbian
seniors, in the next 10 to 15 years, as the
baby boomer generation reaches retirement
age, there will be twice as many - from 6 to 8
Howard has served in many roles helping
LGBT citizens. Hie is a past Vice President
of Prime Timers Worldwide and now serves
as their treasure. Prime Timers Worldwide
is an educational and social organization for
mature gay and bisexual men. They have 72
chapters, mostly in the US and Canada, but
also in Australia and Sweden. Membership is
nearly 7,000.
"Organizations serving the broader aging
community need to develop policies and
sensitivity to this issue, and work with LGBT
organizations to educate the medical care
and long term care communities about our
issues," he adds. "It is time for mainstream
LGBT organizations to recognize the need,
and to partner with seniors on these issues as
HHS reports that many agencies that
provide services to older individuals may be
unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the needs
of this group of individuals. The center for
LGBT Elders will provide information,
assistance and resources for both LGBT
organizations and mainstream aging services
providers at the state and community level to
assist them in education and development.
The LGBT Center will also be available to
educate the LGBT community about the
importance of planning ahead for future long
term care needs.
"~ae most significant problem
facing LGBT elders is sensitive medical
care and housing," adds Howard. "Most
are desperately afraid that they will be
discriminated against in these settings and
worse, abused by staff and other residents in
long term care. This is a generation that for
the most part has lived their lives in the open.
They aren’t about to tolerate discrimination or
abuse in their golden years."
The LBGT Resource Center plans
to help community-based organizations
understand the unique needs and concerns
of older LGBT individuals and assist them
in implementing programs for local service
providers, including providing help to LGBT
caregivers who are providing care for an
older partner with h~alth or other challenges.
Funding is pending but projected to be
approximately $250,000 per year.
"I applaud the development of this
resource center at HHS. However, the
proposed $250,000 sirigle grant is woefully
short ofwhat is needed to address this
problem, furthers Howard, who is an activist
and well versed in these issues. "To make only
a single grant to establish a resource center
falls far short of the effort that will be needed
across our country in this area."
p e g y
Eddy Sarfaty treats OKC
to his Mental Hilarity
By Victor Gorin
State Representative AI A4cA~ey with Eddie
Sa,~t): Godn phom
October 26, an othervdse normal Monday
night leading up to the Halloween
celebrations, the night was interestingly
hilarious for the audience at the 51st Street
Speakeasy, a small intimate eatery & watering
hole not widely known in the metroplex
except to their faithful clientele. This was
where nationally known gay comic Eddie
Sarfaty made a stop on his Mental Tour of the
His audience was warmed up for his act
by !ocal comics Bradchad Porter and Spencer
Hicks before Eddie cut loose with his own
brand of humor. Lampooning political issues
including our military’s "Don’t ask Don’t
tell Polici’ and the joys of his Jewish family
ba&ground, he made fun of numerous other
aspects of gay life and living for everybody.
The audience had many regulars, along
with gays and their friends including DBA
President Monty Milburn and Oklahoma
State Representative A1 McAffrey.
His act also promoted his new book,
"Mental:Funny in the Head," and benefitted
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. He
left behind his insights and ideas along with
memories of a fun filled evening.
Art Opening and E ibit
w-ith Photographs
from the Robert Giard
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Oklahomans for
Equality (Old,q) will showcase and exhibit
local artists at the Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center, 621 E. 4th Street in downtown Tulsa.
The exhibit will feature works from world
renmvned photographer Robert Giard (1939-
2002). The show begins with a reception
on Thursday, December 3rd from 6-9pm
and continuing throughout the mofith of
December and throughout January of 2010.
Robert Girad’s subject matter for his
photography is legion and includes landscapes
from his travels and home, nudes and most
significantly, portraits of noted gay and
lesbian literary lights such as Edward Albee,
Allen Ginsberg, Adrienne Rich, David Leavitt
and Michael Cunningham. This unique
archive of photographic portraits of gay and
lesbian writers by the late Robert Giard is on
loan from the Yale University’s Beinecke Rare
Book and Manuscript Libraty.s prestigious
American Collection, and will be on display
through December 2009 and January 2010.
