[2005] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 4
[2005] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd.
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd.
April 1, 2005
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Michael Dee
Douglas Glenn
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinac
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Michael Dee
Douglas Glenn
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinac
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 6
The Ozarks Pride Magazine, January 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 1
The Ozarks Pride Magazine, January 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 1
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
7204 E. Pine
124 N Boston
424 S. Memorial
808 N 15th St, B
J, www.tolsaroughriders.com
825 E. 3rd
.: ,.'·" '~ <
HI•·· .:.
............ Po&~n By K~n•tb I!. Cowhide
Page 3
Miss Gay Arkansas USofA
•· DQdn{Gpea;af 8:00pm
Pag~antb~gins at 9:00.pm
Cover$5: Mem. $8 Gu~t
Featuring: .
Miss 'G, W . -:U So.f A
Layla LaRue
KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS Sgfid~:April 24th, 2005
Pl.ASTIC "FHURSOAY·~A.NCE; .. Mi$.~fW Wa:shington Q:lunty
PART'r' EVERYTHURSDAY! . . •· :. '. ',i ,'' A1nerit:a
GO GO BOY$ E\'~R,Y F,FUbAY . . . :00pm
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NWA1S1BE&:F'.DRA:G SHOW· ; ··~-/Guest
EVERYSUNE>AYNlGHT! .. ·Featuring~ ...
Special thank& :tr;:alFof yqu who
mc;tde. my S4th b!r,t,~ey.~ ~ .
· · Huge'.'success ... · ].ave Kelly .
0,9. Kamri.o. M,!k?-els
'04 Makayla Duvoi
Vicki V~[eptine
Fr:iday ,Wril 2$tfu·
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Ft~lp u,s ~n~ aarbie to Dallas for
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. AR 479~571-1300
E.01,1.r .. Sta
Rodeo 2005
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK. With the Fort Worth
rodeo kicking off the 2005 gay rCldeo
in March, T~~~. T-Town Jiodeo
the f.our .~t?-tes region's buckin
show' .. '"' .. ·. ·on 4£rj1 Sth-
' Afena. For
atio ,;t6
stai:ero0~~~t~{~: ti~e Rock
. . . fo
: ·, ~d.sta:Of'g-)1 ,_ h~i~l ?·
o Wi.':~)pfc:s~;e;d£l~ii,.1:he
.,,y in
Oklahoma State
OGRA is the 3~d largest ga}'iodeo event
under the· IGR!A :w!iibteila:.·lFor,1schcdule
f eventssYisif ·:
.. GltAY"S-
~:~ff lat
', ,',' ,
fellowship with its member ~sociati~s,
donates thousands of dollars to cha#fy each
year. The Gay and . of
the United States
enriched by the ed
• through its sanctioning
· the various events and .
part of wh.at ~• call Gay Rodeo.
Your local Rodeq Associatio(! rieeds
your support, :~e fi:tn: fur'~ sdo'a cause.
They Do!·.
Page 5
Sooner State Rodeo .entertainment. The cast included Rachel
Ward, Kris Kole, Anita Dickey, Pat La
Association F d . Morte, Jonathan Brown, Kris Enloe, Un raiser Jamie Summers and Reba Lynn Cole. A
by Greg Steele dinner and show to benefit SSRA was
photo's by Chaz
Rachel Ward lvfiss SSRA 2005
TULSA, OK_ Royalty was out :in full
force March 19th around T-Town. A
benefit to raise funds for SSRA's T-Town
Rodeo. The event was hosted by Rachel
Ward Miss SSRA 2005 and held at the
Bamboo Lounge. The audience was
delighted with the variety of
Jamie Summers Miss Iowa 2004
Kris Enloe Mr. SSRA 2003-2004
also held at The Supper Club in Tulsa.
SSRA's T-Town Rodeo kicks off the
four states rodeo season on April 8th, 9t.h
and 10th at the Tulsa Expo Square Arena
4145 E. 21st. This is the 1st rodeo for
SSRA and their 3rd year of incorporation.
For tickets and information visit the
website at ,vvlw.soonerstaterodeo.com.
Jonathan Brown Mr. SSRA 2005
Anita Dicky Miss Bamboo 2005
(by default)
Page 6
APRIL 2005
by Andrew Collins
Although America's Gulf Coast
doesn't have any major gay beach
resorts, the Texas barrier island of
Galveston has steadily become a
popular option. This scenic haven of
sandy beaches, opulent Victorian houses, and touristy but engaging seafo?d restaurant~ ~d
souvenir shops attracts quite a few gays and lesbians from Texas and the Gulf South - it's Just
50 iniles south of Houston.
Galveston has a handful of accommodations that market specifically to the gay
community, as well as a few lively gay bars. and discos. Many of the queer folks yoi,i're apt to
meet around town either own second homes or rent cottages here. Late spring through early
fall, the city absolutely swells with visitors,· but no matter the time of year, the gay presence
tends to be relatively discreet.. You won't see same-sex couples holding hands around town,
as Galveston remains first and foremost a ,destination for families and retirees, many of
whom tend toward the conservative side. Nevertheless, with colorful architecture, a small
but discernible arts scene, and a laid-back. demeanor reminiscent of both Key West and New
Orleans, this city of 65,000 tends to be ii. little more open-minded and offbeat than any other
on the Texas Gulf Co11St.
As you approach Galveston _from metro Houston, the scenety offers li~e inspir~tion:_
suburban sprawl and strip-mall development give way to the presence of gnm, hulking 011
refineries. But once you cross G:alveston Bay on I-45, you enter a different world - a narrow
32-mile-long windswept coastal island. Several historic neighborhoods abound w,i~ stately
old mansions and cheerful clapboard cottages, and the main drag along the ~hordine, J;eawall
Boulevard bustles with seafood restaurants, chain hotels, and shops selling postcaicl.~,
seashells, ;wimsuits, and sungiii.s~cs. . ·· · ·
If vou're a beach lover, you'll want to hang out around the shorefront neighborhoods,
but the, city's vibrant and quirky personality reveals itself most strongly a C0Ul'!le, of miles
north, in the downtown Strand Historic District, which overlooks Galveston. Bay .. '.fhls
warren of palm-shaded cobblestone lanes verges on quaint, but for 11 few tall builclμigs arid
the frequent presence of massive cruise ships tied up. in port. Although it's too .fai to walk
easily between downtown and the gulf, the city's convenient trolley runs regularly between
There are numerous attr.i.ctions to keep you busy around Galveston, the most famous
being the Moody Gardens, a dazzling nature-oriented complex consisting of ~ee h~
pyramidal buildings housing a vast tropical rain forest, an aquarium, a?~ a s~ence museum.
Other points of interest include downtown's Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum,
in which you can explore an actual retired oil rig; the drlllllatic 1894 Gtand OpC?- House,
which now presents theater and music events; and the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa. . .
If you start to feel a little peckish, downtown's festive Yaga's Cafe is a Ion~~. filvonte
for casual Caribbean-inspired &re; it books live reggae, blues, and jazz bands on weekend
evenings. For extremely tll~ty .Southwestem and Mexic~ fue, including delicious :liri~p
tacos with mango salsa, head to Playa de Loro. A spacious, elegant restaurant over,ooking
Galveston Bav, Willie G's serves huge and rich portions of seafood, including lump crab au
gratin and sn;pper Kathleen (blackened with shrimp, crab, mushrooms, and iemo~ _b~tter).
Gay-popular Mosquito Cafe, despite its pesty name, might just serv~ the mos_t soprusttcated
and polished contemporary cuisine in town. This charming space with tall WU1dows exudes
understated elegance. . .................... continued next page.
Page 7
Good bets from the eclectic menu include
rare yellowfin tuna over rice noodles and
veggies with a trio of spicy Pan-Asian sauces,
and farfalle pasta with artichoke hearts,
calamata olives, pine nuts, and feta cheese.
Yes, it's a chain, but downtown
Galveston's Starbucks is a particularly
appealing spot for a light bite, with a nice-size
sundeck offering views of cruise ships pulling
in and out of port, and several plush
armchairs. Another good place for a snack,
Java 213 offers plenty of character and
warmth, with its high ceilings and vintage
Garza's Kon Tiki is the most popular gay
nightclub downtown. It's in a modern
building with kitschy, Mardi Gras-inspired
decor, and it's steps from several great
restaurants. Garza's, which has been going
strong since the 1960s, draws a varied crowd.
Women and men of all ages come to admu:e
some of the best female impersonators in
Texas (great drag shows are staged Friday and
Saturday nights).
The city's other three gay bars are down
by·the beach. With a second-floor deck that
offers superb gulf views and a great location,
Undercurrent .is the snazziest gay disco
around, drawing a trendy crowd for dancing
and cruising. In a. slightly ragtag
neighborhood on the east side of town, the
low-keyed Third. Coast Bar overlooks the
Gulf and has a small deck. outside. Robert's
Lafitte is another neighborhood bat with an
easy-going personality.
Galveston claims a pair of Texas's most
renowned historic hotels, both of them run
by the gay-friendly Wyndham hotel chain.
Anchoring the heart of downtown's Strand
Historic District, the Tremont House
captures the old-world dignity and warmth of
a European boutique hotel. The 119-room
property lies within steps of countless shops
and restaurants, and rooms have marble baths
and fluffy pillow-top bedding. A 10-minute
drive south, the imposing Hotel Galvez offers
a more peaceful setting. Even better, this
regal 1911 grande dame overlooks the Gulf of
Menco. Although rooms have such modern
touches as high-speed Internet and cordless
phones, the period decor thoroughly recalls
the city's gilded era. You can sip cockwls at
the pool's swim-up bar or relax to piano
music over the Sunday champagne brunch.
It's top-notch, all-around.
Another mainstream property with a
strong gay following, the Queen Anne-style
Mermaid & Dolphin resort sits along a
. peaceful, tree-lined street a short drive from
both the gulf and downt9wn. Luxury is the
buzzword here: the eight· suites have double
Jacuzzi tubs, plush hand-carved mahogany
beds, gas fireplaces, CD players, TVs with
VCRs, and fine artwork and antiques. It
doesn't get much fancier than this. If, on the
other hand, you're looking to save a little
money and simply want a basic but inviting
motel, consider the prosaic but reasonably
priced Ramada Galveston, which is right
across from the beach and near Undercurrent •
Galveston has one gay mini-resort that
captures the romantic tradition of Key West:
Paradise Guesthouse. Set in a modest but
historical residential enclave just two short
blocks from the gulf, this secluded and cozy
brick compound is situated around a pool and
fountain, fringed by fragrant and
meticulously tended gardens and lighted in
the evening by flickering torches. Common
amenities include a hot tub, several patios,
and a common room stocked with snacks and
soft drinks. The mood is more romantic than
frisky - it's a perfect retreat for gay and
lesbian co~r,le.s looking to celebrate a special
occasion. There are three large suites and two
smaller but still inviting guest rooms, all with
refrigerators and TVs with VCRs.
Finally, if you're planning on visiting with
a few friends and you want to enjoy the
convenience and privacy that comes with
staying in your vety own summer house,
consider renting one of the six beautiful
bungalows available through Cottage by the
Gulf. Just a half block from the gulf and
convenient to picturesque Stewart Beach,
these handsomely outfitted houses come in all
different shapes and sizes, sleeping from 4 to
10 guests. The smallest, Magnolia House, has
a wraparound deck; another has a small
fenced yard that's perfect if you're traveling
wi~ a dog. All have full kitchens, barbecue
grills, espresso machines, stereos, cable TV
with VCRs, and elegant furnishings, and you
can rent them by the day, week, or month.
Keep in mind that rates, which in summer
begin at $125 nightly and $795 weekly, are
about 20 to 30 percent less from October
through April, making this a real off-season
The Little Black Book
Cottage by the Beach (810 Ave. L, 409-739-
0194, www.cottagebytbebeach.com).
...................... continued page 25
Page 8
Star's On The Plain
Heart of America Mens Chorus
Of Wichita
conceptualized the summer of 2002 and
created for a Christmas concert in
December of 2002. A group of 5 guys
wanted to sing and new that if they were
going to sing in a mens chorus they were
going to have to build it themselves.
They then contacted Howard Webb and
asked him if he would consider
conducting the group.
Webb is
no stranger
ro the
He has
helped start
choral and
like the
Chorale, a
group that
in the musical community of Wichita for
over 25 years, and /the Plymouth Chamber
Series. He has performed and conducted in
many area venues. As Artistic Director/
Conductor of HOAMC his responsibilities
include planning the concert, training the
singers and conducting the concert. He is
happy to tell you that his assistant conducror,
Mark Walker, and accompanist John Cargile
work very dose with him in all this work.
The group has grown from 18 at the
original concert to a present 50 men
singing the upcoming concert. We have
gained our 501c3 non-profit status this
past year had successful fund drive and
fund raising events. We have been invited
to do a run-out concert sing tile national
anthem for the river festival fireworks
concert with the symphony, and are
slowly but surely becoming recognized
in the Wichita musical communitv as a
talented and well prepared music~!
The group is diverse in all ways, from
different religious backgrounds, race,
careers and sexual orientation. Our
requirement is that they are prepared to
have fun and make music; all else is their
personal business. And have fun we do.
From reading the music for the first time
co the learning process, building sets and
taking the show to the stage for
performance and the light come on and
the audience roars as the curtain opens.
As the curtain opens on "Thats
Entertainment" vou will be invited to Be
Our Guest (fro~ Beauty and the Beast)
and our guest you will be from Hello
Dolly to Le
and from
to Chicago.
.There is
great music
:.for mens
chorus and
now in their
third season will be presenting Thats
Entertainment, April 16'h and 17'h at
4:00. This concert will be at Mary Jane
Teall Theater in Century II and will be
music drawn from Broadway musicals.
For tickets or more information call Kip
at 316.264.2266 or www.hoamc.org
Page 9
Saturday Aprll 16 - 4:00 pm AND Sunday .t\pril 17 -4:00 pn1
Century II -Mary Jane Teall Theatre Wichita, Kansas
Tickets: $12 adv./ $15 door Call Kip.@ 264-2266
and llvenlngs Cl Week
Also Open Holidays
Page 10
Daffy Lunch and Dinner
OHn 1 tam (ltflY
Happy hpur 3-6 & 9 .. c1ose
$t.7J .. t6oz$2.25-.23oz
Bu.d U1Mlch-Uka Draws
HolldClt'$ qnd·~ Jv•nlt.
Monlhly Mc,v...ln $pedals
Page 11
Diamond State Rodeo Association
is proud .!9 present
APRIL 22-24 2005
Uttle Rock, Atkansaa
For ticket and parttcipation Information
www .dsra.org
Or Call the Rodeo
Hotline at: 501-960•7363
Visit www.eute.
Spring Diversity Fall Diversity
Ap_ril 1st, . November 4th, 5th, 6th
Sprf~ & Fal 2005 Mntsincklde:
ouldoor diYerslty festlva, vendors. drag show, king
show. beat cantest, dlrlces, karaoke, country we$m,
tarot, pride clseotlQ, peintball, fishing, boat rides,
C8n1)1ng & BSQ's, fanlastic shopping. di;ing,
live enterlaioment clld ........ nu:h fflOl81
Page 12
,', ,, '
4815 S~ttdi
Hatvard i~e'.~ Suite 424
Tulsa, OK 74135-3068
Phone: (918) 747-5466
Email: KellyKirbyCPA@sbcglobal.net
accountmg needs of the
GI.BT Community since
Page 13
by Greg Razer
QUESTIONS During these past few
months following the November 2°d
election there seems to be nothing but
questions within the progressive community.
Some ask, "Should we take our
mes to the right?" others ask,
"Sh we take our message to the left?"
or, "What did religious fundamentalist
do to gain so much influence and power
in this nation?" and of course, "Which
way to Canada?" (The last question
being the most disturbing to this observer.)
These are questions that are
being raised from the halls of the Capitol
in Washington to the dinner table right
here in the heart of the Midwest.
Questions are also being raised in the
LGBT community. "\Vas ii: too much to
'go after marriage'?" and "Do we
wntinue the path that we are on, or push
foi..n:iore realistic goals given today's
political climate?" These quesi:ions too
are being felt right here in our own
towns and all the way to Washington.
These are all broad and far-reaching
questions that must be dealt wii:h and
dealt with soon. However, perh;ps a
more basic, fundamental question needs
to be asked of us all as to how we ensure
that the debacle of this past November
never happens again. Did we as a
community, and I as an individual, really
do all I could to ensure victorv in
November? ,
Think back for a moment to the
months leading up IO the election. Never
before have we seen so many
conversations take place regarding
national issues. How manv times did yo:,
sit around a bar with your, friends for ,
Happy Hour and the marriage issue was
discussed? How many times did you go
to dinner with your loved ones and anger
was expressed concerning the policies of
President Bush? And now, how manv
times did those discussions lead to ·
someone at the bar or table going to
write a check or volunteer for a campaign
to make sure the right men and women
would be in office?
The Greek philosopher Plato once
noted, ''The price good men pay for
indifference to public affairs is to be ruled
by evil men . .., Ir is in that quote, first
made thousands of years ago, that we
find the problem that today's LGBT
community faces. Our problem is not
with our issues. We will not find our
political problems by looking at elected
officials that we think of as our "friends".
Nor. will we find the answer by looking
at those who oppose us. The answer to
polii:ical problems that face the LGBT
community are found right here at
home, within our own community.
CURRENCY Many want IO see our
LGBT political organizations begin to
demand our rights be given to us by our
elected officials. However, one cannot
demand anything without the ability to
back up that demand. When a person is
elected to public office, he/she usually
has certain issues that are most dear to
them. With some legislators, LGBT
equality is one of their issues and their
support of our community is unwavering
and our appreciation .is heartfelt.
