[2007] The Star Magazine, March 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 3


[2007] The Star Magazine, March 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


March 01, 2007


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Jeanne Flanigan
Douglas Glenn
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Victor Gorin
Greg Gatewood
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Devre Jackson


The Star Magazine, February 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 2

The Star Magazine, April 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 4


Online text








Southwestern Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


2 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Oklahoma’s Discriminatory Laws Prohibit Same Gender
Couples The Pdght To Marry.
TULSA, OK___On Valentine’s Day, February 14th three same
sex couples and approximately 20 supporters marched peacefully
through the Tulsa County Courthouse to the second floor licens!~g
counter. Each couple in turn asked for a marriage license application.
Court Clerk Sally Howe Smith politely presented the application.
Once the form was completed the clerk then asked for identification
and after a quick review said: "I notice by your I.D. that
you are of the same gender. The State of Oklahoma does not allow
same gender marriages, therefore.I must decline your application."
Photo: ~vo women askfor a marriage license application at the
7ffdsa Count. court house.
Photo: Three same gender couples cut the wedding cake that was
adorned with two brides toget,§er and two grooms at a reception in the
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center:
(AP) Hundreds of gay couples were granted the same legal rights, if
not the title, as married couples Monday as New Jersey became the
third state to offer civil unions.
More than a dozen other couples applied for licenses for ceremonies
later in the week.
The civil unions, which 6ffer the legal benefits but not the title of
marriage, were granted automatically to hundreds of gay New Jersdy
couples who had previously been joined in civil unions or married
in other states or nations.
The three couples, referred to as "The Love Warriors", walked quietly
away from the counter after each where refused a license. The
group then boarded a shuttle bus which took them back to the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center where a wedding reception had been
prepared. Two brides and two grooms gdorned the wedding cake.
Oklahomans for Equality, lead by their tPresident Laura Belmonte,
sponsored the demonstration and was held on Valentine’s day in
celebration of the 10th anniversary of"Freedom to Marry Week".
The goal of the demonstration was to bring awareness to the 1049
benefits allowed opposite sex couples who are legally married in the
State of Oklahoma and a call for marriage equality for Oklahoma
same gender couples. "It is an equal rights issue", said Belmonte.
Oklahomans for Equality is a non-profit organization committed to
securing equality for Oklahoma GLBT citizens as well as all Oklahomans.
They are now located in their new permanent home inside
the Equality Center 621 E. 4th Street in downtown Tulsa, celebrated
it’s grand opening February 14-18. In honor of the organizations
founder Dennis R. Neill the building was named the "Dennis R.
Neil Equality Center".
v~vw.ozarksstar.com the STAR 3
A national report titled Lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender youth: An
epidemic of homelessness. "Epidemic" is
a strong word to use, but in this case it’s
Lily Tomlin to appear at the Tulsa Performing
Arts Center March 18th.
GLBT Homeless Youth - page 5
African-American comedian Jackie
"Moms" Mabley - dubbed "the funniest
woman in the world"
Gay Travelers "Tucson Arizona’’
Otit of Town "Budget Getaxvays "
This month Uncle Mikey recovers from
a love affair of epic proportions. I mean
whew, that man was just too much. It
was like being at the DQand trying to
take that extra dip The STAR Interview with Lily
Tomlin - page 10
GLBT Homeless............ 5
Lily Tomlin ................ 10
OUT in Arkansas........... 12
Stage.................... 11
Past Out.................. 14
Leslie Jordan ............. 15
The Wine Rack............. 16
Ciao Travel ................ 17
Lesbian Notions............ 22
Star Scene................ 24
Uncle Mikey............... 26
After Dark ................ 27
Horoscopes............... 28
Distributors............... 29
Classifieds ................ 31
Gay Leslie Jordan to Host 10th Annual
Red Ribbon Gala on March 10.
-page 15
4 the STAR ~,vw.ozarksstar.com
LGBT Youth Homelessness:
A National Disgrace
By Jason Cianciotto
piece of federal legislation that directs funding and programming
guidelines to homeless youth service providers nationwide, the
Congressional Research Service released its own report on youth
homelessness in the US. Their report did not include a single mention
of LGBT youth.
If Congress’s own research arm is unwilling or unable to acknowledge
this epidemic, how can we expect our elected officials to
address it?
I think part of the answer lies in supporting and replicating the successful
efforts of service providers and activists at the grassroots level.
Photo:Jason Cianciotto
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, in collaboration
with the National Coalition for the Homeless, released a
national report today titled Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
youth: An epidemic of homelessness. "Epidemic" is a strong word
to use, but in this case it’s
While approximately, 3 to
5 percent of the total U.S.
population identifies as gay
or lesbian, our review of the
available academic and professional
literature found that an
estimated 20 to 40 percent of
the up to 1.6 million youth
who run away or are homeless
each year identify as LGBT. In
other words, LGBT youth are
grossly overrepresented in the
homeless youth population.
The report goes into great detail about why LGBT youth are becoming
homeless, their experiences on the streets, and the pervasive
harassment and discrimination they experience at many homeless
service providers. Just as important are the model service practices
and policy recommendations also included in the report, which
if implemented nationwide would help to curb this epidemic and
truly make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable youth.
Several weeks ago, I received what is perhaps the greatest example of
the hard work ahead of us as we use this report to educate politicians,
policymakers and service providers.
In anticipation of the 2008 renewal of the Runaway, Homeless and
Missing Children Protection Act (RHMCPA), the primary
For example, there’s the street outreach program and drop-in center
developed by the Ruth Ellis Center, which predominandy serves
LGBT youth of color in Detroit, Mich., and the transitional living
program run by Green Chimneys in New York City, which provides
safe and supportive housing for LGBT homeless youth for 18
months while preparing them for in&pendent living. Urban Peak
in Denver, Colorado has developed specific guidelines for creating
a safe space for transgender homeless youth in shelters, given their
unique needs and
Because most homeless
youth service providers
are not LGBT-specific,
our report also
highlights the success
of Ozone House, in
Ann Arbor, Mich.,
an organization that
serves all homeless
youth but has specifically
striven to create
an LGBT-safe space.
Waltham House in
Massachusetts has
even developed a program
that has provided LGBT cultural competency training to over
2,000 employees at the state Department of Social Services.
While the programs highlighted in our report may be the exception
today, they are replicable anywhere in the country. Indeed, one
of our critical aims and hopes is that service providers and social
service agencies will see this report as a wake-up call to the crisis of
homelessness among LGBT youth. Some may already work with
this population and learn from one of our contributors about how
to enrich an existing program. Others might know they need to
reach out to LGBT youth but need additional guidance on how to
do so.
Continued page-23
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
Oklahoma Activist Named to Board
of National Stonewall Democrats
Oklahoma Chapter MaiFltains
Strong Presence on National Board
By James Nimmo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats
(~x~9.0kstonewall.org) announced today that activist and poht~cal
consultant Linda Gray Murphy of Oklahoma City has been named
to the Board of Directors for National Stonewall Democrats (NSD)
She will begin a two-year term in March as a delegate from Region
6, representing Iowa, Missouri, A~kansas, Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.
Her election continues the strong presence that Oklahoma Stonewall
Democrats (OSD) has had on the national board for the last
three years, beginning with the late activist and lobbyist Keith
Smith. Ms. Murphy and Mr. Smith, both Yellow Dog Democrats,
were close allies in advocating for the betterment of Oklahoma’s
citizens through work in many progressive issues such as equality for
gay people, women’s health dare, and the environment.
Ms. Murphy is well kmown throughout Oklahoma and Texas for her
work with political campaigns and progressive causes, with her latest
victory being the election ofA1 McAffrey to the Oklahoma House
of Representatives. She serves as executive director and spokesperson
for WorkAng Families Project (wvwv.workingfamiliesproject.
corn), a statewide organization to increase the minimum wage and
improve the lives of all Oklahomans.
Membership growth in Stonewall Democrats, the only ga~ lesbian,
bisexual and transgender organization recognized by the National
Democratic Party, has prompted recent expansion of Region 6
representation on the NSD board from three to five delegates.
