[2005] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 07
[2005] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 07
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
July 01, 2005
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Douglas Glenn
Michael Dee
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinac
C.D. Ward
Josh Aterovis
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Douglas Glenn
Michael Dee
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinac
C.D. Ward
The Star Magazine, May 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 5
The Star Magazine, August 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 8
The Star Magazine, August 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 8
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
rlty and Trust in Advertising Service.
JULY 2005
Page 2 Page 3
The July, 2005 issue of the STAR marks
our 19th printing, 1-1/2 years in publication
and have never missed a distribution
deadline. I wanted to point this fact out
because of a few nay-sayers who thought
we wouldn't exist in July,2005. With that
said here are a few changes and additions
effective with this issue.
. Our new monthly column, "Past
Out" is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Each installment brings the past
to life by exploring the diversity of the
gay past and its impact on the queer
Another new cartoon, "Bitter Girl"
just for the ladies will be a monthly
STAR of the month (page-3) will be a
trial feature spotlighting a four statesirresistible
hunk! Surely we will find 12 of
these sexy guys for the up coming year!
With all the human rights issues
surrounding the GLBT community, we have
decided to allocate a three page section, but
not limited too, to address equal rights on a
national level.
The "Advertisers Index" (page 35) will
give you our readers, a quick reference to
find that business in the four states
region that may carry a product or
service you want. The index ·will
conveniently point you to the· advertisers
ad page. Advertising means you are ·
invited to visit the advertiser.
Wnere can you find a copy of me STAR?
Just look on page 36 to find a distribu'toi' in
your area.
Thao.ks to ali for your support over·this
past year and a half and be assured we are
here to stay.
C.D. \'{'ardiEditor
National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force denounces U.S.
Senate confirmation of
William Pryor Jr. to the
federal bench
'Pryor has repeatedly
proven he is an ideological
tyrant of the highest order'
-Task Force Executive
Director Matt Foreman
WASHINGTON, June 9 The National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force denounced
the u.S. Senate's confirmation today of
former Alabama Attorney General
William H. Pryor Jr. to the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
"Pryor has repeatedly proven he is an
ideological tyrant of the highest order,"
said Matt Foreman, executive director of
the National Gav and Lesbian Task
Force. "Pryor's ~xtremist views may
resonate with the outer fringes, but· they
have no place on the federal bench. This
is an American travesty."
Foreman said Pryor ha'd compiled a
"mind-boggling record of hostility
toward the rights of ordinary Americans,
and may be the most demonstrably anti.gay
judge ever nominated to a federal
appeals court." A few examples:
@ In his capacity as deputy attorney
general of Alabama, Pryor co-authored
an amicus brief supporting Colorado's
anti-gay ballot initiative in the U.S.
Supreme Court case of Romer v. Evans.
• As Alabama attorney general, Pryor
wrore an amicus brief defending Texas'
anti-gay sodomy law in the U.S. Supreme
Court case of Lawrence v. Texas. Pryor
sought to deny gay people equal
protection under the law, including
upholding tne imprisonment of gay men
and iesbians for expressing their human
~exuality in the privacy of their own
@ While temporarily sitting on the
Eleventh Circuit via a recess
appointment by President George W.
Bush, Pryor cast the deciding vote
upholding Florida's ban on adoption by
gay men and lesbians.
• Pryor calls the U.S. Supreme Court's
decision in Roe v. Wade as "the worst
abomination of constitutional law in our
"It is widely recognized that Pryor is a
right-wing zealot who is unfit to judge,"
said Foreman. "His hostility toward a
vast range of Americans and fundamental
rights and freedoms is as astounding as it
is disturbing."
New Report Love Won Out,
Details One of James
Dobson's Most Harmful
Anti-Gay Ministries at
Focus on the Family
So-called "ex-gay" conferences target
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
youth and tear families apart
"'Love Won Out' is one of the
most harmful programs
sponsored by James Dobson 's
organization," said Matt
Foreman, Executive Director of
the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force. "Their speakers are
nothing more than snake oil
salesman peddling pernicious
and discredited theories about
how parents can 'prevent'
homosexuality in their children.
It is homophobia, not love, that
wins out at these conferences."
New York: May 4, 2005 - A new repor:
released todav bv the National Gav and
Lesbian Task· F;rce Policy Institute
titled, A Report from "Love Won Out:
Addressing, Understanding, and
continued pg-8
You'llfi~d lo,w.s of hip cafes and restaurants
in Melbo11me's fanky Fitzroy neighborhood,
JULY 2005
by Andrew Collins
"Melbourne, Australia"
Nearly all gay North Americans who make
it to Australia end up spending time in Sydney,
but relatively few ever make it to the n:i.tion's
mecca for culture, Melbourne. This city of
roughly 4 million cl:i.ims an am:i.zing theater
scene, a vast range of first-rate live-music
venues, highly regarded art museums and
galieries, and cutting-edge events (including late
January's Midsumma Festival, which showcases
visual and performing arts; February's
Melbourne Fashion Festival; March's Queen
Fiim Festival; and November's Fringe Festival).
In terms of gay-friendliness, this· city of vibrant,
lively neighborhoods ranks among the most
progressive and inviting places on the pl:i.net.
And hey, it's also home to Kylie Minogue
_:i.nd_ Dame Edna, two queer icons. . . .
Food lovers extol Melbourne's wealth of fine restaurants, known p~cularly for excellent
ethnic fare (from ltali:i.n to Asian). Java addicts will find that coffeehouses arc jusc as popular
here as they are in Seattle or Toronto, and oenophiies appreciate the city's love of fine wines,
which is evident in the great selections at both affordable and high-end restaurwts. The city
also cl:i.ims several cool boutique hotels, a wide range of bars and discos. that host weekly gay
parties, and a smaller but still potent suppiy of nightspots that glow pink seven nights a week.
• Melbourne is less a singular destination than a collection of distinctive neighborhoods, all of
them connected quite handilv bv a clean and efficient system of trams and buses. Rath~r th:i.n
focusing on the ~ity's partic~la; attractions and gay-oriented businessei, .h~re's an introduction
to the city by way of its ench:i.nting neighborhoods. Keep in mind th~~ -~though you'll find a
gay scene in sever:i.l parts of town, the neighborhoods south o_f the. 1'.atta River tend to b~
known more for fashion :i.nd glitz, while those north of the nver tend _more toward funkiness
and countcrculturalism. Also note that "hote!" in Australia can refer to anything from a pub to
a disco to an act.ual lodging (perhaps with a bar or disco); except where overnight
accommodations are mentioned, :assume that all the "hotels" in. this articie are nightspots.
Central Melbourne
The citv's courtly business district contains soaring skyscrapers, tree-lined streets, and many
of Melbour~e's cultural attractions. Downtown's most distinctive feature is its many
"lancways," Iitrle alleys lined with impossfoly cure tearooms, boutiques, bars, and cafes. Some
of them lead into enclosed arcades, where you'll find more of the same. There's plenty of great
shopping to be had in Central Melbourne, ::specially on Collins and Little Collins streets,
which are lined with shops specializing in haute couture and fine jewelry, and Bourke Street,
where you'll find ali the le;;ding department stores, such as Myer and David Jones.
Downtown contains ::hc,we:iith of the city's top accommodations, including such stellar
luxury options as the phenomenally cushy Park Hyatt Melbourne and ,he luxe Le Meri~i::~ at
Rialto. Also consider staying at the Metropolican Hotel, an uber-chic bou::iquc property with
sleek decor.
Head to Federation Square, an architecti.:railv dramatic complex containing the Australian
Centre for the Moving Im;ge (it shows arty films, often with gay themes). The compound also
Page 7
contains the sexy restaurant Chocolate
Buddha, which serves sophisticated but
affordable Pan-Asian cuisine. Another
memorable downtown dining option is Ezard
at Adelphi, helmed by celeb chef Teague
Ezard, a ch:i.mpion of modern Aussie
cooking. Just across the Yarra River, the
glitzy Southgate district is dominated by
modern skyscupcrs containing dozens of
upscale shops and restaurants, including the
well-regarded Pure South, where you might
sample slow-roasted wild duck with parsnipand-
vanilla puree, and a caramelized fig-port
reduction. This
part of town is a
real culinary
hotspot. Head a
bit east of
Southgate, along
the river, and
you'll come to the
lush Royal Botani
Gardens, which
make for some of
the city's best
St. Kilda
One of the
around, St. Kilda developed as a swank
seaside resort during the 19th century, fell on
grim rimes during the mid-20th century, and
has truly blossomed again over the past
couple of decades. These days this colorful
neighborhood is loaded with fun shops and
c:i.fes and anchored by Luna Park, a Coney
Island-like bc:i.chsidc amusement park
overlooking Port Phillip Bay. The St. Kilda
Esplanade runs along the waterfront and is a
terrific pl:i.ce for a walk or jog don't miss the
arts and crafts market hdd here on Sundays.
There arc two main drags worth scoping
out: Right along Fitzroy Street, you'll find a
slew of trendy h:i.ngouts and shops. C:i.fc Di
Susio serves superb Italian fooci in a romantic
setting - it's a great special-occasion pick.
Around the corner, I1 Fornaio is a terrific
little post-industriai space serving up espresso
drinks and delicious bre:i.kfast and lunch fare,
along with toothsome sweets.
Consider staying next door at the 40-:mom
Prince of Wales Hotel, which is one of the
coolest and gay-friendliest properties in the
city, with h:p contempor:i.ry rooms. There's
also great dining here at Circa, and a natty
bar that draws a fashionable bunch. Aithough
}e's a bit bland-looking, the nearby Novotel
St. Kilda has a terrific location right on St.
Kilda's Esplanade and has reasonable rares.
Another good bet is perhaps the slickest
backpackers' hosrel in the country, Base, a
contemporary building with a red-glass facade
and surprisingly comfy rooms.
The other area for great window-shopping
and dining is Acland Street. Sample the
wonderful seafood fare at Ciaypots, which
also has a branch in Collingwood, and then
try nearby 7 Apples for sensational gelati in a
city tl1at's known for it. Down the block near
the Esplanade, Soul
Mama is famous for its
fantastic, world-beat
vegetarian fare and
enormous deserts.
This snazzy place with
wonderful water
views, too.
Just a little east of
St. Kilda, the rapidly
gentrifying Balaclava
neighborhood has
several groovy cafes
· and restaurants,
including gay-popular
Boccone, a smart,
minimalist trattoria
where you might
sample salmon
carpaccio with ruby grapefruit and basil
salad. And don't miss Glick's, a Jewish
bakery famous for its bagels. pastries, latkes,
and chopped herring salad. A hip breakfast
and lunch spot with a sunny patio, Las serves
such tantalizing fare as pancakes with
blackberry coulis and mint. In the same area,
on Saturday evenings you'll find great drag
shows and dancing :i.t the Greyhound Hotel.
Prahran and South Yarra
The stylish Prahran precinct has arguably
the highest concentration of gav-oriemed
businesses in the city, most of them clus~ered
around the in:ersection of Com:nercial Roaci
and Chapel Street. Drop by the gay
bookstore, Hares and Hyenas, for a browse.
And cion't miss strolling through Prahran
Market, which pulses wi;;h gourmet food and
produce s.:alls :i.nd can get quite cr.:r;sy,
especially on weekend mornings.
The neighborhood's favorite gay clubs arc
Diva, known for its campy drag shows;
Xchange Hotel, v.·hich draws a cruisy, sta~dand-
model bunch m ........ continued page-28
Page 8
Preventing Homosexuality," provides a
first-hand account of an anti-gay
conference that took place in
Minneapolis, Minnesota in September
2004. The report's authors, Jyl J.
Josephson, an Associate Professor at
Rutgers University-Newark, and
Cynthia Burack, an Associate Professor
at Ohio State University, detail the
theories and world views espoused by
the presenters and "ex-gay'' leaders who
spoke at the conference, one of at least
four such conferences sponsored
annually by Focus on the Family
around the country.
Among the key observations highlighted in
the report is the claim that homosexuality
is caused by a lack of "appropriate or
fulfilling" relationships between a child and
his or her same-sex parent. One speaker,
who first said that parents should not be
blamed as the principle source of
homosexuality in their children, went on to
warn that mothers who are "doormats," •
"manipulative," "domineering," and "selfconsumed,"
can cause their· daughters to
become lesbians.
"It would be shocking for most Americans
to see the way that conference presenters
claim to be champions of the family while
they blame parents for making their
children gay or lesbian," said Cynthia
Burack, one of the report's co-authors. "As
a researcher and university professor, I am
amazed that ex-gay 'experts' continue to
use discredited psychology to explain the
origin of homosexuality and that they
continue to stigmatize gender-atypical
behavior," continued Burack. "Telling
parents that they must force their children
to conform t0 gender stereotypes to keep
them from becoming gay is hurtful to both
parents and children."
One of the most disturbing observations
detailed in the report is that a number of
conference a.:tendees appeared to be parents
accompanying their young teenage
children, presumably to help "prevent"
them from becoming gay. The outreach of
"Love Won Out" to youth is exemplified
by a picture of a young teenager on the
ministry's website with a confused and
sad _expression, placed right next to
the ohrase. "A dvnamic one-dav
conferenc: addre'ssing, underst~ndiog
and preventing homosexuality." -
"As the mother of a gay child, I was
particularly heartbroken to see these parents
and their children attending this conference,"
said Jyl Josephson, report co-author. "What
impact does it have on a young teenager to
hear such rejection from his or her parents
and people who claim to be representatives of
God?" continued Josephson. "One speaker
even claimed that if a genetic basis for
homosexuality were discovered it would still
be a violation of God's will. Frankly, this
message to young people is immoral and I
have seen first hand the gteat harm that it
causes to vulnerable children and youth."
"The pastors, clergy, and lay leaders of the
Task Force's National Religious Leadership
Roundtable have witnessed the negative
impact of Focus on the Family's so-called exgay
or conversion therapy ministry. Ex-gay
ministries are groups that llttempt to change
people's sexual orientation because of
conservative religious beliefs that say
homosexuality is a sin. In their funding and
promotion of these so-called ex-gay
ministries, Focus on the Family is destroying
families and the faith of young people."
Richard Lindsay, spokesperson, Religious
Leadership Roundtllble.
ide ents
We Do It t!
Eureba Springs, as
Valentine's, Spring & Fall
Dances - Concerts 00 BEARS!
Plus other Pride Eve11ts! - And Watch Out Far Nore
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to
President Bush:
"If it's good for the Baltics
and Russia, what about
here at home?"
- Matt F-0reman, Executive
Director National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force
Speaking in Latvia on the 60th anmvc:su,; of
the end of \X1\'flI, George Bush lectured ,
Russia and Vladimir Putin, saying, ''The
promise of democracv is fo!fil!cd b,· ciinoritv
rights, and equai iusti~c under the r;ilc of la,..._;,
and an inclusive socictv in whicb even·
person belongs!' · '
Mr. President, you support amending the
U.S. and state constitutions ro depri,:c a
minority gay peopie of :i right rl:e majority
takes for granted and sees as funda1;:;ental,
namely marriage. You oppose giving gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans
equal protections ueder tile iaw from
discrimination in employment, housing, a:1d
public accommodations. Your administuaon
has relentlessly sought t<) exclmic even the
words 'gay,' 'lesbi:111,' 'bisexuai,' and
'transgender' from any federnl fonding
So, the questio:1 is, 'If minorir;· rights, cciu,,l
justice under the law, and inclusiw.
arc good for the Ba!tics and Russia . why !101
here at home?"'