K.C. Chiefs dump player who
called reporters faggots
The Kansas City Chiefs football team
released running back Larry Johnson from the
team Nov. 9 after he called reporters faggots
and called a fellow Twitter user a fag.
In the locker room Oct. 26, Johnson
muttered to reporters, "Get your faggot ass
out of here." The remark was captured on
A day earlier, he used his Twitter account
to call another ~¢¢itter user a "fag." He also
reportedly tweeted: "Make me regret it.
Lmao. U don’t stop my checks. Lmao. So
’tweet’ away."
Johnson lat,er apologized for the outbursts,
saying he hadn t intended to be offensive and
had not been "a good role modal (for) the
kids who view athletes as role models."
December 2009
www.metrostarnews.com ~%,t~oSTAR 7
~9gith flavor infusions like
Chocolate, Tomato aud Triple
Three Olives Vodka is quickly gaining a
reputation as the gourmand’s drink of choice.
But that doesn’t mean you have to be a food
and beverage snob to get your hands on a
bottle. For less than a Jackson (Andrew, not
Tito), you can snag 750 ml of the smooth
stuffto give as a gift to the host of your next
holiday party. Extra points for playing guest
bartender with this Ho-Ho-Hojito recipe:
Muddle !0 mint leaves and halfa lime in a
tall cocktail glass. Pour in two tablespoons of
simple syrup and fill the glass with ice. Add
two ounces of N~ree Olives Pomegranate
Vodka (and a dash more for good measure)
and top it offwith dub soda. Garnish with a
mint sprig and lime, and voila! Just don’t over
do it, OK. Remember what happened last
),ear? ($19.99; wwvy’~ ~r~:~ >~ c~.~m)
"Suckin" It For the Holidays," Grammynominated,
gay-lovin" colnedienne Kathy
Grifl~n delivers some of her best stand-up ever
on an album that was recorded live from the
Borgata Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City.
Like you need a reason to jet offto a faraway
land - but at least this is a good one. Now
through the end of the year, when you
purchase an American Airlines gift card you’ll
join the fight against breast cancer. For every
$50 you spend in travel gift cards, American
Airlines will donate $5 to Susan G. Komen
for the Cure. You can purchase physical cards
for yourself (to enjoy a guilt-free getaway), or
choose virtual cards to be delivered by e-mail
with a personal message attached. Just enter
code "Komen" in the tracking box when
ordering online. ($50; >~:~:~%#;~A!~O
Mikey Rox is an award-winningjournalist/writer
and thepHncipal ofPaper Rox Scissors, a copywriting
and creative consulting company in New York City.
nd him at ~’~,~,~<l:~,~r?’~;~’~:" ~,~ co~~.
2006 ± is packaged with two concert tapings
In season two of "Keeping Score"
- the national project of the San Francisco
Symphony to make classical music more
accessible to the masses - three new programs
explore the music and stories behind Hector
Berlioz’s symphonic love letter "Symphonie
fantastique"; Charles Ives’ sonic portrait of
New England with "Holidays Symphony’;
and Dmitri Shostakovich’s "Symphony No.
5," a work that may have saved the composer’s
life. This high-&f, three-disc documentary
program - a follow-up to season one of the
series, which premiered on PBS in November
and available on Blu-Ray. ($24.99 each;
Give your hooves a rest with the STPdDA
collapsible bike, the first completely new
bicycle geometry in 95 years. Inside a foldable
triangular frame of light~veight aluminum,
power is transferred to the rear wheel via a
silent Kevlar belt (no oily gears or chains!)
while horizontally mounted handlebars allow
the rider to sit comfortably upright for an
excellent view of the road. When you’re ready
to hop off, just fold STRiDA up and wheel
it to your next destination. In compact form,
the bike stows easily in a car, on the train,
or in the closet. Just like you used to. ($800;
sweat. Or
maybe it is. Cover up your
natural repellent with
Masculinity by Intense, a
new fragrance from N10Z
formulated ~vith
a unique male-to-male
pheromone. Featuring a
refined composition of
exotic spices, aromatic herbs
and crisp citrus, Masculinity
opens with notes of French basil, West Indian
clove, Asian mandarin and Sicilian bergamot
followed by hints of amber, cedarwood, black
pepper and leather. Holy Hugh Jackman!