Ms. Murphy will join Olga Hernandez of San Antonio as female
Four candidates will vie for the three remaining positions. They
include incumbent national board members Jesse Garcia and
Buck Massey, both ofTexas, and two Oklahoma City men, Steve
VanHook and Colin Raley. VanHook has served OSD as interim
co-chair since early December. The lowest vote-getter in February’s
regional elections is expected to be named an alternate delegate, attending
when a regular delegate cannot.
Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats, with nearly 200 current members,
is constitutionally recognized as an active dub of the Oklahoma
Democratic Party (www.okdemocrats.org) with a voting seat on the
state party’s governing Central Committee. The Stonewall organization
is dedicated to achieving ful! equality for America’s lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender citizens, and its members work in
campaigns and raise money for both openly gay and gay-friendly
Democratic candidates at all levels of government.
6 the STAR w~rw.ozarksstar.com
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 7
April 4, 2007 10:00 PM @The Copa, OKC OK
(580) 216-2715
must be 21 yrs old to enter colt5294@yahoo.com
8 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
pancakes ~nd, just trying to g~t
book, music ~. lyrics by Jerry Rabushka
(of Somebody ~Ise~s Life)
WOOFI wags Oklahoma~t
TULSA: March 2~3, 8:00pro
Nightingale Theater, 1416 E. 4th St,
Reservations: 918-633-8666
OK. CtTY: March 23~24, 8:00 P~
IAO Galle~: 81! N. Broadway
Re~ations: 314-280-1035
Dir~ions: 40~232~060
~e~: $10; ~5.~ s~dent~senio~
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 9
10 the STAR
Interview by: Victor Gorin
An Evening of Classic Lily Tomlin is a
nostalgic and warm presentation of Lily’s
"greatest hits," with more than a dozen of
her famous characters, including the precocious
six-year-old Edith Ann; the irascible
telephone operator, Ernestine; the aging
beauty adviser, Madame Lupe; Lucille, the
rubber addict; prim Judith Beasley from
Calumet City, Indiana; and Lily’s most profound
character, Trudy, the street lady who
starred in The Search for Signs of Intelligent
Life in the Universe.
VICTOR: Well hello Lily, and welcome
to Oklahoma. When did you last perform
LILY: Many years ago, it must have been in
the 70s.
VICTOR: Your entertainment career has
spanned over 4 decades, and a lot of changes
have happened in show business. What
major changes have you noticed and what
has stayed the same?
LILY: Well, it’s all in how you approach
it, what your own sensibility is, whatever
you think is funny and how you deal with
it, matter of nuance and style. Certainly a
lot of barriers have been knocked dmvn. I
can remember when the word "ass" said on
network TV was unheard of.
VICTOR: Well it was a different world
when you began viewing corned}; when
you favorites included Lucille Ball & Jean
Carroll, the first female standup comic on
the Ed Sullivan Shiny. When you started
college to study medicine, was that just to
be practical when you really wanted to be in
LILY: (laughs) I was just a blue collar kid
who grew up in inner city Detroit. I mean
you were supposed to be serious about getting
a job, a career. Being a doctor seemed
like a very noble thing to aspire to, and
there was quite a reverence for doctors in
those days. In my neighborhood though,
we were grateful if boys didn’t wind up in
the slammer or girls didn’t get pregnant.
VICTOR: Well, you managed to avoid
both. Among your many personas, my true
favorite was the telephone operator Ernestine,
who won you a Grammy Award for a
comedy album. She became part of our culture,
and as a former long distance operator
myself, you can see why she’s dear to me.
LILY: While I had never been an actual telephone
operator, I did march in a picket line
with the operators in 1971 during a strike in
San Francisco. The Communications \gorkers
of,4anerica awarded me a "Cracked Bell
Award" for standing with them.
I owe everything to Ernestine, and she
knows it! She’s like a real person to me, and
like people such as Bette Davis, she’s one
everybody tries to imitate.
VICTOR: Back in Ernestine’s day, did you
ever think there would be shows like "Will
and Grace"?
LILY: No probably not. It’s kind of evolutionary.
Hlen having the success she has had
is remarkable, and a whole generation has
grown up with that support and knowledge.
I can relate, I was in the middle. I knew of
performers in the 40s and 50s who were
suppressed, repressed & oppressed.
VICTOR: I loved your role in the movie
"9 to 5" which, although a comedy, really
depicted the issues of working people. Can
you see workers and the gay communit-y
coming together for positive change, particularly
in the political area?
LILY: Any groups working for change are
usually coming from an outsider status, so
they can align themselves with others who
are disenfranchised so that opens doors for
everybody. I might also add that I’d like a
new president!
........................... Continuedlvage 13
Coming to Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
By Staff Reporter
ST LOUIS, MO__Ragged Blade presents
"Woof, The Road Show," a two man minimusical
with Zach Jett & Jerry Rabushka.
Book, lyrics & music by Jerry Rabushka
A script that keeps changing, and love that
keeps threatening to cross from on stage to
back stage, and lots of silly jokes. Woofl is a
mini-musical about dogs, pancakes, and just
trying to get some.
Don’t you just hate it when you’re trying to
make out and there’s a dog panting at your
feet? Woofl
Adam and Jon are touring a show. A gay
romance, come to think, that Adam wrote
without realizing he’d have to deal ~vith an
acting partner who keeps trying to make
it happen in real life. If that’s not bad
enough.., a group of frustrated writers (not
to mention the Wednesday Mah Jongg club)
keep xvorkshopping the play and our poor
actors never know what’s in the script from
one show to the next.
Oh, and then there’s... Woody. You know,
that "hot" stage hand who took up a career
in theater so he could sleep with touring actors.
He’s had his way with Jon and Adam...
so they like each other to think. Poor
Woody, he meets his demise more often
than Kenny in South Park. What happens
when he goes to an Annie cast party? It’s too
scary to mention.
Can they ever transfer the on stage love to
back stage.., even if there’s a clause in the
contract that forbids it? It’s an unusual play
with dry humor, a bit of a vaudeville style,
and some great fun.
JERRY RABUSHKA is a St. Louis based
writer, composer, actor, and director and a
co-founder of Ragged Blade productions,
a company that produces original theatre
and also produces touring artists. Rabushka
has won awards for several plays including
The Checkpoint, Kiss of Death, and Empty
Closets; he received the Director’s Award
For Outstanding Service (to the GLBT
theater community) at the 2006 National
Gay and Lesbian Theater Festival (Columbus,
OH). He’s had about 80 scripts of various
lengths published by Brooklyn Publishers,
Odessa, TX. His solo piano CD
"Piano 362" was nominated for "Outstanding
Instrumental Recording" by NYC based
Outmusic in 2003.
ZACH JETT is a St. Louis area actor &
singer who has performed in a number of
musicals and is currently in his third show
with Ragged Blade. "Jett’s experience shows
through his command of the stage, his vocal
ability, and how well he looks in a dog
collar," says critic Tamitra Williford, KDHX
Radio, St. Louis.
RAGGED BLADE has been to Tulsa and
OKC with Rabushka’s one-man show
"Somebody Else’s Life." The Nightingale
Theatre also produced his play Love of Last
Resort in 2006. His play "Gay Christian,
Gay Muslim, Gay Jew," commissioned by
award winning performer, recording artist
& Comedy Central personality Jade Esteban
Estrada, premiered at the IAO Gallery February
16 & 17, 2007.
Woofl The Road Show will be in Tulsa
March 2-3, 8 PM Nightingale Theater
1416 E. 4th St. (at Peoria) TULSA, OK,
Info/Reservations for TULSA: 918-633-
March 23-24, 8 PM, IAO Gallery
811 N. Broadway, OKLAHOMA CITY,
OK, 73102
Info/Reservations for OKC: 314-280-1035.
Directions 405-232-6060
Admission for both: $10; $5 students/seniors.
For more information please visit www.
www.ozarksstar.corn the STAR 11
EUR£KA SPRINGS, AR~Spring Diversity
is falling on the same weekend as the
annual UFO Conference in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas. Many visitors asked for Diversity
Weekend to be delayed one week, so they
could be home with their families for Easter.