'Shortchanging the fight
against HIV/AIDS threatens
the lives of millions of
American men, women and
children,' said
HRC President Joe Solmonese.
WASHINGTON The Human Righ1:s
Campaign expressed deep
disappointmenr at the d~cision bv a
House subcommittee to flat-fund rhe
Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS
Resources Emerg~ncy Act and other
critical federai HIV/ }dDS programs.
"Shortchanging the fighr ag:1insr i,J.J\/
All)S threatens the lives of rnillions of
:\merican men, wcn1c::1 and chiidrcn."
said HRC President !oe Sol:nonese. ,
·•HT,.j, •.. f'l\·,1,r,·)s v,,. !t.h.>UL g1y1ng -1 i. ,. J /\ 1 prograrns
the resources they need~ ,ve'H continue
to sec adverse i1nJ)acts to those n1ost at
risk: coinrnunirics of color~ vouno·
peo()lc, gay anci bisexua'. m~:; anl'
In approving the flat-funding le,·els, a
subcommittee on rhe }Jousc
1\ppro!)tiations Committee provided no
increase for most <,f rhc programs in the
CARE Act with the exception of one
program, the AIDS Drug Assistance
Program. However, ADAP, which
prnv1des HIV-related presc:ipti,m drnl!S
to those withm.it access tu basic HIV ,!
treatment, w«s increased by only S10
million faliing "ar shor: of the funding
needed to support rhe crisis conditions
this program faces. Despite the
insufficient fundi:1g levels for these
criricai programs, tbc appropriations
subcommittee disappointingly increased
funding for abstincnce-umii-marriage
programs by $11 miilion oveall.
"1\1.bstinence-~untii-marriage programs
are based on bad science. Gooc: science
telis us more is needed for the programs
the l.. I ousc is shurtchang-in!. .. Cleadv •. - ,,,., 0 ,,,
pohttcs ts gettlng in the ,vav of science~])
added Soimonesc ''Ti0 is i,s~e cannot be
vie,ved in a Yacuurn. ·rhe Ilvan \Xlhite
(·•Rr. . , ~i'"i r,, /\.ct ts a prayer of last resort.
Because ~:t'edicaid cuts arc forcing n1ore
Americam into Ryan Whrtc CARE Act
programs, shcrcchanging this program
will have a devastating effec;:." .,
The Ry,;n White CARE Act is the
largest single source of pubiic funds
(exduding Medicaid) that ~rears people
wii:h HIV/ AIDS in the Unitec! Srntes.
First enacted in 1. 990, the bipartisan piece
of legislation supports a \Vide range of
community-bas~ci scr.rices, including~
prirnary and home health care'.' case
managen1eot.., substance abuse treattnent
and mental health services and
nutritional and hc,using services.
Page 11
~ ,4a)
Page 12
It wasn't lust Another
Drag Show. It was
Oklahoma Co!ltinentaJ is open to
contestants from all states to compete
and wi[ now have four major events
annually, Miss OK Continental, MR.
OK Contine!1tal, :t.riss OK Continental
Elite, Miss OK Continen:al Plus.
The Oklahoma
pageant is a franchise
of JF Enterprises in
Chicago Illinois, and
is in its 26th year.
OK Continental is the
only pageants with its
own trademark,
owned and operated
by James & Monica
Freeman of Tulsa .
. Miss OK. Continental
PLUS is coming up on
~'.'"""7--:--"'""".:--":"':"=~'"""'.'~-----.....;._..:-._--~ Friday November 18th
at Club Majestic in
Tulsa. Visit their
'---------------~---------_;;.,-". :w:ebsite for more
nrin<":nt:tl 2005/20% EBONY HALL, Mr OK Con:inental 2005/2006
r. DANIEL XAVIER, Mr Continental e~rional ANTONIO EDWARDS
By Greg Steele
June 3, 2005
TULSA, OK_You may have thought you
were in a Las Vegas or Hollywood snow
bar. The sparkle, glamour, evening
gowns, tuxedo's and some of the best
talent to grace the Tulsa GLBT scene in
decades. It was 1:he 2nd annual 1'1iss
Oklahoma Con~inental Pageant and a
new attraction this year the "Mr. Oklahoma
Continemal " title.
Okiahoma Continental is the fastest
growing pageant in Oklahoma, and is
also called the most fascinating in the
The first Mr. Oklahoma Continental,
Daniel Xavier (residing in San Antonio
TX) placed 1st Alternate it the Mr
Continental Nationals last year.
I\fiss F:bony Hall captured the 1\1:iss
Oklahoma Continental crown and has
held many other titles. Lady Hall resides
in Tuisa.
information on 1.10 comino- events.
1st Alternate Mr. Oklahoma Continental
2005i2006 the "Oklahoma Cowboy
Crooner" Matthew Hearh-Ffrzgeraid.
Page 13
Serving our community in
Missouri, Arkansas,
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over 21 Years with PRIDE!·
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_The team of Ginger
Lamar and Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald
have the formula for serious entertainment.
Ginger, a legend on rhe
Oklahoma drag circuit has been
performing for her loyal fans since
1969 and keeps on dishing it out to
packed audiences.
Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald known as
the "Oklahoma Cowboy Crooner"
can belt out a song that will make
you quiver. Performing throughout
Oklahoma and Texas. Matthew was
recently named first runner up in the
Mr. Oklahoma Continental Pageant
held at Club Majestic in Tulsa.
You can catch their show "Divas &
More" at Club Rox located in the
Hollywood Hotel Oklahoma City,
Saturday July 2, 2005. Show time is
10:30pm and each first Saturday of
the month. No Cover Charge.
Ginger & Matthew will return to
Tulsa on Saturday, July 16th 2005 at
Tulsa's Renegades Club.
Matthew will also be performing at
Club Maverick in Tulsa on July 23rd
2005 for the "Christmas In July"
In Fort Smith you may want to check
out Master Illusionist Gage Gatlin
performing July 16th at Club 1022.
Gage currently hold more reigning
titles than any ocher Male Impersonator.
If male dancers are your cup of tea!
Then head over to Tulsa's End Up
Ciub for nightly entertainment from
some of the hottest jocks in the area.
And of course every Sunday at the
Bamboo Lounge in Tulsa. The men
are hot and guarantee not to disappoint
Don't miss the Fabulous Rachaei Sage
in Tulsa for r,vo nights July 8 at the
Mercury Lounge 1 0pm and will be
performing at the Bamboo Lounge
Sarurdav Juiy 9th, 9pm.
Page 16
Rachael ge
Performing at the
Mercury Lounge
18th & Boston - Tulsa, OK
July 8th, 1 0pm
The Bamboo Lounge
7204 E. Pine ':" Tulsa, OK
July 9th, 9pm
email qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
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2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you c:m also call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use o,:
needles and we offer complete
confidentiality. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serf.Jing A Healthier Community"
Page 17
The r'oot·s back 011, The Beer is st,11
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. 405~478-4009 • 6725 N;/Mi.rarnai;Bivd Okla City OK 73111
Page !8
The Importance
of Pride!
June is Gay Pride Month. The month
of June was chosen to honor the
Sconewall Riocs that occurred in 1969,
the first time gay peopie fought back
p;:;ysically against poiice harassment and
entrapment. The riots invoived 300 g?Y
men, lesbians, and drag queens. This • ·
historic evem sparked the modern LGBT
equaiity movement throughou: the
world, bringing LGBT people cogether
like ne,er before. The following year, on
the anniversary of the Riots, the newh·
organized gay, community held a mar~h
to commemorate ti1e event. More than
30 years la::er, ;:his small but significant
gathering has evoh'ed into Gay Pride
Month, a celebration of freedom and
support for gay, lesbian, bisexuai, and
trnnsgender peopk
Chances are you won't be hearing any
proclamations or statemen~s in honor of
~his event from toe White House.
However, you probably wiil hear
so:neone saying chat gay pride
celebrations are a passe concept. Tha;: it's
silly to be proud c;f being ga/because i~'s
like being proud to have brown eyes
it's something you have no control over.
Ivlaybe you\7e even said or thought the
sanH~ thing yourself. 1\io~v I'm the first to
insist that everyone has the right to their
O\vn opinions, but I don't necessarily
agree ,~ith that i.dea. ·
Pride is important.
I understand the concei,t that \Ve
should be proud of "vho .,;e are rather
than "\\that \\~e are, lJnfortunatcly, not
everyone i~ able to do ::bat rii1t away. I
think it's great when people arc secure
enough to s~mp:.y be proud of accepting
themseives, but I do think "gay pride"
nas its place especially for young gay
kids or people first corning out. It's a
ceeci o: many oppressed minorities
(thi:1k Black Pride, or Girl Power). It
take~ something that is tradi:ionally
demeaned and makes it somethi!lg
pmverfuL It makei; it easier to accept
being gay if it's something to be proud of
versus something to be ashamed of.
\X'hen I was first coming out, I wore
rainbow Pride neckiaces all tne rime. I
ne,·er !err home without one. I grew up
:n an extremeiy conservative religious
family, never knmving a singie openly
gay person. For me, as it is for many
from rural areas or religious upbringings,
being gay wasn't something to be proud
of. These necklaces were a physical link
ro a community to which I didn't feel I
folly be:onged yet. I wanted to belong,
but I was stiil searching for mv identitv,
which at the time ·was almost ~onsumed
by the fact t::iat I was gay. Wearing that
necklace, that symbol of pride, of
belonging, aliowed me to be proud of
something I was still coming to terms
with. It helped me to be proed of \Vhat l
was: a 6ray man.
As I became more comforrable with who I
was, I found I didn't need to const;n:iy
announce the fact chat I was gay. Being gay
no longer defined me as a person. It was
mereiy a p:ut of my sum totai. My pride
shifted from what I was to who I was but I
needed that first srep. I had to accept be:ng
gay before I could become a whoie person.
J'hat's why I think g3y pt·ide is ~rill
extremely important maybe now more
th~n ever.
The LGBT community is under attack.
\'Y/c've gained visibility, but '".,vith Yisibility
con1cs increased attention} and the attention
has led to increased persecution .. \Y,/e~vc been
bit ,vith a barrage of :antigay n1cssagcs frorn
the president to Congn::.-s to our churches in
recent yc,ars. 1l•cre is an abundance of
negafrv<: inforn1ation around out
on cbe
r11ainstrcaff1 media~ the rnes~agcs an: cotning
through loud and clear. Gay pc~)p!e ::1rc
sinners. (;ay people do not deserve the sm11e
.............. contt.n uect' next page.
Page 19
rights a:: others. Gay families are less
vai11· d t I~ an " tram, .ti.o.n aI f am1·11· es. "· It's okay
to discrimina:e against minorit:es. Hate ·
is acceptable ·when it's targeted at those
y;rithout rights.
\'ve need to counter those messages
with the truth, and one of the ways we
can do that is through Pride.
Imagine, for a minute, a young gay child.
Maybe he doesn't even know he's gay
yet, or maybe he's just starting to realize
his attraction for other boys. Maybe he
only understands chat he is different.
He's being inundated with negative
information on a daily basis: from the
government, from school, from church,
and maybe even from his parents. Where
are the positive messages?
Now imagine a closeted young lesbian
in the rural South. Maybe she's crapped
in an unhappy marriage, maybe she's
maintaining that she hasn't met the
"right man" yet, or maybe she just fears
the rejection of her family. She's just
hoping desperately to escape, but doesn't
feel she has any options. Where is her
The Far Right would like us to live in
shame, fear, and silence. Pride
celebrations defy them in a powerful and
positive way. By making ourselves visible
and celebrating who we are, we're
sending a dear message co both our
critics and impressionable minds. \'('c're
here, we're q~ecr, and ,,,e're not going
To me, Gay Pride Month is less about
those of us who are already out and more
about those who have vet to make tbat sten
It's a powerfui statcme~t, but the best parr';s,
we get to have fun while making it! Gay
Pride events are being pl:umed all across the
co,mtty and world, but you don'c hayc to
join one of the large planned galas. You can
.make a statement right where you are.
Richard D. Mohr, author of The Long
Arc of justice: Lesbian and Ga'V Marriaoe ,,. . ., 6,
Eqttatity, and Rights, relates this story in
his book. "The town I live in is girded by
cornfields and good o!' boys. It's
nowhere near large enough to support a
gay pride parade the last weekend in
June, when cities across America
commemorate with parades the so-called
Stonewall Riots that launched the
modern lesbian and gay rights movement
in 1969. The town's gay men and lesbians
do something at once more radical and
more ordinary than that. We have a gay
contingent in the town's all-American
Fourth of July parade. The parade draws
in crowds from all of the county and
much of the rest of east-central Illinois.
Last year, a purple parade banner
streamed by the crowds reading 'Lesbian
and Gay Pride.' I saw a little girl, maybe
fiYe, lean over co her father and ask,
'Daddy, what does pride mean?'
Apparently she knew what lesbian and
gay meant."
Whether vou do it in the citv or in
the country, i~ a Red state or Blue state.
as part of a large celebration or a small ·
act of defiance, get out there and show
vour pride! It's important.
Quotable Quotes
When asked by the Fort Worth Star
Telegram how he would tell gay and
lesbian veterans of combat in Iraq that
they cannot come home and get
married, he replied, "Texans made a
decision about marriage, and if there's a
state that has more lenient views than
Texas, then maybe that's a better place
for them to live." __
Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Page 22
1z Highleyman
JULY 2005
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective
of key moments, personalities, and
subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by
exploring the diversity of the gay past
and its impact on the queer present.
What is the history of
Queer Nation?
The activist group Queer Nation
evolved as the gay and lesbian
movemen~ confronted the scourge of
AIDS, the rise of the religious right, arid
changing notions of identity. Though
s;1ort-lived, Queer Nation made a
:asting impact on the movement and the
language it uses to describe itself.
Queer Nation was born in New
'::' ork City in the spring of 1990. The
idea for the group is said to have
hatched at an ACT UP meeting, and
Queer Nation made its first public
appearance at an April demonstration
against antigay ·violence. But the new
face of queer activism burst onto the
national radar with an inflammatory
broadsheet distributed at the citv's Gav
Pride parade that June. , ,
The four-page broadsheet -
"published anonymously by queers"
proclaimed "Queers Read This" on the
front .;.nd "! Hate Straights" on the
back. "Until I can enjov the same
freedom of moveme~t ,and sexuality as
straights, their privilege must stop and it
must be given over to me and my queer
sisters and brothers," the diatribe read.
"Straight people will not do this
vobntarily and so they must be forced
into it .. .Terrorized into it. .. Rights are
not given, they are taken, by force if
necessary ... Straight people are your
"Queers Read This" was
phorocopied, passed from hand to hand,
faxed, and mailed across the ,ountrv. A
Queer Nation chapter soon formed· in San
Francisco, follow;d by groups in other
major cities. With a considerable overlap
in membership, Queer Nation adopted·
ACT UP's sense of urgency and its
theatrical spirit. Like ACT UP, Queer
Nation was a leaderless network of
autonomous chapters, in turn made up of
ad hoc working groups. By the summer of
1991, there were chapters in some 40
cities, including conservative locales such
as Des Moines and Salt Lake City. "Our
strength lies in our numbers, our
diversity, and in our public and proud
contempt for the closet," read the group's
mission statement.
