[2009] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 4


[2009] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 4


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Metro Star News




Metro Star News


April 2009


Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Jeanne Flanigan
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Susan A. Muscari
Gerald Libonati
Michael W. Sasser
Romeio San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Devre Jackson


The Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 2

The Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 7


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southeast Kansas
The United States of America (50 states)


Church Visits Oklahoma Again
By Victor Gorin
APRIL 1, 2009
Hi ary Clinton will[ fight for gay
rights worl[dwide
By Rex Wockner
Mr. andMrs. Kevin Sherwood with bikergroup protesting Fred Phelps demonstrators atMoore High School. Gorin photo
MOORE, OK __ Spreading their ukual rants of far out
homophobia, members of Fred Phelps Westboro Baptist
Church ofTopeka, Kansas came to protest near the Oklahoma
State Capitol as well as Moore High School March 2.
Few in the GLBT or fair minded community are not familiar
with this church, as they have been protesting with infamous
"God Hates Fags" signs along with other similar sentiments
nationwide and abroad for over a decade. They gained
national attention in 1998 when they picketed Matthew
ShepardS funeral in Laramie,Wyoming with infamous
signs, some stating "Matthew is in Hell". Rarely’ missing an
opportunity to present their viewpoint, they have picketed
funerals of those who have died ofAIDS, and staged protests
against governments who have granted rights or tal~en any
action they perceive as "fag enabling." More recently their
skewed logic went even further when they picketed funerals of
American soldiers, incredulously promoting the concept that
God is punishing America with the deaths of soldiers because
our nation is too tolerant of homosexuals. Understandably
this has raised anger with countless patriotic Americans,
especially those in the military; veterans and their families &
Although the Westboro group had been to Oklahoma
before, they returned again to protest against the Oklahoma
Legislature for permitting a gay pastor, the Reverend Scott
Jones- Cathedral of Hope UCC, to lead a Prayer for the Day
at the invitation of State Representative A1 McAffrey. This
protest drew a small crowd with TV & press coverage coverage
at N.W. 23rd and Sante Fe, before the Phelps clan moved on
........... Continued See BAPTlST Page-9
, Clinton
Wockner by Rex
Meeting with young people at the European Parliament in
Brussels on March 6, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
promised to fight for gay rights on the world stage.
At a question-and-answer session, Clinton called on Maxim
Anmeghichean, programs director for the European Region
of the International Lesbian, Gay~ Bisexual, Trans and Intersex
Association, after commenting on his "I Love Hillaw" T-shirt.
Anmeghichean said: "My name is Max. I am from Moldova,
and I am a gay rights activist. In seven countries in the world
homosexuals are sentenced to death and many more to prison.
A lot of gay men arotmd the world die because of the HIV/
AIDS policies that the Bush administration had that did not
allow to spend money on prevention for men who have sex
with men. How do you see the foreign policy of the United
States changing in the coming years in the field of human
rights mad in partictdar sexual rights and gay and lesbian
........... Continued See HILLARY Page-8
2 April 2009
v~v~.metrostarnews.com ~°~t~oSTAR 3
Busy year ahead £or Sooner State Rodeo
By Michael W. Sasser
E~oto: fim Grubb, 7~m Dickmann, Don George, V¢7ll Hughes, &Scou"
Gouard hosting a spaghel~i dinner to benefit St. Jerome’s Church.
TULSA, OK __ With a new executive
board elected in February, events already
under its belt and a slate of others scheduled
for the remainder of the year, the Sooner
State Rodeo AssociaOon has a bustling 2009
"Our overall objective is to bring a
rodeo back to Tulsa and to have one on a
regular basis," said Tim Dickman, newly
elected president. In addition to Dickman,
Kevin George, Darin Steward, Kevin
Murphy, Don George and Bob "West were
elected vice president, tre~asurer, recording
secretary, corresponding secretary and trustee
respectively in February.
"We want to remind people we’re still
here, we’re still active and we are starting
a new campaign to get people interested.
Dickanau said.
A spaghetti dinner at St. Jerome’s Church
and a club night at Mavericks drew the
community~ attention and attracted several
new members.
Key events ahead are also expected
to garner notice and new members. The
Associatioffs next general membership
meeting is slated for Sunday, April 5th at
St. Jerome’s Church in Brady Heights, and
the general public is invited to attend. On
April 24th at 9 pm at Mavericks, the Sooner
State Royalty Roundup season kicks offwith
a lead-in to the f~l 2009 competition. Past
’Royalty competitors will be on hand as well
as those from other Associations.
"We have the whole year m get
contestants, but this event and others ~ve
will have throughout
the year help people
raise the money they
need to in order to
compete and to get
some experience
beforehand," Dickman
The Sooner State
¯ Rodeo Association is
hosting its 3rd ka~nual
Spring Blowout Barrel
Race on Saturday,
May 2nd at a site to be
determined by the end
of March.
New membership
and renewed energy
and interest in the
Association are keys to a
successful 2009.
"XWe need
the community’s
bars’ involvement
and participants’
involvement to bring
a rodeo back to
Tulsa," Dickrnan said.
"It’s going to be an
exciting year and we
invite everyone in the
commun!ty to join in."
For more information, call (918) 577-0030
or wvo~c.soonerstaterodeo.com
By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Looking for
some after May Day fun? On Saturday May 2
Phoenix Rising will host the 3rd annual
Kentuc~- Derby ParD; where you can enjoy
food with friends, wet your whistle at the
cash bar and enjoy the thrill of the Kentucky
Derby on the big screen.
Originally organized by a group of friends
who love equestrian sport, the first party had
around 65 people, the next about 80, and
they are hoping for a bigger crowd this year to
experience the fun. As one of the organizers
Max Paty puts it, "Last year it vcent from
dead quiet when the race started, and then
they just went crazy when the horses came
down the home stretch, and it was really
exciting!" It’s a free event with complimentary
snacks and a cash bar, and everyone is invited,
including out of towners who happen to be
in OKC that day. It’s a great way to celebrate
that event with your friends while meeting
nev¢ ones.
OKEQart gallery opens
new exhibit featuring
artist Krysta Hamilton
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Dennis Ik Neill
Equality Center art gallery will host its
monthly First Thursday meet-the-artist
reception from 6-gpm, Thursday, April 2,
2009, for the opening of the new exhibit
showing the paintings of artist, g-,Tsta
The exhibit will remain up through the
month ofApril, and can be viewed Monday
thru Saturday from 3-9pm. The Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center is located at 621 E. 4th
St., in downtown Tulsa. More info can be
found on the web at okeq.org.
7his monthly event is hosted by Oklahoman’s
for EqualiO, (OkEq): OkEq seeks equal rights
for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Tmnsgender
(LGBT) individuals andfamilies through
advocacy, education, programs, alliances, and
the operation ofthe Dennis R. Neill EqualiO,
4 April 2009
From ~2.95
www.metrostarnews.com ~I®t~oSTAR 5
anna Pa ge Miss Gay Oklahoma Heartland 200
By Victor Gorin
Pageant co-ownerJames Walke~ Adrienne Fische~ Alanna Paige, Anita
Ryde~ and other co-owner Mark Christensen. Gorin photo
O~IOMA CITY, OK__ On February
20 Manna Paige captured the title of Miss
Gay Oklahoma Heartland for 2009, with
Anita Ryder ( currently also Miss Oklahoma
Gay Rodeo Association) winning first
alternate. As a preliminary contest for the
Miss Gay Oldahoma America Pageant, they
will go on to compete for that title. It was a
festive evening at Angles as the current
A1 Mc rey
O ahoma County
Medalion Dinner.
reigning Miss Gay Oklahoma Heartland
Adrienne Fischer passed on that tide (
she is also the current reigning Miss Gay
Oklahoma) to Miss Paige.
Pictured above are pageant co-owner James
VCalker, Adrienne Fischer, Manna Paige,
Anita Ryder & other pageant co-owner
Mark Christensen
By Victor Gorin
By Victor Gorin
Judy Calhoun celebrates her birthday at the
annual Oklahoma County Democratic Patty_
Medallion Dinn~ well wished by AIMcAfl~ey
and Ieshia who led herfriends in song. Gorin
Representative A1 McAffrey was the Master
of Ceremonies for the Oklahoma Count),
Democratic Party February 20. This is an
annual event for the Party that is not only
for fellowship, but also strengthening plans
and resolve for the future. Represented at this
event were both the Oklahoma Stonewall
Democrats and the Oklahoma Gay and
Lesbian Political Caucus.
Count3; Conventions will be held April 4,
Congressional House District Conventions
May 2, with the State Convention May 16
in Oklahoma City. To become involved or
register to vote, go to ww,v.okdemocrats.
org, or call State Party Headquarters (405)
427-3366, and in Tulsa call Tulsa County
Headquarters (918-742 2457).
2nd alternate Amadeus Ka~nii York- Texas,
IGng Richard Cranium oflndiana , and Ist
alternate Owen McCord ofGeorgia.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ Oklahoma City
again hosted the National Mr.Gay US ofA
MI contest at Angles dates September 11-
15. Emceed by the vivacious Amaya Mann,
the competition began with 31 qualified
contestants, narrowed down to 14 finalists for
the finale March 15.
Passing on his tide was the reigning King
from 2008 Xander Kinidy ofTennessee,
whose mother was present at the event.
Capturing the tides for 2009 are 2nd
Alternate Amadeus Karmanii York ofTexas,
1st Alternate Owen McCord of Georgia,
and the new king, Richard Cranium of
6 @et~oSTAR April 2009
Wockner News Service
ANALYSIS: California
Supremes hear Prop 8
Tl~e California Supreme Court on March
5 held its hearing in the case challenging
Proposition 8, the voter-passed constitutional
amendment that re-banned same-sex marriage
-- and the hearing was an apparent disaster
t’or the gay side¯
The justices constantly interrupted the gay
side’s lawyers with aggressive questions, but
let pro-Prop-8 attorney Ken Starr speak
mostly unimpeded.