However, we must realize that there are
even more legislators who are
supportive, but LGBT equality is rarely
one of their key issues. Therefore, when
asking a legislator to support us in our
efforts, we are essentially asking them to
spend polii:ical capital on us, and not
their own pet issues. To convince them
to do so, we must show the official that.
not only are we not a liability at electio~
time, that in fact, we are an asset to
them. To accomplish this we must
produce the three forms of currency
every poiitician wants: Votes, money
and ~ime. ·
On Election Day, many of us went
about our daily business proudly wearing
our "I Voted" sticker. We a:-e proud of
that sticker because it shows that we did
a part in making our ::iation and our state
a better place to live . .. continued pg35
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Sisters Talk
Gay Battles with
Llsa Miller-Jenkins, a lesbian once joined
by civil union to Janet Miller-Jenlr.-ins, has
decided to use laws designed. for. heterosexuals
in order to win a custody dispute with her
former partner. Lisa and Janet were joined by
civil union in Vermont, where the couple
decided to have a child using artificial
insemination. When the couple split, Llsa, the
birth mother, left Vermont (the state that
recognizes homosexual unions) and moved to
Virgina, where she thought she would be
ensured full custody of the child she shared
with Janet because Virgina docs not,reco~e ·
homosexual unions. Anything to win, rigli.t?
Luckily for Janet, Vermont does not allqw; ., ·
that kind of creative manipru9:tio!i, of:theJaw.
The state of Vermont says' lesbiiin 'co'tiples ..
joined by civil union who have children using
artificial insemination should be treated no
differently than heterosexual couples who
choose the same procedure or choose to
adopt. Both women are legal parents of the
child and Llsa has no more rights to the child
than Janet does. . .
What we see here is a lesbhm who enjoys
those equal rights and freedoms that gay
unions provide only if she is on the winning
side of the law. Wnen she's not guannteed a
win, she simply turns to archaic heterosexist
laws that srack the odds in her f.i.vor. Millions
of gays and lesbians in the United States still
do not have the right to a civil union or a
marriage: Lisa Miller-Jenkins enjoyed
that right in Vermont, then moved to
Virginia to take advantage of
discrimination gainst gays and lesbians.
Lisa is cheating. She's cheating just as ·
badly as George W. did when he used the
gay ban to win votes at the polls.
When homosexual couples accept
those rights and freedoms associated with
gay unions, we also accept all the ·
accompanying responsibilities. Children
are a large responsibility. When we
decide to share that responsiblity with
another partner, our own desires tllke a
backseat. Homosexual couples joined by
civil union (or marriage in Massachusetts)
who decide to raise childteri together, .
then. ultimately sever tn,eir. r~latio°'s¥p,
will'. &c.e riiany chilleo:gef! in. tJie. c~drts ..
, ,·,,, ,·,-· , '.,. '';
.-emo B's •.
jurisdiction, the · st:lte best equipped to
help the former couple deal with the
custody dispute.
The best thiilg to come out of Ilsa
Miller-Jenkins' creative maneuvering is
awareness. Society has become more
aware of the mess Clinton's Defense of
Marriage Act has created in child custody
disputes. I refuse to believe the courts
will allow these kinds of messy disputes
to continue for too long.
Page 15
Guess that I am just a '\vild and crazy
guy'' but I just don't see what all this
crap about same-sex marriages is all
about. Seems as thou the "religious right"
is always on somebody's case. First it
was the blacks and then the Jews and
then the horrible Russian communists
and now the homosexuals. They always
have to have their "flock" hate someone
so that they can get more money out of
them. They WANT their "flock" to
hate! After all isn't this more or less
what religion is all about? Hating the
people that don't agree with you? But
what I would REALLY like to know is
where are the Jerry Farwell's and all the
other religious right leaders when it
comes to Catholic Priests molesting little
children? For the life of me I cannot
possibly understand why they have not
jumped on the bandwagon to degrade the
Catholic Church for their actions! If
anyone else would molest children they
would have their ass thrown in jail so fast
it would make their head spin but
because the Catholic Church has so
much power in the world they get off
with only a slap on the wrist. It just
doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Living here in the midwest can be fun
but there are still a lot of questions to be
answered. Lucky for me I live near a
large city and don't have to get real close
to all my neighbors.
Same sex marriages is NOT giving
special treatment to us, it is mereiy
giving us the SAME rights as all other
Americans. I have some older gay
friends who said that they had wanted to
serve in the Army and Navy but
couldn't. They wanted the benefits of
serving in the Armed Services such as
hospitalilzation, education and GI
benefits on getting a house, etc. but they
were denied. They were not wanting
speciai treatment. They were mereiy
· wanting the same treatment as all
Americans. The State congressmen here
in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and
Arkansas are only playing i:o special
interest groups and could care less about
us. This is very sad to say but it is
plainly the truth. We have made a hell
of a lot of progress i..11 the past few years
but it is a VERY uphill battle. I don't
want much out of life, a nice place to
live, a nice job, a nice person to love, live
with and to be able to live my life as I
want to. I don't want to bother
anybody and I don't want anybody to
bother me.
Even thou there are laws passed for
Blacks and Jews eventually there will be
laws passed for Gays however just
because laws are on the books doesn't
mean that the average American will
change their minds about us. They will
forever be biased and narrow-minded. I
sure would like to think that some how,
some way, some day all this would
change for the better and hopefully it
will. Until then I will just go day by day
and enjoy life in my own way.
Teaching Activism,
Leadership, and Knowledge
P.R.I.D.E. invites all college and high
students, as well as activists and community
members to TALK's Spring 2005 conference
at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
This conference is a chance for students and
community members to meet up, share,
leam, org,.nize, and have fun. The intended
effect will be a strengthened LGBT
community and great impact on grassroots
efforts. Though our last two conferences
have been Ark.ansas focused, we are inviting
anyone and everyone from AR, OK, MO,
and KS this year because of the location of
Fayetteville in proximity to the four
state area. More than anything, this is a
rejuvenating experience for those with
activism experience and good training for
those with little. So check out the website
and convince yourself that it is the only piace
to be on APRIL 1st anci 2nd. Come
experience a weekend in Fayetteville-the
best place to be gay in Arkansasii For more
information call: 479-575-3880 or visit
Page 16
Press Release:
PITTSBURG, KS_ The Pittsburg State
University Queer Straight Alliance, a
non-profit organization, Presents "An
Evening of Hope" with Patricia Kutteles,
to benefit Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network. The event will be held Friday,
April 8 at 6pm on the Campus at
Pittsburg State University - Pittsburg,
Kansas (Crimson & Gold Ballroom of
the Overman Student Center) A black tie
affair with silent auction and dinner.
Reservations are required: $25 per person
or $40/couple (For more information, or
to RSVP, contact Brandon Plott at
brandon@psuqsa.org.) Patricia Kutteles
will be the keynote speaker.
Patricia Kutteles, whose son Barry
Winchell was murdered at Fort Campbell
Kentucky after his fellow soldiers
assumed he was gay, has worked tirelessly
with SLDN to battle "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" and has spoken at numerous
events across the country.
Guests who are coming from out of
town can contact the Comfort Inn and
Suites of Pittsburg, Kansas and receive a
room with either 2 queen size beds or
one king size bed for $52.00 USD per
night. The hotel room block is valid for
the 8,9,10 of April. Contact Comfort Inn
at (620) 231-8800. FOR MORE INFORMATION,
OR TO RSVP, contact
Brandon Plott at brandon@psuqsa.org.
On Saturday April 9th 2005 beginning
at 9:30 PM we will be hosting the
First Annual MrJMs./Miss Kansas Gay
University Student at 4 Oaks Golf
Course in Pittsburg, $5 cover Charge
18+ Applicants Must be enrolled full
time at any Kansas University
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can aiso call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidentialit-f. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serfling A Healthier Community"
Page 17
Page 18
not allow
rule .. The issue is YOU Iuv'e.to. i,~: tn~
watch: dog, you have. to ~pealf U ,_fo' .
bark andy
injustice co
We don't n
bias, religious indifference or
spealoi:igTcff :i: gteit stil:te oi" a · great
nation. We don't.need tllore GLBT bars
· that mistreat _us or exploit our
. communitf-.Whai WC ~cd ,are tnore
groups like•-B.::'G . . ..
National Gav atf
and churche; like\tJtli
commitments · accept second
· · class' citizen·
. '<ve
. . . . >'that
· in .t he· su.. b&. :. 6f.D .. r: M.. aitili :I..rithef- !forg , •
JR and-~dbi as welFas :some 'of our
· · · , leaders; &ET'i.4-IE, :
.:: ;:,, if.' ·:., ·i{' ,
., 'f .. :,J
. . the Soutlietn Baptist
Conv;entiori. .. the "J.IJli.~hville
betlifration~'';;ri •stiie-1~:i · ~tffig~;,;, i~
which it stated ifs' opposition to-same-sex
based on C it calico, "the
of.one man ·Steven
Discip~es of
the N~.riai. Gay
. v .. i;;..; .. ,.~~us
esponds with
".A'.~;:~~;,in tnet£Jt~stian Church
Page 19
Steve Urie from pg 18 ·MCC's Troy Perry Wins California
(Disciples of Christ) .and a former Marriage Lawsuit! Thirty-five Years
Southern Baptist minister, I am saddened Separate His First Milriage Lawsuit in
1970 And Court Victory in 2005. "I have
and disappointed that leaders of the worked and prayed for this dav for 35
Southern Baptist Convention continue to years. Today~ our prayers wer~
present their discrimination against answered," says Perry.
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender At a Monday afternoon press
Americans in the guise of compassion. conference at the Los Angeles law offices
While diey conclude that, "marriage is a of riot_ed attorney Gloria Allured, Perry
lifetitjie union of one man and one said, "I have worked for this day and
womfu, according to the Bible, and may prayea for. this day for 35 years. Today,
b · · · · · · · our prayers were answered."
not cq~defin:ed," these so-called Bihlical · Perry also noted; "Monday's ruling is
literali~ts ignore the fact that marriage in a significant step but not a final step _
the l3ible _has been used to justify tO~?:fd ~arriage equality." The Superior
. , of,coricuhiries·iri. the case' of Couit'of. California will bold a review
. (Genesi;·l6t3);·~·excuse:f<i/ •.seisi6.ti~9n;~cb.30, and the order
extrav~t poly~y in the case of King.· enforcing the judge's ruling could be
Solomon (1 Kings H:1-3) apd as a issued aftpat time, It is also:widely
desperate, but infedor; 'alternative to 4ta1: state officials will appeal
burning in lustful celibacy in the case of . . . . . to the California Appeals
A:.. • Court or_ the. California Supreme Court .
.. e A'f:'o.stle Paul. (1 Cor•i. .n thians 7: 8). .· •• !'.The ru· ling by Judge Richard Kramer
. Their sd;iptui2Ligi:iorarice only . • • gives hope t<> .all. of us," said Petry,
undercuts tlieir.message: The ori.lything noting that the judge is both a Roman
you'll l~arn ab?ut mai:tfage fron;i .reading Catholic and a Republican
~I~7d moon~~::a:n:d s~:r;t;~!: giant
rais~d in the Southern Baptist .church and leap' for mankind. This court victory is a
their. . . .. :i~-whit keeps small step for the GLBT community and
th~tn with eacli. · a giant leap for humankind. Let your
._ 'JJliey,will s b~( not hw;nanity be the example for others.
:will sti th~ dgai:ettc: .
. . . t don't. . ,think of setYing S_il!Ve Urie has been an activist for over
. ope of thetn wine. Their women can thirty years and is the pastor of the local
· we,~ tr1ake up and they can eat pork but · MCC, Spirit of Christ MCC in Joplin, MO.
Lo~;1'nows you cari}taccept that two
men:, or women can love each other.
They can ac:cept marrying concubines iri
the Bible or having multiple wives
because it was to procreate and multij?,le
the world'.s citizenry out they can't'
accept I might love my: partner ..
Apru 1 M.2.
Diversity w .. kend BOTH .. , ·•,·
& Gal coatutt
VALENTINE'S, Concertsarif oiler Ewra Qlver•lty BEARBI
Page 20 Star Scene
. me's Wichita,
Kansas to our distribution area.
With· a vibrate g1ty community,
the people are not only goodlooking
but very friendly. You
will have a great time in Wichita.
Include this growing
city on the confluence of the
Arkansas and Little Arkansas Rivers in your nex.t travel plans!
Page 22
Quotable Quotes
"This is now the law of the land in
seven Canadian provinces and one
Canadian territory. This is a decision
taken bv our courts based on our
Charter, of Rights. This is a question of
equality .... The purpose of the Charter
of Rights is to protect minorities ...
against the oppression of the majority.
... One of the most damaging things, I
believe, to the Canadian concept of
equality and respect for each other
would be in fact if we allow the Charter
to be attacked."
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin
defending Canada's plans to legalize full
same-sex marriage nationwide, at a Jan.
17 press conference in India. Courts
already have legalized same-sex marriage
in eight of Canada's 13 provinces and
Diversity Festival
Eureka ncirs; AR
announces there 1st outdoor festival .event
to be held Saturday April, 2nd from 1 pm
to ????. The event will feature karaoke and
dance party, food and beer vendors, mot
readings, boat rides, archery, paint ball,
live entertainment and more. At 5pm the
stage will be set for "Drag Queens in
Heels" drag show.
A shuttle service will provide transportation
to the outdoor festival event for
those who prefer not to drive. Location is
about 10 minutes west of Eureka Springs
on Hwy 187. If your driving to the event,
just iook for the waving rainbow flags.
For more information visit:
Page 23
I Dee
"bar service" ...... !!!
What! a wonderful month 1brch was!
Not too much ·snow, not too cold and
evecyoO:e seemed to be a lot happier. I found
the bar scene ro .be much better and nof as
much bitdiirig around. the pool table. The
same ·oJa:pfople who always bitch still "always
bitch" but' that, is tliefr problem.. Why bitch
for the hell of it? 0nly bitch. about things that
you really liave control over. One thing that I
would re'ally:like,to bitch about however is
Bartenders!·'There·are a lot of great bartenders
and)rr"bsthi&tlidm· ue very friendly: Bur there are a some of them who are vecy obnoxious!
If they· don(t,'._like beiog·a bartender, why nor
lo.ok' fur•aootifa'ijobl ,.-1;,. bartender MBST, be a
"people'!\pett\dn:~ iBartcnders are NOT:the
owners :6{ the bar, they are merely employees
of the. t':li'.: ;l'.like• J:;air stylists or :iuiy other
~Ef!~=: had. never' .b~eii tt(Tulsa liefbre:. Thi!
bartende.t didri't'even: say "bi" to biro: · He- just
loo'ke'a' lifhiln n:nl:lf tJ:le. guy iold;liim wbat he
wanted tcickirik:, ·He'thin,put thedtink down
in front of hilii aaH 'ditln!f ~en tell ruin how
much it was. Tbefr Ther giving him liis change
the bartender·w.cnt= back over to the guys ·at
the end of the, bar thiit he was tlllkmg with and
completely ignored the new customer. · After
one drink the out. of town businessman left
the bar arid went to another bar. I happened
to see him later .in the evening at another bar
and scirted talking with him. He explained
how rude the bartender at the fust bar was so
he left after tlie first' tlrlnlt.' · At the secorid bar
that he went to he Sllld that the bartender was
very friendly, asked if he was new in town,
introduced him to a few of the guys in the bar
and:railfy IJU!de him feel right at home., He
stayed at that bar, for several drinks:. He~siud
that often when, lie· travels around on business
that most bllrtcllders ·are very rude. •. T couldn't'
expktln why that y.'liS• Seems to me that
bartenders shorild be the friendliest people in
town. When gays go to a n~ town whether
on business or if they, have just moved there or
only frequent a bar once in a while, ·the
bartender should go out of his way to be extra
'nice to everybody. Sadly to say but when a
gay person comes from out of town to Tuisa
or Oklahoma City or Springfield, or Joplin,
the first place that they go is to the gay bars.
If they are not friendly there, where will they
be fnendly? Bar owners are always bitching
about no business or not enough business. If
their bartenders were nicer, and friendlier to
the patrons, then they would stay in the bar
longer and drink and have fun. Doesn't this
make sense? But some bar owners and
bartenders would rather. bitch about no·
b~sin;ss and no tips and, then wonder whv
th~y don't :h~i ~ore b~siness. Oc~asion:illy I
go to .a stpight ,bar arid .the ~attenders are
always friendly! Why not in a gay bar?
· But, d1en you walk into other bars
and the bartender greets you by name,
asks how your day has been and is real
upbeat. That is the way it SHOULD be!
M~.tig it a very pleasant experience for
everyone should be the goal of all bars
and bartenders. Luckily for me I look
over 21 so I am rarely .asked for my ID
but some bartenders and door people are
downright rude when they ask to see
ID's. I knpw that legally they need to
check everyone but they could at,Ieast be
nice about it.
I love the bars in Oklahoma and get
to Springfield and Joplin sometimes on
weekends. But sometimes the attitudes
of the bartenders turn me off so much
that I just walk out and go to another bar
whei~ they· are· friendly·; They should
not !:>ring thei; problems to them at
work. If they don't. like. their jobs, then
quit and find another job that suits them
better. -Why should customers have to
put up with their bitching and problems.
One of the worst .thirigs a bartender can
do· is bad mouth the bar. owiler which
has happineil several times.
Luckily for me I usually go to the
bars with a group of friends and we carry
on,our own co~crsatian,but when we
see someone come inCthat we don't know
we like · to introduce ourselves fo them.