On Saturday night, everyone is encouraged
to dress in Gaylien themed costumes and
artists ~vill be available to create one of a
kind Face Art just for you. Eureka will be
filled with festive Gayliens and you may just
win a prize!
Deborah Rose with Diversity Pride Events
Productions, proudly announces the return
of the popular "GAYCO gang", a hysterical
comedy troupe born from members of
Chicago’s famous "SECOND CITY". Last
Spring’s production was a big hit. ~lere
will be 2 performances, a 2pm Matinee and
7:30pm evening show. (Ticket info available
And YOU could be on stage with GAYCO!
By taking a special workshop on Friday 1-
4pm with GAYCO coaches, class members
will have the option to perform Saturday in
an improv/sketch on stage with GAYCO!
Experienced or non-experienced, the class
will be loads of fun and your friends will
be amazed to see you on stage at the showi
Must RSVP and pre-pay online.
There will be DPE’s "DIVERSITY BIKERS"
contests and Poker Run. Our
golden oldies dance, newly named "RETRO
DANCE & CABARET" at Caribe’s Restaurante
y Cantina, featuring the fabulous
Mary King from Oklahoma, DJing and
singing, plus invited guest singers. It’s not
just a dance, it’s a social! (Emaii us your
requests for your favorite dance hits now, so
Mary will have time to get them)
Don’t forget to drop in to the "PRINCESS
WELCOME MIXER" at Caribe’s always
on Friday night 7 to 9pro to mix and
mingle with Gayco cast members, locals and
visitors. Be sure to pick up a copy of the
DIVERSITY GUIDE and get the scoop on
Eureka and weekend happenings.
Of course there will be many more events
sponsored by others, great shopping, dining
and that great sense of freedom and friendliness
that blows through Eureka! More
details will be posted as soon as confirmed.
Be sure to keep checking Diversitypride.
corn for updates.
Deborah Rose 479-253-2555
Email: deborah@diversitypride.corn
Web: http://xvwxv.diversitypride.com
Community for
People living
A 501 c (3) Non Profit Organization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
12 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
VICTOR: I’m with you there. But focusing on you, since you’ve
been involved with almost every form of media there is, what are
your goals now and where is your career going?
LILY: I like to keep my hand in by performing live, and I do and 40
or 50 concerts a year. I have a part in a new HBO series, "Twelve
Miles of Bad Roads," a comedy drama series where I play a matriarch
of a very rich Dallas real estate family. Mary Kay Place plays
my sister, Leslie Jordan is my cousin Kenny, and I deal with 3 out of
control loaded ldds.
VICTOR: Sounds like a load of fun!
LILY: We hope it will be, and it will go on the air next year. I also
¯ have a part in an upcoming movie, ’The Walker,’ so I’m always looking
for new opportunities.
VICTOR: Well ~ve certainly wish you luck, and we welcome the
opportunity to see your performance in Tulsa.
Tomlin has remained at the top of her game for almost 40 years,
winning six Emmys, two Tonys, a Grammy and two Peabody
Awards. She was a favorite of the late great director Robert Altman,
appearing in several of his movies, including her Academy Awardnominated
role in Nashville and with Meryl Streep as a countrywestern
sister act in Altman’s final film A Prairie Home Companion.
She was equally unforgettable in 9 to 5 with Jane Fonda and Dolly
Parton, in Big Business with Bette Midler, and as an eccentric rich
woman whose soul invades Steve Martin’s body in All of Me. In
2003, she received the prestigious Mark Twain Prize for American
It will be a night of cerebral comedy vcoven among Lily’s affectionate
reminiscences about her childhood in the Midwest.
March 18th at 7 p.m. Tulsa Performing Arts Center Chapman
Music Hall. Tickets can be purchased online at www.MyTicketoffice.
com or by phone at 918 596 7111.
By Strengthening Your Business
TULSA, OK__Diversity Business Association ofTulsa, a program of
Oklahomans for Equality, is off and running! Join us at our monthly
meeting, held the first Thursday of each month at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center, 621 E. 4th Street in downtown Tulsa.
DBAT provides a forum to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
business and professional community and its allies for the
purpose of networking, professional development, creating increased
visibility and strengthening relationships among business and professional
community members.
Networking is key to business and a cornerstone of the DBAT mission.
The DBAT business network fosters a sharing of information,
ideas, and contacts and so strengthens and expands our businesses,
careers and our community. Additionally, the Professional Development
Programs offered by DBAT at our monthly meeting enables
members to access information and resources that are important to
the growth, promotion, and visibility of their businesses.
DBAT’s 2007 agenda includes a number of events, most exciting
of which is the Diversity Business Expo and the distribution of
the new Pride Business Directory planned for June. A presence on
the web is also in the works as well as community workshops and
Get Involved! Get Connected! Join DBAT today and learn, participate
and lead in the most dynamic business climate in the LGBT
community. For more information on membership, including the
many benefits, contact Susan Hartman at slhartman@cox.net or
By Michael Leach
TULSA, OK The Tulsa Eagle recently had its First Fundraiser and
performance by a female impersonator all in the same night.
On, Saturday, Jan. 20th the current Mr. Tulsa Eagle 2006, Mr. Jay
Whiteside had a fundraiser and celebrated his birthday by
presenting a Benefit for the HOPE Testing Clinic. Hosted by Miss
Kimbefly Foxx and Mr. Jay Whiteside, there was live
entertainment and many comedy numbers by Mr. Jay and Clogger
The Benefit included a silent auction, with many items donated
by Coral West, Priscillas, Tulsa Rough Riders and the support of
T.U.L.S.A. and the Driller Bears. A grand total of $615.00,was
raised for the HOPE Testing Clinic, and Mr. Tulsa Eagle presented
the money to HOPE Testing Clinic the following Wednesday. Many
thanks for all the support and help by all the organizations that
made this Fundraiser a success, and also gave Jay a wonderful 54th
birthday celebration.
wvo,v.ozarksstar.com the STAR 13
was ]ackAe "Morns" Mabley?
African-American comedian Jackie "Moms" Mabley - dubbed "the funniest woman in the
world" - was known for her ribald humor about young men, but her personal relationships
were often with women.
The great-granddaughter of a slave and one of 12 children, Mabley was born Loretta Mary
Aiken in March 1894 (some historians say 1897) in Brevard, N.C. When she was 11, her
father, a businessman and volunteer firefighter, was killed when his fire truck exploded. Not
long thereafter, her mother died after she was hit by a mail truck one Christmas morning.
By the time she turned 13, Mabley had been raped twice - first by an older black man and
later by a white sheriff- which resulted in two pregnancies; the babies were put up for adoption.
In her early teens, at the urgleft
home and moved to
a m~msters family. Before
show, beginning as a sing.er
to comedy. While traveling
performing for black audiwith
fellow entertainer Jack
daughter. To allay the embarabout
her stage career, she
own. "He took a lot off me,
his name," she said in a 1974
nickname "Moms" for the
younger performers.
Mabley began performing as
is widely regarded as the first
so. In 1921, a well-known
ing of her grandmother, Mabley
Cleveland, where she lived with
long, she joined a minstrel
and dancer but soon turning
the vaudeville "chitlin circuit"
ences, she began a relationship
Mabley, and the couple had a
rassment of one of her brothers
adopted Mabley’s name as her
so the least I could do was take
interview. She later earned the
maternal role she took with
a solo stand-up comedian, and
African-American woman to do
vaudeville couple, Butterbeans
and Susie, saw Mabley’s show in Texas and invited her to join them. She was soon performing
at legendary Harlem venues, including the Cotton Club and the Savoy Ballroom, sharing
the bill with jazz greats such as Count Basle and Duke Ellington.
the black circuit - Mabley broke through
the color barrier and gained considerable
mainstream success, likely because white
audiences found her frumpy character nonthreatening
despite her biting wit and edgy
themes. By this time an actual toothless old
woman, Mabley performed at large venues
such as the Chicago Playboy Club and
Carnegie Hall, recorded some two dozen
comedy albums (becoming Billboard’s highest-
ranking female comedian), and made
numerous appearances on television variety
shows hosted by the likes ofMerv Grit~n,
Bill Cosby, and the Smothers Brothers.