With its slogan, "We're here! We're
queer! Get used to it!," Queer Nation
came to be seen as the shock troops of the
movement. Popular actions included the
Suburban Homosexual Outreach Project
(same-sex kiss-ins at shopping malls) ~nd
Queer Nights Out (invasions of straight
bars and other venues). Queer Nation
protested everything from gay bashing
and the 1991 Gulf War to the censorship
of queer art and negative portrayals of
lesbian and bisexual women in the film
_Basic Instinct_, while promoting queerpositive
sex education and defending
abortion clinics alongside pro-choice
activists. Its Urban Redecoration
Committees ensured that the group's
brightly colored stickers and postecs
featuring declarations of queer pride and
sometimes sexually explicit images
adorned telephone poles, subway cars,
and activists' leather jackets from coast to
The uncompromising message of
"Queers Read This!" and Queer Nation's
in-your-face tactics re-ignited an old
debate within the LGBT community over
the merits of radicalism versus reformism.
"Being queer means leading a different
sort of life," the broadshee: declared. "It's
not about the mainstream, profit margins,
patriotism, patriarchy or beingassimilated."
In an article in the Winter
1991 issue of the now-defunct nacional
magazine _ Out/Look_, Alan Berube and
Jeffrey Escoffier wrote that the group's
"new culture is slick, quick, anarchic,
transgressive, ironic ... If they manage not
to blow up in contradiction or get bogged
down in the process, they may lead the
way to ne\v forms of activism for the
1990s." ............... continued next page
Page 23
Queer Nation did blow up, but still
managed to influence ti:ie course of
LGBT activism. The group's very name
embodied its contradictory goals of
achieving di\·ersity while solidifying a
dis~inct idemiry that sometimes
bordered on separatism. Members
frequently debated wl:-io belonged under
the "queer" umbrella. Queer Nation
generaliy embraced bisexuals and
transgendered people, and took pains t<J
emphasize inclusion of people of co:or
and all classes; there was more
controversy, however, about whether
the term could encompass radical
heterosexuals. As much as a sexual
orientation, "queer" came to denote sexpositivity,
pride in being an outsider,
righteous anger, and a determination to
fight back. Bm: some felt that Queer
Nation really oniy welcomed the young
and hip, and that its members were a
new generation of clones. The group
was also accused of emphasizing style
O\"er substance - ½"hat Escoffier called a
"politics of symbolic gestures" and
failing to engage in the difficult work of
long-term organizing.
By 1993, Queer Nation was largely
moribund. Just as the in-your-face
activism of the Gay Liberation Front in
che eariy 1970s was followed by an
"insider" strategy in the 1980s, the
radical activism of ACT UP, Queer
Nation, and the Lesbian Avengers gave
way to more mainstream activism
focused on inclusion in the military and
same-sex marriage. But Queer Nation
nevertheless made a lasting impact on
the movement. The once-shocking term
"queer" has become de rigueur, and gay
and lesbian groups now include bisexual
and transgender people as a matter of
course. In the ·;:ords of former Nacional
Gay and Lesbian Task Force director
Tor:e Osborn, "Queer Nation forced us
to deal wir.h issues relating to gender,
violence'.' and visibility that pushed our
movement fot"\vard."
Minister Denounces
President Bush's
'77Jere is nothing Cliristian about
discrimination.' Rev. Steven Baines
On J unc 21, Pre:,id<:n: Bush addressed
the Southern Baptist (~onvention at its
annual 1nccting in ~"2:!s1r,~illc, ·renn.
Pra:sing the co1i,-e:1tio~1's support for 1he
Federal ivlatri,,[;C :\mend,nent, the
president said: ;,Somhem B,tptists are
practicing compt:ssion by defending the
family and rhe s,m-ed instit!aion of
Reverend Steven Baines, an elder in
the Discipics of Christ and member c>f
the Natiornd G,1y and Lcsbi:m Ta~k
Force ~atic,na] Religious Leadership
Roundtable rt:spo:1ds with the foliowing
"As an eider in the Christian Cirnrch
(Discip~es of Christ) and a fonnGr
Southern Baptist minister, I am
disappointcl that ti1e president and
leaders of the Southern Baptist
Convention continue t(> p::csent their
discrimination against :csb:an, ga:,,
bisexual and transgcndcr J\1r1cricans 1n
the guise of compas:,ion.
"The preside:1t·s speed, faiicd to cxpl:J.te
how a Federal tvtarriagc i\tncndment that
wouid block tho:1:,amls of i\mcr:can
families fmm the prnccci.ions they neecl
for :heir stabilitv ,111,! ~ccurity car: be
seen as an act of co1npas~ion; just as the
Sou:hern Baptist Convem;on has faikd
r.o e~piain how supp:>tting this
d,~cr1m1nat10n contributes to tts
Christ:an ,•:itn,:<~ There i,;
Christian about dlscrirr,in=-ttinn.
r,pp•~p~~~~cd J1rH ;;-; tLc frn1n<h1 ti<)n 1+1c
J-{ebn::\-.- and (:hristian
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of me board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
cal!ed "In Our Own Write."
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
JULY 2005
Hold the
In a recent op-ed in the _ Washington
Blade_, organizer Robin Tyler made an appeal
for a fifth LGBT March on Washington to take
place before the 2008 election, "demanding all
~mr civil rights." I understand her anger with
the climate that's been set by Washington; gay
people are indeed, as she put it, "under siege."
But before we take up the call for another
showy, star-studded event in the nation's
capital, we should consider where queer money
and energy could besr be used at this time of
right-wing hegemony. I believe that the
stra~egy of holding national LGBT marches
should be put on indefinite hold, and that we
would be better served as a community to shift
increasingly more of our resources to local
demonstrations and organizing.
I've perrnna!lv attended two of t!1e four national marches for LGBT rights that
have take~ place ;ince 1979. The 1987 demonstration was a somber event the
devastating sight of so many queer people with photos pinned to their T-shirts of
friends and lo,;ers who'd succumbed to AIDS is still a vivid memory for me. The
chillv. overcast day reflected the mood of our community perfectly. In me one photo
I ha;e of myself ~t that march, I'm sitting down wearily with my head in my hands.
Six years later, the day of the 1993 march was bright and sunny; Bill Clinton had
just taken office with the promise of ending me gay military ban, and many of us
believed we could actually see a ray of hope. In fact, me march had more of the air of
a party than a poiitical march. And although it was a iot of fun, it was still a bit
pointless for those of us who wanted something more substantial than the color and
glitz of a Pride celebration.
Like many omers in our community, I sat out the march in 2000, which had been
dictated by a few national organizations that never bothered to consult local gay
organizers about whether another D.C. get-together was really a good idea. Later, the
so-called "Millennium March" was fraught with financial scandal, as tens of thousands
of dollars mvsteriouslv went missing from its coffers.
Have w~ learned 'anyming as a movement in the five years since then, particularly
gi·:en the devastating results of the 2004 election?
'· .Hopefully, we know now mat mere's much truth to the old maxim about all
politics being locai. That's not to say that our nationai gay groups snould close up
shop. But a corporate-sponsored party in Washington - starring, as Tyler s4ggests, gay
icons like Cher, Madonna, and Barbra Streisand, no less! - couldn't adequately address
the serious challenges our community faces.
Just think about it: Do you see me American Family Association wasting energy
anci time hosting an antigay blow-oi:t on the Washington Mall, starring, say, Pat
Boone and Bo Derek? No, the AFA is too busy organizing locally focused actions
like its "Meet at Citv Ha.:l" event for a "morn~ rebirth" of me country, calling on local
religious groups and. congregations to spread rhe word. Indeed, the right has been so
successful in its antigay campaign because it has honed its local and Internet
organizing skills to precision. How do you suppose they routinely manage to garner
alf those signatures ro get antigay initiatives on ballots across the count::y?
Page 25
Our CY,Vn major organizations !i'.,c:
the Human Rights Carr:paign and the
National Gav and Lesbian Task Force
have been c;Jrrect, then, tc begin
chanp_eiing more and mo:c c,f their
energies and resources mto shori!1g up
our state and local efforts. Ai:d c,·en one
national sraffer taken :mt of commission
to plan a \X'ashington e\·ent and i.:
would, of course, take many more than
one would be one staffer too many.
Tyler reasons that a national march
would. be important for demonstrating
our "strong and united presence.'' But
there are many other ways to sho•;;r
queer strength and resolve. (I won't go
imo "united," which I think, given the
diversity of our community, is an
unattainable goal.) For example, a single
day of demonstrations in the capitals of
states that have antigay laws on the
books or anti-marriage-rights bills
pending would be far more effect;ve than
a party ,vith Babs on the Mall (e,·en if
she sang "People" jus: for us).
Remember that there arc still a lot of
foiks ou;: there who think gay people
don't exist or shouidn't live - anywhere
but San Francisco and New York. Jus~
recently, Gov. Ricic Perry (R-Texas) had
the audacity to suggest that returning
gay veterans of the Iraq war might be
happier vacating his stare if tney don't
approve of its laws.
How much more effective it is, ti1en,
to fight 'phobes like that on their own
turf not by gamering in D.C., when al1
me politicos have left for the weeicend.
:; ~'~~"ii
tue, 1111:eg .
~i, ',;{,'{~if~~rtfsirig:Servire. ..
Quotable Quotes
"l thinic we'ye alreaci·; won (the samesex
marriage batt:e]. /\nd that's a hard
thin!! to remember, because it's really a
scary time. Bur ,vhen you look at ,vhat
l1as happened in the gay-rights
movement in the last 36-37 years, we
have progressed further, in a shorter
period of time, than any civil-rights
movement in the history of the planet,
and there's bound to be a backlash ....
Uppity people get uppity and get
excited and get organized and there's a
backlash. But I trulv believe mat we
have so profoundly' impacted the
generation behind us that we'ye already
;,on. \Y.'e just don't know it yet."
"Queer as Folk's" Peter Paige (Emmett)
to the Sr. Louis gay newspaper The
Vital Voice, May 13.
Joplin Couple To
Host First Annual
Christmas in July
JOPLIN, MO_Tom Walton and Tim
Baker tne host and creators of the annual
Christmas open house parry to benefit
"Aids Project of 6e Ozarks" (APO) has
announced their first "Christmas in July
Bar-B-Que". The event will be at me
coup:es home in Joplin on Sunday July
17th, i 2:00 noon. Guest are requested to
briag nonpe~ishabie items, mainly paper
goods, bleach and detergents. Ail donations
will go to benefit APO members.
"Wim all the cuts in benefits to people
with AIDS, donations have never been
more important than noy;r" said Tim
The decision by a House subcommittee
to flat-fund the Ryan Wr:ite Comprehensive
AIDS Resour~es Emergency ~;\ct
and other federal HIV/ AIDS programs,
more help from the private sector is
Fur an invitacion or to drop off your
contributions call 1·101 or 'Torn at
Page26 Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
JULY 2005
Salurntions to all of my loyal kictens
en:rywhere.This month Uncle has been just over
run with a!l the excitemem of pride kittens. You
know they asked uncle to serve as a judge in a
pageant competition going on to celebrate pride
while, crowing diversities finest. Uncle was drawn
back imo the days gone by; Uncles pageant days.
Straight men only think hey know blood sport.
You cannot imagine the true body called pageant.
I teli you those Queens work it as if they own it
and you. Yes, uncle dealt with some trifling
Queens however, emerged victorious. Face it
sisters, in the end there can only be one. You have
never in vou.r life saw the levels of absolute disdain, which, pours from a runner up. I
swear at ~ne competition, I kno•,v I heard music from the omen coming from behind
the dressing room door.
I have· also been equaliy dividing my time to my new houseboy, while craining
this young kitten to become a great mans man. This young one now before me shows
a lot of possibility. Uncle misses Delight, however realize nothing last forever.
Delicious has been able to jump in '.Vithout looking back. I will tell you the buns on
that boy, inst scream-Hot dog. Uncle none::heless has remembered his own policy of
not sampling the helps me!lu of love. Whilst Uncle Recalls days gone by, let us see
what seekers seek this month.
Dear Uncle:
I am one of t:\vo children born to my parems both of which are gay. My sister and
I have chis odd relationship, in which, I wish I could escape. She has always had better
grades, better friends, everything overall has been better for her. My parents e:ven
accepted her sexuality, while treated me as if I was a mistake. They never loved me. I
have the opportunity of moving away with some friends, which would allow me my
escape. I haYc no~ told her yet as it is difficult as were all we have. Our parents both
gone now, leaves us depending soleiy on one another for family support. Am I wrong
for wanting my own life, away from my family shadows?
Distant brother
Dear distant:
Well baby Jane; it's all ai:>out you from the sounds of things. It is hard enough to find
chosen familv in the world ~o cali loved ones. I would suggest that you attempt to try
to keep a relationship, even if a ~ong distance one with your sister. Who knows
kitten vo;.. may need a kidnev one dav. You know they sav jealousy is crueler than
the g;a;e Kitt~n; you may w;nt to thi;1k about that fo; a '\~hiie bef~re making your
choice. Uncle might also suggest seeing a [professional for what sounds like- a luggage
rack fuH of baggage. Kitten, life is too short to hold grudges. Let go and let Cherl
l(ittens life i::: hard enough without dragging baggage around. Life is not always
easy, however, there is one thing true. Life is what you make of it. You can either
enjoy life while, balancing the negative occurrences. Aiternatively, you can give in
and allow the negative to rule you. In which case you shall send your life being a
negative I'\Jancy.
Dear Uncle Mikey:
I ,vaf. ha,·ing sex ·.vith my partner the <Jther night, when he shocked me with is
bei1avior We are not mto kinky stuff, just good old-fashioned sex. When he toid me
Page 27
to slap him, I thought he was joking.
Than in a passionate plea, he insisted that
I slap him. I did it however, felt strangely
afterwards. When it was all said and
done, he acted no different from before.
Is this normal for men to pick up new
habits? Should I be worried here? I am
afraid he may show up with a black mask
and whip soon, what should I do?
Seriously Confused
Dear SC:
Kitten, I would not raise the alarm
just yet. This could be something he
heard of, or simply had the urge to try. It
is not uncommon, especially in a
committed relationship for people to
want to try new things. I would keep
open discussion on the needs of both
parties if you fear certain behavioral
movements in the bedroom.
Uncle Mikey not only believes in
creative _expression in the bedroom,
however is an active promoter. Uncles
bedroom accessories include and are not
limited to the following. Smoke machine,
laser machine, mirrors for every angle.
You know, I have seen some of my best
moments in those mirrors. Maintaining a
happy healthy sexual relationship takes
dedication, creativity, and of course
Well Kittens-ks that time again.
Uncle has to get ready for the nights
events. Remember while enjoying this
pride season, we have a lot to be proud
of. Our community is made up of some
of the most diverse, genuine, loving
people in the world. Most of which uncle
has loved on a one to one basis.
Continue the spirit kittens, and be safe.
Remember; Love thy neighbor,
especially if he is Hot!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles
Undt! Mikey is a character from Freeiance 'WTiter
Michat!l Hinzman. Michat!l h.u b«n writing/or ten
years. Utilizing bis st1IIUl!s, and life t!Xprntm« to bdp
othttrS in bis commHnity, through humor and sound
ad'Uice. Mich4eJ applied bis stlldy of prycbolvgy and
creative writing, 11.S 1«il his extensive b.ultground in
mtmul health Dim:t can to bring a new st:,lc and
approach to helping otkrs. Michael's other works can
be vit!Wl!ti at 'fl1'WU!.gayiinkcontent.com.