Whether they aie new:in town, just
· tri~ved here or iust came out, it is alwavs
' ru~e fo meet n~w. peopl~. Going out tb
the bars SHOULD be a fun experience!
lesoiat?prcs; fut Hi . .· · ·.
years. Slie serv~a for tlii:e'e :f~iis as•
tli{'co~cliair of ttie Boaret:'Bf ·. ·.
dir~~tors bfNei York' City's
Lesbian,. Gay, Bis~xfral; iha
Tr:liisg6~a~r ·co'rti'μittiii#· Center,·
whei:~ she founded a . . . ' .
grp\iodbt~:iking · ·
called ·«Jo Our
by ;E'aiita .fy{artinac
. Our two most prominent national :f,GBT
organizations· recently• announced changes·
· that, on the surface, may seem like. business as
· usual. But;, in fact; tliese shifts could have a big
impact on the course of o:ur, movement ...
. First,· die National;G:ay and Le!!bian!Task
Force created a new Department of Public
Policy & Governmental,Affairs, whicb:will
lobby me.mbers of C?»gr~ss,;and government
agencies for LGBT rigllts ublic: ,; .
~tatement. ab'out,the. P.CW: • .
one that,o
Campaign. die~ odth
l press attent;oh for th
announcenienti.of its .
HRC's neW:~h~ad will
___ ...;.. _ _.;. __ ..,;_;.;;._..,;..,;_,.. ;.._..,;_.;,,1 b:ian wh
of EMIEY's List; a: grcnip that help's ·pro-choic
office; . • : ,. . . . . . .
What struck:. nic about these two ant\ounce&.inti ..
inodifkations for the two gtouj:>s,,which - espedf:illy in
been. at odds poU!=ically and ideologicallv, not to tilt.titi
NGLTF,.i~Rresenting die more,progressive:wing,of out movement;,~ fot
many .. Y.e:lrS. 9cc11pif:d a b~.ck. sea.t in' ~l!:.shingtoni,gay pblltic~,,~~rkirlg!:mbre at the
state anc:l}ocal ky-els OD; aμttgay initiatives · , to Hit€. As
a result, :we'veJiaa oasically one vision .of IB.~@'11,V .; : .
ind.it's a yisigij. · ·. · f us hav[f6und,too: centrist. Ind~ed;<thete\was aJ~t. ~f
talk after .Cneryl .the post at HRC that she was forced,,out for.
m~kinit,.the. oiganizittfon foo y Democl::atic,.while uoder:,heti ;predecessor.,
Elizabeth B1rchtthe ,a· more. '.\pragg:,.atic/'., .bipartisancfaqe. . .
.Now. iitepsito have a m1;1ch-l01;1de.n iY<:>ia~,in Washington. The
grollp .has . 1.,IDJ!J9bbying • team,thal include~, lUlloi;ig others,•
El~angr C:lintoJ?. ll<lministration of;iciaj.< and, intdguingly, .
Am~er t,ac.tiv.ist ~.pq ?as long,p~e~.iavohrcd·in. AI:DS organizing
an.cl. ga! .. '~ .also ,a (oi:thnght s~eaker on queer sexuality; her essay
fp~s ~s:,A Queer GttLE>reaming Her0Way Home;.
pro · over well' with many. Republican - · an:d I:>emocratic -
!aw ., . ·.• . . . ..
· At the s~nre time; HR:<£ seems to'b~ ripping a page. from NGL'fF's playbook and
~ass:ssi!fg the• im~o~cc ,e>floc:tl LGBT organizing, After till, as our • • · · · ·
oest-tanded orga:ntzattQn, l:£8.(i took most of the biame whcn,11
ameodri:,;ents . . . . . . ~; bu.ring his first we~k:on the
So~~esc: ,sa . . · i::f9SS-countty tour. to talk. to.
le;ade.i:s 1and offiq~~ ''I've. time in the last 10. years,~ "
~ol.l;Ilo.ntse .has $!Jlted .. Hi~ . list was i:o ''.go out acrotisF.
10 tt,le cf.fort to lielp wo~n j~ef . _ . ·
J_::~oin what I've read aodiit hitn~ Soimonese seems to suit .his 11ew. employer to a
T. He·s someone who pleases Republicans and Democrats alike, ·as C'."'1:ideooed by the
glowing bipartisan praise he's alffaoy picked up. But also, duritig the 2004 election,
l ~
Page 25
Lesbian Notions . ...
he made a difficult, some would say
"pragmatic" move - EMILY's List funded
a Democratic pro-choice woman who
was also in favor of passing the rabidly
antigay Federal Marriage Amendment.
While Solmonese argues he was just
upholding his organization's mission, the
move raised t.h.e ire of many of us who
believe political and social movements
should stick together, not sell each other
It will be interesting to see how the
sometime-rival NGLTF and HRC adjust
to each other's turf. In quintessential
NGLTF style, executive director Matt
Foreman has already put forth his belief
that there is plenty of room for
"multiple voices" on Capitol Hill. In
contrast, Solmonese told The Advocate
that "we've got to come together and
make sure .. :we share a common vision."
You can probably tell that I'm a bigger
fan of NGLTF than of HRC.
Personally, I don't think any social
movement can have a "common vision,"
unless it's a false one that's only the
vision of the most vocal and powerful
among us.
But actually, I'm optimistic about
both these changes in our two top
groups. NGLTF has a lot to offer in the
realm of federal lobbying, most notably
a view of the LGBT community as
bound up with other social-justice
movements in an effort to bring about
positive change for many different kinds
of people. Indeed, the group's penchant
for coalition-building has always been its
strong suit.
And HRC takes into America's
heartland its reputation for holding the
middle course - which will appeal to
straight community and religious leaders
who don't really understand what this
"gay rights stuff' is about but who may
be swayed by the stories of and faces
individuals. And Solmonese avers that
"increasing our presence and visibility
across America will be a top priority of
my tenure" - a vaiuabie goal to bring to
the gay-activism table.
Little Black Book fron page 7
Galveston Convention and Visitors Bureau
(409-763-6564 or 888/GAL-ISLE,
www.galveston.com). Garza's Kon Tiki (315
23rd St., 409-765-5805). Hotel Galvez (2024
Seawall Blvd., 409-765-7721 or 800-
WYNDHAM, www.wyndham.com). Java
213 (213 23rd St, 409-762-JAVA). Mermaid
& Dolphfu Resort (1103 33rd St., 409-762-
1561 or 888-922-1866,
www.mermaidanddolphin.com). Moody
Gardens (1 Hope Blvd., 800-582-4673,
www.moodygardens.com). Mosquito Cafe
(628 14th St., 409-763-1010). Paradise Guest
House (2317 Ave. P, 409-762-6677,
www.galveston.com/paradise). Playa de Loro
(Pirates Beach Center, off Hwy. 3005, 409-
737-4600). Ramada Galveston (2300 Seawall
Blvd., 409-762-1166 or 800-272-6232,
www.ramada.com). Robert's Lafitte (2501
Ave. Q, 409-765-9092). Stiarbucks (102 22nd
St., 409~621-2577). Third Coast Bar (904 Ave.
M, 409-765-6911). Tremont House (2300 Ship
Mechanic's Row, 409-763-0300 or 800-
WYNDHAM, www.wyndham.com).
Undercurrent (3102 Seawall Blvd., 409-750-
8571). Willie G's (21st North Street Pier 21,
409~762-3030). Yaga's Cafe (2314 The Strand,
Dear uncle Mikey
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
APRIL 2005
Uncle here once more bringing you a
. different view of all things queer. This week
· your old uncle has done his best to stay'warm.
]t is as If this winter is lik.e a queen crowing
another queen, it just does not want to let go.
• Uncle was able to manage however, with the
. help of a couple of hot studs to keep me warm.
· · ,~ Never underestimate the power of lust kittens.
This month we find ourselves pondering
llfes missed chances and the lesson learned in
I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years. I knew I loved him however
foun~ mysel_f wanting to e~periment and be somewhat free to enjoy other ~en. My
b<:>yfriend tne? to make ~gs work,_howevcr, felt that the relationship was ended
with my straying ways. I s10ce. have become disenchanted with the Twinldes around
me, and realize~ ·what I had with him. I have tried evetything I know to get him
bac~ to no avail. Now, I am at a !oss wondering if I have lost the man I was meant
to be with. What can I do? '
Missing him
Dearest Missing,
Uncle was most touched by your letter. It sounds as if you have learned one of lifes
most unrealized lessons. It is always what we do not have, which drives our desires.
Once obtained, we usuajJ.y realize we, already had. what A was. we sought in out
deepest desires: U nfotgiv;ably, . this. i~ .a l~sson whlcii • bfi~ wi~ it .the ·reality of lost
chances. It SOll!lds l!t o.fhcl:.li#fhas iiloved'.on; arid. :that yoti should do the
~ame. Realize your .. ~ arid'.uiiliie, this in die futi:lte: If this lo'9'e was meant to be,
it shall conic back to you, how#cr, be prepared that this just may not be the case.
Good luck-Uncle Mikey
Kittens, it is tb,e prison of our own design. Desires unrealized, as the cake always
seems sweeter. 1!om the other plate. It is mans folly to want the thing they do not
have, not rcaliz111g they already have what substance in their own kitchen. Be careful
of what you wish for; for the wish .itself may not be the truest desire of the dreamer.
Dear Uncle MiJ[ey::
I recently met the. acqpaiiit;aacc of a n:ian which is ol>'riously in doubt of his sexualitv.
He attempts to run from. Jps o..m self.: denying his scxuility; while acting .like a big ,
old butch. I _am ~<>st ll'tttacte'.l to this man and want to help him except himself I
attempt to gtve hitn leads which, he either does not except or pick up on. How can I
help this man come out already?
Getting real
Dearest Real,
F~t off lets get real. Is it. the &<;t that. you want to help him, or yourself to his
delights? You cannot tjish s6me~n~ into coming out lcittep,. just because .you arc
h~ving ~ 9.11 in your pants. ~au cotdf seriously burn 'lllly.·· qiances you may have
with this young one, if you insist on pu!ihing them he(orc ihev are readv to reveal:
the pos_sibility that they play. for our team. If you re.ally waiit to hdp this souI,>th~
allow him to come at his own rate .. Support while letting him know he has a· good
friend, which will be excepting of him.
Patience is a virtue dearest one.
Smooches Unde-Unde
Uncle Mikey once attempted to help
someone come out as well. I guess it was just
too much for the poor dC2C. He ran like he
was running through a white sale. It is not
always easy when someone is attempting to
come out. There are many variables during
the coming out process. While, we may see it
as the obvious choice, it remains a struggle
for some. 'The best thing another can do, is
just be supportive through the process.
Dear Uncle:
I have a friend who is such a queen, he puts
most to shame. He is a one man. parade, as his
is lllways wallcirig around with · buttons,
stickers, and colon running off of him for the
world to sec. He makes issues out of
everything. I get somewhat embarrassed
when we arc in public, as he openly
challenges everyone he secs as a threat to his
pride parade. How can I tell him he needs to
tone.it down; so that I can be more
comfortable while in his ·presence? It is not
that I do not care about issues, I just do not
sec the need to constantly lead the parade.
Dearest Kitten,
It is not your friend which has the issue, it is
yourself you need to look to here. It is the
prideful advocates which live in this manor,
which make it possible, for the continuing
education of. society at large, on our issues.
Maybe you need to hear his voice a little
more, and realize it is you who has an issues
.with being your self openly. Do not charge
your friend with a wrong, when he is simply
proud of himself and his community. Allow
bis force to shine in your life.
It is that time again Kittens. So remember "
you venture out again in that wonderful
drama of life- It is the one which truly
excepts themselves which will be aJ:,k to
except others.
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too.
Unck Mikey is 11. ~ from Freeuin~ ftlriUr
A6chul Hinvrun. Michrid has been fliritingfor tm
~rs. Utiiizing his stlldies, ,nd lffe apmen« w J,e.'p
othen in his comm,mity, thro,tgb b,111ior ,md so#nd
""'1itt. K,d,i,eJ ~ his stlldy of psyd,ol.ogy """
cm,tiw writing, lfS wdl bis extmsifle bwdtgro#nd in
mtnt11.l be.ihh Direct OtTI! to bring" ,_ st:,le """
"l'fT04d, to bdping others. ~'s other fllOri!s o,n
be fliewea at -.f"]linltcontent.com.
May Day, May Da
''They don't just want marriage.
They want to destroy marriage
and the family, as we know it."
-----Doctor James Dobson, Focus on the .
STIGLER; OK_Soulforce in Oklahoma
planning to confront the anti-gay
rhetoric.. of James Dobson and Focus on
the Family.
"Out goal is to have enough people in
Colorado Springs to be able to surround
Focus. on tlie Family. That would take
1600 people! Our goal in Oklahoma is
for 20 ~~ to. go. It. is only a 12 hour
drive. Pl~se consider going and invite
your ~ends. There is still plenty of time
to register for this action. We are also
asking for donations. to help with the
travel expense. There arc qtiite a few
young people going that need
assistance." :...from Karen W cldin,
Soulforcc in Oklahoma.
Tax deductible donations should be
made out to Soulforce in Oklahoma and
mailed to:
Soulforce in Oklahoma
Rt. 4, Box 3534
Stigler, OK 74462
For more information email Karen at
Karen@soulforceinoldahoma-org or visit
the Soulforce web site ·
www.~()ulfo~cc.org ·and/or
www.DearDrDobson.com and read
more about the action and then register
. at www.soulforce.org. If you register online,
you should notify Karen you are
going. Karen@soulforceinoklahoma.org
Page 28
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
APRIL 2005
Someone Filmed His
Life Tonight_
Romeo's favorite wardrobe-malfunction
accomplice, Justin Timberlake, is about
to get his name over the title for the first
time in his budding movie career. The
pop star will play Elton John in a feature
about the queer music legend's life.
Handpicked by Sir Reginald himself,
Timberlake's already stuck his own hand
in the script - the first draft was
apparently too light on both tantrums
and tiaras - and demanded that the film
not sanitize the wild lifestyle John ied in
the 1970s and '80s. Timbetlake's played
John twice in music videos, so he's had
som~ practice itμpersonating his hero.
Now it's up. to the dialect coaches. The
film is expected to start shooting later
this year for a planned 2006 release. No
other actors are attached yet, but Romeo
hears the competition is fierce in the Kiki
Dee casting sessions.
Rupert Everett Straightens Up
Forget the overused lesbian kiss plotline
as a May sweeps ratings-grabber.
Toe hot homo move this May is casting
openly gay actors in straight roles. _Boston
Legal_, the show that gives _ Will & Grace_
some stiff competition in the guest-star "get''
departmem and which has already seen
Freddie Prinze Jr., Dana Delany, Carl Reiner,
Shelly Long, Kerry Washington, and Al
Sharpton pass through its halls of justice this
season is about to host Rupert Everett. In
his first stateside network prime.-time drama,
the queer Brit will appear in at: least three
May episodes of the lawyer-centric series,
playing slick civil litigator· Malcoltt;1, Holmes.
His hetero character will go head \b head in
court against ex-girlfriend Tara· (_Legal_
regular Rhona Mitra), so expect oJd.romantic
complaints to . be re-examined iri ~J'6urt.
_Suckers_ for Mad~nna .qefying the
idea that she; mixes with movies: like oH with
water;, Madonna has two new big-sqreen
projects on track. In the first .one, _Hello,
Suckers_ (which she'll co-produce with
_Aviator_ director Martin ~cor,scse),
Madonna plays Texas Guin~, .the ~eal-life
star of silent-movie Westerns .who also ran a
New York speakeasy whe.re she greeted her
customers with the title line. Meanwhile, a
follow-up to _Truth or Dare_ is set to debut
at the Cannes Film Fe.stival in May. Directed
by Jonas Ackerlund (.:,Spun_), the st$untit!
ed documentary follows the singer on
her 2004 Reinvention Tour and is said to lay
to rest rumors about Her Madgesty's life, as
well as explain her devotion to Kuibalah.
That's good news, because Romeo still can't
figure it out.
Jenni Olson's _Joy_San Francisco's Jenni
Olson is a critic, film archivist (her _Homo
Promo_ collection of vintage queer movie
trailers was recently released on DVD), and
now a feature direcror. Her debut, _The Joy
of Life_, recently screened at the Sundance
Film Festival and has just been acquired by
Frameline for North American distribution.
_Joy_ joins two tales of the city - one the
story of a butch lesbian's search for love in
San Francisco, and the other a history of the
Golden Gate Bridge as a location for
countless suicides - in an experimental
examination on the search for both life's
meaning and its end. The film will screen at
the San Francisco International Film Festival
in May and receive art-house distribution
iater in the year. Expect it also to stir more
hometown dialogue over the need for an .
effective jumping barrier on the Golden Gate.
_Romeo San Vicente has sampkd lots of San
Fr,mr:isco 's trt'4ts.
Costly Discriniliiation
Since the policy went into effect,
· approximately 10,000 service members
have been discharged. Of those who left,
757 held critical jobs for which the
Pentagon offers re-enlistment bonuses
because. of their specialized nature, such
as data processing technicians and
translators. Many who were discharged
• .had in,,t~nCC,:-related jobs. 322 spoke
. foreign hllguages, including Arabic,
Farsi; Ko:i~an, .and Mandarin, which the
Pen~qn: has called critical skills amid
thica~ "ft6m terrorists.
"' research has found and
confirmed is that 'Don't
· .;Do~i '.Fell' harms military
. ;:.:~s's1'' tild Aaron Belkin, director of
· · · Sexual
ta Barbara.
, Democratic
study, and is
. the House
~!l}!Illttee on.
· onal Thteats and
. . . , ced0 t,he ¥ilifary
Readin;es~ . . . ... i.Act {MREA)
before the HO\llle of Repre~cntlltive.