Mabley continued working until the end
of her life, starring in the film _Amazing
Grace_ (1974) - in which she plays a fed-up
elderly woman who becomes a community
organizer and takes on Baltimore’s political
establishment - the year before her death in
~/hite Plains, N.Y., on May 23, 1975.
Though surprisingly unknown to contemporary
audiences, Mabtey had a profound
influence and served as a rote model for
countless comedians, especially African
Americans and women. In the words of author
Mel Watkins, Mabley’s work "foreshadowed
the shift to direct social commentary"
that became a mainstay of comedy by the
late 1950s, and "anticipated the assertive
sexual humor unveiled by female stand-up
comics in the eighties."
For further reading:
Gomez, Jewelle. 1993. Forty-Three
Septembers (Firebrand).
During the Harlem Renaissance, Mabley was part of a circle of black vaudeville performers
and jazz and blues musicians known or believed to have been gay, lesbian, or bisexual, including
Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, Mabel Hampton, Bessie Smith, and Ma Rainey.
Although she had relationships with women - and sometimes let slip innuendos about affairs
with both women and men - Mabley was not publicly open about her sexuality.
As the Depression put a halt to the Roaring ’20s, Mabley became one of the most sought-after
black performers. In 1931, she co-wrote a Broadway play, _Fast and Furious: A Colored
Revue in 37 Scenes_, with author Zora Neale Hurston. Starting in the late 1930s, Mabley
began performing at the Apollo "l~eater; over two decades, she became the club’s most frequently
featured act, and at the height of her career she was earning $10,000 per week.
Watkins, Mel. 1999. On the Real Side:
A History ofAfrican-American Comedy
from Slavery to Chris Rock (Lawrence
Hill Books).
Williams, Elsie. 1991. "Morns Mabley
and the Afro-~nerican Comic Performance."
In \Vomen’s Comic Visions, ed.
June Sochen (Wayne State University
Well before she became an old woraan herself, Mabley developed her signature character, a
ribald granny dressed in a housedress, slippers, and a floppy hat (inspired, she said, by her
own grandmother). Delivered in a characteristic raspy voice, her brand of humor tended toward
social satire, often addressing the hardships of poverty and racism. While she may have
preferred women in her personal life, Mabley became known for her jokes about pursuing
young men, coupled with her disdain for old ones and their attempts to wield control over
women. "There ain’t nothing an old man can do for me except bring me a message from a
young one," she famously quipped In her 60s - unlike most performers on
14 the STAR ~.,.ozarksstar.com
Leslie Jordan to Host l Oth Annua
Red Ribbon Gala on March
TULSA, OK__With the date set, the menu selected and the talent
chosen, the 10th Annual Red Ribbon Gala is set to be a remarkable
evening for all who attend.
The Master of Ceremonies is none other than Emmy Award winner
Leslie Jordan, who is best known for his roles on Will & Grace,
Boston Legal and Reba. Jordan is currently filming the HBO pilot
"12 Miles of Bad Road "with Lily Tomlin and Mary Kay Place and
staring in the new CW show "Hidden Palms."
~l-he local band, Hero Factor, will provide the musical entertainment
for the fun-filled evening and this year’s honorary chair is Suzanne
The Red Ribbon Gala will be held in the recently completed Grand
Ballroom at Southern Hills Country Club, 2636 E. 61st Street, on
Saturday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. The event is the largest fundraiser
for Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. (Center for AIDS Resources, Education and
Support), an organization that provides social services for low-income
men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS throughout
northeastern Oklahoma.
This year’s Red Ribbon Gala will be a delight to the senses as a
fabulous red martini bar will accompany the beautiful floral arrangements
created by board member Toni Garner. The fun-filled evening
will include a live and silent auction offering amazing vacation
packages, private dinner parties, stellar antiques, flowers for a year,
one-of-a-kind paintings from Patrick Gordon and Matt Moffett and
original cuff links created by board member Susan Sadler.
"~xe best part about the Red Ribbon Gala is that is supports the
ongoing efforts ofTulsa C.A.R.E.S.," Pat Chernicky, event co-chair
said. "For 15 years, Tulsa CARES has been providing support
services to the individuals no one has wanted to serve. Without
the proceeds from the Red Ribbon Gala our ability to provide these
crucial services would cease."
A United Way agency, Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. provides a variety of services
including professional case management and mental health counseling,
food pantry and nutrition services, financial help with rent and
utilities, plus information and resources to help family members.
"The Red Ribbon Gala is not only a fabulous evening of food, fun
and friends, but the money raised from the event provides the organization
with the financial resources to serve over 500 individuals a
year," Robert Coffey, co-chair and board president said. "This event
is one ofTulsa’s most elegant, yet worthwhile affairs. HIV does not
affect a special group of people; it doesn’t discriminate, it affects all
of us."
For ticket information and sponsorship opportunities, contact
Bruce Lewis at (918) 834-4194 or brucel@tulsacares.org
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the STAR 15
We are always looking for a bargain and it’s hard to know sometimes
which ,,vines are the best buys. Well we hope to shed some
light on this for those of you who want to bring a good wine to a
dinner party or to share with friends. We all want quality taste with
out breaking the bank. There IS a difference between cheap and
inexpensive. None of us are born with an infinite knowledge of wine
and we all have to start somewhere. I think of myself as one of the
kings when it comes to finding quality/low budget wines. I enjoy
visiting the ,,vine shops here in Tulsa and I have found some really
cool bottles ofvino. Check these out!
for those who like ABC white wines (anything but Chardonnay).
Pepperwood Grove Viognier
This is one ofmy favorites. The next step up for this grape by other
vineyards is about 2 or 3 times the price and that doesn’t mean that
they will taste any better.
Pepperwood Grove Riesling
This is a new-comer to the P G stable. This label just recently started
distributing this varietal. Again, a true value. ’ ¯
Schlink Haus ( Germany ) Riesting: Kabinet
A fruit forward wine/not too sweet.
~he reds
Terrazas (Argentina) Malbec, Cabernet
The wines from this vineyard always seem to be well balanced and
fruit fo~vard.
A Mano ( Italy ) Primitivo
Thought to have been of the Zinfandel lineage and every vintage
consistently rates very highly.
Black Opal ( Australia ) Cab/Merlot
This label has come down in price recently and all the verietals they
produce are not only a good bargain but the taste is right in the
Pilar Box White
This wine is a mixture of 3 grape varietals Chardonnay, Sauvignon
Blanc and Verdelho. Give this one a try, you’ll be pleasantly surprised
at the flavor.
Marquis de la Tour/Sparkling wine France
A truly great find/good balance of fruit forwardness & bubbles.
As I always suggest, go and visit your local wine shop. See your retail
specialist and ask questions. If you’re so inclined, share some bottles
with friends over dinner!
Bon Appetit!
Cline Cellars Red Truck
This vineyard is better ka~own for bigger budget wines and this one
is a good sipping wine to share at social gatherings and the like.
Bitch Grenache ( Australia )
This is a newbie in this market from the land down under. The Aussies
seem to do quite well with this grape. This one is highly rated.
Good sipping wine/not just with food.
Pepperwood Grove Old Vine Zinfandel
This, like nearly all of the wines under this label, gives you real big
bang for the buck because these verticals so closely resemble the
flavor and body of more expensive wines without tasting as low in
quality as they’re priced. The old vine Zin is quite exceptional and
will hold up strongly next to other Zin’s 2 or 3 times the money.
Marchesi Di Barolo Barbera D’alba
This is a new discovery for me. It comes highly recommended by a
well know local retail wine buyer. I visited this wine-growing region
in Italy. The wines from this part of the world are quite good. This
grape not only pairs well xvith foods but after it’s been open for a
while, it seems to take on a rich more flavorful state.