Designed to stimulate the vomeronasal organ
(among other "organs"), this sensual scent
also is said to help improve self-confidence.
Whatever works. ($55; v,~ w~#:, I
Out bodybuilder and former Colt
supermodel Bo Dixon releases his first selftitled
calendar, BO DIXON: Reinvented
2010. Celebrating the power of perseverance,
this muscle-worship date keeper features
the hirsute powerhouse in fourteen all-new
photos and comes with a "making-of" DVD.
($16.95; w>,~,i
"Money can’t buy you love, but the rest
is negotiable..." That’s the tagline ofTne
Working Men of Rentboy.com 2010, the
Web site’s third-annual calendar honoring
its hottest porn stars, escorts and boyfriends
for hire. This year’s eye candy includes Nick
Capra, Josh Hart, Arpad Miklos and Tommy
Defendi. ($15.95; W~A~:~I:D~#)¢~;:: ~)~)~)
Piss &Vinegar - the provocative new brand
of underwear from Ginch Gonch founder
Jason Sutherland - has a heart on. For Jesus.
Yes, that Jesus. Made from breathable, bodp
stretch fabric,
the first release
from this caustic
collection is
the "I Love..."
line, which
features the
controversial "I
Love Jesus" and
"I Love Buddha"
briefs, boxer
briefs, lowrise
briefs and
jockstraps. Of
course, if you’re
not feeling so
sacrilegious this
holiday season,
Piss & Vinegar
- which borrows
its name from
British slang for
living young
at heart - will also introduce "I Love Boys"
and "I Love Girls" briefs. Redeeming, sure.
But you’re still on the shortlist for eternal
damnation. ($25; www4:Asvr~:’g~r.co~rO
Built on the concept of technology meeting
style, DEOS introduces two collections of
innovative iPod earphone covers available at
all price levels. The first, DEOS DIAMOND
- for those who have more cash than they can
shake a peppermint stick at - consists of three
distinct earphone cover styles specifically
named for the number of individual
diamonds imbedded in each traditional or
black titanium design. DEOS CRVZ - for
more budget-conscious consumers - boasts
three collections: Crystal, featuring Swarovski
bedazzlements; Aluminum, available in
an array of metallic colors; and Silicone,
designed with active lifestyles in mind. ($9.99
and up; ~:,~,~w d~:,~v~l; ~ :~ ~:: ~)
8 I¢I÷’IroSTAR December 2009
10 ~#%t~"oSTAR December 2009
Photo’s bT Victor G. & Judy G.
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
@The End U); Tulsa
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
West), and the cocktail that helped popularize
vodka in the U.S., the MosCow Muie (;€odka
and ~
new. Polish
@Club 209, Tulsa
By Keith Orr
Vodka 101: ~-he Spirit ofChoice
What better way to start out my
assignment as the host of "Cocktail Chatter"
than to write about my favorite liquor, Vodka.
And I am not alone. Vodka is the best-selling
liquor in America, accounting for over 26%
of all spirit sales. A glance around any gay
bar tells you that in the U.S. gay market that
number is probably higher.
It was not always so. Until tlxe late 1950’s
vodka :was considered an exotic Russian
import. As always, marketing drove the
expansion. Vodka was advertised as "White
¯ Whiskey - no taste, no smefl." Its popularity
skTrocketed as imbibers believed that there
would be no alcohol on their breath and they
would avoid hangovers. It quickly replaced
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City @ Ledo, Oklahoma City
other spirits in highballs and cocktails. Most
famously it usurped gin as the spirit of
choice in a martini.
Vodka can be made from many base
ingredients: rye, wheat, potatoes, beets,
grapes or grapeseed, molasses, and more.