MREA is. a ptc>posal that would end the
bari on gay aii~ leabiah military ·
persorinet The: legisllltion has. lllore that1
forty. Cob.gi:essional co:.,spotlsors,
It couid be argued that _discrimination itl~luding s~cri_gn the House Armed
is always costly in any form. The loss of .· · Services Cqi#mittee.
self-esteem, security, and basic .human . , In respon11e, a group of retired
rights at the hands of bigotry.is · · . niilitary generals -and. admirals today .
incalculable. For once, however; the announced their support for the !(ct. The
price of prejudice just might work· in our officers are amorig the. bighcst-'ranking
favor. yetemns to publicly support repeal of the
A study released recently by $,e · rnij!tary's gay ban.. ·
General Accountability Office (<.it'AO), ll. '\ :- '"Our,nationa:l security depends on
non-partisan congress· · ·'' '' having :the best and brlglitcst Americans
agency, reported that . Don't . · · · · · .our freedoms;' said Brigadier
Tell" has cost the us govemmerit nearly . Foote, OQe of the first women to
$200 million dollars since President achi~e ,that rank. "As . a commander, I
Clinton institutecl the conticrv~isial know: that 'lesbian; gay and.bisi:iua:i
policy in 1994. It allowed giys ancf Atnciicans have se~ed ou_r country with
lesbians to serve in tiie armed forces as honor aod distinction. Our ·armccl. forces
iong as they abstained from homosexual should be able to recruit eve'.ry qwuified,
activitv and did not disclose their sciiiai capa.ble American to .protect our
orien~tion. Revealing their sexual · · homeland, regardless of their sexual
orientation would result in expulsi,on. odentation. 'Don't ,Ask, Don't Tell' is
The $200 million cost estin;uuc did.· not , not. oply unnecess!lry and. disctiixtinatory,
include training and replacement for it is ~so detrimental to our milihuy
officers or those with J:ugN.y ~P:C~ze9 readiness. The law does not meet the
skills or the cost of· discharging the gay chmmtiii sense nile' our aiilitaxy. sholild.
and lesbian officers. abide by;''
contin#ed page-32
P.:gc: 30
1109 E. Commercial, Springfield, MO 417.873.2225
A.rrow, OK 74012
with this
· 4/30/05
8-258-SPAS (7727) .
,ad prior to purchase.
Thurs, Fri 6 Sat 10-5
. ha &cit (71st St) turn
oliet Just before the
Xprswy, bctwccn Lyn11
Dlrectty behllld La Petite
he street from Anchor
PageJ2 . . .. . ..
H&1rt to]it!ft:rtfrom pg-29
. The United St:ates continues to be one· of
the as . . . . . cciuntries to ban
currept debate · in a similar light; realizing
: that notlring has been. lost or sacrificed
by the. majority in extending full rights
to .the minority."
gays ·... . .. . . Sini:e ."Qou't .
4sk; I),<>n't:T.ell'' was implcn:ien~d;
Grca . .
la .
gro ..
people we
the mill··
counity, · '
designate• -~~:,. ';/',, , , ; , , '- 1 ,
· Of course, there are other costs to
."Don't Ask, Don't Tell"-,-costs that can't
· qe tallied ~th a dollar sig,;i.) have a
ft:i,e!ld in the military. In. fact, he was my
first botfriend. We'v:e:remained close
.. . ' ~ when he tbld me
· .. :plans to enlist; . I• thought he
··wai #It.')l'as·something,he really
~~d to do; however, so of course I
. · supported him. He thoughtit ~ould be
• . ~~irly:: c,asy hiding his orient:l,tiOn since
he's very ·masculine. •
: .:: .. A(~t:, lie .. ~ few problero.s: .He
lov:cd ·hiil chosen brimch of semce and
. e~fwea, : moving up. tfr rank.
Sfowfy, 'h er: tlie :strain of constantly
·.·liiy,ing to hide #}19 he was be~ to wear
op)i!rh .. Then. di_s:S..ster struck; ljis
. ;dlitj.qn~hip of tbiee years ci;uinbled
. linexpectedly ancl he was left devastated.
To. make mlU:t:ets WO . . . . . ·. act as
'.' ~ ·"' ,
,, ·,· •, ··,:
fes/14,~w,pjs, .i:ewntj-1Qmahi1jg drti,st:411tbor, 1ll4S
~ .. ,w Jwt4 on t/,eUSlfflJ S/Jore gf ¥i-ry14nd ,nd
li'f/l!sd#,-e flliih his husb,md, ]o1h A~ is" Litin
. ~w,,n nwning "bla&sbe,p. "Hews n.m,:d the
Nit Wbodtmit of 2002 by th!! StotU':'IN!i Sc~ty,
· Jil«;if #g He.srts hiiisrm bis ./Jnt book in the Killi,,n
Kauull m,stery smes. .
Page 33
Seo es
by Jack Fertig
APRIL 2005
''listen politely, V~!" ------------·-· Admitting, confusion and ignorlltlce is
the first step to enlightenment. Mercury
retrograde is aspecting Mars in Aquarius
and Uranus in Pisces .. Sudden snafus can
set off th~ sort of confusion that· can
lea~ to illumination.
AIUES (March 21 to April 20): Just when
all looks good with your · pals, a
paranoid little bug is asking· who your
mends really are. Recent sliglits can
prob~ be chalked up t6 si;nplc
human failure. The real question is,
how faithful a friend ~ you?
TAURUS (April 21 to M,;y.20): Your
carcet secins ·~ be goc>ing great guns
now. Still, some douli~ (Taurus? Toi?)
about your iong-term aims.· are •
complicating the picture. Much as you
hate doub~ anything, take this· as an
opportunity to rethink now and make
better plans later.
GμIINI (May 21 to June 21): Your mste
for -adventure can lead you. into fun and
games that arc better left private. y OU
go, horleyl Just be. ca.reful if you ~y
want priyac:J.- Whether your. reputatic:>n
~ a lm,oc.k o~ gets a boost piay be
subjective, but yo_u will be talked aboμtl
CANCEll 0une 22 to July 22): P.rivatcc
matters with your part,ner may· not. be
so private. Sure, you need to t:alk dijngs
out with a friend, hut be carcfull If you
want real help keeping or finding a
relationship, listen in particular to the
advice you don't want to hear.
LEO 0uly 23 to August 22); Anything that
loob, ~s, or smells like an office
flirtation should be avoided. right ii.ow.
It will coQlC · back to bite you on· the ass
- and not in a nice way! An appar1=0.t .
setback in a telatlon1hip could actaally
unblock a problem, aiding in a solution
VDlGO (A-aguat 23 to Sq,tember 22): Even
in simple conversations, something's
sure to be misunderstood, and yet such .
a snafu could lead to new opportunities
to improve cooperative efforts at work.
In more formal negotilitions · or co_ntracts,
however, disaster waits - and so should
you! Listen politely, bμt don't follow
advice you get at. the gym.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
Housecleaning reveals hidden
treasures that in tum provide a new
creative direction. Anything from
finger paints to thumbscrews can
revive old interests and lead to new
and very interesting levels of
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Your playful overtures are likely to be
misinterpreted, causing some trouble,
but it's noi:hing you can't handle.
Keeping your fun and games on the
home court will shed interesting
insights on your family situation.
SAGITI'ARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): We all have domestic
. squabbles here and there, but yours
here and now offer more depth of
possibility. than usual Take all
argumerits at face value, but listen for
hidden subtexts, especially about
CAPRICORN (December 21 · to Janwry
19): Cool your jets, guard your current
tendency to capricious impulse, and
watch your words carefully.
Mlsstatemcnts can prove expensive!
Slow 11,nd careful is your usual mode,
and ~11 a good time to stick to that.
S Oanuaty 20. to February 18):
· an ei;pecially bad
small) financial
revetSal can open up some profound
personal ifisights. Getting angry with
. ypurself in the process could be
liberating. if you learn from the anger
and kt go of it
PISCES (Febnw:y 19 to MArch 19): Being
unsμic of voμrsclf can open up a
prqccss o( self-analysis that· provides
grca~ enlightenment in the long run.
Stay close to friends you can trust to
call yo;o on your b.s. Friendly
aignmcrits will get you closer to the
JMie Fertig bas been u,or/eing "5 a
-profos,sumal 4StTOk,gt:r since 1977 and is a
fo#ndi.ng mimber of tlR: .Association for
Astro/ogial Net'U10rking:_
Page 35
Canada from pg-13
We're proud because it proclaims to all that
see us that we did our duty as a citizen of this
gteat land. You should be proud of voting,
and never allow anyone to say that your vote
does not count. We saw that to be false four
years ago in Florida and are seeing it again
now in Washington state where, out of the
2.8 million votes cast, the election for
Governor came down to only 129 votes.
And while voting is the most important thing
you can do in the political process, it is also
the least that you can do. It is when we as a
people recognize this point that equality
issues will begin to move forward.
We as a community must also understand
the importance of money in regards to
campaigns. Consider this: To run for a
statewide office in Missouri (U.S. Senate,
Governor, etc), one needs to spend anywhere
from $8 - $12 million dollars; Even to run for
State Representative, an office that is
unfortunately ovedooked all too often, one
could need as much as $100,000. We must do
a better job in financially assisting pro-LGBT
candidates for office, and those candidates
must know that the money is coming from
our community. One of the ways of
accomplishing this is to make your
contribution to a candidate during a
fundraiser hosted by an LGBT political
organization. The candidate can then walk
out and know exactly how much money he/
she has received from us. The other is to
donate your money directly to one of our
many local political organizations. Many
area LGBT political organizations a.re set up
in a fashion that they can receive money and
spend it directly on behalf of an endorsed
candidate (ex. PROMO PAC or HRC PAC).
1bis allows the leaders of these organizations
to know how much money they spent on the
candidate and serves as a lobbying tool once
in office. It also allows the organizations to
support friendly candidates in rural areas,
where membership in our org:i.nizationa a.re
Lastly, we as a community have to
become more directly involved in the
individual campaigns. We must get up from
the bar ... show up to the dinner party a little
later ... Tivo £fill & Graa if you have
to ... whatever it takes, and go volunteer. We
have to help stuff the envelopes, make the
phone calls to registered votcn, and yes, we
must knock on doors in support of our
candidates. This tends to be the pan of
campaigning that all people like the least.
It also happens to be the most effective,
especially in the close races. Studies show
that in neighborhoods where candidates and
volunteers knock on doors, voter turnout
increases by as. inuch as twelve percent. In
close elections that is the difference in the
DESTINY What went \v'rong in this past
election? Why did so many progressive
candidates and causes get beaten so soundly?
Those are questions that will be asked for
many years to come. But we, the LGBT
community, must look .within ourselves to
understand what we did right,• and what we
did wrong. We must come to the
understanding that if we want our issues to
advance, we must do what it takes in order to
have the right people in office to advance that
cause for us.
Justified or not, our issues are very
difficult for many legislators to support. The
fear of backlash during the election cycle
prevents our legislative agenda from
advancing. Therefore, we must begin
strengthening our campaigning muscles.
Because our issues are perceived as so
controversial, voting in similar numbers to
the rest of the country is not good enough.
Financial contributions made to campaigns at
the same level other communities contribute
just is not good enough. And volunteering
with similar numbers as everyone else just
will not be enough. If we truly believe in our
issues ... if we truly believe in marriage
equality, in employment protections, in the
right of an LGBT student to feel safe in
school, then we have to start doing to things
necessary to put good legislators in office.
Until we do, we have no one to blame but
The beauty of this situiuion is, we do in
fact control our own destiny. We have truth
and history on our side. Our opponents only
have deception and a few last moments in the
sun. We know who we are and that we are
deserving of all the same rights that every
other proud American enjoys. And with our
hard work and focus, history shows us that
we will succeed. The ehallenge is this:
getting each and every member of our
community committed to making a
differ~nce during the next big election. Mark
your calendars now for November 6, 2006!1
Page36 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-130
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kink.cads- 1004 1/2 Gurison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - -479-782-1845
Arkaasas, Hot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - 111 Garden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Gnind Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jes11ie Rd- -- - - 501-66+2744
Di5covery- - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 Louisiana St.- - - - -501-372-3070
Kaa1a1, Wichita (316)
]'11 Lounge - • - - - 513 E. Central - - - 316-262-1363
Our Fanwy- - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Comer- -- • - 3210 E. Osie - - - - - 316-682-9781
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- - 316-262-7825
Shatai - - - • - - - 4000 S. Broadway- 316-522--2028
Side Street - - -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-1l324
South 40 - - - - 3201 S. H.i&ide - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - - -1507 S. Pawnee- - - 316-262-4530
Mls11ouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's-••• 716 S. Main•• - - - - -417-627-9035
Mhsouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - • • - 3715 Main St- - - - 816-561-2600
Belle Stllr'11- - - - 1321 Grand Ave- - - -816-421-1288
Club NV - - - - 220 Admiral Blvd- - 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 Main St- -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - -- - 816-561-0625
SidestreetBar- - --413 E. 3rd- - - - 816-531-1775
Sidelcicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St- - 816- 931-1430
Ml11ouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - --417-831-4700
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha'• Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 50.J E. Commercial - - - - . -417-831-9001
Ronisw: Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-86-4-0036
Rumon • --1109 E. Commercial- - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405.941.2351
Copa- - • - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th fupwy- - 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Oub - - 1221 NW 50th0 ~ - -405-843-1722
Lido- - • - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Partners-· - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - 405-942-2199
Sisters- - - - - 2120 NW 39th St - - - - -405-521-9533
The Roclcies- -3201 N. t.t:ay Ave 405-947-9361
Topaoga Grill &: Bar- 35351'.'W 39th--405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 720.J E. Pinc - - •- 918-836-8700
Club Maverick• • 822 S. Sheridan • 918-835-3301
End Up Club- - - 424 S. Memorial- 918-836-2480
Detour- - - - -7944 E. 21st - - - - - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- - 124 N. Boston - - - 918-584-9494
Renegades- - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - 918-838-9792
Tulsa Eagle- - - -1338 E. 3rd - - ••• 918-592-1188
TNT's - • • - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - 918-660-0856
Yellow-Bride-Rd- - -2630 E. 15th- - 918-293-0304
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Gushers Restaunnt-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
lngrids Kitchen- -3701 N.Youngs- -405-946-8444
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground- - - - -417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - . - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hollywood.Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
Natural State Naturists- - - - - - - - - -479-451-8066
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC living Spring- - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- www.dsra.org
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Life Church 1709 N Walnut - -1 lAM
PSU-QSA.- 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
HOA-Men, Chorus - 316-618-0684
Missouri.Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - - 6pm
UCCFF--204 N.Jackson-Ave, -10:30A.M
Aids Pro;ect Ozarks- 5i3 Kentucky- 4; 7-624-5788
MGRA- - - - - - www.mgra.us
Missouri, Sprie&fieJd (417)
R..inbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
lJnitllian Universalist Church - - - - 417-833-272~
APO- - - - 1901 E. Benne~ suite D- - 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Com~erical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springficld- - 0 - - - -417-889-1059
'PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@)hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oldah~nia City (405)
Cathedral of Hope- - 600 ?\IW 13th&- - 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St. -· - 405-524-6000
NI.A-Tribal Fire • • - - . C :. ww'w .trlhalfireokc.com
OGRA- - - - - - - - - - - - :·:;v'w.w.£i~~dco.com
"": ;:..
Oklahoma; .
McPride- --.- - cPOBox 15is; OK 74502·
~~~.,,~~ T~~:(?l.~)._.
GIBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - - - 918-743-4297
,, , • ,~. ·,•,✓~~;,· , -~·•·.;:~r,•,, ~''t' ·••''. ,,,, .. :;,. -:
H.O.P.E. ~ - - - ""'2545 S. Yale-.~- - - .91.8'83~8378
M;CC United- -1623 N. Mapl=-_Ood-.-918}8.i~:V15
SSRA a·· • · · · · .:: • www.soonerstaterodco~~om
TORR- - - - :::: _ ~:PO:Box 2687,·Tu!sa,'.ok 74101
Tulsa .C.ARJ:lS{ ::3507 E. ·Admital· Pl0 - 918:8344194
Tulsa 'ltougi:i ~§ei:s-, -www.t\)}s~e>ug!lrid~I~-co,m
..... \Bd~iness Services: .
. . ~h~.~~ Eureb Sprfugs
Qi;enitYPn~ E~enb~ -~.divenifypride.com
~de; ..:_ ~ - - .
Kansas, Wichita
·TotalM~e-..... Kenn-· - • •·. 31~204-0111
',,:, ~ .... ;;. .·"
., .. ,;:,.,/Missouri, Eure~.-
Shclter Irimmic~- -Greg Tainter- 636-938-5500
. Missouri, Joplin (417)
Charles Bul.1: Realtors-Viclci Bronson-- -434-0077
Office Min~-440 Rangeline Rd- - 417-623-1007
ken Arrow
Spas NS - --918-258-7727
• 405- 840-2106
- 405-524-5733
Piece To Reine 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 Ej.ffril:Jrl;J .:: . . -405-755-8600
Oklalioffia,'(μlsa (918)
Elite Bocikstor~ -81..,S:Sli~~idan- -918-838-8503
Kelly Kirby, CPA- 48ii:s Haryard- -918-747-5466
l.Jn4erguy.com • • -825?,;6~ - - - • - 918-829-0824
. Priscilla's - - 7925 E. 41n- - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilfa!s - •, • 5634;W/~-: f • --918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - • -11344 E. 11th· -, • •· 918-438-4224
' ""· <' ~ '' Priscilla's - • • • 2333 E..7ht·: • - • - - 918-499-1661
' ·t
Rodeo Kick
April 7th
7204 E. Pine
124 N Boston
424 S. Memorial
808 N 15th St, B
J, www.tolsaroughriders.com
825 E. 3rd
.: ,.'·" '~ <
HI•·· .:.