~ae justices seemed fixated on the fact that
California’s domestic-partnership law gives
gay Couples the same rights as a marriage, and
the), downplayed the fact that they had ruled
that separate isn’t equal in their May 2008
decision that legalized same-sex marriage.
The justices seemed enamored of the notion
that the people can do almost whatever they
want via the ballot-box amendment process
-- including repealing freedom of speech,
banning gay adoption and pretty much
anything else.
The justices all but laughed out of the
chamber state Attorney General Jerry
Browffs nove! "inalienable rights" natural-law
argument against Prop 8.
just an amendment
or instead a constitutional revision. A
revision has to start in the Legislature or at a
constitutional convention; it can’t start with
people collecting voter signatures, as Prop 8
On that key question, the gay side appears
doomed as well, because court precedent
on the issue does not favor the gay side’s
arguments. Only a couple of the justices
appeared possibly open to the idea of
expanding their notion ofwhat constitutes a
constitutional revision.
On the case’s other big question -- whether
the 18,000 couples who married in California
between June and November 2008 will end
up un-married if the court upholds Prop 8
-- a majority of the justices seemed opposed
to viewing Prop 8 as rettoactive, despite
its rather plain wording: "Only marriage
between a man and a woman is valid or
recognized in California."
At one point, the justices had a bit of
Clintonian fun ruminating on "what the
meaning of the word ’is’ is" in Prop 8.
Kenneth Starr came across at the hearing as
smart, confident, well-spoken and quick on
his feet. None of the gay side’s lawyers did as
well. But, in fairness, they were hardly able
to get a word in edgewise because of constant
interruptions from the justices.
Media and blogger analysts were unanimous
in concluding that the court is going to
uphold Prop 8.
That would leave the gay side with two
options: Return to the California ballot with
a proactive initiative to attempt to undo Prop
8. Or take it to,the U.S. Supreme Court,
using the court s ruling in the Colorado
Amendment 2 case as a precedent. In that
case, the high court struck dovin a state
constitutional amendment that prohibited
Colorado governments from protecting
gay people in anti-discrimination laws. The
justices said government cannot irrationally
single out~one group of people for disfavored
Both of these "next step" options are
considered risky moves.
The court must issue its ruling by early June.
Dolly Parton: ’I am not
Country-music legend Dolly Parton is
straight, she told CNN’s Larry King on Feb.
"I am not ga~" Parton said. "I have been
accused of that. But I have been happily
married for 42 years to the same man. And
he’s not the least bit, you know, threatened
by the fact that I may be gay. And he knows
have a lot of friends. But I love everybody. It
doesn’t matter to me."
Part0n said gay people like her because she’s
"I think the gay people have always liked
me because I have always been mysel[ I’m
not intimidated by ho~v people perceive me,
I don’t judge nor criticize people," she said.
"I think that’s another reason they at least
know that I’m sympathetic. I think all people
have a right to be who they are. We’re all
God’s children and God should be the one to
judge, not other people. So I have a lot of gay
friends, lesbian friends."
’Milk’ gays the Oscars
The Academy Awards offered some gayerthan-
usual moments Feb. 22 as the movie
Milk snagged two Oscars.
Accepting the award for best actor, for his
portrayal of gay icon Harvey Milk, actor Sean
Penn said: "You commie, homo-loving sons
of guns.... For those who saw the signs of
hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think
that it is a good time for those who voted
for the ban against gay marriage to sit and
reflect, and anticipate their great shame and
the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they
continue that way of support. We’ve got to
have equal rights for everyone."
And openly gay Dustin Lance Black,
accepting the trophy for original screenplay,
gave a shout-out to gay kids.
"When I was 13 years old, my beatitiful
mother and my father moved me from a
conservative Mormon home in San Antonio,
Tex., to California, and I heard the story of
Harvey Milk," Black said. ’~md it gave me
hope. It gave me the hope to live my life. It
gave me the hope one day I could live my life
openly as who I am and that maybe even I
could fall in love and one day get married.
"If Harvey had not been taken from us 30
years ago, I think he’d want me to say to all
of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight
who have been told that they are ’less than’ by
: or by their
you are beautiful, wonderful
creatures ofvalue and that no matter what
~yone ~eils you, God does love you, ~d
that veiT SO0n~ I promise you; ~ou ~ill have
equal rights federally across this great nation
of ours."
In Singapore, where gay sex is illegal,
MediaCorp TV deleted portions of Black’s
and Penn’s speeches from its rebroadcast of
the awards.
MediaCorp/Channel 5 censorship manager
David Christie said the broadcast "would
have been in serious breach of the MDA
(Media Development Authority) Programme
Code if such controversial content was not
editorially managed."
"The code explicitly disallows content that
sympathizes with, promotes or normalizes
such a lifestyle from being broadcast," he said.
The Asian satellite
TV service STAR also
censored the two men’s
speeches, dropping the
audio each time the
word "gay" or "lesbian"
was uttered.
STAR beams into
more than 50 countries
to some 300 million
Utah senator demoted
for anti-gay remarks
Utah state Sen. Chris Buttars was ousted from
two committees by Republican leaders Feb.
20 after he made homophobic remarks to a
documentary maker.
Buttars spoke in January to TV reporter Reed
Cowan, who is making a documentary on the
¯ Mormon church’s involvement in the passage
of California’s Proposition 8.
The senator’s comments included:
"Homosexuality will always be a sexual
perversion. And you say that around here now
and everybody goes nuts. But I don’t care....
They’re mean. They want to talk about being
nice, they’re the meanest buggers I’ve ever
seen.... It’s just like the Moslems. Moslems
are good people and their religion is anti-war.
But it’s been taken over by the radical side....
What is the morals of a gay person? You can’t
answer that because anything goes.... They’re
probably the greatest threat to America going
down I know of. ... q]aey want superiority.
It’s the beginning of the end. Oh, it’s worse
than that. Sure. Sodom and Gomorrah was
localized. This is worldwide."
According to Salt Lake City’s KTVX, ~vhich
broke the story: "Buttars also talks about a
certain type of reported gay sex!~al activity
which he claims is taking place. But ABC
4 does not consider that appropriate for its
news content
Students at George Mason University in
Fairfax County, Va., elected a gay drag queen
as homecoming queen Feb. 14.
Senior Ryan Allen, who ran for the honor as
Reann Ballslee, beat out two women for the
"It was just for fun," Allen told the
Washington Post. "In the larger scheme of
things, winning says so much about the
university. X~[e’re one of the most diverse
campuses in the country, and... ,ve celebrate
www.metrostarnews.com ~et~oSTAR 7
Gay New Yorkers protest
sex-shop arrests
Several dozen gay N~v ~rkers protested near Mayor
Mict§ael Bloomberg~ mansion Feb. 14 over what
they say are bogus arrests ofg~y men in adult video
arcades. Photo byJoe Jervis
Several dozen gay New ¥orkers protested near
Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s mansion Feb.
14 over what they say are bogus arrests of gay
men in adult video arcades.
The activists claim undercover police o~cers
have been hitting on gay men, then, after the
men agree to have sex, leading them outside,
offering them money, and arresting them for
prostitution, whether they accept the money
or not.
At least 50 men have been victims of the
sting, the activists said.
The motive for the arrests is to create a
pretense for shutting down the shops, the
activists said.
~e arrests have been condemned by openly
lesbian City Council Speaker Christine
Quinn and openly gay state Sen. Tom Duane,
among others.
Hawaii House passes
civil-union bill
Hawaii’s House of Representatives passed a
civil-union bill Feb. 12 by a vote of 33-17.
The measure now advances to the Senate
Judiciary Committee, where its fate is
Republican Gov. Linda Lingle has not taken a
position on the legislation.
The proposal would grant civil-union couples
all the state-level benefits, protections and
responsibilities of marriage.
Hawaii presendy has a reciprocal-beneficiaries
law that grants registered same-sex couples
limited spousal rights. Similar limited laws are
in place in Maine and Washington.
Five states -- California, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, Oregon, and Vermont -- and
Washington, D.C., have full civil-union laws
that grant all state-level spousal rights.
Massachusetts and Connecticut let gay
couples marry, and New York recognizes
same-sex marriages from states and countries
that permit them.
Tt~e other countries that let gay couples
marry are Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands,
Norway, South Africa and Spain.
Beau poses nude
Beau Breedtove, the 21-year-old man who
had sex with Portland, Ore., Mayor Sam
Adams just after Breedlove turned 18, has
posed nude for the May issue of the gay porn
magazine Unzipped.
The revelation of the aNair nearly ended
Adams’ career earlier this year. Adams was 42
years old at the time of the brief relationship
and, when asked about it during his mayoral
campaign, had denied it happened. Nae men
claim to still be ftiends.
"Beau Breedlove was extremely professional
at his first erotic photo shoot in Los Ba~geles
this past weekend," Unzipped online editor
Sean Carnage told Advocate.corn Feb. 18.
"He came to L.A. to prove that the Portland
scandal does not define his sexuality. The
photos portray the real Beau -- a confident
and extremely handsome young man who is
openly sensual, openly sexual and has nothing
to hide."
"We had some trouble getting them into
this house because of some, what I believe to
be, antiquated rules here, but they are here,
minus tiaras and sashes," New Democratic
Party legislator Spencer Herbert said as he
introduced the foursome to fellow legislators.
Legislative sergeant-at:arms Gary Lenz
explained that "protocol" prohibits headgear
and certain other items inside the chamber, to
maintain "dignity."
Larry amer: Lincoln
and Washington were
Veteran gay and MDS activist, author
and playwright Larry Kramer says he has
evidence that Abraham Lincoln and George
Washington were gay.