¯he whites
Fazi Battaglia Verdicchio
This wine from one of Italy’s oldest wine-making families is quite
a find. The grape is found only in this part of the world and it’s great
Let us promote your business in a
UNIQUE & D~VERSE market. Call
the -~TA~ www.ozarksstar.com
6 Egg Yolks
6 ounces Sugar
2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
8 ounces Mascarpone Cheese
1 Cup Manufacturing Cream
2 Cups Strong Expresso Coffee
2 Cup Packages of Lady Fingers
2 Tsp. Cocoa Powder For Dusting
In a mixing bowl, add yolks, sugar and vanilla. Beat
until foaming. Add mascarpone and beat until creamy
and smooth. Whip cream to soft peaks. Carefully
fold whipped cream into egg yolk mixture. Cover and
refrigerate for 10 to 15 minutes. Place espresso in
shallow bowl and quickly dip lady fingers into espresso.
Place lady fingers on towel lined baking sheets to
absorb excess espresso. Using individual molds or
a 3 inch deep baking dish (for self-serve dessert buffets)
spread a layer of cream mixture on the bottom of
mold, then the espresso dipped lady fingers. Repeat
this until you reach top of the mold making sure you
smooth cream mixture with a spatula. Refrigerate for
2 hours. Dust with cocoa powder just before serving.
Serve with vanilla or chocolate sauce.
More on ChefCelestin6 Drago and DRAGO
pag, 1.9.

Her ~
surpasses expectations."
This j
alike since 1991, winning:
Owner Cele,~tino Drago,
top 5 Italian restaurams in
by Drago and executed by the late.
Brenr Saville, Drago radiates Understated, casual elegance.
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tL~ven is a multi
that Southern California has to offer.
artist behind Deer
"Ihey are located at 2628 \Vitshire Blvd. in Santa
fornia, %eir telephone number for reservations is 310-828q585.
"Iheir hours are/£~londav thru Friday 11:30 Ab! to 3 PM for lunc
5:30 PM m 11:00 PM ~or dinner ai~d Sunday, 5:30 PM to 10:00
PM. 2628 Wilshire Blvd.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR
One ofthe most exciting and colo~l ways to experience North-CentralNew Mexico is by taking
a hot-air balloon ride over the Rio Grande. (Photo byAndrew Collins)
MARCH 2007
By Andrew Collins
People often tell me they haven’t gone on a vacation in the past six months or year
- sometimes longer - because they can’t afford to travel. This is especially true of singles, who
anticipate higher costs without a partner to share expenses. True enough, there are a number
of cities out there with prohibitively high hotel rates. But there are also quite a few lively
and enchanting gay-popular destinations that can be enjoyed on a relatively tight budget,
especially if you visit during slower times of the year.
Here’s a rundown of 10 terrific destinations for budget-minded gay travelers. The first five
are ideally suited for couples; the next five are great choices if you’re unattached.
Traveling with your mate?
Provincetown, Massachusetts
Although Provincetown is a great place to meet singles during the busy and pricey summer
high season, the rest of the year is perfect for couples seeking romance. And because prices
fall off significantly after Labor Day and even more dramatically in winter, it’s a destination
that can work for almost any budget. After the summer crowds have subsided, Provincetown
is a quiet and low-keyed retreat. Its remote location, seemingly at the end of the earth, imbues
this scenic beach town with an air of seclusion. It can be awfully romantic here in the
fall, or even winter, when you’re cozied up in a quiet inn. Even the most luxurious guesthouses
often drop their off-season rates to well below $100 nightly.
Russian River, California
Gay residents of San Francisco and the Bay Area have long favored this snug, woodsy riverresort
area in western Sonoma County, midway between the fabled Wine Country and the
rugged Pacific Coast. Accommodations tend
to be rustic, which fits xvith the region’s verdant
setting, and restaurants favor simpler
and less expensive fare than what you’ll find
in the swankier eastern reaches of Sonoma
County, where most of the areas wineries
are located. Ifyou and your honey love
wine-tasting, hiking, and canoeing together,
the Russian River is ideal.
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Salt Spring Island is a stunning, hilly little
gem off the east coast of Vancouver Island,
~vithin an afternoon’s combined ferry/car
trip from the cities ofVancouver, Victoria,
and Seattle. There has long been a strong
lesbian and - and to a somewhat lesser
degree - gay male presence on this island of
artist studios, great beaches, and picturesque
mountain-biking and kayaking. Several
B&Bs here are either gay-owned or quite
queer-friendly, and it’s very easy to find a
room for under $100.
North-Central New Mexico
North-Central New Mexico makes for the
perfect weeklong romantic adventure. You
can divide your time among a tiny, alluring
village (Tats), a midsize city with some fun
places to dance and eat out (Albuquerque),
and a hybrid of the two (Santa Fe) - it takes
about 60 minutes to drive between Santa Fe
and Albuquerque, and 90 minutes between
Santa Fe and Taos. Santa Fe is the priciest of
the three communities, so you might want
to base your overnight operations primarily
in Albuquerque and Taos, which each
have myriad accommodations under $100
nightly, from gay-friendly B&Bs to funky
retro-hip motels. Even in Santa Fe, however,
you can find some appealing places to stay
that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. There
are also scenic campgrounds set around the
area and, wherever you awaken, it’ll be to
views of the region’s spectacular Sangre de
Cristo and Sandia mountains. Although
plenty of fancy upscale restaurants have
opened in these parts in recent years, it’s
still easy to eat cheaply at local - and often
excellent - hangouts serving burgers and
blue-corn enchiladas.
Etrreka Springs, Arkansas
A curious hilltop village in the heart of
Arkansas’ Ozark Mountains, Eureka Springs
is a favorite getaway of both conservative
20 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Christians and gay people. How these two seemingly at-odds factions
vacation together So peacefully is anybody’s guess, but they
do. It helps that most of the queer folk tend to stay in the historic,
renovated, and downright bargain-priced Victorian inns closer to
the center of town, while religious groups favor the properties on
the main roads leading in and out of the village. The downtown
has blossomed in recent years with a growing number of antiques
shops and galleries, and the restaurant scene is sophisticated while
still providing great value. Despite the many gay-owned businesses
here, this isn’t a nightlife mecca. Eureka Springs is definitely BYOB
- bring your own bedmate.
Single and looking?
Chicago, Illinois
Vibrant and friendly low-attitude bars and clubs and a slew of cheap
but delicious dining destinations entice impecunious gay travelers
to the nation’s third-largest city, a world-class destination by aW
measure. Beaches, lakeshore parks, and funky budget-friendly neighborhoods
like \Vicker Park, Bucktown, and Andersonville add to the
lure of this easy-on-the-pocket city. Downtown business-oriented
hotels can be costly, but you’ll find a handful of small, reasonably
priced motels, hotels, and inns to the north, in or near the city’s gaypopular
Lakeview neighborhood. Chicago’s glorious skyline is free
to admire. To see even more, the Chicago Transit Authority (www.
transitchicago.com) visitor passes provide unlimited CTA transportation
for one to five days, allowing you to save your dollars for
more meaningful expenses.
Austin, Texas
Queer Austin folks like to say that they live in the "un-Texas" Texas,
a land of green rolling hills, beautiful lakes and rivers, a progressive
populace, and an urbane alternative arts and music scene. As Austin
has boomed with dot-comers and entrepreneurs in recent years, its
costs have risen, but it’s still a good value, especially when it comes
to dining out - Austin has scads of superb restaurants in all price
categories. The bar scene is compact and the crowds friendly, and
the presence of the University ofTexas adds a youthful edge. There’s
a great gay swimming and sunning hole, Hippie Hollow, just west
of the city - a free and friendly spot to cruise and make new friends.
Pordand, Oregon
Like Austin, funky Portland has received plenty of attention and
an influx of newcomers in recent years, but it’s still a scaled-down,
user-friendly city that offers much of the culture, attitude, and
excitement of Seattle and San Francisco at a fraction of the price.
The midsize metropolis sits on the pretty Willamette River. Foodies
recognize it as one ofAmerica’s great gourmet bargains, and fans
of historic hotels and inns appreciate the reasonable rates offered at
several excellent properties within walking distance of the gay bars
along Stark Street. The feminist scene here is one ofAmerica’s most
pronounced, making this a potentially excellent vacation spot if
you’re a single lesbian hoping to find a like-minded soul.