............ Po&~n By K~n•tb I!. Cowhide
Page 3
Miss Gay Arkansas USofA
•· DQdn{Gpea;af 8:00pm
Pag~antb~gins at 9:00.pm
Cover$5: Mem. $8 Gu~t
Featuring: .
Miss 'G, W . -:U So.f A
Layla LaRue
KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS Sgfid~:April 24th, 2005
Pl.ASTIC "FHURSOAY·~A.NCE; .. Mi$.~fW Wa:shington Q:lunty
PART'r' EVERYTHURSDAY! . . •· :. '. ',i ,'' A1nerit:a
GO GO BOY$ E\'~R,Y F,FUbAY . . . :00pm
& SA:TURDAY NJGHJ:! a.t 9:00pm
NWA1S1BE&:F'.DRA:G SHOW· ; ··~-/Guest
EVERYSUNE>AYNlGHT! .. ·Featuring~ ...
Special thank& :tr;:alFof yqu who
mc;tde. my S4th b!r,t,~ey.~ ~ .
· · Huge'.'success ... · ].ave Kelly .
0,9. Kamri.o. M,!k?-els
'04 Makayla Duvoi
Vicki V~[eptine
Fr:iday ,Wril 2$tfu·
S~N~E;ff StiOW FOR
. {jSdfA Classic
Ft~lp u,s ~n~ aarbie to Dallas for
. . NEdibn~ts)n Mey! .
. AR 479~571-1300
E.01,1.r .. Sta
Rodeo 2005
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK. With the Fort Worth
rodeo kicking off the 2005 gay rCldeo
in March, T~~~. T-Town Jiodeo
the f.our .~t?-tes region's buckin
show' .. '"' .. ·. ·on 4£rj1 Sth-
' Afena. For
atio ,;t6
stai:ero0~~~t~{~: ti~e Rock
. . . fo
: ·, ~d.sta:Of'g-)1 ,_ h~i~l ?·
o Wi.':~)pfc:s~;e;d£l~ii,.1:he
.,,y in
Oklahoma State
OGRA is the 3~d largest ga}'iodeo event
under the· IGR!A :w!iibteila:.·lFor,1schcdule
f eventssYisif ·:
.. GltAY"S-
~:~ff lat
', ,',' ,
fellowship with its member ~sociati~s,
donates thousands of dollars to cha#fy each
year. The Gay and . of
the United States
enriched by the ed
• through its sanctioning
· the various events and .
part of wh.at ~• call Gay Rodeo.
Your local Rodeq Associatio(! rieeds
your support, :~e fi:tn: fur'~ sdo'a cause.
They Do!·.
Page 5
Sooner State Rodeo .entertainment. The cast included Rachel
Ward, Kris Kole, Anita Dickey, Pat La
Association F d . Morte, Jonathan Brown, Kris Enloe, Un raiser Jamie Summers and Reba Lynn Cole. A
by Greg Steele dinner and show to benefit SSRA was
photo's by Chaz
Rachel Ward lvfiss SSRA 2005
TULSA, OK_ Royalty was out :in full
force March 19th around T-Town. A
benefit to raise funds for SSRA's T-Town
Rodeo. The event was hosted by Rachel
Ward Miss SSRA 2005 and held at the
Bamboo Lounge. The audience was
delighted with the variety of
Jamie Summers Miss Iowa 2004
Kris Enloe Mr. SSRA 2003-2004
also held at The Supper Club in Tulsa.
SSRA's T-Town Rodeo kicks off the
four states rodeo season on April 8th, 9t.h
and 10th at the Tulsa Expo Square Arena
4145 E. 21st. This is the 1st rodeo for
SSRA and their 3rd year of incorporation.
For tickets and information visit the
website at ,vvlw.soonerstaterodeo.com.
Jonathan Brown Mr. SSRA 2005
Anita Dicky Miss Bamboo 2005
(by default)
Page 6
APRIL 2005
by Andrew Collins
Although America's Gulf Coast
doesn't have any major gay beach
resorts, the Texas barrier island of
Galveston has steadily become a
popular option. This scenic haven of
sandy beaches, opulent Victorian houses, and touristy but engaging seafo?d restaurant~ ~d
souvenir shops attracts quite a few gays and lesbians from Texas and the Gulf South - it's Just
50 iniles south of Houston.
Galveston has a handful of accommodations that market specifically to the gay
community, as well as a few lively gay bars. and discos. Many of the queer folks yoi,i're apt to
meet around town either own second homes or rent cottages here. Late spring through early
fall, the city absolutely swells with visitors,· but no matter the time of year, the gay presence
tends to be relatively discreet.. You won't see same-sex couples holding hands around town,
as Galveston remains first and foremost a ,destination for families and retirees, many of
whom tend toward the conservative side. Nevertheless, with colorful architecture, a small
but discernible arts scene, and a laid-back. demeanor reminiscent of both Key West and New
Orleans, this city of 65,000 tends to be ii. little more open-minded and offbeat than any other
on the Texas Gulf Co11St.
As you approach Galveston _from metro Houston, the scenety offers li~e inspir~tion:_
suburban sprawl and strip-mall development give way to the presence of gnm, hulking 011
refineries. But once you cross G:alveston Bay on I-45, you enter a different world - a narrow
32-mile-long windswept coastal island. Several historic neighborhoods abound w,i~ stately
old mansions and cheerful clapboard cottages, and the main drag along the ~hordine, J;eawall
Boulevard bustles with seafood restaurants, chain hotels, and shops selling postcaicl.~,
seashells, ;wimsuits, and sungiii.s~cs. . ·· · ·
If vou're a beach lover, you'll want to hang out around the shorefront neighborhoods,
but the, city's vibrant and quirky personality reveals itself most strongly a C0Ul'!le, of miles
north, in the downtown Strand Historic District, which overlooks Galveston. Bay .. '.fhls
warren of palm-shaded cobblestone lanes verges on quaint, but for 11 few tall builclμigs arid
the frequent presence of massive cruise ships tied up. in port. Although it's too .fai to walk
easily between downtown and the gulf, the city's convenient trolley runs regularly between
There are numerous attr.i.ctions to keep you busy around Galveston, the most famous
being the Moody Gardens, a dazzling nature-oriented complex consisting of ~ee h~
pyramidal buildings housing a vast tropical rain forest, an aquarium, a?~ a s~ence museum.
Other points of interest include downtown's Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum,
in which you can explore an actual retired oil rig; the drlllllatic 1894 Gtand OpC?- House,
which now presents theater and music events; and the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa. . .
If you start to feel a little peckish, downtown's festive Yaga's Cafe is a Ion~~. filvonte
for casual Caribbean-inspired &re; it books live reggae, blues, and jazz bands on weekend
evenings. For extremely tll~ty .Southwestem and Mexic~ fue, including delicious :liri~p
tacos with mango salsa, head to Playa de Loro. A spacious, elegant restaurant over,ooking
Galveston Bav, Willie G's serves huge and rich portions of seafood, including lump crab au
gratin and sn;pper Kathleen (blackened with shrimp, crab, mushrooms, and iemo~ _b~tter).
Gay-popular Mosquito Cafe, despite its pesty name, might just serv~ the mos_t soprusttcated
and polished contemporary cuisine in town. This charming space with tall WU1dows exudes
understated elegance. . .................... continued next page.
Page 7
Good bets from the eclectic menu include
rare yellowfin tuna over rice noodles and
veggies with a trio of spicy Pan-Asian sauces,
and farfalle pasta with artichoke hearts,
calamata olives, pine nuts, and feta cheese.
Yes, it's a chain, but downtown
Galveston's Starbucks is a particularly
appealing spot for a light bite, with a nice-size
sundeck offering views of cruise ships pulling
in and out of port, and several plush
armchairs. Another good place for a snack,
Java 213 offers plenty of character and
warmth, with its high ceilings and vintage
Garza's Kon Tiki is the most popular gay
nightclub downtown. It's in a modern
building with kitschy, Mardi Gras-inspired
decor, and it's steps from several great
restaurants. Garza's, which has been going
strong since the 1960s, draws a varied crowd.
Women and men of all ages come to admu:e
some of the best female impersonators in
Texas (great drag shows are staged Friday and
Saturday nights).
The city's other three gay bars are down
by·the beach. With a second-floor deck that
offers superb gulf views and a great location,
Undercurrent .is the snazziest gay disco
around, drawing a trendy crowd for dancing
and cruising. In a. slightly ragtag
neighborhood on the east side of town, the
low-keyed Third. Coast Bar overlooks the
Gulf and has a small deck. outside. Robert's
Lafitte is another neighborhood bat with an
easy-going personality.
Galveston claims a pair of Texas's most
renowned historic hotels, both of them run
by the gay-friendly Wyndham hotel chain.
Anchoring the heart of downtown's Strand
Historic District, the Tremont House
captures the old-world dignity and warmth of
a European boutique hotel. The 119-room
property lies within steps of countless shops
and restaurants, and rooms have marble baths
and fluffy pillow-top bedding. A 10-minute
drive south, the imposing Hotel Galvez offers
a more peaceful setting. Even better, this
regal 1911 grande dame overlooks the Gulf of
Menco. Although rooms have such modern
touches as high-speed Internet and cordless
phones, the period decor thoroughly recalls
the city's gilded era. You can sip cockwls at
the pool's swim-up bar or relax to piano
music over the Sunday champagne brunch.
It's top-notch, all-around.
Another mainstream property with a
strong gay following, the Queen Anne-style
Mermaid & Dolphin resort sits along a
. peaceful, tree-lined street a short drive from
both the gulf and downt9wn. Luxury is the
buzzword here: the eight· suites have double
Jacuzzi tubs, plush hand-carved mahogany
beds, gas fireplaces, CD players, TVs with
VCRs, and fine artwork and antiques. It
doesn't get much fancier than this. If, on the
other hand, you're looking to save a little
money and simply want a basic but inviting
motel, consider the prosaic but reasonably
priced Ramada Galveston, which is right
across from the beach and near Undercurrent •
Galveston has one gay mini-resort that
captures the romantic tradition of Key West:
Paradise Guesthouse. Set in a modest but
historical residential enclave just two short
blocks from the gulf, this secluded and cozy
brick compound is situated around a pool and
fountain, fringed by fragrant and
meticulously tended gardens and lighted in
the evening by flickering torches. Common
amenities include a hot tub, several patios,
and a common room stocked with snacks and
soft drinks. The mood is more romantic than
frisky - it's a perfect retreat for gay and
lesbian co~r,le.s looking to celebrate a special
occasion. There are three large suites and two
smaller but still inviting guest rooms, all with
refrigerators and TVs with VCRs.
Finally, if you're planning on visiting with
a few friends and you want to enjoy the
convenience and privacy that comes with
staying in your vety own summer house,
consider renting one of the six beautiful
bungalows available through Cottage by the
Gulf. Just a half block from the gulf and
convenient to picturesque Stewart Beach,
these handsomely outfitted houses come in all
different shapes and sizes, sleeping from 4 to
10 guests. The smallest, Magnolia House, has
a wraparound deck; another has a small
fenced yard that's perfect if you're traveling
wi~ a dog. All have full kitchens, barbecue
grills, espresso machines, stereos, cable TV
with VCRs, and elegant furnishings, and you
can rent them by the day, week, or month.
Keep in mind that rates, which in summer
begin at $125 nightly and $795 weekly, are
about 20 to 30 percent less from October
through April, making this a real off-season
The Little Black Book
Cottage by the Beach (810 Ave. L, 409-739-
0194, www.cottagebytbebeach.com).
...................... continued page 25
Page 8
Star's On The Plain
Heart of America Mens Chorus
Of Wichita
conceptualized the summer of 2002 and
created for a Christmas concert in
December of 2002. A group of 5 guys
wanted to sing and new that if they were
going to sing in a mens chorus they were
going to have to build it themselves.
They then contacted Howard Webb and
asked him if he would consider
conducting the group.
Webb is
no stranger
ro the
He has
helped start
choral and
like the
Chorale, a
group that
in the musical community of Wichita for
over 25 years, and /the Plymouth Chamber
Series. He has performed and conducted in
many area venues. As Artistic Director/
Conductor of HOAMC his responsibilities
include planning the concert, training the
singers and conducting the concert. He is
happy to tell you that his assistant conducror,
Mark Walker, and accompanist John Cargile
work very dose with him in all this work.
The group has grown from 18 at the
original concert to a present 50 men
singing the upcoming concert. We have
gained our 501c3 non-profit status this
past year had successful fund drive and
fund raising events. We have been invited
to do a run-out concert sing tile national
anthem for the river festival fireworks
concert with the symphony, and are
slowly but surely becoming recognized
in the Wichita musical communitv as a
talented and well prepared music~!
The group is diverse in all ways, from
different religious backgrounds, race,
careers and sexual orientation. Our
requirement is that they are prepared to
have fun and make music; all else is their
personal business. And have fun we do.
From reading the music for the first time
co the learning process, building sets and
taking the show to the stage for
performance and the light come on and
the audience roars as the curtain opens.
As the curtain opens on "Thats
Entertainment" vou will be invited to Be
Our Guest (fro~ Beauty and the Beast)
and our guest you will be from Hello
Dolly to Le
and from
to Chicago.
.There is
great music
:.for mens
chorus and
now in their
third season will be presenting Thats
Entertainment, April 16'h and 17'h at
4:00. This concert will be at Mary Jane
Teall Theater in Century II and will be
music drawn from Broadway musicals.
For tickets or more information call Kip
at 316.264.2266 or www.hoamc.org
Page 9
Saturday Aprll 16 - 4:00 pm AND Sunday .t\pril 17 -4:00 pn1
Century II -Mary Jane Teall Theatre Wichita, Kansas
Tickets: $12 adv./ $15 door Call Kip.@ 264-2266
and llvenlngs Cl Week
Also Open Holidays
Page 10
Daffy Lunch and Dinner
OHn 1 tam (ltflY
Happy hpur 3-6 & 9 .. c1ose
$t.7J .. t6oz$2.25-.23oz
Bu.d U1Mlch-Uka Draws
HolldClt'$ qnd·~ Jv•nlt.
Monlhly Mc,v...ln $pedals
Page 11
Diamond State Rodeo Association
is proud .!9 present
APRIL 22-24 2005
Uttle Rock, Atkansaa
For ticket and parttcipation Information
www .dsra.org
Or Call the Rodeo
Hotline at: 501-960•7363
Visit www.eute.
Spring Diversity Fall Diversity
Ap_ril 1st, . November 4th, 5th, 6th
Sprf~ & Fal 2005 Mntsincklde:
ouldoor diYerslty festlva, vendors. drag show, king
show. beat cantest, dlrlces, karaoke, country we$m,
tarot, pride clseotlQ, peintball, fishing, boat rides,
C8n1)1ng & BSQ's, fanlastic shopping. di;ing,
live enterlaioment clld ........ nu:h fflOl81
Page 12
,', ,, '
4815 S~ttdi
Hatvard i~e'.~ Suite 424
Tulsa, OK 74135-3068
Phone: (918) 747-5466
Email: KellyKirbyCPA@sbcglobal.net
accountmg needs of the
GI.BT Community since
Page 13
by Greg Razer
QUESTIONS During these past few
months following the November 2°d
election there seems to be nothing but
questions within the progressive community.
Some ask, "Should we take our
mes to the right?" others ask,
"Sh we take our message to the left?"
or, "What did religious fundamentalist
do to gain so much influence and power
in this nation?" and of course, "Which
way to Canada?" (The last question
being the most disturbing to this observer.)
These are questions that are
being raised from the halls of the Capitol
in Washington to the dinner table right
here in the heart of the Midwest.
Questions are also being raised in the
LGBT community. "\Vas ii: too much to
'go after marriage'?" and "Do we
wntinue the path that we are on, or push
foi..n:iore realistic goals given today's
political climate?" These quesi:ions too
are being felt right here in our own
towns and all the way to Washington.
These are all broad and far-reaching
questions that must be dealt wii:h and
dealt with soon. However, perh;ps a
more basic, fundamental question needs
to be asked of us all as to how we ensure
that the debacle of this past November
never happens again. Did we as a
community, and I as an individual, really
do all I could to ensure victorv in
November? ,
Think back for a moment to the
months leading up IO the election. Never
before have we seen so many
conversations take place regarding
national issues. How manv times did yo:,
sit around a bar with your, friends for ,
Happy Hour and the marriage issue was
discussed? How many times did you go
to dinner with your loved ones and anger
was expressed concerning the policies of
President Bush? And now, how manv
times did those discussions lead to ·
someone at the bar or table going to
write a check or volunteer for a campaign
to make sure the right men and women
would be in office?
The Greek philosopher Plato once
noted, ''The price good men pay for
indifference to public affairs is to be ruled
by evil men . .., Ir is in that quote, first
made thousands of years ago, that we
find the problem that today's LGBT
community faces. Our problem is not
with our issues. We will not find our
political problems by looking at elected
officials that we think of as our "friends".
Nor. will we find the answer by looking
at those who oppose us. The answer to
polii:ical problems that face the LGBT
community are found right here at
home, within our own community.
CURRENCY Many want IO see our
LGBT political organizations begin to
demand our rights be given to us by our
elected officials. However, one cannot
demand anything without the ability to
back up that demand. When a person is
elected to public office, he/she usually
has certain issues that are most dear to
them. With some legislators, LGBT
equality is one of their issues and their
support of our community is unwavering
and our appreciation .is heartfelt.