Colorado senator in antigay
Colorado state Sen. Scott Renfroe, R-Greeley,
unleashed a six-minute anti-gay diatribe on
the floor of the Senate Feb. 23 during debate
on a bill to allow gay state employees to share
health benefits ~vith their partners.
Speaking to the Montreal newspaper Hour
on March 5, Kramer said he will reveal the
details in a book he’s writing, The American
People: A History.
He equated gay sex with murder and adultery
and seemingly suggested that people ~vho
engage in gay sex commit ’,detestable" acts ....
been wntten or stud.........
"It’s a monster book," Kramer said. "It’s an
attempt to put us (gay people) back in history
from the beginning. No history book ever
recorded anything about us, and researching
this book I found out that both Lincoln and
George Washington were gay.... I have stuff
that will go beyond anything that has ever
Renfroe said: "Homosexuality is seen as a
violation of this natural creative order, and
it is an offense to God.... Leviticus 18:22 ’
says: ’You shall not lie witha man as one lies
with a female. It is an abomination.’ Leviticus
20:13 says, ’If there is a man who lies with
a male as those who lie with a ,voman, both
of them have committed a detestable act,
and they shall surely be put to death.’ ...
When we create laws that goes (sic)against
what biblically we are supposed to stand for,
I think we are agreeing, or allowing to go
forward, a sin which should not be treated
by government as something that is legal.
... We are taking sins and making them to
be legally OK, and that is ,vrong. That is an
abomination.... And I’m not saying that this
is the only sin that’s out there. Obviously, we
have sin. We have murder, we have all sorts
of sins. We have adultery. And we don’t make
laws making those leg~A.... All sin is equa!.
That sin there is as equal to any other sin
that’s in the Bible."
The bill passed.
Drag r?yalty stripped
ofregaha be sergeant-atarlns
Mr. and Miss Gay Vancouver XXIX, along
with the Emperor and Empress V of Surrey,
were allowed to enter the Canadian province
of British Columbia’s Legislative Assembly
only after removing their tiaras, crowns and
sashes, The Vancouver Sun reported March 2.
Clinton responded: "Human rights is and
will always be one of the pillars of our foreign
policy. And in particular, the persecution
and discrimination against gays and lesbians
is something that we take very seriously. It
is terribly unfortunate, as you just recited,
that, you lmow, right now in unfortunately
many places in the world violence against
gays and lesbians, certainly discrimination
and prejudice, are not just occurring but
condoned and protected, and we would hope
that over the next few years we could have
some influence in trying to change those
Clinton continued: "Specifically, with
respect to HIV/AIDS, we have made a very
big treatment commitment, as some of you
know, through our program called PEPFAR.
And it is an important part of the American
approach toward trying to deal with the HIV/
MDS pandemic. But we haven’t done enough
on prevention, and we haven’t done enough
on outreach or testing. We’re beginning to,
and under our administration we will do
much more. And I can only hope that we
all live long enough -- certainly I hope I live
long enough; I think you all will -- to see the
end to this kind of discriminatory treatment,
and recognition that human rights are the
inalienable right of every person no matter
who that person loves, and that’s what we
should be trying to achieve."
8 P~etroSTAR Apd12009
Sonja Martinez Receives
the Richard May Award
Sofia Martinez (Center) with her niece Jessica
Martinez-Brooks and her sister and artist
Bernadette Martinez. Pressphom
Oklahoma MDS Care Fund celebrated its
Seventeenth Bmnual "Red Tie Night" at the
Cox Communications Center February 28,
2009. The "Red Tie Night" brings together
man), individuals and corporations to raise as
much as one million dollars in a single night
through various donations, auctions and
generosity of many Oklahomans. The goal
of the event is to raise money tbr education,
direct services and research to fight HIV/
AIDS throughout the State of Oklahoma.
One of the highlights of a very eventful
evening was the presentation of the Richard
May Award to Sonja Martinez. Sonja is
the daughter ofJesse and ka~ita Martinez of
Oldahoma City.
The Richard May Award was established by
the Oklahoma MDS Care Fund to honor
Richard May, a founder of the organization
who passed away in March, 2000. The
premise of the Richard May Award is that it
is to be given annually in recognition of an
individual who has given, in an exceptional
way, of their time and talents to promote
education, research and service regarding
HIV/AIDS. The recipient should exemplify
quiet strength and compassion, never seeking
recognition, which was the spirit of Richard
Sonja has an annual Christmas Benefit to
raise money for those with HIV/AIDS and
this next year will be her nineteenth annual
benefit. The benefit is held at the COPA
bev;veen Thanksgiving and Christmas every
Sonja accepted the award by saying: "~is
award is a very big honor and I thank you
so much. I would like to accept this award
on behalf of all the dubs and entertainers
in the Gay Community who do benefits
all year around. I would also like to thank:
Barbara and Jackie Cooper, Rick Moses, John
Beebe, Tony Sinclair and Dee Goodwin; my
family vcho have supported me and loved me
unconditionally. And the Red Tie, thank
you for all that you do."
I623 N. iVlaplewood Tulsa, OK
www,mcctuls org
Oklahoma City, OK
No matter who you are o
are on life’s journey, y~:
-R®ver®.d ~r. K~hy
Kansas City’s Heartland
Men’s Chorus rills
OKC Crowd
By Victor Gorin
CharlesJohnson presents director Dn Joseph
Nadeau with a plaquej~om the City ofthe
Village thanking themfor theirpe,formance.
Gorin photo
City was treated to a grand performance by
the Heartland Men’s Chorus March 3 when
the played to a large crowd at the Village
Christian Church. N~e Chorus, which began
in 1986, has performed extensively in the
Missouri/Kansas area, and also throughout
the United States and abroad. Featuring
an eclectic mix of men’s choral music
encompassing several music styles, the chorus
was won acclaim and respecf froma wide
were recognized by the City
( suburban community of OKC), and this
concert, which was their OKC debut, would
also benefit the BritVil Food Bank.
Bringing their songs to Oklahoma, they
presented their concept concert, "And Justice
for All." Beginning xvith a number from
the musical South Pacifici "You’ve got to be
Cargfully Taught/Children will Listen", which
depicted racism, they ,;vent through a series
of selections accompanied by readings and
accompanying pictures which portrayed the
struggles of blacks, women, and the more
recent activism of title GLBT community.
Highlights included activist classics "We Shall
Overcome" & ’Tkin’t gonna let nobody Turn
me Round, but also included the comic relief
of"Color of Colorado," a campy classic from
the off Broadway musical "When Pigs FI~’
that portrays how vital the GLBT community
really is to America. Closing with "I will
stand with You," they left the audience with
not only a call for unity but hope for a better
Under the direction of Dr. Joseph Nadeau,
they performed the following day for
the American Choral Directors National
Convention which also took place in
Oklahoma City. They held the distinction of
being one of only 2 gay men’s choruses to be
invited to perform for that conference in the
group’s 50 year history.
to Moore Oklahoma for another protest at
Moore High School.
Although their reasoning for picking out
Moore High School for a protest site was
unknown, their website did promise "We
will picket you hypocrites and we continue
to THANK GOD for the tornados that
keep kicking Oklahoma’s backside.’Moore
High School dismissed classes 15 minutes
early for those students wishing to avoid the
protest, but many stayed to tal~e part in what
’turned out to be a major counter protest.
That protest, organized by Chelsea Marlett
( daughter ofRon Marlett, ~vho ran against
Sally Kern in the State Legislative race 2008)
not only brought out many from the GLBT
community, but also many others to form a
diverse crowd of around 2000 that included
civil libertarians, yeterans groups, and just
plain folks young and old. Undoubtedly the
most spectacular counter protesters were the
bikers, xvho rode repeatedly past the Phelps
clan revving their engines to the crowd’s
Jeannie and other Moore High School students
protest Phelps group. Gorin photo
As one of them put it, Kevin Sherwood stated
"I fought for our country for people to be
able to live their lives they way they want. I
fought so they ( the Phelps group) can say
what they want to say, but we get the same
rights. What upset me more than anything
else is that they came here to scare kids. But
apparently most of them ain’t all that scared!"
Living proof of that was Jeannie, a student of
Moore High School,who after some colorful
outbursts about her opinion of the Phelps
clan, had this to say" God loves all of us,
we’re all equal, gays lesbians, it doesn’t matter
God loves us all."
www.metrostarnews.com #~÷troSTAR 9
10 ~oSTAR April 2009
British PM opposes Prop8
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
opposes Proposition 8, the California ballot
measure that last November re-banned samesex
marriage after the state Supreme Court
had legalized it.
"This Proposition 8, this attempt to undo
the good that has been done, this attempt to
create divorces among 18,000 people who
were perfectly legally brought together in
partnerships, this is unacceptable and shows
me why we alxvays have to be vigilant, why we
have alvcays got to fight homophobic behavior
and any form of discrimination," Brown said
March 5 at a Downing Street reception for
6 in his apartment in Call
He suffered a fatal blow to the head and
was found tied to his bed and gagged. The
apartment had been trashed but there were no
signs of forced entry and nothing was stolen.
Rivera received national attention when he
fought a 2001 mandate by the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas
that all residents ofa FARC-controlled sector
of the eastern state of Meta take an HIV test
or leave the area within a week.
Thereafter, he received death threats and was
followed on the streets and harassed at worlc
He eventually left Meta, his home state, as a
On March 4, the California Suprelne Court
heard oral arguments in the case seeking to
overturn the constitutional amendment. It
is widely expected that the effort will fail,
with the justices deciding, in effect, that the
right of the voters to amend the constitution
is more sacrosanct than the constitutional
guarantee of equal protection under the law.
The court must issue its decision by early
Burundi plan to ban gay
sex dies in Senate
Leading Latino-issues blogger Andrds Duque
called Rivera’s death "a tremendous loss to the
international human rights movement."