Montreal, Quebec
For U.S. travelers, Canada is less of a bargain than it was five
years ago, as the Canadian dollar has gained considerable strength
against U.S. currency. Still, Montreal can be a steal, with numerous
gay-friendly hotels and inns charging as little as $50 or $60 per
night. This fun-loving city is a great destination for bar-hoppers
- the singles scene is frisky and sexy, and sultry gay saunas dot the
landscape, appealing to guys of all ages and tastes. The city also has
dozens of affordable cafes and coffeehouses, many of them in the
hip Gay Village.
Sacramento, California
California’s underrated capital is, to be frank, a dark-horse candidate
as one of the nation’s top gay singles destinations, but keep an open
mind. The city is within a two-hour drive of much pricier places,
including San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, and the Napa-Sonoma Wine
Country, and yet here you can easily find rooms for under $100
nightly. Sacramento boasts a vibrant (if not particularly conspicuous)
gay community that is remarkably friendly and diverse in age
- it’s a pretty easy place to meet the locals. The dining scene here
is excellent, and accommodations range from the gay-owned and
upscale Inn at Parkside and Hartley House Inn to a slew of cheap
and comfortable chain motels right in the center of the city, within
walking distance of the several fun bars, coffeehouses, and restaurants.
www.ozarksstar.com the ,STAR 21
MARCH 2007
Are We There Yet?
By the time we actually get to vote for our next president, the
majority of,aanericans may feel like little children in the back seat of
the c~ir asking Mommy and Daddy, "Are we there yet?"
The furious nature in which politicos from both sides of the aisle are
jockeying, posturing, and pontificating is sure to bring a whiplash
effect to the voters - in the long run, the 2008 presidential election
will just be a pain in the neck, and we’ll vote for the candidate who
gives us the best political pain killers.
But who will those two final candidates be? Do we, as a high-voter
turnout community, have a real chance to impact the nominee of
the Democratic Party? After all, the overwhelming majority of us
vote that way.
Well, if you live in the states where the Democratic primaries are
held in January and February of 2008, then yes - your votes will
count toward the Democrats’ pick. As the political calendar shapes
up, it seems that 20 Democratic caucuses and primaries will almost
definitely be held by February 28, 2008, ~vith a majority taking
place on what us political junkies call "Super Tuesday" - February 5.
The new wrinkle in this schedule is that powerhouse states such as
California, Florida, and New Jersey are toying with the idea of moving
up their primaries to the first Tuesday in Februar); as ~vell. (As
of press time, it looked like California’s bill to move its primary date
was on the fast track to Arnold’s desk for signature.)
That’s a big enough chunk of votes to swing a primary race. Bajko
says the primary candidates in states with large numbers ofLGBT
voters will have to address issues such as repealing "Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell," gay adoptions, and civil unions vs. marriage. It’s during the
primaries that the proverbial wheat ~vill be separated from the chaf~:
None of the three leading candidates support same-sex marriage. It’s
how they handle the issue and the honesty with which they speak
that will sway us. For some reason, Tim Russert, the moderator of
NBC’s Meet the Press, has been routinely asking presidential aspirants
how they feel about same-sex marriage. When John Edwards
appeared, he was honest about his struggle. He didn’t just reel off
the standard pablum about civil unions. He spoke honestly about
his Southern Baptist roots, but also his desire to be fair to all. I
could respect that.
Hillary’s position on our unions is "evolving" - as strategic a political
answer as they come - but she, as well as the rest of the Democratic
gang, oppose a federal amendment to ban same-sex marriage, and
support the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
and hate-crimes legislation. Most of them also want to repeal
"Don"t Ask, Don’t Tell."
Try as I might, I can’t find a thing about Obama’s position on this.
But he has made one viewpoint abundantly clear - living free from
discrimination is a human right, but being able to marry whomever
you want is not. It’s a shame Obama can’t make the connection between
our right to love and his parents’. His father was from Kenya,
his mother a white woman from Kansas. In a pre-Loving v. Virginia
United States (the 1967 Supreme Court case that struck down bans
on mixed-race marriage), their marriage was illegal in many states
across the land.
If that’s the case, everything ~vill be over but the shouting - whoever
comes out the victor on Super Tuesday 2008 will be the Democratic
What I’ve been wondering about is the differences on our issues
among all the Democratic candidates.
The actual number of candidates is so fluid that I won’t even venture
a guess. But we do know who the main contenders are - U.S. Senators
Hiltary Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (ILL) and former
U.S. Senator John Edwards (N.C.). Following them are two more
U.S. senators, Joe Biden (Del.) and Christopher Dodd (Conn.); two
governors, Bill Richardson (N.M.) and Tom Vilsack (Iowa); one retired
U.S. army general, Wesley Clark; a lone member of the House
of Representatives, Dennis Kucinich (Ohio); and one African-American
preacher, Al Sharpton.
With 21 months to go before we actually get to vote, we’re going to
see and hear a lot more hyperbole and posturing. I only hope that
"Are we there yet?" doesn’t turn into "Been there, done that" - leaving
many of us too bored to actually get out and vote.
EDITOR’S NOTE: In her next installment, Libby Post will look at
the Republican presidential hopefuls.
Most of them have campaign websites. All but Clinton’s detail their
positions on the major issues, but none speak specifically about
LGBT concerns. Honestly, that’s not too surprising. The general
election is going to won or lost on Iraq, health care, the economy,
and quite possibly global warming.
However, the primaries in some states may well be won or lost on
our issues, based on how big of a voter turn-out we can provide. According
to an article by Matthew Bajko in San Francisco’s Bay Area
Reporter, California’s electorate is 10 to 11 percent LGBT.
22 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
0p÷ a ms Ye th Preiect addresses the
r eeds of Tu sa’s homeless youth,
by Tim Gillean
Photo by Chaz: Youth groz~ at T~dsa’s Openarms Youth Project.
event. "While there, a young man walked in
stating that he "was looking for his friends,
he lingered, even a~er realizing they were
not there. Over the next hour as the discussion
continued, while we were doing our
work, he revealed that he was homeless and
someone had told him that Openarms could
help. He took a chance that someone would
be there and came by. His "ChristiaN’
mother had kicked him out because he is
Gay. Our work continues.
LGBT Homeless from page-5
Openarms has been addressing the needs of homeless youth in the Tulsa area for five years.
By offering a safe haven for GLBTQyouth, and in fact all youth ages 14-21, Openarms has
become the resource in Tulsa for these youth. A transitional living program has been the
hope and dream of the Openarms board for many years.
During the fours years that Openarms has been in operation, this past summer was the busiest
period for youth homelessness. Within a two week period last summer Openarms was
assisting six youth who had come to the youth center for help. To have that many homeless
youth at one time is very unusual and something that the volunteers at Openarms hope can
be prevented by early intervention. Through a net~vork of volunteers and networking with
other agencies all of the youth were placed in a private home or public facility where their
needs could be addressed without the extra feeling of desperation that homelessness brings.
Openarms experience shows that most of the public facilities in Tulsa are not really prepared
to address the issues that a homeless teen may face, and even less capable of dealing with a
GLBT youth who might turn up at their facilities. Many of the shelters in Tulsa where assistance
is available require the person to attend some type of religious ceremony to continue
to access service. These services can be particularly terrifying to a youth who was just kicked
out of their home because their parents won’t accept their sexuality based on their own
religious biases. By providing a safe space where these youth are accepted for who they are,
just as they are, Openarms is able to connect with them and find what their most pressing
needs are. Openarms then begins to address those needs and help the youth develop in to a
fully participating citizen. Openarms can provide education assistance, job assistance, food,
housing and counseling for these youth. Most important of all it is a place ~vhere they can
be with people who are like themselves working towards the same goals. All youth have the
desire to succeed if provided with the necessary tools to do so and an understanding adult to
help mentor them into their full potential.
While Openarms continues to seek funding for a transitional living program, the support
of the local community through unrestricted giving is the most effective way to help.
Openarms Youth Project Inc. may be contacted at 918-838-7104 or through their website
at www.openarmsproject.org. We are always glad to give tours of the facility located at 2015
South Lakewood, please call for an appointment or times of operation.