Bamboo owner's donate mini cvcle back
to Tulsa Rough Riders. ,
Press Release:
June 15, 2005
TULSA, OK_Tulsa Rough Rider would
like to thank Club Maverick for letting
us have our club night on June 11, 2005
Gay pride weekend at the club, it was a
great success. We would also like to
thank everyone who participated and
purchased Raffle tickets. Stan and Terry
owners of the Bamboo Lounge won the
Mini Chopper that was given away and
they have graciously donated it back to
the Rough Riders to Raffle again on
August 13 2005 at the Rough Riders next
club night at the Bamboo at 1 0:00pm till
? All the proceeds from the Chopper will
be donated to Hope Clinic. The August
10th chili night at the Bamboo will also
be the Rough Riders One year
anniversary celebration and will be a
night to remember. Lots of surprises and
some out of control fun.
Quotable Quotes
"My stepdaughter is gay. She and her
partner have been together in Chicago
for 10 years; they have a wonderful
relationship. I adore her. She's been my
stepdaughter since she was 9, so we have
a ,.·ery good family relationship."
Golden Girl Betty White to San Diego',
Gay & Lesbian Times, May 12.
Page 28
Oi.t o/Town- continued from pg-7
watch videos and mingle; and the Market
Hotel, the city's top late-night gay disco.
Amid several offbeat shops and eateries
around the intersection of Greville and Izett
streers. check out Candv Bar, which serves
light f~od and hosrs a gay parry on Sunday
nights. .
Just amble up Chapel Street from Prahran
to South Y arra to find some of the most
fashionable clothing and design shopping in
the city, plus a slew of wny restaurants.
Collingwood, Richmond, and
North of the river and Central
Melbourne, you'll find happening restaurants
and swish lounges cropping up in
Collingwood, especially around rhe junction
of Smith and Gertrude streets. On Thursdays,
the Q+A party at the Builders .,"1rm Hotel
draws a see-and-be-seen set of mostly under-
35 gay guys.
Continue a bit east of the neighborhood
into the rough-and-rumble Richmond and
Abbotsford areas, and you'll find several top
gav hangouts,including the Glasshouse Hotel,
a fab lesbian club thar's especially popular on
Sarurdavs. and the Peel, a youthful video bar
and dis~o- that draws plent'J of young guys on
the make. Leather-and-Le~·i's types favor the
rollicking Laird Hotel. Trade, a cozy gay
pub, draws an eclectic, mostly male
neighborhood crowd. Head ro the Star Hotel
or DT's Hotel for crazy drag shows, which
are arguably as beloved in Australia as
anywhere in the world; and for steamier
action, you'd be hard-pressed (so to speak) to
find a better-kept and cleaner bathhouse than
Wet on Weliington.
In Fitzrov. the intersection of Brunswick
and lohnston '~treets marks one of
Melbourne's hipster meccas, buzzing with
tapas and flamenco bars, Asian restaurants,
wackv coffeehouses, and off-kilter bout1cmes
and ;hops selling curring-edge anci retro
clothing, underground mus:c, and e,ery
imaginable kinci of gift and knickknack. Mos'
piaces are hidden behind ,:intage bdding$
wit:1 ir.tentionally distressed facades,
nrod~cing a some,.vhat shabby-chic look.
• Among the dozens of intriguing eater:cs
along here. consider Red Tongue Caie, a ch;c,
contemoorary space that's equal parts
1ncimat; and· seductive; Fitz Cafe, a han~;somc
<pot w•th a nieasant sidnvaik terrace and
;~;:;t globail~ inspired food; or the affordable
Polly Bar, \vhich serves up delicious small
plates, ranging from barbecue venison to
Just west of Fitzroy lies Melbourne's
imp;essive Little Italy neighborhood,
Car!ron. The main drag, Lygon Street,
contains scores of great restaurants and
gourmet shops. Try Ti Amo, an old-world
trattoria, for such classics as lamb osso buco.
And definitely don't leave Carlton without
~topping for gelati or pastries at Brunetti.
And that's just a sampling of the great
neighborhoods in this underrated ciry. Yes,
it's a long way to Australia, and Sydney
deserves attention, but don't come all this
way without spending at least a few days in
Melbourne, one of the world's great gayfriendlv
The Little Black Book (the country
code for Australia is 61)
Base (17 Carlisle St., 3-9536-6109). Boccone
(2"'7 Carlisle St., 03-9527-9223). Brunetti (194-
204 Faradav St., 3-9347-2801). Cafe Di Stasio
(31 Fitzroy, St., 3-9529-3999). Candy Bar (162
Greville St., 3-9529-6566). Chocolate Buddha
(Federation Square, Flinders and Swanston Sts., 3-
9, 654-5688). Ciaypots (213 Barkly St., 3-9:-,34-1?-8'.->) ·
Diva /153 Commerciai Rd., 3-9824-2800t DT's
Hotel .(164 Church St., 3-9428-5724). Ezard at
Adelphi (187 Flinders L:a., 3-9639-6811 ). Fitz C:,fe
:357 Bruns\':ick Sc.. 3-9417-5794). Giasshouse Hotel
(51-55 Gipps St., 3-9419-4748). Glick's (330 Carlisle
St., 03-9527-2198). Greyhound Hotel (1 Brighton
Rd., 3-9534-4189). II Fornaio (2 Acland St., 03-
9534-2922;. Laird Hotel (149 Gipps Sc., 3-9417-
2832,. 1,:,; Chicas (Carlisle St., 03-9531-3699). Le
Meridien at Rialto (495 Collins St., 3-9620-91111.
Market Hotel (143 Commercial Rd., 3-9826-0933).
M.eibourne Visitors Centre (Flinders and Swanston
Sts., 3-9658-9658, www.thatsme!bourne.com.au).
Metropolitan Hotel (263 Wi!liam St., 3-9670-1385).
Novote! St. Kild:. (14-16 The Esplan2de, 3-9525-
5522). Park Hyatt Melbourne (1 Parliament Sq., 3-
9224-1234). The Peel (113 Wellington St., 3-9419-
4762). Poliy Bar (401 Brunswick St., 3-9419-6539:,.
Prin~e of W:i.les Hotel (2 Acland St., 3-9536-1111).
Pure South (Shop GR2, River Level,
Southgate, 3-9699-4600~. Q+ A party (Builders
tum Eo.ei, Gertrud~ and Grove Sts .• _3-9419-0818).
Red Tongue Cafe (275 Brunswick St., 3-94i5-92.i4j.
7 Apples (75 Acland St., 3-9537-3633:,. So'1i l\.fam;i
!St. Kiida Scabachs. 10-18 Jacb. Blvd., St. Kilda. 3-
~525-3338). Star Hotel (176 Hoddle St .• 3-9417-
2(,%,. Ti Ame (303 :,ygun St .. 3-9347-5759).
Tou;~stn Vio:ori~'s gay/lesbian website (http://
visitmeibourne.com/ g.ytr~vel). Trade (9 Ped St.~ 3-
9417-6700). w~: on \'(icliingtcn (162 Wellington
St., 03~9419-20101 Xch;;.nge Eotei (119
Com1nercial Rd-, 3-9867-5144).
Hollywood Events
Center Opens
by Greg Steele
June 18, 2005
emcee, opened the star studded show to a
oacked house of 300 plus. The elusions of
Tina Turner, Judy Garland, Diana Ross,
Nancy Sinatra, Cher, Bet Midler and
special guest's belted out everyone's
favorite tune to a delighted audience and
raised over $1,100 for RAIN Oklahoma.
RAIN Oklahoma, a nonprofit, regional
AIDS Intercommunity Network, and is
located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and
The Events Center is located in the
Hoilr.vood Hotel and Suites anci has
been a iong awaited project of Lee Burrus
the complex General Manager. \Y/itt a
capacity of 400, the evem center is
availabie for banquets, conventions,
pageants, parties and other functions. The
center has a large stage with great lighting,
a dressing area and a dance floor.
Food and bar service are also available in
the center from Topanga Ba1: and Grill.
The i/!11-.<ion of Judy Garland at the opening of
Hollywood £,vents Center, Oklahoma City.
The cemer is a beautifui new addirion to
Oklahom~ City's GLBT community
facilities and to our region. For booking
information contact Lee Burrus, Generai
Manager, 405-()4--2351.
f Page 33 STAR Scene Photo's by Chaz I
by Jack Fertig
JULY 2005
"Keep a journal, Scorpio!"
Three weeks ago, Venus was square
Jupiter and ttine Uranus; now the Sun is
in the same position. Try to imagine
Fidel Castro imitating Isadora Duncan,
and you'll get the general picture. Where
you experienced charming stimulation
three weeks ago, you're now likely to
find egoistic assertion. Channel that
energy constructively, if you can!
ARIES (.March 20 - April 19): Just as
Louis XIV declared, "L' etat, c' est moi,"
so may you be overidentifying as the
avatar of your community's concerns.
Put your ego aside and be strong enough
to accept criticism as a key to real
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20):
Teamwork has been a big issue lately. All
your recent efforts do not make vou
enough of an expert to tell other~ what
to do. Better to use your charm to elicit
advice from your colleagues.
GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Stay
focused on what's important in the long
run, and on strategies for the furore.
That focus should help you curb your
playful, provocative streak, which is
usually great fun, but is sure to get you
into big trouble now.
CANCER Oune 21 July 22): You can
be Queen of the F***ing Universe at
your birthday party, but otherwise your
self-absorption ain't pretty. Affect the
humble grace and charm of an immigrant
or a profoundly religious grandmother.
If neither of your grannies fits the bill,
make one up"
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Stop, think,
and breathe. People ignore your demands
for attention, so tune in to. quiet, selfcontained
intensity. Meditate and focus
on what you want to say; speak with
your beautifully dramatic eyes and save
your mouth for more intimate
VIRGO (August 23 September 22): Try
not to obsess about money. Focus
instead on what values and resources you
can offer others. If you have any doubts
in those departments, any son of
teamwork or volunteer effort will bring
out your ralents.
LIBRA (September 23 October 22):
Your instincts for teamwork are sure to
get you ahead. The trick is to make
others look good, which you usually do
well. You're too eager for recognition
now. The more you share the credit, the
more you'll achieve in the long run.
SCORPIO (October 23 November 21):
Keep a dream journal handy. Meditate.
Those deeper thoughts, images, and
memories all provide a wealth of material
to open up new artistic and philosophical
directions. And a journal makes the
darker, scarier stuff easier to handle, too!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): The stars are boosting
your sexual confidence - as if you needed
any more! That charisma can be enjoyed
at a purely erotic level, or it can be
sublimated into community work.
They're not mutually exclusive - do some
good, and you can get done good!
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January
19): Opportunities for promotion can get
you in over your head. Trust in your
improvisational skills and you should be
able to talk your way out of any.
situation; exploit that ability now while
you can.
AQUARIUS Oanuary 20 - February 18):
Arguments can get expensive or lead you
to fundamental questions of
philosophical values. Save some money
and re-examine your dogmas. Budgeting
and exercise help focus your mind in
those directions.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Remember three weeks ago when you
were irresistible? Well, now you're
indomitable - unless you _ want_ to be a
kinky bottom! Whatever - or whomever
- you want, go get 'em, tigerfish!
Jack Fertig has been working as a
professional astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Networking.
t l
l I
- - ~. 7 l~~ge-10 .
- - - - - - - I?age;-17 .
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Events - - w1vw.diversitypride.com
MCC Llving Spring - - - · -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479}
Studio 716- -716 W. Syco.more- - - '179-571 130
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - 479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson A·,e - 479-782-1845
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Our House Lounge 660 E. Gro.nd Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - -1021 jessie Rd- 501-654-27 44
Dio.mond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - -'\\rww.dsra.org
Discovery- - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - 501-656-6900
The Factory -412 Louisiwa St.- - - - -501-372-307(1
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Ufe Church - 1709 N W2lnu: -11AM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier
J's Lounge -
Our Fo.ntasy-
2828 E. 31st South - 3:6-612-9331
- 513 E. Central - - 3i6-262-1363
• 3201 S. Hillside- -316-682-5494
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatlli - 4000 S. Broad·;1a;;- 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Men5 Bar -1106 S. P2ttie- - -316-267-0324
South 40 - 3201 S. Hiliside -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - -1507 S. Pawnee-
That Gay Group, W.S.U. -
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - - - '117-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - • - • 3715 Ma:n St -- 816-561-2600
Club l'.'V - 220 Admiral Blvd- 816-421-NVKC
DB Wo.renouse- 1915 Main St- -816-47 1-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - 816-561-0625
Sidestreet Ba.r • -- -413 E. 3rd-- - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks So.loon - - 3707 Main St- 816- 931-i430
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground-----· --417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- A24 Boonvilie A.ve- --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Mo.rtha's Vine;:ard- 219 W Olive - - 417-864-4572
Prisci:Ja's - 1918 S. Glenstone - - 417-881-8444
Oz Bo.r 504 E. Commercial
Ronist:z Pl:ice- --821 College-
- - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McP:ide- - - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 KW 36th St- - -405-601-7200
Club Ro,:- -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Finish Line - -22C10 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39E:xp405-525-0730
HollywoodHote:- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habo.na Inn 2200 NW 39,h Ex!J• - - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Cub - 1221 N\Y/ SOth- - -405-843-1722
Jung;e Reds
. - 2200 NW fapwy- - 405-524-5733
-2805 NW 36th St - - 405-942-2199
Piece To Remember-2i31 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
P!:sdla's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Sisters- - - - . - 2120 NW 39th St - - -A-05-521-9533
TI:e Rcc;;ies- -320: N. May Ave - - 405-947-9361
Topanga GriiJ & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. P'ne - - 91?-836-8700
Club Mo.vcrick- - 822 S. Snerida:' - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- 8807 E. Admir:1.i Pl - -834-1051
Elit~ Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- 918-838-8503
End Up Club- - - c.24 S. Memorial- - -918-836-2480
Flamingos Ciuo- • -7915 E. 21st St - - -9 I 8-622-6339
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 415:. - - • 918-743-4297
The De:our- - - -794A- E. 21st - - - - - • 918-270-2428
Club Majestic- - 124 J\i. Boston - · 918-584-9494
Renegades- - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Prisciila's - - • 7925 E. 41st - -918-627-4884
Pr::scilb's - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - - -918-446-6336
Pri~cilla's • - -11344 E. i ith - - -- - -918-438-4224
Prisdib's - - 2333 E. 71st - - - -- - -918-499-1661
Tub• CARES- -3507 E Admir~i Pi- . 918-83·+-4194
Tulsa E~gk- - -1338 E, 3rd - - • - 918-592-1188
TNT's- - 21 i 4 S. Memorio.1- • •· - 918-660-0856
Undcrguy,corn - - -15 E. Bra~y 9 l 8-829-0824
\vhitticr l'Jev.rs Stand- - 1 :t.J. ]n,is- - 918~592-0767
Ydkr.v-Brick-Rd- -2630 E. 15th- - - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute I<'REE copies of the ST AR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon - fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Page 37 I NEw cART □□ N "Bitter Girl"
to 3pm closed sundays.