However, we must realize that there are
even more legislators who are
supportive, but LGBT equality is rarely
one of their key issues. Therefore, when
asking a legislator to support us in our
efforts, we are essentially asking them to
spend polii:ical capital on us, and not
their own pet issues. To convince them
to do so, we must show the official that.
not only are we not a liability at electio~
time, that in fact, we are an asset to
them. To accomplish this we must
produce the three forms of currency
every poiitician wants: Votes, money
and ~ime. ·
On Election Day, many of us went
about our daily business proudly wearing
our "I Voted" sticker. We a:-e proud of
that sticker because it shows that we did
a part in making our ::iation and our state
a better place to live . .. continued pg35
This Is Shelter Country.
Here in our community you will
find Shelter Agent Greg Tainter.
We're proud to serve this community
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and ask about our services.
Life-Worker's Comp.-Home-Auto-Farm-Business
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Office licensed in Missouri,
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Eureka, Missouri 63025
www .shelterinsurance.com
Tel: (636) 938-5500
Sisters Talk
Gay Battles with
Llsa Miller-Jenkins, a lesbian once joined
by civil union to Janet Miller-Jenlr.-ins, has
decided to use laws designed. for. heterosexuals
in order to win a custody dispute with her
former partner. Lisa and Janet were joined by
civil union in Vermont, where the couple
decided to have a child using artificial
insemination. When the couple split, Llsa, the
birth mother, left Vermont (the state that
recognizes homosexual unions) and moved to
Virgina, where she thought she would be
ensured full custody of the child she shared
with Janet because Virgina docs not,reco~e ·
homosexual unions. Anything to win, rigli.t?
Luckily for Janet, Vermont does not allqw; ., ·
that kind of creative manipru9:tio!i, of:theJaw.
The state of Vermont says' lesbiiin 'co'tiples ..
joined by civil union who have children using
artificial insemination should be treated no
differently than heterosexual couples who
choose the same procedure or choose to
adopt. Both women are legal parents of the
child and Llsa has no more rights to the child
than Janet does. . .
What we see here is a lesbhm who enjoys
those equal rights and freedoms that gay
unions provide only if she is on the winning
side of the law. Wnen she's not guannteed a
win, she simply turns to archaic heterosexist
laws that srack the odds in her f.i.vor. Millions
of gays and lesbians in the United States still
do not have the right to a civil union or a
marriage: Lisa Miller-Jenkins enjoyed
that right in Vermont, then moved to
Virginia to take advantage of
discrimination gainst gays and lesbians.
Lisa is cheating. She's cheating just as ·
badly as George W. did when he used the
gay ban to win votes at the polls.
When homosexual couples accept
those rights and freedoms associated with
gay unions, we also accept all the ·
accompanying responsibilities. Children
are a large responsibility. When we
decide to share that responsiblity with
another partner, our own desires tllke a
backseat. Homosexual couples joined by
civil union (or marriage in Massachusetts)
who decide to raise childteri together, .
then. ultimately sever tn,eir. r~latio°'s¥p,
will'. &c.e riiany chilleo:gef! in. tJie. c~drts ..
, ,·,,, ,·,-· , '.,. '';
.-emo B's •.
jurisdiction, the · st:lte best equipped to
help the former couple deal with the
custody dispute.
The best thiilg to come out of Ilsa
Miller-Jenkins' creative maneuvering is
awareness. Society has become more
aware of the mess Clinton's Defense of
Marriage Act has created in child custody
disputes. I refuse to believe the courts
will allow these kinds of messy disputes
to continue for too long.
Page 15
Guess that I am just a '\vild and crazy
guy'' but I just don't see what all this
crap about same-sex marriages is all
about. Seems as thou the "religious right"
is always on somebody's case. First it
was the blacks and then the Jews and
then the horrible Russian communists
and now the homosexuals. They always
have to have their "flock" hate someone
so that they can get more money out of
them. They WANT their "flock" to
hate! After all isn't this more or less
what religion is all about? Hating the
people that don't agree with you? But
what I would REALLY like to know is
where are the Jerry Farwell's and all the
other religious right leaders when it
comes to Catholic Priests molesting little
children? For the life of me I cannot
possibly understand why they have not
jumped on the bandwagon to degrade the
Catholic Church for their actions! If
anyone else would molest children they
would have their ass thrown in jail so fast
it would make their head spin but
because the Catholic Church has so
much power in the world they get off
with only a slap on the wrist. It just
doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Living here in the midwest can be fun
but there are still a lot of questions to be
answered. Lucky for me I live near a
large city and don't have to get real close
to all my neighbors.
Same sex marriages is NOT giving
special treatment to us, it is mereiy
giving us the SAME rights as all other
Americans. I have some older gay
friends who said that they had wanted to
serve in the Army and Navy but
couldn't. They wanted the benefits of
serving in the Armed Services such as
hospitalilzation, education and GI
benefits on getting a house, etc. but they
were denied. They were not wanting
speciai treatment. They were mereiy
· wanting the same treatment as all
Americans. The State congressmen here
in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and
Arkansas are only playing i:o special
interest groups and could care less about
us. This is very sad to say but it is
plainly the truth. We have made a hell
of a lot of progress i..11 the past few years
but it is a VERY uphill battle. I don't
want much out of life, a nice place to
live, a nice job, a nice person to love, live
with and to be able to live my life as I
want to. I don't want to bother
anybody and I don't want anybody to
bother me.
Even thou there are laws passed for
Blacks and Jews eventually there will be
laws passed for Gays however just
because laws are on the books doesn't
mean that the average American will
change their minds about us. They will
forever be biased and narrow-minded. I
sure would like to think that some how,
some way, some day all this would
change for the better and hopefully it
will. Until then I will just go day by day
and enjoy life in my own way.
Teaching Activism,
Leadership, and Knowledge
P.R.I.D.E. invites all college and high
students, as well as activists and community
members to TALK's Spring 2005 conference
at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
This conference is a chance for students and
community members to meet up, share,
leam, org,.nize, and have fun. The intended
effect will be a strengthened LGBT
community and great impact on grassroots
efforts. Though our last two conferences
have been Ark.ansas focused, we are inviting
anyone and everyone from AR, OK, MO,
and KS this year because of the location of
Fayetteville in proximity to the four
state area. More than anything, this is a
rejuvenating experience for those with
activism experience and good training for
those with little. So check out the website
and convince yourself that it is the only piace
to be on APRIL 1st anci 2nd. Come
experience a weekend in Fayetteville-the
best place to be gay in Arkansasii For more
information call: 479-575-3880 or visit
Page 16
Press Release:
PITTSBURG, KS_ The Pittsburg State
University Queer Straight Alliance, a
non-profit organization, Presents "An
Evening of Hope" with Patricia Kutteles,
to benefit Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network. The event will be held Friday,
April 8 at 6pm on the Campus at
Pittsburg State University - Pittsburg,
Kansas (Crimson & Gold Ballroom of
the Overman Student Center) A black tie
affair with silent auction and dinner.
Reservations are required: $25 per person
or $40/couple (For more information, or
to RSVP, contact Brandon Plott at
brandon@psuqsa.org.) Patricia Kutteles
will be the keynote speaker.
Patricia Kutteles, whose son Barry
Winchell was murdered at Fort Campbell
Kentucky after his fellow soldiers
assumed he was gay, has worked tirelessly
with SLDN to battle "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" and has spoken at numerous
events across the country.
Guests who are coming from out of
town can contact the Comfort Inn and
Suites of Pittsburg, Kansas and receive a
room with either 2 queen size beds or
one king size bed for $52.00 USD per
night. The hotel room block is valid for
the 8,9,10 of April. Contact Comfort Inn
at (620) 231-8800. FOR MORE INFORMATION,
OR TO RSVP, contact
Brandon Plott at brandon@psuqsa.org.
On Saturday April 9th 2005 beginning
at 9:30 PM we will be hosting the
First Annual MrJMs./Miss Kansas Gay
University Student at 4 Oaks Golf
Course in Pittsburg, $5 cover Charge
18+ Applicants Must be enrolled full
time at any Kansas University
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can aiso call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidentialit-f. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serfling A Healthier Community"
Page 17
Page 18
not allow
rule .. The issue is YOU Iuv'e.to. i,~: tn~
watch: dog, you have. to ~pealf U ,_fo' .
bark andy
injustice co
We don't n
bias, religious indifference or
spealoi:igTcff :i: gteit stil:te oi" a · great
nation. We don't.need tllore GLBT bars
· that mistreat _us or exploit our
. communitf-.Whai WC ~cd ,are tnore
groups like•-B.::'G . . ..
National Gav atf
and churche; like\tJtli
commitments · accept second
· · class' citizen·
. '<ve
. . . . >'that
· in .t he· su.. b&. :. 6f.D .. r: M.. aitili :I..rithef- !forg , •
JR and-~dbi as welFas :some 'of our
· · · , leaders; &ET'i.4-IE, :
.:: ;:,, if.' ·:., ·i{' ,
., 'f .. :,J
. . the Soutlietn Baptist
Conv;entiori. .. the "J.IJli.~hville
betlifration~'';;ri •stiie-1~:i · ~tffig~;,;, i~
which it stated ifs' opposition to-same-sex
based on C it calico, "the
of.one man ·Steven
Discip~es of
the N~.riai. Gay
. v .. i;;..; .. ,.~~us
esponds with
".A'.~;:~~;,in tnet£Jt~stian Church
Page 19
Steve Urie from pg 18 ·MCC's Troy Perry Wins California
(Disciples of Christ) .and a former Marriage Lawsuit! Thirty-five Years
Southern Baptist minister, I am saddened Separate His First Milriage Lawsuit in
1970 And Court Victory in 2005. "I have
and disappointed that leaders of the worked and prayed for this dav for 35
Southern Baptist Convention continue to years. Today~ our prayers wer~
present their discrimination against answered," says Perry.
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender At a Monday afternoon press
Americans in the guise of compassion. conference at the Los Angeles law offices
While diey conclude that, "marriage is a of riot_ed attorney Gloria Allured, Perry
lifetitjie union of one man and one said, "I have worked for this day and
womfu, according to the Bible, and may prayea for. this day for 35 years. Today,
b · · · · · · · our prayers were answered."
not cq~defin:ed," these so-called Bihlical · Perry also noted; "Monday's ruling is
literali~ts ignore the fact that marriage in a significant step but not a final step _
the l3ible _has been used to justify tO~?:fd ~arriage equality." The Superior
. , of,coricuhiries·iri. the case' of Couit'of. California will bold a review
. (Genesi;·l6t3);·~·excuse:f<i/ •.seisi6.ti~9n;~cb.30, and the order
extrav~t poly~y in the case of King.· enforcing the judge's ruling could be
Solomon (1 Kings H:1-3) apd as a issued aftpat time, It is also:widely
desperate, but infedor; 'alternative to 4ta1: state officials will appeal
burning in lustful celibacy in the case of . . . . . to the California Appeals
A:.. • Court or_ the. California Supreme Court .
.. e A'f:'o.stle Paul. (1 Cor•i. .n thians 7: 8). .· •• !'.The ru· ling by Judge Richard Kramer
. Their sd;iptui2Ligi:iorarice only . • • gives hope t<> .all. of us," said Petry,
undercuts tlieir.message: The ori.lything noting that the judge is both a Roman
you'll l~arn ab?ut mai:tfage fron;i .reading Catholic and a Republican
~I~7d moon~~::a:n:d s~:r;t;~!: giant
rais~d in the Southern Baptist .church and leap' for mankind. This court victory is a
their. . . .. :i~-whit keeps small step for the GLBT community and
th~tn with eacli. · a giant leap for humankind. Let your
._ 'JJliey,will s b~( not hw;nanity be the example for others.
:will sti th~ dgai:ettc: .
. . . t don't. . ,think of setYing S_il!Ve Urie has been an activist for over
. ope of thetn wine. Their women can thirty years and is the pastor of the local
· we,~ tr1ake up and they can eat pork but · MCC, Spirit of Christ MCC in Joplin, MO.
Lo~;1'nows you cari}taccept that two
men:, or women can love each other.
They can ac:cept marrying concubines iri
the Bible or having multiple wives
because it was to procreate and multij?,le
the world'.s citizenry out they can't'
accept I might love my: partner ..
Apru 1 M.2.
Diversity w .. kend BOTH .. , ·•,·
& Gal coatutt
VALENTINE'S, Concertsarif oiler Ewra Qlver•lty BEARBI
Page 20 Star Scene
. me's Wichita,
Kansas to our distribution area.
With· a vibrate g1ty community,
the people are not only goodlooking
but very friendly. You
will have a great time in Wichita.
Include this growing
city on the confluence of the
Arkansas and Little Arkansas Rivers in your nex.t travel plans!
Page 22
Quotable Quotes
"This is now the law of the land in
seven Canadian provinces and one
Canadian territory. This is a decision
taken bv our courts based on our
Charter, of Rights. This is a question of
equality .... The purpose of the Charter
of Rights is to protect minorities ...
against the oppression of the majority.
... One of the most damaging things, I
believe, to the Canadian concept of
equality and respect for each other
would be in fact if we allow the Charter
to be attacked."
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin
defending Canada's plans to legalize full
same-sex marriage nationwide, at a Jan.
17 press conference in India. Courts
already have legalized same-sex marriage
in eight of Canada's 13 provinces and
Diversity Festival
Eureka ncirs; AR
announces there 1st outdoor festival .event
to be held Saturday April, 2nd from 1 pm
to ????. The event will feature karaoke and
dance party, food and beer vendors, mot
readings, boat rides, archery, paint ball,
live entertainment and more. At 5pm the
stage will be set for "Drag Queens in
Heels" drag show.
A shuttle service will provide transportation
to the outdoor festival event for
those who prefer not to drive. Location is
about 10 minutes west of Eureka Springs
on Hwy 187. If your driving to the event,
just iook for the waving rainbow flags.
For more information visit:
Page 23
I Dee
"bar service" ...... !!!
What! a wonderful month 1brch was!
Not too much ·snow, not too cold and
evecyoO:e seemed to be a lot happier. I found
the bar scene ro .be much better and nof as
much bitdiirig around. the pool table. The
same ·oJa:pfople who always bitch still "always
bitch" but' that, is tliefr problem.. Why bitch
for the hell of it? 0nly bitch. about things that
you really liave control over. One thing that I
would re'ally:like,to bitch about however is
Bartenders!·'There·are a lot of great bartenders
and)rr"bsthi&tlidm· ue very friendly: Bur there are a some of them who are vecy obnoxious!
If they· don(t,'._like beiog·a bartender, why nor
lo.ok' fur•aootifa'ijobl ,.-1;,. bartender MBST, be a
"people'!\pett\dn:~ iBartcnders are NOT:the
owners :6{ the bar, they are merely employees
of the. t':li'.: ;l'.like• J:;air stylists or :iuiy other
~Ef!~=: had. never' .b~eii tt(Tulsa liefbre:. Thi!
bartende.t didri't'even: say "bi" to biro: · He- just
loo'ke'a' lifhiln n:nl:lf tJ:le. guy iold;liim wbat he
wanted tcickirik:, ·He'thin,put thedtink down
in front of hilii aaH 'ditln!f ~en tell ruin how
much it was. Tbefr Ther giving him liis change
the bartender·w.cnt= back over to the guys ·at
the end of the, bar thiit he was tlllkmg with and
completely ignored the new customer. · After
one drink the out. of town businessman left
the bar arid went to another bar. I happened
to see him later .in the evening at another bar
and scirted talking with him. He explained
how rude the bartender at the fust bar was so
he left after tlie first' tlrlnlt.' · At the secorid bar
that he went to he Sllld that the bartender was
very friendly, asked if he was new in town,
introduced him to a few of the guys in the bar
and:railfy IJU!de him feel right at home., He
stayed at that bar, for several drinks:. He~siud
that often when, lie· travels around on business
that most bllrtcllders ·are very rude. •. T couldn't'
expktln why that y.'liS• Seems to me that
bartenders shorild be the friendliest people in
town. When gays go to a n~ town whether
on business or if they, have just moved there or
only frequent a bar once in a while, ·the
bartender should go out of his way to be extra
'nice to everybody. Sadly to say but when a
gay person comes from out of town to Tuisa
or Oklahoma City or Springfield, or Joplin,
the first place that they go is to the gay bars.
If they are not friendly there, where will they
be fnendly? Bar owners are always bitching
about no business or not enough business. If
their bartenders were nicer, and friendlier to
the patrons, then they would stay in the bar
longer and drink and have fun. Doesn't this
make sense? But some bar owners and
bartenders would rather. bitch about no·
b~sin;ss and no tips and, then wonder whv
th~y don't :h~i ~ore b~siness. Oc~asion:illy I
go to .a stpight ,bar arid .the ~attenders are
always friendly! Why not in a gay bar?
· But, d1en you walk into other bars
and the bartender greets you by name,
asks how your day has been and is real
upbeat. That is the way it SHOULD be!
M~.tig it a very pleasant experience for
everyone should be the goal of all bars
and bartenders. Luckily for me I look
over 21 so I am rarely .asked for my ID
but some bartenders and door people are
downright rude when they ask to see
ID's. I knpw that legally they need to
check everyone but they could at,Ieast be
nice about it.
I love the bars in Oklahoma and get
to Springfield and Joplin sometimes on
weekends. But sometimes the attitudes
of the bartenders turn me off so much
that I just walk out and go to another bar
whei~ they· are· friendly·; They should
not !:>ring thei; problems to them at
work. If they don't. like. their jobs, then
quit and find another job that suits them
better. -Why should customers have to
put up with their bitching and problems.
One of the worst .thirigs a bartender can
do· is bad mouth the bar. owiler which
has happineil several times.
Luckily for me I usually go to the
bars with a group of friends and we carry
on,our own co~crsatian,but when we
see someone come inCthat we don't know
we like · to introduce ourselves fo them.