Argentina lifts military
gay ban
Argentina’s military decriminalized
homosexuality and lifted its gay ban Feb. 27.
Part of an overhaul of the military justice
system, the change was approved by
Parliament last year and took effect six
months after passage.
A move to ban gay sex in the Central African U.S.-based Latino-issues, blogger Andrds
nati~ 6f Burundi was reiected by the Senate ~t}que called the m.ove ’.on.e more L.GBT
Feb. 16 after having passed the National nghts development in a Latin American
Assembly unanimously in November. nation that leapfrogs over current U.S.
"Burundi’s Senate, after significant pressure
and ’heated debate,’ today reiected the
proposed amendment to criminalize
homosexual conduct. Victory -- for the
moment," said Scott Long, head of Human
Rights Watclqs LGBT Rights Division.
The proposal, part of a much larger bill, set
a punishment of between three months and
two years in prison, along with a large fine,
for engaging in consensual adult gay sex.
The Senate and Assembly must now form a
commission to reconcile the two versions of
the bill before sending it to President Pierre
"Any reconciliation could, potentially,
reinstate the provision criminalizing samesex
conduct," said the International Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
"Whatever the outcome, the fact that
the majority of senators voted against the
provision shows a growing recognition that
all citizens are entitled to the full enjoyment
of human rights irtespective of their sexual
Gays in the U.S. military are required
to remain in the closet under the "Don’t
Ask, Dofft Tell" policy signed into law by
President Bill Clinton.
Prior to that time, gays were not allowed in
the U.S. military at all.
300,000 at Sydney Mardi
Sydney’s 31st gay Mardi Gras parade attracted
300,000 spectators, 130 floats and 9,500
participants March 7.
Openly gay Olympic gold medal diver
Matthew Mitcham led offthe procession. His
winning dive at the Beijing Olympics was the
highest-scoring dive in Olympic history.
Marching units included the Federal
Police, the military and New South Wales
firefighters. U.S. comedian Joan Rivers also
joined in, riding on top of a truck.
Eighty-four of the world’s 19 5 nations ban
gay sex.
Colombian gay leader
m dered
Well-lmown Colombian gay activist idvaro
Miguel Rivera Linares, 41, was killed March
Jamaica .bans most antigay
Jamaica’s Broadcasting Commission has
effectively banned most anti-gay dancehall
songs from being played over the airwaves.
Wockner News Service
New regulations prohibit broadcast of songs
and videos that glorify arson, rape, shooting
or murder, as well as depictions of sex acts.
Gay activists, locally and internationally, have
campaigned for years against the anti-gay
alleged "murder music" ofJamaican artists
such as Sizzla, Bounty Killer, Elephant Man,
Vybz Kartel, Beenie Man, Buju Banton,
T.O.K. and Capleton.
Phelpses banned from
entering UK
Anti-gay Kansas pastor Fred Phelps and his
daughter Shirley have been banned from
entering the United Kingdom, the Telegraph
reported Feb. 19.
The "God hates fags" team had announced
plans to picket a performance of’l-he Laramie
Project on Feb. 20 at a school arts center in
Basingstoke, Hampshire.
A UK Border Agency spokesman said:
"Both these individuals have engaged in
unacceptable behavior by inciting hatred
against a number of communities.... We will
continue to stop those who want to spread
extremism, hatred and violent messages in our
communities from coming to our country."
In an interview with the BBC, Shirley Phelps-
Roper stated: "There are members ofWBC
(Westboro Baptist Church) that are not
named Phelps.... Unless they intend to begin
checking the bare backsides of every person
coming into that country to find that tattoo
that says ’Property ofWBC,’ they will have
no way of identifying who is from WBC."
In the end, a single, unidentified
demonstrator showed up and was chased
offby about 50 counterprotesters, the BBC
HIV rate climbs in Asia
Gay and bisexual men in Asia are having risky
unprotected sex, causing dramatic climbs in
HIV infection rates, said officials attending
a World Health Organization HIV/AIDS
conference Feb. 18 in Hong Kong.
The gathering heard that more than 30
percent of gay and bisexual men in Bangkok
are HIV-positive, while some Chinese cities
report a rate as high as 18 percent, and China
as a whole has a rate of 3.8 percent among
gay/bisexual men.
The director of Chinas AIDS-control center,
Wu Zunyou, said amphetamine use and
Internet hookups are factors in the climbing
infection rate.
HIV now is Chinas deadliest infectious
disease, according to a new report from the
Ministry of Health.
More than 8 percent of gay and bisexual men
in Jakarta are HIV-positive, the conference
heard, as are 7.8 percent in Cambodia.
Singapore censors Oscars
Singapore’s MediaCorp TV censored its
replay of the Academy Awards Feb. 23,
removing portions of Dustin Lance Black’s
acceptance speech.
Black won the original screenplay Oscar for
Milk, and said: "When I was 13 years old, my
beautiful mother and my father moved me
from a conservative Mormon home in San
Antonio, Tex., to California, and I heard the
story of Harvey Milk. And it gave me hope.
It gave me the hope to live my life. It gave me
the hope one day I could live my life openly
as who I am and that maybe even I could fall
in love and one day get married.
"If Harvey had not been taken from us 30
years ago, I think he’d want me to say to all
of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight
who have been told that they are ’less than’ by
their churches, by the government or by their
families, that you are beautiful, wonderful
creatures of value and that no matter what
anyone tells you, God does love you, and
that very soon, I promise you, you will have
equal rights federally across this great nation
of ours."
Sean Penn’s acceptance speech also was
truncated. He won the best actor Oscar for
his portrayal of Harvey Milk.
Penn said: "You commie, homo-loving sons
of guns.... For those who saw the signs of
hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think
that it is a good time for those who voted
for the ban against gay marriage to sit and
reflect, and anticipate their great shame and
the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they
continue that way of support. We’ve got to
have equal rights for everyone."
Subscribers to one of the main Singaporean
gay e-mail lists were outraged at the edits.
"This sort of bigoted, intolerant and ignorant
action by a national broadcaster is better
suited for Iran or North Korea than a nation
that puts itself forward as a modern worldclass
city," wrote one.
MediaCorp/Channel 5 censorship,manager
David Christie said the broddcast would
have been in serious breach of the MDA
(Media Development Authority) Programme
Code if such controversial content was not
editorially managed."
"The code explicitly disallows content that
sympathizes with, promotes or normalizes
such a lifestyle from being broadcast," he said.
Gay sex is illegal in Singapore.
The Asian satellite TV service STAR also
censored the two men’s speeches, dropping
the audio each time the word "gay" or
"lesbian" vcas uttered.
STAR beams into more than 50 countries to
some 300 million viewers.
www.rnetrostarnews.com #d®troSTAR 11
By Camper English Colder, smaller, weaker: Better martinis
~lhe diplomatic way of defining the "best martini" is as "the
martini that you like the best." But, really, if you’re pulling
a jug of vodka out of the freezer and pouring it into a glass,
you’re not drinking a martini at all. You’re drinldng a glass of
cold vodl~a. Add olives and you’ve got vodka with a snack.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I drink cold vodka
all the time, and ~vho doesn’t enjoy a string of olives for
dinner? But a martini is a mixed drink, necessitating more
than one ingredient to mix into it.
Bar-haviora Problems
The working theory is that the martini star~ed as a spinoff
of the Martinez, a cocktail made with sweetened gin, sweet
vermouth, maraschino liqueur and bitters (with a lemon
twist). As tastes in cocktails shifted away from sweet drinks,
the "Dry Martini" made with d~/vermouth became more
popular, and eventually most everybody forgot about the
bitters. Vodka didn’t become an option until later.
Gay bar bartenders, who are not necessarily gay bartenders,
are usually the most ei~cient and fair intoxicologists in
tl~e drinking universe. I say "fair" because at straight
establishments, hot women and rid>looking men (usually
jerk~) get first priority, and the bartenders frequently take
drink orders out of order. Infuriating! This is not often the
case in gay ~vatering holes, where the bartenders tend to be the
hottest people in the room and dofft need to impress you by
serving you first (you need impress them with the size of your
Given the variations over time, you could rightfully order
your martini made with gin or vodka, sweet or dry vermouth
or none at all, bitters or not, olives or a twist - and you could
find a published recipe to back it up. None are the "right" way
to make a martini, but I would encourage experimentation to
find the way that’s right for you.
Also, gay bar patrons Imow how to behave (toward the
bartender anyway) and will often line up in an orderly fashion
at the drink well rather than shouting and waving like the
opening scene ofThe Love Boat al! along the bar. I take
straight friends to my favorite gay bar and they are anlazed at
the German,like efficientT in place. They are often jealous and
ofthe strained drink in the
frdezer’ ......
determine to start coming there every night, until they hear ........... .... ......
the 14th Madonna remix in a row. I can’t say I blame them.
In a nightclub or other crowded venue, or anywhere with a
mixed crowd, all bets for orderly ordering are off. You need
to gain the attention of tl~e bartender as well as make him or
her think you’re going to be a good (i.e., fast, non-annoying)
customer. Here are a few suggestions for attracting the
bartender and keeping his attention.
While jumbo-sized martini glasses used in many bars
provide a lot of liquor for the dollar, by the time you get to
the bottom half you’re drinking room-temperature alcohol.
That is bad. Or worse, it’s a warm salt bath if you’ve got the
extra-large-sized olives in there that help to heat it xtp. The
very dassiest ofbars serve their martinis in very small, very
cold glasses - with an additional quantity of the drink in an
ice-chilled container on the side. That is lovely. At home, I
use vintage (small) glassware and keep the remainder cooling
Look available. You want to make eye contact with the
bartender and have her give you the "I see you" nod. To
accomplish this, face the bar, not your friends behind you. If
you’re turned around chatting and using the bar as a leaning
post, you’re not giving the right signal.