JULY 2005
Page 2 Page 3
The July, 2005 issue of the STAR marks
our 19th printing, 1-1/2 years in publication
and have never missed a distribution
deadline. I wanted to point this fact out
because of a few nay-sayers who thought
we wouldn't exist in July,2005. With that
said here are a few changes and additions
effective with this issue.
. Our new monthly column, "Past
Out" is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Each installment brings the past
to life by exploring the diversity of the
gay past and its impact on the queer
Another new cartoon, "Bitter Girl"
just for the ladies will be a monthly
STAR of the month (page-3) will be a
trial feature spotlighting a four statesirresistible
hunk! Surely we will find 12 of
these sexy guys for the up coming year!
With all the human rights issues
surrounding the GLBT community, we have
decided to allocate a three page section, but
not limited too, to address equal rights on a
national level.
The "Advertisers Index" (page 35) will
give you our readers, a quick reference to
find that business in the four states
region that may carry a product or
service you want. The index ·will
conveniently point you to the· advertisers
ad page. Advertising means you are ·
invited to visit the advertiser.
Wnere can you find a copy of me STAR?
Just look on page 36 to find a distribu'toi' in
your area.
Thao.ks to ali for your support over·this
past year and a half and be assured we are
here to stay.
C.D. \'{'ardiEditor
National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force denounces U.S.
Senate confirmation of
William Pryor Jr. to the
federal bench
'Pryor has repeatedly
proven he is an ideological
tyrant of the highest order'
-Task Force Executive
Director Matt Foreman
WASHINGTON, June 9 The National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force denounced
the u.S. Senate's confirmation today of
former Alabama Attorney General
William H. Pryor Jr. to the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
"Pryor has repeatedly proven he is an
ideological tyrant of the highest order,"
said Matt Foreman, executive director of
the National Gav and Lesbian Task
Force. "Pryor's ~xtremist views may
resonate with the outer fringes, but· they
have no place on the federal bench. This
is an American travesty."
Foreman said Pryor ha'd compiled a
"mind-boggling record of hostility
toward the rights of ordinary Americans,
and may be the most demonstrably anti.gay
judge ever nominated to a federal
appeals court." A few examples:
@ In his capacity as deputy attorney
general of Alabama, Pryor co-authored
an amicus brief supporting Colorado's
anti-gay ballot initiative in the U.S.
Supreme Court case of Romer v. Evans.
• As Alabama attorney general, Pryor
wrore an amicus brief defending Texas'
anti-gay sodomy law in the U.S. Supreme
Court case of Lawrence v. Texas. Pryor
sought to deny gay people equal
protection under the law, including
upholding tne imprisonment of gay men
and iesbians for expressing their human
~exuality in the privacy of their own
@ While temporarily sitting on the
Eleventh Circuit via a recess
appointment by President George W.
Bush, Pryor cast the deciding vote
upholding Florida's ban on adoption by
gay men and lesbians.
• Pryor calls the U.S. Supreme Court's
decision in Roe v. Wade as "the worst
abomination of constitutional law in our
"It is widely recognized that Pryor is a
right-wing zealot who is unfit to judge,"
said Foreman. "His hostility toward a
vast range of Americans and fundamental
rights and freedoms is as astounding as it
is disturbing."
New Report Love Won Out,
Details One of James
Dobson's Most Harmful
Anti-Gay Ministries at
Focus on the Family
So-called "ex-gay" conferences target
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
youth and tear families apart
"'Love Won Out' is one of the
most harmful programs
sponsored by James Dobson 's
organization," said Matt
Foreman, Executive Director of
the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force. "Their speakers are
nothing more than snake oil
salesman peddling pernicious
and discredited theories about
how parents can 'prevent'
homosexuality in their children.
It is homophobia, not love, that
wins out at these conferences."
New York: May 4, 2005 - A new repor:
released todav bv the National Gav and
Lesbian Task· F;rce Policy Institute
titled, A Report from "Love Won Out:
Addressing, Understanding, and
continued pg-8
You'llfi~d lo,w.s of hip cafes and restaurants
in Melbo11me's fanky Fitzroy neighborhood,
JULY 2005
by Andrew Collins
"Melbourne, Australia"
Nearly all gay North Americans who make
it to Australia end up spending time in Sydney,
but relatively few ever make it to the n:i.tion's
mecca for culture, Melbourne. This city of
roughly 4 million cl:i.ims an am:i.zing theater
scene, a vast range of first-rate live-music
venues, highly regarded art museums and
galieries, and cutting-edge events (including late
January's Midsumma Festival, which showcases
visual and performing arts; February's
Melbourne Fashion Festival; March's Queen
Fiim Festival; and November's Fringe Festival).
In terms of gay-friendliness, this· city of vibrant,
lively neighborhoods ranks among the most
progressive and inviting places on the pl:i.net.
And hey, it's also home to Kylie Minogue
_:i.nd_ Dame Edna, two queer icons. . . .
Food lovers extol Melbourne's wealth of fine restaurants, known p~cularly for excellent
ethnic fare (from ltali:i.n to Asian). Java addicts will find that coffeehouses arc jusc as popular
here as they are in Seattle or Toronto, and oenophiies appreciate the city's love of fine wines,
which is evident in the great selections at both affordable and high-end restaurwts. The city
also cl:i.ims several cool boutique hotels, a wide range of bars and discos. that host weekly gay
parties, and a smaller but still potent suppiy of nightspots that glow pink seven nights a week.
• Melbourne is less a singular destination than a collection of distinctive neighborhoods, all of
them connected quite handilv bv a clean and efficient system of trams and buses. Rath~r th:i.n
focusing on the ~ity's partic~la; attractions and gay-oriented businessei, .h~re's an introduction
to the city by way of its ench:i.nting neighborhoods. Keep in mind th~~ -~though you'll find a
gay scene in sever:i.l parts of town, the neighborhoods south o_f the. 1'.atta River tend to b~
known more for fashion :i.nd glitz, while those north of the nver tend _more toward funkiness
and countcrculturalism. Also note that "hote!" in Australia can refer to anything from a pub to
a disco to an act.ual lodging (perhaps with a bar or disco); except where overnight
accommodations are mentioned, :assume that all the "hotels" in. this articie are nightspots.
Central Melbourne
The citv's courtly business district contains soaring skyscrapers, tree-lined streets, and many
of Melbour~e's cultural attractions. Downtown's most distinctive feature is its many
"lancways," Iitrle alleys lined with impossfoly cure tearooms, boutiques, bars, and cafes. Some
of them lead into enclosed arcades, where you'll find more of the same. There's plenty of great
shopping to be had in Central Melbourne, ::specially on Collins and Little Collins streets,
which are lined with shops specializing in haute couture and fine jewelry, and Bourke Street,
where you'll find ali the le;;ding department stores, such as Myer and David Jones.
Downtown contains ::hc,we:iith of the city's top accommodations, including such stellar
luxury options as the phenomenally cushy Park Hyatt Melbourne and ,he luxe Le Meri~i::~ at
Rialto. Also consider staying at the Metropolican Hotel, an uber-chic bou::iquc property with
sleek decor.
Head to Federation Square, an architecti.:railv dramatic complex containing the Australian
Centre for the Moving Im;ge (it shows arty films, often with gay themes). The compound also
Page 7
contains the sexy restaurant Chocolate
Buddha, which serves sophisticated but
affordable Pan-Asian cuisine. Another
memorable downtown dining option is Ezard
at Adelphi, helmed by celeb chef Teague
Ezard, a ch:i.mpion of modern Aussie
cooking. Just across the Yarra River, the
glitzy Southgate district is dominated by
modern skyscupcrs containing dozens of
upscale shops and restaurants, including the
well-regarded Pure South, where you might
sample slow-roasted wild duck with parsnipand-
vanilla puree, and a caramelized fig-port
reduction. This
part of town is a
real culinary
hotspot. Head a
bit east of
Southgate, along
the river, and
you'll come to the
lush Royal Botani
Gardens, which
make for some of
the city's best
St. Kilda
One of the
around, St. Kilda developed as a swank
seaside resort during the 19th century, fell on
grim rimes during the mid-20th century, and
has truly blossomed again over the past
couple of decades. These days this colorful
neighborhood is loaded with fun shops and
c:i.fes and anchored by Luna Park, a Coney
Island-like bc:i.chsidc amusement park
overlooking Port Phillip Bay. The St. Kilda
Esplanade runs along the waterfront and is a
terrific pl:i.ce for a walk or jog don't miss the
arts and crafts market hdd here on Sundays.
There arc two main drags worth scoping
out: Right along Fitzroy Street, you'll find a
slew of trendy h:i.ngouts and shops. C:i.fc Di
Susio serves superb Italian fooci in a romantic
setting - it's a great special-occasion pick.
Around the corner, I1 Fornaio is a terrific
little post-industriai space serving up espresso
drinks and delicious bre:i.kfast and lunch fare,
along with toothsome sweets.
Consider staying next door at the 40-:mom
Prince of Wales Hotel, which is one of the
coolest and gay-friendliest properties in the
city, with h:p contempor:i.ry rooms. There's
also great dining here at Circa, and a natty
bar that draws a fashionable bunch. Aithough
}e's a bit bland-looking, the nearby Novotel
St. Kilda has a terrific location right on St.
Kilda's Esplanade and has reasonable rares.
Another good bet is perhaps the slickest
backpackers' hosrel in the country, Base, a
contemporary building with a red-glass facade
and surprisingly comfy rooms.
The other area for great window-shopping
and dining is Acland Street. Sample the
wonderful seafood fare at Ciaypots, which
also has a branch in Collingwood, and then
try nearby 7 Apples for sensational gelati in a
city tl1at's known for it. Down the block near
the Esplanade, Soul
Mama is famous for its
fantastic, world-beat
vegetarian fare and
enormous deserts.
This snazzy place with
wonderful water
views, too.
Just a little east of
St. Kilda, the rapidly
gentrifying Balaclava
neighborhood has
several groovy cafes
· and restaurants,
including gay-popular
Boccone, a smart,
minimalist trattoria
where you might
sample salmon
carpaccio with ruby grapefruit and basil
salad. And don't miss Glick's, a Jewish
bakery famous for its bagels. pastries, latkes,
and chopped herring salad. A hip breakfast
and lunch spot with a sunny patio, Las serves
such tantalizing fare as pancakes with
blackberry coulis and mint. In the same area,
on Saturday evenings you'll find great drag
shows and dancing :i.t the Greyhound Hotel.
Prahran and South Yarra
The stylish Prahran precinct has arguably
the highest concentration of gav-oriemed
businesses in the city, most of them clus~ered
around the in:ersection of Com:nercial Roaci
and Chapel Street. Drop by the gay
bookstore, Hares and Hyenas, for a browse.
And cion't miss strolling through Prahran
Market, which pulses wi;;h gourmet food and
produce s.:alls :i.nd can get quite cr.:r;sy,
especially on weekend mornings.
The neighborhood's favorite gay clubs arc
Diva, known for its campy drag shows;
Xchange Hotel, v.·hich draws a cruisy, sta~dand-
model bunch m ........ continued page-28
Page 8
Preventing Homosexuality," provides a
first-hand account of an anti-gay
conference that took place in
Minneapolis, Minnesota in September
2004. The report's authors, Jyl J.
Josephson, an Associate Professor at
Rutgers University-Newark, and
Cynthia Burack, an Associate Professor
at Ohio State University, detail the
theories and world views espoused by
the presenters and "ex-gay'' leaders who
spoke at the conference, one of at least
four such conferences sponsored
annually by Focus on the Family
around the country.
Among the key observations highlighted in
the report is the claim that homosexuality
is caused by a lack of "appropriate or
fulfilling" relationships between a child and
his or her same-sex parent. One speaker,
who first said that parents should not be
blamed as the principle source of
homosexuality in their children, went on to
warn that mothers who are "doormats," •
"manipulative," "domineering," and "selfconsumed,"
can cause their· daughters to
become lesbians.
"It would be shocking for most Americans
to see the way that conference presenters
claim to be champions of the family while
they blame parents for making their
children gay or lesbian," said Cynthia
Burack, one of the report's co-authors. "As
a researcher and university professor, I am
amazed that ex-gay 'experts' continue to
use discredited psychology to explain the
origin of homosexuality and that they
continue to stigmatize gender-atypical
behavior," continued Burack. "Telling
parents that they must force their children
to conform t0 gender stereotypes to keep
them from becoming gay is hurtful to both
parents and children."
One of the most disturbing observations
detailed in the report is that a number of
conference a.:tendees appeared to be parents
accompanying their young teenage
children, presumably to help "prevent"
them from becoming gay. The outreach of
"Love Won Out" to youth is exemplified
by a picture of a young teenager on the
ministry's website with a confused and
sad _expression, placed right next to
the ohrase. "A dvnamic one-dav
conferenc: addre'ssing, underst~ndiog
and preventing homosexuality." -
"As the mother of a gay child, I was
particularly heartbroken to see these parents
and their children attending this conference,"
said Jyl Josephson, report co-author. "What
impact does it have on a young teenager to
hear such rejection from his or her parents
and people who claim to be representatives of
God?" continued Josephson. "One speaker
even claimed that if a genetic basis for
homosexuality were discovered it would still
be a violation of God's will. Frankly, this
message to young people is immoral and I
have seen first hand the gteat harm that it
causes to vulnerable children and youth."
"The pastors, clergy, and lay leaders of the
Task Force's National Religious Leadership
Roundtable have witnessed the negative
impact of Focus on the Family's so-called exgay
or conversion therapy ministry. Ex-gay
ministries are groups that llttempt to change
people's sexual orientation because of
conservative religious beliefs that say
homosexuality is a sin. In their funding and
promotion of these so-called ex-gay
ministries, Focus on the Family is destroying
families and the faith of young people."
Richard Lindsay, spokesperson, Religious
Leadership Roundtllble.
ide ents
We Do It t!
Eureba Springs, as
Valentine's, Spring & Fall
Dances - Concerts 00 BEARS!
Plus other Pride Eve11ts! - And Watch Out Far Nore
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to
President Bush:
"If it's good for the Baltics
and Russia, what about
here at home?"
- Matt F-0reman, Executive
Director National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force
Speaking in Latvia on the 60th anmvc:su,; of
the end of \X1\'flI, George Bush lectured ,
Russia and Vladimir Putin, saying, ''The
promise of democracv is fo!fil!cd b,· ciinoritv
rights, and equai iusti~c under the r;ilc of la,..._;,
and an inclusive socictv in whicb even·
person belongs!' · '
Mr. President, you support amending the
U.S. and state constitutions ro depri,:c a
minority gay peopie of :i right rl:e majority
takes for granted and sees as funda1;:;ental,
namely marriage. You oppose giving gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans
equal protections ueder tile iaw from
discrimination in employment, housing, a:1d
public accommodations. Your administuaon
has relentlessly sought t<) exclmic even the
words 'gay,' 'lesbi:111,' 'bisexuai,' and
'transgender' from any federnl fonding
So, the questio:1 is, 'If minorir;· rights, cciu,,l
justice under the law, and inclusiw.
arc good for the Ba!tics and Russia . why !101
here at home?"'
'Shortchanging the fight
against HIV/AIDS threatens
the lives of millions of
American men, women and
children,' said
HRC President Joe Solmonese.