The ingredients are first fermented, then
distilled. In most ~vestern vodkas the
distillation process produces something
fairly close ro pure alcohol, and water is
added back in. Most high-end vodkas also
filter the spirit as well. All of this distilling
and filtering is the source of the dean taste
that makes vodka so mixable and popular.
Rye and wheat are the most common
sources in well-known brands, with a
smattering of potato vodkas. Molasses is
l~’gely used for mass-producing vodka for
mass market brands. Naough all vodka is
highly distilled, each vodka has a unique
flavor profile as a result of the }esidual
components of the original distillation, as
well as the various methods and materials
used for filtering.
The super premium brands
such as Grey Goose, Belvedere,
or Chopin each have subtle
flavors best appreciated in the
cocktail which features vodka
in a starring role, the martini.
(Martini preparation is anotlxer
column!) My personal favorite
is Absolut’s entry in the
super premium line, Level by
Absolut. Not only do I like the
flavor, I choose it for political
reasons. I support the vodka
that supports me. Absolut
has been a leading supporter
of many gay organizations and events for 30
While martinis feature vodka in a starring
role. the overwhehning popularity of the
beverage is its ability to act in a supporting
role. No other spirit plays so well with others.
Vodka and tonic, vodka and cranberry, vodka
and coke, vodka and diet coke (dubbed dae
"skinny bitch" by the drag queens of Key
vodkas at least
200 years ago.
Russian and
vodkas used
herbs and nuts
for flavoring
even earlier.
Today vodkas
are infused
with dozens
of flavors:
lemon, lime,
acai berry,
peach, and
even bacon.
I like sipping
infused or
vodkas on the
rocks. They
also can create
new variations
to martinis, cosmos, and a variety of shots.
The beauty of vodka lies in versatility:
Vc~hetl~er you are enjoying the refined and
subtle flavors in a classic martini, or partying
hard with an alcohol that plays well with your
favorite mixer, vodka is the spirit of choice.
www.metrostarnews.com ~÷t~oSTAR 11
~÷~STAR 12 December 2009
by Jack Fertig December 2009
"Put your waRet away, SagRtariusI"
Off and on through the next year Saturn
is square to Pluto, signaling profound
Changes in society and government. As
faster planets aspect them both we will
see opportunities in this crisis. Venus
in Sagittarius shows how to apply new
philosophical values to greater practical
ARIES (March 28-Apri~ 19): Work
can be overwhelming, and the demands
of relationships don’t help. The stars
call for an exotic, artistic holiday.
A foreign film or art show can offer
enough escapism, and perhaps~a
new insight to put the pressures into
TAURUS (Apri~ 28 - May 20):
intellectual and technical demands can
make it feel as if the world is conspiring
to make you feel brutish and inept. Sex
remains an excellent release of tension.
Explore new techniques - or just lie
back and ask your partner to take care
of you.
GEMiNi {May 21-June 20): Relaxing
and having fun may seem more trouble
than it’s worth, but it is absolutely
necessary. Let your sweetheart do all
the work. Leaving yourself open to
surprises and adventures will do you a
world of good.
CANCER (June 2% July 22): The only
solution to domestic stress involves
real labor. Some exotic tchotchke
from a rummage sale could become the
centerpiece of a new look, providing the
fun and motivation for otherwise dreary
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Obsessing
too hard on details can detract from the
big picture and distract you from normal
safety precautions. There is a difference
between focus (good!) and obsession
(bad!). Some playful diversion will help
you keep perspective.
WRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Everyone’s worried about money these
days; try to keep your own wordes in
perspective. Taking time out with your
family (or origin or of choice)can help
you relax and appreciate what you
MBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Knowing your place in your family and
community is important, but probably
not as much as you make it out to be.
What’s bugging you? Talk it over with a
sibling or a "sister" over an exotic lunch.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Step away from the plastic! Do
not go near that cash register! At least
stop and think before spending. When
you get worried and dithery, focus on
your philosophical values. Remember
what’s important. "Retail therapy" is not
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): Put your wallet away.