Be ready. When you are trying to get the bartender’s attention,
have visible cash in your hand -but don’t ~vave it around
unless there is a row of drag queens in six-inch heels blocking
your line of sight. And if you’re planning to pay with a credit
card, you may want to keep that hidden. It takes longer to
process, so the bartender will serve the cash-holding folks first.
Also, be ready with your friends’ drink orders. Don’t wait until
the bartender gets there to turn around and say, "What do you
guys want?" As the person standing next to you, H1 swoop in
and say "~ree martinis please" when your back is turned. I’m
like that.
S~’ategize. Don’t shout to get the bartender’s attention.
Nobody likes to be yelled at while doing their job. A friendly
"Hi!" sometimes helps though. Make your first tip the most
generous one to help ensure prompt service and healthy pours
for the rest of the evening. And be respectful of others - if the
guy next to you was waiting longer but the bartender comes
to you, give him the "he was here first" point. The bartender
will remember that you’re next, and you never kmow if that
guy next to you wil! return the favor and pay for your drink.
Do not fear vermouth.
Try it and you might
find you actually like it
- but probably not the
4-year-old, mostly full
bottle gathering dust in
the back of your liquor
cabinet. Use a fresh bottle.
Vermouth spoils like wine
after opening, so buy small
bottles and keep them in
the refrigerator to lengthen
their life span.
Ice, too, is an ingredient
in the drink. Ifyou keep
your vodka or gin in the
freezer, not much water
will melt into your martini.
Dilution brings the drink
down to a manageable level
of alcoholic strength to keep you from making that too-strong
scrunchy face that gives you wrinkles. A martini should be
refreshing, not painful.
The shaken-versus-stirred decision is not worth the ~veight
given to it. Shaking adds ice chips and air bubbles that make
the drink look doudy and taste fizzy, whereas stirring results
in a clear and smooth cocktail from the get-go. I prefer a
stirred martini when I’m at a nice cocktail lounge, but I do
often shake them at home. Not because it tastes better, but
because shaldng is more fun.
Camper English is a cocktails and spirits writer andpublisher of
Alcademics. com. ’
12 ~et~:oSTAR April 2009
~e internationally renowned cast ofWoody
Sez- back rowfrom left: Helen Russell, Darci
Deaville, Andy Tekstein;J~ont- David Lutken
as Woody @hoto courtesy of The Scotsman
Publications Ltd.)
OKLAHOI~La~ CITY, OK (PR) __ Lyric
~eatre, OkAahoma’s premiere professional
theatre company, will present the American
Premiere ofWoody Sez, the words, music,
& spirit ofV[oody Guthrie as part of the
2009 "Lyric at the Plaza" season. This
unique theatrical concert event celebrates
the life and spirit ofAmerican folk legend
Vioody Guthrie, whose music continues to
inspire today’s finest storytelling songwriters
including Bob DyIan, Bruce Springsteen,
John Mellencamp, the Indigo Girls, and
Billy Bragg. Lyri& production will run from
March 26th through April 1 lth and features
the show’s original cast from its European
st0ryte!l& ~na
David tutken Stars in {he and
actor,musici~s Darcie
Deaville ,Teirstein
join in ,to portray
up the fabric of Guthrie’s amazing story.
The four accompany themselves on over 15
different instruments, ranging from guitar
and fiddle to jaw harp and dulcimer.
\Voodrow Wilson "W’oody" Guthrie
was born in 1912 in Okemah, Oklahoma.
He is best kmown as an American singersongwriter
and folk musician, whose
musical legacT indudes hundreds of
political, traditional and children’s songs,
ballads and improvised works. Many of his
recorded songs are archived in the Library of
Congress. Guthrie traveled from Oklahoma
to California and later New York and used
his rich life experiences and observations to
write traditional folk and blues songs, many
ofwhich deal with the Great Depression.
Guthrie died from complications of
Huntington’s disease, a progressive genetic
neurological disorder.
When Nick Corley accepted the position
as Lyric’s new artistic director, he was thrilled
with the timing and what it meant for the
future ofWoody Sez. With the blessing of the
Guthrie estate, Corley, who has directed the
show fi’om its inception, prepared Lyric for
the American premiere, so that Oklahomans
could be the first in ~he country to celebrate
Guthrie’s life and music in this special way.
Furthermore, so that the celebration of
Woody’s spirit can reach even further beyond
the Oklahoma City metro area, Lyric Theatre
has plans to take the show on the road. A
special presentation ofWoody Sez, the words,
music, & spirit ofWoody Guthrie has been
generously underwritten by Continental
Resources, one of the largest independent
oil and natural gas companies in the United
States. The show will play a special two-night
engagement at the Enid Symphony Center
on Tuesday, March 31st and g~rednesday,
April 1st at 7:30pm, marking the first time
in the company’s 47-year history that a full
prod,uction will be performed outside of
Lyric s home venue.
Back in Oldahoma City, Woody Sez
performances are March 26th through
April 1 lth: Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays at
8:00pm, Saturdays at 2:00pm & 8:00pro.
For tickets: ,a-wvc.lyrictheatreokc.com, (405)
524-9312, or in person at 1727 NW 16th St,
Oldahoma City, OK.
In Oklahoma City, the renovation and
opening of Plaza Theatre, located on NW
16th Street between Penn and Classen,
means that audiences can look forward to an
intimate world-class theatrical experience,
complete ~vith free accessible parking, tdtracomfortable
seating, and a full service cash
bar. Drinks are even allowed inside the theatre
as the audience takes in the performance. The
2009 "Lyric at the Plaza" season concludes in
May with Steel Magnolias. Lyric will continue
to produce its annual summer season at
downtmvn Oklahoma City’s Civic Center
Music Hall, beginning in June with Disney’s
High School Musical 2 and continuing with
The Music Man, Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat, The Producers, and
Little Shop of Horrors.
w~-w.metrostarnews.com NetroSTAR 13
Arkansas Domestic
Partnership Registry
Under Attack
Gay News Bureau
Domestic Partnership Registry in Arkansas--
and one of the fe~v in the Mid-South region
of the country--may soon be history if one
right-wing state legislator has his way.
But the Eureka Springs mayor, city council
and supporters of the DPR, vow to vigorously
oppose a move by Republican Arkansas State
Rep. Bryan King to do away with it.
In only 22 months, 256 unmarried couples
from 55 Arkansas communities and 14 other
states have registered as domestic partners in
Eureka Springs.
At least 28 of those couples came from
neighboring Oklahoma and another 32 from
Missouri, says Michael Walsh, who wrote the
domestic partnership law that went into effect
in June 2007.
Efforts to keep the resort town from
officially honoring gay and straight couples is
"transparent homophobia," he says.
"There are six words to describe State Rep.
Bryan King ofArkansas," said Walsh, "and
they are, ’State Rep. Sally Kern of Oklahoma’.
To know one is to know the other."
DPR advocates say it is hypocritical for
any state lawmaker to condemn municipal
domestic partnership laws while accepting
campaign contributions from I~aft Foods,
Wal-Mart, FedEx and Cox Communications,
companies that have domestic partner
King is serving his final term as state
representative and may next run for the
Arkansas senate. His detractors say he
has nothing to lose and much to gain by
assaulting the DPR at this time.
King introduced his anti-DPR measure
March 9. Out lesbian Arkansas State Rep.
Kathy Webb, a Democrat, opposes the ban
and has said it may be killed at the committee
level. Arkansas Speaker of the House Robbie
Wills is also on record as opposing the bill.
But Eureka Springs city officials are not
taking any chances. In a statement signed
by the entire Eureka Springs City Council,
Mayor Dani Joy strongly defended the DPR
and condemned King’s intrusion into city
"I vdll not stand silent any longer and allow a
demographic of our citizens to be humiliated
and degraded," she said. "Prejudice or bigotry
have no place in our city. The gay and lesbian
community are our fi’iends, neighbors and
The editor of the tmvffs weekly newspaper,
The Lovely County Citizen, characterized
Y,dng’s anti-DPR bill as a "regressive, faithbased,
discriminatory, venal.., and cynical
It is, said editor Don Lee in a editorial,
"demagoguery based on religious prejudice
bordering on moral fascism..."
~e Carroll County (AR) News reported
King "felt the bill (to ban DPRs) was needed
because tourism in Eureka Springs has
become identified too strongly with issues of
Given the town’s long-standing reputation as
a major wedding destination, King’s rationale
is fraudulent, says Walsh.
"What the hell does he think goes on in all
those heart shaped hot tubs and honeymoon
cabins," Walsh said. "King’s real aim is to
impose his extremist religious and political
views on our town and at the expense of gay
residents, business owners and tourists.
"Playing the gay card is a way for cheap
politicians in Arkansas to fan the fires of hate
and fatten up their campaign coffers."
But, on the brink of what may be a precarious
tourist season, King’s bill cotfld also deprive
the town of a critical revenue stream.
According to city records, the DPR has
generated almost $10,000 for the city in less
than two years. Registration costs $35 per
Walsh puts the figure at closer to $250,000
to $500,000 when DPR-related expenditures
on hotels, motels, B &Bs, restaurants,
bars, caterers, ministers, florists, gift shops,
photographers mad spending by friends and
}’amilies are included.
"Precisely when the state needs all the tax
revenue it can it, I~dng’s bill is exceedingly
short-sighted," he said.
* To express your support, send a brief e-mail
to Eureka Springs Mayor Dani Joy at mayor@
~ Express your outrage to Arkansas State Rep.
Bryan King at: kingb@arkleg.state.ar.us
* Ask your friends, co-workers, family
members and neighbors to do the same.
* Send this story to news outlets, LGBT
organizations, web sites and blogs.
* Ask your elected local and state
representatives to speak out on this issue, as
did the Eureka Springs mayor when Sally
Kern was on the rampage last year.
= Come to Eureka Springs for Diversity
Weekend April 3-5 and get your own DPR.