WASHINGTON The Human Righ1:s
Campaign expressed deep
disappointmenr at the d~cision bv a
House subcommittee to flat-fund rhe
Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS
Resources Emerg~ncy Act and other
critical federai HIV/ }dDS programs.
"Shortchanging the fighr ag:1insr i,J.J\/
All)S threatens the lives of rnillions of
:\merican men, wcn1c::1 and chiidrcn."
said HRC President !oe Sol:nonese. ,
·•HT,.j, •.. f'l\·,1,r,·)s v,,. !t.h.>UL g1y1ng -1 i. ,. J /\ 1 prograrns
the resources they need~ ,ve'H continue
to sec adverse i1nJ)acts to those n1ost at
risk: coinrnunirics of color~ vouno·
peo()lc, gay anci bisexua'. m~:; anl'
In approving the flat-funding le,·els, a
subcommittee on rhe }Jousc
1\ppro!)tiations Committee provided no
increase for most <,f rhc programs in the
CARE Act with the exception of one
program, the AIDS Drug Assistance
Program. However, ADAP, which
prnv1des HIV-related presc:ipti,m drnl!S
to those withm.it access tu basic HIV ,!
treatment, w«s increased by only S10
million faliing "ar shor: of the funding
needed to support rhe crisis conditions
this program faces. Despite the
insufficient fundi:1g levels for these
criricai programs, tbc appropriations
subcommittee disappointingly increased
funding for abstincnce-umii-marriage
programs by $11 miilion oveall.
"1\1.bstinence-~untii-marriage programs
are based on bad science. Gooc: science
telis us more is needed for the programs
the l.. I ousc is shurtchang-in!. .. Cleadv •. - ,,,., 0 ,,,
pohttcs ts gettlng in the ,vav of science~])
added Soimonesc ''Ti0 is i,s~e cannot be
vie,ved in a Yacuurn. ·rhe Ilvan \Xlhite
(·•Rr. . , ~i'"i r,, /\.ct ts a prayer of last resort.
Because ~:t'edicaid cuts arc forcing n1ore
Americam into Ryan Whrtc CARE Act
programs, shcrcchanging this program
will have a devastating effec;:." .,
The Ry,;n White CARE Act is the
largest single source of pubiic funds
(exduding Medicaid) that ~rears people
wii:h HIV/ AIDS in the Unitec! Srntes.
First enacted in 1. 990, the bipartisan piece
of legislation supports a \Vide range of
community-bas~ci scr.rices, including~
prirnary and home health care'.' case
managen1eot.., substance abuse treattnent
and mental health services and
nutritional and hc,using services.
Page 11
~ ,4a)
Page 12
It wasn't lust Another
Drag Show. It was
Oklahoma Co!ltinentaJ is open to
contestants from all states to compete
and wi[ now have four major events
annually, Miss OK Continental, MR.
OK Contine!1tal, :t.riss OK Continental
Elite, Miss OK Continen:al Plus.
The Oklahoma
pageant is a franchise
of JF Enterprises in
Chicago Illinois, and
is in its 26th year.
OK Continental is the
only pageants with its
own trademark,
owned and operated
by James & Monica
Freeman of Tulsa .
. Miss OK. Continental
PLUS is coming up on
~'.'"""7--:--"'""".:--":"':"=~'"""'.'~-----.....;._..:-._--~ Friday November 18th
at Club Majestic in
Tulsa. Visit their
'---------------~---------_;;.,-". :w:ebsite for more
nrin<":nt:tl 2005/20% EBONY HALL, Mr OK Con:inental 2005/2006
r. DANIEL XAVIER, Mr Continental e~rional ANTONIO EDWARDS
By Greg Steele
June 3, 2005
TULSA, OK_You may have thought you
were in a Las Vegas or Hollywood snow
bar. The sparkle, glamour, evening
gowns, tuxedo's and some of the best
talent to grace the Tulsa GLBT scene in
decades. It was 1:he 2nd annual 1'1iss
Oklahoma Con~inental Pageant and a
new attraction this year the "Mr. Oklahoma
Continemal " title.
Okiahoma Continental is the fastest
growing pageant in Oklahoma, and is
also called the most fascinating in the
The first Mr. Oklahoma Continental,
Daniel Xavier (residing in San Antonio
TX) placed 1st Alternate it the Mr
Continental Nationals last year.
I\fiss F:bony Hall captured the 1\1:iss
Oklahoma Continental crown and has
held many other titles. Lady Hall resides
in Tuisa.
information on 1.10 comino- events.
1st Alternate Mr. Oklahoma Continental
2005i2006 the "Oklahoma Cowboy
Crooner" Matthew Hearh-Ffrzgeraid.
Page 13
Serving our community in
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·~ 918.291EARL (3275)
over 21 Years with PRIDE!·
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_The team of Ginger
Lamar and Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald
have the formula for serious entertainment.
Ginger, a legend on rhe
Oklahoma drag circuit has been
performing for her loyal fans since
1969 and keeps on dishing it out to
packed audiences.
Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald known as
the "Oklahoma Cowboy Crooner"
can belt out a song that will make
you quiver. Performing throughout
Oklahoma and Texas. Matthew was
recently named first runner up in the
Mr. Oklahoma Continental Pageant
held at Club Majestic in Tulsa.
You can catch their show "Divas &
More" at Club Rox located in the
Hollywood Hotel Oklahoma City,
Saturday July 2, 2005. Show time is
10:30pm and each first Saturday of
the month. No Cover Charge.
Ginger & Matthew will return to
Tulsa on Saturday, July 16th 2005 at
Tulsa's Renegades Club.
Matthew will also be performing at
Club Maverick in Tulsa on July 23rd
2005 for the "Christmas In July"
In Fort Smith you may want to check
out Master Illusionist Gage Gatlin
performing July 16th at Club 1022.
Gage currently hold more reigning
titles than any ocher Male Impersonator.
If male dancers are your cup of tea!
Then head over to Tulsa's End Up
Ciub for nightly entertainment from
some of the hottest jocks in the area.
And of course every Sunday at the
Bamboo Lounge in Tulsa. The men
are hot and guarantee not to disappoint
Don't miss the Fabulous Rachaei Sage
in Tulsa for r,vo nights July 8 at the
Mercury Lounge 1 0pm and will be
performing at the Bamboo Lounge
Sarurdav Juiy 9th, 9pm.
Page 16
Rachael ge
Performing at the
Mercury Lounge
18th & Boston - Tulsa, OK
July 8th, 1 0pm
The Bamboo Lounge
7204 E. Pine ':" Tulsa, OK
July 9th, 9pm
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2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you c:m also call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use o,:
needles and we offer complete
confidentiality. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serf.Jing A Healthier Community"
Page 17
The r'oot·s back 011, The Beer is st,11
cold and the guys are waiting.
8-Ball Thandays at11PN
424 South Memorial, Tulsa JX> (918) 836-2480 oo 21 and over
Closed T\fesday oo 1 drink minimum to enter
. 405~478-4009 • 6725 N;/Mi.rarnai;Bivd Okla City OK 73111
Page !8
The Importance
of Pride!
June is Gay Pride Month. The month
of June was chosen to honor the
Sconewall Riocs that occurred in 1969,
the first time gay peopie fought back
p;:;ysically against poiice harassment and
entrapment. The riots invoived 300 g?Y
men, lesbians, and drag queens. This • ·
historic evem sparked the modern LGBT
equaiity movement throughou: the
world, bringing LGBT people cogether
like ne,er before. The following year, on
the anniversary of the Riots, the newh·
organized gay, community held a mar~h
to commemorate ti1e event. More than
30 years la::er, ;:his small but significant
gathering has evoh'ed into Gay Pride
Month, a celebration of freedom and
support for gay, lesbian, bisexuai, and
trnnsgender peopk
Chances are you won't be hearing any
proclamations or statemen~s in honor of
~his event from toe White House.
However, you probably wiil hear
so:neone saying chat gay pride
celebrations are a passe concept. Tha;: it's
silly to be proud c;f being ga/because i~'s
like being proud to have brown eyes
it's something you have no control over.
Ivlaybe you\7e even said or thought the
sanH~ thing yourself. 1\io~v I'm the first to
insist that everyone has the right to their
O\vn opinions, but I don't necessarily
agree ,~ith that i.dea. ·
Pride is important.
I understand the concei,t that \Ve
should be proud of "vho .,;e are rather
than "\\that \\~e are, lJnfortunatcly, not
everyone i~ able to do ::bat rii1t away. I
think it's great when people arc secure
enough to s~mp:.y be proud of accepting
themseives, but I do think "gay pride"
nas its place especially for young gay
kids or people first corning out. It's a
ceeci o: many oppressed minorities
(thi:1k Black Pride, or Girl Power). It
take~ something that is tradi:ionally
demeaned and makes it somethi!lg
pmverfuL It makei; it easier to accept
being gay if it's something to be proud of
versus something to be ashamed of.
\X'hen I was first coming out, I wore
rainbow Pride neckiaces all tne rime. I
ne,·er !err home without one. I grew up
:n an extremeiy conservative religious
family, never knmving a singie openly
gay person. For me, as it is for many
from rural areas or religious upbringings,
being gay wasn't something to be proud
of. These necklaces were a physical link
ro a community to which I didn't feel I
folly be:onged yet. I wanted to belong,
but I was stiil searching for mv identitv,
which at the time ·was almost ~onsumed
by the fact t::iat I was gay. Wearing that
necklace, that symbol of pride, of
belonging, aliowed me to be proud of
something I was still coming to terms
with. It helped me to be proed of \Vhat l
was: a 6ray man.
As I became more comforrable with who I
was, I found I didn't need to const;n:iy
announce the fact chat I was gay. Being gay
no longer defined me as a person. It was
mereiy a p:ut of my sum totai. My pride
shifted from what I was to who I was but I
needed that first srep. I had to accept be:ng
gay before I could become a whoie person.
J'hat's why I think g3y pt·ide is ~rill
extremely important maybe now more
th~n ever.
The LGBT community is under attack.
\'Y/c've gained visibility, but '".,vith Yisibility
con1cs increased attention} and the attention
has led to increased persecution .. \Y,/e~vc been
bit ,vith a barrage of :antigay n1cssagcs frorn
the president to Congn::.-s to our churches in
recent yc,ars. 1l•cre is an abundance of
negafrv<: inforn1ation around out
on cbe
r11ainstrcaff1 media~ the rnes~agcs an: cotning
through loud and clear. Gay pc~)p!e ::1rc
sinners. (;ay people do not deserve the sm11e
.............. contt.n uect' next page.
Page 19
rights a:: others. Gay families are less
vai11· d t I~ an " tram, .ti.o.n aI f am1·11· es. "· It's okay
to discrimina:e against minorit:es. Hate ·
is acceptable ·when it's targeted at those
y;rithout rights.
\'ve need to counter those messages
with the truth, and one of the ways we
can do that is through Pride.
Imagine, for a minute, a young gay child.
Maybe he doesn't even know he's gay
yet, or maybe he's just starting to realize
his attraction for other boys. Maybe he
only understands chat he is different.
He's being inundated with negative
information on a daily basis: from the
government, from school, from church,
and maybe even from his parents. Where
are the positive messages?
Now imagine a closeted young lesbian
in the rural South. Maybe she's crapped
in an unhappy marriage, maybe she's
maintaining that she hasn't met the
"right man" yet, or maybe she just fears
the rejection of her family. She's just
hoping desperately to escape, but doesn't
feel she has any options. Where is her
The Far Right would like us to live in
shame, fear, and silence. Pride
celebrations defy them in a powerful and
positive way. By making ourselves visible
and celebrating who we are, we're
sending a dear message co both our
critics and impressionable minds. \'('c're
here, we're q~ecr, and ,,,e're not going
To me, Gay Pride Month is less about
those of us who are already out and more
about those who have vet to make tbat sten
It's a powerfui statcme~t, but the best parr';s,
we get to have fun while making it! Gay
Pride events are being pl:umed all across the
co,mtty and world, but you don'c hayc to
join one of the large planned galas. You can
.make a statement right where you are.
Richard D. Mohr, author of The Long
Arc of justice: Lesbian and Ga'V Marriaoe ,,. . ., 6,
Eqttatity, and Rights, relates this story in
his book. "The town I live in is girded by
cornfields and good o!' boys. It's
nowhere near large enough to support a
gay pride parade the last weekend in
June, when cities across America
commemorate with parades the so-called
Stonewall Riots that launched the
modern lesbian and gay rights movement
in 1969. The town's gay men and lesbians
do something at once more radical and
more ordinary than that. We have a gay
contingent in the town's all-American
Fourth of July parade. The parade draws
in crowds from all of the county and
much of the rest of east-central Illinois.
Last year, a purple parade banner
streamed by the crowds reading 'Lesbian
and Gay Pride.' I saw a little girl, maybe
fiYe, lean over co her father and ask,
'Daddy, what does pride mean?'
Apparently she knew what lesbian and
gay meant."
Whether vou do it in the citv or in
the country, i~ a Red state or Blue state.
as part of a large celebration or a small ·
act of defiance, get out there and show
vour pride! It's important.
Quotable Quotes
When asked by the Fort Worth Star
Telegram how he would tell gay and
lesbian veterans of combat in Iraq that
they cannot come home and get
married, he replied, "Texans made a
decision about marriage, and if there's a
state that has more lenient views than
Texas, then maybe that's a better place
for them to live." __
Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Page 22
1z Highleyman
JULY 2005
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective
of key moments, personalities, and
subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by
exploring the diversity of the gay past
and its impact on the queer present.
What is the history of
Queer Nation?
The activist group Queer Nation
evolved as the gay and lesbian
movemen~ confronted the scourge of
AIDS, the rise of the religious right, arid
changing notions of identity. Though
s;1ort-lived, Queer Nation made a
:asting impact on the movement and the
language it uses to describe itself.
Queer Nation was born in New
'::' ork City in the spring of 1990. The
idea for the group is said to have
hatched at an ACT UP meeting, and
Queer Nation made its first public
appearance at an April demonstration
against antigay ·violence. But the new
face of queer activism burst onto the
national radar with an inflammatory
broadsheet distributed at the citv's Gav
Pride parade that June. , ,
The four-page broadsheet -
"published anonymously by queers"
proclaimed "Queers Read This" on the
front .;.nd "! Hate Straights" on the
back. "Until I can enjov the same
freedom of moveme~t ,and sexuality as
straights, their privilege must stop and it
must be given over to me and my queer
sisters and brothers," the diatribe read.
"Straight people will not do this
vobntarily and so they must be forced
into it .. .Terrorized into it. .. Rights are
not given, they are taken, by force if
necessary ... Straight people are your
"Queers Read This" was
phorocopied, passed from hand to hand,
faxed, and mailed across the ,ountrv. A
Queer Nation chapter soon formed· in San
Francisco, follow;d by groups in other
major cities. With a considerable overlap
in membership, Queer Nation adopted·
ACT UP's sense of urgency and its
theatrical spirit. Like ACT UP, Queer
Nation was a leaderless network of
autonomous chapters, in turn made up of
ad hoc working groups. By the summer of
1991, there were chapters in some 40
cities, including conservative locales such
as Des Moines and Salt Lake City. "Our
strength lies in our numbers, our
diversity, and in our public and proud
contempt for the closet," read the group's
mission statement.