One hour after writing this article for the Star, we went to the youth center to work on
some lighting changes and furniture rearrangement for the upcoming Saturday evening
While there is clearly more that can be .done
at the grassroots level, in the end it is not
enough to beat this epidemic without additional
funding and support at the federal
The president’s budget was released last
month and Congress will begin work on
the FY2008 budget and appropriations
bills. The Task Force is recommending $140
million in FY2008 for the RHMCPA, a
significant increase over its current $103
million allocation but Congress needs to do
more. When the law is reauthorized in 2008
it needs to specifically address the needs of
LGBT homeless youth and ensure that all
homeless youth services organizations receiving
federal funds are trained and capable
of providing safe and culturally competent
services to their LGBT clients.
It is important that our allies in Congress
insist that this pivotal piece of legislation
accurately acknowledges and addresses the
reality of youth homelessness in America
-- nationwide, LGBT youth are grossly
overrepresented in a system ill-equipped
to meet their needs, and that simply must
Jason Cianciotto is the research director of
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Policy Institute.
wwvv.ozarksstar.corn The STAR 23

www.ozarksstar.com the STAR, 25
Salutations and welcome once more to sluts "R" us, err something
like that. This month Uncle Mikey recovers from a love affair of
epic proportions. I mean whe~a; that man was just too much. It was
like being at the DQand trying to take that extra dip, knowing
your body, just won’t handle it. I mean; it just was not right. While
appealing, some mountains just are not meant to be climbed. Sadly,
I had to cut that stallion loose, sending him back into the ~vild. I
hope he does not do any damage; talk about putting your eye out.
I bet the censors are just on the edge of their seats. I guess, I do
sound a little like a prom date gone bad. That man of substantial
lovin’ made more of an impression than I realized. Kittens, I tried,
really I did. You just can’t get a twelve in a size ten; I don’t care hmv
you work it.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
At the college I attend, I have met, well kind of met, this man. He
is in some of my classes and all I can say is he is fine. He makes me
perk up every time I see him. I have seen him with several females,
assuming that he is straight. To tell you the truth that just makes
the attraction stronger. I want him only for a short time. These are
my, college years, I’m supposed to experiment. So, should I just get
him drunk so he can enjoy my talents? I really xvant this guy, so bad
I have been ignoring the guys who would gladly enjoy my company.
What should I do?
A.K.A. butter, you know what you want, and I would even say,
you have already greased the kegger nozzles, awaiting your fiat boy
knight. Uncle cautions however, as though some straight wayward
boys may let you play, some may not. Oh’ who are we kidding,
order him a pizza and seal the deal. A straight college boy is like a
walking drive through; you can have it your way, if there is a good
supply of beer and pizza. That’s Amour’
errands, ect. I do not want to be one of those jealous types, questioning
every move. I also do not want to be living with someone
else who is living with everybody. Know what I mean? \~q~at would
you do?
Suspecting in Ohio
Dearest Suspecting,
Kitten, I te!l this repeatedly. If they are not getting it at home,
they are getting it some~vhere. Via, liaison, hand-to-hand combat,
somewhere, a man is a man after all. Secondly, if you feel something
is amiss than more likely than not, there is. I would sit your
man down and confront him with you feelings, prepared to hear
whatever it is awaiting for you. Communication can be taken for
granted after being with someone for a while, though never does the
importance change in any relationship. He may be wondering why
you two are not doing the bunny mambo across the front lawn anymore.
Take it a step at a time, as anything and anyone xvorth having
is worth working for.
Dear Mikey,
Where did your site go? I really enjoyed it and miss going there
every week.
A fan of Mikey’s
You have touched me; moreovm; I am willing to touch back. Kitten,
The world is not ready for an entire corner of Mikey, lets break them
in slowly shall we? Smooches- Mikey
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My friends all give me a hard time telling me that I am stuck in
the eighties. While; this is a joke to some, it is a way of life for me.
I belong to that time, style, and music. It was a time that meant
something more than found in the hollow music and style of today.
Bring back the eighties!
Mrs.. Garret’s boy
Dearest Kitten,
Gimme-a-break! A virgin you are not, while time has turned and the
beat goes on. You must accept the, facts of life, if you really want
to enjoy the good-times. This is a serious condition even if spoken
through careless whispers. Hanging on to the past can only prevent
you from seeing the new and exciting times of today. You may be
missing opportunity if you are looking behind you. If you want to
hear anyone say, I want your sex, than you must nip it in the bud
so to speak. Like a prayer, I send you good thoughts. Let go and let
Cher! ...Smooches-Mikey
Get with it, don’t you wish your Gurl was Hot like me? Yes, Kittens,
Uncle Mikey is timeless, whilst my flame shall lead yet another generations
ofyoung queers everywhere. Well Kittens, I guess that is all
the time for this month. Until next, time. Smooches-Uncle Mikey
Uncle Mikey,
I think my boyfriend of ten years has been seeing someone on the
side. I have no real proof per say, just a nagging feeling in my gut.
Sex has become strained, and I figured it was just because we had
become so routine in our ways. I now see him acting like he is getting
ready for a hook up though he tells me, working late, going on
26 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
~vlRachael Erikks
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament I 0pm
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
WhOOfl "i’he Roadshow 8pro
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
CLUB iVlAJESTIC: Majestic Kings
Shmv 10pro.
rch 10
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
1 am-3:30am
\VhOOfl "Ihe Roadshow 8pro
2pm, Dancers 4prn
CLUB !vtAJESTIC: Catia Lee Love
Show 10pro
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
2pro, Dancers 4pro
Show 10pro
THE COPA: Rachael Eril&s Show
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
THE COPA: Strip-OffContesr 12am
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro.
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pm
w/Rachael Erikks
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro
THE COPA: Strip-OffContest
~DNESDAYMarch 14
Karaoke 9pro
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: DartTournament 10pro
w/Rachael Erikks
THE COPA: Open Talent w!Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
FRIDAY March 16
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro ~HE CbPAiM~ D~n~er~ 9pro
CLUB ROX: Mison Scott Shm~:30pm HID~WAY: Male Dancers, 9pro
~O G~LERY- OKC ~OO~ ~e
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffer
I am-3:30am
2pm, Dancers 4pro Kris Kohl Show-
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
HIDEA~,VAY: Male Dancers, 9pro
Roadshow 8pm
S March25
2pro, Dancers 4pm
CLUB b,£&JESTIC: Cada Lee Love
Show 10pro
8 m. ~UB MAJESTIC: Carla Lee Love THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
Show 10pro
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
CENTER: Lily Tomlin 7pm.
MONDAY March 19
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro.
biarch 20
THE COPA: Strip-OffComest
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: Strip-Off Contest
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pro
THE COPA: Variety Shiny 10:30pro
HNISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Kaaoke 9pro
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pro
HNISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
CLUB MAJESTIC: Talent Shoxv w/
Rachael Erikks
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pm
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pm
Les Folies Russes 7pm
CLUB MAJESTIC: Talent Show wt
RachaeI Erikks
THE COPA: Open Talent w/Shemoane
Somemore 10:30pro
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament 10pro
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9pro
FI~JDAY March 30
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pro
SAT ~ch 31[
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfast Buffet
l am-3:30am
After Dark is a free service ro our advertisers and is the responsibility of the advertiser m inform the STAR in
www.ozarksstar.com writing of updates, additions or discontinued events. The STAR is not responsible for accurac): the STAR 27
"Clean house, Virgo!"
The Saturn-Neptune opposition, which inflates everyone’s
sense of doom and despair, is getting a break as Jupiter
offers liberating insights.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Stuck in the same old routine
with your friends? You could suggest something new and
different. Better yet, just go ahead and try out whatever
interests you. Let them tag along or not.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Domestic duties and uncertainty
at work have you in a crazy, confusing tug-of-war.
Even if you can’t really escape your problems, a diversion
- preferably a crazy, wildly erotic adventure - will help clear
the mind and give you a creative perspective.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Listen to arguments; only say
enough to draw out new opinions. Trying to win debates will
only backfire; getting n.ew information and perspectives will
prove immensely enriching, not just intellectually, but also
to your relationship.