See www.eurekapride.com for events.
Diversity Weekend Kicks
Offin Eureka Springs
Domestic Partner Certificates. The
courthouse is dosed Saturday and Sunday.
City Clerl~’s office is in the City Hall,
lower level of the Western Carroll County
Courthouse, 44 S. Main. Office hours are
9:30 AM - 12 Noon and 1:30 to 4:30 PM.
Over150 unique shops and galleries. Be sure
to stop by and say hi to Charlie at A Byrds
Eye View. Weekend favorites include The
Tourist Stop, Mountain Eclectic, Antique
Affaire, The Inn Convenience Store, Fusion
Squared and Eclectic Edge.
Over 6 vendors are setting up in the old
Eureka Screams Theater parking lot and
lobby, located on H~W 23 South. Friday -
Sunday, 8 AM - 5 PM, everything from Tools
to Toys.
Welcome Mixer, Pizza Bar, 13 N Main, 6:00
to 8:00 PM. Come feel the warmth. Mix and
mingle with locals and visitors from around
6 PM.
Rock and Roll with Tiffany Christopher, The
New Delhi, 2 North Main, All ages welcome,
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM-ish.
It’s a Hawaiian Luau Weekend. Karake,
Dance, Giveaways and FUN. Friday and
Saturday, Henri’s Just One More, 19 1/2
Spring, Open Noon - 2AM, Full menu served
till 9 PM nightly. NO COVER CHARGE.
The always popular Tiki Torch Club and their
Spring Diversity Dance Par-Tee. Arrive early
this place fills up fast. Midnight Teaser Drag
Show with Secdackeiry.
Male Illusionist. That’s right they’re all girls
and they’re dressed too ’KISS’. The IgSSS
Tribute Band, Lumberyard, 105 East Van
Buren, 9:00 PM. Stick around for DJ TIC’S
Spin Cycle and Dance Party.
Ashley McBryde... the miracle gift returns for
SPRING ,n Eureka. Jacks Place. 37 Spring
St, 9:00 PM.- Midnight, no cover. Handsome
Lee wit! be checking IDs at the door.
subterranean and always gay Eureka Live,
35 North Main, Trash Disco Party, drink
specials. NO COVER CHARGE!
Mountain St. 9 PM - ~
Avoid those Diversity buzz-killers like getting
a DUI or trying to find a parking place
downtown. Eureka Springs Limousine. $5.00
point to point. Call 479-244-6320 for your
Name That Tune With Sandy at the
Smokehouse Card, 580 West Van Buren,
8:30 A.M to1 l:30ish, biscuits as big as your
head. WIN Fabulous Prizes, like Sparlcy Sun
Glasses! Saturday and Sunday Only.
The Diversity Bikers "Bridges and Dam Poker
Run." Planer’s Hill Parking lot on the corner
of 62 and 23 (Main Street) Starting at 12:45
The Spring PDA photo shoot. Just some good
time amusement for the tourist and to annoy
OF AFFECTION (PDA), 12 noon, Basin
Park band shell, downtown. A G-rated
opportunity to smooch your sweetie-or the
perfect stranger-for posterity. Eureka Pride
has free treats to pass out.
The Eclectic Edge, 49 Spring, ARTIST
RECEPTION drop by and meet Artist
Matt Johnson and Gallery owners David
and Ginny between 1 and 5 PM. Light ,
refreshments. Register to win a piece of Matt s
artwork. Raffie to benefit the local Doggie
KARAOYdS: Jack’s Place, 37 Spring, 2 PM - 6
PM, WOW!.!! Jello Shots For a BUCK!
ALL GIRLS BAND IRIS: Chelsea’s, 10
Mountain St. Better show out early, these
ladies have been known to Jump Start their
show as early as 7 PM and then ~vind it up
The North West Arkansas Center For
Equality and UA PRIDE, are havin,,g a dance.
Entire, family welcome, upstairs at The
Space, located across from the U.S. Post
Office in Uptown-Downtown Eureka on
Spring St., DJ dance music and activities for
the kids. $5 cover, FREE to children 12 and
under. 8 -11 PM.
For a complete list of activities and events go
to www.eurekapride.com and diversitypride.
New Owners ForJoplin’s
Pla-Mor Lounge.
New owners ofJoplin’s Pla-Mor Lounge, Tim,
Bonnie and Tom. Staffphoto
JOPLIN, MO (PR) After more than 40
years in the bar business including several
gay clubs, Dick and Billy Jack decided to
retire and let longtime friends Tim, Tom and
Bonnie take over their latest venture, the
Pla-Mor Lounge located at 532 S. Joplin St,
Joplin’s only gay club. New hours beginning
in April will be Tues-Sat 5pm to 1am. Happy
hour 5pro to 7pm. Phone 417-624-2722
Retiring Pla-Mor owners Dick and Billy Jack.
14 ~{et~’oSTAR April 2009
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
@ Hideaway, Tulsa
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
@ The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
@ The End Up, Tulsa
@The Mine Shaft, Tulsa
@Club 209, Tulsa
www.rnetrostarnews.com #~et~oSTAR 15
I really dig California Zins. For springtime/
back yard grill time, what better red xvine
than Zinfandel to go with short ribs, beef
brisket, grilled veggies and brats. Here
are some killer bottles I think should be
considered to go with your barbeque fun.
Brief histoD+ of the grape
[ZIHN-fuhn-dehl] qlais is thought to be
California’s most popular red-wine grape
because it’s not widely grown in other parts
of the world. Zinfandel vines were brought
to California in the 1850s and it is now that
state’s second most extensively planted red
grape behind cabernet sauvignon. Initially,
research confirmed a relationship between
Zinfandel and Primitivo (a variety grown
in Italy’s Puglia region), causing speculation
that Zinfandel might have originated in Italy.
However, in late 200 t, DNA fingerprinting
determined that Crljenak Ka~telanski (a littleknown
grape from Croatia) and Zinfandel
have identical DNA profiles.
Beside the Zinfandel grown in California
(and Italy’s Priraitivo), there are only isolated
plantings of this grape, mainly in South
Africa and Australia. The Zinfandel grape can
produce wines ranging from light, nouveau
styles to hearty, robust reds with berrylike,
spicy (sometimes peppery) flavors, plenty of
tannins, enough complexity and longevity to
be compared to Cabernet Sauvignon.
Mr. D’s V2 case
EarthQuake Zin ’06
The Phillips brothers pride themselves on
farming their vineyards with a meticulous
eye on quality. Their wines regularly take top
accolades in wine competitions. This Zin is
really full bodied with lots zing and flavor. In
addition to the Earthquake brand of reservetier
wines, wine brands under the Michael
David Winery umbrella include the popular
7 Deadly Zins. This wine has recently come
down in price about 20% in this market and
it’s a must try.
FoxGlove Zin ’07
Wine critic Robert Parker says that this one
of the most ,mpress~!}e
in the coot, high elevations
Cruz M+0~nt~sT’ ~is Zi~ €9~(s ffo~m Vasq
Robles ~fi~ is a n~ addition t0 ~¢~e~akers
Bob & Jim Varner~ oo~tfoli6. I was
completely surpnse~ at[)~Ow gogd~h~s single
vineyard wi~e is for the~money. ~’ ~,
+ }~’~
Ifyou are one of those xvho beliei(
better, read on.
juicy fruit
acid balanc~
comedian Robin
this winery and
great Cabernet also
For this Zin, ~only
Family, is also currently making.
uch xvineries like Paradigm, and
Past clients include Screaming Eagle
},arc 29. "We brought a bdtfle for
) w’. file opt in California during ~he
We hadnt fasted it before hand’and
bottle, I Wished
a c9uple more. This wine
in oiar state and this zin is
]his writer is one of the managers a~ the Grand Vin
wine shop. He also bar tends and hosts wine & food
town as the
Enthusiasts ofTulsa.
Hyse Couzins ’05,
This is the first
39% Zinfandel and
drinldng xvell right now,
to decant. Wine critid sa3
for the next 5 - 7 years. This
be hard to find so if you see it,
wine has also come down in
20% in this market and
Remember that
Zinfandel are two
Edmeades Mendocino
This hasgot to be one of
and 20061ooks to be
to 2005
has some Petite
Grenache blended
color. ~nere is a
cherry ~
/ www.l~ineSpectamd
pepper. Turn processor onand chop f~r
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
2 -14 oz can chic~ peas, drained
4 cloves garlic, peeled "
1/2 cup jarred, i:o~ted red’peppers.
Zest of one lemon
Juice of one lemon
!/4 cup tahini (may substitute ~vith
pmnut or almond butter)
i/2 cup olive oil
| teas kosher salt
is creamy.
Serve topped with a drizzle of 01ive oil, feta
cheese and cracked black pepper if desired.
Provide pita wedges and fresh vegetables for
16 v~®t;oSTAR April 2009
At The BOK Center Tulsa
Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band
.April 7, 2009 @ 7:30
Ticket Prices: $9I, $57, $4I
Get tickets at LiveNation.com, all Tickets.corn Outlets, or
charge by phone at 1-866-7-BOK-CTR
Bruce Springsteen’s new album ’Working on a Dream’ was
released today (January 27, 2009). ’~,Working on a Dream~
was recorded with the E Street Band and features twelve
new Springsteen compositions plus one bonus track. It is
the fourth collaboration between Springsteen and Brendan
O’Brien, who produced and mixed the album.
Apr 10, 2009 at BOK Center
Nickelback With Seether and Saving Abel
Aprill 0, 2009
Tickets On Sale Now
Prices: $75, $55, $35
Unstoppable rock powerhouse Nickelback have announced
dates for their upcoming North American tour in support
of their new" album Dark Horse, released on Roadrunner
Records on November !8th. Nickelback are a phenomenally
successful touring band whose tours have grossed in excess
of $100 million thus f.ar and have sold more than 30 million
albums worldwide. Dark Horse is Nickelback’s first release
since the immensely popular All ~fhe Right Reasons, released
in 2005.