With its slogan, "We're here! We're
queer! Get used to it!," Queer Nation
came to be seen as the shock troops of the
movement. Popular actions included the
Suburban Homosexual Outreach Project
(same-sex kiss-ins at shopping malls) ~nd
Queer Nights Out (invasions of straight
bars and other venues). Queer Nation
protested everything from gay bashing
and the 1991 Gulf War to the censorship
of queer art and negative portrayals of
lesbian and bisexual women in the film
_Basic Instinct_, while promoting queerpositive
sex education and defending
abortion clinics alongside pro-choice
activists. Its Urban Redecoration
Committees ensured that the group's
brightly colored stickers and postecs
featuring declarations of queer pride and
sometimes sexually explicit images
adorned telephone poles, subway cars,
and activists' leather jackets from coast to
The uncompromising message of
"Queers Read This!" and Queer Nation's
in-your-face tactics re-ignited an old
debate within the LGBT community over
the merits of radicalism versus reformism.
"Being queer means leading a different
sort of life," the broadshee: declared. "It's
not about the mainstream, profit margins,
patriotism, patriarchy or beingassimilated."
In an article in the Winter
1991 issue of the now-defunct nacional
magazine _ Out/Look_, Alan Berube and
Jeffrey Escoffier wrote that the group's
"new culture is slick, quick, anarchic,
transgressive, ironic ... If they manage not
to blow up in contradiction or get bogged
down in the process, they may lead the
way to ne\v forms of activism for the
1990s." ............... continued next page
Page 23
Queer Nation did blow up, but still
managed to influence ti:ie course of
LGBT activism. The group's very name
embodied its contradictory goals of
achieving di\·ersity while solidifying a
dis~inct idemiry that sometimes
bordered on separatism. Members
frequently debated wl:-io belonged under
the "queer" umbrella. Queer Nation
generaliy embraced bisexuals and
transgendered people, and took pains t<J
emphasize inclusion of people of co:or
and all classes; there was more
controversy, however, about whether
the term could encompass radical
heterosexuals. As much as a sexual
orientation, "queer" came to denote sexpositivity,
pride in being an outsider,
righteous anger, and a determination to
fight back. Bm: some felt that Queer
Nation really oniy welcomed the young
and hip, and that its members were a
new generation of clones. The group
was also accused of emphasizing style
O\"er substance - ½"hat Escoffier called a
"politics of symbolic gestures" and
failing to engage in the difficult work of
long-term organizing.
By 1993, Queer Nation was largely
moribund. Just as the in-your-face
activism of the Gay Liberation Front in
che eariy 1970s was followed by an
"insider" strategy in the 1980s, the
radical activism of ACT UP, Queer
Nation, and the Lesbian Avengers gave
way to more mainstream activism
focused on inclusion in the military and
same-sex marriage. But Queer Nation
nevertheless made a lasting impact on
the movement. The once-shocking term
"queer" has become de rigueur, and gay
and lesbian groups now include bisexual
and transgender people as a matter of
course. In the ·;:ords of former Nacional
Gay and Lesbian Task Force director
Tor:e Osborn, "Queer Nation forced us
to deal wir.h issues relating to gender,
violence'.' and visibility that pushed our
movement fot"\vard."
Minister Denounces
President Bush's
'77Jere is nothing Cliristian about
discrimination.' Rev. Steven Baines
On J unc 21, Pre:,id<:n: Bush addressed
the Southern Baptist (~onvention at its
annual 1nccting in ~"2:!s1r,~illc, ·renn.
Pra:sing the co1i,-e:1tio~1's support for 1he
Federal ivlatri,,[;C :\mend,nent, the
president said: ;,Somhem B,tptists are
practicing compt:ssion by defending the
family and rhe s,m-ed instit!aion of
Reverend Steven Baines, an elder in
the Discipics of Christ and member c>f
the Natiornd G,1y and Lcsbi:m Ta~k
Force ~atic,na] Religious Leadership
Roundtable rt:spo:1ds with the foliowing
"As an eider in the Christian Cirnrch
(Discip~es of Christ) and a fonnGr
Southern Baptist minister, I am
disappointcl that ti1e president and
leaders of the Southern Baptist
Convention continue t(> p::csent their
discrimination against :csb:an, ga:,,
bisexual and transgcndcr J\1r1cricans 1n
the guise of compas:,ion.
"The preside:1t·s speed, faiicd to cxpl:J.te
how a Federal tvtarriagc i\tncndment that
wouid block tho:1:,amls of i\mcr:can
families fmm the prnccci.ions they neecl
for :heir stabilitv ,111,! ~ccurity car: be
seen as an act of co1npas~ion; just as the
Sou:hern Baptist Convem;on has faikd
r.o e~piain how supp:>tting this
d,~cr1m1nat10n contributes to tts
Christ:an ,•:itn,:<~ There i,;
Christian about dlscrirr,in=-ttinn.
r,pp•~p~~~~cd J1rH ;;-; tLc frn1n<h1 ti<)n 1+1c
J-{ebn::\-.- and (:hristian
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of me board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
cal!ed "In Our Own Write."
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
JULY 2005
Hold the
In a recent op-ed in the _ Washington
Blade_, organizer Robin Tyler made an appeal
for a fifth LGBT March on Washington to take
place before the 2008 election, "demanding all
~mr civil rights." I understand her anger with
the climate that's been set by Washington; gay
people are indeed, as she put it, "under siege."
But before we take up the call for another
showy, star-studded event in the nation's
capital, we should consider where queer money
and energy could besr be used at this time of
right-wing hegemony. I believe that the
stra~egy of holding national LGBT marches
should be put on indefinite hold, and that we
would be better served as a community to shift
increasingly more of our resources to local
demonstrations and organizing.
I've perrnna!lv attended two of t!1e four national marches for LGBT rights that
have take~ place ;ince 1979. The 1987 demonstration was a somber event the
devastating sight of so many queer people with photos pinned to their T-shirts of
friends and lo,;ers who'd succumbed to AIDS is still a vivid memory for me. The
chillv. overcast day reflected the mood of our community perfectly. In me one photo
I ha;e of myself ~t that march, I'm sitting down wearily with my head in my hands.
Six years later, the day of the 1993 march was bright and sunny; Bill Clinton had
just taken office with the promise of ending me gay military ban, and many of us
believed we could actually see a ray of hope. In fact, me march had more of the air of
a party than a poiitical march. And although it was a iot of fun, it was still a bit
pointless for those of us who wanted something more substantial than the color and
glitz of a Pride celebration.
Like many omers in our community, I sat out the march in 2000, which had been
dictated by a few national organizations that never bothered to consult local gay
organizers about whether another D.C. get-together was really a good idea. Later, the
so-called "Millennium March" was fraught with financial scandal, as tens of thousands
of dollars mvsteriouslv went missing from its coffers.
Have w~ learned 'anyming as a movement in the five years since then, particularly
gi·:en the devastating results of the 2004 election?
'· .Hopefully, we know now mat mere's much truth to the old maxim about all
politics being locai. That's not to say that our nationai gay groups snould close up
shop. But a corporate-sponsored party in Washington - starring, as Tyler s4ggests, gay
icons like Cher, Madonna, and Barbra Streisand, no less! - couldn't adequately address
the serious challenges our community faces.
Just think about it: Do you see me American Family Association wasting energy
anci time hosting an antigay blow-oi:t on the Washington Mall, starring, say, Pat
Boone and Bo Derek? No, the AFA is too busy organizing locally focused actions
like its "Meet at Citv Ha.:l" event for a "morn~ rebirth" of me country, calling on local
religious groups and. congregations to spread rhe word. Indeed, the right has been so
successful in its antigay campaign because it has honed its local and Internet
organizing skills to precision. How do you suppose they routinely manage to garner
alf those signatures ro get antigay initiatives on ballots across the count::y?
Page 25
Our CY,Vn major organizations !i'.,c:
the Human Rights Carr:paign and the
National Gav and Lesbian Task Force
have been c;Jrrect, then, tc begin
chanp_eiing more and mo:c c,f their
energies and resources mto shori!1g up
our state and local efforts. Ai:d c,·en one
national sraffer taken :mt of commission
to plan a \X'ashington e\·ent and i.:
would, of course, take many more than
one would be one staffer too many.
Tyler reasons that a national march
would. be important for demonstrating
our "strong and united presence.'' But
there are many other ways to sho•;;r
queer strength and resolve. (I won't go
imo "united," which I think, given the
diversity of our community, is an
unattainable goal.) For example, a single
day of demonstrations in the capitals of
states that have antigay laws on the
books or anti-marriage-rights bills
pending would be far more effect;ve than
a party ,vith Babs on the Mall (e,·en if
she sang "People" jus: for us).
Remember that there arc still a lot of
foiks ou;: there who think gay people
don't exist or shouidn't live - anywhere
but San Francisco and New York. Jus~
recently, Gov. Ricic Perry (R-Texas) had
the audacity to suggest that returning
gay veterans of the Iraq war might be
happier vacating his stare if tney don't
approve of its laws.
How much more effective it is, ti1en,
to fight 'phobes like that on their own
turf not by gamering in D.C., when al1
me politicos have left for the weeicend.
:; ~'~~"ii
tue, 1111:eg .
~i, ',;{,'{~if~~rtfsirig:Servire. ..
Quotable Quotes
"l thinic we'ye alreaci·; won (the samesex
marriage batt:e]. /\nd that's a hard
thin!! to remember, because it's really a
scary time. Bur ,vhen you look at ,vhat
l1as happened in the gay-rights
movement in the last 36-37 years, we
have progressed further, in a shorter
period of time, than any civil-rights
movement in the history of the planet,
and there's bound to be a backlash ....
Uppity people get uppity and get
excited and get organized and there's a
backlash. But I trulv believe mat we
have so profoundly' impacted the
generation behind us that we'ye already
;,on. \Y.'e just don't know it yet."
"Queer as Folk's" Peter Paige (Emmett)
to the Sr. Louis gay newspaper The
Vital Voice, May 13.
Joplin Couple To
Host First Annual
Christmas in July
JOPLIN, MO_Tom Walton and Tim
Baker tne host and creators of the annual
Christmas open house parry to benefit
"Aids Project of 6e Ozarks" (APO) has
announced their first "Christmas in July
Bar-B-Que". The event will be at me
coup:es home in Joplin on Sunday July
17th, i 2:00 noon. Guest are requested to
briag nonpe~ishabie items, mainly paper
goods, bleach and detergents. Ail donations
will go to benefit APO members.
"Wim all the cuts in benefits to people
with AIDS, donations have never been
more important than noy;r" said Tim
The decision by a House subcommittee
to flat-fund the Ryan Wr:ite Comprehensive
AIDS Resour~es Emergency ~;\ct
and other federal HIV/ AIDS programs,
more help from the private sector is
Fur an invitacion or to drop off your
contributions call 1·101 or 'Torn at
Page26 Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
JULY 2005
Salurntions to all of my loyal kictens
en:rywhere.This month Uncle has been just over
run with a!l the excitemem of pride kittens. You
know they asked uncle to serve as a judge in a
pageant competition going on to celebrate pride
while, crowing diversities finest. Uncle was drawn
back imo the days gone by; Uncles pageant days.
Straight men only think hey know blood sport.
You cannot imagine the true body called pageant.
I teli you those Queens work it as if they own it
and you. Yes, uncle dealt with some trifling
Queens however, emerged victorious. Face it
sisters, in the end there can only be one. You have
never in vou.r life saw the levels of absolute disdain, which, pours from a runner up. I
swear at ~ne competition, I kno•,v I heard music from the omen coming from behind
the dressing room door.
I have· also been equaliy dividing my time to my new houseboy, while craining
this young kitten to become a great mans man. This young one now before me shows
a lot of possibility. Uncle misses Delight, however realize nothing last forever.
Delicious has been able to jump in '.Vithout looking back. I will tell you the buns on
that boy, inst scream-Hot dog. Uncle none::heless has remembered his own policy of
not sampling the helps me!lu of love. Whilst Uncle Recalls days gone by, let us see
what seekers seek this month.
Dear Uncle:
I am one of t:\vo children born to my parems both of which are gay. My sister and
I have chis odd relationship, in which, I wish I could escape. She has always had better
grades, better friends, everything overall has been better for her. My parents e:ven
accepted her sexuality, while treated me as if I was a mistake. They never loved me. I
have the opportunity of moving away with some friends, which would allow me my
escape. I haYc no~ told her yet as it is difficult as were all we have. Our parents both
gone now, leaves us depending soleiy on one another for family support. Am I wrong
for wanting my own life, away from my family shadows?
Distant brother
Dear distant:
Well baby Jane; it's all ai:>out you from the sounds of things. It is hard enough to find
chosen familv in the world ~o cali loved ones. I would suggest that you attempt to try
to keep a relationship, even if a ~ong distance one with your sister. Who knows
kitten vo;.. may need a kidnev one dav. You know they sav jealousy is crueler than
the g;a;e Kitt~n; you may w;nt to thi;1k about that fo; a '\~hiie bef~re making your
choice. Uncle might also suggest seeing a [professional for what sounds like- a luggage
rack fuH of baggage. Kitten, life is too short to hold grudges. Let go and let Cherl
l(ittens life i::: hard enough without dragging baggage around. Life is not always
easy, however, there is one thing true. Life is what you make of it. You can either
enjoy life while, balancing the negative occurrences. Aiternatively, you can give in
and allow the negative to rule you. In which case you shall send your life being a
negative I'\Jancy.
Dear Uncle Mikey:
I ,vaf. ha,·ing sex ·.vith my partner the <Jther night, when he shocked me with is
bei1avior We are not mto kinky stuff, just good old-fashioned sex. When he toid me
Page 27
to slap him, I thought he was joking.
Than in a passionate plea, he insisted that
I slap him. I did it however, felt strangely
afterwards. When it was all said and
done, he acted no different from before.
Is this normal for men to pick up new
habits? Should I be worried here? I am
afraid he may show up with a black mask
and whip soon, what should I do?
Seriously Confused
Dear SC:
Kitten, I would not raise the alarm
just yet. This could be something he
heard of, or simply had the urge to try. It
is not uncommon, especially in a
committed relationship for people to
want to try new things. I would keep
open discussion on the needs of both
parties if you fear certain behavioral
movements in the bedroom.
Uncle Mikey not only believes in
creative _expression in the bedroom,
however is an active promoter. Uncles
bedroom accessories include and are not
limited to the following. Smoke machine,
laser machine, mirrors for every angle.
You know, I have seen some of my best
moments in those mirrors. Maintaining a
happy healthy sexual relationship takes
dedication, creativity, and of course
Well Kittens-ks that time again.
Uncle has to get ready for the nights
events. Remember while enjoying this
pride season, we have a lot to be proud
of. Our community is made up of some
of the most diverse, genuine, loving
people in the world. Most of which uncle
has loved on a one to one basis.
Continue the spirit kittens, and be safe.
Remember; Love thy neighbor,
especially if he is Hot!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles
Undt! Mikey is a character from Freeiance 'WTiter
Michat!l Hinzman. Michat!l h.u b«n writing/or ten
years. Utilizing bis st1IIUl!s, and life t!Xprntm« to bdp
othttrS in bis commHnity, through humor and sound
ad'Uice. Mich4eJ applied bis stlldy of prycbolvgy and
creative writing, 11.S 1«il his extensive b.ultground in
mtmul health Dim:t can to bring a new st:,lc and
approach to helping otkrs. Michael's other works can
be vit!Wl!ti at 'fl1'WU!.gayiinkcontent.com.