Whether they aie new:in town, just
· tri~ved here or iust came out, it is alwavs
' ru~e fo meet n~w. peopl~. Going out tb
the bars SHOULD be a fun experience!
lesoiat?prcs; fut Hi . .· · ·.
years. Slie serv~a for tlii:e'e :f~iis as•
tli{'co~cliair of ttie Boaret:'Bf ·. ·.
dir~~tors bfNei York' City's
Lesbian,. Gay, Bis~xfral; iha
Tr:liisg6~a~r ·co'rti'μittiii#· Center,·
whei:~ she founded a . . . ' .
grp\iodbt~:iking · ·
called ·«Jo Our
by ;E'aiita .fy{artinac
. Our two most prominent national :f,GBT
organizations· recently• announced changes·
· that, on the surface, may seem like. business as
· usual. But;, in fact; tliese shifts could have a big
impact on the course of o:ur, movement ...
. First,· die National;G:ay and Le!!bian!Task
Force created a new Department of Public
Policy & Governmental,Affairs, whicb:will
lobby me.mbers of C?»gr~ss,;and government
agencies for LGBT rigllts ublic: ,; .
~tatement. ab'out,the. P.CW: • .
one that,o
Campaign. die~ odth
l press attent;oh for th
announcenienti.of its .
HRC's neW:~h~ad will
___ ...;.. _ _.;. __ ..,;_;.;;._..,;..,;_,.. ;.._..,;_.;,,1 b:ian wh
of EMIEY's List; a: grcnip that help's ·pro-choic
office; . • : ,. . . . . . .
What struck:. nic about these two ant\ounce&.inti ..
inodifkations for the two gtouj:>s,,which - espedf:illy in
been. at odds poU!=ically and ideologicallv, not to tilt.titi
NGLTF,.i~Rresenting die more,progressive:wing,of out movement;,~ fot
many .. Y.e:lrS. 9cc11pif:d a b~.ck. sea.t in' ~l!:.shingtoni,gay pblltic~,,~~rkirlg!:mbre at the
state anc:l}ocal ky-els OD; aμttgay initiatives · , to Hit€. As
a result, :we'veJiaa oasically one vision .of IB.~@'11,V .; : .
ind.it's a yisigij. · ·. · f us hav[f6und,too: centrist. Ind~ed;<thete\was aJ~t. ~f
talk after .Cneryl .the post at HRC that she was forced,,out for.
m~kinit,.the. oiganizittfon foo y Democl::atic,.while uoder:,heti ;predecessor.,
Elizabeth B1rchtthe ,a· more. '.\pragg:,.atic/'., .bipartisancfaqe. . .
.Now. iitepsito have a m1;1ch-l01;1de.n iY<:>ia~,in Washington. The
grollp .has . 1.,IDJ!J9bbying • team,thal include~, lUlloi;ig others,•
El~angr C:lintoJ?. ll<lministration of;iciaj.< and, intdguingly, .
Am~er t,ac.tiv.ist ~.pq ?as long,p~e~.iavohrcd·in. AI:DS organizing
an.cl. ga! .. '~ .also ,a (oi:thnght s~eaker on queer sexuality; her essay
fp~s ~s:,A Queer GttLE>reaming Her0Way Home;.
pro · over well' with many. Republican - · an:d I:>emocratic -
!aw ., . ·.• . . . ..
· At the s~nre time; HR:<£ seems to'b~ ripping a page. from NGL'fF's playbook and
~ass:ssi!fg the• im~o~cc ,e>floc:tl LGBT organizing, After till, as our • • · · · ·
oest-tanded orga:ntzattQn, l:£8.(i took most of the biame whcn,11
ameodri:,;ents . . . . . . ~; bu.ring his first we~k:on the
So~~esc: ,sa . . · i::f9SS-countty tour. to talk. to.
le;ade.i:s 1and offiq~~ ''I've. time in the last 10. years,~ "
~ol.l;Ilo.ntse .has $!Jlted .. Hi~ . list was i:o ''.go out acrotisF.
10 tt,le cf.fort to lielp wo~n j~ef . _ . ·
J_::~oin what I've read aodiit hitn~ Soimonese seems to suit .his 11ew. employer to a
T. He·s someone who pleases Republicans and Democrats alike, ·as C'."'1:ideooed by the
glowing bipartisan praise he's alffaoy picked up. But also, duritig the 2004 election,
l ~
Page 25
Lesbian Notions . ...
he made a difficult, some would say
"pragmatic" move - EMILY's List funded
a Democratic pro-choice woman who
was also in favor of passing the rabidly
antigay Federal Marriage Amendment.
While Solmonese argues he was just
upholding his organization's mission, the
move raised t.h.e ire of many of us who
believe political and social movements
should stick together, not sell each other
It will be interesting to see how the
sometime-rival NGLTF and HRC adjust
to each other's turf. In quintessential
NGLTF style, executive director Matt
Foreman has already put forth his belief
that there is plenty of room for
"multiple voices" on Capitol Hill. In
contrast, Solmonese told The Advocate
that "we've got to come together and
make sure .. :we share a common vision."
You can probably tell that I'm a bigger
fan of NGLTF than of HRC.
Personally, I don't think any social
movement can have a "common vision,"
unless it's a false one that's only the
vision of the most vocal and powerful
among us.
But actually, I'm optimistic about
both these changes in our two top
groups. NGLTF has a lot to offer in the
realm of federal lobbying, most notably
a view of the LGBT community as
bound up with other social-justice
movements in an effort to bring about
positive change for many different kinds
of people. Indeed, the group's penchant
for coalition-building has always been its
strong suit.
And HRC takes into America's
heartland its reputation for holding the
middle course - which will appeal to
straight community and religious leaders
who don't really understand what this
"gay rights stuff' is about but who may
be swayed by the stories of and faces
individuals. And Solmonese avers that
"increasing our presence and visibility
across America will be a top priority of
my tenure" - a vaiuabie goal to bring to
the gay-activism table.
Little Black Book fron page 7
Galveston Convention and Visitors Bureau
(409-763-6564 or 888/GAL-ISLE,
www.galveston.com). Garza's Kon Tiki (315
23rd St., 409-765-5805). Hotel Galvez (2024
Seawall Blvd., 409-765-7721 or 800-
WYNDHAM, www.wyndham.com). Java
213 (213 23rd St, 409-762-JAVA). Mermaid
& Dolphfu Resort (1103 33rd St., 409-762-
1561 or 888-922-1866,
www.mermaidanddolphin.com). Moody
Gardens (1 Hope Blvd., 800-582-4673,
www.moodygardens.com). Mosquito Cafe
(628 14th St., 409-763-1010). Paradise Guest
House (2317 Ave. P, 409-762-6677,
www.galveston.com/paradise). Playa de Loro
(Pirates Beach Center, off Hwy. 3005, 409-
737-4600). Ramada Galveston (2300 Seawall
Blvd., 409-762-1166 or 800-272-6232,
www.ramada.com). Robert's Lafitte (2501
Ave. Q, 409-765-9092). Stiarbucks (102 22nd
St., 409~621-2577). Third Coast Bar (904 Ave.
M, 409-765-6911). Tremont House (2300 Ship
Mechanic's Row, 409-763-0300 or 800-
WYNDHAM, www.wyndham.com).
Undercurrent (3102 Seawall Blvd., 409-750-
8571). Willie G's (21st North Street Pier 21,
409~762-3030). Yaga's Cafe (2314 The Strand,
Dear uncle Mikey
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
APRIL 2005
Uncle here once more bringing you a
. different view of all things queer. This week
· your old uncle has done his best to stay'warm.
]t is as If this winter is lik.e a queen crowing
another queen, it just does not want to let go.
• Uncle was able to manage however, with the
. help of a couple of hot studs to keep me warm.
· · ,~ Never underestimate the power of lust kittens.
This month we find ourselves pondering
llfes missed chances and the lesson learned in
I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years. I knew I loved him however
foun~ mysel_f wanting to e~periment and be somewhat free to enjoy other ~en. My
b<:>yfriend tne? to make ~gs work,_howevcr, felt that the relationship was ended
with my straying ways. I s10ce. have become disenchanted with the Twinldes around
me, and realize~ ·what I had with him. I have tried evetything I know to get him
bac~ to no avail. Now, I am at a !oss wondering if I have lost the man I was meant
to be with. What can I do? '
Missing him
Dearest Missing,
Uncle was most touched by your letter. It sounds as if you have learned one of lifes
most unrealized lessons. It is always what we do not have, which drives our desires.
Once obtained, we usuajJ.y realize we, already had. what A was. we sought in out
deepest desires: U nfotgiv;ably, . this. i~ .a l~sson whlcii • bfi~ wi~ it .the ·reality of lost
chances. It SOll!lds l!t o.fhcl:.li#fhas iiloved'.on; arid. :that yoti should do the
~ame. Realize your .. ~ arid'.uiiliie, this in die futi:lte: If this lo'9'e was meant to be,
it shall conic back to you, how#cr, be prepared that this just may not be the case.
Good luck-Uncle Mikey
Kittens, it is tb,e prison of our own design. Desires unrealized, as the cake always
seems sweeter. 1!om the other plate. It is mans folly to want the thing they do not
have, not rcaliz111g they already have what substance in their own kitchen. Be careful
of what you wish for; for the wish .itself may not be the truest desire of the dreamer.
Dear Uncle MiJ[ey::
I recently met the. acqpaiiit;aacc of a n:ian which is ol>'riously in doubt of his sexualitv.
He attempts to run from. Jps o..m self.: denying his scxuility; while acting .like a big ,
old butch. I _am ~<>st ll'tttacte'.l to this man and want to help him except himself I
attempt to gtve hitn leads which, he either does not except or pick up on. How can I
help this man come out already?
Getting real
Dearest Real,
F~t off lets get real. Is it. the &<;t that. you want to help him, or yourself to his
delights? You cannot tjish s6me~n~ into coming out lcittep,. just because .you arc
h~ving ~ 9.11 in your pants. ~au cotdf seriously burn 'lllly.·· qiances you may have
with this young one, if you insist on pu!ihing them he(orc ihev are readv to reveal:
the pos_sibility that they play. for our team. If you re.ally waiit to hdp this souI,>th~
allow him to come at his own rate .. Support while letting him know he has a· good
friend, which will be excepting of him.
Patience is a virtue dearest one.
Smooches Unde-Unde
Uncle Mikey once attempted to help
someone come out as well. I guess it was just
too much for the poor dC2C. He ran like he
was running through a white sale. It is not
always easy when someone is attempting to
come out. There are many variables during
the coming out process. While, we may see it
as the obvious choice, it remains a struggle
for some. 'The best thing another can do, is
just be supportive through the process.
Dear Uncle:
I have a friend who is such a queen, he puts
most to shame. He is a one man. parade, as his
is lllways wallcirig around with · buttons,
stickers, and colon running off of him for the
world to sec. He makes issues out of
everything. I get somewhat embarrassed
when we arc in public, as he openly
challenges everyone he secs as a threat to his
pride parade. How can I tell him he needs to
tone.it down; so that I can be more
comfortable while in his ·presence? It is not
that I do not care about issues, I just do not
sec the need to constantly lead the parade.
Dearest Kitten,
It is not your friend which has the issue, it is
yourself you need to look to here. It is the
prideful advocates which live in this manor,
which make it possible, for the continuing
education of. society at large, on our issues.
Maybe you need to hear his voice a little
more, and realize it is you who has an issues
.with being your self openly. Do not charge
your friend with a wrong, when he is simply
proud of himself and his community. Allow
bis force to shine in your life.
It is that time again Kittens. So remember "
you venture out again in that wonderful
drama of life- It is the one which truly
excepts themselves which will be aJ:,k to
except others.
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too.
Unck Mikey is 11. ~ from Freeuin~ ftlriUr
A6chul Hinvrun. Michrid has been fliritingfor tm
~rs. Utiiizing his stlldies, ,nd lffe apmen« w J,e.'p
othen in his comm,mity, thro,tgb b,111ior ,md so#nd
""'1itt. K,d,i,eJ ~ his stlldy of psyd,ol.ogy """
cm,tiw writing, lfS wdl bis extmsifle bwdtgro#nd in
mtnt11.l be.ihh Direct OtTI! to bring" ,_ st:,le """
"l'fT04d, to bdping others. ~'s other fllOri!s o,n
be fliewea at -.f"]linltcontent.com.
May Day, May Da
''They don't just want marriage.
They want to destroy marriage
and the family, as we know it."
-----Doctor James Dobson, Focus on the .
STIGLER; OK_Soulforce in Oklahoma
planning to confront the anti-gay
rhetoric.. of James Dobson and Focus on
the Family.
"Out goal is to have enough people in
Colorado Springs to be able to surround
Focus. on tlie Family. That would take
1600 people! Our goal in Oklahoma is
for 20 ~~ to. go. It. is only a 12 hour
drive. Pl~se consider going and invite
your ~ends. There is still plenty of time
to register for this action. We are also
asking for donations. to help with the
travel expense. There arc qtiite a few
young people going that need
assistance." :...from Karen W cldin,
Soulforcc in Oklahoma.
Tax deductible donations should be
made out to Soulforce in Oklahoma and
mailed to:
Soulforce in Oklahoma
Rt. 4, Box 3534
Stigler, OK 74462
For more information email Karen at
Karen@soulforceinoldahoma-org or visit
the Soulforce web site ·
www.~()ulfo~cc.org ·and/or
www.DearDrDobson.com and read
more about the action and then register
. at www.soulforce.org. If you register online,
you should notify Karen you are
going. Karen@soulforceinoklahoma.org
Page 28
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
APRIL 2005
Someone Filmed His
Life Tonight_
Romeo's favorite wardrobe-malfunction
accomplice, Justin Timberlake, is about
to get his name over the title for the first
time in his budding movie career. The
pop star will play Elton John in a feature
about the queer music legend's life.
Handpicked by Sir Reginald himself,
Timberlake's already stuck his own hand
in the script - the first draft was
apparently too light on both tantrums
and tiaras - and demanded that the film
not sanitize the wild lifestyle John ied in
the 1970s and '80s. Timbetlake's played
John twice in music videos, so he's had
som~ practice itμpersonating his hero.
Now it's up. to the dialect coaches. The
film is expected to start shooting later
this year for a planned 2006 release. No
other actors are attached yet, but Romeo
hears the competition is fierce in the Kiki
Dee casting sessions.
Rupert Everett Straightens Up
Forget the overused lesbian kiss plotline
as a May sweeps ratings-grabber.
Toe hot homo move this May is casting
openly gay actors in straight roles. _Boston
Legal_, the show that gives _ Will & Grace_
some stiff competition in the guest-star "get''
departmem and which has already seen
Freddie Prinze Jr., Dana Delany, Carl Reiner,
Shelly Long, Kerry Washington, and Al
Sharpton pass through its halls of justice this
season is about to host Rupert Everett. In
his first stateside network prime.-time drama,
the queer Brit will appear in at: least three
May episodes of the lawyer-centric series,
playing slick civil litigator· Malcoltt;1, Holmes.
His hetero character will go head \b head in
court against ex-girlfriend Tara· (_Legal_
regular Rhona Mitra), so expect oJd.romantic
complaints to . be re-examined iri ~J'6urt.
_Suckers_ for Mad~nna .qefying the
idea that she; mixes with movies: like oH with
water;, Madonna has two new big-sqreen
projects on track. In the first .one, _Hello,
Suckers_ (which she'll co-produce with
_Aviator_ director Martin ~cor,scse),
Madonna plays Texas Guin~, .the ~eal-life
star of silent-movie Westerns .who also ran a
New York speakeasy whe.re she greeted her
customers with the title line. Meanwhile, a
follow-up to _Truth or Dare_ is set to debut
at the Cannes Film Fe.stival in May. Directed
by Jonas Ackerlund (.:,Spun_), the st$untit!
ed documentary follows the singer on
her 2004 Reinvention Tour and is said to lay
to rest rumors about Her Madgesty's life, as
well as explain her devotion to Kuibalah.
That's good news, because Romeo still can't
figure it out.
Jenni Olson's _Joy_San Francisco's Jenni
Olson is a critic, film archivist (her _Homo
Promo_ collection of vintage queer movie
trailers was recently released on DVD), and
now a feature direcror. Her debut, _The Joy
of Life_, recently screened at the Sundance
Film Festival and has just been acquired by
Frameline for North American distribution.
_Joy_ joins two tales of the city - one the
story of a butch lesbian's search for love in
San Francisco, and the other a history of the
Golden Gate Bridge as a location for
countless suicides - in an experimental
examination on the search for both life's
meaning and its end. The film will screen at
the San Francisco International Film Festival
in May and receive art-house distribution
iater in the year. Expect it also to stir more
hometown dialogue over the need for an .
effective jumping barrier on the Golden Gate.
_Romeo San Vicente has sampkd lots of San
Fr,mr:isco 's trt'4ts.
Costly Discriniliiation
Since the policy went into effect,
· approximately 10,000 service members
have been discharged. Of those who left,
757 held critical jobs for which the
Pentagon offers re-enlistment bonuses
because. of their specialized nature, such
as data processing technicians and
translators. Many who were discharged
• .had in,,t~nCC,:-related jobs. 322 spoke
. foreign hllguages, including Arabic,
Farsi; Ko:i~an, .and Mandarin, which the
Pen~qn: has called critical skills amid
thica~ "ft6m terrorists.
"' research has found and
confirmed is that 'Don't
· .;Do~i '.Fell' harms military
. ;:.:~s's1'' tild Aaron Belkin, director of
· · · Sexual
ta Barbara.
, Democratic
study, and is
. the House
~!l}!Illttee on.