It’s generosity of the spirit that counts.
Friends who want your money.are not
really your friends. Long philosophical
chats around a coffee table can be
much better than expensive nights out.
CAPRICORN (December 2t - January
t9): It’s a good time to forge ahead in
your career and make big chan.ges, but
you can be much too demanding and
aggressive, undermining your own best
efforts. Pay attention to that little voice
inside. Mediation will help.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): In Greek myth, Cassandra’s curse
was to see the future - and nobody
believed her. Your forebodings may
be excessive, but they’re not entirely
wrong. Discuss them with friends you
can count on to help you make better
sense of them.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Your capacity as a mover and shaker
among your friends is sure to get
noticed, but is it the sort of moving and
shaking you want to get noticed? Be
bold in politics and work, discreet in the
bedroom, and always keep your senseof
Community for
People iving
A 50’! c (3) Non Profit Org~zadon
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living withAIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of ou?
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HlV+
an£t or !lying v¢ith AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
ourhousetoo9865@sbcglobal net
Stevenson has also successfially assisted seven
clients out of the HOPXNrA where they now are
able to live on their own since being them with
employment and other aids to independence from
the progrmn.
We work very., hard to make sure that when
one of our clients’ walks in, they pay nothing;
everything is free," adds Arbudde~ "We have food
supplements, clothing, misc furniture and other
items and even some medical equipment." Other
Options also has arranged for a commission of
sales from Thrift City at 26th and MacArthur to
be donated to Other Options.
"Our success is because I built a great board
and an advisory board," Arbuckle humbly added.
"Our board president is Robert Painter owner
of the Iguana and he has been a tremendous
support." The two met when Painter turned to
Other Options to help meet the immediate needs
of a close friend.
Other Options is inviting everyone over
to their place to celebrate! A~er serving the
community these 20 years, Other Options and
Friends Food Pantry (open for 10 years) is opening
their doors for a Holiday and anniversary Open
House Dec. 1 lth from 4-8 pm. Everyone is
welcome and encouraged to attend the event at the
organization headquarters located at 3003 N. May
in Oldachoma City.
For more information about Other Options
and Friends Food Pantry, please call (405) 605-
8020 or visit www.aidscommunity.org.
In our American two-party political syste~
laws have been made the passionate tools to be
used against us as Beccaria observed centuries ago.
N~e GOP couldn’t care less if GLBTs lived
or died. Did you see Mary Cheney at the
October March on Washington? So that leaves
the Democratic Part3, as the only game in town,
politically spealdng, and they think they have
a monopoly on our aaCfections but with their
repeated stalling and inaction on important gay
issues I’m through believing them. Remember,
it took ELEVEN years for Congress to pass the
Shepard/Byrd Hate Crimes Law, and only two
months for Congress to pass the AMBERAlert in
The Victorian novelist George Meredith said,
"It’s a terrific decree in life that one must act who
would prevai!." If our GLBT cause is just then we
must act to accomplish it; no one will give it to us
Until we have a sustained, visible, assertive,
yet peaceful action to justify our equality and
citizenship, we gays/lesbians will continue to be
looked at as just limp-wristed targets for abuse,
politically and physically.
What’s it going to be: always the bridesmaid,
never the bride; always the best man, never the
& by Greg Fox
YObl WEF~I::=
Webs~te- w~v.kylecomics.eom F-Mail- KylesBnB@aol.eom
www.thegaycartoonsite.com ema~ ~.not ~, |/~"}/,,~~.g~
~4 December 2009
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Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Chuck Breckenridge
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I’lt work hard for you.
send resume to:
Metro Star
PC Box 581718
Tulsa, OK 74158
www.metrostarnews.com ~{~troSTAR 15
its biggest impact since Roosevelt, because the conservative.
movement has been thoroughly repudiated tbo@ reali~,."
"What matters, as always, is not what we can’t do,
it’s what we can and must do."
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Pa~.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issaes of the GLBT
community, we are working to make change and shape history.
~ st Tuesday ofevery month at the

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2009] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 12,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 14, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/130.