Bamboo owner's donate mini cvcle back
to Tulsa Rough Riders. ,
Press Release:
June 15, 2005
TULSA, OK_Tulsa Rough Rider would
like to thank Club Maverick for letting
us have our club night on June 11, 2005
Gay pride weekend at the club, it was a
great success. We would also like to
thank everyone who participated and
purchased Raffle tickets. Stan and Terry
owners of the Bamboo Lounge won the
Mini Chopper that was given away and
they have graciously donated it back to
the Rough Riders to Raffle again on
August 13 2005 at the Rough Riders next
club night at the Bamboo at 1 0:00pm till
? All the proceeds from the Chopper will
be donated to Hope Clinic. The August
10th chili night at the Bamboo will also
be the Rough Riders One year
anniversary celebration and will be a
night to remember. Lots of surprises and
some out of control fun.
Quotable Quotes
"My stepdaughter is gay. She and her
partner have been together in Chicago
for 10 years; they have a wonderful
relationship. I adore her. She's been my
stepdaughter since she was 9, so we have
a ,.·ery good family relationship."
Golden Girl Betty White to San Diego',
Gay & Lesbian Times, May 12.
Page 28
Oi.t o/Town- continued from pg-7
watch videos and mingle; and the Market
Hotel, the city's top late-night gay disco.
Amid several offbeat shops and eateries
around the intersection of Greville and Izett
streers. check out Candv Bar, which serves
light f~od and hosrs a gay parry on Sunday
nights. .
Just amble up Chapel Street from Prahran
to South Y arra to find some of the most
fashionable clothing and design shopping in
the city, plus a slew of wny restaurants.
Collingwood, Richmond, and
North of the river and Central
Melbourne, you'll find happening restaurants
and swish lounges cropping up in
Collingwood, especially around rhe junction
of Smith and Gertrude streets. On Thursdays,
the Q+A party at the Builders .,"1rm Hotel
draws a see-and-be-seen set of mostly under-
35 gay guys.
Continue a bit east of the neighborhood
into the rough-and-rumble Richmond and
Abbotsford areas, and you'll find several top
gav hangouts,including the Glasshouse Hotel,
a fab lesbian club thar's especially popular on
Sarurdavs. and the Peel, a youthful video bar
and dis~o- that draws plent'J of young guys on
the make. Leather-and-Le~·i's types favor the
rollicking Laird Hotel. Trade, a cozy gay
pub, draws an eclectic, mostly male
neighborhood crowd. Head ro the Star Hotel
or DT's Hotel for crazy drag shows, which
are arguably as beloved in Australia as
anywhere in the world; and for steamier
action, you'd be hard-pressed (so to speak) to
find a better-kept and cleaner bathhouse than
Wet on Weliington.
In Fitzrov. the intersection of Brunswick
and lohnston '~treets marks one of
Melbourne's hipster meccas, buzzing with
tapas and flamenco bars, Asian restaurants,
wackv coffeehouses, and off-kilter bout1cmes
and ;hops selling curring-edge anci retro
clothing, underground mus:c, and e,ery
imaginable kinci of gift and knickknack. Mos'
piaces are hidden behind ,:intage bdding$
wit:1 ir.tentionally distressed facades,
nrod~cing a some,.vhat shabby-chic look.
• Among the dozens of intriguing eater:cs
along here. consider Red Tongue Caie, a ch;c,
contemoorary space that's equal parts
1ncimat; and· seductive; Fitz Cafe, a han~;somc
<pot w•th a nieasant sidnvaik terrace and
;~;:;t globail~ inspired food; or the affordable
Polly Bar, \vhich serves up delicious small
plates, ranging from barbecue venison to
Just west of Fitzroy lies Melbourne's
imp;essive Little Italy neighborhood,
Car!ron. The main drag, Lygon Street,
contains scores of great restaurants and
gourmet shops. Try Ti Amo, an old-world
trattoria, for such classics as lamb osso buco.
And definitely don't leave Carlton without
~topping for gelati or pastries at Brunetti.
And that's just a sampling of the great
neighborhoods in this underrated ciry. Yes,
it's a long way to Australia, and Sydney
deserves attention, but don't come all this
way without spending at least a few days in
Melbourne, one of the world's great gayfriendlv
The Little Black Book (the country
code for Australia is 61)
Base (17 Carlisle St., 3-9536-6109). Boccone
(2"'7 Carlisle St., 03-9527-9223). Brunetti (194-
204 Faradav St., 3-9347-2801). Cafe Di Stasio
(31 Fitzroy, St., 3-9529-3999). Candy Bar (162
Greville St., 3-9529-6566). Chocolate Buddha
(Federation Square, Flinders and Swanston Sts., 3-
9, 654-5688). Ciaypots (213 Barkly St., 3-9:-,34-1?-8'.->) ·
Diva /153 Commerciai Rd., 3-9824-2800t DT's
Hotel .(164 Church St., 3-9428-5724). Ezard at
Adelphi (187 Flinders L:a., 3-9639-6811 ). Fitz C:,fe
:357 Bruns\':ick Sc.. 3-9417-5794). Giasshouse Hotel
(51-55 Gipps St., 3-9419-4748). Glick's (330 Carlisle
St., 03-9527-2198). Greyhound Hotel (1 Brighton
Rd., 3-9534-4189). II Fornaio (2 Acland St., 03-
9534-2922;. Laird Hotel (149 Gipps Sc., 3-9417-
2832,. 1,:,; Chicas (Carlisle St., 03-9531-3699). Le
Meridien at Rialto (495 Collins St., 3-9620-91111.
Market Hotel (143 Commercial Rd., 3-9826-0933).
M.eibourne Visitors Centre (Flinders and Swanston
Sts., 3-9658-9658, www.thatsme!bourne.com.au).
Metropolitan Hotel (263 Wi!liam St., 3-9670-1385).
Novote! St. Kild:. (14-16 The Esplan2de, 3-9525-
5522). Park Hyatt Melbourne (1 Parliament Sq., 3-
9224-1234). The Peel (113 Wellington St., 3-9419-
4762). Poliy Bar (401 Brunswick St., 3-9419-6539:,.
Prin~e of W:i.les Hotel (2 Acland St., 3-9536-1111).
Pure South (Shop GR2, River Level,
Southgate, 3-9699-4600~. Q+ A party (Builders
tum Eo.ei, Gertrud~ and Grove Sts .• _3-9419-0818).
Red Tongue Cafe (275 Brunswick St., 3-94i5-92.i4j.
7 Apples (75 Acland St., 3-9537-3633:,. So'1i l\.fam;i
!St. Kiida Scabachs. 10-18 Jacb. Blvd., St. Kilda. 3-
~525-3338). Star Hotel (176 Hoddle St .• 3-9417-
2(,%,. Ti Ame (303 :,ygun St .. 3-9347-5759).
Tou;~stn Vio:ori~'s gay/lesbian website (http://
visitmeibourne.com/ g.ytr~vel). Trade (9 Ped St.~ 3-
9417-6700). w~: on \'(icliingtcn (162 Wellington
St., 03~9419-20101 Xch;;.nge Eotei (119
Com1nercial Rd-, 3-9867-5144).
Hollywood Events
Center Opens
by Greg Steele
June 18, 2005
emcee, opened the star studded show to a
oacked house of 300 plus. The elusions of
Tina Turner, Judy Garland, Diana Ross,
Nancy Sinatra, Cher, Bet Midler and
special guest's belted out everyone's
favorite tune to a delighted audience and
raised over $1,100 for RAIN Oklahoma.
RAIN Oklahoma, a nonprofit, regional
AIDS Intercommunity Network, and is
located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and
The Events Center is located in the
Hoilr.vood Hotel and Suites anci has
been a iong awaited project of Lee Burrus
the complex General Manager. \Y/itt a
capacity of 400, the evem center is
availabie for banquets, conventions,
pageants, parties and other functions. The
center has a large stage with great lighting,
a dressing area and a dance floor.
Food and bar service are also available in
the center from Topanga Ba1: and Grill.
The i/!11-.<ion of Judy Garland at the opening of
Hollywood £,vents Center, Oklahoma City.
The cemer is a beautifui new addirion to
Oklahom~ City's GLBT community
facilities and to our region. For booking
information contact Lee Burrus, Generai
Manager, 405-()4--2351.
f Page 33 STAR Scene Photo's by Chaz I
by Jack Fertig
JULY 2005
"Keep a journal, Scorpio!"
Three weeks ago, Venus was square
Jupiter and ttine Uranus; now the Sun is
in the same position. Try to imagine
Fidel Castro imitating Isadora Duncan,
and you'll get the general picture. Where
you experienced charming stimulation
three weeks ago, you're now likely to
find egoistic assertion. Channel that
energy constructively, if you can!
ARIES (.March 20 - April 19): Just as
Louis XIV declared, "L' etat, c' est moi,"
so may you be overidentifying as the
avatar of your community's concerns.
Put your ego aside and be strong enough
to accept criticism as a key to real
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20):
Teamwork has been a big issue lately. All
your recent efforts do not make vou
enough of an expert to tell other~ what
to do. Better to use your charm to elicit
advice from your colleagues.
GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Stay
focused on what's important in the long
run, and on strategies for the furore.
That focus should help you curb your
playful, provocative streak, which is
usually great fun, but is sure to get you
into big trouble now.
CANCER Oune 21 July 22): You can
be Queen of the F***ing Universe at
your birthday party, but otherwise your
self-absorption ain't pretty. Affect the
humble grace and charm of an immigrant
or a profoundly religious grandmother.
If neither of your grannies fits the bill,
make one up"
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Stop, think,
and breathe. People ignore your demands
for attention, so tune in to. quiet, selfcontained
intensity. Meditate and focus
on what you want to say; speak with
your beautifully dramatic eyes and save
your mouth for more intimate
VIRGO (August 23 September 22): Try
not to obsess about money. Focus
instead on what values and resources you
can offer others. If you have any doubts
in those departments, any son of
teamwork or volunteer effort will bring
out your ralents.
LIBRA (September 23 October 22):
Your instincts for teamwork are sure to
get you ahead. The trick is to make
others look good, which you usually do
well. You're too eager for recognition
now. The more you share the credit, the
more you'll achieve in the long run.
SCORPIO (October 23 November 21):
Keep a dream journal handy. Meditate.
Those deeper thoughts, images, and
memories all provide a wealth of material
to open up new artistic and philosophical
directions. And a journal makes the
darker, scarier stuff easier to handle, too!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): The stars are boosting
your sexual confidence - as if you needed
any more! That charisma can be enjoyed
at a purely erotic level, or it can be
sublimated into community work.
They're not mutually exclusive - do some
good, and you can get done good!
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January
19): Opportunities for promotion can get
you in over your head. Trust in your
improvisational skills and you should be
able to talk your way out of any.
situation; exploit that ability now while
you can.
AQUARIUS Oanuary 20 - February 18):
Arguments can get expensive or lead you
to fundamental questions of
philosophical values. Save some money
and re-examine your dogmas. Budgeting
and exercise help focus your mind in
those directions.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Remember three weeks ago when you
were irresistible? Well, now you're
indomitable - unless you _ want_ to be a
kinky bottom! Whatever - or whomever
- you want, go get 'em, tigerfish!
Jack Fertig has been working as a
professional astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Networking.
t l
l I
- - ~. 7 l~~ge-10 .
- - - - - - - I?age;-17 .
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Events - - w1vw.diversitypride.com
MCC Llving Spring - - - · -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479}
Studio 716- -716 W. Syco.more- - - '179-571 130
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - 479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson A·,e - 479-782-1845
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Our House Lounge 660 E. Gro.nd Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - -1021 jessie Rd- 501-654-27 44
Dio.mond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - -'\\rww.dsra.org
Discovery- - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - 501-656-6900
The Factory -412 Louisiwa St.- - - - -501-372-307(1
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Ufe Church - 1709 N W2lnu: -11AM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier
J's Lounge -
Our Fo.ntasy-
2828 E. 31st South - 3:6-612-9331
- 513 E. Central - - 3i6-262-1363
• 3201 S. Hillside- -316-682-5494
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatlli - 4000 S. Broad·;1a;;- 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Men5 Bar -1106 S. P2ttie- - -316-267-0324
South 40 - 3201 S. Hiliside -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - -1507 S. Pawnee-
That Gay Group, W.S.U. -
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - - - '117-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - • - • 3715 Ma:n St -- 816-561-2600
Club l'.'V - 220 Admiral Blvd- 816-421-NVKC
DB Wo.renouse- 1915 Main St- -816-47 1-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - 816-561-0625
Sidestreet Ba.r • -- -413 E. 3rd-- - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks So.loon - - 3707 Main St- 816- 931-i430
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground-----· --417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- A24 Boonvilie A.ve- --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Mo.rtha's Vine;:ard- 219 W Olive - - 417-864-4572
Prisci:Ja's - 1918 S. Glenstone - - 417-881-8444
Oz Bo.r 504 E. Commercial
Ronist:z Pl:ice- --821 College-
- - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McP:ide- - - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 KW 36th St- - -405-601-7200
Club Ro,:- -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Finish Line - -22C10 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39E:xp405-525-0730
HollywoodHote:- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habo.na Inn 2200 NW 39,h Ex!J• - - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Cub - 1221 N\Y/ SOth- - -405-843-1722
Jung;e Reds
. - 2200 NW fapwy- - 405-524-5733
-2805 NW 36th St - - 405-942-2199
Piece To Remember-2i31 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
P!:sdla's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Sisters- - - - . - 2120 NW 39th St - - -A-05-521-9533
TI:e Rcc;;ies- -320: N. May Ave - - 405-947-9361
Topanga GriiJ & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. P'ne - - 91?-836-8700
Club Mo.vcrick- - 822 S. Snerida:' - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- 8807 E. Admir:1.i Pl - -834-1051
Elit~ Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- 918-838-8503
End Up Club- - - c.24 S. Memorial- - -918-836-2480
Flamingos Ciuo- • -7915 E. 21st St - - -9 I 8-622-6339
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 415:. - - • 918-743-4297
The De:our- - - -794A- E. 21st - - - - - • 918-270-2428
Club Majestic- - 124 J\i. Boston - · 918-584-9494
Renegades- - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Prisciila's - - • 7925 E. 41st - -918-627-4884
Pr::scilb's - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - - -918-446-6336
Pri~cilla's • - -11344 E. i ith - - -- - -918-438-4224
Prisdib's - - 2333 E. 71st - - - -- - -918-499-1661
Tub• CARES- -3507 E Admir~i Pi- . 918-83·+-4194
Tulsa E~gk- - -1338 E, 3rd - - • - 918-592-1188
TNT's- - 21 i 4 S. Memorio.1- • •· - 918-660-0856
Undcrguy,corn - - -15 E. Bra~y 9 l 8-829-0824
\vhitticr l'Jev.rs Stand- - 1 :t.J. ]n,is- - 918~592-0767
Ydkr.v-Brick-Rd- -2630 E. 15th- - - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute I<'REE copies of the ST AR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon - fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Page 37 I NEw cART □□ N "Bitter Girl"
to 3pm closed sundays.
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 07,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/217.