· onal Thteats and
. . . , ced0 t,he ¥ilifary
Readin;es~ . . . ... i.Act {MREA)
before the HO\llle of Repre~cntlltive.
MREA is. a ptc>posal that would end the
bari on gay aii~ leabiah military ·
persorinet The: legisllltion has. lllore that1
forty. Cob.gi:essional co:.,spotlsors,
It couid be argued that _discrimination itl~luding s~cri_gn the House Armed
is always costly in any form. The loss of .· · Services Cqi#mittee.
self-esteem, security, and basic .human . , In respon11e, a group of retired
rights at the hands of bigotry.is · · . niilitary generals -and. admirals today .
incalculable. For once, however; the announced their support for the !(ct. The
price of prejudice just might work· in our officers are amorig the. bighcst-'ranking
favor. yetemns to publicly support repeal of the
A study released recently by $,e · rnij!tary's gay ban.. ·
General Accountability Office (<.it'AO), ll. '\ :- '"Our,nationa:l security depends on
non-partisan congress· · ·'' '' having :the best and brlglitcst Americans
agency, reported that . Don't . · · · · · .our freedoms;' said Brigadier
Tell" has cost the us govemmerit nearly . Foote, OQe of the first women to
$200 million dollars since President achi~e ,that rank. "As . a commander, I
Clinton institutecl the conticrv~isial know: that 'lesbian; gay and.bisi:iua:i
policy in 1994. It allowed giys ancf Atnciicans have se~ed ou_r country with
lesbians to serve in tiie armed forces as honor aod distinction. Our ·armccl. forces
iong as they abstained from homosexual should be able to recruit eve'.ry qwuified,
activitv and did not disclose their sciiiai capa.ble American to .protect our
orien~tion. Revealing their sexual · · homeland, regardless of their sexual
orientation would result in expulsi,on. odentation. 'Don't ,Ask, Don't Tell' is
The $200 million cost estin;uuc did.· not , not. oply unnecess!lry and. disctiixtinatory,
include training and replacement for it is ~so detrimental to our milihuy
officers or those with J:ugN.y ~P:C~ze9 readiness. The law does not meet the
skills or the cost of· discharging the gay chmmtiii sense nile' our aiilitaxy. sholild.
and lesbian officers. abide by;''
contin#ed page-32
P.:gc: 30
1109 E. Commercial, Springfield, MO 417.873.2225
A.rrow, OK 74012
with this
· 4/30/05
8-258-SPAS (7727) .
,ad prior to purchase.
Thurs, Fri 6 Sat 10-5
. ha &cit (71st St) turn
oliet Just before the
Xprswy, bctwccn Lyn11
Dlrectty behllld La Petite
he street from Anchor
PageJ2 . . .. . ..
H&1rt to]it!ft:rtfrom pg-29
. The United St:ates continues to be one· of
the as . . . . . cciuntries to ban
currept debate · in a similar light; realizing
: that notlring has been. lost or sacrificed
by the. majority in extending full rights
to .the minority."
gays ·... . .. . . Sini:e ."Qou't .
4sk; I),<>n't:T.ell'' was implcn:ien~d;
Grca . .
la .
gro ..
people we
the mill··
counity, · '
designate• -~~:,. ';/',, , , ; , , '- 1 ,
· Of course, there are other costs to
."Don't Ask, Don't Tell"-,-costs that can't
· qe tallied ~th a dollar sig,;i.) have a
ft:i,e!ld in the military. In. fact, he was my
first botfriend. We'v:e:remained close
.. . ' ~ when he tbld me
· .. :plans to enlist; . I• thought he
··wai #It.')l'as·something,he really
~~d to do; however, so of course I
. · supported him. He thoughtit ~ould be
• . ~~irly:: c,asy hiding his orient:l,tiOn since
he's very ·masculine. •
: .:: .. A(~t:, lie .. ~ few problero.s: .He
lov:cd ·hiil chosen brimch of semce and
. e~fwea, : moving up. tfr rank.
Sfowfy, 'h er: tlie :strain of constantly
·.·liiy,ing to hide #}19 he was be~ to wear
op)i!rh .. Then. di_s:S..ster struck; ljis
. ;dlitj.qn~hip of tbiee years ci;uinbled
. linexpectedly ancl he was left devastated.
To. make mlU:t:ets WO . . . . . ·. act as
'.' ~ ·"' ,
,, ·,· •, ··,:
fes/14,~w,pjs, .i:ewntj-1Qmahi1jg drti,st:411tbor, 1ll4S
~ .. ,w Jwt4 on t/,eUSlfflJ S/Jore gf ¥i-ry14nd ,nd
li'f/l!sd#,-e flliih his husb,md, ]o1h A~ is" Litin
. ~w,,n nwning "bla&sbe,p. "Hews n.m,:d the
Nit Wbodtmit of 2002 by th!! StotU':'IN!i Sc~ty,
· Jil«;if #g He.srts hiiisrm bis ./Jnt book in the Killi,,n
Kauull m,stery smes. .
Page 33
Seo es
by Jack Fertig
APRIL 2005
''listen politely, V~!" ------------·-· Admitting, confusion and ignorlltlce is
the first step to enlightenment. Mercury
retrograde is aspecting Mars in Aquarius
and Uranus in Pisces .. Sudden snafus can
set off th~ sort of confusion that· can
lea~ to illumination.
AIUES (March 21 to April 20): Just when
all looks good with your · pals, a
paranoid little bug is asking· who your
mends really are. Recent sliglits can
prob~ be chalked up t6 si;nplc
human failure. The real question is,
how faithful a friend ~ you?
TAURUS (April 21 to M,;y.20): Your
carcet secins ·~ be goc>ing great guns
now. Still, some douli~ (Taurus? Toi?)
about your iong-term aims.· are •
complicating the picture. Much as you
hate doub~ anything, take this· as an
opportunity to rethink now and make
better plans later.
GμIINI (May 21 to June 21): Your mste
for -adventure can lead you. into fun and
games that arc better left private. y OU
go, horleyl Just be. ca.reful if you ~y
want priyac:J.- Whether your. reputatic:>n
~ a lm,oc.k o~ gets a boost piay be
subjective, but yo_u will be talked aboμtl
CANCEll 0une 22 to July 22): P.rivatcc
matters with your part,ner may· not. be
so private. Sure, you need to t:alk dijngs
out with a friend, hut be carcfull If you
want real help keeping or finding a
relationship, listen in particular to the
advice you don't want to hear.
LEO 0uly 23 to August 22); Anything that
loob, ~s, or smells like an office
flirtation should be avoided. right ii.ow.
It will coQlC · back to bite you on· the ass
- and not in a nice way! An appar1=0.t .
setback in a telatlon1hip could actaally
unblock a problem, aiding in a solution
VDlGO (A-aguat 23 to Sq,tember 22): Even
in simple conversations, something's
sure to be misunderstood, and yet such .
a snafu could lead to new opportunities
to improve cooperative efforts at work.
In more formal negotilitions · or co_ntracts,
however, disaster waits - and so should
you! Listen politely, bμt don't follow
advice you get at. the gym.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
Housecleaning reveals hidden
treasures that in tum provide a new
creative direction. Anything from
finger paints to thumbscrews can
revive old interests and lead to new
and very interesting levels of
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Your playful overtures are likely to be
misinterpreted, causing some trouble,
but it's noi:hing you can't handle.
Keeping your fun and games on the
home court will shed interesting
insights on your family situation.
SAGITI'ARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): We all have domestic
. squabbles here and there, but yours
here and now offer more depth of
possibility. than usual Take all
argumerits at face value, but listen for
hidden subtexts, especially about
CAPRICORN (December 21 · to Janwry
19): Cool your jets, guard your current
tendency to capricious impulse, and
watch your words carefully.
Mlsstatemcnts can prove expensive!
Slow 11,nd careful is your usual mode,
and ~11 a good time to stick to that.
S Oanuaty 20. to February 18):
· an ei;pecially bad
small) financial
revetSal can open up some profound
personal ifisights. Getting angry with
. ypurself in the process could be
liberating. if you learn from the anger
and kt go of it
PISCES (Febnw:y 19 to MArch 19): Being
unsμic of voμrsclf can open up a
prqccss o( self-analysis that· provides
grca~ enlightenment in the long run.
Stay close to friends you can trust to
call yo;o on your b.s. Friendly
aignmcrits will get you closer to the
JMie Fertig bas been u,or/eing "5 a
-profos,sumal 4StTOk,gt:r since 1977 and is a
fo#ndi.ng mimber of tlR: .Association for
Astro/ogial Net'U10rking:_
Page 35
Canada from pg-13
We're proud because it proclaims to all that
see us that we did our duty as a citizen of this
gteat land. You should be proud of voting,
and never allow anyone to say that your vote
does not count. We saw that to be false four
years ago in Florida and are seeing it again
now in Washington state where, out of the
2.8 million votes cast, the election for
Governor came down to only 129 votes.
And while voting is the most important thing
you can do in the political process, it is also
the least that you can do. It is when we as a
people recognize this point that equality
issues will begin to move forward.
We as a community must also understand
the importance of money in regards to
campaigns. Consider this: To run for a
statewide office in Missouri (U.S. Senate,
Governor, etc), one needs to spend anywhere
from $8 - $12 million dollars; Even to run for
State Representative, an office that is
unfortunately ovedooked all too often, one
could need as much as $100,000. We must do
a better job in financially assisting pro-LGBT
candidates for office, and those candidates
must know that the money is coming from
our community. One of the ways of
accomplishing this is to make your
contribution to a candidate during a
fundraiser hosted by an LGBT political
organization. The candidate can then walk
out and know exactly how much money he/
she has received from us. The other is to
donate your money directly to one of our
many local political organizations. Many
area LGBT political organizations a.re set up
in a fashion that they can receive money and
spend it directly on behalf of an endorsed
candidate (ex. PROMO PAC or HRC PAC).
1bis allows the leaders of these organizations
to know how much money they spent on the
candidate and serves as a lobbying tool once
in office. It also allows the organizations to
support friendly candidates in rural areas,
where membership in our org:i.nizationa a.re
Lastly, we as a community have to
become more directly involved in the
individual campaigns. We must get up from
the bar ... show up to the dinner party a little
later ... Tivo £fill & Graa if you have
to ... whatever it takes, and go volunteer. We
have to help stuff the envelopes, make the
phone calls to registered votcn, and yes, we
must knock on doors in support of our
candidates. This tends to be the pan of
campaigning that all people like the least.
It also happens to be the most effective,
especially in the close races. Studies show
that in neighborhoods where candidates and
volunteers knock on doors, voter turnout
increases by as. inuch as twelve percent. In
close elections that is the difference in the
DESTINY What went \v'rong in this past
election? Why did so many progressive
candidates and causes get beaten so soundly?
Those are questions that will be asked for
many years to come. But we, the LGBT
community, must look .within ourselves to
understand what we did right,• and what we
did wrong. We must come to the
understanding that if we want our issues to
advance, we must do what it takes in order to
have the right people in office to advance that
cause for us.
Justified or not, our issues are very
difficult for many legislators to support. The
fear of backlash during the election cycle
prevents our legislative agenda from
advancing. Therefore, we must begin
strengthening our campaigning muscles.
Because our issues are perceived as so
controversial, voting in similar numbers to
the rest of the country is not good enough.
Financial contributions made to campaigns at
the same level other communities contribute
just is not good enough. And volunteering
with similar numbers as everyone else just
will not be enough. If we truly believe in our
issues ... if we truly believe in marriage
equality, in employment protections, in the
right of an LGBT student to feel safe in
school, then we have to start doing to things
necessary to put good legislators in office.
Until we do, we have no one to blame but
The beauty of this situiuion is, we do in
fact control our own destiny. We have truth
and history on our side. Our opponents only
have deception and a few last moments in the
sun. We know who we are and that we are
deserving of all the same rights that every
other proud American enjoys. And with our
hard work and focus, history shows us that
we will succeed. The ehallenge is this:
getting each and every member of our
community committed to making a
differ~nce during the next big election. Mark
your calendars now for November 6, 2006!1
Page36 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-130
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kink.cads- 1004 1/2 Gurison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - -479-782-1845
Arkaasas, Hot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - 111 Garden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Gnind Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jes11ie Rd- -- - - 501-66+2744
Di5covery- - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 Louisiana St.- - - - -501-372-3070
Kaa1a1, Wichita (316)
]'11 Lounge - • - - - 513 E. Central - - - 316-262-1363
Our Fanwy- - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Comer- -- • - 3210 E. Osie - - - - - 316-682-9781
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- - 316-262-7825
Shatai - - - • - - - 4000 S. Broadway- 316-522--2028
Side Street - - -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-1l324
South 40 - - - - 3201 S. H.i&ide - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - - -1507 S. Pawnee- - - 316-262-4530
Mls11ouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's-••• 716 S. Main•• - - - - -417-627-9035
Mhsouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - • • - 3715 Main St- - - - 816-561-2600
Belle Stllr'11- - - - 1321 Grand Ave- - - -816-421-1288
Club NV - - - - 220 Admiral Blvd- - 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 Main St- -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - -- - 816-561-0625
SidestreetBar- - --413 E. 3rd- - - - 816-531-1775
Sidelcicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St- - 816- 931-1430
Ml11ouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - --417-831-4700
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha'• Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 50.J E. Commercial - - - - . -417-831-9001
Ronisw: Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-86-4-0036
Rumon • --1109 E. Commercial- - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405.941.2351
Copa- - • - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th fupwy- - 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Oub - - 1221 NW 50th0 ~ - -405-843-1722
Lido- - • - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Partners-· - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - 405-942-2199
Sisters- - - - - 2120 NW 39th St - - - - -405-521-9533
The Roclcies- -3201 N. t.t:ay Ave 405-947-9361
Topaoga Grill &: Bar- 35351'.'W 39th--405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 720.J E. Pinc - - •- 918-836-8700
Club Maverick• • 822 S. Sheridan • 918-835-3301
End Up Club- - - 424 S. Memorial- 918-836-2480
Detour- - - - -7944 E. 21st - - - - - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- - 124 N. Boston - - - 918-584-9494
Renegades- - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - 918-838-9792
Tulsa Eagle- - - -1338 E. 3rd - - ••• 918-592-1188
TNT's - • • - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - 918-660-0856
Yellow-Bride-Rd- - -2630 E. 15th- - 918-293-0304
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Gushers Restaunnt-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
lngrids Kitchen- -3701 N.Youngs- -405-946-8444
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground- - - - -417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - . - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hollywood.Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
Natural State Naturists- - - - - - - - - -479-451-8066
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC living Spring- - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- www.dsra.org
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Life Church 1709 N Walnut - -1 lAM
PSU-QSA.- 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
HOA-Men, Chorus - 316-618-0684
Missouri.Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - - 6pm
UCCFF--204 N.Jackson-Ave, -10:30A.M
Aids Pro;ect Ozarks- 5i3 Kentucky- 4; 7-624-5788
MGRA- - - - - - www.mgra.us
Missouri, Sprie&fieJd (417)
R..inbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
lJnitllian Universalist Church - - - - 417-833-272~
APO- - - - 1901 E. Benne~ suite D- - 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Com~erical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springficld- - 0 - - - -417-889-1059
'PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@)hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oldah~nia City (405)
Cathedral of Hope- - 600 ?\IW 13th&- - 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St. -· - 405-524-6000
NI.A-Tribal Fire • • - - . C :. ww'w .trlhalfireokc.com
OGRA- - - - - - - - - - - - :·:;v'w.w.£i~~dco.com
"": ;:..
Oklahoma; .
McPride- --.- - cPOBox 15is; OK 74502·
~~~.,,~~ T~~:(?l.~)._.
GIBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - - - 918-743-4297
,, , • ,~. ·,•,✓~~;,· , -~·•·.;:~r,•,, ~''t' ·••''. ,,,, .. :;,. -:
H.O.P.E. ~ - - - ""'2545 S. Yale-.~- - - .91.8'83~8378
M;CC United- -1623 N. Mapl=-_Ood-.-918}8.i~:V15
SSRA a·· • · · · · .:: • www.soonerstaterodco~~om
TORR- - - - :::: _ ~:PO:Box 2687,·Tu!sa,'.ok 74101
Tulsa .C.ARJ:lS{ ::3507 E. ·Admital· Pl0 - 918:8344194
Tulsa 'ltougi:i ~§ei:s-, -www.t\)}s~e>ug!lrid~I~-co,m
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. . ~h~.~~ Eureb Sprfugs
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·TotalM~e-..... Kenn-· - • •·. 31~204-0111
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., .. ,;:,.,/Missouri, Eure~.-
Shclter Irimmic~- -Greg Tainter- 636-938-5500
. Missouri, Joplin (417)
Charles Bul.1: Realtors-Viclci Bronson-- -434-0077
Office Min~-440 Rangeline Rd- - 417-623-1007
ken Arrow
Spas NS - --918-258-7727
• 405- 840-2106
- 405-524-5733
Piece To Reine 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 Ej.ffril:Jrl;J .:: . . -405-755-8600
Oklalioffia,'(μlsa (918)
Elite Bocikstor~ -81..,S:Sli~~idan- -918-838-8503
Kelly Kirby, CPA- 48ii:s Haryard- -918-747-5466
l.Jn4erguy.com • • -825?,;6~ - - - • - 918-829-0824
. Priscilla's - - 7925 E. 41n- - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilfa!s - •, • 5634;W/~-: f • --918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - • -11344 E. 11th· -, • •· 918-438-4224
' ""· <' ~ '' Priscilla's - • • • 2333 E..7ht·: • - • - - 918-499-1661
' ·t
Rodeo Kick
April 7th
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd., “[2005] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/451.