Fleetwood Mac
May 3, 2009 at BOK Center
"Unleashed" Tour
May 3, 200~
Tickets Off Sale Now
Prices: $149.50, $79.50, $49150
Wne sure to be historic "Unleashed" Tour, beginning on March
1st in Pittsburgh, is an epic cross-c0untry trek featuring
44 shows in major markets. The tour will include al!~ of the
Ma& many greatest hits fi’om over the course of the band’s
extraordinary career. Fleem~ood Mac, the multi-Grammy
winning, multi-platinum Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
inductees are back on the road for the first time in five years
following several successful solo projects.
OKC Civic Center Music Hall April Events
THE LEFT HAND SINGING a drama by Barbara Lebow
Date: Frida); March 20, 2009 - Saturday, April 11, 2009
Presented by Carpenter Square Theatre
MF~SURE FOR MEASURE by William Shakespeare
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009 - Sunday, April i9, 2009
Presented by the Oklahoma City Theatre Company
Perpetual Motion "Chiaroscuro"
Date: Friday, April 03, 2009 - Saturday, April 04, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Perpetual Motion presents Chiaroscuro
Oklahoma City Philharmonic
Date: Saturday, April 04, 2009 Time: 8:00 p.m.
Featuring Yuja X~gang, Piano
Date: Frida>; April 10, 2009 - Sunday, Apri! 19, 2009
Zombie Prombook and lyrics by John Dempse, music by
Dana E Rowe based on a story by John Dempsey and Hugh
Murphy April 10-19, 2009 in the Freede Litde Theatre
Date: Tnesday, April 21, 2009 - Saturday, May 23, 2009
Presented by Celebrity Attractions
Begins April 21, 2009
Tracy Morgan and Martin Lawrence put the fun in
When Romeo first reported on the proposed Chris Rock-led
American version of the outrageous British farce Death at
a Funeral, it was unclear as to whether the wild gay subplot
would survive. But as casting begins it seems clear that the
queer surprise in the black comedy’s casket is alive and well.
Better yet, 30 Rock’s hilarious Tracy Morgan has signed on
to star alongside Martin La~vrence in the corned); due in
2010, about a dead patriarch’s funeral interrupted by mishaps~
bizarre guests and the arrival of the deceased’s secret gay lover.
As long as Lawrence ~snt contracted to play B~g Momma
in this verSion, fans of the original can rest easy:. Now, which
brave American actor is going to pla~ the family member who
runs around the hOuSe naked for the entire length of the fihn? ......
Cherry Jones’ sister act
Object lesson to any actor who believes that coming out
will be career-damaging: Cherry Jones. The talented lesbian
character actress never stops working, plays the President on
24, was Matt Damon’s reality-checking mother in Ocean’s 13
and won a Tony Award for her pre-Meryl Streep incarnation
of Sister Aloysius on Broadway in Doubt. Now she’l! take
on another nun role in the upcoming drama Mother and
Child starring opposite Naomi xYc:atts, Samuel Jackson,
Kerry Washington and Annette Bening. The female-centered
adoption drama is currently in production and due for release
this December - aka Beg For Your Oscar Month - so the
filmmakers must be pretty confident about its chances. Who
knows, maybe Jones will have to dear room next to her Tony
for a new golden friend.
Ghost musical to raise Broadway from the dead?
It seems that everything on Broadway is going belly up.
Shows are dosing faster than new ones can take their place,
ticket sales are in the toilet and all seems hopeless. And it’s
desperate times that lead to crazy/genius ideas like Ghost: The
Musical taldng root and flowering. The smash 1990 Patrick
Swayze/Demi Moore film (for which Whoopi Goldberg
won her Color Purple Oscar) is going to sing its way onto
one of London’s West End stages sometime in 2010 and, if
sufficiently crowd-pleasing, will probably make a mad dash
for Broadway sometime later. The writers of "Unchained
Melody" are already spending their future royalty check
bump, but who’s going to pen the song about Patrick Swayze’s
heartbreaking inability to express love without invoking the
word "ditto?"
Neil Patrick Hat~s. 20th Century Foxphoto
Nell Patrick Harris hands out TV Land Awards
If the Harold and Kumar movies, How I Met Your Mother,
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, his SNL appearance and his
spoonbending antics on Ellen weren’t enough to convince you
that Neil Patrick Harris is a national treasure, try this: now
he’s retro-nostalgia-cable-channel TV Land’s answer to Hugh
Jackman. The funny, quick-witted song-and-dance man will
host April’s TV Land Awards with the requisite amount of
skits, mttsical numbers and awards given out to shows like
Charles In Charge and Mama’s Family. Expect a lot ofvintage
TV personalities showing up to join Harris as he tosses out
non-vintage one-liners.
Romeo San Vicente could sense something was up as early as Doogie
Howser, ~I.D. He can be reached care ofthispublication or at
More ENTERTAINMENT see page 20
w"ww.metrostamews.com ~etroSTAR 17
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Photo: Pool atThe Inn Leather Resort
friends from North Carolina that we met
there, Paul and Dick. After all, meeting new
and exciting people is what traveling is all
about. By the way, did we mention that they
have a leather and chain sling in every room
at the Inn Leather? Seriously ifyou are into
leather, want to be into leather or just want to
look and enjoy leather, then fly, drive, take a
train or bus or even hitchhike and get down
to die Inn Leather resort in Ft. Laxlderdale
and learn how to have some real fun "leather
Since our travel columns are in
publications from coast to coast and
since we have readers who are into just about
everything we decided to stay in this Leather
Resort. The Inn Leather Resort has been
serving the leather and levi gay community
in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as well as the
entire East coast and the Midwest for over 10
years and a lot of gay men from all over the
country love to stay there. During our stay
~ve met guys from New York, Chicago and
several other places in the Midwest as well
as Floridians. The general manager Chase
and his staff of Benji, Kevin and Gabe are
extremely professional, friendly and know
how to take care of their guests. We just can’t
say enough nice things about them. Chase
has the most beautiful eyes and smile that you
have ever seen in your life. We know that
a lot of guys stay here just so that they Can
see him! Tnru his professional guidance,
the Inn is in the process of being remodeled.
~ae entire staff is really very accommodating.
The grounds are filled with luscious tropical
plants. The pool area is very inviting.
.Amenities include heated swimming pool,
hot tub, tree wi-fi and a SLING in every
room! Yep! You read that right............
a leather and chain SLING in every room!
Never tried one? XWell this is a perfect
opporttinity for you. They have about a
dozen rooms and suites and are located just
two miles from the beach and just about a
10 minute drive to the major bars and one
mile south of do~vntown Ft. Lauderdale and
t’wo miles north of the Ft. Lauderdale airport.
~ae Inn Leather is a "clothing optional"
resort. Did we mention that there is a leather
and chain SLING in every room?
Each accommodation includes queen or king
size bed, private bath, kitchenette which
includes fridge, coffee maker, microwave,
TWVCR/cable tv and alarm clock.
They have ample off street parking for their
guests. A stay here includes a complimentary
continental breakfast poolside every morning.
q-here are a lot of restaurants within walking
distance and a major shopping center with a
supermarket just a few blo~ away. Ifyou
are into leather or appreciate leather or just
curious, then call and make a reservation.
Oh yeah! Did we mention that there is a
leather and chain SLING in every room?
For those really into leather, be SURE and
stop by the Ramrod leather bar at 1508 NE
4th Avenue for the most interesting time that
you can EVER have in a gay bar! They have
specials going on every day including Leather
Sunday; Full Moon Monday, Butt to Butt
Wednesda)~ Battle of the Bulge "l-hursday and
Fetish Friday. They have a daily two for one
happy hour from 3 to 9 PM. Check out their
website at: www.ramrodbar.com
A very special thanks to Chase, general
manager of the Inn Leather and to our new
leather and chain sling in every room"
While you in the area, be sure and check
out the greatest totally nude beach in the
country, Haulover Beach! which is located
about a twenty minute drive south of Ft.
Lauderdale. It is the only legally nude beach
in the Florida. Haulover Beach Park contains
one of south Florida’s most b~autiful clothing
optional beaches-a 0.4 mile stretch of beach
on the northernportion that draws people
from all walks of life, from other states,
Canada and a variety of other countries.
Nestled between the Intercoastal Waterway
and the Atlantic Ocean, it has pristine white
sand shores, open ocean surf, various shaded
picnic facilities, beautifully landscaped sand
dunes, and concession stands. The beach
is ideal for surfing as well as swimming.
Thousands of people go to Haulover Beach
on a sunny day. Simply put, Haulover Beach
is one of the best clothing-optional beaches
in the world, as ranked by many online and
print publications. As many as 7,000 people
visit the beach in a single day. There is a
snack cart situated in the clothing optional
area most days, as well as chairs available to
rent. Haulover Beach is quite large and is
broken up into different areas for gays and
straights. It is a great way to meet people.
Their website is http://www.hauloverbeach.
Contact the Inn Leather Resort at:
877.532.7729 or email them at
InnLeather610@aol.com and be sure to check
out their website at: www.innleather.com.
By the way, did we mention that they have a
leather and chain sling in every room???
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
Spirit Journeys
Announces Gay Travel
Adventure Rafting the
Grand Canyon
Spirit Journeys has a new gay vacation rafting
the Grand Canyon. This journey starts July 1,
2009 and ends July 10, 2009.
Journeys is very pleased to announce its new
gay travel adventure rafting through the
Grand Canyon. "Going Deep" is the title
of this adventure and it begins and ends in
Las Vegas and includes eight days and seven
nights of rafting the Colorado River some
280 miles through the Grand Canyon. On
this journey the goal IS tO experience the
canyon and the river at a more profound level
than on an ordinary vacation.