CANCER (June 2t - July 22): It’s not unusual for erotic
ideals to be at odds with practical concerns, but you’re feeling
that tension acutely now. Attending to your own health
or seeking opportunities at work may seem a diversion from
that, but at least you’ll find some resolution to the conflict
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Uncertainty about your partnership
can make you cranky and controlling, which only
makes things worse. Look for new ways to play together.
A trip abroad would be ideal, but on such short notice a
foreign film, festival, or art show is probably more feasible.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Home is rarely a
safe haven from illness and accidents. But cleaning house,
purging clutter, and organizing what’s left will make it safer.
Getting family to help, or turning up old family treasures,
will offer revelations.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Discuss political or
social strategies with close friends, or better yet, a sibling.
On your own, you’re too likely to make awkward gaffes.
Lady Luck seems to be against you now, but you’ll score
big in the larger game for being a good sport.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Hidden treasure
in your home? Or some enriching family lore from
your mother? Something should turn up that may seem to
provoke a professional challenge but will actually help you
clear that hurdle.
28 the STAR
SAG~TTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): You really
can’t stay out of arguments now, so just don’t take them
too seriously. You will flub some basic details and facts and
undermine your own assertions. Provoking discussion and
learning from your mistakes are good, too.
CAPRICORN (December 21 -January 19): Sex and money
are typical sources of worry. Problems, however real,
are much smaller than they seem. Stop fretting, pull back,
relax, and meditate - or take a hike. Getting perspective is
half the battle - and, sensibly, it should be the first half!
AQUARIUS (January 20 - ~ebruary 18): If you meet your
"perfect love" now, it could be a disastrous mistake. Run as
fast and far as you can. Even indulging in mere lust is an
invitation to horrible diseases. Existing relationships need
work, too, but at least there is hope with some help from
your friends.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Work, work, work!
Take time out only to meditate, charge your batteries, and
eat and exercise, of course. Trust your instincts, take cues
from your dreams, and apply your deepest resources to the
tasks at hand. Success is within reach, but only if you make
a serious effort.
Testing appointment 417-529-8480.
2902 E. 20th St.,
POBox 4711
Jop~n, Mo 64803
SATURDAY Service 9:30AM
Your Invited to our Community Dinner Every Wed.
6pm just $4.00. No one is turned away.
Arkansas, Bentonville/Rogers (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr .... www.nwaglbtcc.org -888-391-9222
Barnes & Noble Bks - - 261 N. 46th St., Rogers- - - -479-636-2002
Arkansas, Eureka Springs (479)
Diversity Pride Events .............. w~vw.diversitypride.com
A Byrd’s Eye View..... 36 N. Main........... 479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante.... 309 W VanBuren....... 479-253-8102
Henri’s ....... 19 1/2 Spring St 479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill--- 105 E VanBuren....... 479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - 17 Elk Street- Service 6PM- - -479-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- .... 888-582-8464
Spexton........ 17B Spring Street 479-981-6060
Tiki Torch 75 S. Main Street -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge - 141 W. VanBuren 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant--- 412 W. Dixon --- 479-442-35!5
Condom Sense 418 W. Dickson.......479-444-6228
Curry’s Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - -479-521-0009
Flames Bar - - - 40 E. Center 479-000-0000
Passages ......930 N. College Ave- -479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave 479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads.......1004 1/2 Garrison Ave........ 479-783-9988
Klub XLR8 ......1022 Dodson Ave- 479-782-9578
Red Rock City - - - 917 N. "A" St.- -479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge .... 1010 E. Grand Ave ........501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street ....1021 Jessie Rd- -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.. - www.dsra.org
Discovery..... 1021 Jessie Rd- -501-666-6900
Sidetracks--- 415 Main St--North L.R.- ........ 501-244-0444
The Factory ...... 412 Louisiana St. 501-372-3070
Club U.B.U. - ..... 824 W Capitol Ave......... 501-375-8580
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club...... 384 Grant Ave. - ......... 785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- 620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Walnut- -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40..... 3201 S. Hillside......316-682-5494
Priscilla’s..... 6143 W Kellogg Dr- ...........316-942-1244
Club Glacier- ........ 2828 E. 31st South......316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - ......Sat Service-9:30AM
Joplin Gay/Lesbian Cntr- PC Box 4383, zip 64803--417-622-7821
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
40th Street Inn....www.40thstreetinn.com.......816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd 816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs - ~rvv.hydeskc.com - - 816-561-1010
Missie B’s....805 W. 39th St................816-561-0625
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge..... 424 Boonvitle Ave- 417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- 417-869-3978
JR’s Nightclub.... 504 E. Commerical. 417-831-9001
Martha’s Vineyard- - - 219 W Olive ............417-864-4572
Ronisuz Place....821 College- 417-864-0036
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books....104 Sunset .............. 580-242-6838
Priscilla’s........ -4810-A West Garriott....... 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lav4on (580)
Ingrids Bookstore..... 1124 NW Cache Rd......580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester (918)
McPride- POBox 1515, - .... McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642...... 405-495-1111
Blue Dog Liquor- ..... -4015 N. Penn - 405-606-7000
Boom Room....... 2807 NW 36th St- -405-601-7200
Border’s Books...... 3209 NW Expressway..... 405-848-2667
CD Warehouse...... 4001 N. Penn 405-525-7766
Club Rox.......3535 NW 39th Expwy.........405-947-2351
Christie’s Toy Box.....3126 N. May Ave ....... 405-946-4438
Church of Open Arms......3131 N. Penn...... 405-525-9555
Copa -2200 NW 39th Exp....... -405-525-0730
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave....... -405-6726459
Finishline ....... 2200 NW 39th Expwy........405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant- ....2200 NW 39Exp - - -’- - - 405-525-0730
Habana Inn ........2200 NW 39th Exp
Herland Sisters Resources.... 2312 NW 39th St-
Hollywood Hotel.... 3535 NW 39th Exp .......
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW 50th
Jungle Reds .......2200 NW Expwy
Ledo -2200 NW Expwy-
Naughty But Nice .... 3121 SW 29th St .......
Partners......... 2805 NW 36th St - -
Pec’s- -3535 NW 39th Expw .......
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St-
Rudy’s Place......3535 NW39th Expw........
Phoenix Rising .... 2120 NW 39th St..........
The Park........ 2125 NW 39th St
The Rockies...... 3201 N. MayAve -
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th
Tramps............2201 NW 39th
Ziggy’s. 4005 N. Penn.
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge....7204 E. Pine
Border’s Book Store--- 2740 E. 21st.
Border’s Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale
Club 209 ....... 209 N. Boulder- -
Club Majestic....... 124 N. Boston .......
Club Maverick- .... 822 S. Sheridan
Cosmo Dell & Bar - - 6746 S. Memorial
Dreamland Bks .... 8807 E. Admiral PI
Equality Center ..... 621 E. 4th Street........
Hideaway Lounge..... 11730 E. 11th.......
- - - 918-584-9494
- - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic....... 3540 E. 31st ............ 918-749-8378
Midtown.......... 319 E. 3rd- 918-584-3112
Openarms Youth Projt - - - 2015 S. Lakewood.....918-838-7104
Our House, Too ....203 N Nogales Ave. -918-585-9552
Priscilla’s -7925 E. 41st- ............918-627-4884
Priscilla’s 5634 W. Skelly - 9!8-446-6336
Priscilla’s ........ 11344 E. 11th .............918-438-4224
Priscilla’s 2333 E. 71st-- -918-499-1661
Renegades........ 1649 S. Main ........... 918-585-3405
Rob’s Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd.......... 918-627-1505
Sappho’s......... 6373-C E 31st St- 9!8-836-0299
Tulsa CARES.... 3507 E. Admiral PI.......... 918-834-4194
Tulsa Central Library ...... 400 Civic Center- - - - 918-596-7977
Tulsa Eagle.....1338 E. 3rd ................918-592-1188
TNT’s - - 2114 S. Memorial- 918-660-0856
Yellow-Brick-Rd....... 2630 E. 15th 918-293-0304
bitter girl
email: b tten:jirl@qsyndicate,com
30 the STAR
qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 31

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2007] The Star Magazine, March 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 3, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/209.