Grand Canyon Rafting The adventure
into Self is enhanced by the inspiring
surroundings the Canyon has to offer. Being
on the Colorado River at the bottom of the
Grand Canyonhas a way of making humans
very humble in the presence of such majesty,
major life shifts can happen. Meditation
Heart Circles and group movement rituals
will be used to help open the mind and heart
and deepen the experience of this incredible
place. The intention is to actively engage
the Canyon and the River; to know them
on a more intimate level. The raft stops
several times each day to hike, to explore side
canyons, to swim in favorite swimming holes
or to stand in ~e power ofwaterfalls.
Howie Holben is the guide for this gay
vacation. Heis owner and caretaker of
Spirit Journeys. He was raised in northern
Arizona and has always felt a special bond to
the sacred places of the Southwest The gifts
he brings to this Journey are his extensive
knowledge of these places and the love for the
path we follow on this journey. Since early
childhood, he has been drawn to indigenous
peoples and their spiritual teachings,
traditions and practices. This attraction has
taken him on many adventures, exploring
the countless ways of "being in the world".
His personal journey through addiction
and recovery has spavcned in him a genuine
interest in assisting others on their own
spiritual path and he takes great pleasure
in introducing people to practices, sacred
ways and cultures to help them "step outside
their box". A Reiki/Karuna Ki Master and
Quantum Touch Pracdoner, his desire is to
help others uncover their potential and set
their hearts and minds free.
For additional information on this and other
special gay vacations, contact Hmvie Holben
or visit w~#.spiritjourneys.com.
About Spirit Journeys: Spirit Journeys offers
gay travel, gay vacations and gay retreats with
a spiritual focus, and unique gay retreat and
gay vacation options. Call (800) 754-1875 to
learn more about Spirit Journeys.
18 April 2009
Se~ons Hualani.
~etroSTAR 19
April At P.A.C. Tulsa
April 18 -This year TU BLGTA’s Pride
Prom 2009: A BollDvood Ball will be held
on Apri! 18 at the Tulsa Performing Arts
Center Westby Pavilion. 3-he event is a prom
targeted toward Tulsa-area youth who are not
alIowed m or not comfortable with bringing
the date of their choice to prom, but it is
open to all people ages 15 m 25. Tickets are
$10 for general admission or $5 for %lsa
UniversitT students. For more information
emait http:l/us.mc l O.mail.yahoo.com/mc/
March-27-29 & April 2-4 8pro Up the
Down Staircase -Liddy Doenges N~eatre
Anyone who’s ever started a new job will
relate to this comedy about Sylvia, an
idealistic young English teacher maneuvering
her way through a blizzard of paperwork,
contradictmT orders and indecipherable
instructions. She discovers that "Keep on
file in numerical order" means throw in
wastebasket, "Let it be a challenge" means
April 14-15 7:30pro Aspen Santa Fe Ballet
John H. XXqlliams ~eatre "Aspen Santa Fe
Ballet is a jewel of a company...a refreshing
surprise!" declares Ba&stage.com. This
dazzling contemporary dance company will
perform three to four pieces from its eclectic
repertoire that contains works by some of
the world’s [bremost choreographers, such as
TwT1a %arp, Jorma Elo and Paul Taylor.
The Vertical Hour
April 16-18 at 8 p.m., April 19 at 2 p.m.
Lid@ Doenges ~eatre
"iI~e "vertical hour" is the first hour after an
injury when ~sistance has the greatest chance
of being beneficial, tn this 2006 play by
Englishman David Hare, an ~Mnerican former
war correspondent turned Yale political
science professor joins her British boyfi’iend,
Philip, for a visit to his fhther, Oliver. She
has a pro-Iraq viewpoint, while the father,
a doctor with liberal leanings, is against not
only the war but many of the beliefs she
holds about a range of issues. Nadia is both
offended by and attracted to Oliver.
Me ro Star Classfieds
2" square for as little as
$39 per issue.
Email: starnews@sbcglobal.net
Kyk°s Bed by Greg Fox
~gebsite- vmcw.kylecornics.com E-Mail- KylesBnB@aot.com
e~ll: bittergirl@qsyndlcate.corn ~w,joanhilty.net ~~1
20 ~®~ro~TAN April 2009
by Jack Fertig Apill 2009
"Your are everyone’s darling Aries"
Mercury, Venus, and the Sun are
aligning in Aries bringing together
charming, witty banter and mad,
impulsive flirtations. Venus is retrograde
so be careful with those flirtations.
They’re not likely to go anywhere you’ll
want to stay!
ARIES (March 20-Apri~ 19): For now,
you are everybody’s darling and could
get away with almost anything. Dedicate
that power for good, not selfish motives.
You have so much of yourself to offer;
select your beneficiaries wisely to be
fully appreciated.
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - May 20): Take
some private time with your nearest
and dearest in pursuit of pleasures that
nurture your soul. No need to hide in
a cloister. You can be wild, loud, and
frivolous, but do get away from your
usual routines and pals.
GEMIN~ (May 21- June 20): Fun with
your friends can easily get way out
of hand, but is that necessarily a bad
thing? You could talk a tiger out of his
or her stripes, but then what? When you
start to improvise, then the fun really
CANCER (~une 2t- July 22): The
m65n’s not full this week, but you’re
shining like it may as well be. Dazzle
your way up the ladder of success. Be
clear on where you want to go and with
,~hom. Or at least leave room to change
partners and destination.
LEO (July 23 - August 22):
Sometimes it’s best to let people air
out their differences or to hone their
arguments in fiery debate. If your
peacemaking talents aren’t really
needed, give yourself an aesthetic
challenge at a movie or an art show
you’d normally not attend.
VlRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Being a love god is a better deal when
you can choose your worshippers. Even
then, you’re likely to make bad choices.
Have your fun, but commitments should
be made in the cold light of day, not in
the throes of passion.
L~BP.A (September 23 - October
22): This is a great time to work on a
relationship, not to start one. Problems
are easy to discuss now. Solutions
can come later. It may feel like you’re
backtracking. That’s actually good for
clarifying those problems.
SCORHO (October 23 - November
21): Re-evaluate your goals at the gym.
How much are you motivated by pride
and vanity? Oh, really? Pushing too
hard for looks may be undermining your
health. Prioritize health, and your looks
wil! last longer!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): Your fascination with
a new sport or hobby is probably just a
passing fancy. Enjoy it, but don’t invest
in new gear at this point! Same with any
dates right now. Don’t confuse a great
time with falling in love.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January
19): Changes are needed around your
home, and will be again soon. Whatever
re-arrangements or new tchatchkes you
like now will become annoying later.
Just think of it as a springboard - and
budget accordingly.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Dahhhling! You are just too, too
charming. Be careful not to ta!k your
way into something you can’t get out of!
Sure, you can fake sincerity for now, but
that will trip you up later! Be real! No,
really real!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Brace yourself and take a close look
at any financial problems. This is the
not the time to be buying anything (bad
impulses!) or selling (you’ll get better
prices later). Just take stock, and get
things into order.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday 6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and Blessed Day!
www.metrostarnews.com ~et~oSTAR 21
(12" size Only)
@op e iving
i 501 c (3) l"qon P~ofit
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
an~ or living with AiDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. VVe invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
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22 #~etroSTAR April 2009
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Oldahoma City, OK
Located inside Habana Inn
11730 E. I1TH
Tulsa, OK
Open Sun thru Sat 2pm to 2am
Ol’dahoma City, OK
Tulsa, OK
Open 7 days a week 12noon to 2am
424 S Memorial Di:
Tulsa, OK
Open Sun thru Sat 12noon to 2am
1338 E. 31~D
Tulsa, OK
Open 7days week 2pm to 2am
www.metrostarnews.com ~etroSTAR 23
ahomans for Equality
The Festival will be held on Saturday, June 6th, from 11arn to 11prn at
Centennial Park at: 6th & Peoria. The Festival features a Kids Zone with
inflatable water slides, a mechanical bull & a rock climbing wall for the
adults, food & drinks, and all kinds of LGBT-friendly vendors, businesses,
organizations & churches. Online registration still open!
The 2009 Pride Parade starts on Saturday, June 6th at 7:30prn in the
Brady Arts District and ends at the Diversity Festival at Centennial Park
at 6th & Peoria. Shuttles and security will be provided. Online
registration stilt open!
Tulsa Folk-Rocker, Eric Hirnan is bringing his new band, Eric and the #.dams, to
the Centennial Park Stage to headline at 9:00prn on Saturday night, June 6th.
On May 30th at the historic Cain’s Ballroom, the annual Equality Gala will be held, celebrating
the 2009 theme "Dreams Really Do Come True!" Visit ww~.okeq,org for tickets!
The Tulsa Pride Exhibition of Fine Art, MOREcolor 2009, opens Thursday, June 4th
from 5:00-9:00prn and continues Friday June 5th & Saturday June 6th from Noonennis
R. Neill Equality Center. ....
Turn-A-Bout Fundraiser
Library Event
PFLAG Spaghetti Dinner
Diversi~ Day at the Zoo
Pride ~nterfaith Service
Gender Avengers/Trans Night
ToUoLS.A. Leather Show
PFLAG Movie Night
OYP Fashion Show & Fundraiser
Pride, Pioneers & Pancakes
April 1st, 10pro
May 28th, 7pro
May 29th, 6:30pm
May 30th, 10am
May 31st, 3pro
June 1st, 7pro
June 2nd, 7pro
June 3rd, 7pro
June 5th, 7pro
June 6th, 7:00am
Club Maverick
Tulsa Central Libra~
Fellowship Congregational Church
Tulsa Zoo
St. Jerome’s Parish Church
OkEq Equality Center
OkEq Event Center
Circle Cinema
Centennial Park Stage
Centennial Park Building

Original Format




Metro Star News, “[2009] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/128.